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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  September 8, 2012 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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yeah with you i can feel again ♪ ♪ but with you i'm feeling better since you know me i feel again ♪ ♪ i was a lonely soul but that's the old me yeah with you ♪ ♪ i'm feeling better since you know me i can feel again i was a lonely soul ♪ ♪ woo-hoo woo-ooo, woo-ooo woo-ooo, woo-ooo ♪ ♪ i'm feeling better since you know me i was a lonely soul but that's the old me ♪ ♪ i'm feeling better since you know me i was a lonely soul but that's the old me ♪ ♪ i'm feeling better since you know me i was a lonely soul but that's the old me ♪ ♪
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♪ i'm feeling better ever since you know me i was a lonely soul but that's the old me ♪ ♪ a little wiser now from what you show me i feel again, feel again woooo ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: onerepublic. nice job, gentlemen. thanks guys, nice work. i want to thank my guests -- matthew perry, meghan mccain and onerepublic. jimmy fallon's happening right now. jimmy! have a great weekend! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] and now, performing at the democratic national convention - james taylor. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ just yesterday evening i turned the dnc on i had to dvr "honey boo boo" watched both conventions ♪ ♪ and i wrote down this song this november we'll vote for one of you oh, i've seen romney ♪
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♪ i've seen bain i've seen clinton speeches i thought would never end i've seen crazy guys ♪ ♪ talking to invisible men so i'll probably vote obama again ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ won't you look down upon ♪ ♪ me eastwood i'm sitting right here in this chair no one can see me ♪ ♪ but that's okay my body's invisible it's like no one is there but you keep talking to me ♪ ♪ anyway oh, i've seen romney i've seen bain seen clinton speeches ♪ ♪ i thought would never end
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i've seen crazy guys talking to invisible men so i'll probably vote ♪ ♪ obama again [ cheers and applause ] ♪ but barack ain't got such an easy time with five men on his team ♪ ♪ please, joe, keep your pie hole closed don't you know you're killing me ♪ ♪ we've seen both sides and we've seen both guys but in 2016 i'm voting for the dream team michelle and hillary ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oh, i've seen romney i've seen bain i've seen clinton speeches i thought would never end ♪ ♪ i've seen chris christie jiggle in the wind so i'll probably vote obama
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one more time again ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so i'll give you a few four more years again dancing on the shark ♪ ♪ coming our way this time around now but we give you but we give you ♪ four more years yeah, yeah ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew.
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and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ jimmy: thank you very much, everybody! please, welcome! thank you so much! welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." please, we're going to have fun tonight. we are going to have fun tonight, everybody. woo! [ cheers ] crazy new york crowd. i love it. [ cheers and applause ] hey, here's what people are talking about today. the mtv video music awards were last night. and one direction beat justin bieber to win "best pop video." justin was like, "congrats on the win, guys." while one direction was like, "thanks, grandpa."
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[ laughter ] that's right, one direction beat justin bieber to win "best pop video." you can tell bieber is depressed today. he was like -- [ laughter ] three vmas for one direction. i mean, that's almost like one vma per chest hair. [ laughter ] you know, that's really impressive. >> jimmy: check this out, you guys. in a new interview, "octomom," nadya suleman, says she doesn't know who mitt romney is. [ light laughter ] then, it got awkward, and she was like, "he's not one of my kids, is he?" [ laughter ] "i knew who he was." [ scattered applause ] [ cheers and applause ] "i'm serious, is he?" i just read that "the situation" is suing a nightclub in vegas for failing to pay him $60,000 for two appearances. yeah. the case is being handled by his lawyer, "the litigation." so it should be -- [ laughter ] hey --
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they can't all be winners, you guys. [ applause ] come on, take what you can get. >> steve: good times. >> jimmy: listen to this, you guys. a man in pennsylvania was arrested for planting marijuana on the property of a church. [ light laughter ] people could tell something was up because instead of communion wafers, the preacher was just handing out barbecue pringles. [ laughter ] it was that good. "just cool out, man. it's all cool. [ cheers and applause ] what? oh, man." it was crazy. after confession, the priest says he would do four hail marys and five willie nelsons. [ laughter ] it just made no sense. >> steve: "i'd like to read from leviticus 4:20." >> jimmy: there you go. [ light laughter ] leviticus 4:20, okay. finally, you guys, tlc is coming out with a new reality show about a group of amish people who move to new york city. yeah, it is called, "here comes honey jebediah, jebediah." [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight! give it up for "the roots!" ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: got a big show tonight! it's going to be fun. he was at the democratic national convention last night. and we're so happy to have him back on the show. we're honored. tom brokaw is here today. [ cheers and applause ] he is the host of food network's "diners, drive-ins and dives." we're cooking with chef guy fieri tonight! [ cheers and applause ] i love that dude. >> steve: fantastic. >> jimmy: i like that dude. the first time i saw guy fieri, he would just go around and just eat -- he'd just eat stuff. [ laughter ] >> steve: right. on "diners, dives and --" yeah. >> jimmy: he'd just go it and be like -- eating burgers. and then, it was like, "i want that job." i'm jealous of this guy. and then he -- then he -- now, he does 20 shows on the food network. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and he's got, like, 300 restaurants open. >> steve: he's got hair products, i'm sure. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, he probably does. he's a good man. guy fieri's on the show tonight. plus, maxim magazine calls her "the hottest girl in the world."
