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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  February 28, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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three. the gunman had his first court appearance today. >> reporter: as you talk about, a very difficult, emotional day here today, two student who is had been fighting for their lives overnight and into the day today losing that battle. now this tight knit community of about 5100 reeling from that loss and dealing with the teenager accused. for the first time since the attack, the alleged gunman appears in juvenile court. >> it's hard to fathom that he would do such a thing. and what i was trying to do yesterday was, i was -- that morning i was sitting on a bus with a boy who had the intent to kill people. >> reporter: most every morning, t.j. lane along with with dozens of students waited in the cafeteria for a bus ride to a vocational campus. >> we have shots fired at the high school. multiple gunshots. >> reporter: five students gunned down.
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three daniel, russell and dmi y demetrius fatally wounded. injuries to the two others are not considered life threatening. the judge said that lane randomly chose his victims. >> this was the effect of one lone gunman. as stated earlier in court today, he chose his victims at random, this is not about bullying. to honor the fallen and support the injured, hundreds of red ribbons have been wrapped around almost everything in the small town. but most here still can't tie together how or why it happened. all of the schools in the district are closed, a team of grief counselors will be on hand as classes resume on friday. >> even if i'm not ready to go back into the facility itself, i need to be with my friends, the community, we need to help each other as best we can. >> reporter: help they will need for a long time here.
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let's get now to a couple important details revealed late this afternoon here. first we know that he acted alone. surveillance video from the high school showing that. he used a semiautomatic 22 caliber pistol. we are told from the district attorney while they don't know the motive at this point, they know that bullying and drugs were not a part of what drove this attack or the alleged attack. they are not focusing on those issues as had been speculated early in this tragedy. there are no official charges at this point. that will come next tuesday at a preliminary hearing here. that is the latest live from ohio, jay gray, doreen, back to you. >> thank you. that deadly shooting in ohio refocused a school safety and bullying meeting in montgomery county today. principals and counselors across the county teamed up to talk about strategies and prevention for crisis situations. >> we need to be prepared. you always have to be vigilant,
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attentive and you have to think, anything can happen anywhere. >> we're reflecting as leaders, as school leaders as administrators in terms of of practices and how we promote a positive climate in our school. >> reporter: they routinely conduct school shooting drills to practice safety procedures. some remains of the 9/11 victims wound up in a landfill after they couldn't be identified. the partial remains came from the terror attacks on the pentagon and the one in shanksville, pennsylvania. according to the report, the remains were cremated and then incinerated before they were taken to a landfill. the report was completed by the same independent team that examined practices at the dover air force base mortuary there. voters in michigan and arizona have primaries today,
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but all the focus is on michigan. romney was born and raised in the state, conventional wisdom is that a loss to rick santorum could badly damage the romney campaign. steve handlesman has our report. >> michigan voters cast their ballots, some switching parties on the spot to pick who they like. >> i voted for rick santorum because he is a freedom fighter. >> ron paul. >> oh, romney, because i think he's the better man. he's got economics on his mind. >> that's mitt romney's pitch today. >> i understand how the economy works. >> he regrets going off message about his wealth. >> whether it was the cadillac line or the nascar team owners line on sunday, do you realize how those are hurting your campaign? >> yes. next question. >> reporter: rick santorum is focused outside detroit on christian conservatives. >> thanks for coming out, everybody, i appreciate it. sorry we're running a little late this morning. >> reporter: polls put santorum
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virtually dead even in romney's home state. >> no one's going to clean the slate. it's close. >> reporter: so close, santorum is urging michiganers to oppose romney for oppose the auto bailout. >> send a message to mitt romney by voting for rip santorum for president. >> reporter: romney called that a dirty trick. >> we don't want the democrats to choose who they think is the easiest person to run against. >> reporter: the top democrat attacked romney today from washington, in a campaign style event with autoworkers. >> some even said we should let detroit go bankrupt. you remember that. arizona's also holding a primary today. romney is the favorite. but he's focused on michigan. and the future of the romney campaign could depend on the voter's verdict in this state. results expected after 9:00.
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from detroit michigan, i'm steve handlesman news 4. we invite you to follow the returns online at nbc washington. we'll have complete coverage on the results on our broadcast at 11:00. there's breaking political news now. republican senator olympia snow of maine has just announced that she will not run for re-election this year. senator snow has served in congress for 33 years, she was expected to win re-election. her decision to retire comes as a surprise to many observers. it could change some political strategies, democrats are trying to hold on to their slim majority in the senate, republicans, of course, are trying to pick up a few seats. dozens of people gathered in bethesda today to protest pepco rate increases. the group gathered in the office of one of pepco's board members. the company should share more of the burden imposed by rate hikes.
