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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  November 19, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EST

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why a local nurse is charged with sex abuse. >> he's accused of targeting patients while under his care. they include three separate hospitas in the area. it could extend beyond the city. >> reporter: it appears the crime scenes here are hospital emergency rooms. the charge, sex abuse. the suspect in the case, a nurse. jared nathan kline, a traveling emergency room nurse, leaving court after he was charged with sexual abuse, inappropriately touching patients under his care. did you abuse your patients? did you sexually abuse those patients? >> sir, we said no comment. >> reporter: according to documents and sources, it happened at george washington university hospital may 13th, 2013. it happened at the washington
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hospital center december 29th, 2013. it happened at the united medical center in southeast last august 23rd. now, kline may be facing more trouble. officials in prince george's county say hs charged in a similar case at a medical facility there. that incident, they say, occurred in january of this year. jared nathan kline. he's 37 years old. he lives in this house on glenmont street in falls church. we encountered a woman at the house today. she didn't respond to our questions. do you know jared kline? do you know he's been arrested for -- on charges of sexually assaulting patients at a hospital where he works? a neighbor down the street, karen. i'm a nurse myself. it's a huge breach of the trust
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people place in your hands when you take care of them. >> reporter: a neighbor down the street, denn smith. has he ever done anything to raise your suspicion? >> you would never kd never kno. that's what's amazing, you don't know. living right next door to you. skudisturbing. >> reporter: police say there's a possibility there may be more incidents, that there may be more victims. the investigati continues on. live at superior court, pat collins, news4. >> thanks, pat. a son accused of shooting his own mother. news4 was there as police arrested the man near the craim college students. it unfolded at prince place and largo road in maryland. new reaction a that attack, darcy.
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>> reporter: this arrest happened right across the street from prince george's community college. we had a number of students asking us what was going on. they said they did not receive a text alert on their phone letting them know there was police activity so close to campus. tonight, community college officials tell us that's going to change. a man suspected of shooting and wounding his own mother arrested right across the street from prince george's community college in largo. >> it happened right in front of the bus stop and it's cold out here. it's crazy. just arrived here and saw the police cars and i didn't know what was going on. >> reporter: stude say they are concerned because they did not receive a text message alerting them there was police activity next to campus. the gunman was taken down not far from the shooting scene. >> i haven't got nothing yet. >> reporter: no lockdown or
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nothing? nope. >> if they don't send alerts about anything else they should definitely send alerts about this. >> rep the shooting happened at this apartment buildi in prince place 12:30 in the afternoon. the victim is taken to the hospit expected survive. the shooter ran away. she and her son live in the apartment where the shooting happened. that's the problem with that domestic violence. sometimes you have to get away from that. if you can, you should get away from it. >> reporter: the police spotted the suspect in the wooded area on the other side of the apartment complex. he did not resist but complaining about being sick. >> a witness did identify the suspect and he was immediately taken into custody without further evidence. >> reporter: he was taken to the hospital as a precaution. charges are pending against him. now, the community college issued a statement just within
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the last hour or so, it says in part, we are revising our protocols insure we are communicatg with our students and employees about any situations that may arise or has potential to impact them. reporting live from largo, darcy spencer, news4. now, we shatter records across the country. for some of us here, it was the coldest 19th since records began. that's nothing compared to buffalo, new york. some places got more than 6 feet of snow and more on the way. another 2 feet could fall through tomorrow. all 50 states have now had freezing or below freezing temperatures. tonigh we have team cove. let's start with doug calmer rer'sr -- kammerer's tracking the conditions. and for us, it's j the cold. look at the numbers. 22 in d.c. that a record or just above
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the record. the fifth coldest 0 november 19th we've ever seen. the koehl'sed in -- coldest in 1891. 35, fredericksburg, 32 in winchester, 30 in gaithersburg still dealing with windchill. we have another storm moving in. it will bring snow to buffalo and for us writin us warmer weather first and then the cold moves back in. >> you know it's bad when buffalo is left reeling from a snowstorm. the 24-hour snow total just set a national record. as michael wooten reports, it's not over yet. >> reporter: buffalo is digging out after a massive lake effect snowstorm dumped 5 feet of snow with more on the way.