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supermodel bar refaeli is stopping by. she'll be here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] hottest girl in the world. and she's cool, too. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and we have music from divine fits tonight! it's going to be good! [ cheers and applause ] what a fun show. fun, fun times. hey, guys, today is friday. and that's usually when i catch up with some personal stuff. i check my inbox. i return some "emmails." [ light laughter ] some e-mails. [ laughter ] and of course, i send out thank you notes. [ cheers and applause ] would you mind? i'd just like out write my weekly thank you notes right now. is that cool? [ cheers and applause ] i appreciate it. thank you. james joyce, can i get some -- [ light laughter ] thank you note writing music? ♪ he's in one of his -- one of his better moods. [ laughter ]
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you got habits. that's it. there you go. >> steve: he got botox. >> jimmy: that was all right. he got botox? >> steve: yeah, he can't move his eyes. >> jimmy: you look younger. [ laughter ] >> steve: he hasn't been dropped yet. >> jimmy: he looks younger. he looks younger. >> steve: yeah, he looks way younger. looks fantastic. always looks good. >> jimmy: yeah. ♪ thank you, air mattresses. or as i call you in the morning, the floor. [ laughter ] what a rip-off those things are. everyone bought those things. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: so comfortable. i got another bed. >> steve: you know what? i'm going to stay at a hotel. no, sleep with me. >> jimmy: you're sleeping on a float. a raft. [ light laughter ] >> steve: sleeping on bubble wrap. >> jimmy: yeah. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, crowd shots at the dnc, for proving that the american population is a fascinating, diverse group of total weirdos. [ laughter ] pretty good people. [ applause ] ♪
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thank you, second place trophy, for basically saying, "hey, congratulations, you didn't win." [ light laughter ] [ applause ] >> steve: yeah, you're first place of all the losers. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you, the "walk" signs, for looking like a six figure sasquatch. [ laughter ] who walks like that when they cross the street? [ applause ] ♪ >> thank you, bowling shoes, for looking like business attire for clowns. [ laughter ] >> steve: i've got a meeting! >> jimmy: they're still sticking with those colors. ♪
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thank you, the seat belt i put on halfway through a cab ride, for being the easiest way to tell my cab driver, "i just realized you're an insane person." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] you're crazy. >> steve: i can't find the latch. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, james carville, for looking like a guy that started to turn into an alien and then stopped half way. [ laughter ] guys, those are all my "thank you notes." [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with "night news now." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i am going to become facebook friends with our babysitter. no. these work, right? no. all right. mom! look what i found in the shed! no! no! no! ♪ ew! were you guys just making out in here? what? no! is it okay if i quit my job and start a blog? no.
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really? cold cuts from a package? yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects deli meat. the tastes you love and no artificial preservatives. it's yes food. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ gives you a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more [ russian accent ] rubles. eh, eheh, eh, eh. [ brooklyn accent ] 50% more simoleons. [ western accent ] 50% more sawbucks. ♪ [ maine accent ] 50% more clams. it's a lobster, either way. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. with a 50% annual cash bonus, it's the card for people who like more cash. [ italian accent ] 50% more dough! what's in your wallet? [ italian accent ] 50% more dough! alright, yand... flip!in?
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whoa! did you get that? yep, look at this. it takes like 20 pictures at a time. i never miss anything. isn't that awesome? uh that's really cool. you should upload these. i know, right? that is really amazing. pictures are so clear. kevin's a handsome devil. that phone does everything! search dog tricks. okay, see if we can teach him something cool. look at how lazy kevin is. kevin, get it together dude. cmon, kevin. vo: take 20 pictures with burst shot on the galaxy s3. and the competition to make the menu is crazy fierce! you can taste the tension in the room. how did you get in here? [ berman ] new southwest flavors now part of applebee's 2 for $20. see you tomorrow. now part of applebee's 2 for $20. why should golfers take 5-hour energy? playing golf all day can make you tired. i've been taking the product for about a year. and, after taking 5-hour energy, i feel more energized. i have more energy. you know, i'm not tired anymore after taking it. i was skeptical but i decided one day i'd try it. 5-hour energy works fast.