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they said they need an extra $42 million to improve reliability and service. pepco executives should take pay cuts. a biker in northwest washington this morning tried to beat a truck making a turn through an intersection. the biker lost and he's lucky to be alive. it happened at 11th and u northwest. pat collins is there with an interview with a witness who saw it all. >> reporter: wait until you see the pictures of this bike, and hear the story about what happened. a near death experience right here on u street. this is what the capital share bike looked like after it collided with the truck. >> it was crushed up like a pretzel. i mean, it was bent up like this. >> reporter: the truck, a big truck, a big delivery truck, a big lumber delivery truck, the kind with a forklift on the back. the rear of the truck here. the front of the truck way down
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the there. a big truck. the bike, a fraction of the size of the truck. and when a truck like that collides with a bike like this -- it happened on 11th street. they say the truck was coming down this way, the bike on the inside. the truck tried to make a turn, the bike tried to beat the truck. well, alfred sam is a security officer at the bank. he saw the whole thing. >> the bike tried to bypass the truck. the truck was hardly into the turn. by the time he realized he was way up there. >> was the biker wearing a helmet? >> no. no helmet at all. >> what do you make of in? >> i don't know. it was a terrible accident i know that. >> scary? >> yes, it was scary. >> john lyle is with with ddot. >> if you have a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrians or a cyclist, that vehicle is going to win every
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time. it's a reminder to everybody to be careful. >> as for helmets, the capital bike share does not provide helmets, but it encourages people to use helmets. >> helmets will not prevent crashes. a helmet would not have prevented a crash today from happening. helmets will protect you if you're involved in a crash. >> in this incident the cyclist has been described as a 29-year-old man from northwest. he's in stable condition. he's been charged with failure to yield the right-of-way, and a red light violation. live in northwest, pat collins, news 4. >> lufky man. thank you, pat. the credibility of the prosecution's key witness in a murder for hire trial is being called into question tonight. stacy seton was killed in a park behind her home until buoy maryland in june of 2005. mcdonald abraham has pleaded not guilty in the case, today he
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testified for the prosecution, he said he paid jarvis tyler $600 in cash and marijuana to kill seton, tyler's defense attorney questions are cooperating so he can get a lighter sense tense. >> you don't know what goes through people's minds, the witness's minds, the juror's minds and it's difficult. >> abraham says he wanted seton killed because he mistakenly thought she set him up to be robbed. coming up tonight, the i team will show you how you can check up on your favorite gas station to make sure you're getting all the gas you pay for. do frequent flyers need to worry about an increased risk of radiation from those airport scanning machines? pete williams has the report. so with a do you do with your gum when you're done? who you gonna call? you probably saw that coming, didn't you? a local marine hit the
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jackpot, we'll tell you how he used one bill on one machine to win almost 3 million goods, and we'll also tell you why he credits karma for his lucky bre break. tem tufrs today nice, even though we were ten degrees cooler than yesterday, still beautiful out there. high temperature of 54 degrees, don't expect this nice weather to last. after standing at the trade deadline, the capitals looking for a third straight win tonight. georgetown sends its seniors home on a high note. it was simply a wild scene that you have to see to believe. they finally get the daytona 500 in under caution for
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the violence against u.s. troops serving in afghanistan was the subject a hearing on capitol hill today. a baltimore area teacher was one of two american officers murdered after u.s. troops burned copies of the koran mistakenly. senators grilled secretary of state hillary rodham clinton and defense secretary leon panetta, some asked whether the war was worth the high price in lives and dollars. >> my question is, what do i tell his family? what do i tell his family today?
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was it worth it? because they're angry. >> defense secretary panetta said today, despite the recent violence against americans, u.s. troops are still on track to be out of afghanistan by the end of 2014. the goal is to make sure the country does not become a safe haven for terrorists again. those full body scanners that are used all across the country have been controversial due to privacy and safety. >> some people have raised concerns about radiation exposure, especially for frequent flyers. pete williams is here with results. what did the study find, pete? >> this was a study done by the inspector general's office. it looks at all the data that's been compiled and it says they are safe that the average traveler will have no problem being exposed to the radiation.