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>> it's slow going still in south buffalo. we are making progress but there's a long way to go. >> reporter: the magnitude of the system captured in this time lapse video took many by how quickly it came. by yesterday morning we thought we'd get out of here and by noon no hope. >> reporter:n the most experid residents in an area prone to massive snowstorms. i've never seen anything like this. 36, been through pretty good storms, this is by far the worst. >> rep the weight of the storms proved to be too much for some structures. mother nature is showing us who's boss once again. >> reporter: hundreds were stranded overnight including a bus with a women's basketball team from niagara university. >> as it started to get dark, you could tell there was a little bit of tension.
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>> reporter: w niss continues they braised for more. the lake effect bands will come back tonight and tomorrow and meaning round two for those already digging out from snow. it's too much too fast the result of unseasonably cold air colliding with the warm waters of lake erie while the official start of winter is a little more than a month away. nbc news, buffalo. we are learning more tonight about man arrested outside the white house today with a gun and ammunition in his car. his name is rafael. he approach add secret service agent 1:00 this afternoon. told the officer someone in iowa told him to drive to the white house. he lives in iowa. that statement raised red flags. officers searched his car. that's where they found the rifle and the ammo in the trunk. he's been charged with having an unregistered firearm.
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he could face even more charges. >> that arrest comes just as training has been stepped up for secret service officers who guard the white house. secret service agent clancy took over last month following the man who made it all the way inside the white house. today, he told nbc news and kelly o'donnell his main prioriti a staffing, training and morale. have great admiration for our people and it hurts me we have a bad morale problem. there's no excuse for poor morale. we have great people and we will let them shine. >> acting director clancy testified about new security requirem at the white house. he noted changing the height of the white hou fence is another idea under consideration. about 20 democratic lawmakers are eating dinner at the white house tonight, getting briefed on the president's plan to change immigration rules on his own. on facebook today, the president said he will announce the
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specific steps he is taking. he'll make that announcement tomorr night. he is widely expected to blo the deportation of 5 million people who came to the u.s. illegally. of them are parents of children who are american citizens because they were born here. republicans are furious about all that. poll suggests a lot of eet americans might not be happy about it as well. 48% of the people polled say they disapprove of executive action on immigration reform. 38% approve the president stepping in on his own. a troubling rate of suicide among local teenagers has federal officials taking action in fairfax county. county health officials and the centers for disease control are looking suicide clusters. their have died in suicides since septemb in addition to 13 suicides among girls in the
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county bet 2003 and 2013. the cdc is leading the least of eight focus groups among parents tonight. they're trying to identify risk factors and suicide prevention strategies. wee information on suicide preventi on the changing mind section of our website on nbcwashing family and friends of a d.c. corrections official, who was murdered, left court today frustrated. a hearing for nissim man accused her was delayedy o weeks. he is charged with murdering carolyn cross back in september. she was found beaten and strangled in her apartment in alexandra. th defense asked for a delay in the proceedings today. it said the lawyers say they just received the autopsy report last night. her lawyer says the report raises questio about the case but did not elaborate. another woman charged in the
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disappearae of her toddler children is not competent to stand trial according to her attorney. he also says police have violated her rights. catherine hoggle's children have been missing since early september. police in montgomery county think the children may be dead and pursuing a homicide case. her lawyer says she suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and suffers from delusion and claims they interviewed her without him present. a man went through a drive through but he wasn't looking for a b"big mac." looking fow clues as they search at gunpoint. more controversy on bill cosby. nbc has pulled the plug on a project and a
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this is not what you normally see at a drive through window. robber. it happened on martin lu th drive in landover, maryland. he went in, took out a gun, demanded some cash, got it and left. po are trying to find him. the people ferguson, missouri are awaiting a grand ju decision in the death of teenager michael brown.
