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tv   Today  NBC  December 6, 2011 7:00am-11:00am EST

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her parents will tell us how their daughter is doing today, tuesday, december 6th, 2011. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and welcome to "today" on this tuesday morning. i'm ann curry. >> and i'm matt lauer. it's a bad scene in afghanistan. officials there believe that this wave of violence was timed specifically to mar the observance of a holy day in that country. >> that's right, matt. three separate attacks within minutes of each other, the deadliest of them in kabul as hundreds of worshippers gathered at a shiite shrine. let's go straight to atia abawi. >> reporter: good morning, ann. coordinated attacks in afghanistan are rare in itself but coordinated sectarian violence is pretty much unheard of in afghanistan.
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what we saw was the first attack taking place at a shrine in kabul. 50 people were dead, 150 people wounded. then there was an attack in the north of afghanistan where four people were killed, also at a shrine and 21 wounded. in southern afghanistan, in kandahar, another blast. luckily no people were killed but six were wounded in that attack. what makes this very unique is the fact that they did attack during a shia holy day. many trying to mark a day in the shia religion where they are marking mourning really, the loss of imam hussein but what's really unique is the taliban sent an e-mail condemning the attack. they say this is a plot by the enemies of afghanistan that are trying to divide the afghan people and the afghan nation. >> obviously a very chaotic scene this. the story is still developing.
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thank you so much. it is now 7:02. now here's matt. now to presidential politics. newt gingrich is launching his first ads in iowa after his face-to-face meeting with donald trump right here in new york. in a moment we'll talk about the state of the race with former utah governor jon huntsman. first nbc's political director and chief white house correspondent chuck todd has the latest. chuck, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. call it newtmentum. another poll confirming newt gingrich's front runner status. not only is he surging in iowa, closing the gap in new hampshire but he's got a commanding lead in the state that has determined every republican nominee since 1980, south carolina. the new republican front runner, newt gingrich, campaigned in new york city on monday, saying he can put reliably blue states like new york in play next november. >> if i do become the nominee, we're going to compete in all 50 states. i don't believe in a red versus blue model. >> reporter: gingrich paid a visit to businessman donald
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trump, who has become an unusual power broker of sorts in this year's race. >> donald trump is a great showman. he's also a great businessman. if we are trying to figure out how to create jobs, i think one of the differences between my party and the other party is we actually go to people who know how to create jobs. >> reporter: trump is said to moderate a republican debate. >> what the heck are the rip candidates doing showing up at a debate with a guy who says i may run for president next year as an independent? i think the republican national chairman ought to step in and say we strongly discourage every candidate from appearing at a debate moderated by someone who's going to run for president. >> reporter: that got a rise out of trump. >> karl rove gave us george bush and george bush crashed and burned and because of that we have obama. >> reporter: rick santorum, michele bachmann and newt gingrich of committed to the debate.
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ron paul and jon huntsman turned him down. >> ron paul has zero chance of getting the nomination. mr. paul called my office and then he went on the debate and said i didn't meet with mr. trump like everybody else in the room. i'm sure he'll tell the truth because he's a mormon. >> reporter: mitt romney will be endorsed pie dan quayle today in arizona. as gingrich surges in the polls he is struggling to gain his infrastructure. his ad is set to start airing in iowa today. >> some people say the america we know and love is a thing of the past. i don't believe that. because working together, i know we can rebuild america. >> reporter: you know, the obama re-election campaign and the dnc have focused all their fire on mitt romney. that is up until yesterday. for the first time we heard from david axelrod and what he thinks about gingrich and he says this.
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you talk about the godfather of gridlock here, the guy who two decades ago invented the tactics that have become common place in washington. so, matt, maybe the obama campaign will start focusing fire on newt. >> all right, chuck todd in washington. chuck, thanks very much. former utah governor and republican presidential hopeful jon huntsman joins us in the studio. good to see you, good morning. >> it's a pleasure to be here. >> let's figure out what's going on with this debate. donald trump says you called his office. he said you have very little chance of winning the nomination. he said you'll tell the truth because you're mormon. what is the truth, what happened? >> i called his office one time when he got out of the race, as i did tim pawlenty, just as a gesture of kindness. this is about jobs for the american people. this is a serious debate that we ought to be having here in the united states. it's about two deficits that we have, matt. we have an economic deficit and we have a trust deficit in this country.
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people no longer trust their institutions of power. they don't trust congress, they don't trust the executive branch, they don't trust wall street and this just adds to the cynicism. >> i'm happy to give you the opportunity to say those things on the show, but why not appear on a stage on december 27th with donald trump as the moderator and as you've heard at least three other candidates stating their case. you know donald trump garners attention. you need attention. you're down in the polls. why not take it. >> we'll have a one-on-one debate with newt gingrich the right way. i believe that the presidency of the united states of america is beyond reality shows, matt. this is a joke. so you have two or three people go on and then mr. trump after will weigh in in terms of who he thinks he wants to support. this is about politics as show business. >> do you think it would be a mistake for mitt romney, who's one of the front runners, depending on what state you're looking at the polling in, to accept the invitation for this debate? >> as usual, mr. romney can't make a decision. he's weighing both sides and may flip-flop on this as well. all i can tell you is this leads
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to deeper and greater cynicism by the american people at a time when we need trust in our system. >> let me read you what eric erickson wrote. here's the funny thing about jon huntsman. his record as a governor is more conservative than newt gingrich and mitt romney combined. he is more pro-life than either of them. he is more economically wedded to the free market than either of them. he has better foreign policy experience than either of them. huntsman should be a conservative hero in this race. yet i look at the polling and you are way, way down in the pack. what's the problem? >> we are moving up in new hampshire. >> 30 points behind the front runner. >> new hampshire always up-ends conventional wisdom every sipping el time. the reality is people are giving us a second look, a first look in some cases. largest tax cut in the history of my state. i'm running against a conservative flip-flopper. i'm running against a grandiose conservative. people are coming around to the reality that i'm a consistent
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conservative. >> so you have people right where you want them? if you look at the course of this race so far the conservatives have looked for an alternative to mitt romney. they started with michele bachmann. they went to perry, they went to herman cain, now it's newt gingrich. why haven't they called your name? >> we have weeks left in this race. new hampshire is always the state that up-ends conventional wisdom. i have every belief given 115 public events we have done on the ground they will coaless around a consistent conservative and find us there. >> you're not even thinking about iowa there, right? your numbers are such that you didn't qualify for a debate this weekend. >> we were not even competing in iowa from the beginning. >> so what is the number you need to achieve in terms of voter response to you in new hampshire that keeps you in this race? >> we've gone from zero to low double digits. we need to exceed market expectations. we need a market mover and that's exactly what's happening in new hampshire. >> why? >> because our message is resonating. we're talking about congress needing term limits. we're talking about closing the
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revolving door for congressmen who go right into the lobbying profession, trading on their relationships and insider information. we're talking about banks in this country that are too big to fail. no other candidate is going to take on congress. no other candidate is going to do what needs to be done with respect to the banking problem we've got. >> and you'll continue to talk about those things no matter what the results in new hampshire for your team? >> we will keep talking. >> all right. former governor jon huntsman. governor, it's nice to have you here in the studio. thank you very much. it's 10 minutes after the hour. savannah is at the news desk. in the news the future of federal aviation administration chief randy babbitt is uncertain. they are trying to decide how to handle his drunk driving arrest. he was spotted allegedly driving on the wrong side of the road in virginia. a former pilot himself, he aggressively cracked down on pilots flying under the influence and even held a recent press event with mothers against drunk drivers.
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he's been placed on a leave of absence. when asked about the absence, the white house press secretary reacted as you might expect. rod blagojevich heads to a crucial sentencing hearing today. a federal judge is weighing his punishment after his conviction on 18 counts of corruption. blagojevich was accused of trying to sell off president obama's old senate seat. prosecutors will argue for 15 to 20 years of jail time. the judge's final decision is expected on wednesday. now to wall street. cnbc's mary thompson is at the new york stock exchange for us this morning. mary, i guess all eyes are on the euro zone today. >> that's right. because leaders face a new challenge today, keeping their credit ratings. as the leaders prepare for a two-day summit that begins thursday, standard and poor's is saying it could cut the credit ratings on 15 countries, including the aaa credits of france and germany. this could mean higher borrowing costs.
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the decision will hinge on whether any decisions made at the summit are bold enough to solve the region's debt crisis. back to you. >> all right, mary thompson at the stock exchange, thank you. finally, is there anybody out there? scientists have confirmed that a recently discovered planet is the first alien world where conditions are just right to sustain human life. the planet, kepler 22 b is in the goldilocks zone. the perfect distance from its star to have water and a suitable temperature. it's now 7:12. apparently people are very excited about this. top searches on google, new planet and light year. >> how long would it take to get there if we have to go? >> a lot of light years. >> well, a sign of water is a sign of life, so there you go. >> that's what the new rover is looking for on mars. >> on the downside they have a 24-hour reality channel. what are you going to do? >> that's a big downside. let's check it outdo? anyway, let's check it out and
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see what we have for you today. and we are looking at a funnel system that stretches from canada all the way into the gulf. some of the heavier showers will be in the mid-atlantic states, and we will look at one to two inches of rain and snow. that's what's going on around the country, and here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. i am meteorologist, tom kierein, in storm center 4. so far over a tenth of an inch overnight. and it's mild, we're in the 50s throughout the entire region. 58 at reagan national, and we will climb into the mid-kiz later today with occasional showers. and tomorrow in the morning in the 50s and then occasional showers in the day and t >> and that's your latest weather. ann. >> all right, al. thanks. we've all come to depend on the u.s. postal service but now there is a new plan tied to a major cost-cutting effort that
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would largely eliminate next-day delivery for first class mail. tom costello is at the post office in washington, d.c. with details on this story. tom, good morning. >> reporter: ann, good morning to you. the postal service is going to lose $4 billion this year so to keep from going under it's taking this very big step that will likely be affected and felt by all of us, or will it? if you're like most americans, your life has gone electronic. you bank, pay bills, send e-mails, shop, send invitations all online. the list is endless, and it's killing the post office, expected to lose $4 billion this year. >> our network is simply too big to handle the revenues that are coming in today. more importantly, way too big for what we're projecting in the future. >> reporter: so things are changing, starting with first class mail. what used to take one day to deliver will now take two and that could impact everything from movie dvds to prescription
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medications, bills, mortgage payments, you name it. >> it's mainly going to affect bill payments and personal correspondence, birthday cards, christmas cards. >> reporter: first class mail volume has already dropped 29% in ten years, and it's expected to drop another 50% in the next ten. so the post office is raising the cost of a first class stamp by a penny starting in january. it's already looking at closing 3700 post offices. now it's moving to shut down half of its mail processing centers and eliminate 28,000 jobs. meanwhile it's asking congress for permission to cancel saturday delivery, all designed to save $20 billion. the question is whether an extra day really matters. >> yeah, everything on the internet, so, yeah, it has lost a lot of relevance in my life. you know, over my lifetime. >> i have a business and i send mail. because of my timeline, it would be easier if the mail stayed on the schedule that it's on now.
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>> in the grand scheme of things, a day is not really a big deal. so if it keeps the post office afloat, keeps us having a post office, i can live with that. >> reporter: while no one expects the postal service to go away, the question is whether it makes sense for snail mail to get even slower. you know, we still need the postal service, but consider this, you can mail a letter in miami, florida, and three days later it will arrive in nome, alaska, and cost you only 45 cents. but that's the problem, 45 cents is not covering the costs. ann, back to you. >> point well taken, tom costello, thank you so much. there are new developments in an emotional custody case involving custody singer mindy mccready. he appeared at a closed-door hearing in arkansas monday just days after defying an order to return her young son to florida. kerry sanders is in north ft. myers with the latest. kerry, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. mindy's son had lived here with
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his grandmother, his legal guardian since he was a baby. this morning sources close to the investigation tell us that her son is in a foster home in arkansas. u.s. marshals found mindy and her son, 5-year-old zander, hiding in a closet in arkansas, but this morning mindy is free and has not been charged with kidnapping. like the country song she sings, mindy mccready's story of heartache has taken a happy turn. >> i can't talk about it. i'm a happy girl. >> reporter: mindy, who says she's seven months pregnant with twins did little to explain why she's smiling, but she praised the arkansas judge whose court was closed to the public and who issued a gag order, preventing any explanations of why she was set free. >> i love judge herrod, i'll tell you that. >> reporter: u.s. marshals found mindy and her son hiding in the closet of an arkansas cabin on friday night. she had been on the lam after
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allegedly kidnapping her son from her grandfather's home in florida. for now it appears she will not face any kidnapping charges, which has mindy's mother thankful but confused. >> i'm going to love you no matter what, i'm your mom and there's nothing you can do to keep me from loving you. >> reporter: but in a sworn affidavit, mindy's mother's caring words are questioned by none other than her mother. mindy's grandmother alleges zander's guardian holds cultish beliefs and zander would be hit with a wooden spoon for punishment to the point she was worried she would break his bones. they tell nbc news they are both ministers but have gone into no greater detail. they deny all allegations of abuse and say state social workers have visited their home regularly and found no reason to remove zander.
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mindy, whose singing career has been on the skids, was featured on the tv program "celebrity rehab 3" for everyone to see as she battled her demons. a pill addiction and several attempts to commit suicide. mindy lost control of her son when he was only a baby, and now experts say this custody fight is especially hard on a 5-year-old. >> that is a trauma that is going to take a very, very long time, if ever, for him to work through. i can tell you now that he's going to need a lot of long-term therapy. >> reporter: it's unclear if zander will now be returned to the home here that he's always known. meantime, the federal authorities, that's the u.s. marshal service and the fbi, tell nbc news while there could be federal kidnapping charges for the moment, they are leaving this matter up to the state officials both in arkansas and here in florida. matt. >> kerry sanders on this story. kerry, thank you very much. it's 19 after the hour. once again, here's ann. now to california where a
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prolific bank robber known as the geiser bandit has struck again and the fbi hunt is on. miguel almaguer has details on this story. hey, miguel, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the geiser bandit walked right out of the front door of this bank on friday. he appears to be elderly, a suspect who's continued to elude police but only after he was caught on tape. he looks more grandpa than gangster, but make no mistake, police say the geiser bandit is armed and dangerous. >> i think it's time the bank was just over a minute total. >> reporter: friday, closing time at this san luis obispo bank of america. he hands the teller a note, demands cash, pulls a revolver and walks out with a bag full of money. >> the teller put a dye pack in the bag that explodes and puts a red dye or ink all over that money that's been taken. >> reporter: outside the bank a trail of dye-soaked cash but no sign of the elusive elderly
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thief. >> the bank robberies started in august of 2009. >> reporter: it seems the suspect is a bit of an old pro. in two years, the geiser bandit has now held up 16 california banks. >> for anyone to think that this guy might be someone that's elderly and just harmless in any way, that's not the case. >> reporter: but witnesses say something may be off with the 6', 200-pound senior who could be as old as 70. the geiser's face is sometimes described as plasticy, which means he could be wearing a mask. >> back in my game, we didn't have television, we had radio. >> reporter: this looks like the geiser bandit but it's actually rusty. his high-end masks are made for hollywood. they have been used in the movies before, but they have also been used in real-life heists. in ohio, police were looking for a black man but their bank robbery suspect turned out to be a white man wearing a dark mask.
