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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  December 1, 2011 12:35am-1:35am EST

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[ cheers and applause ]
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nice job, my friend. bill cosby, raini rodriguez, [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon!
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[ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey! that's what i'm talking about. hey, everybody, welcome. thank you so much for being here. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." you guys enjoying the holidays here in new york? the christmas tree lighting? outside, yes? [ cheers and applause ] i love it. it's very exciting. speaking of nbc, did you guys see this? last night brian williams continued with the "nbc nightly news" while a high-pitched fire alarm went off in the studio. [ light laughter ] yeah. he kept talking over a loud screeching sound, or as that's also known, "the view." [ laughter and applause ] interesting fact.
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listen to this. i read that the nypd has stopped and frisked more than 500,000 people this year. which means if they frisk just 1,000 more, they'll be -- they'll tie herman cain. [ laughter ] that will do it. that's officially -- some more election news. republican candidate rick perry is denying rumors that his top advisers are being demoted. yeah. perry was like, "i want to make it clear that at no point in this campaign have i had any advisers." [ laughter and applause ] that is ridiculous. that is baseless allegation. [ applause ] oh, man. get this. last night, the "victoria's secret fashion show" on cbs had its best ratings ever. [ cheers ] yeah. thank you, ma'am. [ laughter ] you saw it? i mean, you could tell people were into it. even the cbs eye was like -- [ awooga ] [ laughter ]
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that's right, "the victoria's secret fashion show" on cbs had huge ratings. oh, yeah, cbs? well you think people liked watching beautiful half naked women? wait 'till tonight when we show -- people lighting a tree. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. awooga! [ applause ] ♪ [ laughter ] i just want them plug it in, just three seconds too soon. just, that would just be the worst. like now? oh my gosh! not now, not now, not yet. sorry guys. no, it's always a fun thing. hey, guys, this is not good, though. this is some news here. a pilot in australia is being investigated for making out with a female passenger during a flight from london. yeah, you could tell 'cause the stewardess was like, "ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the passenger in row three." [ laughter ] i just saw this. department store santas are
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apparently being trained to lower children's expectations about toys because of the recession. [ laughter ] it's weird when you ask santa for a train set and he's like, "yeah, how about a bus token?" [ laughter ] yeah. this is a pretty weird story. earlier this month, two men successfully launched a can of beer into space. i guess that's why one astronaut was like, "houston -- i love you, man." [ laughter ] that's right. they sent beer into space, which explains why this morning some aliens were like, "i cannot believe who i probed last night." we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots, you guys! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ the legendary hardworking band ♪ >> jimmy: we've got an amazing show tonight. he's a talented actor, he's very funny. you know him from "entourage." jeremy piven is here.
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[ cheers and applause ] talented drummer, too. he's a good guy. this guy's a great rapper with a new reality show and a new book -- we're gonna chat with t.i. [ cheers and applause ] t.i. is here. also, one of our favorite people. he is the face of bravo, and a funny, funny, smart guy. andy cohen is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] who doesn't love andy cohen? [ applause ] and i love this band from the first hit -- ♪ tonight, tonight there's a party on the rooftop top of the world ♪ ♪ tonight and we had quest and captain kirk. you guys are black simon garfunkel, and you guys sang a version of that. then it was a top 40 smash. hot chelle rae is on the show this evening. [ cheers and applause ] i like those guys. they're cool. hey guys, let's take a look at the stories making headlines today and weigh the good with the bad. it's time for "pros and cons." here we go!