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i have the energy to get through a meeting, to get through a workout. it keeps me alert for a long period of time, and keeps me going. on or off the course, play with energy, 5-hour energy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] jimmy: welcome back, everybody! now, it is time to take a look at the news of the now, the news
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of today, and the news of the now. it's time for "night news now." ♪ >> tonight, barack obama talks about joe biden's hilarious jim carrey impression. >> one of my highlights of everyday. >> johnny depp says, "what? no. j -- um --" >> what? no. j -- um -- >> and morgan freeman talks openly about sex. >> there's tons of stuff going on that i have no idea about. >> it's time for "night news now." >> jimmy: hello, and let's see what's happening. [ cheers and applause ] clint eastwood made headlines with his speech at the republican national convention in tampa, florida. in case you missed it, here were some of his most notable noises and grunts from the speech. [ grunting and moaning ] >> you know, and -- and -- uh -- [ grunting and moaning ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and now -- [ cheers and applause ] and now, in the "night news now" tradition of honoring those who
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are no longer with us, here's a positive spin on the obituaries with our correspondent, damon, who's here to give us the "yobituaries." take it away, damon. [ laughter ] >> yo! first up, gladys wilson. she was 98-years-young. her hobbies were knittin', quiltin', and bein' in bed by 7:00, yo. yo, next up, wilmer bailey, yo. he had three wives over the course of his life. playa! [ laughter ] he was known around the kiwanis club for having one of the sickest dime collections. cash money, yo! yo, finally, my man, henry bushnuts! yo, his friends called him "fish sticks," but i ain't tellin' you why! [ light laughter ] yo, he died the way he wanted to -- slipping on a grape while combing his hair! rest in peace! yo! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: in an effort to reach out to a younger generation, mitt romney attempted to incorporate dubstep music into his latest political ad.
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[ light laughter ] take a look. [ chaotic dubstep rhythms ] >> romney -- romney -- r-r-r-r-romney, r-r-r-r-romney. america -- america -- president. romney. >> i want to restore america's promise. ♪ [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: hold on a second. oh. wow. sorry, i had a sharp pain in my right ear. [ laughter ] now, for a look at hollywood style. let's send it over to our fashion correspondent, guy fieri. guy? [ cheers and applause ] >> oh! thank you, jimmy. i'm gonna show you some of -- some photos of today's top hollywood stars and recommend some ways that they can kind of spice up their look. first, we have the man, tom cruise. now, i dig his overall look, but i think he needs a little tweak to the hairstyle. maybe something like this. a-ha! [ laughter ] now, we're cooking!
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next up, we have mila kunis on the red carpet. overall, she's smoking but if she wants to impress some of those other a-listers, she's gotta add those tips. ay, and why not slap on a goatee while you're at it? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's my kind of girl! and finally, here, we have legendary actor, donald sutherland. now, first up, you know i got to give him the tips and the goat. [ laughter ] but let's not stop there. let's pop that guy some earrings. and top it off with some zestery, hickory-smoked shades! oh! [ cheers and applause ] lookin' good donny! how you feelin'? [ ding ] [ laughter ] money! back to you, jimmy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, guy. and finally, paul ryan has been criticized by political fact-checkers regarding some of his recent claims.
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while we don't know how this will affect the election, we do know that this is what he would look like if his face were turned upside-down. >> and i have the kinds of experiences that compliment his skills, that compliment his experience. i'm very excited about this. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was "night news now." stick around. we'll be right back with tom brokaw. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the first only the beginning. ♪ ♪ introducing a stunning work of technology. ♪ introducing the entirely new lexus es. and the first ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. introducing one-a-day vitacraves for men! it's a gummy multivitamin... with more vitamin b, to convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. new one-a-day vitacraves for men. [ female announcer ] 100% natural lipton iced tea. it's delicious goodness, just the way nature intended it. when you put goodness inside, you can't help but shine on the outside. lipton. drink positive. will pick the perfect hotel. with everything in walking distance. and shrimp in reaching distance. [ male announcer ] book your perfect hotel in the perfect spot with ultra fast orbitz mobile apps. orbitz. take vacation back.