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back in california, a manhunt for the geiser bandit is under way. >> whether he's wearing a mask or not, that's something that's come up as part of the investigation. we've had victim tellers and other witnesses describe him as wearing a mask. >> reporter: today it's unclear how old the geiser bandit may be but one thing seems certain, this grandpa doesn't seem anywhere near retirement from his life of crime. the geiser ban dilt says the fbi has gotten away with tens of thousands of dollars. they are offering a $20,000 reward for information that leads to his arrest. >> miguel, thanks. just ahead, a young model in the fight of her life after walking into the spinning propeller of a small plane. we'll talk to her parents in a live interview coming up. first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this is an rc robotic claw. my high school science teacher made me what i am today. our science teacher helped us build it. ♪ now i'm a geologist at chevron, and i get to help science teachers. it has four servo motors and a wireless microcontroller. over the last three years we've put nearly 100 million dollars into american education. that's thousands of kids learning to love science. ♪ isn't that cool? and that's pretty cool. ♪ just ahead, a holiday buyer's guide for flat screen
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tvs. plus a photographer who uses kids to recreate iconic hollywood images takes on her biggest challenge yet. the "today" show after your local news. and 2 minutes to christmas? [ mumbling ] ...enny days, 8 hours, 9 minutes... 18 days, 17 hours... [ mom ] let's go, young lady. [ female announcer ] they're for building excitement for christmas. 12 days, 18 hours... come on. it's no days! [ female announcer ] the hallmark countdown to christmas ornament. 5 hours and 59 minutes and 41... 40...39... 38...37...36...
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40...39... hershe y' 40...39... s bliss. hershe one square inch of incredibly smooth rich chocolate. one square inch of joy... fun... indulgence... one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. good morning, it's 7:26 on this tuesday. we have been tracking a accident on the roads overnight. danella sealock here with the cleanup. >> it's still under way right now. northbound route 3 still closed. i-66, a couple accidents. the first one taking up the left side of the roadway eastbound at sully road. and then a four-vehicle accident on the left shoulder. and travel speed in the area pretty slow. to get from the fairfax county
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parkway to the beltway, 26 minutes and you are at 23 miles per hour. we will take
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good morning. i am meteorologist, tom kierein. we have showers on radar in northern virginia and parts of the west virginia and maryland, and advancing north to east. we're in the 50s throughout much of the region, and now 58 at reagan
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7:30 on a tuesday morning, the 6th day of december, 2011. big crowd out on the plaza. umbrellas up. we've had drizzle already and that's going to continue off and on for the next 36 hours or so but it will not deter these people from their appointed rounds shopping in new york city after our program. inside the studio, i'm matt lauer alongside ann curry. just ahead, the surprise hit of the gift-giving season. >> that's right. thanks to some great bargains, flat screen televisions are
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actually flying off the shelves, who knew. with so many options how do you know which television is right for you and will the deals be even bigger after the holidays? coming up, we'll tell you all you need to know before heading to the store. also it's the season for holiday parties, and you know what that means, hangovers. scientists have reportedly developed a pill to ease the symptoms of a hangover. is that necessarily a good thing? that's one of the beg your pardon -- burning questions we'll tackle with star, donny and dr. nancy. let's begin this half hour with a tragic story out of texas. a young model and fashion blogger severely injured when she accidentally walked into the propeller of a small plane. we'll talk to her parents in just a moment, but first nbc's janet shamlian is joining us this morning from dallas with details on this story. janet, good morning. >> reporter: ann, good morning to you. this is just a horrific accident. a young model gets out of a small plane at night, so it's dark, and unknowingly walks to
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the front of the plane and right into the path of the propeller which is still spinning. she survives. she's here at parkland hospital this morning in the intensive care unit with some very critical injuries. there is a long road ahead of her now, but her family says she's never been one to turn down a challenge. for lauren scruggs, it started as a pleasure trip, a flight in a small plane to see christmas lights in the dallas area from the air. back on the ground, the 23-year-old had just climbed out of the single-engine two-seater plane when she made what could have easily been a fatal mistake, accidentally walking to the front of the plane and directly into the still spinning propeller. >> they landed and lauren was getting off the plane so that they could pick up another passenger. and it was dark. and we are thinking that lauren came back to thank the pilot and she didn't see that the propeller was winding down. >> reporter: a part-time model and fashion blogger, lauren suffered a number of critical
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injuries. her left hand was severed. she's got a skull fracture, a brain injury, a broken collarbone and she could still lose her left eye. her mom and dad have been at her bedside around the clock. >> she can hear us. >> i asked her if she can hear me to squeeze my hand, and she did. she's even responding more today, i mean this afternoon. >> she's opening her eyes. >> moving around in the bed, which is really good. >> reporter: the incident came just as lauren was beginning to find success in her career. the texas woman created the online magazine and can be seen on youtube chatting up actors like chase crawford. >> go cowboys. >> go cowboys. >> come on! >> reporter: back in 2009 lauren was in the "today" studios where her parents, authors, appeared on the fourth hour with kathie lee and hoda.
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the agency doesn't require a pilot shut down an engine when loading or unloading passengers. experts say ultimately it's the pilot's responsibility to make sure passengers stay safe. >> the pilot is responsible for the care and oversight of not only the people that are flying as passengers but anybody that may be a pedestrian around their airplane. >> reporter: nbc news was unable to reach the pilot, a friend of lauren's, but her parents say they consider this an accident and that no one is to blame. they report that lauren has now been able to speak for the first time since the weekend incident, saying to her mom and sister, "i love you." >> it's going to be a long recovery. you know, it's going to be a long haul. it's a marathon. >> this is a marathon, not a sprint. >> reporter: doctors aren't certain yet that lauren knows exactly what happened to her, but she is aware now that she has these severe injuries. they say it's a very positive sign that she is recognizing her family and frankly, they say, this young woman is very lucky
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to be alive. ann. >> all right, janet shamlian, thank you so much. we are now joined by lauren's parents, jeff and cheryl scruggs. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> we just heard i believe it was last night that lauren was able to speak for the first time. describe what that moment meant for you, cheryl. >> yeah. just seeing her trying to open her right eye just a tiny bit and her moving her lips. she said hi. and that just brought us to our knees. >> when you look at her injuries and you hear that had she been standing any more to the left or the right as she was hit in the chest and the head that she might not be alive, are you seeing this, jeff, as something of a miracle? >> yeah, we're just -- gosh, we're just so grateful to the
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lord for saving her. lauren has a strong faith in jesus christ, as we do as a family. we've been surrounded by friends that have been praying, lifting us up. it's been a really horrendous two days, but we do see some bright signs ahead. you know, we just thank all of those that have been praying for us. we're grateful. >> what are doctors telling you about her challenges ahead, and specifically about this effort to save the eye that was damaged? >> well, she's had an amazing team of doctors. we're so thankful and grateful to those -- that team. the eye is like still -- you know, it's going to be several weeks before they know for sure what is going to happen with the eye, but they operated on her two days ago just on the eye for over six hours. which we saw that as a good
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thing. and we're just praying that, you know, she comes through with that. there's -- the original prognosis was that she was going to lose the eye, so that was a blessing. so we are grateful to god for that. and then it's -- what they keep reminding us, the team of doctors, it's just going to be a long haul. there's going to be a lot of additional surgeries that are going to be needed. she's going to have intensive care and, you know, it's just going to be a long haul. >> beyond her faith which you just mentioned, it's going to require a lot of her personal toughness for her to endure what you just described. what can you tell us about lauren's character, her personality, that might help her get through this, cheryl? >> yeah. the thing is lauren is a go-getter. she has always been a go-getter. she -- the doctors are so pleased right now because her progress has just been phenomenal. they can't even really believe
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that that's going on. and we really know that it's the prayers that we've received. people are praying all over the country. we have been getting e-mails and just messages on caring bridge. she just is a fighter. and she will fight through this and she will make it through. she will use it for good and she knows that jesus uses everything for her good. you know, she's going to have a tough time when she finds out all of the -- everything that's happened and losing her left hand is really a tough thing. but she'll fight. she's a fighter. >> especially as she is a blogger. clearly her fighting spirit comes, we can see, from the two of you who are joining us this morning to talk about this. you are also fighting to find a way to pay for all of these required surgeries yet ahead. i understand you've set up a website, is that right, jeff? >> well, there's -- you can follow her progress on
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there has been a fund set up. it's lauren scruggs hope fund. she's just going to need a lot of care for a long time. there's been a lot of people that have been asking us how they can help and that's one way you can help. more than anything we just covet your prayers, especially the next couple of weeks, and just praying that she comes through. she is a strong girl. i mean she loves exercise. she's physically fit. she eats well. you know, she's into eating whole foods. part of her magazine is all about health and fitness, so, you know, lauren is going to fight. >> well, jeff and cheryl scruggs, you asked for prayers, i'm sure you'll get them. thank you so much this morning. >> thank you. >> now let's get a check of the weather from al. >> today's weather is brought to you by sargento, taste the real difference. and we've got rain here in the northeast. you guys just got engaged
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yesterday. >> yes, sir. >> and then you guys just got married. what's your name? >> jen ritchie -- no, jen rela. >> congratulations to both of you guys. let's check it out and see what is happening. yesterday down in the south, look at the temperatures. 80 in new orleans. front moves through, and bam, the roller coaster, and temperatures in the 40s and 50s there as we look at the rest of the country it stays cool. in fact, frigid from the upper plains into the rockies. and 30s in the mississippi river valley, and only warm spot, mid atlantic states down in florida with temperatures in the 80s. that's what's going on around the country, and here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. >> we have rain moving through northern virginia into the district and across the potomac and into maryland. we will have more from time to time as the day progresses. we're in the 50s throughout most
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of the region. it's now 58 at reagan national. fredericksburg, 63. we will be in the 50s and low to mid-60s, and it could end >> and that's your latest weather. ann. >> all right, al, thank you. coming up next, a surprise hot gift of the holiday season, flat screen tvs. what you need to know before you buy. that's coming up right after this. can you believe it another thanksgiving. oh your turkey was delicious like always sweetheart. ah...thanks mom. bye. drive safely. yes, we will we will love you. ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ ♪ toys in every store. egg nog? ♪ the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be on your own front door ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] just for these hectic holidays, mcdonald's introduces new peppermint mocha and peppermint hot chocolate from mccafe. the simple joy of unwinding. and peppermint hot chocolate from mccafe. usa prime credit... this peggy... hi, i'm cashing in my points... peggy? no more points - coupons now. coupons? coupons. coupons? next, you convert coupons to tokens. tokens? then you trade tokens for credits. and then i get the cash? then you call back. bye bye. peggy? hello? what just happened? want rewards that make sense? switch to discover. america's #1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover.
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[ gps ] hello dave. oh, not again. [ gps ] dave, do you know where your wife went last week? she went to jared to look at a beautiful diamond necklace. i'm not going to the cleaners anymore, am i? [ gps ] no dave, you're not. [ tires screech ] right turn. [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] jared the galleria of jewelry has five times the selection of ordinary jewelry stores, so you'll find the perfect gift every time. how did you know? who knows you like i do? [ horn honks ] [ male announcer ] that's why he went to jared, the galleria of jewelry. let's show 'em what a breakfast with wholegrain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos, make one a double. she's full and focused! [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate, hold the whip and two espressos, one with a double shot.
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hehe, that's not the coffee talking. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. the 8 layers of whole grain fiber help keep you full so you can avoid the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good. i can't breathe... so i can't sleep... and the next day i pay for it. i tried decongestants... i tossed & turned... i even vaporized! and then i fought back: with drug-free breathe right advanced. these nasal strips instantly opened my nose, like a breath of fresh air. i was breathing and sleeping better! [ female announcer ] exercise your right to breathe right... get two free strips at hey, it's your right to breathe right! back now at 7:44. this morning on "today's consumer" one of the holiday season's hottest gifts. we're talking about flat screen tvs. how do you pick the right one for your family? mario armstrong is today's
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digital life tile contributor. good morning, happy holidays. there are ipads and tablets and smartphones and kindles. why are these so popular this year? >> kind of old tech coming back. the thing is this, matt, people want great entertainment at home. they can't afford as much to go out to the movies so people are looking to take the little dollars that they have and make it stretch for the entertainment and buy additional tvs maybe for other rooms. >> prices are as low as we've seen in an awfully long time. is that supply and demand or are they cheaper to make now? >> no, it's supply and demand. a lot of inventory in the stores right now. great deals on so many different technologies. >> you don't want just a great deal price wise, you want the latest technology. what's few right now? >> smart televisions. these are tvs connected to the internet so you can bring in that internet content. 3-d is still strong. >> how do you like 3-d? >> i'm not a big fan, i think it's a little early.
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if you're going to spend a lot of money now, then you want to get a 3-d ready tv so in a couple of years you can experience 3-d. >> if people head out to the stores and want a flat screen tv, you've got really important advice. the first one bigger isn't better. how do you figure out how big you need? >> if you go to the movies, you don't sit in the front row. so you really step back from your television where you're going to watch it from, measuring that viewing distance in feet. >> let's say it five feet. >> so then what you do is multiply that by on the low end five, on the high end 8, so that's 25 inches or 40 inches, somewhere in there is your minimum to maximum screen size. >> you also want people to make sure that the new set they're buying connects to the equipment they already have at home. for example in, what way? >> because you have cable boxes, you have theater surround sound stuff, game consoles, blu-ray players. if you don't have all the ports on the back of the tv, you'll be sitting there with electronics
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that can't plug in. >> so go to the store with all of the connections you need to make sure the set can handle that. >> know exactly what you need to connect to your television before you buy. >> your latest one, buy your hdmi cables online, not at the store. why wouldn't you buy them where you buy the tv? >> because it's huge profit for them, okay. it's huge. they are way overpriced in the actual big box retailer stores. buy them online at monoprice and you can get them like 70% off. >> after githe guy or the woman closes the deal, they'll invariably say would you like the extended warranty. what's your advice to the consumer? >> if you're a worry wart get it because nothing else will make you happy. if you have to get one, look at where you can get discounts on the extended warranties, but i think the television technology is really great. plasmas are underrated and people think there are still problems with tvs. you don't necessarily need the
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extended warranty if a buy a great set. >> will patience pay off? if you see a great price right now, if you wait until after the holidays it will be lower? >> no, if you see a deal that's in your budget, if you're ready, go ahead and make the move on it. don't wait until the week before christmas to do that but if you want to hold off, the next best time will be right before the super bowl. you'll see some aggressive specials then. >> thanks very much. still ahead, today's professionals weigh in on everything from the return of tiger woods to a new pill for hangovers. but first, these messages. ♪
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laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like a -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. ♪ i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. okay. what's your secret? [ male announcer ] the new united mileage plus explorer card. get it, and you're in. [ femala $100 cream. we were flattered when regenerist beat flabbergasted when we creamed a $500 cream. for about $30 regenerist micro-sculpting cream hydrates better
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than over 20 of america's most expensive luxury creams. fantastic. phenomenal. regenerist. the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. it burns! it's singeing me. it's the sun. get out of the office more often,
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with chili's $6 lunch break combos, featuring texas toast half sandwiches. chili's lunch break combos. - i wanted to get cindy something special this year. - you went to kay. she'll love it. [chuckles] trust me. i know. ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. - the charmed memories collection at kay jewelers each charm is hand-crafted in italy, and with hundreds of charms to choose from, the possibilities are endless. create your own memories with charmed memories, one more reason kay is the number one jewelry store in america. - i love it. - santa said you would. no, really. they won't be beat. oh, actually... then i'd be like, you rule! and my kids would be like, you rule! i'd be like, yes, i do rule! ohh! that rules! oh, load up the sleigh; this is going to be a great christmas. yeah. ring dinga-ding, ring dinga-ding, ring, ring, ring me up. [ male announcer ] no need to wait with our christmas price guarantee. we're so confident in our prices
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if you do find a lower one between now and christmas, we'll give you the difference on a walmart gift card. save money. live better. walmart. still ahead, how to turn your unwanted gift cards into cash. >> take a look at this, the photographer that turns kids into hollywood icons or maybe tv icons. two medium cappuccinos!