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♪ pros and cons pros and cons and pros ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight we'll -- tonight, tonight, we'll be taking -- every time i say the word tonight, i've gotta say it twice. tonight, tonight we'll be taking a look at the "pros and cons" of holiday shopping. yeah. it all kicked off with black friday. lots of deals out there, lots of bargains, lots of vicious tackling. so, let's take a look at the "pros and cons" of holiday shopping. here we go. pro, shop 'till you drop. con, or at least until someone blasts you in the face with pepper spray. [ laughter ] one way to drop. pro, snagging this year's hottest toy, "let's rock" elmo. con, snagging this year's worst toy, "tickle me" herman cain. [ laughter ] not a fun toy. i should say, the breadstick is not included with that toy. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] got to get your own. what do you want me to tell you? it does come with garlic,
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though. [ light laughter ] pro, black friday saw throngs of determined americans all over the country coming together for one common purpose. con, occupy walmart. [ laughter ] pro, giving a well-chosen, thoughtful gift that says, "you mean the world to me." con, getting a gift card back that says, "you mean exactly this many dollars to me." [ laughter ] at least you know. pro, seeing your husband pull into the driveway in a new car with a giant red bow on it. con, seeing 14 police cars immediately pull up behind it. [ laughter ] "honey, look what i got!" pro, a good way to eliminate all of your shopping at once is by donating to a charity in all your friends' names. con, that's also a good way to eliminate all of your friends. [ laughter ] pro, overhearing "all i want for christmas is my two front teeth." con, and some meth. [ laughter ]
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what? excuse me? pro, the songs on justin bieber's new christmas album feature many guest performers. con, "what child is this" features a dna sample. [ cheers and applause ] pro, re-gifting a gift from last year to someone else. con, realizing the gift you re-gifted was a tougher re-gift, which you re-re-gifted to the original gifter. [ laughter ] and finally, pro, is there anything better than the wondrous sights, sounds and smells of the bustling store during the holidays? con, yeah, and a glass of whiskey. there you go. [ cheers and applause ] that is the pros and cons. we'll be right back with "karate pinata!" come on! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ pros, cons pros and cons and pros ♪ ♪ oh, big game, guys! what are we having?
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you've got to try the new sizzling entrees. [ sizzling ] [ male announcer ] fresh flavor never sounded so good. ok, i'll have that. [ male announcer ] applebee's new sizzling entrees are here. so come try our juicy new double barrel whisky sirloins, topped with caramelized onions and mushrooms, and served over handmade garlic mashed potatoes. there's also our sizzling cajun steak and shrimp, and more. new sizzling entrees starting at $8.99. come taste what's new in the neighborhood. only at applebee's. now serving half-price appetizers late night. yeah, it does seven great things like giving me a healthy scalp and great looking hair. you should make that eight things. dude, why don't you just use the stuff? [ male announcer ] head & shoulders: seven benefits. every bottle. i took some steep risks in my teens. i'd never ride without one now. and since my doctor prescribed lipitor, i won't go without it for my high cholesterol and my risk of heart attack. why kid myself? diet and exercise weren't lowering my cholesterol enough.
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now i'm eating healthier, exercising more, taking lipitor. numbers don't lie. my cholesterol's stayed down. lipitor is fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. it's backed by over 19 years of research. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications, or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. [ man ] still love that wind in my face! talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. learn more at i love the holidays. the traditions. ♪ the decorations. and, of course, the spirit of giving. your moment. your dove.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey. that sounds good. welcome back, everybody. that was a song called "one time attraction." the roots 13th album, "undun." [ cheers and applause ] that was good. featuring phonte and dice raw, comes out december 6th. pre-order today, you guys. it's a killer record. congrats, roots. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're awesome. all right, ladies and gentlemen, you know what time it is. it's time to play "karate pinata!" ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hiya! >> jimmy: welcome to "karate pinata," the time honored sport of kicking pinatas while blindfolded. behold, the fiesta ring. [ gong ] i'm your sensei, jimmy fallon. [ gong ]
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now -- please. [ laughter ] please welcome our three audience contestants. come on up. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: welcome to the karate pinata dojo. what is your name, and where are you from? >> i'm sam andrews from harlem, new york. [ applause ] >> jimmy: your name, where you're from? >> tracy from smock, pennsylvania. [ applause ] >> jerry from philadelphia. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay. [ laughter ] how's everything in the witness protection program? going well? [ laughter ] here's how the game works. to your left you'll see four confetti-filled pinatas, each of which bear a striking resemblance to four current celebrities in the news -- kris humphries, newt gingrich,
