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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  October 15, 2011 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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memorial. take a look at this map. at least three major rallies are planned in and around town today. >> let's take a live at the national sylvan theater are reverend al sharpton is leading a rally. that march will end up at the new martin luther king junior memorial. >> members of the occupy d.c. movement will have their voices heard today. they're gathering at mcfearson square and marching to the national mall at noon. >> mayor vincent gray will be taking part in the free d.c. rally. organizers want to draw more attention to their fight to secure more rights and independence for the district. we're life at freedom plaza. >> reporter: there's not a lot of people on the plaza right now. they're kind of spread out. that's because some to have 99%, some of the folks with oc have r part of all the events going on.
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as you can hear behind me with the full democracy rally is beginning to get underway here at freedom plaza. it's living up to its name these days. this weekend a convergence of themes. d.c. major vincent gray will be among those. the plan is at least for them to meet up with another group, reverend al sharpton's national action network and its march for jobs and justice. that's scheduled to happen at the sylvan theater. from there they're supposed to head to the martin luther king memorial. yaw add to that occupy d.c.'s international day of action which is starting at mcfearson square. by noon they too are expected to converge on the mar tin luther king memorial. a lot going on down here. joining me is the director of kmount affairs for d.c. and the coordinator of today's events. how do you expect to get your message out to be heard among
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all the messages today? >> reporter: today's message is further culmination of the message that mayor gray has had since he was chairman of the council. and since the days he first took office as mayor. we've invited every kwau draunt of the city, every special interest in the city to come down and join in the efforts to make budget autonomy, statehood and voting rights a reality for the district of columbia. >> reporter: is that going to mesh with the other efforts? >> i think it's consistent with everything that's going on in washington right now. dr. martin luther king junior himself says now is the time to make justice a reality for district rez dents. we're building on that theme. >> reporter: i've seen some cross pollination going on. i've seen folks from this group
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coming over here asking you guys what you're about. do you think maybe these group wills play off of each other and can grow from thr effort? >> some of the members of occupy d.c. are statehood advocates. there are common themes between all of these movements between occupy kk and its cause for justice and fairness between our statehood movement and its call for self-determination and the jobs and justice movement of reverend al sharpton. >> reporter: your event gets underway at 9:30. until about 1:00 today there's going to be a lot going on in d.c. thank you so much. rallies like that they're taking place today around the world. it's being called an international day of action. protests are being planned from
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london to new zealand. organizers have taken to the web to spread their message. on twitter demonstrators are trying to draw attention to this day. here's a look at some to have protests today. in asia about 170 people marched through central tokyo. other protesters set up camp in tokyo park. elsewhere people marched on the u.s. embassy in manila. if you plan on marching around town, you probably want the bring the swert. >> a sweater and the old joke hold on to your hats, hairpieces and kids under 40 pounds. sunshine out there for now. the winds aloft 3,000 to 5,000 feet are really howling. once we get the sunshine and it starts to mix up the atmosphere and it allows the winds at higher elevations to mix their way down to the ground so we will feel them. outside right now plenty of sunshine out there. the kennedy center in the distance 57 at national airport.