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let's show 'em what a breakfast with wholegrain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte. medium macchiato, light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos, make one a double. she's full and focused! [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate, hold the whip and two espressos, one with a double shot. hehe, that's not the coffee talking. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. the 8 layers of whole grain fiber help keep you full so you can avoid the distraction of mid-morning hunger. no thanks, i'm good. make the best vehicles in america... and once a year offer them with special savings. today, it's a phenomenon.
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toyotathon is back. see the reinvented camry, named a 2012 "best resale value" by kelley blue book's and with amazing deals, now's the time to get the toyota you've been waiting for. others have tried to copy it. but in the end, there's only one...toyotathon. the biggest and best sales event of the year is going on now!
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the biggest and best sales event of the year yoohoo, hi. i noticed you used the largest cash back card... why is that? they give me 5% cash back at department stores this quarter. but only on up to $300 worth of merchandise. so the most you can earn is $15 dollars. chase freedom also gives you 5% cash back at department stores this quarter but on up to $1,500 worth of purchases. that is $75. that's 5 times more! woo. get your cash back. activate today at
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good morning, everybody. it's now 7:56 on this tuesday, december 6th. trouble on the road all morning long, and let's get right to danella sealock. >> let's start with the good news. route 3, all lanes are now re-opened. they were shut down earlier northbound, but now both directions on route 3, now both opened. and east at sully road, the accident that took up most of the roadway is now out of the roadway, and then clear as far as accidents as you make your [ female announcer ] more people are using wireless devices...
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in more ways than ever. and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress frees up more wireless spectrum... we can empower more people to innovate... putting momentum behind our economy. and we can reduce the deficit... with more than thirty billion dollars paid by america's wireless companies. it's simple -- more spectrum means more freedom. for everyone.
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good morning. i am meteorologist, tom kierein. we have rain on the radar right now, and in northern virginia and fairfax and loudoun county, advancing to the north and east later today. we're in the mid-and upper 50s, and later today in the low and mid-60s, and occasional showers and rain ending wednesday evening [ baby coughing ] [ coughing continues ] [ female announcer ] more pollution from power plants means more childhood asthma attacks.
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[ labored breathing ] there's technology that makes the air cleaner, but too many plants don't use it. we can't wait. epa must update power plant standards to protect our kids. [ baby coughing ] 8:00 now on a tuesday morning, the 6th day of december, 2011. the gray weather has not chased away our new friends on the plaza. the good news is the rain has stopped and also it's 56 degrees so it's not freezing, so that's positive as everyone waves to friends and family back home. >> you know, today is not -- today is not this lady's birthday. she wants everybody to know that. you know what, it worked anyway, didn't it? >> yes, it did. i'm ann curry along with matt lauer and al roker. coming up in this half hour
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you'll be having a date. >> donny, star and dr. nancy are in our studio. did you know scientists have come up with a pill that they say will alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. >> i don't believe it, really? >> why are you smiling so much? >> it's not your birthday. also a 9-year-old boy suspended from school because he was overheard calling his teacher cute. >> huh. there must be a back story to that. we're going to meet a photographer who transforms kids into some of hollywood's most famous celebrities and great motion picture moments. we gave her a challenge. find mini versions of us. wow, that could turn out really bad. >> okay. apparently some of these pictures are very, very funny so we'll take a look at some of that. also, we want to remind everyone that tomorrow, this is an interesting note, we'll have in our studio some of the things that were in michael jackson's
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house, where he spent his final days. we'll bring those into our studio and give you a preview of that. before we get to that -- >> savannah is at the news desk. good morning, guys. in the news today suicide bombings have killed at least 58 people and wounded nearly 200 in afghanistan this morning. the coordinated attacks came just one day after the u.s. and its allies pledged continued support to afghanistan after nato troops withdraw. these are the first sectarian attacks in afghanistan since the fall of the taliban a decade ago. president obama hopes to invoke history today as he pressures congress to extend the payroll tax cut that's set to expire at the end of the month. the president is speaking at a small kansas town where president theodore roosevelt gave his famous speech demanding a square feel for the average citizen. republicans and democrats support the tax break for the middle class but disagree over how and whether to pay for it. a woman who gave the fbi one of its most important leads in the mystery of d.b. cooper says
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she thinks the case is all but solved. cooper is the hijacker who jumped from a plane with a load of cash 40 years ago. pete williams is in washington this morning with the details. pete, good morning. >> reporter: federal officials say they're not ready to declare this notorious case closed, but a woman who has provided tantalizing clues told her an fbi agent told her it soon will be. it's been 40 years since a man boarded a northwest airlines plane the night before thanksgiving, demanded parachutes and a ransom and jumped out somewhere over the pacific northwest with $200,000. the fbi is now pursuing a lead from an oregon man's niece who says he was the hijacker. marla cooper says her uncle came home with obvious injuries the night after the hijacking and was a big fan of a comic book skydiver, dan cooper, the name he used. she said her father more or less confirmed it to her years later. agents are checking to see if her uncle's fingerprints match
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any in the plane but an agent told her a few days ago that match or not the case will soon be closed. >> he said i am certain your uncle did it. i feel certain that your uncle did it. what's the point in continuing the investigation. >> reporter: but the author of a new book about the case says that seems doubtful. >> the truth is, is that we've seen this before. there's been tons of close calls in this thing. i think it's important to really sort of treat this new development, if you can call it that, with a little bit of caution. >> reporter: meantime marla cooper is working on a book of her own about the case, the nation's only unsolved airplane hijacking. now here's brian williams with what's coming up tonight on nbc "nightly news." hi, brian. >> hey, savannah, good morning. coming up tonight, new tools in the fight against breast cancer. the treatments that are actually working and new research revealing options for those desperate for some hope in their lives. that and more when we join you tonight. savannah, for now back to you.
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>> thanks. now for a look at what's trending today. our quick roundup of what has you talking online. mastectomy is a top google search term after giulian giuliana rancic revealed she will undergo a double mastectomy to reduce the risk of her breast cancer returning. amanda knocks x is consider writing a book about her four years in an italian prison. she has hired robert barnett who has brokered book deals for president obama and clinton. she spent more than a million dollars on her legal defense. rosie o'donnell is trending on yahoo! about tweeting about her engagement. the two met at a coffee shop and will reportedly tie the knot over the christmas holiday. back to al and a check of the weather. today's weather is brought to you by bp. >> and we've got some friends here hanging out. you left your buddy back in
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texas? >> yes, sir, we did. her name is becky. >> so do you want to say anything to beck? >> becky, we love you and miss you. thank you, al. >> get better, becky. let's check it out for you and show you our pick city of the day, evansville, evansville, indiana. 39 degrees, on the chilly side. as we look at the map, you can see on the satellite radar, most of the action here in the east. wet weather from new england down to the southeast, and snow back through central missouri. and plenty of sunshine, and temperatures in the low 40s, and 60s as you get down into the southern california, and wet weather from new england to the gulf. sunny in miami and a high of 80 degrees. that's what's going on around the country, and here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. i am tom kierein in storm center 4. we have on radar rain moving across the area. another batch of heavier rain
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come into the southern shenandoah valley and west virginia and should be here in the next two hours. and then 57 at reagan national. occasional showers through the day today and mild in the mid-60s and more rain off and >> and that's your latest weather. let's go over to annie pink boots. >> all right, al, thank you so much. coming up next, we've got "today's professionals" in the house. donny, dr. nancy and star tackling everything from a new hangover pill to engagement rings for men. that's coming up right after this. all because so many people wanted to visit us... in louisiana. they came to see us in florida... nice try, they came to hang out with us in alabama... once folks heard mississippi had the welcome sign out, they couldn't wait to get here. this year was great but next year's gonna be even better. and anyone who knows the gulf knows that winter is primetime fun time. the sun's out and the water's beautiful. you can go deep sea fishing
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for amberjack, grouper and mackerel. our golf courses are open. our bed and breakfast have special rates. and migrating waterfowl from all over make this a bird watcher's paradise. so if you missed it earlier this year, come on down. if you've already been here come on back... to mississippi... florida... louisiana... alabama. the gulf's america's get-a-way spot no matter where you go. so come on down and help make 2012 an even better year for tourism on the gulf. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. this year, we won't settle for second best. we're going to give all the top brands. like kenmore, craftsman, nordic track, die hard, samsung....
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and our gifts will be top notc. our wrapping? that's another story. only sears has this collection of leading brands you can't find anywhere else. now that's real joy, guarantee. sears right now, save up to 40% on al game room items. we're back now, 8:10. it's time for "today's professionals" to weigh in on the latest trends and headlines that have a lot of people with us. with us as always, star jones, donny deutsch and dr. nancy snyderman. nice to see you all. scientists have apparently developed a pill that will alleviate the symptoms of a hangover when you wake up in the morning. the headache, the queasy stomach. you wake up sideways, it puts you right. what took them so long, nancy? >> well, they took everything people normally use and put it into a little pill.
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a little caffeine and acetaminophen and one other component. now you won't feel like hell. >> some of us have had this for a while, it's gaucalled goody powder. >> we are overpilled as a society. one of the things that i know keeps me from drinking is i don't want to feel crappy the next way. in a weird way, does this start to elevate drinking? >> why do you feel crappy in the morning? because your body is saying enough already. >> we need to have a price of doing business in this country. >> so it's cute marketing. i'm sure it will sell for a short period of time. it doesn't negate the damage alcohol does to your body and some of these things when combined with alcohol are not good for your body anyway. >> without medication, what's your personal hangover remedy? >> goody power. >> don? >> sleep. >> don't do it. >> let's move on to something. even the most enthusiastic political junky might have a hangover these days with all the
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debates we're seeing on the gop side, all right. i think 11 and counting, 13 more. donald trump has announced he is going to be moderating one of these debates on december 27. a lot of people don't think it's a good idea. star, why don't you start. you know donald well. >> i know him extremely well. he moderated a couple of debates that i have had, okay. my problem with this is we've now turned the whole circus atmosphere into a huge circus and i perceive that donald is going to be perceived as the ring master. >> can you imagine, let's say there was a democratic primary. president obama and hillary clinton agreeing to be in a debate moderated -- donald is p.t. barnum and knows how to draw attention, but talk about unpresidential. if i was a candidate like huntsman, i would say i will answer to a journalist. >> let me give you some comments. nancy, george says it's time to
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do something presidential. ron paul says it's beneath the office of the presidency. mark mckinnon said it's bad for the candidates, it's bad for the party. >> what's fascinating is the number of candidates who come to new york to kiss the ring. what do we focus on, the fact that there is this revolving door. then who gets served what? sarah palin gets pizza on a paper plate. some people get taken other places. but there's something sort of creepy about the process. >> but also these candidates get attention because of donald. >> right. >> donald is the one with the light on him. >> come on, guys -- >> if you're going to be the president, you have to discern which one you want. >> with something like 25 total debates, everybody in america is going to get to moderate one sooner or later. let's go to this story out of north carolina. a 9-year-old suspended for a couple of days from school when he told a friend that he thought his teacher was cute. the teacher overheard the remark, reported the boy to the
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principal. a representative for the school district told local reporters details of the suspension not available but said the incident related to inappropriate behavior. >> okay. if this kid said his teacher is cute and they suspended him, shame on -- come on, by the way, in this world with what kids see -- now, if the kid was talking in any way -- stop it, you are going to send a kid home because he said my teacher is cute? come on. >> even if he said, you know what, i think mrs. so and so is really hot. how adorable? >> so let me give you if the kid said, oh, she's cute. that booty looks good. something like that. if it changes from being a sweet little compliment to something that sounds a little derogatory -- i agree with you but it's not always cute language and i think there's a way. i would not suspend the kid, but there's a way to discipline if
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someone is speaking inappropriately. >> the booty thing? >> that's my cue to jump in here. big weekend in the world of sports. tiger woods. >> yeah. >> he won his first tournament in two years at the chevron world challenge after playing pretty darn well in the presidents cup. is tiger woods back? >> no. >> i would say yes. >> he will never be iconic again. the reason is not the infidelities. we forgave bill clinton because he was on brand. the way tiger woods misled the public -- >> his injury to his leg and knee are really interesting. if he changed his golf swing, if you watch him swing a club -- >> that's not what we're talking about. >> no, no, whether he's back. >> but back in the public eye. >> but can he take nicklas' record. >> america loves to create heroes and they love to watch them fall. let's face it, tiger woods did a lot to help himself fall.
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but don't we also love the phoenix rising from the ashes? >> he's not loveable. >> you know what, i was cheering when he was coming up on 18. i was absolutely cheering in my own house. there's nothing like watching tiger in the hunt on a sunday. and that's what people want to see. >> madison avenue take him back in full force? >> to some degree. he will never be michael jordan again. he will be okay. >> a few seconds for the last one. according to a website, the new must have item for couples in love, an engagement ring for the man. they're calling them mengagement rings. donny, what's your ring size? >> if you wear a man engagement ring, you have some issues, okay. >> i think mike emichael michbl wore one. >> so you wouldn't do it? >> i would not.