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pippa middleton, and natalie from "facts of life." [ laughter ] now, one at a time, you'll take your place under the fiesta ring. when play starts, the pinatas will slowly spin around, and you'll have 20 seconds to break as many as you can. whoever breaks the most wins the grand prize. oh, what a prize it is. tell them what it is. >> announcer: jimmy, tonight's winner will be taking home $300 worth of old el paso taco dinner kits. [ cheers and applause ] it's the perfect thing to eat when you're home, when you're hungry, and when 299 old el paso taco dinner kits just won't do it. happy munching, muchacho. jimmy? >> jimmy: wow. thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you, dwar, thank you quar. [ gong ] all right. now, two things before we start. first, you can only break the pinatas using karate kicks. you cannot use your hands. you cannot use your body, in addition, the pinatas must fully break in order to count. also, keep in mind, in the event of a tie, our great audience will decide the winner based on kicking awesomeness. so, it's very important that
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your kicks are awesome. any questions before we begin? >> ready. >> jimmy: all right, good. >> good. >> we're good. >> jimmy: okay, good. contestant number one, you are up, go take your place in the -- [ laughter ] go take your place. put on your blindfold when ready. let's get these fiesta rings spinning. remember to try to stay on the mat at all times. 20 seconds on the clock. ready -- set -- kick! ♪ ♪ [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: all right, all right. very, very good. very, very good. take off your blindfold. [ cheers and applause ]
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yeah, i thought you were gonna hand me your sock. there you go. thank you very much. and thank you for not handing that to me. nice job. very -- kicking off in this level, that was a ten plus. let's take a look at that in slow motion. look at what you did there. look at this -- oh! [ laughter ] there, it almost came off there. almost came off, and then you just took it right off and went with it. that's some style right there. that one looks pretty -- i don't know, that one's questionable. i don't know if it broke totally open. who knows? we'll find out right now. quar and dwar, how many pinatas did he break? [ drum roll ] oh. zero. so sorry. [ sad tuba ] so sorry, but it was awesome. so let's just hope people kick less awesome than you. >> they will. >> jimmy: okay. good man. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> jimmy: you are excited. >> i'm ready. >> jimmy: you're prepared. >> yes. >> jimmy: all right, this is awesome. remember that you can't use your hands or your body -- only kicks. go take your place -- on the mat. put on your blindfold, and then we will start the pinatas spinning around.
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ready? 20 seconds on the clock. [ cheers and applause ] ready -- set -- kick! ♪ >> jimmy: oh! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: all right, very good. very good. [ cheers and applause ] come on over. that was fantastic. at the end, you were doing like a very, violent jig there, at the end. [ laughter ] >> whew. >> jimmy: very violent jig. you took one of the heads completely off. but, let's take a look what you did in slow motion. it's pretty good. ♪ yeah. look at that. [ cheers and applause ] just ripped it right off.
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ripped it right off there. that was good. then -- that one, you almost got there, and then you just started getting a little crazy. [ laughter ] then -- here's where you started going nuts. there -- that's where it -- oh. [ cheers and applause ] it was very, very good. you did a great job. quar? quar and dwar, how many pinatas did she break? [ drum roll ] ♪ whoa. one. very good. you're in the lead. you are in the lead. [ scattered applause ] contestant number three, you are up. okay? now, we've replaced the broken pinatas for you. this is it. this is what it all comes down to -- all the work, all the training. this is your time, your moment. it's your journey. i can't take that for you. [ laughter ] now, go take your place on the mat over there and place the blindfold over you, and good luck. yeah. be sure not to get any beard in your blindfold.
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where was that blindfold? was it hidden in your beard? [ laughter ] that's all right. no problem. very good. 20 seconds on the clock. ready -- set -- kick! ♪ [ cheers ] >> jimmy: almost. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ buzzer ] whoa! [ cheers and applause ] it was as if -- rick rubin himself could not have done any better. now, let's-- that was pretty good stuff. at one point you just were in the zone. i mean, you didn't kick at all. [ laughter ] you stood there and just, you kind of forgot what was happening for a second. and then, all of a sudden, you were like "oh, i've got to kick, man."
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let's take a look at what he did in slow mo. it's pretty impressive. ♪ yeah, nice there. you're having fun. then, you just zoned out here. look. [ laughter ] you just forgot about everything. look at that security guard. he's freaked out, yeah, and then you just kicked it right in his face. and then -- yeah, and then, you just kind of went on -- look at that. beautiful kick -- yeah, and then you again lost focus. but, hey, still, that was fantastic. that was great stuff. this is gonna be a tough one here. quar and dwar, how many pinatas did he break? [ drum roll ] oh, just show it to me. come on. all right, just show it to me. stop. ♪ very good. [ applause ] now, that means we have a tie, which means that now it's up to our great audience to decide the winner based on kicking awesomeness. you were great, by the way, i must say. [ laughter ] was it contestant number two? [ cheers and applause ]
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or was it contestant number three? [ cheers and applause ] we have a winner. contestant number two is the winner! [ cheers and applause ] oh, my god. congratulations. here are your tacos and, of course, no one goes home empty handed. you guys will be taking home the official "late night with jimmy fallon" black belt. [ cheers and applause ] thank you to everyone for playing "karate pinata." stick around. we'll be right back with jeremy piven! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we've saved people a lot of money on car insurance. feels nice going into the holidays. ohhhh.... will you marry me? oooh, helzberg diamonds. yeah, well he must have saved some money with geico. reminds me of the gecko mating call. really? how does that go? shoo be doo be doo.