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there are about 250 of the machines deployed around the country. in order to get the maximum allowed radiation, you would have to be scanned by them every year 17,000 times, which they say would be 47 scans a day for 365 days out of the year. so they say in their view, based on the studies that have been done, they are safe. >> even the most frequent flyers don't go through it that much. there are critics that question the zeta, right? >> what they say is that the ig did not do its own work on these machines. didn't hire its own consultants to analyze it, and instead looked at what was done both by the manufacturer, by homeland security and tsa and by independent assessments that were brought in by the government. some critics have said that's not enough, they should have brought in their own independent people. >> people would probably want to know how well maintained are these machines and how well trained are the people who are operating them? >> both interesting questions.
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the tsa according to the ig, has a program to make sure the machines are inspected every year or every time they're moved or every time there's a question about any part that isn't working right. and they do say that there's been no example of anybody that got too much radiation out of them, they do seem to be well maintained, there is an issue of how much training the operators get, a lot of it is online, many of the operators told the ig they feel more comfortable operating the machines, especially on their even without supervisors if they had a little more training. all the recommendations that are made in this report, the tsa concurs with, and is already starting to put into effect. >> thank you. a new york city man got quite the scare when a taxicab plowed through his home. this is video from the security system monday morning much what a way to wake up, you can see the car barrelling through the intersection and slamming intoed garage. nobody was hurt here, the home
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as you can imagine and the vehicle were both seriously damaged. the homeowner says this is the second time a driver has lost control and left a gaping hole in his home. >> time to move. >> you know, after one would do it for me. >> you can always find a taxi. >> good point. nice sunshine out there again today doug. a little cooler, though. >> 10 degrees cooler, but you really didn't notice a lot of it was beautiful out there today with, all the sunshine. tomorrow, however, even though temperatures will be 2 to 3 degrees cooler, you're going to notice a big difference. out there right now, the sun making its way down as we look acrossed area, you can see one little cloud out there off to the west right now. we saw a high of 55 degrees at the airport, low of 40 degrees, once again, well above the average high. average high for today, 512 degrees, you know this already.
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we only had three days below average the entire month of february. last february, well, we had 10 days below average, that's more than one third of the days. we still have one day left in february, that is during the day tomorrow, february 29th. 53 degrees the current temperature right now, winds on the calm side, it's going to be a fairly nice night, temperaturewise, should be fine. 54 degrees in fredericksburg right now. river coming in at 45. temperatures are not going to go down all that fast, i don't expect them to go down all that much tonight as we will see clouds make their way in. some shower activity just north of the mason dixon line up there in pennsylvania. i'm not worried about any rain approaching in our region until early tomorrow morning. most likely when i say early, i'm talking about after that morning rush, this is a big storm. this is a storm that's going to put down a lot of snow just not here. we're talking about snow up toward wisconsin, the great lakes, 6 to 12 inches of snow
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there, over toward portions of new england, they will see pretty good snow. for us, mild air across the region continues during the day tomorrow, tomorrow the same type of air, we're talking about temperatures in the upper 40s to lower 50s. with sunshine that's great. with rain, that's not such a nice day. that's what we're going to deal with tomorrow, rain coming through on the warm front. later in the afternoon, into the overnight hours, on thursday, the wined withes could kick up and produce temperatures in the mid to upper 60s or 70s. to the north of washington, could be a little cooler here, we're watching out for that, right now, most everybody looks like a warm thursday afternoon. future weather forecast showing you what's going on tomorrow night. by tomorrow morning, here's where we go around 10:00, 11:00. can you see the rain moving through. another chance of rain during the afternoon, some locations picking up a half inch to an inch of rain during the day tomorrow. the rain will move on out of here for the day on thursday. 40 to 47 degrees, tomorrow
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you'll wake um to mild temperatures, 34 in some of the suburbs to 40 inside the city. we'll see the clouds lowering, we will start to see the showers moving in. most of us should see a dry start and dry for your morning commute. here comes the rain in here by 9:00, 10:00. some of that could be accompanied by thunder down to the south. soggy, and a cool afternoon, could be rather breezy too. high temperatures in the upper 40s to the north. low 50s to the south. we return to the 60s on thursday, friday looking okay, most of friday should be dry with light shower activity moving in. saturday, back to 65 and then we see a chance for light snow coming up on sunday into monday. we'll talk more about that. just a few flakes if anything at all. >> this is still take the big umbrella, not the -- >> this is the gulf umbrella day. there's normally only one per household, so grab it now. >> thank you, doug. an about face from the governor of virginia tonight.