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>> here's my new engagement ring, what do you think? and you say you only got three carats? >> we know -- >> guilty as charged. >> donny deutsch, dr. nancy snyderman, star jones, thank you, folks. up next, toddlewood comes to "today." a creative photographer transforms toddlers into us right after this. oh, actually... t. then i'd be like, you rule! and my kids would be like, you rule! i'd be like, yes, i do rule! ohh! that rules! oh, load up the sleigh; this is going to be a great christmas. yeah. ring dinga-ding, ring dinga-ding, ring, ring, ring me up. [ male announcer ] no need to wait with our christmas price guarantee. we're so confident in our prices if you do find a lower one between now and christmas, we'll give you the difference on a walmart gift card. save money. live better. walmart. you feel it working,
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so you know you're ready for whatever the day brings. compared to ordinary toothpaste, you feel a deeper clean. up to a two times cleaner feeling. new crest complete. feel it working. new crest complete. the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. [ male announcer ] got a cold? [ sniffling ] [ male announcer ] not sure what to take? simpler than ever. click on the robitussin® relief finder. click on your symptoms. get your right relief. ♪ makes the cold aisle easy.
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♪ robitussin®. relief made simple. and introducing nasal relief pills, now for the very first time from robitussin®. ♪ i think i'm falling ♪ i think i'm falling [ male announcer ] this is your moment. ♪ for you [ male announcer ] this is zales, the diamond store. shop our largest diamond store online anytime at i know you're worried about making your savings last
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and having enough income when you retire. that's why i'm here. to help come up with a plan and get you on the right path. i have more than a thousand fidelity experts working with me so that i can work one-on-one with you. it's your green line. but i'll be there, every step of the way. call or come in for a free portfolio review today. back now at 8:20 with a new take on celebrity photography. jenna wolfe met with a photographer who recreates some of hollywood's most memorable moments. >> just a second. >> it's under the table and it's playing music. >> no, please don't reveal -- >> it's glee! it's glee! >> no, no, no. >> let's get to the story here
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real quick. >> sorry, jenna. >> no problem. story of my life. >> the true stars of these photos are actually children. they're between the ages of 3 and 6 and resemble a famous face. with the help of one savvy photographer, they look like hollywood royalty. they play like kids, they sound like kids. but with a few clicks of the camera, they look like famous faces. >> i like. >> this is toddlewood. >> this is where the magic happens. >> reporter: toddlewood isn't so much a place as it is a concept. photographer tricia messeroux transforms these little guys into hollywood's most famous stars, movies and moments. all through the eyes of a view finder. >> where do you come up with the ideas for these? are they all famous pictures or iconic scenes? >> yese. that's the operative word, iconic. it has to be an iconic person or
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iconic scene. scene people remember, like tom cruise jumping on the couch on the oprah winfrey show. >> reporter: from coffee table books to calendars, toddlewood has redefined the class picture. but now toddlewood is tackling its toughest task yet. >> we're hosting the casting call for you guys. >> is there anyone that you're most concerned about casting, the biggest challenge? >> the hardest one might be i have to say lester holt. he seems very serious. he's a professional. like he doesn't get anything wrong. >> or so you think, dot dot dot. >> i wear to you, this is the biggest challenge i've ever done. >> reporter: and with that it was game time. >> my gosh, it's like the future "today" show in here. >> reporter: a record 82 kids turned out for our casting call. >> look on that wall and tell me who you guys think you're going to be. >> reporter: and these kids did their homework.
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>> you're crazy, hoda kotb. >> reporter: crazy and camera ready, our "today" show toddlers were trickling in. meet mateo. >> stand by matt for one second. >> that's al. >> our mini matt. >> good morning, i'm ann curry. >> and little ann. >> big smile, little smile. big smile. >> reporter: and then there's cute kayla. well, she had the pleasure of being cast as yours truly. but for some of our tiny "today" stars, the choice wasn't always so clear. >> amy or natalie. >> everyone thinks you look like natalie morales. >> reporter: it turns out she wasn't amy or natalie. in the end, ella was cast as sa vapa. the "today" show gang was almost complete as tricia and her toddlewood team took over studio 1a hoping to recreate some of our most memorable moments.
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mini savannah said she did her research by watching her on tv. >> do you remember what she did on tv? >> she helped someone cook. >> uh-huh. >> and she talked to someone and that's what i really want to do next year. >> reporter: but this year she was ready for her closeup, so she climbed on to our set. >> who do you like working with better, chuck todd or al roker? >> al roker. >> really? how come? >> well, he's a good friend of mine. >> no, i know, because i'm friends with him too. nice to meet you. do you have any purell. >> do you have any famous shows coming on to the show? >> today it's just us. next week we will have a guest on. >> and who's that? >> savannah or ann curry. >> either one of those. that's a big get. picture perfect, tricia snapped away as the mini anchors took over "today." >> i love it, and that's a wrap.
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>> all right. so here we go. how did tricia do? we'll take a look at how she managed to recreate some of our very own images. remember, guys, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. here matt is interviewing michelle obama. let's see how tricia did. perfect. next is ann and the dalai lama. we remember this one. check out how she did. how adorable. >> has that kid's hair grown back? >> next up, the entire gang at the "today" show desk. this is what that looked like. or, or, this is what i'd like it to look like. this is lester and jenna. this is little lester and jenna as well. so adorable. there's savannah. do we have savannah's shot? savannah. do we have the -- then there's hoda and kathie lee.
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>> you didn't let the kids drink. >> no, we used milk in the glasses. >> do we have the one of the four of them or no? no, we don't. it was great. >> we didn't have time for that because savannah's phone was playing music. there it is. jenna, that's cool. th good morning, everybody. it's 8:26 on this tuesday. rain is never good for commuters. and danella sealock is here with more. >> first off, westbound randolf road, jammed. and we have to show you 270. you are jammed. we will give you a live view at shady grove.
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your delays start at father hurley and continue until the spur
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good morning. i am meteorologist, tom kierein. we have had one batch of rain exit north virginia and move
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into maryland, and now one should be in the metro area in another couple hours. between now and then cloudy. it's mild this morning. we're in the 50s and low 60s throughout much of the region. later today, in the low and mid-60s with occasional showers. more off and on rain tonight and into wednesday, and might
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8:30 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 6th day of december, 2011. our crowd is in the giving mood this morning as they're helping with our 18th annual holiday toy drive. our elves this morning none other than jeffrey donovan and
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gabrielle anwar. gabrielle brought along her two daughters, so it's a family affair this morning. we'll be checking in with them a little later on. out on the plaza, matt lauer along with ann curry, al roker and savannah guthrie. what else is coming up? >> we're going to be talking about gift cards. a lot of us get them during the christmas holidays, but sometimes we get them for stores where we don't frequent, so jean will tell us how to deal with that. still in the shopping mode, jill martin is here with another batch of items for her holiday steals and deals. plus we'll talk to an exciting mystery novelist, this guy right now, al roeker. >> author, author. >> thank you very much. >> third one, by the way. we're very excited about that. >> we would also like to mention we were nominated as a group for the people's choice award for best daytime tv talk host. this is the last day to vote. to find out how, head to our website at
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>> are we actually encouraging people to vote for us? >> absolutely. >> we'll go door to door if we have to. >> we have no shame. >> even if we have to wipe the floor. >> let us bring in jeffrey donovan and gabrielle from "burn notice" on usa. let me hold annu umbrella over you. congratulations, by the way, you've already been picked up for another season. even though you know you're successful, do you still wait on pins and needles for that? >> yeah. we don't want to get a burn notice. >> you must be excited about that. >> i am very much. >> yeah, it's a great job. in this economy and the jobs, we're very lucky to have it. >> the website online they have the top ten "burn notice" quotes. for you, michael, your character's name, surveillance is the leading cause of weight gain among operatives. you said that once. in season 2, episode 9.
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>> i did not know that. >> obviously i did my research. after five seasons, is it still fun behind the scenes? >> we have a great time. our relationship is very dangerous and dynamic and dysfunctional, you know, the 3 ds. we model it after you and then we put it on at 10:00 at night. >> so gabrielle, what's going to happen in the season finale? i know that's next week. >> it is. there's a huge choice that i have to make, and i do make it an it's kind of a shocker actually. it's well worth watching. >> that's a tease. by the way, jeffrey, we want to mention that you played bobby kennedy in the new film "j. edgar." >> i forget sometimes. >> speaking of that, the reason why i brought that up, that must have been so intense not only to play bobby kennedy but to work with clint eastwood. >> it's my second time.
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i worked with him and angelina jolie about three years ago. i actually begged him to play this role. i grew up in the north shore of boston, it's home to my heart so playing that role is exciting and also terrifying at the same time that i upset any kennedy in the world. >> i'm sure you did not. anyway, thanks so much, both of you. >> gabrielle, it's great seeing you. >> we should probably mention when your show happens. >> thursday night. >> thursday nights, 9:00 central on our sister network usa. from you go. now let's get a check of the weather from you. >> my arm is getting tireyou. >> good thing. my arm is getting tired. >> let's check it out and show what you is happening weather-wise for today. we have wet weather from new england into the gulf coast. tomorrow, more rain here in the northeast. new england will look at snow and snow showers back through the appellations, and cold and cloudy in the pacific northwest and cold and sunny through southern texas.
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that's what's going on around the country, and here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. >> i am meteorologist, tom kierein, in storm center 4. this morning we had rain off and on, and there's another area of rain about to come into northern virginia, the district and northern maryland in the next couple hours. and temperatures are mild this morning in the 50s, and much of the region, 57, and now we have only have one-tenth of a rain so far, and we may end >> and don't forget, you can get your weather any time of the day or night, go to the weather channel on cable or online. now let's head on down to washington and say hello to uncle willie scott. >> it's that time of the year, the old turkey is getting fat and so am i and i'll be bigger even then with all of the ham and pumpkin pie. happy birthday from smucker's, how sweet it is. check the spinning jar and you will see rosa beckner from
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wirtz, virginia. 108 years old. enjoys quilting and attending all kind of church functions. yes, ma'am, thank you, ma'am. and charity, that's a great name. charity butler, rochester, new york, is 100 years old. actually she's so good she's 103, how about that. she loves to go all over the place and sing and do all sorts of fun things with her family and friends. and enjoys outings with the family, picnics and things like that. take a look at helen athens, jacksonville, florida, 102. she is a pro at really taking good care of solving cross word puzzles, great mind builder. and she loves to watch all kind of sports on the television. here is clyde clough from pi
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pinkney, michigan. 100 years old. still drives his automobile and enjoys fun games like golf, which he is absolutely fantastic at. ended with a proposition there. here is charles loucks from bella vista, arizona, 100 years old today and a proud ww ii vet and a long-time friend of the fire department. he loved to do volunteer fire work. good man, without them i don't know what we'd do. y.f. choy of honolulu, hawaii, 100 years old today. smart as a whip, mind as sharp as a tack. what a blessing that is. that's it, that's all for now. don't go away, there's more to come. >> all right, willard, thank you so much. it's raining on me. talk about a bad hair day. coming up next, how to turn your unwanted gift cards into cold, hard cash. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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"today's money" is brought to you by fidelity investments. turn here. >> we are back at 8:39. this morning on "today's money" buying and selling gift cards. they're a very popular holiday present and each year billions worth go unused. today jean chatzky is here to talk about that. $100 billion in gift card sales every year, $6 billion unused. 6%. >> that's right. they are the most popular gift five years running, giflt cards, so a lot of people have them sitting around. >> if we're not using them, what's happening to those cards? >> in some cases they're just sitting in your sock drawer, which is not where they should be. but more often people have discovered they're actually tradeable. you can get cash for them or you can sell them. >> if you do nothing with them, that's a huge windfall for the stores where they have been purchased because they're giving away nothing and taking your
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money. >> absolutely. >> so where do you -- for example, i have $100 macy's gift card from last year. i want to sell it. how do i go about doing it? >> you hit the internet. go to card hub and gift cards and gift card granny. there's a bunch of them. plastic jungle. and you type in the identifying details on the back of the gift card. they'll tell you how much they're willing to pay for that particular card and the numbers vary. >> that's an important point. if you have a $100 gift card, don't think you're going to get $100 in cash for it. >> no. they're going to buy it from you at a discount. the discount depends on how popular that particular card is. so we looked at some cards, abercrombie and fitch, you'll get about $82. but if you've got a very, very popular card and the most popular are the gas cards and the whole foods cards interestingly, you might get close to $90 for that 100. >> so you can get cash for your card. you can also get store credit at
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other stores, right? >> you could trade your gift card for a different gift card. you could get an amazon gift card which is more useable because they carry so much stuff or you can sometimes get an electronic credit right in your pay pal account. >> let's switch over to buying a gift card. you're in the market for one of these. you could get a $100 gift card. what would be the average you would pay? >> again, it varies on the popularity of the card. anywhere from 70% up to 90, 92%. and again, it varies based on how popular that particular card is. >> supply and demand. >> it really is supply and demand. it also depends on where you're buying because the discounts vary by the site. >> it would seem immediately one of the ways to get more for your money here is to cut out the middleman or these websites you just mentioned. can i sell my gift card or buy a gift card directly? >> you can, but be careful. gift card marketplaces have sprung up on sites like ebay, sites like craigslist.
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if you're going to do a transaction with one of these big gift card companies, you've got protection. ebay will back you up, so is plastic jungle and the other sites. you do it on craigslist, you've got to do it in person. if you're selling, you want cash and if you're buying, you want to call the 800 number on the back of that card to verify the balance. >> are the rules the same when you're dealing with a gift card or gift certificate from a small local store as they are to big chain stores? >> they're harder to sell because there's not as much of a marketplace but card hub has made itself available to trade in these local cards, so look there. >> and expiration dates on a lot of these cards? >> they are not -- the law has changed in 2010 so you don't have to worry about them as much anymore. but if you have an older card, you've got to be careful. >> jean chatzky, thanks very much. maybe you think you'd like to spend your gift card on a new book. up next, mr. roker tells us about his latest mystery novel. he'll talk to ann about that.
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first, this is "today" on nbc.
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back now at 8:45 with a new mystery novel from one of our own. al has teamed with award winning crime novelist dick lotke called "the talk show murders." al, i've got to tell you, let me tell you what the publishers is saying. snappy prose, well developed characters will leave readers wanting to see more. we've got a novelist calling it fast, funny even with a touch of steamy romance. are you blushing yet? >> well, keep going. >> it's the third in your series regarding these billy blessing novels. this time the celebrity chef turned sleuth is in chicago where he's discovering that some people who are in a talk show have been murdered. what happens from there?
