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tv   News 4 Today at 6  NBC  October 11, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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quick crackdown. new overnight, police arresting dozens of protesters in boston. the video already going viral. no arrests for protesters in washington. in fact, they're being invited to stay a while. and a bus driver stabbed. police say what led to the violent encounter. good morning. thanks for joining us for "news 4 today." i'm eun yang. >> on this tuesday morning, we have some clouds above us. we also have 64 degrees on this beautiful day in october. any rain headed our way? this afternoon a small chance. right now just clouds occupy our sky over washington on this tuesday morning. the temperatures are on the mild to cool side. it's 63 at reagan national.
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we're in the low to mid-60s right by the bay. away from the waters, most locations in southern maryland, eastern shore, northern neck in the upper 50s. closer to washington, mid-50s prince george's county. much of montgomery county low 50s. howard county, frederick, and maryland. much of western maryland and west virginia just near 50. virginia, the shenandoah valley on the blue ridge, low to mid-50s. in loudoun county and prince william, spotsylvania, fauquier, mid and upper 50s. weather watchers reporting this morning. all these clouds ahead in the south. all this rain in southern virginia. that's that area of green. light rain coming out of the carolinas, advancing north, and giving us a small chance of sprinkles this afternoon. otherwise, a lot of cloudiness. highs reaching low 70s. a look at the evening planner at 6:11. here's a look at tuesday traffic. good morning, danella. >> good morning. this disabled vehicle blocking your right lane, still slowing you down on 95 north at route 644.
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you can see we are in the red as we make our way. let's check a live camera right now. right now still seeing delays start at fairfax county parkway. you're really starting to slow down as you head towards the 95 interchange. taking the beltway in prince george's county, checking it for you, this is the view at route 5, inner loop and outer loop is clear in prince george's county. i'm also checking the rails. so far, no reported delays. now back to you both. >> thank you very much, danella. 6:02. new from overnight, police say a confrontation on a metro bus led to a stabbing. news 4's tracee wilkins joins us live from the wheaton metro station where police focus their investigation. tracee, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. montgomery county police say a 28-year-old bus driver was stabbed while on the job. it all happened here at the wheaton metro station. let me show you what it looked like earlier. according to montgomery county police, they say that this all started at the silver spring metro station as the bus was leaving. passengers were complaining about a man in the back of the
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bus exposing himself. at some point the bus driver confronted the man, asked him to stop his behavior. passengers complained, and it continued. when they arrived here at the wheaton station, everyone was taken off of the bus. at some point the suspect had a confrontation with one of the women on the bus. a fight ensued. the bus driver tried to break that up. that's when police say he was stabbed multiple times in the abdomen. the 28-year-old bus driver was rushed to the hospital. we're told that he's suffering from nonlife-threatening injuries. the suspect took off but was caught two blocks away on georgia avenue. he's been taken into custody, and charges are pending. they say he's a 52-year-old male. they also say they found the knife used in the stabbing on him when they took him into custody. i'm tracee wilkins live this morning in wheaton. eun, back to the studio. prince george's county
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police are investigating the deadly shooting of a 17-year-old boy. he was on the steps of the building on iverson street in hillcrest heights when he was hit. he died at the hospital. police have not released his name or any information about a possible suspect. police are investigating the shooting of another teenager, a 16-year-old boy shot in the shoulder on congress street. police say he was able to talk to them when they arrived. right now protesters are camped out at freedom plaza, and they're being told to stay a while. the u.s. park service extended their permits for four months. the anti-war and anti-corporate greed protests here in the district have been going on for 11 days. protesters agreed to share freedom plaza with other groups, including the parade for the martin luther king jr. memorial dedication this weekend. the protests here have been mostly peaceful. that's not the case everywhere
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else. this video came into our news room. angie goff is live it more. >> reporter: good morning. police arrested over 100 protesters from the occupy boston movement after they refused to relocate their camp. >> remain reasonable and necessary force may be used to disperse the unlawful assembly. >> that video shows the warning before protesters were taken away at the rose fitzgerald kennedy greenway. just before midnight, police told the group, about 1,000 there, to move their encampment or be locked up. the group responded with things like the whole world is watching. ten minutes later, officers began arresting people and tearing down tents. one police officer was reportedly hit in the face, but police say no protesters were hurt. many of them actually took off to another location to set up camp somewhere else. police issued the first warning to lead part of the greenway, which is private property,