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they're preparing themselves much the way many prepare for a storm and buying extra food and water and gassing in the car. underneath thea vague anxiety. >> the waiting and wondering continues in ferguson right now. >> it's a panic attack or someing. i know. i've never witnessed anything like this in my lifetime. >> reporte more than 100 days after michael brown was shot and killed, this fractured community still doesn't know if darren wilson will face charges as they prepare for a decision in the case. businesses look like they're preparing for a storm and plywood covers most businesses and doors but can't hide the concern here. >> very very stressful. >> reporte teachers at many area schools are giving students extra homework just in case dollar closed down and parents are making sure they're ready. >> we've done water, we've done -- we try to make sure our gas is filled up, blankets in
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the car. you never know if they will block our streets and we will be stranded. wee trying to do as much as we can. >> reporte protest ers and police say they have plans in place and the governor cleared the way for the national guard to move in just like they did in august. plus, there will be an addition 400 troops stationed with officers at 45 stations across the area away from proteste and working 12 hour shifts to help the police. >> it's too much hype to prepare for war and not prepare for peace. i don't condone it. >> 100% of people want to be safe and 100% of people want to have the right to speak. >> reporte while so many prepare here the grand jury in the case has yet to say a word. j gray, ferguson. a plan has been scrapped involving bill cosby. that decision came hours after a model, janice dickinson included
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herself among the women who have accused cosby of sexual assault. several people on nbc's washingt facebook page is calling for cosby to address all these allegations. lawyer is talking. he calls the new allegation, in his words, a complete lie. netflix also has postponed the premiere of a cosby comedy special. here with more about our weather forecast, it's only going to get better from here on out, right? >> come on, doug. >> i'm excited about wizards tonight, playing the mavericks. that will be a good one. it will get better tomorrow. it will not get a whole lot better and faster than this. eventually we will get a little warmer heading to the weekend. today, record low temperatures, not in d.c. the record, 18, we are at 22. that was 4 degrees shy of that record. also the fifth coldest day in november. across the region, dulles
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internatl repor a temperature of 13 this morning shatteri the old record of 20 and bwi, 19 set today as well. also the record low high temperat at dulles and bwi, 34 degrees. that's all they could get to. those were also records. we have record setting cold and it's still chilly. winds out of the south at 16 miles an ho. u want to see warmer air and wind direction. that's what we have tonight. causing a windchill. in d.c. and fredericksburg. satellite radar showing a couple things. see the clouds moving across our region. clou are insulating and keeps us warmer. notice the direction, southwest, a southwesterly wind and will help to warm us tonight. not nearly as cold. but then we get on the backside of this system. that's the cold side. tomorrow, a little warmer and
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friday, the cold, the bottom drops out one more time. notice what's going on towards buffalo right now. more snow making its way, not just buffalo. notice the blue here, lake-effec snow warnings. they will deal with more lake-effect snow tonight as that system moves by and see winds pick back up. parts of buffalo cuddle se see another 2 to 3 feet of snow and only seen that a couple times in our history and they will see it back to back days. 28 in leesburg and 28 in culpeper. it's cold but not record not teens. good news. 44-48 degrees, and we're moving in the right direction, right? right back down on friday. we took something off. you need the hat and hood and warm coat. but don't need the gloves tomorrow.
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and we will get closer to our average high of 56. very chilly saturday with high of 45 and sunday and monday upper 50s and upper 60s on monday but that comes with rain. good chance of rain late in the day on sun i'm trying, guys. >> thank you, doug. still ahead, the i-team wins a six year battle for diplomats on our roads and why they're not in jail for hit an runs. and
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there are new safety concerns for millions of drivers with airbags causing several deaths and injuries. a demand to expand the recall. a dealership in bethesda, chris has steps you might want too consider. >> reporte the replacement part is called an airbag inflator and comes in different shapes and sizes depending on the model of your vehicle. it has to be special ordered. in a few moments i'll tell you how to avoid the delay of waiting for it. first, let's focus on this
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deadly problem. 3, 2, 1. >> reporte airbags in older cars can be dangerous and even deadly. this woman died after hitting another car in september. her family filed a lawsuit and her attorney says flying chards of metal from the exploding airbag pierced her throat. >> what happened here, you can see the shrapnel on the floor here from where the steering column was blown apart backwards and what went toward her are metal fragments from the inflater itself. >> reporte there have been dozens of reports. the nationwide recall involves millions of cars from 2008 and earlier including a number of foreign and domestic makes. >> reporte do you have car that qualifies? >> yep. >> reporte do you feel safe driving your car? >> no, now that i'm aware of this issue. i have not yet received a notice. when you do, how quickly will you act to have your airbag replaced?