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>> well, his morning show, "wake up america" is broadcasting from chicago for two weeks and he goes on a local show and gets embroiled in this controversy that's going on. an internet scam and a movie, and people start turning up toes up. he gets drawn into it, as he has the last two novels. so this time, though, it's in chicago. chicago is home to some great talk shows, it has been, and we thought it would be kind of fun to set it there. >> the first novel was set in new york, the second in hollywood, the third in chicago, so you're changing venues. is it impossible for you not to reference the "today" show experience? there's a lot of behind-the-scenes television stuff in your book. >> yeah, i think that's one of the things people enjoy about it, a little behind the scenes and what it's like to be on a morning show but we try to do it with a little bit of a tongue in cheek. these are all people that they're composites. there's nobody i'm basing the characters on for the most part. >> what is it about you -- thank
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goodness. but what is it about you that keeps you from staying in the box? you have clearly, not only with your production company being on television for millions of people every day but also now a novelist. this is your seventh book so far. third as a novelist. >> my mom instilled in all us kids this love of reading. and she loved thrillers and murder mysteries, so i gravitated to that. i just read them like crazy. and so i was kind of hoping to run kind of a fine line between the thriller of harlan coben and the tongue in cheek humor of janet abanovitz. i don't want people finishing the book and feeling worse than when they started. there's nothing grisly or too horrible. it's kind of a book version of "murder she wrote." >> you just mentioned janet as
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being one of your inspirations, for her to say your book is great has got to be personally gratifying. >> it has been. it's been -- dick is just the master of plotting. i came up in this idea but i didn't know how -- where to go with it. he was able to help me with the idea of how you get from point a to point b and i'd fill the stuff in in between. >> is there to say there will be more books? >> i would hope so. even -- i'd love if there was a tv show, get somebody like anthony anderson to play billy blessing. >> you're throwing that out there. >> i am. well, denzel washington is probably too busy and wouldn't want to wear the fat makeup. >> oh, it's really fantastic. thank you so much, al. congratulations. the book again is called "the talk show murders." we're so proud of you. coming up next, a tasty new twist on holiday desserts. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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and this morning on "today's holiday kitchen" a new spin on seasonal desserts. chuck hughes is the host of chuck's week off mexico and the upcoming special chuckmas. he's here with tips on preparing the perfect carrot cake. chuck, good morning, nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> we're making mom's recipe
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this morning. >> yep. >> this is traditional north of the border with a twist. >> a little bit of a twist. christmas or chuckmas, if you will, is all about family. at my house, my grandmother and my mom are always the ones that are inviting everybody into their homes and inviting the family. this is one of my mom's recipes that i'm doing this year. >> we're going to make your mom's carrot cake. the first thing i notice is no mixers involved. >> no mixer, everything by hand, less cleaning. >> and also a different consistency. >> this is kind of a take of fruitcake mixed with a little carrot cake. nobody really likes fruitcake, everybody likes carrot cake. >> so bring it to the middle. what do you have here? >> flour, a little baking powder, baking soda. >> tell me about the spices. >> cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice ground up, toss it in there. super simple. i've got some eggs, some sugar, some oil. you can mix that up. like i said, this is one of the easiest recipes you'll ever
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make. just mix everything together. so we have our dry, our wet. that's the most important part of the recipe really. the rest is just to toss everything in there. >> let's talk about what you're tossing in there because this is where the fruitcake side of this comes. you've got some carrots. >> carrots, pineapple, walnuts, dried cherries and some raisins. basically, like i said, a mix between the both but a mixture that everybody enjoys and actually eats it. >> so we combine these two together. >> combine all of this together until you have a nice, thick, smooth paste. >> couple of eight-inch baking pans with a little parchment paper below. >> i love to do that because it's simple, easy and nice as clean but you can use any kind of pan. whatever you have at home, go ahead and use. >> any carrot cake -- by the way, your maple syrup is really boiling over there. any great carrot cake has to have great icing and you've got a little difference with yours. you start with the basic. >> really really basic, cream
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cheese, sugar, icing sugar, a little bit of orange zest, a little oerrange juice and the mt important par, you've got to try it. >> that's so good. >> you go ahead and get that one and i'll do this. >> and then you're going to stack these. >> i just really -- this is where you like to get the kids involved. in my family all the kids kind of come in and just have a good time. >> it doesn't have to be perfectly neat. >> it's cake, it's christmas, it's all about family and fun. >> talk to me about the sauce here. >> well, basically what i do is to garnish my cake, as you can see it over here, i've got these walnuts. all i've done is heated up some maple syrup. i'm going to toss those in here, stir them up. >> how long do they cook in here? >> this is all about getting them coated until you have no maple syrup in the pan. toss them on there, let them cool down and you have candy
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crystallized maple syrup. >> hi. >> speaking of nuts, look who's come in. >> well, we like to be part of the nut mix. >> exactly. >> i'll have you try one of my traditional french -- this is a staple. if you're a grandmother in quebec, this is what you make. it's kid of like a brown sugar maple syrup fudge. you guys want to try that out. >> well, happy holidays, merry chuckmas. nice to see you. chuck, thank you very much. we'll have more on how to complete your holiday shopping right after your local news.
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good morning. it's 8:56 on this tuesday, december 6th. we have a soggy start to our tuesday. let's check in with meteorologist, tom kierein.
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>> we have had occasional light rain overnight and through the morning hours so far and here comes another batch into virginia, and out of west virginia and into the metro area should be arriving in the hour or so. 57 at reagan national. later today, climbing into the mid-60s by midafternoon with occasional showers. more rain off and on tonight and through the day on wednesday, and getting colder on wednesday night. >>
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good morning. still seeing major delays in our area. the outer loop of the beltway, you are jammed at new hampshire avenue. travel speeds, 19 miles per hour. and here is the view at duke on 395, your travel speed is 14 miles per hour. ♪ [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world...
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♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. we're back with more of "today" on this tuesday morning. it's the 6th day of december, 2011. yeah, it's raining a little here in new york, but it doesn't seem to have put a damper in the mood of the people here on the plaza. stopping by.ways to them for kind of an eclectic crowd, a couple of groucho noses or whatever you call those. i'm matt lauer along with ann curry, al roker and tamron hall who's here. natalie is on assignment. savannah is inside.
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>> coming up, we've got a story about country music star mindy mccready. she is free this morning after appearing in front of a judge on monday after allegedly running off with her 5-year-old son. we'll catch you up on that case. and if you're struggling to lose weight, we all know it's a real battle once you get into the holidays, we'll help you with the help of joy bauer to help you avoid the fat traps. >> what? the fat traps? that looks like a salad. >> i don't know if he's a fat trap but joy bauer has some healthy and filling snack options if you're always on the go or traveling. all that coming up in our diet sos. >> and how would you like some luxury items at 80% off? >> who wouldn't? >> here you go, i've got them in my jacket. jill is back with her popular steals and deals. today she's got some great gift ideas. everything from cute leather clutches, some luxury spa packages and even a deluxe knife set. all discounted.
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i have the knives in my pocket. no, i'm threatening him, not you. >> i'd like to thank everyone for being here. you are the truly committed, i mean truly committed. it has been raining off and on all this morning. so thank you so much for being here. hope all your people see you at home. >> now the rain is picking up. let's go inside. savannah is at the news desk in for natalie. >> hi, guys. in the news today a rare outbreak of sectarian violence this morning in afghanistan. a coordinated stripping of bombings has killed at least 58 people there. twin bombings in kabul ripped through a crowded shiite shrine as worshippers gathered to mark a holy day this morning. and in kandahar, several people were wounded when a motorcycle bomb was detonated. it is a showdown on capitol hill. president obama is calling on republicans to extend the tax cut for another year. the cuts expire at the end of december and if they're not extended, the white house says taxes on the average american family would increase by $1,000. some republicans in congress support that extension, but they
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disagree over how to pay for it. bp has filed court paper that say accuse the company halliburton of destroying evidence after the 2010 oil rig explosion in the gulf of mexico. that raises the stakes in the fight to assign blame and damages for the disaster, which killed 11 people and led to the biggest offshore oil spill in u.s. history. halliburton has told media outlets that those accusations are not true. checks, magazines, even prescription drugs could take longer to reach your mailbox by next spring. the u.s. postal service plans to eliminate more than half of its processing centers and nearly 30,000 jobs. the cuts are part of a $3 billion savings plan to help the postal service avert bankruptcy next year. the future of federal aviation administration chief randy babbitt is uncertain today. the transportation department is deciding how to handle his drunk driving arrest. babbitt was charged with driving while intoxicated this weekend when he was spotted allegedly
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driving on the wrong side of the road in virginia. a former pilot himself, babbitt al aggressively cracked down on pilots flying under the influence. he has been placed on a leave of absence while officials consider his employment status. when asked about the arrest, the white house press secretary said the president reacted, quote, as you might expect. disgraced former illinois governor rod blagojevich heads to a crucial accesentencing hea today. a judge is weighing his punishment after his conviction on 18 counts of corruption. he is accused of trying to sell off president obama's old senate seat. prosecutors will argue for 15 to 20 years of jail time. the judge's final decision is expected on wednesday. even the queen of england is feeling the pinch as the british government institutes austerity measures. the monarch will not see a pay raise until at least 2015 and her funding will now be linked to the profits generated by her estate to take some of the burden off of british taxpayers.
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the queen's pay has fallen steadily since the early '90s when she received about $121 million a year. now she will have to make do with just $47 million. and if you ever doubted that santa claus is real, this might be a video that per swasuades y. some 250 santas went skiing in maine this weekend, zipping down the hills and giving kids and spectators a real thrill. while they're not coming down the chimney, they are still bringing gifts for boys and girls. this annual event helps to provide gifts for local children in need. back to al with a check of the weather. we're looking at some rainm. let's check it out. we're looking at rain along the eastern seaboard. it will turn into snow tonight. and a little on the cooler side. minneapolis, 19 degrees with partly sunny. and beautiful day in miami today.
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partly sunny skies and a high of 80. that's what's going on around the country, and here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, i am meteorologist, tom kierein. it's just past 9:00 on this tuesday morning. we had a couple waves of rain. here comes another one, heading towards the metro area. and then already we have had one-tenth of an inch of rain, and could add more on top of that with the next wave. we are near 60 around the metro area, and today the mid-60s with occasional showers. time for joy's diet sos where we answer your diet questions. the nutritionist joy bauer is here with healthy advice, especially when it comes to now, being motivated during the holidays. good to see you. >> good to see you. congratulations on the book. i want a signed copy. >> it's yours. let's go to our first question. 69, caroline, new windsor, new
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york. what's your question, caroline? >> hi, joy. hi, al. how are you guys doing? >> great. >> great. >> hey, thanks for taking my question. i'm a flight attendant and i work long days and short nights. what are some energizing snacks that i can take with me or pick up at the airport that will keep me awake during the long hauls. >> i travel quite a bit for work, and i am blown away and amazed by how many smart options there are nowadays at the airport, so that's great news. you can always pick up a plain small bag of nuts, nonfat yogurt, any nutrition bar under 200 calories. also i tend to see apples and bananas and oranges at the kiosks and the newsstands. at the cafes take advantage of soup, a hearty vegetable, black bean. starbucks now offers protein-rich smoothies and healthy preportioned snack and meal plates. certainly you can bring any of these very same things from your house, in addition to things
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that you don't find at the airport like a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread or even a big tub of humus and baby carrots. make sure you have a few of those in your bag or your purse before you get on the flight. >> now let's go to jill. she's joining us on the phone from ohio. jill, good morning. what's your question? >> good morning. i started my weight loss journey in october, 2010, and i have lost 104 pounds so far. >> wow! >> since i now wear a size 10 instead of a 22 or 24, i was wondering if you have any tips to help me stay motivated, especially during the holidays, so i continue to lose and reach my goal weight, because i still have 30 pounds more to go. >> go, jill, go! wow! big congratulations. i have a great plan for you. i want you to go and pick up a gorgeous, chic, fitted dress that you're going to plan to wear at a holiday party. the key is to make sure it's a
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holiday party at the end of the month so a new year's eve party or a christmas party, so the excitement of wearing that fitted dress keeps you motivated through the next few weeks. i think another great idea is to try on that dress in front of the mirror every single day to celebrate your new, fabulous body. i mean that is inspiring. and when you hit your goal, i definitely want you to go to the mail bag and send your story. you can do it there or post it on my facebook. we are going to have you on the show to celebrate your wild success and you can wear the dress but you'll have to have it taken in because you have 30 pounds to lose. >> thank you so much. >> our director, joe michaels, is doing the same thing. trying on that dress every day. >> really? our next question, we've got a viewer e-mail -- all right, joy. this one comes from sondra. she writes i have an upcoming holiday party. the hostess is very health conscious. what's a good gift to bring her?
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>> great question and there are so many ideas. first, you can bring an indoor herb garden, which is great for the winter months, a collection of gourmet spices, a fabulous healthy cookbook. if you want something edible and decadent, a box of dark chocolate, great coffee, interesting tea blends. there are so many ideas. seasoned roasted nuts and a great bottle of vino. >> red wine is healthy. >> and it's always a sure thing. i love to get that as a host. >> our last question is a viewer e-mail from alexa in miami, florida. how many calories are there in a cup of eggnog? is there a skinny version i can make at home? >> eggnog is potent. it can have up to 450 calories per measly cup. here's a great slimming strategy. fill your class with 50% skim or fat-free milk or almond milk and
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the rest will bow traditional eggnog and you will substantially cut calories, fat and sugar and you still get to enjoy your seasonal fix. >> what about the rum? >> the rum's another story. a little bit and then you try on the dress. >> joy, thanks so much. >> thanks, al. still to come, country singer mindy mccready has her day in court after allegedly kidnapping her 5-year-old son. we'll have the latest. coming up next, jill's steals and deals. we have exclusive discounts just for you right after these messages. i think we should see other people. in fact, i'm already seeing your best friend, justin. ♪ i would have appreciated a proactive update on the status of our relationship. who do you think i am, tim? quicken loans? at quicken loans, we provide you with proactive updates on the status of your home loan. and our innovative online tools ensure that you're always in the loop. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze.
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yep! (mom) i'm so proud of you. the bus is here, gotta go mom. okay hunny, have a great day. look in your bag, made you something. (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. choosey moms, choose jif. but they should always be comfortable. [ nicole ] how do they feel? [ woman ] they feel wicked good. 'cause it's the wicked good slipper. [ nicole ] my name is nicole waite. i sell wicked good slippers. and the holidays are made here. at l.l.bean. [ female announcer ] new and improved swiffer dusters with dust lock adhesive can clean virtually every surface in your home. ♪ its thousands of fluffy fibers
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pick up dust here, there, pretty much everywhere. and swiffer dusters traps 3 times more dust than a feather duster. and locks it away. ♪ swiffer cleans better or your money back. ♪ get around [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents?