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bob mcdonald opens up about a plan to have women get an ultrasound before an abortion. sticky situation inside a newly renovated high school. what's threatening to ruin the makeover. and a warning for people who use prescription pills to get to sleep. why it could
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he just pulled out a gun and started firing on 500 kids in the lunchroom. >> you're listening to one of the newly released 911 calls from the ohio high school shooting yesterday. the teenager accused of shooting students in a school cafeteria had his first court appearance today. 17-year-old t.j. lane did not know his victims and opened fire at random. three students are dead. two remain in the hospital. republican primary is underway right now in arizona and michigan. romney held a large lead in arizona going into today's primary. in michigan, the state where he was born, he's facing a much tighter race. results are expected about 9:00 tonight our time. a 289-year-old biker is facing charges after an accident with a struck this mourning in northwest d.c. the biker tried to get by the truck while it was making a
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turn. the biker is charged with failing to yield the right-of-way. the virginia senate has approved a scaled back version of a controversial bill. >> the bill would force women to undergo ultrasound exams before they could have an abortion. the vinyl vote was closed 21-19, jane watrell has our report. >> reporter: the revised bill is precedent setting, it requires a woman to have an ultrasound procedure 24 hours before having an abortion. narrowly passed along party lines with two democrats joining republicans for the victory. opponents called it an example of overreach into women's private lives. in d.c. today, governor bob mcdonald said he believes it reflects virginia ans views on abortion. >> i'm a prolife governor, i've been prolife my entire life. i think the more we do to embrace a culture of life in our society, the better off our life's going to be. >> the scaled back bill is a far cry for the one last week that sparked outrage and protests at
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the capital along with baschs of late night comedians. that bill would have required an invasive, trans vaginal ultrasound. something the governor didn't realize until the uproar. >> requiring an invasive ultrasound was -- i did not believe we should do. that was not good policy. it was not evident in the face the bill, and i didn't been briefed at the beginning that that would be required in some cases. >> reporter: in his last appearance on where top, he expressed distaste over what he termed invasive tsa patdowns. the governor was asked what the difference was between patdowns and ultrasounds which under the new law will not be optional. >> i believe this is something that helps respect the dignity of women by making sure they have all the information. >> reporter: the bill will soon head to the governor's desk where mcdonald says he will sign it. jane watrell, news 4. the law in virginia that limits the purchase of a handgun
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to one a month is no longer on the books. today, governor mcdonald signed a bill repealing that long. it was signed in 1993. the limit was no longer necessary, because of background checks that gun buyers have to undergo now. the repeal takes effect on july 1st. a prince georges county council woman is facing charges after she was caught doubling the speed limit on the beltway. police pulleded over karen tolls last wednesday. she was traveling nearly 105 miles an hour. she got a ticket for an unsafe lane change and a warning for excessive speeding. the actual stop is under review. she was elected in 2010, and represents district 7 in prince georges county. with gas prices soaring, every penny counts. how do you know you're getting what you pay for. tisha thompson has a report on
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who's watching out for you? >> reporter: think you're watching every penny at the pump these days? >> many, many. probably thousands. >> reporter: you have nothing on elizabeth konke. every day she's on the road inspecting gas stations in maryland. >> all inspections are unannounces. >> reporter: for the state's department of agriculture. and boy can she stop the meter on a dime. or in this case a penny. >> my greatest job skill is being able to stop at exactly 5 and 10 gallons. >> reporter: to make sure customers aren't getting short changed she use these specially calibrated containers. she makes sure each pump starts and stays on zero for 30 seconds. >> i pump until this says 5 gallons and i read how much is actually disfenced. >> this is a tolerance, the pump dispennsylvanias too much or too little she can shut it down. >> i find errors. >> meters that keep rolling
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after you stop filling up, can put a pump out of commission. >> we would like to check them once every year, but due to so many pumps it's once every two years. >> i'm here now, because gas prices are going up. >> kevin jones called the news 4 i team after seeing inconsistencies at the pump with his new car. >> you're getting 23 in a 20 gallon tank, have you to wonder. >> reporter: he's had the same issue with his motorcycle. a ten gallon tank that seems to hold 12 gallons of gas? >> it could be that the machine is not calibrated. >> reporter: to find out how often the pump is cited, we dug through recent inspections. in just montgomery and prince georges county alone 57% of stations had to be reinspected. most were for small technical
