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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  October 15, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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you're watching nbc 4, washington's news leader. now, live in hd, this is news4 at 6:00. a day of demonstrations in our nation's capital, from corporate greed to voting rights and jobs. the calls for change were heard loud and clear in the district and beyond. good evening, everyone. welcome to news 4 at 6:00. for a while today you could hardly turn a corner without running into a protest. and while the groups came from different places, their causes and their goals were not that far apart.
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derek ward has our top story. >> reporter: freedom plaza was indeed all about the freedoms americans enjoy. of speech, assembly, and expression. and for hundreds, freedom from what they see as an enduring tyranny. >> i don't know about you, but i'm sick of taxation without representation. >> reporter: this rally shared the plaza with occupy d.c. protesters and anti-war demonstrators to stop the machine movement. at the height of things, only a few yards separated them, and on both sides there is a sense they are even closer in ideology. >> they're also fighting for justice in america. >> i met someone from dallas, texas, this morning who said he had come out and just learned about washington's homeless for the first time. >> similar. you have people that's mad, upset. they want to see a change. they want the government to represent them. >> reporter: occupy d.c. started
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their march on banks and lenders early in the morning. advocates were not far behind them. all that marching, it's easy to drar parallels to the '60 rls. maybe too easy says a noted veteran of those movements. dick says now the battles are more mental. with fewer violent images to compel involvement -- >> what we're doing is hiding the filth. >> reporter: today there was no hiding the fervor behind making a change on wall street and in d.c. the marchers all plan to converge with the national action network's rally for jobs and justice on the grounds of the washington monument. >> a reporter said to me, reverend al, is this about the election? no, this is about our survival. >> jobs and justice, it resonates completely. demonstrators ended their day and marches at the new martin luther king memorial on
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the mall. joining the protesters in downtown d.c. tomorrow, will be about 50,000 people for the martin luther king dedication. president obama is set to give the key note address there. jesse jackson and members of the king family will also speak. you can see all the festivities live starting at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, comcast channel 208, verizon fios and over the air at 4.2. the occupy wall street protesters branched out today in new york. they left their campsite in the park and marched to several bank branches. some went into the banks and closed their accounts. 19 people were arrested for trespassing and disorderly conduct. they had support from the united auto workers union who also took part in the march. still no sign of the 11-year-old boy whose mother was murdered. the search for him began
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wednesday when his 51-year-old mother jane mcquan was found stabbed to death in her germantown home. her husband is charged with her murder. he's made no effort in finding the missing stepson. two women sexually assaulted within hours of each other. investigators say the man behind the attacks was posing as a police officer. take a good look at your tv screen right now. they're hoping this composite sketch will help lead to an arrest in this case. darcy spencer live now in herndon, virginia, with the latest on the search for that suspe suspect. >> reporter: i was able to confirm in the last several minutes that one of the victims of this attack is a juvenile, just 17 years old. the other victim is in her mid-20s. this is the composite sketch. the person that they're looking for, police are saying that he groped these two young women, fondled them while he was allegedly conducting a search, all while saying he's with law
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enforcement. herndon police say a man depicted in this composite sketch sexually assaulted two women while posing as a police officer. both assaults happened tuesday just hours apart. in both cases, he flashed some sort of badge and said he was law enforcement. the first incident happened at 3:45 in the afternoon in the 1200 block of magnolia lane. he told the victim he was a cop and sexually assaulted her. he left in a gray mid-sized sedan. when the victim tried to go into her home. this is how the police described the man they're looking for. >> asian male, 35 to 40 years of age, 5'5" to 5'6". we're asking the citizens that might have seen anything suspicious or may have been a victim of similar type crime in herndon, to please call us. >> reporter: the second incident happened at 7:00 p.m. in the 400 block of eldon street. again, police say the attacker told the victim he was a police officer. forced her into his gray car,