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in the perfect spot with ultra fast orbitz mobile apps. looks like it's going to start a so little um, but i uh... (interupting) oh okay - okay yup that's fine. excuse me - sorry. yes! vo: from the new, to the hard to find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] jimmy: our first guest is a multiple award winning journalist who anchored the nbc nightly news for 21 years. his sixth best seller, "the time of our lives," came out in paper back this week. fresh from covering the democratic national convention, please welcome the legendary, tom brokaw. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ >> hey. thank you. >> jimmy: the one and only, tom brokaw. boy, how are -- you scared us yesterday. >> well, i did have an episode where i was at my advanced age. got up early in the morning after having worked late the night before, did a little stretching. went in and it's -- you know, you get to a certain age, you take two baby aspirin in the morning. and it turned out -- >> jimmy: for your heart. >> and it turns out i took not just two baby aspirin -- i took one baby aspirin and an ambien by mistake. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] >> now, you're audience -- i know your audience. they know about their chemistry, what they take in the morning. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. absolutely, yeah. >> but when you get to be advanced age, you -- you do it a little differently, and i was fine for about 45 minutes. i mean, i was coherent. i was talking to people. and then, i remember somebody
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putting on a microphone, and the next thing i am looking into the eyes of an emt. [ light laughter ] i'm backstage, completely out. >> jimmy: you were going to do an interview? >> i was -- i actually told the story on "morning joe," apparently. and got it all out. then they -- [ laughter ] -- one of my friends, mike barnicle, said, "you just kind of went like an old man sitting on a park bench." [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: mike barnicle is a good man. >> and down for the count. >> jimmy: thank god you're all right. i was worried about you, buddy. >> i went down for the count, but i came out of it. >> jimmy: you were great at the dnc, by the way. you're always great. how many conventions have you covered, republican and democrat? >> my 24th. i started in 1968 in chicago. >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] you've seen a lot. >> chicago, i mean, that was a before most of your audience was born. but it was -- it was actually a riot and a convention broke out while we were there. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: exactly. really. >> it was a famous -- streets of chicago. it was a wild year. >> jimmy: have they gotten conventions that have gotten better or have they gotten worse? >> no, they've gotten worse.
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they've gotten worse because no business is done there any more. they really are infomercials. i really think that they should hand out to the audience, on the way out, a kumquat juicer and a set of knives or something. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: infomercial, yeah. >> everything is sanitized and -- >> jimmy: kumquat juicer. >> we know what they're going to say. we know who the candidates are going to be. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, there is no spontaneity. >> jimmy: well, what -- what did it used to be? >> it used to be, you'd go onto -- i was a floor correspondent. you know, you'd -- within delegations -- they'd have different choices if they wanted in the platform. they'd argue about it on the floor, about what the parties stood for. often, some of these nominations were contested right up until the last moment. ted kennedy took on jimmy carter in 1980, from within the party. and it was pretty clear he was not going to win, but he stayed up until the very end. then, he went on stage to give a dramatic farewell speech, and he didn't shake jimmy carter's hand. you knew then that the democrats were deeply divided and not in good shape.
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and just off to the side was ronald reagan running for the republicans. so, that was an early indication. and it was very dramatic. and people were watching it because they knew that something was going to happen. but they didn't think it was going to be scripted. >> jimmy: yeah, now you know who is speaking, what time, how long. >> yeah, right. let me just say about you and james taylor, by the way -- i was watching. [ light laughter ] i must say that you share so much. i mean, he has a great voice. he's written wonderful songs, and his name is james. >> jimmy: that is true. >> and your name is james. >> jimmy: thank you. >> one out of three. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: one out of three. that's a good one. what about -- you saw this. how was that the clint eastwood thing? where you there? you saw that go do? >> i was there. >> jimmy: was that weird? i know, but was that weird? did you go, "what is going on?" or do you -- >> well, i -- >> jimmy: because i didn't think it was that weird. but then it got a little nuts. >> i've -- you know, i actually -- i've been introduced to the idea of tweeting. so i tweeted at that moment,
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saying, "clint eastwood became a big star by being a man of few words. he is about to reverse all that with too many words." [ laughter ] i mean, i didn't -- >> jimmy: did you really? >> i didn't know where that was going, and i don't think anybody else did. the people on the floor -- chuck todd, our correspondent, was looking at the teleprompter, and they were signaling like, "it's time for you to get off, clint. it's time for you to get off." but he just kept on following along. >> jimmy: yeah. >> now, a lot of people, who are republicans who don't like president obama, they thought it was great. clint eastwood talking to the invisible president. they even had the invisible chair around the countries on the following monday from the tea party. >> jimmy: it did. oh, really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: it toured the country? >> yeah. >> of course, we know -- we know president obama, what he can do. we know him as a person, at least. we don't know what he can really do, but we know him as a person. mitt romney, we're not sure who he is yet. what is your take on mitt romney? >> well, we know who he is professionally, and he was elected governor of massachusetts. he does have a pretty strong record in terms of the professional accomplishments and