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57 also in annapolis. 57 in leesburg and fairfax. 55 in martinsburg. no rain on the radar. the highlighted counties out to the west. it's a high wind advisory for this evening. winds will gust 25 to 35 around town. more than 40 miles per hour wind gusts out to the west. plenty of sunshine and mild for college football fans. the naval academy is on the road taking on rutgers in new jersey. 66 degrees there a 2:00 kick off. a houlg west wind in new jersey today. local game georgetown the bison hosting the bulldogs of georgetown. johntown to howard. 66 degrees a 1:00 kick off. sunny and windy. a west wind at 20 to 30 miles per hour. virginia state university on the road at elizabeth city state university in north carolina. that one was a special request. sunny and breezy. not as windy as here. nonetheless plenty of breeze for
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that game. more college football in a bit. and an even look down into the seven-day forecast. >> looking forward to it. thank you. well, final work is underway to get ready for a dedication of the new martin luther king junior national memorial. crews were busy friday setting up chairs and the stage where president obama will give the keynote speech for sunday morning's ceremony. civil rights leaders will speak along with members of king's family. the original dedication was delayed because of hurricane irene. still a crowd of 50,000 people are expected to show up. >> getting to the event could prove to be challenging. several roads around the national mall will be closed at 4:00 a.m. sunday morning for the event. among them parts of constitution and independence avenue. metro says it will be ready
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to handle the big crowds. trains they're going to start running at act in the morning two hours earlier than normal on sunday. they also plan to provide extra train service to deal with the crowds. one station to avoid is going to be foggy bottom which is closed all weekend for repairs. stevie wonder is in town to help honor dr. king. he performed a at tribute to the late civil rights leader last night. before the event wonder had a chance to visit the memorial and get an upclose sense of the new statue. >> i could touch the reality of king monument. as soon as the vision was announced. i could see it complete as our
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efforts made that vision come into focus. >> the memorial closes at 10:00 p.m. saturday night to prepare for sunday's program. the parks service says the memorial foundation expects it to be closed to the public all day sunday and reopen at 5:00 a.m. monday morning. if you don't get a chance to get throughout, we will air the festivities live on our nonstop channel beginning at 10:00 tomorrow morning. comcast customers on channel 208. for verizon fios on channel 460. cox 803. also on the air at 4.2. the family of a missing man in alexandria is holding a fundraiser today to continue their search efforts. leny harris was last seen at a rec center september 21st. he was a community activist and an advocate for children and the poor. police suspect foul play in his disappearance. last tuesday investigators found his car and before that police found his cell phone on the
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woodrow wilson bridge and cameras show someone using his credit cards. today's fundraiser is a party with d.j. and food and starts at 3:00. in maryland this weekend a community is holding out hope that a missing boy will be found alive. a rec league football team held a candlelight vigil for teammate william mckwan. no one has seen the 11-year-old since september 30th. his mother was found beaten and stabbed to death in her home on wednesday. police tracked down her missing suv to charlotte, north carolina, where they arrested william's stepfather curtis lopez. he's now charged with murder. back in montgomery county william's football team is hoping for some positive news. >> it's just really difficult to deal with it. but everybody's we've come together as one.
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we realize the importance of prayer. and hoping that believing that he will make it back home safely. >> curtis lopez will have his first appearance on homicide charges in a charlotte courtroom monday afternoon. prosecutors will push for the death penalty for the man accused of opening fire at a california nail salon killing eight people. scott dekra was all smiles as police took his mug shot. prosecutors say he walked through the salon in seal beach wednesday killing his ex-wife and six other people. he also shot a man to death in the parking lot. prosecutors call the killings cruel, merciless and methodical. the warning period is over. you'll have to pay if you get caught violating a new speed camera in tacoma park. that's near the sbex of new hampshire avenue. until midnight last night drivers going 12 miles over the speed limit were sent a warning.
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now violators will get a $40 ticket in the mail. the city hopes the program will cut down on traffic accidents. >> i bet it will. i'm not going to say i haven't been caught before. right now it's ten minutes after the 9:00 hour. >> go ahead, make my day. he's one of the country's most beloved actors and directors, but how would he do as the president's right hand man? wait until you hear how close clint eastwood came to becoming a vp candidate. >> reporter: and bringing your lunch to work is one thing. imagine having to bring your own toilet paper? >> no. >> the major u.s. city that almost forced its public workers to do just that. don'
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[ male announcer ] one-hundred-nineteen data points. this is what we can gather from an ordinary crash test dummy. two million data points. this is what we can gather from a lexus crash test genius. [ engine revving ] when you pursue industry-leading safety, you don't just engineer breakthroughs in simulation technology, you engineer amazing. ♪ you engineer amazing. what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best.
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and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. [ female announcer ] having grands! biscis easy.the morning just pop 'em in... then go about your business... and in just 15 minutes, your family can enjoy warm fresh from the oven biscuits. grands! warm ideas made easy.
