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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  August 12, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

7:00 pm
[ cheers and applause ] hi, everybody. thank you. thank you, jim. all right. go. how you doin so, you'rere here, huh? all right, get ready. $1,000 we'll give away in our first "toss up." here it comes. the category is "place." and we're off and running here. [ bell chimes ] audra. my home away from home. yeah, that's -- that's what this place is to me. audra stam. you won $1,000. congratulations. thank you very much. from indianapolis. a newlywed. yes. i am a recent newlywed, d to my lovely husband, eric. oh, good. well, you're lovely, as well. and you're also a receptionist. what kd of business do you work for? i work at an arctectural and engineering firm in downtown. anand you'rere a runner. yes. i just started well, not just started.
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i've got a few races under my belt, so i'm going that direction. all right, well, win some more moneney tonight. good to have you here. thank you. rodney crow, hi. round rock, texas. you are a certified golf-course superintendent. that i am, one of less th 1,600 in the world. wow. i was gonna say, that's not -- does every golf course have a superintendent? no, sir. there are some that don't, but most do. you're married? i am, married for 16 years, have two lovely children -- cameron that's 8 and carson that is 11. nice to have you here. laramie williams is from littleton, colorado. let's hear about you. what do you do b back there? i work for a national l compay in sales that helps commercial contractors fi work. yeah, that's by day, but by night? by night, i enjoy acting. i do a little bit of improv here and ther and this man claims toave been -- rodney, you might want to move over. this man's claimed to be struck by lightning tee times. yeah, never directly on my head, but i was in my cacar, i was on my bike. the shock knocked me off my bike,
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and it struck right by me a third time. but you're okay. i'm okay. everyone says that i should go buy a lotteryry ticket. i say, "yeah, 'cause i'm so lucky?" [ laughter ] exactly. all right, well, everything's fine. this is a domed stadium. t's do another "toss up" here. this is worth $2,000, and the category is "show biz." here wgo. bell chimes ] laramie. double failure. no. anybody else? [ bell chimes ] audra. double feature. yeah, that's it. [ applause ] audra got the $2,000. she'll be spinning the wheel in a moment.ere's jim. okay, pat. tonight's jackpot round is brought to you by meineke car care center announcer: getting your car seiced at meineke -- smart. saving time by booking an appointment online -- even smarter. online scheduling --ailab. and here's tonight's featured prize.
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it's the ultimate winter getaway in scenic park city, utah. experience true luxury at montage deer valley, one of the finest mountain-resordestinations. plus, premier skiing at deer valley, canyons, and park city mountain rorts. park city, utah ---- one town, three resorts, endless possibilities. [ applause ] yeah. all right, thank you, s sir. the category of this round is "things." here it comes. and, audra, you'll now spin the wheel. s. well, there are a cocouple of s's, so you can pick up that gift tag. that $1,000 gift certificate. n. two n's. i will buy an a. sure. there are five a's, matter of fact.
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d. and you get four d's. boy, you're getting them in bunches here. i will buy an o. uh-huh. oh, no, , i'm sorry. my mistake. there is no o in that. i got you all excited for nothing. that's all right. t. there's one t. i'd like to buy an e, please. there's no e. [ buzzer ] laramie. y. uh-h-huh. three y's. all right. $1,500. what do you want to do? i'd like to solve the puzzle. sure. friday, saturday, and sunday. yeah. all right. [ cheers and applause ] nice going. thank you. congratulations. yeah. rob, that's the best puzzle since the old tuesday, wednesday, thursday
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we did a couple of years ago. got $1,500. we have a commercial. we'll be back. you only hurt the onesou lo. cheers and applause ] nice job.
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announuncer: if you or a loved e has mesothelioma, call now. many manufacturers sold deadly asbestos products to thousands of companies, putting woers at risk. an estimated $30 billion in trust money has been set aside to pay asbestos victims. you may y be entitled to compensation. for your free legal consultation,
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call 1-800-485-8989. that's 1-800-485-8989. and ght's mystery round invites you on a weekend getaway with cash -- $10,000. [ cheers and applause ] all right. on we go here. "before & after" is our category, and rodney is our spinner. s. and you get an s, and you also get a wild card. and you get $500. i'd like to o buy an e, please. yes, this time we've got some vowels for you. there's one e, two e's, three e's. well, les see wh happe here. t. well, there's no t, so you have no decision to make at this time. laramie. laramie: n. no, no n. audra, you try it.
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r. uh-huh, two r's. get you going. 1,200 bucks. c. yeah, one c. i will buy an a, please. all right, let's give her one a right there. l. well, there are two l's. that's $2,000. plus, you have some other money. you'd be risking $3,750 to have a peek under there, but it could be $10,000, audra. it's a 50/50 chance. what do you think? what do you think? i'm gonna go f for it. all right. i hope that's it. let's see the big 10. yeah. aah! all right. right down there. ththere you go. i will buy a vowel, plplease. o. yes, two o's.