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around 11:00 last night. in the aftermath, protesters told reporters they were prepared to be arrested. many of them had signs. they were holding them up with phone numbers of lawyers in case something like this did happen. we're hearing the aclu was also on site passing out cards with what to do if they were taken into custody. >> angie goff live for us this morning. angie, thanks for the update. today president obama is hitting the road this morning trying to build support for his job creation plan. the president will meet with union leaders there about the american jobs act. president obama says the bill can immediately put workers back on the job, but congress has yet to move the legislation forward. the president will also talk about jobs during a fund-raising event in orlando, florida tonight. >> more than half of all americans believe there will be another financial crisis in the next couple of years. that's according to a new poll out by "the washington post." 52% of americans believe they could experience a meltdown
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similar to the banking crisis of 2008. that is up 10% from last year. the survey also asked republicans which gop candidate would most improve the economy? 22% chose romney. 20% said herman cain would do the most to help the recovery. about 22% of republican voters said they had no opinion on who would do the best job. the republican presidential candidates will have a chance to make their case for who is best for the job tonight in a debate solely focused on the economy. the bloomberg news and "the washington post" sponsored debate is being held at dartmouth college in one of the most important early primary states, new hampshire. the format will be slightly different with the candidates seated side by side in a round table format to promote more interaction. questions will cover economic issues important to voters, including unemployment, the nation's debt, and taxed. the national museum of natural history here in
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washington will mark one year since the rescue of the 32 miners 234 cie lie. two of the miners are in town. they met with visitors at the museum. luis urzua is captain and credited with keeping the group calm and helping them survive. esteban rojas is the man who proposed to his wife when they were brought up to the surface. they were rescued october 13th, 2010. ahead, star power on the way [ female announcer ] if you're considering going back to school,
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golfers in australia should make sure they don't land their golf balls in the water. six bull sharks are living in the golf course's lake. some are ten feet long. despite the new surroundings, sharks are thriving with some of them even breeding in the lake. the new companions don't seem to be affecting the golfers' games so far. maybe some are trying to catch a
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glimpse of their buddy greg norman, the shark. >> i would not go anywhere near that golf course. >> at least not without shoes. let's check in with tom kierein now to see what our forecast calls for. it's time for weather and traffic on the ones. good morning. it's 6:11 on this tuesday morning. around the region, a lot of cloudiness and weather observers checking in from pet worth to largo, hyattsville, great falls, gaithersburg. it's general ly upper 40s to ner 50. northern neck and eastern shore, near 60. low pressure coming into the carolinas now. there's some rain there. it's just now crossing into southern virginia. we have a small chance of some sprinkles this afternoon. otherwise, a lot of cloudiness around will be into the low 70s perhaps by early afternoon. there's a small chance of some sprinkles as well this evening. we'll be in the 60s. then a likelihood of rain after midnight tonight and into tomorrow. we'll look at that, the rest of
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the week and the weekend at 6:21. danella hsas a look at our traffic. >> good morning. if you're traveling 95 north, a disabled vehicle right at route 644. police are on the scene there, and they are taking up your right lane. chopper 4 is live over i-66 right now traveling east just as you pass route 123 and make your way towards nutley. we have an accident blocking your left shoulder lane. i am seeing some volume as you continue to make your way past the beltway and inside of the beltway on 66 east. again, just look out for this as you're making your commute. speaking of the beltway, let's head over to the outer loop of the beltway on new hampshire avenue. these cars are start to go hit the brakes. you're heavy on the brakes as you pass new hampshire avenue and make your way towards georgia avenue. i'm back in ten minutes with another update. ba to you both. >> 6:13 now. 64 degrees. coming up, ten years later, how police caught up with a
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good morning. welcome back. police in kansas city are turn to go local tv stations in their search for evidence. they're being asked to submit raw footage by friends and family of a missing 10-month-old girl. at least four tv stations reported on their websites they have now received subpoenas. lisa irwin's parents reported her missing a week ago. it's unclear whether the tv stations will comply. irwin's parents say she was taken from the crib last week. so far police have no leads, they say. today the so-called underwear bomber will go on trial. he will not represent himself after all. omar farouq abdulmutallab was going to give his own opening statements today. he is fighting charges he tried to blow up an airliner on christmas of 2009. however, a court appointed attorney will represent him now and question most witnesses.