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issues, 12% were cited for short changing customers. one of the worst shorted drivers by almost two gallons. it's not always bad for the driver. 16% were cited for giving more gas away than the pump showed. back in montgomery county, no problems with these pumps. they each get the orange sticker of approval which customers should always look for when filling up. >> now i am going to give the station their gas back. >> reporter: unlike you and me, when she's done filling up, the gas goes back because now more than ever, every drop is worth a bundle. >> we went through hundreds of pages of gas station inspection reports. this is just fairfax county. we took everything in here and created this map. each of these little dots, they're a gas station. and when you click on it, you can get all the details about whether the gas station passed
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inspection. if you want to look for a very specific station type in the address right up here. we put this along with lots of other information like who you should call if you think a pump isn't working right. on our website, jim, doreen? traffic is back to normal at dupont circle tonight after the lights web with the dark for nearly six hours today. power was cut off at all 110 traffic lights and walk signs on purpose. crews spent the day doing upgrades. they installed a battery backup system to keep the signals running when the electricity goes out. officers were on hand directing traffic during those repairs. it's kind of a sticky situation at wilson high school in northwest d.c. after a $115 million renovation, some students are still using the floor to get rid of their gum. the principal got fed up with that and did something about it.
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>> reporter: woodrow witness withen high school in northwest washington spent $115 million in renovations. it is now a green building. student grades are improving and so is attendance, look at the sidewalk and you'll see hundreds of black spot, from gum that's chewed and carelessly tossed away. the principal's message for the week sent home to parents urges students to respect the school saying, i spent two hours scraping gum off the atrium floor last week. gum on sidewalks and floors is found at schools, metro stops office buildings, stadiums and here at the maryland motor vehicle administration. scraping gum off floors and sidewalks is doing it the hard way. steam cleaning is the best, but how do you know where to go? >> who you going to call? gum busters. >> you're chewing some right now? >> yes, i am. >> the dry steam cleaning system
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is fast, effective and it's environmentally friendly. >> we'll use anywhere from 2,000 to 5,000 gallons of water a day, i use 5. the gum dissolves and emulsifies. it drys up. >> reporter: some people see egg this for the first time are not sure what to make of it. >> you don't know what they're cleaning up? >> no, i don't know. >> they're taking gum off the sidewalk. >> oh, very good. >> if you don't get, you don't get it. but some people do. >> i think it's amazing, can we take one home? >> have you ever tried to scrape gum off a floor? >> working in retail, yeah. >> how does that work out? >> not so hot. >> and this? >> fantastic. >> it's one solution to a sticky problem. in beltsville, maryland chris gordon, news 4. >> cleanup costs can be up to $10,000 depending on the size of the job and the amount of gum.
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a warning for those of you who have trouble sleeping. if you look to popular sleep aids to help you get some rest, you could be raising your risk of an earlier death. p researchers at scripps health in san diego analyzed patients over two years, about 10,000 of the patients took ambien or lunesta. the death rate was with four times higher for people who took the sleeping pill. their risk for cancer also increased. the finding dozen not prove that sleeping pills lead to the problems, but the medication has been shown to cause drowsiness and depression which could play a role. we're going to hear from the local marine who hit the jackpot playing the penny slots in vegas, and what he plans to do next. a vegas style casino could be coming to prince georges county, and local leaders want to hear what you think about the idea. a wild scene at the daytona 500. how lauchb dri detergent saved
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the day. and mike shanahan is talking franchise quarterback. could it be robert griffin, iii? and
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the public will get a chance
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to voice their opinion about bringing a high end casino to the harbor. the casino could feature las vegas style table games in addition to slot machines. it's a far from done deal, residents are considering what it might mean to the quality of life. that meeting tonight will be held at 7:00, at the middle school in clinton. a marine station hit the jackpot. he won almost $3 million playing the penny slot machines in las vegas. despite the payout, erica gonzalez says he's staying humble. our interview with the marine stationed at the naval support facility indian head was delayed today because he was stuck in pennsylvania. corporal alexander dagenheart's car with nearly 250,000 miles on it broke down, and only now is he considering getting a new one. this after winning a nearly $3