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[ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪
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welcome back to jill's steals and deals, holiday edition where we show you some great products discounted exclusively for "today" viewers. today jill martin is here to get us through these amazing offers. good to see you, good morning. >> good morning. >> i love this. this is like one of my favorite segments of the show. >> i've been getting tweets all morning, when is it coming, when is it coming. log on to right now because we have a ton of products but a limited amount. we've been selling a ton. so go on and we'll link you to the retailer. >> let's jump right in the holiday edition. i love these leather clutches. >> aren't these great? they retail $158, they're genuine leather with 14 karat gold plated hardware. comes in five colors, each with a 14 karat gold plated charm and removable strap so it's great to go from day and night. sold at neiman marcus, the deal, $34. that's 78% off. >> i love it and they're so
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supple, very, very soft. that's a great gift. and if your guy likes a murse, this could be for a guy too. >> the retail for the four candles comes in a set $152. smells great, right? >> yes. >> four large soy candles, holiday inn expired fragrances, four scents per set and they can be four separate hostess gifts. they come in these beautiful boxes so you can wrap them differently for four different parties. the retail $152. the deal, $39.95 for four. that's usually the price for one. you get all of these, that's 74% off. these are going to fly. >> and these are soy, which is a hot trend in candles right now. and oh, cozy up. >> cozy up for the holidays, especially here in new york on this rainy day. the destiny collection blankets, retail $45. these are plush, as you can feel, reversable micromink and sherpa blankets, comes in seven colors and they're all gift
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wrapped already in a bow, just hand it right over. the retail $45, the deal $13. that's 71% off. these will all arrive in time for holidays so i want to make sure everyone knows that. >> all right, june jacobs, huge name in cosmetics and skin care. >> the retail for the set, it comes these three items, $168. the three products. i took this so you could smell in. the pumpkin peeling enzyme mask, which is a facial mask. >> is it edible? >> it smells great. cranberry body balm, the retail $168. the deal $42. 75% off. >> okay. i already see burning the candle, wrapping in this wrap and putting your mask on. >> and then cooking a fabulous meal, which is where i am taken out of the equation but i know a lot of people do like to cook. this is the miracle blade world class knife set. the retail $140.
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comes with an 18-piece set, including eight steak knives and two all purpose slicers. it's stainless steel and have revolutionary new contoured handles for optimal comfort and safety. the retail, $140. the deal, $29.95. >> wow! >> i heard oh! i love that. >> you can just have it for display in your home. >> that's 79% off. >> are you afraid? i was just showing her. that's how you can tell good knives. i'm going to be careful, mark says be careful because he knows i don't know my way around the kitchen. >> all right, jill, perfect stuff. we have the destiny collection blanket, the spa collection and the knives. head to for the coupon code for all of these great holiday products. if you have any questions, you
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can tweet jill at today show and use the hash tag steals and deals. coming up how to avoid the fat trap for holiday parties. we've got healthy advice to keep your diet on track. first, these messages. oh, that's me cooking. that's me. what's this? it's progresso's new loaded potato with bacon.
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it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson.
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laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like a -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. ♪ i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done. there's a three-prong plug. i have club passes. [ male announcer ] now there's a mileage card that offers special perks on united, like a free checked bag, united club passes, and priority boarding. okay. what's your secret? [ male announcer ] the new united mileage plus explorer card. get it, and you're in.
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our toy drive staff has been quite busy shipping out toys every day to hundreds of charities all over the united states. this morning donations are on their way to disabled and homeless children in new york and kentucky. >> all right. and helping us out today is a long-time partner of ours, rachel, the director of marketing and sidney, doing all the muscle work today. >> i gave her the heavy books this year. >> tell us about your donation this year. >> this year we're thrilled to announce that we're donating $1 million of children's books to the "today" show drive. we couldn't be happier to do it. we know people are struggling. our books are gorgeous and kids love them. >> what's some of your favorites this year? >> i'm going to be giving animal, people who are nuts about monkeys so there's a perfect book. >> sidney, what's your favorite book this year? >> i like this book.
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>> the lego ideas book. >> yeah. >> very nice. >> rachel, it goes without saying but why are books so important to give to kids? >> i think it's all about feeding curiosity for children. they open a book, flip around, they can learn about monkeys or legos or star wars. >> rachel, thank you so much. sidney, good job. thank you so much. happy holidays for you. >> thank you. >> don't forget you can donate online as well, just go to first your local news and weather. [ male announcer ] does your prescription medication give you the burden of constipation?
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turn to senokot-s tablets. senokot-s has a natural vegetable laxative ingredient plus the comfort of a stool softener for gentle, overnight relief of occasional constipation. go to for savings. [ female announcer ] kleenex brand tissues are america's softest... no wonder people want to share them on and on. send a kleenex brand share package for free today at and start your own chain of sharing.
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in return, you'll receive a sample of new kleenex cool touch tissues... the only tissue that actively releases a cool sensation to soothe a sore nose on contact. kleenex. softness worth sharing. hi,everybody. it's 9:26 on this tuesday, december 6th. let's go straight to storm 4 meteorologist, tom kierein. it's a very gloomy day out there, tom. >> we have an area of rain come into the metro area out of virginia, and we will get a little more rain later today from time to time. and right now, it's mild. we're in the upper 50s to around 60 degrees throughout much of the region, and we will have a
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mild afternoon with occasional showers with highs in the 50s. thank
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still seeing big delays in our area. 66 east inside the beltway, pretty slow. about 30 miles per hour. to get from the beltway to gw parkway, that trip takes 20 minutes. 395 is actually not well at all. if you are traveling northbound on 395, your delays start at the beltway. travel speed in this area, 16.
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and that trip will take you 39 minutes. i-270, looking better at father hurley, and not seeing problems as you travel south towards the spur. johnson has been accused of taking
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do you work here? >> no. i work for a courier service. i've been delivering packages to you for about, i don't know, a year now. but i think this is maybe the first time you've ever looked me in the eye. how are you doing? >> sorry. actually, an old resolution, make more eye contact. >> that's michelle fiver and zac efron. the pair will be here to tell us all about it tomorrow on "today." coming up in this half hour with the holiday eating season in full swing, let's just call
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it what it is, we'll help you avoid the fat traps with some healthy go-to meal plans and snacks that will give you energy and keep you full if you're on the go. also ahead, the latest on country singer mindy mccready. she walked out of court a free woman monday, even thanking the judge after allegedly kidnapping her son. what's next in this case? we'll have the latest in a live report. and then in today's holiday kitchen, a latin touch to your holiday desserts with mexican chef patty ginich and her home made cookie recipe. >> we're going to find out what's so funny. do you think you can do the weather? okay, you can do it. al, how about a check of the weather. >> let's check it for you. see, you're laughing. today we've got wet weather up and down the east coast, rain down to the gulf. beautiful out in the pacific northwest. a little on the cool side. winds die down in southern california. tomorrow sunny, cool out west, clouds move into the pacific northwest. showers continue along the
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eastern seaboard. northern new england looking at looking at snow and frigid conditions in the plains. that's what's going on around the country, and here's what's going on in your neck of the woods. >> we have rain, occasional rain. we have had it since last night and through the morning hours and it will continue through the afternoon. we do have this rain system moving crossing the potomac and move into maryland in the next hour or so. mid-and upper 50s, and an occasional rain int >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al, thank you. now let's say hello to sunny st. clair, the latest contestant to have the scales tip against her on "the biggest loser." good morning. you look beautiful. >> thank you. >> and i love you have the belt on to accentuate the fact that you have a great waistline. >> thank you so much. >> you were around 277, i worked
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76 pounds. you were close to being in the 100s when you left the show. where are you now? >> i'm at 176. >> you look amazing. that last show when you fell off the show, your face looked like you were in shock because here you had worked out so hard and then the scale said you had only lost one pound. were you like come on? >> i know, i was in shock. i was at a loss for words, which doesn't happen often. but, yeah, i was shocked. i was hoping to get into the 100s and i knew that was going to be the week. when i lost only a pound, i was kind of bummed and i was concerned that i would probably get voted off. >> now you're back home, back to work and for everybody that's really a tough spot. how are you doing now that you're back? >> well, it's tough. it's not easy. i work full time, i'm a fifth grade teacher. and i go to boot camps in the morning and then work all day and then go to the gym and work with my trainer and then off to the tennis courts with my tennis trainer so it's a long day. there are mornings when i want to cry when the alarm goes off at 4:30 but it's all worth it.
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>> enjoy the club. >> you are so dedicated and it's paying off. i know those kids are just so supportive. >> they are, they're thrilled. they can't wait to talk on wednesday morning after the show. >> the proof is right there, you look fantastic. congratulations. "the biggest loser" airs tonight at 8:00, 7:00 central on nbc. coming up next, healthy meals for this holiday season right after this.
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[ snoring ] [ thunder crashes ] [ snoring ] [ thunder crashes ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold... medicine. olive garden's new chicken & potato florentine soup made from scratch daily with roasted chicken. it's part of our $6.95 unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks lunch. and it's only here for a limited time. chase freedom gives you 1% cash back. and the largest cash back card only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year. but you know, it's your choice, so... don't' get short changed. get your cash back.
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chase freedom. they're for keeping us together. ♪ [ boy ] to dad, love sam. [ mom ] say "merry christmas." [ boy ] merry christmas. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. [ boy ] charlie brown spotted a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪ time to deploy the chex mix boring potato chip decoy bag. now no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix
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is a bag of interesting. this morning on "today's health" avoiding fat traps. as the holiday season gears into
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overdrive, it's easy for your health to take a back seat but there are healthy food choices so you don't ruin your diet. carrie glassman is a contributor to women's health magazine. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you are here to tell us just because we're traveling and in the holiday season we don't need to give up our diet. >> people treat traveling like they do a holiday diet. they throw in the towel and the truth is even gas stations these days have hard boiled eggs. >> which is a better option. let's get to it. we'll start with breakfast. you say watch out for the yogurt and granola which looks like a healthy option. >> the granola, those fiber muffins often are loaded with sugar and calories. they're not going to keep us satisfied. go for that protein breakfast. numerous studies have shown that protein at breakfast will help reduce our cravings later in the day and keep us more satisfied. >> so a ham and egg sandwich. >> that egg and you want to get the yolk, which has a little fat which will help us stay fuller
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longer and contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals which is important for brain health. the ham is less calories than the sausage or the bacon, but make sure you have it on the toast or the english muffin. you don't want to have it on the bagel or the croissant because that will add tons of calories. >> you say a breakfast burrito can be a good option. >> if it's the size of your iphone it could be a great option because it has protein and carbohydrates and can even have vegetables in there. top it off with some hot sauce. the hot sauce will have red peppers and may help you burn some calories. but if it's loaded or cheesy, that's just a whole lot of calories. >> and on that note, smoothies. they're good for you unless they're made of ice cream. >> of course. and smoothies can be loaded in calories. however, liquid calories from smoothies do help satisfy hunger, unlike liquid calories from other beverages.
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the key, though shall is to order a small one and make sure it's not a beverage with your meal and make sure it's mostly yogurt, and a little added fruit, no syrups or added sugars. >> let's do lunch and you say avoid the premade salad. >> if you see a premade salad with a little bacon and cheese it will probably be the same calories as a bacon cheeseburger. go for something like a black bean soup. there's fine e fiber and protei also loaded with antioxidants. if you're traveling, about to get on the plane, you want to keep your immune system up. >> vegetarian wrap also a good option, but not with cheese. >> get rid of the cheese. 82% of the airports have a vegetarian option. vegetables are loaded with fiber and water. water is critical for staying hydrated. when you're dehydrated on the plane, you've at risk for colds. >> i know you like sushi rolls.
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>> it's a clean option if you don't go for the crispy sushi and add avocado in there for the healthy fat and the fiber. it also has b-6 which helps produce serotonin to keep you calm on the plane. >> kip the protein bar, low fat yogurt. >> portion control and banana, tried and true. also has magnesium which is important so we don't get too tired. >> and nuts. everyone loves nuts but they're very high in fat. >> in portion control, though, they're very satisfying. a little bit of nuts can help save us calories later on. pack your snacks like you do your toilet res. you've got to remember to pack them. >> and unsalted? >> if that keeps you away from the candy bar, you don't want to eat the candy bar, save the calories for grandma's pie. >> makes sense. thanks so much. coming up next, country singer mindy mccready walks free from an arkansas courtroom after allegedly kidnapping her son. we'll have the latest right after this. [ female announcer ] you call that bread?
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in 15 minutes, you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy. you could spend as much as $200. olay says challenge that with an instrument that cleanses as effectively as what's sold by skin professionals for a whole lot less. new olay pro x advanced cleaning system. cool! get 5% cash back...
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at department stores now high five!! alright! activate your 5% cash back at
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36-year-old country singer mindy mccready is free this morning after allegedly taking off with her 5-year-old son, which sparked a nationwide manhunt. kerry sanders joins us from north ft. myers, florida, with more. kerry, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning. mindy's son had lived here at his grand mother's house, his legal guardian, since he was a baby. this morning sources close to the investigation tell nbc news that he is in foster care in arkansas. u.s. marshals found mindy and her son, 5-year-old zander, hiding in a closet. but this morning, mindy is free and has not been charged with kidnapping. like the country song she sings, mindy mccready's story of heart
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ache has taken a happy turn. >> i can't talk about it, but i tell you all i'm a happy girl. >> reporter: mindy, who says she's seven months pregnant with twins, did little to explain why she's smiling, but she praised the arkansas judge whose court was closed to the public and who issued a gag order preventing any explanations of why she was set free. >> i love judge harrod, i'll tell you that. >> reporter: u.s. marshals found mindy and her son zander hiding in the closet of an arkansas cabin on friday night. she had been on the lam after allegedly kidnapping her son from her grandfather's home in florida. for now mindy will not face any kidnapping charges, which has mindy's mother thankful but confused. >> i'm going to love you no matter what. i'm your mom and there's nothing you can ever do to keep me from loving you. >> reporter: but in a sworn affidavit obtained by nbc news, mindy mother's caring words are questioned by none other than her mother, joan stancel.
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mindy's grandmother alleges she holds cultish beliefs as treasures of the snow religion and that zander would be hit with a wooden spoon for punishment, to the point she claims i was so worried he would break his bones. guardians gayle and michael inge tell nbc news they are both ministers but have gone into no greater detail. they deny all allegations of abuse and say state social work visited their home regularly and found no reason to remove zander. mindy, whose singing career has been on the skids, was featured on the tv program "celebrity rehab 3" for everyone to see as she battled her demons. a pill addiction and several attempts to commit suicide. mindy lost control of her son when he was only a baby. and now experts say this custody fight is especially hard on a 5-year-old. >> that is a trauma that is going to take a very, very long
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time, if ever, for him to work through. i can tell you now that he's going to need a lot of long-term therapy. >> reporter: it is unclear if 5-year-old zander will be returned to the home here that he has always known. meantime, the federal authorities here, the fbi and the u.s. marshals service say while there could be federal charges, for the moment they're deferring to the states, that's arkansas and here in florida, and letting the officials there handle this situation. >> all right, kerry, thank you very much. up next, spicing up your holiday cookies with some mexican flavor. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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"today's holiday kitchen" is brought to you by hershey's kisses, delightfully delicious, one-of-a-kind kisses. and this morning in "today's holiday kitchen" cooking with a
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little latin spice. pati jinich is here with a mexican tradition. >> good to be here. >> these are cookies with a little more flavor than folks are used to. >> they are. these are mexican traditional cookies. they are called piggies. >> piggies? all right. now, we're starting off, this is called a piloncito? >> yes. it's also called panela but you can substitute it for dark brown sugar. it's the main flavoring. >> it's a cone of sugar. >> you grate it or chop it and put it in the saucepan. >> i like an enchanting cookie. >> you're going to see. but you only need a sauce pan and a mixing bowl. we have the -- it's melted and a
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bite of cinnamon. you can help me add the butter. >> this is a decent amount of butter in here. >> of course. >> of course. >> and you're going to see after we mix these, so you only need the saucepan. you're going to mix these, it's going to melt and then we pour it onto the dry ingredients. >> what's this here? >> this is honey. it's two kinds of sweet. you have the charming sweetness with the raw, unprocessed cane sugar and the honey and it goes with flour, baking powder, baking soda, a little bit of salt and then -- perfect. and then -- >> egg? >> and two eggs. and we're going to end up -- >> it's kind of a gooey dough, isn't it? >> it is the gooeyest, messiest, stickiest dough. >> wow, that's fantastic. >> but that is what you want. >> how do you work with it? >> i have a hard time when i make it at home, i have a hard time keeping my kids out of the
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mixing bowl and eating the dough. >> that must get messy. >> it's lovely. >> so do you refrigerate it? >> you refrigerator it. so see, gooey. it would be perfect for ice cream. and then after you refrigerate it for just like a half hour to an hour, it's perfectly rollable and -- >> why pigs? >> because these are pigs in mexico. you know, it's pigs, abundance at the table. so we have the little piggy, the large piggy. >> and you put them on the baking sheet? >> and then you put them on the baking sheet and you brush them with the eggs. >> a little egg wash? >> a little egg wash. >> how long do you bake them for? >> in 375, anywhere from 7 to 9 minutes, just until they're fluffy and puffy. >> fluffy and puffy. sounds like my lawyers.