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oh, man. oh! of course. audra, i i'm sorry. i shouldn't even make you do that. that's all right. i'm sorry about that. oh, rodney, you got yourself a "lose a turn" there. i'm sorry. laramie. laramie: spin. well, that's just a regular old $1,000 space. p. and you get a regular old $1,000. right. oh, my gosh. get out of there. oh, no. audrau even though we took the 10 grand away from you, we do at least give you another turn. oh. of course. audra, you want to get a key and lock up? yeah. rodney, it's your tu. b. yeah, there's a b. will he be glad he did? it's gonna be a close call. look at thatat. all right.
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f. would you like an f? yeah, , i'll bet he would. there it comes. i'd like to solve, pat. go ahead. super bowl of cereal. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] i didn't think it was coming back to you. well, somehow, it worked out. roundabout way. yeah, yeah, yeah. $4,050 is what you ended up with. you also ended up with a wild card. yes, sir. and you' end up with these messages. it seemed like a fair deal to me. [ cheers and applause ] get rewarded for using the sony card. wheel watchers club members with an active sony card could win $10,000 with $5k every day plus. find out how at
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that's the category for is next round, and it's a prize puzzle, too. we have a tight match here. laramie, let's see what you can do. all rit.
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that's what you can do. t. three t's. yes! $10,500. can i buy a vowel, please? sure. e. three e's. hold your breath. oh! oh! boy, we've been taking big money away from people here. audra. okayay! boy, you had just enough rice krispies this morning. i did. r, please. let's see. there's an r. pick up that $1 million, speaking of big money. all right, right down the. of course, you can't spend any of that, so you'll need to spin the wheel again if you want to. s. one s. $500. i will buy an i. and there are two i's.
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$500. n. three n's. [ horn honks ] h. i thought somemeone was here to pick you up. one h, yeah. pick up that half car. this is the last round to get the other half, so not a lot of time to do it. i will buy an a. yes. that is the one. and that's the last of the vowels, too. you know, she's gonna come close to that car. look at that. [ horn honks ] g. there's a g. pick up that other half. she has the $1 million wedge, she has two half cars, which makes a whole car, pick and $2, half. audra, spin or solve. $400. what letter? d. i think she figured it out. i'd like to solve, please. go ahead. "dancing in the street."
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yeah. [ eers and applause ] aah! oh, my gosh! what, did you bring -- aah! sorry! jim, tell her what she got here. you got it, pat. congratulations, audra. you just won a new ford fiesta. your road trip awaits from star ford. $15,090. she has such a poker face. she's -- "i don't know it," and then she picks -- whoa! [ laughter ] what else you got here? oh, my, this little green sparkly thing that you can hang on to, and you got a big lead at t this moment -- $20,9. but things can change in a hurry on the "wheel." oh, wait mine!ot a big lead at t this moment -- $20,9. [ gasps ] wait a minute. wait a minute. oh, my god, i totally forgot! there's so much going on. we got cars, we got a million bucks. i almost didn't send you to belize. what is wrong with me? , my gosh! oh, my gosh! you're confusing me.
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audra, say hello to paradise. surround yourself with luxury and comfort at chabil mar villas in belize. enjoy oceanfront accommodations and breathtaking views, and discover why this english-speaking country is mother nature's best-kept secret. visit today. travel provided by take more of the trips you love with ridiculously low prices, like four-star hotels at two-star prices and amazing deals on car rentals and airfare. visit today and start saving. is there anything else? oh, yeah! i forgot! you won my shoes! congratulations! that's theest part. oh, thank you. well, you're not holding them. $26,835 -- what she has. we'll be back. [ cheers and applause ] congratulations. thank you! closed captioning is brought to you by the following...
7:16 pm
announcer: helping your kids get fewer cavities catake enthusiasm. or just act kids scooby-doo rinse. it tastes great and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. so it's all good. act kids. it tastes great and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. "the democratic party of rginia spoored this ad." "i start working when i was about sixteen years old and i've workedor a sut sixty years. now i'm retired and i do rely on social security y and medicare. i think ken cuccinelli does not care about people like me. in his book cuccinelli questions whether medicare and social security should exist
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and said people are dependent on government. itit scares me to think of ken cuccinelli as governor. i think he is way out of touch with everybody." "food & drink" -- that's the categorory. vanna, let's go. [ bell chimes ] audra. florida oranges. yeah. wow. she is very close to $30,000. category is "phrase," and, audra, you're going to actually watch me spin the wheel. then i'll ask you to give me letters to the puzzle. you'll have three seconds to solve it. vowels worth nothing. consonants -- pretty good. we'll add $1,000. $1,800 apiece. category -- "phrase." audra, let's start with you and get a letter. t. one t.