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million jackpot in vegas more than a week ago. >> i'm cheap still. you have to be thrifty, i'm trying to make this last my whole life now. >> reporter: the humble marine was in nevada for training earlier this month, just before heading home, he and his colleagues were given some time on the vegas strip. and it didn't take long for lady luck to come his way. he put in a $100 bill in a penny slot machine, and minutes later hilt it big. and he didn't even know it. dude, what does that mean? oh, my god, you won. he called his family, but not even his mother would believe him. she was like, shut up, you're drunk, you're full of it. >> that wasn't until he sent her this picture. now the big question. how will he spend it? i need to talk to my financial guy. >> now you have a financial guy? >> he says he'll likely take the lump sum of nearly 1$1.3 millio
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after taxes of course and help his mom and sister pay some bills, put money in a retirement fund and maybe buy a house. >> it could happen to anyone. if you chose to help someone out, chose to be selfless, it feels a lot better. >> and the other big question? >> are you single? >> yep. >> single. and not for long, ladies. >> well, i don't want someone to want me just for my money, though. >> we don't know what happened to erica, we haven't seen her. if she doesn't check in for 24 hours, we'll be suspicious. >> we know where to go. >> that's right. >> he's talking about a financial adviser, he has to talk to h mom. >> it sounds like he's going to take care of his mom. i know he's a good guy. >> she'll take care of him. >> good head on his shoulders. this draft is quickly approaching. free agency just two weeks away,
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and mike shanahan says they may be going after a quarterback. the hoyas send their seniors out in style. plus, the daytona
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right here in storm center four, watching the nice temperatures out there right now, a very nice evening across the area. still mild, 53 degrees in washington. let's go over to fairfax county. manassas at 54, and out there toward the east, calvert county coming in at 54 degrees. 54 in college park. we have rain on the way right now, can you see a few showers around the ohio river valtly. nothing making its way to us just yet. tomorrow morning when you wake up, 43 in manassas, leesburg, temperature close to 34 degrees. i think we'll start off dry tomorrow through about 8:00, 9:00 in the morning, then the rain will move in. some the rain will be heavy at times. a very cool rain during the afternoon, a chance showers or thunderstorms well down to the south and east, down there
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toward southern maryland and maybe the fredericksburg region once again. much more on this and the seven-day forecast coming up. these guys, they just have one thing after another. never before, as i suppose, right? >> no, and two days after the fact we can finally show highlights of the daytona 500. >> it's amazing. first came rain then came fire. we expect nascar races to be delayed because of rain. but 200 pounds of jet fuel bursting into flames was a first. finally, in the wee hours of the morning matt kenseth wins the wildest daytona 500 of all time. danica patrick making her nascar sprint cup series debut. we start on lap 2. jimmie johnson tapped, he gets loose, smacks into the wall. david reagan. danica in the green 10 car. get caught up in the wreck, they ram johnson. take a look from inside johnson's car. boom. ouch, that does not sound good.
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danica finishes 38th place in her debut. not what she was with hoping for. this is what everybody was talking about today. juan pablo montoya slamming into a jet dryer on turn three with 30 laps to go. the machine cleans debris off the map. the collision ignited 200 pounds of jet fuel. the car and the machine obviously set ablaze, both the driver of the car and the truck were okay. they had to bring out tide, laundry detergent to clean the track. always a sponsorship opportunity in nascar. this is brad koslowski, he tweeted this picture during the race. his followers ballooned from 65,000 beforehand to 200,000 afterwards. this is the final lap, matt kenseth out front he holds off dale earnhardt, jr. and greg biffle. he wins the 500. most people are going to
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remember the fire and maybe even the tweeting. kenseth will remember his second daytona 500 victory. >> had a lot of adversity to overcome. we were able to figure it out and had a great pit stop that put us in position. and feels great, i wasn't expecting to win when i woke up this morning. it feels good to be sitting here. >> as we've been saying all along, or as jim vance has been saying all along, the redskins will not be involved in the peyton manning sweepstakes. >> good. >> they are very interested in trading up to draft robert griffin, iii. the redskins will have to pay a kings ransom to the rams. the skins would have to give up this years first round draft pick, next year and probably three other high round draft picks. after rg3's impressive showing
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at the combine where he ran a 4 4.40. mike shanahan has a great relationship with jeff fisher, he calls him one of his best friends in the business. he also knows what he wants in his new quarterback. >> there's no question about that i've never seen -- you take a look at the draft. you go back the next 30, 40 years, every mistake that's been made is the quarterback. everybody's looking for the franchise quarterback. and you talk about, you have to have the quarterback, you have to have the left tackle, and a people that can run the passer. the chance winning the super bowl are very good. you're looking for that guy. i think what you have to do, you have to do your due diligence, have you to go back and make sure you leave no stone unturned, your preparation. if you do pick that guy, you have to be right. >> a lot of people hoping they get rg3.