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♪ start your morning a whole new way! ♪ ♪ pillsbury grands! biscuits ♪ filled with breakfast ingredients ♪ ♪ ready in minutes! ♪ you gotta taste...mmmm a brand new morning ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury grands! biscuit sandwiches. you're watching news 4 today. rapper rick ross' pr team is
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keeping quiet this morning after reports he's in an alabama hospital after suffering two seizures in a six hour span. he was flying from fort lauderdale to memphis when the plane had to turn around. he was checked out at a hospital then boarded another flight to memphis only to have a second seize sure. that plane made an emergency landsing in birmingham. tough cop, cowboy and astronaut. clint eastwood has played all those roles, but vice president in he almost got that job real. former second stair of state james baker said george h.w. bush's campaign seriously considered asking eastwood to be his running mate in 1988. at the time eastwood was the mayor of caramel, california. eastwood says he was surprised to hear he was considered. but says he probably would have turned it down. >> reporter: tight budget haves a number of communities cutting even the basics these days. tossing out the toil paper was
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up for consideration for one government. here's nbc's kerry sanders. it's a sign of the times doing more with less and in some cases doing less with less. in south dakota school is now four days a week. a cost cutting move to save $50,000. >> we looked into the schools that were doing four day weeks. we don't feel it's going to have an effect on the students' achievement at all. >> reporter: in tiny alto, texas, population 1200, the city furloughed its five police officers and now relies on the county's 25 sheriff deputies who patrol 1,000 square miles. >> i feel like the town is vulnerable because we have no law enforcement. >> we'll miss them. >> reporter: in san diego the city saved a quarter million dollars cutting the mounted patrol and auctioning the horse. in florida commissioners voted this month to stop adding now
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ride to the water supply. the mother of this girl worries about no fluoride in the water. >> will they going to be sure to have dental plans? >> reporter: across america local governments are recognizing the government refrain a million dollars here and there we're talking real money. in newark, new jersey, cuts almost reached absurd levels. city hall proposed to stop providing toilet pain ner the restrooms. employees would have to bring their own. by that idea was flushed. kerry sanders, nbc news, florida. so here's my question, what would you do if you had no toileter pain her. >> are we really going to talk thabt? >> wow. would you like a waffle with that coffee? >> good morning. >> i could understand bringing a thing of kleenex the little pacts. do you roll up with your roll of
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paper. no, you can't have some of mine. >> as long as you know there's someone on the other side of the door you can knock. >> it's ludicrous. >> that's why they didn't do it. it's crazy. >> it got flushed. >> chuck bell, how about that forecast? >> look at all the sunshine we have out there. a little bit of wind, too. we'll get off of this topic and on to the topic we want to talk
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[ speaking french ] [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah.
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weri'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions.
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you're watching news 4 today. i'm sure a lot of golfers are thinking this is a great day. but still a lot of wind out there. >> the key is you have to hit the ball east. >> keep it low under the wind. >> we're going to have a very strong west wind this afternoon. as long as you're had thing it east, you'll get 20 or 30 extra yards.
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>> maybe the wind will help push the slices back in play. >> a slice -- you need to take the wind into account for your golf game today or keep the ball extra low. the worm burners those are the ones i specialize in. they're very rarely affected by wind. for us plenty of sunshine today. wind driven sunshine. temperatures will respond nicely in tupper 60s to 70s today. another plane load of folks down the river towards national airport. a good looking day out. beautiful sunshine out there. temperatures are warming up thanks to that. 57 degrees right now at national airport. with the wind out of the west southwest at 11 miles per hour. these westerly breezes are going to increase as we go into the late morning and early afternoon hours. be ready to hold on to your hats a bit this afternoon. 51 in gaitersburg.
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57 in college park. 57 in huntingtown. generally into the 50s with all the sunshine out there. these winds 20 do 30 miles per hour. looking for a fairly chilly day. if you're headed out to the maryland game tonight after the sun goes down be ready for a chilly game tonight. wind advisories in the high spots north and west of town. sunshine and breezy today. temperatures near 60 by 10:00 a.m. near 70 by 2:00 this afternoon and then down into the mid 60s by 6:00 p.m. on the satellite picture most to have rainshowers and unsettled weather staying well to our north. high pressure is moving on in. the high combination between high pressure to our south and west and deep pressure to the north is going to drive the westerly wind today. plenty of sunshine that is welcome news. overnight clear skies a bit of a breeze. as a result a chilly evening to be outside. you'll need jackets at least for outdoor plans this evening. tomorrow more great october weather.