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drove a short distance, then sexually assaulted her. >> we really want to find this person, get him off the streets, you should be able to trust the local law enforcement, federal, county, state and we don't want any confusion. we want to make sure if someone's out there pretending to be law enforcement and they're not, they need to be caught. >> reporter: if you're pulled over by someone in an unmarked vehicle and someone wearing plain clothes, be sure and ask for proper identification. it's okay to ask for that, to take a look at that badge. also, ask to see a supervisor, have that supervisor come to the scene if you're suspicious or concerned this person may not in fact be a police officer. they're concerned there may be additional victims in this case that have not stepped forward. call herndon police at 703-435-6846. reporting live from herndon,
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darcy spencer. >> darcy, thank you. friends of a missing alexandria man now have more help to continue their search. today a fund-raiser was held for lenny harris on north henry street. harris was last seen at the charles houston rec center. he was a mentor there. police suspect foul play in his disappearance. his cell phone was found on the wilson bridge. someone has been using his kritd card and this week his car was found in prince george's county. still ahead tonight, the occupy protests go global as people across europe and asia band together for a common cause. and the small virginia town has been hit with an earthquake, a hurricane and now a tornado. we'll tell you why they're not getting any help with the cleanup. new life for historic mill after nearly two decades of silence. chuck up with the weather. >> couldn't have been any nicer outside today. although it was on the breezy side. tomorrow looks like a great day.
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we'll give you all the forecast ♪ [ caroline ] i'm caroline moore and i'm a junior at warwick valley high school in warwick, ny. since i was a little girl, i've always been curious about the world around me, and i think that definitely plays a big part in my interest in astronomy. it's a hobby i share with my dad. [ dad ] once she got more and more involved, i decided to build an observatory, where we could have all the equipment permanently mounted and start observing. so, i'm what they call a supernova hunter. i take pictures of the night sky and i scan them looking for noticeable changes. one night, i was looking at some images and i came across something that looked kind of interesting, so that's when i googled the galaxy to see what i could find.
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after searching for a while, i realized that i might have discovered my first supernova. so, i sent it into the international astronomical union. [ dad ] and it was late one evening and a friend of ours called up and said he needed to speak to caroline and then he broke the news to her that she had discovered and became the youngest person ever to discover a supernova. and i just started jumping up and down screaming and everything. it was great. i would just come into school and kids would just chant supernova, supernova. [ dad ] so, yeah, very proud, but again a little jealousy, you know there's competition between us. [ caroline ] he's out in the observatory every night too, so i definitely need to find another one. ♪
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planning a major expansion in arlington county, the plan is to add 30 new stations and 190 more bikes to the region. they'll use $1.2 million in grant money to pay for the expansion. they'll see the new stations expected to open by next summer. a rock creek park landmark
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rumbled back to life today after almost 20 years of silence. dozens of people stopped by to watch the famous pierce mill back in action. it was built in the 1820s. stopped grinding in 1923. the gears were damaged and the money for repairs ran dry. now it's back thanks to fund-raising by people of the pierce mill and stimulus dollars. >> i think it's just fabulous. this technology was actually the beginning of the industrial revolution. so being a miller and being able to bring this to the public now is very special. >> the mill stones can grind 700 pounds of grain an hour. it will be used to feed animals on local farms. after the break, worldwide protests against corporate greed take a violent turn in rome. a windy start to the weekend here for us at home. here for us at home. what other changes are in stor
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the occupy wall street protests have gone global. showing solidarity with a movement that began in new york. nbc's francis cole reports. >> reporter: he stepped onto the world stage once more. this time for a different cause.
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assange joined thousands of demonstrators in the heart of the financial district, frustrated over financial inequality, the mirror of the anger displayed in the united states. meantime, rome saw some of the worst violence in years, as clashes spilled onto streets surrounding the famous coliseum. os ter ti measures by the government and high unemployment sparked residents to also lash out at police, setting their vehicles on fire. some protesters donned masks in paris where g-20 leaders are meeting to try to resolve some of the same issues at the center of the world occupy movement. closer to the u.s. and canada, demonstrators say corporate greed clashes with the lives of ordinary citizens. >> i'm here because i'm aware of the things that have happened, to help people there. they can't come here. i need to come here. i've got kids. we've got to fight back now. >> reporter: the sentiment now echoing around the globe.