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intellectual accomplishments. he did save the olympics in salt lake city. he had -- simultaneously, he got a law degree and m.b.a. out of harvard. there's a lot to be said for that. >> jimmy: sure. >> but, as a candidate, i don't think i have ever seen anyone who is more ill at ease on stage. i've actually used the phrase, kind of a tortured phrase, that he is inauthentically spontaneous. when he tries to be spontaneous, all of the parts don't seem to fit together somehow. i don't know how that's going to work for him as the campaign goes on. the big, big -- next big event to watch would be -- is the debate. first debate, that comes up in october, will have an enormous audience because this is a big election. >> jimmy: yeah. >> they both come out -- they've come out of their conventions now, ready to do battle. and that's the first time we'll see them in the ring going at one another. that's going to be a big deal. >> jimmy: yeah, who knows how that's going to turn out. i want to say congratulations to you and your wife meredith on 50 years of marriage. is that right? [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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50 years. 50 years of marriage. >> 50 years. >> jimmy: what is that like, 50 years of marriage? >> well, you know, what i've said is that -- [ laughter ] especially after this episode yesterday, it's just as well because i have needed adult supervision during that entire time. [ laughter ] and she has provided it for me. well, we met while we were sophomores in high school, but we didn't start dating until we were in college. and the two most surprised groups in south dakota, when we got married, were her friends and then my friends. we were great pals. she was a cheerleader. i was a jock. we had the leads in the play, were in the homecoming court together, and we were all that. i walked a little more on the wild side than she did. but it really worked out unbelievably well. >> jimmy: and you said you have a friend who is doing a -- >> well, i had a friend who called me this morning with a great line, which kind of fits in our family as well. i think maybe a true story. there was a counselor at an aging conference talking to a group of women, and he said to them, "how many have been married 25 years?"
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most of the hands went up. "how many of you have been married 40 years?" and a few more hands went up. and he finally said, "how many of you have been married 50 years?" and one woman put up her hand. and he looked at her, and he is said, "that's just great. why do you think you've been married for 50 years?" and she said, "because the s.o.b. just won't die. that's the reason." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i've tried everything! [ applause ] you have a new show on the military channel called "the brokaw files." >> right. >> jimmy: i'm excited about this. what is it? >> well, it's -- i've been, over the years, doing a lot of stuff with the military. i've wrote a book called the "the greatest generations." that kind of help launch it at that time. and then, i've been embedded in afghanistan and in iraq with military units. i've done a lot of stories about what happens when they come home, which is something that we all have to pay attention to. and then, after i did "the greatest generation" -- after "the greatest generation" grew out of us, i went to normandy for the 40th anniversary of d-day. and then again for the 50th anniversary of d-day.
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and it is one of the most emotional experiences you can have, whether you're an americans or anyone else -- realize what went on that day. >> jimmy: it's crazy. >> so, we're going to do a whole series, going to talk about what is it like to be in the cockpit making the decisions. i did documentary with president bush. when he launched the war, for example. ronald reagan who had his own war. it was the cold war. that he helped bring down, the soviet union, without a shot being fired. so, we'll have a series of these kinds of broadcasts that will remind us again, i think, about -- it is a dangerous world. and we all have a stake in protecting our own security and making sure that we ensure the peace for generations to come. >> jimmy: well, congratulations on that show. i cannot wait to see it. [ cheers and applause ] october 15th at 10:00 p.m. on the military channel. congrats on the show. congrats on our anniversary. congrats on the books. tom brokaw, everybody. "the brokaw files" premieres october 15th at 10:00 p.m. on the military channel. guy fieri joins us next here he is in the bud light classic
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suite, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we, the people... will pick the perfect hotel. with everything in walking distance. and shrimp in reaching distance. [ male announcer ] book your perfect hotel in the perfect spot with ultra fast orbitz mobile apps. orbitz. take vacation back. a great clean doesn't have to take long. i'm done. are you thinking what i'm thinking?
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♪ give me just a little more time ♪ okay. all right. oh! [ female announcer ] the 2-in-1 swiffer sweeper uses electrostatic dry cloths to clean better than a broom. and its wet mopping cloths can clean better than a mop in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom, have you seen my -- hey! hey! he did it. [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ with our babysitter. no. these work, right? no. all right. mom! look what i found in the shed! no! no! no! ♪ ew! were you guys just making out in here? what? no! is it okay if i quit my job and start a blog? no. really? cold cuts from a package? yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects deli meat. the tastes you love and no artificial preservatives. it's yes food.