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breezy tomorrow, nowhere near as windy as today. for today sunshine and wind. smps near average. highs upper 60s near 70. a west wind 20 to 30 today highs tomorrow in the 7 degreeser 60s to near 70s. the all important seven-day forecast. sunny and nice and windy today. increasing clouds on monday. rain chances will occur on tuesday to wednesday. turning out breezy and keeler to finish out the week. the clemson tight rers in college park taking on the terrapins it's a 7:00 kickoff. chilly and breezy. bundle up weather. oklahoma state down in austin taking on the longhorns freshly beaten by my sooners last weekend. sunny and hot down there in austin. the big game in the big ten today michigan and michigan state. that's a biggie up there in east lancing. a couple of teams going to fight it out.
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maybe a quick chance of a shower windy today. temperatures relatively good for big ten football. more college football forecasts in just a couple minutes. >> a lot of big games today. >> thank you, chuck. and speaking of sports, one national league team is one step closer to reaching the world series. >> we have highlights from the game five of the nlcs plus the official start to the college basketball season in this morning's sports minute. good morning. your sports minute begins with maryland midnight madness. terps alumni game. chris will kwox the dunk. he can still play. maryland opens its regular season at home on november 13th against unc wilmington. talking baseball game five of the championship series. garcia rips one to third through the legs of jerry hairston.
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david freeze scores. greinke none too pleased. take a look. the brewers made four errors and the cardinals win it 7-1 and take a 3-2 series lead. game six in milwaukee on sunday. high school football game of the week. broad run hosting os bourn. first quarter broad run trails 13-7 until this. the sprint across the field. he's in for a 67-yard touchdown. broadrun defeats osborn 27-20. the spartans improve to 6-1. that's your sports minute. have a great day. what a great time of year. baseball playoffs. we've got football. we've got hockey starting up. even some college babble now. just if the nba could get their act together. >> if you're not the biggest sports fan, there's something to cheer for. it 19:26 this morning. still ahead at this hour -- >> shocked and outraged.
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>> a stabbing victim breaks her silence. why it's not just her attacker she's so angry with. and taking off with the trash? the reason police say thieves the reason police say thieves are st i just joined extracare advantage for diabetes at cvs pharmacy. i'm taking the right steps to manage my diabetes and my budget. extracare advantage for diabetes is a program that helps me save money on the supplies i need so we can stay a step ahead of... all: our diabetes! join extracare advantage for diabetes and get special savings. visit to find out more.
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. complete this merger, and present to the board, sink your teeth into some big n' toasty if you understand.
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good. you've got spunk. a big day calls for the big n' toasty. wrap your hands around fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese on texas toast. america runs on dunkin'.
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you're watching nbc 4. washington's news leader. now live in hd this is news 4 today. welcome to news 4 today. it is saturday, october 15th. thank you for waking up with us. we're following two developing stories both out of the middle east. first in afghanistan where militants try to attack a u.s. base in the earn part to have country. the military says the attackers struck with rocket propelled grenades and a vehicle packed with explosives. all four of the men were killed and two afghan security guards were wounded. no americans were killed in the attack. now to yemen where officials say a u.s. missile strike has
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killed the son of a u.s. cleric who was also recently killed. six other militants died in this latest missile strike including an al qaeda media chief. time to check on our forecast with meteorologist chuck bell bringing us a good forecast on this weekend. >> two weeks ago it was that cloudy, cold, nasty weekend. i said every other weekend will be nicer than this one in october. we're 2-2. sunshine out there today. a little bit of a breeze to contend with by later on this evening and early this afternoon. if you're going to be out and about enjoying the great sunshine today. wonderful weather. 1600 pennsylvania avenue northwest temperature there 58 degrees. it's 57 down at the airport. 59 in charles county, maryland. it is 59 in stafford. 55 in martinsburg and charlestown and inwood.