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jurors are expected to hear more key evidence in the manslaughter case against michael jackson's doctor this week. >> he said, i can't function if i don't sleep. they'll have to cancel it. i don't want to cancel it, but i don't want to cancel it. >> the jurors will hear the last 45 minutes of those tapes today. murray tells investigators in those tapes that dr. arnold klein gave jackson drugs that he, murray, did not know about. murray told police that he felt pressured into giving jackson the powerful anesthetic propofol. the sedative was supposed to help jackson sleep so he didn't have to cancel concert rehearsals because of insomnia. if convicted of involuntary manslaughter, murray faces up to four years in prison. montgomery county police say dna helped them nab a suspect in a nearly decade old assault and burglary case. 37-year-old carroll richard
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leach is facing first degree assault and second degree burglary charges. police say he's the man responsible for attacking a 48-year-old woman at an office building in silver spring back in 2002. a temple hills restaurant is locked up tight this morning. police shut down the family restaurant on dallas drive for what they call a known pattern of violence there. just this past friday, two people were slashed and a third shot and wounded following a fight inside. the family restaurant is the second business shut down under new law in prince george's county that cracks down on violence at dance halls. 6:18 now. a virginia gun rights group plans on protesting for the right to carry guns on campus. the virginia citizens defense league will hold a series of campus safety demonstrations. some say had an armed permit holder been in the classrooms under attack at virginia tech in 2007, the gunman could have been stopped. the group plans on going to state schools and passing out flyers at virginia commonwealth
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university, george mason university, virginia tech, james madison university, and radford university. at least two schools in virginia have a no guns policy, and virginia tech is apparently considering one. nba fans won't see any basketball for at least the first two weeks of the season and maybe even more. commissioner david stern announced 100 games over the first two weeks will be cancelled. the decision came when players and owners couldn't close a deal after seven hours of negotiations. the cancellation marks the first work stoppage in the nba since the 1998 and '99 season. the capitals victory over the tampa bay lightning. >> semin backhand. he scores! >> the capitals struck down the tampa bay lightning 6-5 in a shootout. there was a lot of offense in this one as four different caps scored in regulation, including two from jason chimera.