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the tastes you love and no artificial preservatives. mitt romney's position onpprove women's's dangerous. vo:mitt romney and paul ryan would get rid of planned parenthood funding. and allow employers to deny coverage for cancer screenings and birth control. we can't afford to let him take away our choices... to take away basic health care. vo: both backed proposals to outlaw abortions...even in cases of rape and incest. i don't think that women's health issues have faced a crisis like this in decades. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] jimmy: our next guest is the host of the hit food network show "diners, drive-ins and dives." on this monday, he is opening up his eighth restaurant called
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"guy's american kitchen and bar" right here in new york city. [ cheers and applause ] give it up for guy fieri. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. >> wow. >> jimmy: welcome. thank you so much for being here. i appreciate this. you have, you have a giant -- a giant restaurant happening in times square. >> giant is the small word. 16 -- over 16,000 square feet. somewhere around 450, maybe 500 seats. it is --and you know what? it's close by. >> yeah. times square, i'm going to -- >> you, the roots, bring my buddies. >> jimmy: yeah. we're going to stumble home. it's going to be awesome. >> just stumbling -- >> jimmy: i'm stumble back to work. [ talking over each other ] stumble back to the stage. >> all right. >> jimmy: are we making a little drink here? >> this is one of the cocktails. do a lot of really great cocktails. got two bars there. and this is actually called "the guy's american kitchen and bar 50/50." remember when you were a kid, you had the 50/50 bar? remember the 50/50 bar? >> jimmy: i don't remember the 50/50 bar. [ audience ohs ] >> that makes me old. that's awesome. great. >> jimmy: no, stop. what does that mean? i'm sorry. >> -- a 50/50 bar was -- >> jimmy: i was never allowed out of the house. >> -- and you weren't allowed to have ice cream? >> jimmy: i wasn't allowed to
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have ice cream either. i get too jumpy. >> what it is, is when you have the ice cream vanilla -- [ light laughter ] >> -- vanilla ice cream and orange juice. it's, kind of -- yeah -- the-- >> jimmy: oh, i remember that. yeah. >> what is it called? >> jimmy: i don't know. an orange julius? [ light laughter ] >> i think that was a store, but anyhow. so the point is the vanilla ice cream -- >> jimmy: write a name for it. >> okay, a little -- check. make sure that's vodka, please. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: there you go. awesome. make sure that's champagne. >> i don't know who set the props up here. >> jimmy: well, poor bar refaeli. i -- [ laughter ] it's going to be a drunken interview. >> some more vodka? [ light laughter ] all right. no vodka. >> jimmy: oh, yeah! prosecco. oh, my goodness. >> a little -- >> jimmy: wait, vodka prosecco and ice cream? >> yeah, there you go. >> jimmy: dude, this is what i -- i think i made this in college -- high school. yeah, i think -- [ laughter ] i broke into my dad's liquor cabinet. yeah. >> little orange cream soda that we do there at the restaurant. >> jimmy: i'm intrigued. >> little orange juice concentrate, right in like that. we hit this. >> jimmy: we're not going to get hung over at all, right? no. >> no, but this is going to make you hung over. this will be -- >> jimmy: here we go. >> okay. you do that [ whistles ] little mix. >> jimmy: little mix. [ cheers and applause ] >> can we have mix music or something? ♪ [ snapping rhythmically ] now -- >> very nicely done. >> jimmy: i need a glass. you don't have a glass. >> okay. now, let me get you a chalice.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the glass. >> there we are. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's a bowl. >> very nicely done. hold onto that. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> oh, you got it? both hands. >> jimmy: yeah, i got it. thank you. >> both hands. there we are. >> let me make sure this is ready. [ audience oohs ] [ cheers and applause ] please secure. hold on, hold on. there you go. that's enough whip cream. there you go. straw? straw? take a hit of that. huh? >> jimmy: that's -- oh, it's unbelievable. ♪ like a boozy creamsicle. i love it. >> it is a gigantic boozy cream -- that could be a better name actually, then -- >> jimmy: boozy creamsicle? >> boozy creamsicle. >> jimmy: this is good. >> okay, the next thing we're going to make -- this is another one of the dishes. this is -- no, no, no, no, no! hold on to it. hold on to it. >> jimmy: i'm holding onto it. >> it's going to melt if you hold on to it. >> jimmy: i really like this. [ laughter ] >> all the plants are going to die. all right. so, now, we're going to heat up the saute pan. this is one of my favorite dishes. this is actually my wife lori's favorite dish. it's called "tequila turkey fettuccine alfredo." >> jimmy: i love you guys like
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to booze it up. this is awesome. there's booze in everything. >> you know, i studied under mario. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: no, but -- [ talking over each other ] >> all right. so, now we get this nice and hot or it starts to turn off. we go with a little red onion. >> jimmy: yeah. some garlic. >> some -- a touch of garlic. some red bell pepper, right there. >> jimmy: is that -- >> no, those are jalapeños. i'll give you one. >> jimmy: that's green. >> green, red. >> jimmy: i know green, red. whatever, mean. >> who cares? don't let those colors get in your way -- [ talking over each other ] >> jimmy: forget i wasn't allowed out of the house. >> take an another hit of that. >> jimmy: i need an axe for that. >> okay. >> jimmy: yeah. > there we go. [ laughter ] >> there we go. how -- >> jimmy: now make 25/25. i need to catch up -- >> how's the headache? >> jimmy: it's just totally gone. >> fantastic. >> jimmy: it's totally gone, yeah. >> fantastic. all right. so now we get to -- >> jimmy: i'm going to start talking like tom brokaw. [ as brokaw ] [ muttering ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> that's awesome. >> jimmy: thank you, my brother. >> that was really awesome. can i try some of it now? >> jimmy: yeah, you got to go for this now. yeah, let's see what you sound like.