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>> as i can find the time. >> r today, we found many of the cars subject to the nationwide rec in parking lots throughou our area. the recall notices are being autot to the owners of specific models manufactured between the years 2000 and 2008. >> reporte do you feel safe? >> i think about it on a daily basis but still haven't had time to go to the dealership and take care of it. >> reporte is it something you want to do? >> absolutely. >> reporte here's important informatio you want to do it, call ahead, make an appointment, call your service department, give them your make, model and vin number. they will then order the replacemt par so you don't have to wait to make your car safe. the latest live in bethesda, chris gordon, news4. >>. we have all the information about all the vehicles impacteded. go to our website and search airbag. next, a fire erupts next to
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a fire station and what they found out within minutes that told them this was arson. next, the fbi takes you inside the mind of a bank robber and why they keep hitting even with all those security cameras. are you willing
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] follow your joy to a celebration like no other. start your new orleans holiday at
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we have lot of news ahead and a team of reporters digging on those stories. we begin with startling informatn of the man accused of setti fire on south horner's lane near rockville. >> reporte i've never seen anything like this before. as this fire was still burning in the house behind me, we're told man came up to a news g him he had started the fire. that photographer then alerted investigat the journalist photo did point him to the direction of authorities and then, of , that led one thing led to another and he is a person of interest based on some of the statemen he made certainly
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we're looking into that leading theory of what happened here. >> reporte the house is blocks from the fire station and firefighte were here within minutes. 70 to 80 firefightersn the scene. >> reporte three people were n the fire started and all made it out safely. >> they were not injured but six adults will be displaced. we estimate the dollar loss 4 or $500,000. >> fire investigators tell me they suspected this was arson because of how fast the fire spread before they even got word of the confession to the cameraman. told the suspecn custody, is being charged but not talking to investigators. . new video and information in tonight. po want you to see an armed robbery at a store in northwest d.c. three guys with guns walking the walgreens at connectit avenue near the van
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ness metro station. they forced workers there to emy a safe. all this happened about 11:00 last night. none of those workers was injured. the death penalty is off the table for the suspect in the murder of a police officer who was killed on his way to visit his 7-month-old daughter. four alleged gang members will instead face life in prison in the death of reserve officer kevin quick. his abandoned suv was found several days later and the men will go on trial in may. the fbi is gearing up for a potentiay dramatic increase in a different kind of crime over the holidays. kristin wr shows us why more people may be trying to stick up banks this time of year and what's be to stop them. >> reporte they are desperate is what the fbi says about a bank robber.
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he held up a falls church bank recently and passed the teller a moat. >> bank robbers are not rational individual there's always a fear something will go sideways in the course of the robbery. >> reporte the number of holdups in banks in virginia tripled during the month of decembe and the fbi is determin to detour it and will work with personnel on common tactics used by bank robbers. the d.c. field office is teaming up with local law enforcement to increase visible and undercover officer with banks. >> certain banks tend to get hit more than other banks. >> reporter: he rob add bank in northern virginia in a suit and white dress shirt and passed a note to a teller at the presiden bank on arlington monday november 10th, 4:00 p.m.
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heading to december we are being asked to watch closely. >> we are all a member of the community. if you see something that doesn't look right, report it to us and law enforcement and it may help us close several open bank robberies. a memorial being held for a surgeon who died. they will host a memorial service for dr. martin salia. there will be a memorial service the next day. he died after being flown to nebraska earlier this week. there is another ebola quaranti under way in texas tonight. th time, a military service member is in isolation at fort bliss. the pentagon tells nbc news he threw up on a return flight from liberia. sofar, there is no confirmation he has ebola. he had been part of a mission to build medical facilities for
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ebola patients. 69 other service members who came back on the same flight will be isolated for 21 days. most will probably agree traffic in this town is horrible. now, regional planners say more need accommodate drivers and growing number of bicyclers and pedestrian they talked about plans to add and maintain over 2,000 miles of bike lines and nearly 500 other pe bicycle improvem in this rapidly growing area. >> this region is forecast to have a healthy share of growth. the population is forecast to grow by about a million people and jobs are forecast to grow about 1.2 million between now and 2040. >> some transportation officials expressed concern after
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arn abandoned its street car system earlier this week. a man pushed onto the tracks as a train approached, we're digging deeper into the criminal suspect's criminal past. >> also free parking at the airport but there's a catch. we'll tell you about that. warmer air making its way into a system from the great lakes. warmer air moves in from the southwest but then cold air from the northwest. i'll s
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a man suspected of pushing another main front of a moving subway train in connection with a separate attack also on a subway platform. police arrested a subject in the bronx last night. they say he has a lengthy criminal record more than 30 arrests. poli say there's no indication he knew the victim of sunday's deadly push on the platform. the victim in the other case survived. > the state of virginia is
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taking a new look at its deal with orbital sciences, following a rocket explosion on wallop's island. it was an unmanned supply rocket that exploded moments after it lifted off last month. it caused about 2man in damage to the launchpad owned by the state. according the richmond times dispatch, the administration wants to protect state money in the future. the governor also wants the feds to pitch in for repairs. there's a new way to pay for parking. you can sign up for a service called flightcar, lets you drop your car off to the airport and gives you a ride to the terminal, then your car would be rented out to somebody else f t. you would be paid 10 to 20 cents for every mile driven and flight car is insured up to a million s for any possible damage.