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but many say it's falling on deaf ears. nbc news. rallies were held in more than 900 cities in year, africa and asia, as well as here in the u.s. the federal government has denied aid for virginia town damaged by three natural disasters. louisa county, virginia, outside of richmond was the epicenter that shook the east coast back in august, then it was hit by a hurricane and tornado. nobody was killed, but the damage tops $18 million, most of it uninsured. residents are frustrated the federal government is not stepping in to help. you look at this weather now, chuck's here. one of those days where small children have to hold on to a parent. grab a leg -- >> that's right. we always say that, hats, hair pieces, and kids under 40 pounds need to be securely fastened on a day like today. what a howling west wind we had all afternoon today. winds gust well over 30 miles an hour in downtown washington. and across the high spots out
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towards the blue ridge closer to 40 miles per hour. as you make your plans to get outside and enjoy your saturday evening, mostly clear skies are still out there. the winds will lay down a bit after the sun goes down. that is good news. but for your evening plans, i'd suggest at least a medium-weight jacket if you're going to be outside. because the breeze won't ease up until probably closer to 10:00, 11:00. by then it will be plenty chilly out there. last rays of sunshine. the sun goes down at 6:30 in the evening, so just a few minutes from now. a beautiful day. upper 60s to low 70s around the metro area. 71 degrees down into southern maryland. still mid-60s across the high spots near martinsburg and winchester. as you make your plans to get outside this evening, mid-60s at 7:00, back in the 50s by 11:00 p.m. the winds will be easing off
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just a bit. once the sun goes down. most of the real weather energy and action has been staying well up to our north today. that's good news for us. that's why we were sitting in the sunshine. so no complaints for us. again, the breezy weather will ease up, as high pressure sort of takes over. they'll knock the winds back just a bit. a chilly night tonight and very cool start coming up tomorrow morning. for anybody who's going to be outside early on. a mild day coming up tomorrow afternoon with plenty of sunshine. clouds on the increase as we get into the day monday. i'm leaving the rain drop out of monday for now. but we may have to put a little precautionary drop in there for monday afternoon. so for this evening, clear skies, quite breezy for the next few hours, turning very chilly once the sun goes down. back into the low to mid-50s by 11:00 p.m. overnight hours, clear skies, chilly breezes, slowly easing toward day broke, wakeup temperatures low 40s west of town to near 50 alongside of the bay. a lot of people going down to the tidal basin for the
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dedication of the national memorial for martin luther king jr. 8:00 temperature under clear sky, 53 degrees. and at 11:00 when the president speaks, temperatures right around 62. again, bathed in sunshine. tomorrow afternoon, mostly sunny, a touch breezy on the side. highs tomorrow up into the low 70s once again. mild and cloudy on monday with a 75-degree high temperature. we may have to put a little precautionary drop in there for monday afternoon. doesn't look like anything big yet. the steadier shower chances look to be arriving tuesday and wednesday. pulling on out of here for thursday. next weekend, sort of like what we've had, the cloud and shower chances during the middle of the week. as we get towards the end of the week and weekend, chilly, sunshine, a bit on the breezy side. that's not so bad at all. you can always follow the forecast right here on air, follow us online or you can follow me on twitt
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twitter @chuck. twitter @chuck. the cavaliers look to ture,
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you're always looking ahead... to what's next... to what's possible confident... that taking action now, is the way to create... a better tomorrow. that's why we're announcing, that with the planned merger with t-mobile, at&t will begin bringing five thousand jobs to america from overseas. we will invest eight billion dollars more...
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and deploy the next generation of wireless broadband to nearly everyone in america. this investment will create as many as ninety-six thousand american jobs. here at at&t, we believe in the future. we're not hesitating. we're investing in america now. why? well, we know it's good business. because america... has always been... and always will be... a smart investment. at&t. chuck is sitting over here surprised that georgia tech is having such a tough time with uva. >> they're a top ten team. >> they can play some ball. >> exactly. and just sit there and be quiet.