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i can't hear words. yeah, that's good. okay, perfect. >> you stole my magic. okay. so now, we get this nice and hot. and what we want to do is, kind of, deglaze this pan. but i don't know if we're quite hot enough. i think that we might have a little bit of malfunction going on. but what ends up taking place is, you get the -- oh, they like -- they laugh at malfunction. [ cheers ] that's how it works. >> jimmy: no, because they just thought your boob was going to poop out. [ laughter ] that's what they're talking about, clothing malfunction. you don't want that happening. we'll get sued. >> okay. so what happens is you got the turkey. you got the jalapenos. you got the garlic. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. yum, yum, yum. >> you got the red bell pepper. all of this -- all of this comes together. you got the idea. >> jimmy: yup. >> so what happens now? now, this is the real critical point. i'm going to need your support with this. if you just mind putting those on, sir. >> jimmy: okay. >> there you go. then, we're just going to apply necessary -- >> jimmy: i don't know what's happening. >> yeah, it's -- it's awkward. >> jimmy: this is going to go down. all right. [ light laughter ] >> it's be better for you though. that's the plain -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> there we go. just put that right on. >> jimmy: what if you just punched me in the stomach right as you did that? [ laughter ] this is not going to be a -- hey, sucker. >> all right, hold that. >> jimmy: okay. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> i'll be right back. >> jimmy: wait, wait, come on. now, what do i do now? what do i do? >> okay.
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so, we got all this great flavor going inside of this pan. and now we need to do the process of -- >> jimmy: yup. [ laughter ] >> you look scared. >> jimmy: i am. >> -- of deglazing this. >> jimmy: yeah. >> okay, and this is how we do it at guy's american say. so what we're going to do is -- i got a little bit of tequila here. and i'm just going to bring this tequila into the pan. and then, you fire it up. >> jimmy: go, buddy. >> fire it up. >> jimmy: hi-ya! >> here we go. >> jimmy: hi-ya! >> now, hit it. >> jimmy: hi-ya! >> hi-ya! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that's what i am talking about, right there. he's my man! guy fieri. [ applause ] catch him on "diners, drive-ins and, dives" monday nights, 10:00 p.m. on the food network. [ applause ] if you're in new york city, check out "guy's american kitchen and bar" in times square. [ applause ] bar refaeli joins us next, y'all! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: coming up next week, blake shelton, woody harrelson, amy adams, emma watson, and hugh laurie. alright, you ready kevin? and... flip! whoa! did you get that? yep, look at this. it takes like 20 pictures at a time. i never miss anything.
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isn't that awesome? uh that's really cool. you should upload these. i know, right? that is really amazing. pictures are so clear. kevin's a handsome devil. that phone does everything! search dog tricks. okay, see if we can teach him something cool. look at how lazy kevin is. kevin, get it together dude. cmon, kevin. vo: take 20 pictures with burst shot on the galaxy s3. and the competition to make the menu is crazy fierce! you can taste the tension in the room. how did you get in here? [ berman ] new southwest flavors now part of applebee's 2 for $20. see you tomorrow. [ female announcer ] 100% natural lipton iced tea. it's delicious goodness, just the way nature intended it. when you put goodness inside, you can't help but shine on the outside. lipton. drink positive. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know.