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your next flight on jetblue could be a little more expensive and cramped. it is creating ticket prices based on price and it could include a fee for the cheapest for a bag. jetblue besides southwest had been the only major carrier that will let you fly with one free checked bag and they plan to add more seats and will take about s take effect effect year. coming up, drunk driving, and the guys doing all that still behind the wheel. >> if they can get way with it, we're all at risk. tonight, news4 i-team exposing diplomatic drivers breaking
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there are some people among us who could be the most dangerous drivers on the road, repeat offenders, drinking and driving but they never go to jail. and they're diplomats from other countries. taking you on a six year journey to uncover documents never before released to the public to show you what some of those diplomat drivers are really doing on our local highways. it took us six years to find this man stop following me. stop following me. >> reporte he's been charged with more than a dozen of the most serious driving violations and has never gone to jail and the news4 i-team found he's not alone. in 2008 we filed a freedom of
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informatn act request with the departmente and spent six years fighting to get this package. inside, a list never before released to the public. hundreds of diplomats pulled over for the most serious driving offenses. their records show 1-third caught drinking and driving, including a russian first secretary charged with a dwi and trying to elude police in chevy chase ane that they and his mercedes involved in a hit-and-run in great falls and pulled over years earlier for reckless driving an gallows road. mo were pulled over for reckless driving. the son of the former cameroon ambassad pulled over for 93 in a 55. and the former secretary of jordan, 100 in a 55 miles an hour. and one year later police charged him with dwi while driving e same mercedes in rockville. this is a classifica.
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>> reporte we brought the document tom plan don at the national security archive. to tom plblanto be sensitive and put a classifi stamp on it. >> reporte he has spent a career working on documents. white house secy and i was surprised at the number of violations and sense of immuni impunity of repeat violators. >> reporter: but it was not complete and some for homeland se violators. >> it's suppose protect us instead covering up for diplomats. >> repor the vast majority of diplomatic drivers were pulled over in fairfax county many repeat violators with repeat charges not even on the state department list and one country hat four times as many names as any other, saudi arabia, reckless driving, dui,
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possessif marijuana. remember, this is a country where it is illegal to possess alcohol or drugs. these court records show most were never prosecuted because of diplomatic immunity. the state department refused request for an interview but even though diplomats don't go to court, they do tell their boss, the am bass dor. if there is a repeat offender the state department can kick them out of the country which it says it's done 45 times in the last two years. when we searched court records we found a few letters from embassies apologizing including th letter about the ambassador son promising it will never happen again. we found children of diplomats make up more than a third of our list but the state department says they only get diplomatic immunity until they're 21. i'm with the news4 i-team. >> reporte which is how we found rufin the son of the ata
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shay coming out of the courthou after pleading guilty on a suspended licene had already been pulled over twicr dui. do you think you would hurt or kill someone? are you allowed to do this in the congo? >> are you allowed to video me, interview me? >> i am. in the united states we are allowed to do this. my question is, are you allowed do this in the congo. >> can you stop following me? >> reporte sorry? >> can you stop following me. >> reporteo k if what you're doing is dangerous. the state department tells the i-team id did not know about his repeated violations and is now looking into his driving record. that, blanton says why the state depa needs to release these records every year instead of trying to cover them up. >> if they can drive drunk on our streets, we're all at risk. if they can get away with it,
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we're all at risk. these folks bad acts should not be covered with a classification stamp, why it really matters. >> reporte blanton wants them to post the diplomatic list of those drivers breaking our laws on the website every year. they can't put them in jail but they will stop breaking our laws if they end up on a very public website. we need to point out diplomatic immunity is honored. >> there is a reason why we have diplomatic immunity because we need our folks when we go overseas to b able to do their jobs without getting arrested for trumped up charges. we need diplomatic immunity. there's a reason why all the countries respect it but the problem is you get these guys who over and over again abuse i thanks. for a detailed breakdown what the i-team found and why it took so long to get the records, go to nbcwashington.c and