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let's talk about this game. virginia fans all know about this. it's been a very unpredictable season in the acc so far this year. instead of the traditional powers leading the pack like virginia tech, florida state or miami, the lone unbeatens clemson and georgia tech lead their divisions. both teams are predicted to remain undefeated before they square off in two weeks. the cavaliers tried to play the spoiler role. cavaliers hosting 12th ranked georgia tech, first quarter, first drive for uva. pitch goes to kevin parks. right into the end zone for the td. capping off a 12-play 73-yard drive. virginia up 7-0. same score later in the quarter. michael rocco drops back. finds tim smith at the bottom your screen for a touchdown. lots of time. he finds smith with the great
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grab. uva up 14-0. second quarter, 14-7, rocco this time looking for chris byrd. but it's picked off. yellow jackets with the interception. rod goes the other way. he keeps rumbling. he will get into the end zone. returns an interception 32 yards for the score. tied up at 14. cavaliers, they're going to rebound here. handoff goes to clifton richardson. he's down at the 1. next play will get in. the call's reversed. a 22-yard touchdown. right now, uva is still up 24-21 in the fourth. let's see if they can pull it off. navy visiting rutgers this afternoon. midshipman trying to snap a three-game losing streak, longest since 2002. second quarter, rutgers up 7-0 at their own 5. gary no va drops back to pass. picked off by chris ferguson. he returns it 16 yards into the
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end zone. defense making a statement. all knotted up at 7. chris procter, the quarterback, keeps it himself. rumbles into the end zone 54 yards. navy goes on top 14-7. here we go, fourth quarter. rutgers on third down, third and nine. the pass. finds his man in the back of the end zone. wright with the catch. 20-yard td. rutgers takes their first lead of the game. now 21-20. navy with a chance for the lead. it is blocked. the 34-yard field goal. no good. rutgers holds on for the win, 21-20. navy drops its fourth game in a row and falls to 2-4. also around town, georgetown beats howard 21-3. big games coming up tonight. virginia tech will play off against wake forest at 6:30. maryland homecoming game against clemson tigers. that one is at 7:00. speaking of maryland, 40
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years ago today, the then university of maryland head basketball coach lefty injurezell started a trend that has taken over college basketball. back in 1971, midnight madness was just a 1.5-mile run around bird stadium. now, as the clock strikes midnight, or anytime after 7:00, the official start of practice. the terps got things started last night at 10:30. with an alumni game. 2002 national championship team on hand. players like byron muton, and stevie blake now plays with the l.a. lakers. recent terps like the current grizzlies guard vasquez. gary williams also on hand. retired this last off-season. he was in attendance with his patented fist pump as he came onto the court. it was all about the new era of maryland basketball, with mark
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turgin taking the reins for his first season in college park. in the american league, texas leads their best of seven series against detroit, three games to two. with a chance to close things out at home tonight. in the national league, another tight series. st. louis squared off against milwaukee last night, all tied up at two games apiece. we pick it up, bottom of the second. st. louis leads 1-0 with two on. punto delivers. but no, jerry harrison with the grab. see it again. the former national steals one from punto. he is not happy. next play, not so good for harrison. this one gets through the legs. jaime garcia, down to third. here comes merlynna. he will come in to score. cranky, is not happy. let's see that again. right through the wickets. what happened there. one of four brewers errors in
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the game. cardinals up 3-0. matt holliday delivers. cardinals go up 7-1. that's your final. st. louis takes a 3-2 series lead. game six in milwaukee tomorrow. big games tonight in college football. let's see if virginia can also hang on. >> all right. i think they will. >> we hope so. >> virginia can do it. >> support the home team, don't get me wrong. that is the news for now. "nightly news" is up next. we're back here for news at 11:00, hope to see you then. have a good night.
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