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geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. ♪
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untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher. hut! go! here it comes! right on the numbers! boom! get it! spin! oh, nice hands! chest bump. ugh! good job, man. nice! okay, halftime. now, this is my favorite play. oh! i'm wide open. oh, fumble. fumble. don't want to fumble any of these. [ male announcer ] share what you love, with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. it's up... and it's good! good?! they're grrreat!
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a talented actor who won a golden globe and three emmy awards for his work as super agent, ari gold on the hit hbo show, "entourage." he's now starring in the new
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movie "i melt with you," which is in theatres friday, december 9th. please welcome jeremy piven! ♪ ♪ i'll stop the world and melt with you i'll stop the world ♪ ♪ you see the difference and it's getting better all the time ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. there he is. you're a good man. >> yes. >> jimmy: thank you for coming back. >> we were dangerously close to the white man dance, weren't we? >> jimmy: i was a little bit. we were really close, but i did not do it -- or, did i? i have to watch this tape back. but, i was almost doing that. >> yeah, you were dangerously close. >> jimmy: last time you were on the show you played drums with quest. >> yes. >> jimmy: and then, i follow you on twitter. and i saw this picture of you. you're eating drum sticks. >> right. >> jimmy: uh, but, no. what is this? you were at the house of blues jamming out? >> you know, i have a -- a bunch of buddies of mine are all really good musicians. and i like to just kind of, you know, kick it around on the drums a bit. >> jimmy: you're great at drums. >> thank you. and, so we have a little band appropriately named the bad decisions, and i'll tell
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you why. we got hired to play manny pacquiao's after-party. >> jimmy: oh my gosh. >> yes, it was very exciting. and he just fought marquez -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> and we got there, and you know we were doing all these covers of jimi hendrix, and the rolling stones, and what no one told us was the entire audience at the house of blues was flown in from the philippines. so -- it was an interesting story, because -- >> jimmy: 'cause it was manny pacquiao's party. >> yeah, it was manny pacquiao's party -- and they -- i was sweating like a hebrew slave. like -- laid, drench laying into it. and you know, and we would stop, and cut to them, and it was a filipino oil painting. like, literally, it was like, nothing. [ laughter ] it was -- >> jimmy: dead silence. >> -- silence. and then you hear, "play something we know." well, we just played the greatest hits of all-time.
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>> jimmy: rolling stones, you did everything. >> nothing. they knew nothing. >> jimmy: what? >> we had a little powwow, and i just remembered that manny loved to sing ballads. so we played a ballad, and we kind of got them going a little bit and then they said, you know, "manny's at the hospital, stall." and i thought that was interesting, because of a couple things. number one, we didn't have anymore songs. and also, they hate us. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really -- >> it was all bad. >> jimmy: "wonderful tonight," 30-minute remix like -- ♪ you look wonderful we got to get out of here. it's like -- yeah. well, here's a picture of you and manny. oh, my god. his head, that's right he got -- >> he had just come from the hospital. >> jimmy: oh my god. >> the thing about manny is he will play no matter what. >> jimmy: he will. >> yeah, he's a trooper. >> jimmy: he's a good guy. >> we love it. >> jimmy: oh, we like this guy. >> we had a great time. >> jimmy: "entourage." >> yes. >> jimmy: ended. >> it's done. >> jimmy: i'm very sad about this. >> well listen, eight years is a long time. >> jimmy: it's a long run. oh yeah, definitely. but, you did such a good job on that. >> thank you, it was a blast. >> jimmy: and everyone loved you on that. and, there's rumors that -- "entourage," movie?
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>> yes. they've commissioned a movie and -- >> jimmy: really? >> yes. >> jimmy: it's gonna happen? >> it should -- it could -- [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: this is good. because, you know, i watch you, 'cause not only is it on hbo, but that you've now been syndicated, so now it's on different channels, and they have to take out some of the curse words. >> well, we have to homogenize the language, if you will. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> and it's very awkward, because, as you know, you hear the beeps. [ imitates beeps ] and then you have to replace some swear words with -- instead of saying, rusty [ bleep ] bucket. can i say that on television? >> jimmy: no. >> no. okay. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: no! i think the last person to say that was betty white the other night. i was in shock. >> see, but, betty can get away with it. >> jimmy: yeah. no, you can't say that. >> i can't get away with it.