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the browns are hoping to trade to akwai rg3. >> it seems like a lot of the franchises want the best. >> that's why a lot of people are worried if the redskins have to give up too many draft picks to get this guy, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. many people are pumped about rg3, they would love to see him in the burgundy and gold. >> we don't want to do a ditka thing. moving on to hockey, if the capitals are going to make a big move in the standings it could start tonight. the caps at home against the islanders kicking o a season long five game home stand. the capitals looking for their first three game wing streak since mid january. now that the trade deadline has passed, the players can focus on the task at hand. >> we're excited about this group, we're excited about things we've done throughout the course of the year. we've done some things we're not
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so excited about. if we can put the good things to one side and lean on that for the next 21 games, i think we're going to be successful. >> we have all the belief in this room. we've been working together all year. sometimes when you throw a curveball, can derail or the train can go off the tracks. we just have to reel it in here this last month and get ready to put ourselves in a playoff spot and go from there. this is the team. >> the caps trying to keep it going tonight. georgetown now in third place in the big east standings after taking notre dame to the wood shed. the hoyas smothered the irish to their lowest regular season points total since 1983. it was senior night at verizon center, georgetown made it one to remember. henry sims working the give and go with greg whittington. he had five assists in the game. wit withing fon, the freshman
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with 15 points. gourge town up by 10 at the break. jason clark with a nice little move driving to the middle of the lane. he goes off the glass for two of his 13. later, they're up by 21, still play something big time defense. sims with the block. he had 12 points in his final home game. georgetown wins big. they wrap up the season on saturday at marquette. marquette also a very good team. georgetown could be the only team from our area going to the ncaa tournament. >> thank you, dan. still ahead, the latest internet sensation, why this bear from russia is getting so much attention. >> for all of your news, we invite you to follow news 4 if you're like me, you care about the food your family eats. i was pretty confused by everything i'd been hearing about high fructose corn syrup.
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so, i did a little research to find out what independent experts like doctors, dieticians and nutritionists had to say. i learned, whether it's corn sugar or cane sugar, your body can't tell the difference. sugar is sugar. ♪ and that's one less thing to worry about. [ squeals ] [ female announcer ] learn more at
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february is black history month. a time to recognize african-americans who contributed greatly to the growth of the nation. >> i've done more things i'm proud of since i started my own company. mentoring small businesses. >> that was the voice of lieutenant general edmonds. he says he is now focused on helping educate young african-americans in the fields of technology. coming up tonight at 11:00, we get the first look at new
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software helping divorced parents schedule time with their children, it's being mandated by some local judges. apple schedules the unveiling for the ipad 3 for next week. at the same time google's chairman is set to make a keynote address in europe. we need the rain, so today, beautiful yesterday, even better tomorrow. not so good again you're going to need that umbrella, and you're going to need the big one. tomorrow morning, cloudy and mild, but a dry start. i think through the 9:00 hour, we should be dry, the showers will be moving in around that time. so get ready for rain moving in, right around the lunchtime, should be some of the heaviest rain, could be thunder especially down toward the south in southern maryland. rather soggy and a cool day, breezy with high temperatures in the upper 40s to lower 50s. even though we'll get close to where we were today, it's not going to feel nearly as nice, as we will not see much in the way of sunshine tomorrow.
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look at thursday, back to 69 degrees rather breezy. chance for rain late friday, most of the day friday should be pretty nice, before our next frontal boundary moves in. that will produce a good chance for showers and thunderstorms on saturday. and then some cooler air rushes on in here. sunday and monday are going to be on the cool side and we could see some snowflakes. again, it's just snowflakes 1,.7 inches at the airport, and we'll end with that forecast. >> there's still march ahead? >> there is. >> thank you, doug. there's a bear in russia, they call him kung fu panda. he's an internet sensation. he lives at a zoo in central russia, he's not a panda, he's what they call a white claw bear, kind of rare. he earned his nickname because he likes to play with the martial arts staff. zoo officials say he's been fond
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of the wooden stick since he was just a little cub. he's got some nice moves there. they say he also likes to play with cans, boards, baseball bats and water hoses, anything he can
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