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let's come back here. now what are we take making back here? >> that cookie is fluffy and puffy like bread-like. this one is crisp. so these are anise seed ropes. so it's very easy to make also in a mixing bowl or food processor. you make little balls like these. once you have a ball, you make little ropes just like these and then you stick the end -- you give them a little twist. it smells like christmas. >> it does. and they come here and end up looking like this? >> exactly. >> and you've got these scribble cookies? >> these are really fun to do with the kids. you can scribble anything you want on them. there's one that we made -- >> can we try them? >> of course. >> they're show cookie. show they're good. >> one for dough, and two for show. >> that's fantastic. pati, thank you so much in
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blinging a little christmas to our home. very nice. what have we got coming up? >> i'll tell you. >> this happened yesterday. >> one of our own is with the rockettes and then the ten secrets of happy women. i think this may be one of them. >> yes. >> first your local news and weather. >> nicely done. >> have a great day, everybody. [ female announcer ] more people are using wireless devices...
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in more ways than ever. and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress frees up more wireless spectrum... we can empower more people to innovate... putting momentum behind our economy. and we can reduce the deficit... with more than thirty billion dollars paid by america's wireless companies. it's simple -- more spectrum means more freedom. for everyone.
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the following developing story at 9:57. right now jack johnson is in court for his sentencing hearing. he is guilty of taking bribes for favorable treatment. he faces up to 14 years in
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prison. as soon as we find out the sentence we will let you know on nbc 4. there's rain falling out there, tom. >> we have had it off and on since late last night. right now, radar is showing another batch of rain come into the metro area out of virginia heading northeast, and we will have this with us for another couple of hours and then more on the way later, temperatures in the upper 50s, and then we will have more showers off and on tonight and into wednesday. the precipitation might end wednesday night, as a period of wet snow. it might accumulate a little on grassy areas north and west on i-95. don't forget, we have a crew at the courtho
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state farm. this is jessica. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes
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to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. captions paid for by nbc-universal television it's kind of a dreary booze day tuesday. so glad you're here with us today. it's december 6th. ♪ haul out the holly >> who is that? >> i can't imagine. it's a cd i did a long time ago with kids called broadway kids. i don't know if i'll still
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available. that is the song from "mame." >>. ♪ we snead a little christmas right this very minute ♪ >> the great jerry herman. he wrote so many great shows. "mame." "hello dolly." >> don't try to quiz me. i don't know how to dress because it is december whatever day. >> 6th, it's booze day tuesday, december 6th. >> i'm dressing for december even though it's 60 degrees outside. i still have a scarf on. >> you always do. >> i'm always cold. it's weird. it does feel like springtime. >> it's rainy. you're very big, do you know how big you are? >> no, no, no. >> you are so big that you are featured in "good housekeeping" magazine. there is amy grant. wish them a happy merry christmas. inside there is a little article featuring our hodi. >> isn't that funny i'm in "good
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housekeeping." i don't know how to cook or clean. >> i'm wrapping gifts for family and friends, not for me, and roams of paper everywhere. i sit in my sweats and crank up donny hathaway's." >> i love this song. ♪ a very special christmas >> i do love that song. most of what i said is true. >> i have a little champagne. a little? then i turn something tedious into a great moment. >> sounds like i'm a drunk sitting around wrapping presents. >> i'm going to give you a test today to see if you have the good housekeeping seal of approval. let's find out how many of these items you actually know. >> that's rude. what is that? crock pot. >> no. that is heavy. what is this? >> that is a spatula. >> thank you. >> specifically for?
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>> pancakes. >> fish. >> come on. >> what's this? >> to get the big chunks out of the soup. >> no. that is for pasta. >> exactly what i said. >> what is this, hodi? >> that's to baste the turkey. >> all right. one. good girl. >> don't try to mess with me. >> what's this? >> an ice cream scooper. i didn't see it. it's a lemon squeezer. >> you get half for that. >> i get a whole. >> what is this? >> nobody knows what that is. there is nobody in this room except al roker who knows what this is. >> al is coming up on our show later. >> i have no idea. >> it's a pot scraper. >> nobody uses that. >> nobody uses that. >> you know what al, you just sit there and be quiet. >> no one uses that. you go in with the brillo pad and elbow grease. >> no. what is this? pat, no cheating.
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>> i don't know. i wouldn't want it near me. >> wasn't that you pat? >> what is it? >> a cake tester. >> tooth pick. >> that's enough out of you, al. you'll get your three minutes in a minute. >> you have too many rich people shopping. >> what is this? >> that is a melon baller. >> that would be a baby. this is -- no it's not, al roker. it's a tomato corer. >> nobody cores tomatoes. nobody cores tomatoes. it can core a apple. >> if jerry says it's true, it's true. >> i'm sure it's true, nobody uses it. >> that's enough out of you. >> you failed. >> i did fail. that's not surprising. >> thanks, jer. >> there's always -- when you're in positions like this, there is always someone younger just coming up who wants your job.
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>> they can smell it. you can smell the ambition on them. >> nowhere was it more evidenth joanne's piece today. >> i go to cereal and toast and fruit and cookies and everything. it makes me feel good. that's the best reason. that's what i say every time in the morning. >> she talks the whole time and i don't say anything? perfect. >> how cute are they. >> stop it. >> i will tell kathie and hoda that you both fought over who wanted to be older. they are going to love that. >> anyway on this show today, we are going to -- our next thing -- >> it's just like our show. they are so cute. by the way, there is a photographer who takes young
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kids and she takes young kids and they are between ages 3 and 6 to recreate basic hollywood iconic things. they did matt. how cute is that? here is ann curry. with arms folded. check out al roker. come on. al looking good. there is nat mo. so cute. savannah. >> savannah's is almost uncanny. >> that was fun. 82 kids showed up. it was a cool thing. there's us. >> that's sad. got milk? got wine? thank you very, very much. that was fun. do you know how tough times are? so tough kwqueen elizabeth got pay cut. now her salary has been frozen. up through 2015. the woman is going to have to survive on $50 million a year. i don't know how she is going to
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do it. >> what does she spend money on? >> presents? i don't know. i always wanted to know what she has in her purse. she doesn't need keys. glasses. >> apparently she's been walking around buckingham palace turning off lights to save a little energy. turning down the heat some make it a little bit, yep, and doing without staff as much as she can. >> okay. okay. the people who mess with the heat, here's the thing. i have a few things i love. i love a warm apartment, warm apartment, warm house. i like the heat. >> i know you do. jay doesn't. >> i know, but he does what i do. that's love. >> it's love on his part. it's not love on your part. >> exactly.
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anyway, i had a teacher when i was a kid who made the room so freezing cold, he would open the windows, it was snowing. >> i love that. >> he said i want you alert and awake. people had their coats on. >> i love it. i love it. >> you do? >> yeah. opened all year round. would you ever get a lobe job? >> lobe, lobe, l-o-b-e. there is a lot of plastic surgery out there when you have sagging ear lobes. they have it. it's a real surgery. they stitch it so it's not hanging because your ears continue to grow until you're 90. al, they'll be down to your knees. >> you're talking about ears. >> your ears and nose continue to grow. and the hair in them. >> wow. >> you can have your ear lobe trimmed and reattached in a mere 45 minutes. some doctors just inject fat or
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filler into the lobe. >> just another thing, an ear lobe problem. that is ridiculous. i'm sensitive about mine because they do hang low. they do. you wear hook earrings. did you notice? that is so bad. >> if you wear the heavy ones. >> you always buy light. we want to give a shout out to our friend melissa. they had the billboard women in music awards. she was honored. she is our senior producer on this show. along with bill wordy who was there, too. also taylor swift and niki minag. >> this is second year in a row for melissa. >> she is kind of a hot shot. >> al roker, we can't get rid of him. might as well bring him out here. >> we'll sell some books. >> he'll tell us about it. sara will kick it up a notch alongside the radio city rockettes.
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[ female announcer ] the humana walmart-preferred rx plan gives you the lowest an premium in the country... so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. ♪ vegetables picked at their peak ♪ ♪ so fresh my knees grow weak [ male announcer ] new hearty bertolli meal soup for two, with crisp vegetables and tender chicken. [ chef ] ♪ fresh tasting restaurant style ♪ ♪ bertolli soup's in the freezer aisle ♪
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pillsbury holiday star cookies start with pillsbury cookie dough easy. then add my own favorite frosting and sprinkles. just three ingredients to sweet memories. holiday ideas made easy. 102? [ dog whimpers ] 102? no! [ female announcer ] try triaminic fever reducer. with medicine that starts to reduce your child's fever in 30 minutes, triaminic will have them up and running before you know it. [ barks ] but they should always be comfortable. [ nicole ] how do they feel? [ woman ] they feel wicked good. 'cause it's the wicked good slipper. [ nicole ] my name is nicole waite. i sell wicked good slippers. and the holidays are made here. at l.l.bean.
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♪ and the holidays are made here. [ horse neighs ] you're leaving. it is my destiny. ♪ take this. it is a piece of me. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's movie time. with a wii twist. netflix now delivers unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through wii and nintendo 3ds. all for only 8 bucks a month. seriously, what is it?
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if you know al roker like we do, you know he isn't just smart, funny and good looking, but he's also a great story teller. >> he has been illustrating that with his detective series. it is called "the talk show murders." >> i'm not sure how we feel about that title, but the stories are really good. >> he brings back billy blessings and the third installment of the mysteries. >> i liked the advice you gave me. say there's porn in there. >> all the pictures, we can't show you the pictures. we invite you to get the book and look at them. >> you get to know al. >> so wrong. >> the kits keep comeing with this book. what made you start of 0 in the myste mystery genre? >> my mom loved mystery novels.
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i got teamed up with dick latke and he helped me with the plot. i came up with the idea and we were off to the races. >> how does that actually work? i collaborate on a lot of projects and we have our way. do you get the idea, the basic story? the story? >> yeah. he helps me get from point a to point b. we e-mail back and forth. i wrote this book on my ipad. >> oh, my gosh. >> i did it on planes, trains and automobiles. >> if you didn't read any of the earlier ones and you pick up this one will you be lost? >> no billy blessings happens to be a successful new york restaurateur. he is a co-host of "wake up america." >> he has a lot in common with you. >> he happens to be a very attractive african-american man. his morning show goes out to
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chicago for a week of remotes. he's on a local talk show to promote it and somebody ends up toe's up. >> you go to different cities. what city is neck so you can write off the research? >> you've obviously been there. >> the next one will be set in paris in spring. >> in the next genre, i want to go to cable news. there are any number of cable news hosts i want to kill off. >> your books aren't graphic, gross murder miseries, they're different. >> it's like i feel about the movies. i don't want to feel worse coming out of a movie than when i went in. if people are going to plunk down hard, cold cash, i want them to feel fun. kind of like the "murder she wrote" mysteries. i love harlan cobin. >> many of them gave you raves. how much did you pay them? >> i promised them lunch with you. >> that's going to happen.
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great praise. >> i was very thrilled. harlan cobin, janet levonovich. it's been gratifying. i wish my mom were alive to see this. >> your life is so packed. you've got your family. you take trips with them. you have "wake up with al" and your production company and books. people want to know how you juggle it. i'm often amazed you come in happy. >> nobody wants to see the surly weatherman. what are you looking at? here's your forecast. oh, yeah? it doesn't work. we're going live! >> we've never seen you like that. >> right around 10:05 after you go on, that's when i let loose. everybody, if you've got kids, especially school age kids and you're a two-income family, everybody is juggling. we are very blessed, deborah and i. we have a terrific caregiver.
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i have family who helps out. i don't want to complain. everybody is stressed. everybody has stuff going on. >> in fact, you're going to go out and do the rose bowl parade. >> doing the rose parade again. i hosted the thanksgiving day parade longer than anybody and done the tree lighting longer than anybody and done the most number of rose parades. i am mr. holiday. >> you're the new regis. >> does that mean i'm leaving? >> i hear you have a long-term contract. >> i'm not going anywhere. >> we love you, al. buy al roker's book for the pictures. >> i thought you were saying bye, al roker. >> don't let the door hit you. up next becoming a radio city rockette. hey guys, what can i get for you?
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i'd like a decaf 360 calories please. i'll have a triple iced 410 calories please. you know what... i'll have this instead. [ female announcer ] swap one thing a day for a yoplait light at around 100 calories. it will add up to amazing. o0 ♪ i'll stop ♪the ♪world and melt with you ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world ♪ ♪ i will stop the world ♪ ♪ you've seen the difference ♪ ♪ and it's getting better all the time ♪ ♪ i will stop the world ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world, i'll melt with you ♪ [ mom ] my husband -- he thinks it's a 3-sheeter. i say 1-sheeter. [ female announcer ] in this lab demo, 1 sheet of bounty leaves this surface as clean as 2 sheets of the bargain brand. super absorbent. super clean. bounty.
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nyqui tylenol: me, too. and cougnasal congestion.ers? nyquil:what? tissue box (whispering): he said nasal congestion... nyquil: i heard him. anncr vo: tylenol cold multi-symptom nighttime relieves nasal congestion... nyquil cold & flu doesn't. when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks.
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campbell's chunky. it's amazing what soup can do.