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>> jimmy: no. not at all. [ laughter ] no. it's a bummer -- it's a bummer that you can't, because, how useful is that, you know? you can always say it. >> what -- where does this air, jimmy? >> jimmy: the philippines. >> the philippines. >> jimmy: yeah, they love us there. >> then, there are 11 people not watching, how's that? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but no, you have to replace like the "f" words and stuff like that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and it kind of takes the slickness out of your character especially. >> it takes everything out of it, you know? i apologize to every and anyone on a plane hearing me say you know, fudge, freaking, flockin, flugen -- farkenflugen. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: farkenflugen's great, yeah, yeah. >> don't try the farkenflugen -- >> jimmy: no, no. >> --at 3,200 feet. >> jimmy: not good. >> nobody wins. >> jimmy: i want to talk about this new movie, "i melt with you." >> yes. >> jimmy: based on the song from the '80s. gosh, is that modern english? >> yeah. >> jimmy: the soundtrack's phenomenal, by the way, besides the movie being fun. do you want to explain to everyone what this movie is about?
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>> you know, it's a group of friends that get together every year, and they kind of relive their youth, if you will, and this is the year where everything goes wrong. they make a pact back in the day that if they don't become the men that they said they would become, that they're gonna take some drastic measures, and i can't really tell you what. >> jimmy: yeah. >> do we have a clip, jimmy? >> jimmy: yes we do. >> that's good. >> jimmy: i was gonna show a clip. jeremy piven in "i melt with you." >> how is amanda? >> i tell you rich, man. sometimes i can't believe that i chose so well. i wake up with that warm body next to mine, and i just -- >> yeah, you're lucky, man. >> she doesn't push me or question me, you know? we respect what we both do, and it's defined. i know my role. i still don't know why i've done the things that i've done. ♪
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i'm in trouble, rich. i'm in deep, over my head drowning mother -- trouble. >> jimmy: yeah, you're -- [ cheers and applause ] >> mother [ bleep ] >> jimmy: mother flarting. i'm in deep -- i'm in deep, yeah, muffin flounding trouble. >> that's actually worse. >> jimmy: it is much worse. >> when you said that. >> jimmy: it is gross, yeah. you guys, you've got to go see this movie. "i melt with you" is in theaters december 9th. [ cheers and applause ] the one and only, jeremy piven! t.i. joins us next. come on back, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] covergirls -- it's time to set your lashes free. new natureluxe mousse mascara! luxurious volume with a light-as-air feel.
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we took out a heavy synthetic and put in a light touch of beeswax. up with the volume, down with the weight. lashes are 20% lighter than the most expensive mascara. new natureluxe mousse mascara. so free your volume! and...your easy breezy beautiful covergirl. and try natureluxe glossbalm.
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you've got to try the new sizzling entrees. [ sizzling ] [ male announcer ] fresh flavor never sounded as good as applebee's new sizzling entrees ok, i'll have that. [ male announcer ] try our juicy new double barrel whisky sirloins and more, starting at $8.99. come taste what's new in the neighborhood. now serving half-price appetizers late night.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a multiple grammy award winning rapper, who has a new vh1 reality series, "t.i. and tiny: the family hustle." which premieres monday at 9:00 pm. look at him right here on the cover of "vibe." this isn't even out yet you guys. [ cheers ] sneak peak. he's a good lookin' dude. please welcome t.i., you guys. [ cheers and applause ] [ "family guy" theme ] ♪
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welcome. welcome to the show. i just learned this about you. that t.i., t stands for tip. >> yeah -- well, yeah. yeah. that is my name. >> jimmy: what is -- what is -- why tip -- why tip? >> that's the name my father gave me. that's what my father did. he gave everybody nicknames. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> and mine was tip -- for whatever reason. >> jimmy: and then why did -- why did you -- why'd you shorten it? to t.i.? just lost the p. [ laughter ] >> well, back when i was recording my first album, i was on the same label with q-tip. >> jimmy: oh yeah. >> and he was a veteran, a solidified artist, and i was a nobody. so they figured if you're gonna have two tips, you're gonna go with the solidified artist. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> this nobody will just keep his first two initials. >> jimmy: just keep working your way up. >> exactly. >> jimmy: thank god you're not t. i mean, that would've been rough, yeah.