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high wind advisories the highlighted counties out to the north and west. winds could gust over 40 miles per hour in those locations. your day planner plnty of sunshine, breezy, wind drink sunshine. temperatures climbing to near 70 for a brief time. if you're making the trip to charlottesville, a 3:00 kick off. 70 degrees at kickoff there. it will be windy in charlottesville. be on the lookout for that. if you're headed up to state college happy valley the lions taking on the purdue boiler makers 53 degrees the kick off. most of it's pretty good. very windy up there in happy valley. virginia tech on the road at wake forest. the demon deacons down there. a 6:30 cake off that will be a chilly game. mid 60s at kick off. but way down into the upper 40s before that game the through. cool weather there. more college football and the seven-day forecast still ahead.
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all right. thanks, chuck. look forward to it. right now police in herndon are looking for a man they say is behind two sexual assaults. take a look at this composite sketch of the suspect. police say he attacked one victim tuesday afternoon in the 1200 block of magnolia lane. the other victim was targeted at 7:00 that night in the 400 block of elden street. if you have any information you're asked to call police. a maryland woman who says she was attacked at target is now recovering. the woman was stabbed in the parking lot and ended up in the hospital. we have the exclusive news 4 interview. >> i feel lucky. >> reporter: mary anne breaks her silence in an exclusive interview with her husband by her sign. police say stark stabbed the mother of two several times in an unprovoked attack outside a
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bowie target store. how does it feel to be home? >> i feel blessed to be here. it could have been 100 times worse. >> reporter: she had just finished shopping at target and began putting groceries in the back of her mini van. suddenly she says stark stabbed her twice in the back and once in the head. >> comes up from behind and strikes me. >> reporter: she turned around bleeding profusely. >> when i realized she did it, i just ran. there was nothing pels i could do. >> reporter: while she was running away a witness found an offduty police officer across the parking lot. police were able to find and arrest starks. they say she was holding two nooifs. the video from inside the shoppers free warehouse inside the target shows the suspect stealing a bag of knives that she alleged lir used in the attack. >> that's what makes me the most mad is they let her leave the store. >> reporter: she's made clifton perkins mental hospital released
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stark 60 days angelina. she was being held there because she was charged with stabbing two people at a mall six years ago. >> shocked and outraged and i can't believe that they let a woman like this back out on the streets. >> reporter: starks has been reportedly loving at this group home. the staff won't talk to me. meanwhile starks is in jail charged with attempted murder. she hopes that becomes her permanent home. >> i hope she never gets out. cooking oil doesn't seem like something that's worth much especially after it's used. police in virginia say it's a hot item for crooks hoping to make a quick buck. cameras helped police in arlington catch two guys who were stealing drums full of oil from a restaurant. all this used oil is supposed to go to a company that turns it into biofuel.
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but police say thieves were selling it on the black market to companies who make chicken feed. >> it's a waste by-product. but it's worth $3.50 a gallon. it really adds up when there's huge gallon drums behind these restaurants. >> police say there are more than 200 open investigations across or area. green light biofuel says the thefts have cost them $30,000 to $75,000. criminal charges could be on the way for a number of vendors caught selling counterfeit products in the district. federal agents raided the d.c. farmers market off of new york avenue on friday afternoon. immigration and customs enforcement agents were seen carrying hundreds of boxes marked evidence out of the building. we're told the boxes contain counterfeit nike, louis vuitton, gu chee, product and ugg products along with fake nfl apparel and bootleg d.v.d.'s. a missouri bishop is now the first in the u.s. to be
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criminally charged with sheltering an abusive clergyman. a catholic bishop flynn authorities say he and his diocese waited five months to tell police about pornography on a priest's computer. finn knew about the photos last december but did not turn them over until may. the bishop pleaded not guilty. still ahead, dangerous drivers. a look at just how much of a risk teen drivers pose to you. how much do you tip your server when you go out to eat? what if we told you that you were required to pay 25%? where waiters want to implement
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experienced drivers know very well accidents can happen in a split second. all the more reason why teen drivers should eliminate distractions. a new study shows that's not
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what happens when they get behind the wheel. tom costello shows us the research. >> reporter: the latest aaa foundation drive cam video underscores how distraction and inexperience are the consistent problem factors in teenage driving. from loud music and a missed stop sign to texting with mom in the car. speeding through a school zone. talking on the phone, driving down the middle of the road, even unbuckling and reaching for a bag while making a turn. now new aaa research shows that teens are 50% more likely to have a crash in the first month of driving without a parent on board than they are after driving with a full year of experience. >> as soon as that parent leaves the car and the child starts driving by thes, the risks jump up dramatically. >> reporter: aaa cameras followed 38 teens from permit to full license. chuck saved his daughter lea from a very serious accident.