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and it was new goaltender tomas vokoun's debut, although it was a lucky one with five goals, including one that deflected into the net. caps travel to meet arch rival pittsburgh on friday. go, caps. prince harry earned himself a new title, that of wedding photographer. prince harry stopped at an irish pub in san diego over the weekend. while he was there, he took a few photos of the couple during their rehearsal dinner. this is a photo of the couple and the prince's bodyguard. prince harry is there for military training. he'll be in the states for what's described as rigorous training. part will take place in california, and the rest will be in arizona. an unusual sight in the sky overnight had people tweeting up a storm this morning. we had a number of tweets talking about a so called moon rainbow, a moon bow, if you will. while some understood what it was, many were confused what
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they were looking at. according to wikipedia, moon bow is made when the light reflects off the surface of the moon rather than from direct sunlight. >> let's talk to somebody who probably knows more than whiiki pedia. here's tom kierein. >> the high clouds over us last night were light crystals. they were reflecting that light and causing this refraction that's sort of a rainbow effect where it was, in fact, due to the high clouds and that wonderful circular halo around the moon. right now this morning it's a dark start. we have a cloudy sky. temperatures are cool. most locations in the 50s to near 60 now. fairfax, montgomery, arlington, prince george's counties. low 60s in washington right near the bay. away from the waters, eastern shore, northern neck in the 50s. and much of western maryland, west virginia just near 50. a lock at all the clouds. they're coming in from the south, and we have a few sprinkles beginning to show up in richmond and points south, all this area of color. those are zones of potential
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light rain right now. that's advancing north. sunrise 7:13. we might have a few peeks of sun this morning. overall, a cloudy morning. during the afternoon, a small chance of sprinkles. then tomorrow, likely rain on wednesday from time to time with highs near 70. smaller chance of showers on thursday, thursday night into early friday morning. drying trend friday into the weekend, looking great for saturday, sunday, and monday. danella, good morning. how's traffic? >> good morning. chopper over i-66 east. if you're traveling 66 east, first problem is once you make your way towards nutley in the left shoulder lane, still have police activity over there checking out the accident. further back on 66, you can see that we are having big delays. those delays actually start at sudley road. the lanes are packed, and your delays continue as you head east towards the beltway and even inside the beltway. shooting over to 270 in maryland, starting to see a lot
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of congestion pick up right about falls road. your big delays, where you're seeing red, is out of urbanna and making your way towards clarksburg. once you get to clarksburg, you get a little relief, and then the volume is starting to increase again on falls road. good news in both directions on 270, no accidents to report. now back to you both. >> thank you, danella. our time is 6:22 right now. it's part of the daily routine for millions of people. for millions of people. who may
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and even though you do what you can to take care of it, sometimes you want to give your immune system some support. try new airborne chewable tablets. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets!
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welcome back at 6:26. earthquake victims in mineral, virginia, are getting a dose of good news. the city was denied help from fema to pay for the damage caused by the 5.8 magnitude quake. but they did land a free concert by country star alan jackson. the tiny town beat out kansas city for the event, which mineral's vice mayor calls a welcome distraction. no date has yet been set for that concert. in "news 4 your health," researchers are trying to get the word out for the dangers of daily supplements, particularly
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for women. researchers say those who take multivitamins, folic acid, and iron supplements may face higher risk of early death. they say that might be explained by ongoing health problems or people taking iron pills after major surgery. dieticians say that supplements aren't necessarily bad but should be secondary to proper nutrition. it is 6:27. 65 degrees. a wedding day downer. the local bridesmaids who became victims for thieves. plus a local neighborhood is raising a i'm a curious seeker. i am a chemistry aficionado.
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diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions.
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protesters in freedom plaza tell us they're free to stay for a long time. good morning. welcome back to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs >> and i'm eun yang. it is tuesday, october 11th, 2011. we're taking a live look outside right now. it's 6:30. 65 degrees. a touch warmer but cloudier as well. meteorologist tom kierein here
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to tell us more about the forecast. >> yesterday we got into the low 80s, and that's probably going to be the last of the 80s for the rest of the year. >> too bad. >> our chances of getting 80 again are really very slim as the next several days are looking cooler. with the clouds we've had overnight, we kind of held in a little bit of that warmth we've had yesterday. this morning it's kind of mild near the bay but also in washington, low and mid-60s. else where, it's dipped down in the 60s in many locations of virginia. it's hit near 50 in much of western maryland and much of west virginia. all of the clouds coming in from the south ahead of an area of low pressure that's bringing in rain out of the carolinas to the southern areas of virginia. this is advancing north. we have a small chance of a few of those sprinkles coming in this afternoon. otherwise, a cloudy day and cooler with highs reaching the low 70s, about ten degrees cooler than yesterday. sunrise at 7:13. a look at your evening planner at 6:41. danella, good morning.