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you have this -- you have a -- you have this out, you have a lot going down. >> there's a lot. i know. >> jimmy: yeah, look though, there's your book right here. you're an author. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, look at that. congratulations on this. >> thank you. >> jimmy: what made you want to write a book? >> well, probably because nobody expected me to write a book. >> jimmy: yeah, i guess so. why not? >> i actually wanted to encourage people to read. >> jay: yeah. >> they need -- people need to read more. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "power and beauty," this is a -- it's about kids in atlanta, in georgia. >> yeah. atlanta, georgia. >> jimmy: you know. >> tomato, tomahto. >> jimmy: tomahto, yeah. and growing up, and kind of seeing where it takes them. like one guy -- >> well yeah, you know, when tragedy strikes their home, two young teenagers, man, you know, they're thrust into very adult situations, you know, prematurely and the decisions they make, and the twists and turns that their new life places upon them, how they -- how they
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respond and react to that is pretty much, you know, that's gonna determine their fate. >> jimmy: i like that you did this. it's awesome, yeah. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's a cool book. any record in the works? i gotta ask. >> absolutely. yeah. "trouble man." "trouble man." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "trouble man?" >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's the name? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you have the name? >> yeah, name of the album. >> jimmy: and the record's not even done yet, but you have the name. >> the name of the album is "trouble man" and it's appropriately titled. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. yeah, yeah. >> and -- >> jimmy: you got in a little trouble. >> yeah, just a little bit. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> that's all right, i figured i would make music about something i know about. >> jimmy: yeah exactly, yeah. but now you're out of trouble now. >> yeah absolutely, but i can still talk about -- i can reminisce. >> jimmy: i know but -- are you gonna stay out of trouble? >> absolutely, yeah. >> jimmy: all right good, good. >> but i will talk about -- i will talk about all the things that can get me in trouble. >> jimmy: yeah, all right. that's the best way to do it and get away with it. i mean, you're doing this on your reality show now. you have a reality show about your family. >> well it's a documentary -- a family documentary. i don't want to say reality show because there's such a stigma with that term. >> jimmy: right. >> you know, and i don't want to mislead people. there will be no hair pulling. there will be no drink throwing. >> jimmy: yeah.
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>> at least not on camera. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> so -- >> jimmy: i was gonna say, yeah. don't invite me over. then it might happen, yeah. but it's really cool. i like -- i saw a couple preview clips, they let me see. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and there's one where you're talking to your kids about booty -- booty tag. your kids are saying they're playing booty tag. >> yeah -- yeah, yeah. thanks for mentioning that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is -- what is booty tag? >> you know -- you know, see, the thing about that is -- i haven't been able to get, like, a straightforward answer from any of my children, but from my limited knowledge and understanding you basically smack somebody on the ass and they it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so it's tag, yeah -- >> it's tag, you know, but it's just the place you tag -- >> jimmy: yeah, is the -- >> -- happens to be their ass. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> so -- >> jimmy: yeah -- see then you got to tell your kids -- yeah. >> yeah, i know. yeah, i told them, that's absolutely unacceptable. however, me and my wife love to play. [ laughter ] we play all the time -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is up to you --
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that's up to you and your wife, not a kid's game. >> and if --just fyi, america, she's it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i want to show a clip from "t.i. and tiny: the family hustle." check this out. >> come on over man, let him sit down. >> trouble man. what you up to tip? >> man, i'm feelin' open up the -- >> ya'll play booty tag. >> what did you -- hold on, what you say? >> ya'll play booty tag. >> i said -- >> he plays booty tag with the girls. >> king plays -- freakin' plays booty tag with all the girls at camp. >> you? >> i didn't play it. i wasn't even there the whole day. >> you played -- >> what are you doing playing booty tag? no. you should not be playing booty tag. okay? deyjah what's that? look. what's that over there? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] it's very, very good. you guys check out "t.i. and tiny: the family hustle," this monday 9:00 p.m. on vh1. we'll be right back with