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>> whoa. stop! they completely ran a red light. go now. completely ran a red light. >> reporter: today all 50 states and d.c. ease teens into the driver's seat with graduated driver's license. usually including restrictions on nighttime driving and passengers with full driving privileges at the age of 16 in some states. 17 and 18 in others. some thing's working teen driving related fatalities have dropped from 1600 in 2002 to 2800 in 2009. miami dade police sergeant david greenwall investigate gaits fatal accidents. >> inattention could cost you your life or someone else's life. >> reporter: the lesson learned behind the wheel is there's no substitute for experience. >> i know another big thing is people are using their phones as gps devices. so trying to drive and find
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their way around. another danger. great report. how much do you tip when you go out to eat? 15%, 20%? >> maybe. some high end restaurants in san francisco want to talk on a mandatory 25% to your bill. that's right. workers say tough times in the economy have made them want to ask for more. the high cost of living in san francisco also factors in. most people who responded to news 4's very unofficial poll on facebook said tips are awarded based on service and a required amount should not be added to a customer's bill. i couldn't agree more with that. i went out to eat recently at a new steak house on 14th and u. the waiter totally took care of us. reese, if you're out there, thank you for your service. >> a shout out. >> that's how good the service was. that's what it should be. the waiter should make your experience and reward him for that. >> he just wants a free appetizer. come on, guys.
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>> good job. >> well, i can't top the free appetizer, but nonetheless -- >> we ought to tip you on the weather. >> a whilt whipped cream and cherry on top of the weekend forecast with plenty of this one works. ooh, the price sure doesn't. i'm tired of shopping around. [ sigh ] too bad you're not buying car insurance. like that's easy. oh, it is. progressive direct showed me their rates and the rates of their competitors. i saved hundreds when switching. we could use hundreds. yeah. wake up and smell the savings. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive.
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you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the on ckids want to eat ♪ start youmorning, a whole new way! ♪ ♪ ♪ pillsbury grands! biscuits ♪ filled with breakfast ingredients ♪ ♪ ready in minutes! ♪ you gotta taste...mmmm a brand new morning ♪ [ female announcer ] new pillsbury grands! biscuit sandwiches.
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leave the umbrella at home, folks. it's going to be a nice day. but if you're headed out to the gold cup, you have to hold on to the hat. >> the horses won't be bothered by the breezy conditions. if you've got a fun hat, a lot of ladies like to wear fun hats to the horse events, better strap it down. put a chin strap on it. >> chin straps those aren't too fashionable. >> spend $500 on a hat and then 50 cents on a piece of string to tie it under your chin. >> $2r5 00 for a hat? >> he hasn't been to a hat store recently.
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>> outside, plenty of sunshine to get your weekend started. we get to keep the sunshine for about 95% of your daylight hours this weekend. just a few fair weather clouds drifting our way later on this afternoon and tomorrow. for now brieg sunshine dpleeming off the side of the washington monument. a beautiful day to be outside. temperature 57 at national airport. winds are starting to pick up out of the south, southwest at 11 miles per hour. looking for winds to increase later on this morning and into the afternoon. a blustery day coming. 56 in baltimore. 59 in college park where they're getting ready for the big game against clemson. and out towards the blue ridge temperatures out of the 40s and into the low and mid 50s. 57 degrees in charltsville. no rain on the radar, high wind advisories had been posted along the west. a very windy day. but mild with temperatures into the upper 60s to near 70 degrees today.