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how's traffic? >> good morning. let's start why prince george's county. have an accident. this is northbound route 4 at brooks drive. checking the beltway there in prince george's county, so far still seeing a lot of green of the here's a live look right now, the beltway at branch avenue, inner loop and outer loop are clear. the big problem is the beltway in montgomery county, seeing heavy delays. right now you can see a lot of brake lights. this is at new hampshire avenue, and you are hot on the brakes on new hampshire avenue, maybing your way towards georgia avenue and heading towards the mormon temple. i'm back in ten minutes with another look at your traffic. back to you both. >> see you then. danella, thank you. new from overnight, police in boston arrested dozens of protesters from the occupy boston movement. there are reports that up to 100 people were arrested. police say it's because they moved their camp to a location they were not allowed. police warned the protesters to move away, but some refused. anyone who ignored that warning was then arrested for trespassing. this morning protesters are
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camped out at freedom plaza here in washington. u.s. park police extended their permit for four months, through halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, all the way up to valentine's day. news 4's megan mcgrath is live in washington with more on this. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morning, joe. a lot of the protesters thought this would all come to an end yesterday, possibly with major arrests. it didn't happen quite like that. as the deadline approached, u.s. park police approached organizers and asked for a private meeting. the result of that meeting is they said it's okay for the demonstrators to stay here longer, possibly up to four months. take a look behind me. you can see the tent city that's popped up in freedom plaza. right now all is quiet. a lot of folks are sleeping here. it's up to the national park service to grant the permit. we're still awaiting official word in terms of how long they'll be able to stay. the police are saying here -- they sort of changed their position. instead of having to get out yesterday afternoon, they're
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saying they're okay with folks sticking around for up to four months so long -- the only caveat is so long as they share the space with groups who come to town for other events. the martin luther king memorial dedication this weekend, there are some folks that are going to be in this area. again, that's a situation where they're going to have to share the space on freedom plaza with other people from other events. that's the agreement that was brokered here. what will happen in terms of this tent city, we spoke to one of the demonstrators, and he says he expects kind of an in and out for some of the people. they'll have to go home, go to jobs, take care of business on the home front. but others plan to stay here round the clock for the long haul. >> some people will stay. new people will come. some like myself will be here for some period, and then we may duck back for a week or two, take care of things, pay the bills, and come back down. >> reporter: so the tent city will be here for a while.
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some of the businesses here along freedom plaza have limited access. the jw marriott, for example, has the side entrance that opens up on the plaza with limited access. it remains to be seen how the businesses feel about this, the extension here. we're just going to have to wait and see how it all pans out. back to you, joe. >> megan mcgrath reporting live. megan, thanks very much. so far the occupy wall street protests have cost the new york police department close to $2 million. the department said it spent $1.9 million mostly in overtime pay to patrol the park where hundreds of protesters were camped out. the nypd police commissioner said, if the protests continue, the department may have to cancel an academy class that save money. the new york stock exchange is denying a report that its website was hacked twice yesterday. a group that monitors the site says it experienced two outages, but a spokesman said there were
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two disruptions. last week the online group anonymous suggested an attack in support of the wall street movement. a former marine accused of shooting at the pentagon and the marine corps museum is expected to plead not guilty to charges today. yonathan melaku was arrested in june after being spotted in arlington national cemetery after dark. he was then connected to shoot ags the several military installations in the fall and to several car break ins in leesburg. melaku will face additional charges after the loudoun county sheriff said last month that he tried to escape from jail. a three alarm fire at an apartment building in prince george's county forced about 50 people out of their homes. it happened at this garden style complex at the 1400 block of university boulevard east in adelphi. the fire started on the third floor. investigators have not said what caused it. the city of alexandria's
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efforts to solve one problem has now led to another. that is the noise of a generator. homeowners say it's just too loud. the city set it up off of holmes run off of van dorn street. that's where two sanitary sewer lines broke last week. some homeowners say the noise has made them have to switch bedrooms and even wear ear plugs to try to sleep at night. >> there's a real vibrating sound to what they're doing. it's just nonstop. it never lets up. it's irritating, and we realize it's for a good reason, but at the same time, it's nonstop. and i'm very noise sensitive. >> public works officials say they plan to get silent generators for the pumps as soon as possible. they estimate it could take anywhere from three to six weeks to repair the broken sewage lines. 6:37 is the time. booted. why some local police had to
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state farm. this is jessica. hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender. oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying?