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andy cohen, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ done done done done done done,done,done almost done. done done done done done,done,done,done,done done done done ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to "late night," everybody. our next guest this evening is a smart and talented television producer, and personality who
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hosts, "watch what happens live" sundays and mondays at 11:00 p.m. on bravo. starting january 8th, that show will expand to five nights a week. here to talk about all that and more, please welcome andy cohen! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> i'm on display. >> jimmy: on display. >> the roots are playing on display? >> jimmy: this is the greatest. >> by melissa gorga, from "the new jersey housewives?" >> jimmy: absolutely. on display. on display. >> what can't the roots do? >> jimmy: they can do everything -- >> i know. >> jimmy: they're unbelievable. >> that's a potential "watch what happens live" game, or "jimmy fallon" game. "what can't the roots do?" >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, i don't know, i'd love to see that. i don't know what they can't do. happy tree lighting day, i know you're excited about it. >> oh, there's nothing happy about this day, my friend. it is -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't love it? don't you love it? >> no! i'm like mcscrooge -- scroogy
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mcjewish man today. [ laughter ] it's bad outside, you got the biebs in town, the tree lighting. obama has three events. >> jimmy: the president's in town. >> it's a nightmare. it's bad. >> jimmy: it is bad. >> bad, and we work in this building. >> jimmy: we can't leave. >> it's a circus -- can't leave, i'm sleeping upstairs. >> jimmy: yeah, me, too. >> yeah, yeah. i have a full bar in my office. >> jimmy: i'll see you at the slumber party. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: hey, speaking of full bar. >> yeah? >> jimmy: i want to talk about your new drink. i'm very excited about this. >> oh, well this is my preparation. "watch what happens live," is going five nights a week. [ applause ] oh, thank you. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: that's major. >> it's very cool. we're gonna be live every night at 11:00 p.m. and so to prepare -- >> jimmy: five nights a week. >> i know. >> jimmy: dude let me tell you something -- >> what? i'm freaking out. >> jimmy: it's so fun. >> oh, okay, good. >> jimmy: yeah, you're gonna love it. >> oh, i thought were you going to say, "oh, you can't handle it." >> jimmy: no, no, no, you can, you can handle it. >> no, well you know, i used to drink my whiskey and ginger ale, but i changed it up to a little diet drink, which is a fresquila. which is tequila and fresca, and i made this --
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>> jimmy: you made this, and it's pretty awesome. >> it's really good. >> jimmy: i've actually, i've been out with you, and you've ordered this at places, and nobody knows what the hell you're talking about. >> and many people don't carry fresca, actually. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's probably why they go -- here you go, can i have some -- but he orders it like, like, it's something people should know. >> oh, i'm like, "can i have a fresquila," i'm trying to make it happen, like bethenny frankel and the skinny girl, "hi, can i have voracity in the city -- >> jimmy: i want a fresquila, i'll have two fresquilas. >> yeah, we'll have two fresquilas and a lime. >> jimmy: we'll take fresquila and a lime, please. >> it's the drink i invented. >> jimmy: no, it's fantastic, i'm very excited about this. >> yeah, absolutely. i didn't invent it, by the way, i stole it from mark consuelos, so -- >> jimmy: oh, you did? >> just so you know. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: he invented this? >> i think so. >> jimmy: the fresquila? >> yeah. >> jimmy: but you're making it famous. >> anyway, yeah. >> jimmy: he owes you. >> it's really hard to make -- >> jimmy: a brand new drink. >> yeah. >> jimmy: now look, you're doing this five nights a week. also big, big memoir coming out. >> oh, i'm so yeah, muh book. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. muh book. [ laughter ] >> yeah, muh book. >> jimmy: muh book, yeah. >> i am working -- i'm just
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pounding away at that computer. and it's not done, it comes in -- it comes out in the spring. >> jimmy: do you have a title for it? "trouble man." >> yeah. no. [ laughter ] it's called "most talkative," 'cause i was most talkative, and i was voted most talkative in high school, and -- >> jimmy: that's fitting. >> it's basically, kind of stories from the front lines of pop culture from my career and tv, and beyond. and how someone went from being, you know, two inches in front of the tv to being on tv and making tv, and i just -- i spent my entire thanksgiving holiday just crashing the book, but i was doing it in my parents' home. so it was so not relaxing, because -- but you, know, the rule in the house was, "don't talk, andy's working on his book." you know, you can't talk. so every time my dad said anything, my mom's like -- "shh! be quiet! [ laughter ] and then, like, two seconds later, she's like -- i'm not going to the galleria after all. she could talk in full voice. >> jimmy: she's the one yeah. >> but my dad cannot say a word.