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that is welcomed news. all the unsettled weather from yesterday that's lifted way up to our north now. the sunshine the back now. wind driven sunshine through the most of your saturday afternoon into evening. the winds will ease up a little bit overnight tonight. chilly, wake up temperatures tomorrow morning mostly in the 40s with gist enough of a breeze to make that feel cooler than average. tomorrow a light westerly breeze tomorrow. great october weather continues. for today mostly sunny and windy. the west winds 20 to 30. highs upper 60s to near 70. tomorrow plenty of sunshine. a slight uncrease in clouds tomorrow afternoon. not as much wind to contend with. a nice day today and tomorrow. your weekend is looking great. clouds thicken on monday. rain chances return to the forecast for tuesday and for wednesday. if you're headed out to charltsville, georgia tech taking on the cavaliers a 3:30 kick off. dartmouth the big green. >> oh, yeah.
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>> going into wooster. be ready for that one. the carolina gamecocks in starksville, mississippi taking and the bulldogs. 76 degrees there. not much of a wind problem. my sooners out there in lawrence, kansas, 65 degrees a 9:00 kick off. i'll be up all night long waiting for that game to finish. hopefully everybody's home team wins today. >> you're going to be in rare form tomorrow going off of no sleep. >> welcome to every sunday of my life. the surprising redskins take on the disappointing eagles this weekend. >> not disappointing for skins fans. >> the skins have a chance to deal a crushing blow to their division rivals. up next we'll take a look at a classic game between the two teams. this matchup from 20 years ago this matchup from 20 years ago was
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what do you think of this one? this matchup from 20 years ago was really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea.
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big game tomorrow as the redskins take on the eagles at fedex field. game's obviously between the redskins and eagles con injure up memories. some good, some not so good. most to have memories from the 1987 season were pretty pleasant including a season opener that marked the debut of doug williams. let's turn back the clock for redskins rewind. september 13, 1987, the first day doug delivered. reggie white and the eagles gave the skins a first quarter to forget. second skins' possession schrader rolling left. white separated schrader's shoulder on the play. a nagging injury that would keep him out for most of the season. enter doug williams who ends the
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first drive with a six-yard touchdown pass to art monk. but there's more pain in the point after. number four atkinson on the to the p.a.t. gets run into by andre dirty waters a dislocated left aipgle. ended atkinson's career with the redskins. second quarter and the eagles take flight. randall cunningham with the smooth toss to mike quick from 30 yards out it's a three-point ball game. skins lead 10-7. but williams had something to prove. late second quarter, bryant for 34 yards sedding up a one-yard touchdown plunge and a 17-10 halftime lead for the skins. >> i've always said what you play with these guys would be great. you just get a chance to play with someone el would be better. if you have monk, clock, sanders any quarterback. >> third quarter williams is
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dialing long distance. 57 yards to sanders and another one yard touchdown plunge. skins up 24-10. >> doug came in played a great game. he throws the ball with a little more loft. jake throws a more direct ball. doug puts more loft on it. basically came and played a great job. the guy is mr. d.c. tonight. he'll be the man on the town. >> the dream scenario for doug william turns into a nightmare late in the third quarter. reggie white again with the blind side hit. but this time reggie comes up with a ball and the big man can move. check him out. he rolls 70 yards after three quarters and a reggie white touchdown we're tied 24-24. but this day belonged to doug. on the ensuing kick off it's keith griffin. he brings it in at his own seven yard line and cuts through the middle of the mayhem. breaks left and sets up the skins on the eagle 39 yard line
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to end the third quarter. next play, and doug does it. a perfect toss to art monk right in stride. it's a 39-yard hook up and the skins go up 31-44 before the defense seals the deal. charles man rain on cunningham and the eagles hopes of a come back. skins win it 34-24. >> once the coaches evaluate the situation, they have to have doug williams come in. this is not a team that's rebuilding this is a team that's reloelding. we're trying to go to the super bowl. >> let's hope for a repeat of that tomorrow. >> just a little bit of tape to get you fired up for this sunday. that's going to do it for this edition of news
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