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[ buzzer ] rodney. s. one s. just getting started here with this puzzle. three seconds. [ buzzer ] laramie. n. two n's. that's $3,600. other way. whoop! [ laughs ] okay. [ buzzer ] audra. r. one r. [ buzzer ] rodney. d. two d's. when vanna's out of there, you'll have three seconds. quiet in the studio, please, folklks. [ buzzer ] laramie. e. no money for vowels, as you know, but they can be helpful, and they'll buy you three more seconds
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when vanna clears the puzzle, which is about now. [ buzzer ] audra. no h. rodney. c. one c. i'd like to solve. do it. like a kid in a candy store. yeah! [ cheers and applause ] nice going. well, i'll tell you what. when you finish in second place, that's not a bad toll to do that with. not a bad day at all. all cash -- $11,250. nice job, rodney. congratulations to you. well, i'm glad you rticipated. you won 1,500 bucks. hope you had a gooood d time. i did. we enjoyed having you. yogood luck to you.. than for being here.d d time. hey, you did it. yes! what have you got there? what are we leaving out? there's some green t thing. where is it? can you find it for me? oh, there it is. oh, yes. she's taking this to the bonus round. she's also taking $29,835 cash and prizes. we'll be right back. you already got a car. you already got a trip.
7:20 pm
what more do you want? a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can he relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a naotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam ha the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex,
7:21 pm
increase the chancece of seris skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. tell your doctor your medical history. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. want to start the day with something heart healthyand? you're a talkiking bee... honey y nut cheeri has whole grain n os that can hp lower cholesterol. and it tasastes good? sure does!s! right..... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush?
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be happy. be healthy. she's gogot a car. she's got ca-- life's pretty good here, isn't it? yes, it is. who's out in the audience there? i have my wonderful husband, eric, and my dad, greg. higuys. you look good with that between you there. all right, you ready to do this? now, what we've done is we've taken the $100,000 envelope out of there, thrown iaway, 'cause that's change. and we put the $1 million in its place. so, it's out there somewhere. it's a lot of good stuff,
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so whatever you land on, it's gonna be terrific. go ahead and spin the w whe. and...this one. hand me that. thank you. audra, come on. we're gonna head this way. all right, you breathing okay? everything good? yes. okay, just another puzzle, okay? "thing" is the category tonight. r, s, t, l, n, e. you're a good solver. we'll see what happens. but you're not gonna get a lot of help from miss white there, so let's get three more consonants and one more vowel. um...h. that's one. c. two. p. and a vowel. a. well, you are gonna get some help, but will it be enough? well, that's up to you to decide here. we'll find out soon. audience, please -- obviously, very important -- nothing from you. shh! all right, "thing" is the category. you have 10 seconds to try to talk it out.
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good luck. uh, pla-- uh, plaid... [ groans ] [ buzzer ] well, it was plaid, and... i know. i use it. i should remember that. now, we don't want to see the $1 million here. that's correct. so, hopefully, it's -- well, it's a little less than $1 million. 30 grand. she's actually pleased to see this, but she's won $29,835. stay right here. got to show the folks. you might be interesteted, to. she landed here on the e. it was just two spaces over. that's howlose she was, but, as it turned out, we're just as glad she didn't hit it, but there it was -- ththe $1 million. she had a great night, though, and we have a real quick word, and then i'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] vanna: troducing $5k every day plus! wheel watchers club members with an active sony card can now double their winnings to $10,000. if this is your spin i.d. number --
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kc9733617 -- you've won. you have 24 hours to log on to to claim your cash, up to $10,000! learn more at i just had a feeling tonight might be the night. i did, too. whenen she got pla, i was excited, but close to the $1 million. yes. very close. we're due. we're due. i really feel it in my bones. it's coming this season. but i feel so many things in my bones now. it's really hard to differentiate. anay, we'll see you next time. so long. bye-bye. i got some here. i got a little pain. promotional consideration provided by... and what's your name? oh, it's flo. and what do you do? oh, i sell insurance like no one else. oh, that's nice. thank you. announcer: now, that's progressive. call oclick k today. i don't want to ruin the surprise. announcer: diva is back. yes. it's divalicious sundays with "drop dead diva." sundays at 9:00 on lifetime. announcer: play through 30 years of "wheel of fortune" in a new spin on america's number-one game show.
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-- captioions by vitac --
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so i decidedt was time to find some real harmony with nature. [ screaming ] whoo! oh, yeah. elmo! [ howling ] mmm! [ eagle chirps ] [ train whistles ] [ bird chirping ] [ screaming ] [ tuba bellows ] whoa. hey! [ screaming ] [ snoring ] music to mom's ears. we may live in houses,
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but we're born for busch gardens. this is the "jeopardy!" teachers tournament. here is our first group of semifinalists -- a high-school social-studieseacher from tacoma, washington...
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...a 3rd-grade teacher from new york, new york... ...and a high-school chemistry teacher from charlottesvil, virginia... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- ex trebek! thk you, johy gilbert. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. and welcome, everyone. it's the middle of the week, but it's also the first of our three semifinal g game. these are sudden-victory games. only the winner gets to come back to play on monday and tuesday of next week for $100,0,000. so, michael, whitney, and john, i hope you're up to the task. good luc here we go into the jeopardy! round. and here, we reveal the categories, starting off with... followed by... different spellings for gray, obviously.


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