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it's time for sara in the city where her curiosity leads her out of the office into the big city. >> you did not have to go very far. >> not at all. i didn't have to go outside. this took me underground and next door to radio city music hall where you could say i had a spectacular time. i'm here at radio city music hall where i'm going behind the scenes with the rockettes. for nearly 80 years this precision dance troupe has been kicking their heels up with style and glamor. >> welcome to radio city. >> we are heading into the large
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rehearsal hall. we have up to five shows a day. >> tell me how cool it is when someone asks you what you do and you're like, i'm a rockette. >> it's amazing. >> how much dance experience do you need? i'm not a bad dancer, but i haven't danced much either. >> you need to be precision in jazz, tap and ballet. we need ladies over 18 and height 5'6" to 5'7". >> unlike some dancing when you have choreography, you have to have it town to a head pop. >> absolutely. >> what is a bevel? >> i'm going to teach you. >> where do we start? i clearly know how to line up. >> one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and -- ♪ let christmas shine
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>> i was a soloist for a second. >> you guys are so glamorous and you always look so put together. >> we do our own hair and make-up individually. it takes us about six minutes to do our make-up and four minutes to do a twist. >> i think i take the longest twisting my hair to get ready. probably like 20 minutes. just hair for me. i take a long time. >> she sounds like hoda. >> i remember you when you were a little girl. all you wanted was a little toy
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microphone. >> i did. >> you would stand in the mirror going, good morning, how are you? >> do you love working with the rockettes? >> i love working with the rockettes. >> do they ever make you do kicks? >> yes, they do. as i like to say at the north pole, real men don't bevel. >> he knew the bevel. look, he's beveling. merry christmas, santa. >> merry christmas to you. have a wonderful, wonderful year. thank you so much for coming to see me. merry christmas to all my friends out there. >> bevel one more time, santa. >> only for you. >> that's just wrong on every level. >> that was the one word i didn't know and he knows the bevel. >> he's been there forever and ever. >> in this show they change it up every year so it's always different. when you go you think i'm going to see the same show, but you don't. >> they keep that traditional ending. >> they combine the iconic
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things you look for with new things. >> you really kicked it. >> they didn't do their high kick. they did their little kick. >> you were terrific. >> still to come, how to change your attitude by dinnertime. the secrets of happy women. >> do you know any? >> saving money and having fun. [ snoring ] [ thunder crashes ] [ snoring ] [ thunder crashes ] [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold... medicine. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] vicks dayquil. defeats 5 cold & flu symptoms. ♪ ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit
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plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. [ female announcer ] let betty crocker do the measuring and get a head start on delicious homemade cookies. ♪ just pour,
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and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v.
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fios. a network ahead.
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we are back on this booze day tuesday with "today's woman" and the secret to becoming that happy person you want to be. >> getting there is easier said than done. the folks at "prevention" magazine came up with ten secrets of happy women, sure-fire strategy to discover pleasure and satisfaction even when life is not going your way. >> diane and r.j. allen is a
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relationship expert and therapist at drexler university in pennsylvania. welcome, ladies. >> thank you. >> so good to see you. you look so happy. >> we are happy, too. you're not talking about happy all the time. >> no, no. in fact, you can learn to be happier though. one of the first things we say at "prevention" is don't rain on your own parade. think of happiness as a flickering candle. you can't be hovering over it with your worries, i don't deserve this, i can't afford this. you know how people wallow in misery, we need to wallow in happiness. the good thing about that, it's all natural and there are no side effects. that's why "prevention" loves it. >> aren't some people hard-wired as pessimists and optimists. >> there are these glass half empty people. reality is if they are going to be happier, they have to work at it and they are going to have to work at it hard, versus those persons who are glass half full
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people. they don't have to work so hard. ultimately, we want to hang out with people bringing the sunshine, share that experience. >> don't you attract what's within you? often you find out you attract people like you. >> yes. that is a perfect point. you can share happiness. it's something we at "prevention" call relive and repeat. if you're anticipating something that's happy that happened to you, you taught the dog a good trick, tell everyone who is not nailed down. >> bore them to death. >> it's the upside of social media post it on facebook and tweet about it. this is what i call a happiness echo. >> you're saying happiness is a choice we make, as well? >> and it's can toontagious. >> some people down play all their accomplishments. i have friends that way. some people talk endlessly about their accomplishments. >> women in general have a hard time owning their own accomplishments. we at "prevention" like to
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encourage women to say put on that metaphorical pin. that awareness will make that moment of happiness echo longer. >> affirm yourself then affirm others. relationships are really important. the bottom line is that when we are experiencing this good feeling, we want to share it and hold on to it. it won't be long before something happens that puts us in a bad mood. >> it's called life. >> some people are going through things. i've been at situation where you're going through something crummy and people are like a great thing happened to me. you have to leave room a little bit. >> if you have social intelligence, you'll know when you step over the line. >> they really don't. >> what is comparing yourself downward thing? >> i love this. it's like sweet lemons. there is a hurricane, tree falls on your garage. instead of saying a tree fell on my garage you say thank god the brand-new car wasn't in there, thank god i wasn't in there.
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>> the reality is it's at the holiday time. sometimes people don't have it as good as you have it. feeding the homeless. >> all year round. >> allows you to know how good you have it. you have people that care and love you. >> reach out. you say lose yourself in something. fall in love with something. >> a passion for something. >> we've seen a bunch of guys watching football on a sunday. you could drop a grenade in their lap and they would not know. >> they're happy. >> women need to get into the state of flow. whatever your choice is, whether it's gardening, pottery, painting the deck, have that moment of flow. it is a kind of happiness where time stands still. that has benefits psychological and physical. >> happier people have fewer illnesses and there's less stress. >> 7 1/2 years longer. that's not insignificant. you'll be happier during those 7 1/2 years. >> and there are a lot of studies that say people who have personal faith of some sort are
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happier people in general. >> sure. >> also a sense of meaning. their life is bigger than just what happens to me. >> mind, body and spirit is all connected. we've got to be physically fit and mentally fit and spiritually fit. deck your halls with do-it-yourself wreaths. i'm good about washing my face.
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but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] from neutrogena® naturals. we've done a good job caring for our mouths. that's why there's a rinse like crest pro-health multi-protection. it helps you get a better dental check-up. so be ready for your next dental check-up. try any crest pro-health rinse.
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prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made? [ '80s dance music plays ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. they won't be beat. oh, actually... then i'd be like, you rule! and my kids would be like, you rule! oh, load up the sleigh; this is going to be a great christmas. [ male announcer ] more christmas for your money, guaranteed.
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we are counting down to the holidays with a do-the-yourself holiday decorating projects. recreating items to make extraordinary wreaths. >> annette joseph is here with us. >> i love this little dress. it's anthropolagie.
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>> this could have come off either of our doors. >> it's just a one month's supply, i'm kidding. >> that is about a week. >> did you glue them on there? >> i take ordinary corks. this is something you can buy online. they are inexpensive. there are about 200 corks, but at 20 cents a pop that's not too bad. and a wreath form and hot glue gun. >> what is more festive than that. >> what is above the fireplace here? >> this is a fresh wreath, fresh carnations. i know you know what oasis is. it's that green foam you soak and put fresh flowers in it. >> that would last about how long? >> this could be up five days. if you take it off before your guests come, put it in the garage where it's cool and bring it back, you could do seven
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days. carnations last forever. >> i love them when they are all together like that. >> it's a very affordable flower and it's beautiful. >> we are going to make a wreath? >> we are. we are going to do diy projects. these are all the tools you need. you need a hot glue gun which everyone should have. floral wire, nippers, pins and scissors. these are the elements. we have three different wreaths. the first one is my favorite because it is repurposed wool sweater. i have instructions to all this on my website. you take a wool sweater from goodwill or something that shrunk and put it in hot water and put it in the dryer. >> now give it to a little kid. that would make too much sense or chop it up and make a wreath. >> feel it, it's a softer and weirder feeling. you wouldn't put that on your
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kid, maybe not even your dog. then you cut strips out of it like this. you cut up your sweater so it looks like this when you're done with it. >> you could put that on your doggy. >> you could. >> you cut these strips with the scissors. you start tying it around. it looks like this when you're finished. >> that is very cute. >> and it's a repurposed project and costs nothing. this is something great to do with your kids. >> smart idea. >> my next project is not for your kids. you can supervise kids that are good with hot glue. hot glue is very hot and you will burn yourself. >> heard that. >> i sense tension between the two of you. a little bit of tension. >> we had a moment before. >> these two almost came to blows before the show. i'll tell you about it. >> this is our wreath. it's a bark wreath. you can buy the set of floral
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supply, buy it at a michael's, buy it online. it's the bark. >> you buy bark. can you collect it? >> you're soaking it so it becomes pliable. then you take it out of the water and let it dry with the rubber band on it, then you have these really niece curley cues. see how hot it is? it's steamy. i hope i burn myself on national tv that, would be awesome. then lay it on there. >> at the end? >> paper, wimsy press papers. you make these little cones and have this beautiful cone wreath. very simple. don't put it outside. but it is a fantastic easy project to do with kids. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. still up there heating up our kitchen.
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sally, you don't need toys when you have... ♪ imagination ♪ imagination ♪ imagination ♪ helps you see the world in different ways ♪ yay! yay! ♪ this is a pony ♪ and this is a choo-choo ♪ [ male announcer ] it's movie time. and this is a... [ male announcer ] with a wii twist. what is this? [ male announcer ] netflix now delivers unlimited tv episodes and movies instantly through wii and nintendo 3ds. all for only 8 bucks a month. ♪ ♪ vegetables picked at their peak ♪ ♪ so fresh my knees grow weak [ male announcer ] new hearty bertolli meal soup for two, with crisp vegetables and tender chicken. [ chef ] ♪ fresh tasting restaurant style ♪ ♪ bertolli soup's in the freezer aisle ♪ rx plan gives you the lowest an premium in the country... so you can focus on what really matters.
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call humana at 1-800-808-4003. 102? [ dog whimpers ] 102? no! [ female announcer ] try triaminic fever reducer. with medicine that starts to reduce your child's fever in 30 minutes, triaminic will have them up and running before you know it. [ barks ] how about the beat of a healthy heart? campbell's healthy request soup is delicious, and earned this heart, for being heart healthy. ♪ feel the beat? it's amazing what soup can do.
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state.
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we are up in today's holiday kitchen with spike and amy. >> we've been waiting for them. >> you know what they say about the couple that cooks together. >> not really, but i do know i'm hungry, they're cooking and we are excited. they are the co-owners of the woodbury kitchen in baltimore, maryland, which we love. hi, kids. >> hi. >> we had your hot toddy earlier on. that was delicious. >> we are making a beautiful holiday ham, a speciality of southern maryland where we are from. we are proud to be from. we are starting with a fresh ham cut from a whole pig. we do all our butchering in the restaurant in woodbury. >> i don't usually see an
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uncooked ham. >> so appetizing. >> we've scored the skin, taken the bone out. you could buy this in a butcher's shop. >> okay, we get it. we get it. >> the stuffing is very simple made with curley kale here. >> we love kale. >> very healthy. it's been quickly blanched and drained. we have that. i'm going to add chopped onion to it, which this is a traditional maryland recipe how they do it. you can use cabbage and we are using our own homemade sauerkraut. when it's premade it's a little stinky. >> what we are making is a stuffing for the ham? >> yes. >> i'm going to add garlic and our favorite ingredient in the restaurant is a fish pepper powder. it's chili powder made from
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dried fish peppers. very popular about 100 years ago in the chesapeake bay. >> you dump that in there. >> nice and spicy. >> who ever thought of that combination of things? okay. say we did that. >> now we are going to stuff it. >> closure eyes. closure eyes. do it. >> i'll do it. >> somebody do it! >> we put a couple of incisions in here and take your stuffing. >> stick it in there. >> that's right. we just pack it in. >> all right, spike. >> that's it. >> how did you get your name spike? >> yes. >> how did you get your name spike? he goes, yes. >> that's a high school thing. it was a high school thing. >> okay. >> we are going to take it. >> come on, come on. we get it. come on back. >> how long do we cook that? >> a total of four hours. >> wow.
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look how beautiful it looks. >> it's all worth it in the end. this is what you get. >> beautiful. >> this is our stuffed ham after it's roasted four hours. >> do you eat those off the top? >> yes. >> it's delicious. it's nothing but fat, is it? it's the skin. >> a lot of the fat is out of it now. >> let's have a little taste of something. >> take a look at this as we slice it. >> careful. >> you can hear that crack, crackling. >> that looks good. >> i bet this is going to be delicious. i mean i had my doubts. >> while you're serving that up, you've got veggies with it. >> yes. all we did was roast great root vegetables from a local farm. we took a little bit of the ham drippings and roasted the vegetables with fresh thyme. >> tell us about the dessert and drink. >> we have sweet potato pie and
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we topped it with marshmallow, as if that wasn't enough and seasonal garnishes. >> what is in that special drink we had this morning? >> it is fresh local cider infused in our press pot there with some spices, including cinnamon, clove and black pepper. to that we added a little bit of dark rum, brown sugar and stir it up with a cinnamon stick. >> that is absolutely delicious. >> home run. thanks for coming to see us. >> sure. happy to be here. >> we'll be back with a special guest. >> oh, really? i'm serious, we compare our direct rates side by side to find you a great deal, even if it's not with us. [ ding ] oh, that's helpful!
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well, our company does that, too. actually, we invented that. it's like a sauna in here. helping you save, even if it's not with us -- now, that's progressive! call or click today. no mas pantalones!
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thanks to the wonderful donations of so many, our toy drive distributed nearly 19 million in toys, books and other gifts to millions of underprivileged children all over the united states. >> we are not done yet. it is so important to encourage
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children to be creative, and one of our generous partners is helping kids with wonderful craft kids. shelly gardner is co-founder and ceo of stamp it up. >> so good to see you. >> you've got your posse outside. what are you donating today? >> we are donating a lot of products, stamps, papers, inks, lots of accessories, things you can use regardless of your age to be creative, could express creativi creativity. the thing i'm probably the most excited about this year, we are including these stamps. they are to be brought in the kitchen. >> what would you use them for? >> sweet press cookie stamps. you have a wood handle -- little frog in my throat. >> cute. >> this is what they look like when they've been stamped. >> look how darling they are. >> they are so sweet. how many are you donating? >> we are actually donating over 500,000 in stamps, ink and
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papers and these sweet press. >> thank you. thank you for coming to see us. she is a ringer. >> she is diane keaton. will you show us that darling outfit? look how cute she is. >> we love it. >> bobbie thomas would be a big fan of yours. >> you're adorable. merry christmas and happy holidays. >> notice i got the cookies? >> how did i get left out? >> go to for all the details. >> we have a big day tomorrow, garry marshall is in the house. >> i saw the movie. it's so terrific. have a great booze day tuesday. -- captions by vitac --
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you'd do that for me? really? yeah, i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm at three in the morning. who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing, jake from state farm? [ jake ] uh... khakis. she sounds hideous. well she's a guy, so... [ male announcer ] another reason more people stay with state farm.
10:58 am
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fios. a network ahead. good morning. welcome to "news4 midday." i am barbara harrison. it's tuesday, december 6th, 2011. right now former prince georges's executive is about to learn his faith in what is one of the biggest corruption schemes in history.


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