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no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. state farm. ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman.
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welcome back. at 6:40, it is 65 degrees. look at that beautiful sky out there. some clouds overhead. a little bit warmer than yesterday. but tom says good-bye to the 80s. >> those clouds are going to have a lovely sunrise this morning, i bet. here's tom with more. maybe. there's a little break in the horizon there. we might get a beautiful sunrise. the sun's up at 7:13. right now around the region it is mostly cloudy from adams more gbaja-biami morgan to mt. rainier, suitland to vienna. temperatures mid to upper 50s. 60s right near washington and near the bay. clouds advancing south to north, and they're producing rain in southern virginia and in the carolinas. it looks like that may move our way here later this afternoon. there's a small chance of some sprinkles moving in this
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afternoon. otherwise, a lot of clouds around. highs reaching low 70s. this evening still a small chance of light rain, maybe a few sprinkles this evening. otherwise, cloudy in the 60s. a likelihood of rain after midnight. we'll look at that, the rest of the week, and the weekend in ten minutes. danella, how's traffic? >> the holiday is over. definitely back to school, back to work time f you're traveling 270, you can see we are jammed starting at father hurley. very, very slow for you. i am checking as you make your commute towards the spur. those delays continue. if you're heading north on 270, not bad at all. chopper is over 95. traveling 95 at lorton, that's where you're going to slow down. those delays continue as you make your way towards the 95-395 interchange. the lanes are packed, and it is a slow commute. starting over at 66 east, big delays waples mill road. those delays as continue as you make your way towards the
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beltway and even inside the beltway. back to you both. 6:42. 65 degrees. commuters beware. at th"well, we could sleep we hin the same bed,ime: but it just doesn't work." she would like a firmer mattress than i would. yeah, nine out of ten couples disagree on the firmness they want in a mattress. i sleep on the couch. with our bed, the sleep number setting represents the firmness that you like on your half of the mattress. don't mess with my side because i'm comfortable. i can adjust mine to my liking and she can do the same. go ahead and switch sides so you can feel what the other side feels like.
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you were on his side. how does that feel? it's hard. i like my side better, too. i like my side better. this is too soft. is is too hard. why don't we switch back to where you were. i am so glad to be back. oh, yeah. you can have comfort and you can be in the same bed. there's no debate or no squabble because you can have it your and i'll have it mine. so we save a lot of marriages. at our sleep better together sale, discover the bed whose unique dual air technology provides total comfort for both of you. and save $400 to $800 on our newest, most innovative bed sets. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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good morning. welcome back. a metro bus driver stabbed overnight. he is recovering this morning. the bus driver pulled over at
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the wheaton bus station after a man on board exposed himself and got into a confrontation with passengers. when the bus driver tried to break up the fight, police say he stabbed him several times in the abdomen. the driver is said to be okay. police have a man in custody. they're questioning him, and charges are pending. it's supposed to be a happy occasion, but for six bridesmaids, a friend's wedding turned into a disappointing day after their purses were stolen right out of the church. it's a news 4 exclusive you saw first at 11:00. one of the bridesmaids said the six women tried to hide their purses at a podium in a room below the sanctuary. 30 minutes later after the ceremony, the purses were gone. one of the bridesmaids, who was afraid to be identified, worried the thief may figure out where she lives, says they lost more than their cell phones, money, or driver's licenses. they lost their sense of security. >> it's just very alarming to think, while we were upstairs and our best friend was getting married, somebody was downstairs committing a horrible crime.