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you said a little while ago we didn't have that much to look forward to. it occurred to me in four days, our temperature is going up 40 degrees, from 20 to 60. if my math is good, that's not bad, dude. >> your math is very good. we get to maybe a high of 69 degrees on monday. that comes with rain and thunders activity. trying to think positive. okay. >> i'm trying to give you pa perfect afternoon. that may not be coming. 37 degrees out there right now. 32 in rockville and gaithers. hu at 33. we have a wind and windchill in the 20s. 22 towards leesburg, 26 in gaithers 25 in camp springs. and we have cloud cover that will help keep tempe from where they were last night and no records broken and no
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teens. t worrying about rain at all. , luray and west virginia at 29. how about the d.c. metro area? inside the beltway, temperatures at the freezing mark. bethesda, 28. 31 in camp springs as we move outside the beltway into fairfax county towards clinton, maryland and virginia and around gaithersbu, 26 degrees. thank you. [ applause thank you. it was in there. it was right there, clifton, virginia. 44 degrees in gaithersburg. always great to have a live studio audience. 44 degrees in leesburg the next couple of days. look at this forecast. this turnaround is beautiful. 48 on friday and 56 on sunday and 69 on monday! what a forecast this is! heavy rain potential lay late
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sunday night and some of that even during the day monday. >> thank you. can you top that? >> just a little bit. robert griffin the iii, he didn't say much to the media but we got his message loud and clear and
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some complain rg3 didn't say very much today. there are some who complain he still said too much. which side did you come down on like i didn't know? >> i thought he handled the situation perfectly. with all the chaos and noise surroung rg3, he and his head coach, jay, are trying to leave it in the past. the only way to end this nonsense is to not talk about it. do you need to make changes to corre some of the fundamenta? jay wants me to play better, 29th play better. we're focused on san francisco. like said, we're focused on san francisco. have another one coming up. that's all we're promised. focused on sanrancisco doing what i can to help this team win. >> other than answering question with focusing on san francisco, are you doing anything different to prepare than you would have
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done before? >> just preparing for san francisco, man, that's all i can all right. both griff in and his head coach, jay gruden trying to put everythi behind him. griffin did have one comment saying he talked to his entire team about his postgame comments on monday. monday, gruden said he made the mistake of singing out griffin and putting the attention on one guy instead of the entire team and then turned the focus on himself. it wasn't the right t do on my part. corrections should be made in-house with everybody involved. the play speaks for itself. thn field spoke for itself. i didn't have to elaborate on any individual fundamental things other than the team was not good enough, was not prepared enough, was not coached good enough to beat the tampa bay buccaneers. lovie had their team ready to play more than i had my team ready to play. it was a reflection on me, the whole direction of the game, a reflection on me and the coach's
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staff and i have to take responsi for that. >> jay gruden first year head coach, robert griffin iii, only 24 years old and they will make mistakes. >> focus on san francisco. that's right. now to basketball. wizards have been on fire this season. tonight, they will get tested against the dallas mavericks. they're led by their superstar, dirk nowitski. this boasts one of the leading offenses and averages more than 109 points a game and got scoring from pretty much every position. at least five players have scored in double digits. meanwhile, wizards will get back their young star in bradley beal. his younger brother broke the news on instagram. they made it official about an hour ago. he missed the first nine minutes
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with a broken left wrist and he is expected to do limited i promise you i won't be cranking out a wrist. i won't throw him the ball. throw him when he stands behind the three-point line to shoot the ball. personally waiting for him because up for me space inside. he's such a threat from the outside he will open up for me and he will give us so much space we're waiting for him. >> everyone excited for bradley being back. finally, tonight, as doug told you earlier, some roads around buffalo are covered in up to six feet of snow. drifts measure in the double digits. buffalo bills want to play football scheduled for a 1:00 kickoff against the jets. they have fans helping shovel out snow, estimate 2ed 20,000 tons of snow at raffle wilson
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stadium. they're offering residents 10 bucks and hour plus tickets to the game. >> i bet they get it cleared. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] follow your joy to a celebration like no other. start your new orleans holiday at
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on our broadcast tonight, paralyzed by a year's worth of snow in one storm. people stranded, a state of emergency in effect and several feet more on the way. taking action to stop up to 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation. the president is about to go around congress and make a big change. show's over for bill cosby. new fallout by this network and others as new allegations have deeply tarnished his reputation. and pain in the neck, the national addiction to looking down at our devices at a severe angle and what it's all doing to the human body. "nightly news" begins now. from nbc news world headquarters in new york, this is "nbc nighy


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