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>> jimmy: he can't say a peep, it's like -- >> no. not a peep. >> jimmy: uh, because, so you're doing that and -- but how do you also program bravo, and what's on bravo? >> right, right. the book will you done january 1st. so that's it. >> jimmy: and then? >> so then -- so basically the bravo job is changing for me. i'm now gonna be in charge of development and talent at bravo. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and i will still oversee all the "housewives" shows, and "top chef." >> jimmy: oh "top chef," i'm loving "top chef." >> oh it's so good. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, i love "housewives," but i love "top chef," too. >> "top chef" is so good. i'm -- we're really ramping up to the big patti labelle episode in late december on "top chef." >> jimmy: what? >> ms. patti comes on the show, and all hell breaks loose. >> jimmy: what? >> no, i'm not kidding. >> jimmy: i love, there's so much drama always around you, and all the stuff on bravo, that's why it's fascinating television. i watch it all the time, and i mean -- oh, it's always is. i mean the "housewives." >> we got a kim zolciak baby coming up in december. >> jimmy: that's exciting. >> that's big. recording artist kim zolciak. >> jimmy: of course, yeah -- >> and then on the "atlanta housewives," and part two of the "millionaire matchmaker reunion"
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is next week, and we got patti melts galore. because patti has patti melts at the millionaires usually. >> jimmy: yeah, well she goes right in their face. >> right in their face. >> jimmy: she's like, "what do you want -- then you don't need my help, then get the f out of my driveway." >> "you're out of the club!" >> jimmy: then it's like, "i'm just paying you to get me a date." >> yeah right, get out, you're out of the club. >> jimmy: oh, it's fantastic. >> but on the reunion show we flipped it around so the millionaires have patti melts at patti. so it all flips around. >> jimmy: she does not handle this well. >> no. oh, this is so exciting. >> jimmy: i love it when you come on. i love everything you do. congrats on the book, and the five nights a week, we'll be watching. >> thank you. >> jimmy: oh my gosh, "watch what happens live" is january 8th, right? >> yes, january 8th. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: andy cohen, "watch what happens live" sundays and mondays at 11:00 p.m. on bravo. hot chelle rae perform next. i will always come out. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests just released their second album, "whatever," and they're here tonight, tonight to perform their new hit single, "i like it like that." please welcome hot chelle rae! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ let's get it on yeah y'all can come along ♪ ♪ everybody drinks on me bought out the bar just to feel like i'm a star ♪ ♪ now i'm thanking the academy missed my ride home lost my iphone ♪ ♪ i wouldn't have it any other way if you're with me let me hear you say ♪ ♪ i like it like that hey windows down chillin with the radio on i like it like that ♪ ♪ damn sun's so hot make the girls take it all off
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i like it like that ♪ ♪ yeah one more time i can never get enough of everybody ♪ ♪ sing it right back i like it like that ♪ until the break of the dawn yeah party on my lawn whistle as the girls walk by if the cops roll up ♪ ♪ so what pour the cops a cup cause everybody's here tonight ♪ ♪ call a taxi pack the back seat i wouldn't have it any other way ♪ ♪ if you're with me let me hear you say ♪ ♪ i like it like that hey windows down chillin with the radio on ♪ ♪ i like it like that damn sun's so hot make the girls take it all off ♪ ♪ i like it like that yeah one more time i can never get enough of everybody ♪ ♪ sing it right back i like it like that ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh like that oh oh oh oh oh like that oh oh oh oh like that ♪ ♪ sing it right back i like it like that ♪
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♪ oh oh oh oh oh like that oh oh oh oh oh like that oh oh oh oh like that like that ♪ ♪ let's get it on yeah y'all can come along ♪ ♪ everybody drinks on me i like it like that hey windows down chillin with the radio on ♪ ♪ i like it like that damn, sun's so hot make the girls take it all off ♪ ♪ i like it like that yeah one more time i can never get enough of everybody ♪ ♪ sing it right back if you like like like it like that ♪ ♪ hey windows down chillin with the radio on i like it like that ♪ ♪ damn, sun's so hot make the girls take it all off ♪ ♪ i like it like that yeah one more time i can never get enough of everybody ♪ ♪ sing it right back i like it like that ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh like that oh oh oh oh oh like that like that like that ♪
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♪ oh oh oh oh oh like that oh, everybody sing it right back i like it like that ♪ ♪ ♪ i can never get enough of everybody sing it right back i like it like that ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. thanks, buddy. >> yeah, brother. >> jimmy: hot chelle rae! [ cheers and applause ] check out their album, "whatever." see them live december 9th, right here in new york at the z100 jingle ball. my thanks to jeremy piven, t.i., andy cohen, hot chelle rae! [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest bass band in late night, the roots! [ cheers and applause ]


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