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it was in such an odd spot and it was such a big area, and they had such a little window of time. >> the bridesmaids say they aren't optimistic that the police will be able to find the stolen items but that they will keep an eye on craigslist and ebay for the belongings. a warning for drivers who get creative when they try to find a spot at park and ride lots. park more carefully or pay the price. virginia state police say illegal parking has gotten so bad at the woodbridge park and ride lot off of i-95, they have no choice but to crack down. this morning troopers will be posting warnings on illegally parked cars. after a few days, drivers will start getting tickets or even worse, when they may return to find their car's all gone, find them towed. a familiar problem for metro riders is finding a parking spot at all, and it's expected to get a lot worse. the according to the washington examiner, the transit agency has 60,000 parking spots.
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but an estimated 80,000 out of 250,000 riders use those stations. get this, metro says adding more parking garages would cost $25,000 per space. 6:47 now. members of a volunteer rescue squad say they're out thousands of dollars because police shut down their fund-raiser. the fredericksburg rescue squad was clebllinollecting money wit nets this weekend as part of an annual collection. but someone complained to police the volunteers were walking into traffic. police shut down the fund-raiser, citing a city ordinance concerning solicitation and panhandling. they were hoping to raise about $20,000 but they only collected $3,000. they plan to work with police to find a new fund-raising idea. i guess you can disregard all the talk about how the iphone 4s is disappointing hard-core apple fans. apparently, the numbers don't lie. good morning, brian. >> it's pretty unbelievable, joe. apple says more than 1
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million people placed preorders for the new iphone 4s on friday. that surpasses the previous one-day record for the iphone 4. some were disappointed by the 4s when they introduced it last week, but it's said to be a big draw mainly because more people are selling it and it's available in more countries. apple has finally released an ipad app that's available for free from itunes. photos and video are given prominence and can be viewed full screen. users can capture video with their ipad and put it directly in their profile's news feed. it's all about getting all of us to spend even more time on facebook. it's estimated americans spend eight hours a month on facebook or 16% of their total time
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online. i'm guilty of it too. they're hoping for a less eventful morning today at antietam elementary school in prince william county. there were scary moments yesterday when a deer came crashing through a classroom window. the dr came crashing through the same window and ran away. it was recorded on the school surveillance cameras. there weren't any students in the classroom at the time, and the teacher in there was able to run away. >> time for a look at weather. here's tom. >> watch out for the deer. they're getting more active this time of year, and under the cloud cover, they're kind of hard to see. we're begin to go see the first light of day showing up over the potomac river. the potomac is now filled with grape juice this morning. >> that's what that is. >> reflecting the lavender blueberry sky. there is the streak of gold there on the eastern horizon. may get a little peek of sun here shortly. sunrise at 7:13 right now.
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63 at reagan national with a calm wind. elsewhere, the clouds have been in the 60s. near the eastern shore, 60 degrees. farther west, we've dipped down in the 60s in montgomery county, fairfax, arlington, prince george's county. upper 40s and near 50 in the mountains of western maryland and west virginia. clouds all come frg an area of low pressure advancing from south to north. where you see this area of green, some sprinkles here, lower part of the eastern shore up near richmond. up near charlottesville, a few scattered sprinkles. steadier rain down in the carolinas associated with that area of low pressure. temperatures in the 60s through midmorning. maybe a little sun breaking out between now and midmorning. cloudy after that. there's a small chance of sprinkles in the afternoon. tonight in the 60s, small chance of sprinkles this evening. by midnight, low 60s.