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don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] jimmy: our next guest is one of the world's best known supermodels and was just named the hottest girl in the world by "maxim" magazine. look at her. oh, my goodness. please welcome to the show the hottest girl in the world. here's bar refaeli. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you so much for
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coming to visit our show. congratulations. look at this. oh, my goodness. >> thank you. >> jimmy: "hottest girl in the world." wow. now, how do they -- out of -- what's the criteria of picking the hottest girl? [ light laughter ] >> you have to have some sort of, like a decent body and look okay. but the real deal is you have to go through iq tests. >> jimmy: yeah, i thought so, yeah. [ laughter ] that's really -- that's how they do it, yeah. >> and, you know, stephen colbert is 69 and i'm one, so -- >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. >> eh. >> jimmy: well -- >> i would never forget that. >> jimmy: no. well, hey -- do you want a boozy creamsicle? >> yes, please. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: would you really? would you try it? >> yeah, it helps you, right? >> jimmy: yeah, sure. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ as brokaw ] now, congratulations on being the -- [ laughter ] you know, i -- i follow you on twitter. >> do you? >> jimmy: you're on instagram as well, and i follow you on that as well. you tweet out and send instagrams -- a lot of photos of
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you, which is -- as any fan of bar, you should do this. [ light laughter ] here was one that you sent the other day. it said, "hey i'm walking on water today." and you are walking on water. and i go, "what app is that? how do i get that?" [ light laughter ] >> this is actually -- my friend took it, and i was jumping. and it looks like it, but it's actually a lame excuse to show my abs. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just wanna show your abs. that's all it is. yeah, you're like, "oh, check this out. i worked out so much." >> you know, you can google and find me in a bikini or buy "maxim," but -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> my abs are, you know -- >> jimmy: yeah, you're very proud of them. >> proud of them, yeah. >> jimmy: very good. see, i'm not -- >> no? >> jimmy: -- proud of my abs, yeah. so, i will never tweet a picture like this ever. it's like, "hey, here's me in -- in the water, up to my eyes." [ laughter ] i wanna talk about >> yes. >> is this is your new -- you have a -- it's an underwear line. >> it's -- [ coughs ] i'm choking. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, i'm sorry. >> this is bad. >> jimmy: it's fantastic, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: like bad in a good way, right? >> maybe we need more. >> jimmy: yeah, we need more everyday.
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[ light laughter ] ♪ now -- >> no, it's -- >> jimmy: your order -- it's everything. it's not just underwear. >> it's an underwear company that i started and it has boxers for men and underwear. and for women and -- >> jimmy: wait, i can get some stuff on there, too? >> and t-shirts. sorry? >> jimmy: >> yes. >> jimmy: and so, i can go on there and get my -- boxers on? >> -- t-shirts and stuff, and it's all basic. very, very comfortable. and no, you don't need to go online because i brought you some. >> jimmy: what? [ audience ohs ] >> yes. >> jimmy: all right, this is -- >> are you ready? >> jimmy: yeah. what -- these are my choices? i can choose from any of these? >> yeah, you can choose either this -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. no. i have too many of those. yeah, i have too many of those. >> or this. this is cute. >> jimmy: yeah, that's kind of your basic dude. >> good fabric. touch it. >> jimmy: decent -- >> nice stuff. >> jimmy: soft. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, i like this guy a lot. >> but this is -- i thought it's more like you. [ laughter ] no? this -- look at it. >> jimmy: let me see them. yeah, let me try them on. >> jimmy. >> jay: yeah, let's see them. [ cheers and applause ] [ drum roll ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so comfy. these are me! how did you know? >> this is you and the drink is you, apparently. >> jimmy: and the drink is me as well. >> apparently. >> jimmy: gosh, you are a fun person to have on the show. i want you to come back. bar refaeli, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] check it out and get the app, you guys. divine fits perform after the break. stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] jimmy: our next guests feature current and former members of spoon, wolf parade, handsome furs and new bomb turks. they're making their tv debut with us tonight to perform the song, "would that not be nice," om their album, "a thing called divine fits." please welcome divine fits! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ a lot i've wondered ♪ a lot i've wondered how school was swimming i gotta be a for a long, lost cause ♪ ♪ i've got to know it know it tonight
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'cause if i did would that not be nice ♪ ♪ i wish that i was in minneapolis like barbarita we can lay life back ♪ ♪ and share a feeling a little moonlight and come to think, it would that not be nice ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ ♪ there's cleopatra upon her throne come cleopatra come, come back home ♪ ♪ i'll be here waiting with basmati rice oh ♪
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♪ now, can you tell me, now would that not be nice oh ♪ ♪ you're so destructive enemy is deranged sometimes i wished it duets of change ♪ ♪ i must've finished that's all right and if you were would that not be nice ♪ ♪ oh oh, ah ♪ ♪ you've got a carpet candelabra from california at least you like it ♪ ♪ just cut the rumors with flickery lights oh, and if you did
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would that not be nice ♪ ♪ would that not be nice ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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