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after midnight, rain likely. this time tomorrow morning a wet commute for the morning. looks like a wet day wednesday with occasional showers and highs near 70. smaller chance of any rain during the afternoon on thursday. still cloudy. highs mid-70s. a little sun back in the afternoon. perhaps a morning sprinkle friday. great weekend to follow saturday, sunday, and into monday each day. danella, good morning. how's traffic? chopper 4 is over 95 north. this is as you make your way towards the occoquan. looks to be a multivehicle crash blocking the right shoulder lane. we are seeing some delays out of prince william parkway and towards the occoquan. here on 395 south of edsall, all lanes are packed. continuing north to the 14th street bridge, you are still going to see some delays and starting to see crowding and a couple of brake lights as you make your way across the 14th street bridge. back to you both.
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>> danella, thank you. 6:52 now. dozens of protesters still camped out at freedom plaza this morning. the national park police says the group can stay there up to four months. megan mcgrath is live in northwest with more now. megan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, eun. yesterday was the deadline for demonstrators to get their belongings together and leave freedom plaza. as you can see, we still have a tent city. folks are still in place. that is going to be the case for up to four months. as the deadline approached yesterday, u.s. park police went to organizers and asked for a private meeting. in that meeting the police told them they could stay here in the plaza again for up to four months so long as the protesters shared the space with other groups that come here to the city for other events. there's one such event that's this weekend. the martin luther king memorial dedication. apparently, there's some events down here. again, they've asked the protesters to be respectful and to share the space with folks coming down for that event.
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as you can see, the protesters have not been moved out. many were fearful there would be arrests yesterday. that did not happen. we're waiting for official word from the national park service. they're the folks who actually give the permits here yesterday. it was a holiday. we're waiting to here the official word has been cut. we're told by police they can stay up to four months. back to you in the studio. >> megan mcgrath live for us this morning. megan, thank you. 6:54 is the time. let's check some of the other top stories this morning. dozens of protesters hauled off to jail in boston after they clash with police. officers trying to move the crowd out of a park when several people refused to leave. things then got physical. we're told no one was seriously injured. about 100 people were arrested. republican presidential candidates will take the stage again tonight for a debate solely focused on the economy. the debate is being held at dartmouth college in the key
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primary state of new hampshire. questions will cover economic issues, including unemployment, the nation's debt, and taxes. in just a few hours, president obama will leave for pittsburgh to try to build support for his jobs bill. the president will meet with union leaders there, but the american jobs act, which he says could immediately put workers back on the job. congress has yet to move on the legislation so far. first lady michelle obama is aiming for a world record today. she wants to break the guinness world record for the most people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period. the first lady needs 20,000 people to participate to set that record. you can join by going to national geographic's and registering your group. then jump for one minute any time between 3:00 today and 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. jumping jacks for one minute. here's your challenge. >> you're doing it now. we can't see it because your feet are under the desk. you're jumping right now. if you do like to move, today we're giving away an xbox kinect, the game system you can
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play without a controller. it's a motion sensor. >> it can be yours as part of our nbc 4 fan demonium. all you need to do is like our nbc washington page on facebook and sign up to win great prizes. we'll pick a winner at news 4 at 6:00 and make the announcement at news 4 at 11:00 p.m. hope you join us. >> right now a quick out the door forecast. here's tom. you may need an umbrella as you're heading home from work and school. right now cloudy, low 60s and 60s. chance of an afternoon sprinkle. highs low 70s. a likelihood of rain moving in tonight and off and on throughout the day and wednesday. a smaller chance on thursday. friday we should begin to clear out. sun back in the afternoon. highs low 70s. weekend looking great. should be great for the king dedication ceremony on sunday. sunny both saturday, sunday, as well as on monday. danella, how's traffic? still seeing a couple of issues. first, outer loop of the beltway very jammed. slow making your way from new
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hampshire avenue and continuing towards georgia avenue. and chopper is still live over i-95 where there's an accident blocking your right lane. this is as you travel north, right as you approach the occoquan. and we're seeing delays out of dale city. they actually continue all the way towards 395. now back to you both. >> tough way to start the day. danella, thanks very much. that's "news 4 today." that's "news 4 today." thank you for starting your
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