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tv   News 4 Today at 6  NBC  October 4, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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one town in northern virginia? right nowality 5:59, amanda knox is a free woman and heading home. what's next for her and what she said right before she stepped on an airplane to leave italy. apple's big announceannounc. the company is expected to unveil a new iphone. but don't get too excited. why many of you will not be able to get this phone. good morning and thanks for joining us for "news 4 today." i'm eun yang. >> and i'm joe krebs. it's tuesday, the 4th of october, 2011. looks like we have clear skies for a change this morning. 48 degrees out there. let's find out what the rest of the day is going to be like. we have some clearing skies and finally something to smile about weather-wise. it's been a long time since we've had anything to smile about with the weather from irene and lee and all that tropical moisture and just what a dreary month september was and even going into october. and now here we're going to get
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stuck in another rut. but at least it's going to be a rut of sunshine and some nice clear dry air over us. 51 degrees right now. we do have cloud cover still out there. the wind at 6 miles per hour. it's starting to pick up just a little bit as we get into the neighborhoods now. bowie and clinton and maryland at 49 degrees. alexandria at 48. aspen hill at 48 degrees also. most neighborhoods 45 to 48 degrees right now. there's a look at your satellite and radar review. those sprinkles drying up. the clouds starting to part. by noontime today easily we'll be looking at a partly sunny sky. mostly sunny for a lot of the afternoon. temperatures should easily get into the mid and upper 60s. we'll hit a high of 67. 68 degrees. your day part forecast warming up very nicely, compared to yesterday's high of 53. down into the 50s tonight. we'll take a look at the seven day forecast in just a couple of minutes. >> sounds good, veronica.
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if you're traveling in d.c., report of a crash westbound suitland parkway at firth sterling avenue. congestion really building in our area. so far on i-66, take a look at waples mill road. those delays continue as you travel inside the beltway on i-66. the good news in that area, no accidents to report. in maryland, picking up a lt l steam at colesville road. travel time still looking really good. traveling from i-95 to i-270 will take you 11 minutes as you travel at 52 miles per hour. on the rails, so far no reported delays on the metro, marc, or vre. joe and eun, back to you. >> all right, danella. thank you. breaking news. a local astrophysicist has just been named a nobel prize winner in physics. 41-year-old adam reese is from the district and works for johns hopkins university in the space telescope science institute. he received the prize alock long
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with two other men for their work on the expansion and acceleration of the universe. right now amanda knox is waiting to board a plane to um can back to the u.s. knox and her family were spotted in an airport in rome. she thanked reporters saying she had will always be grateful for the commitment to those who wrote her and those who supported her. the president of the italy usa foundation said inmates were chanting for her at the prison. an italian appeals court threw out knox's and her former boyfriend's convictions for the death of roommate meredith kercher. the court threw out the evidence after dna was thrown out used to convict knox. >> we are thankful for the support we have received from all over the world, people who took the time to research the case and could see that amanda
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and rafael were innocent. >> knox and her family will take a british airways flight to england before heading back to the u.s. meantime, we're hearing from meredith kercher's family. the family spoke to reporters this morning. kercher's brother says the family is back to square one after knox's acquittal. >> ultimately, while we accept the decision that was happennde down yesterday and respect the court and the italian justice system, we do find we are left obviously looking at this again and thinking how a decision that was so certain two years ago has been so emphatically overturned now. >> the italian prosecutor told nbc news he will definitely file an appeal to the high court saying, quote, consider it already done. . today the trial for the so-called underwear bomber is expected to begin. he was arrested on christmas day 2009 accused of trying to set off a bomb that was stitched into his clothing while on a trans-atlantic flight. the young nigerian, who is
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representing himself at trial, is expected to denounce america as an enemy of islam. if convicted, he would face life in prison. also today the defense is expected to call final witnesses in the trial of a fairfax woman accuseded of killing her grand daughter. lawyers for carmela dela rosa argue she was insane when she threw 2-year-old angelyn ongdok off the sky way at tyson's corner. park rangers testify that dela rosa attempted to take her life in a car crash two months before the tyson's incident. if convicted, she faces up to life in prison. 6:05 is the time. today the d.c. council is set to consider emergency ethics legislation. council member vincent orange is planning to introduce a bill that would set up a task force to examine the council's guidelines. the task force would take a broad review before drafting a new ethics code and making recommendations to the mayor and the council.
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ethics reform has been a hot topic on the council this year after several members have been criticized for supposed ethical lapses. for former prince george's county council member leslie johnson, who pleaded guilty for her role in a corruption case is trying to delay her sentencing hearing. that's according to "the washington post." johnson and her husband former county executive jack johnson pled guilty in a federal bribery and extortion case. right now her sentencing hearing is set for october the 13th. her lawyer filed paperwork seeking a delay because of, quote, scheduling conflicts. jack johnson was scheduled to be sentenced in september, but that hearing was postponed until december 6th. city of fredericksburg is trying to figure out why people are stealing the city's man hole covers. according to newspaper reports, at least six manhole covers have vanished in recent weeks. police believe the covers, which weigh up to 75 pounds, were stolen to be sold for scrap. however, recyclers say they do
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not accept them. the manhole covers are worth
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welcome back at 6:09. don't miss out on the fan demonium. all you have to do is like nbc 4 on facebook. today you could win a nook e-reader from barnes and noble. >> our time right now is just about 6:10. we're taking a live look outside. the capitol dome all lit up of the the washington d.c. skyline. we have 48 degrees right now. veronica says things are clearing out. >> that's right. some welcome changes coming to the area. in fact, they're going to get blown in. we're talking about dry air, warmer air. in fact, today the wind could gust up to 25 miles per hour. the temperature is 51 degrees right now. humidity still stands at 86%. still a little moisture out
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there. in fact, still a few sprinkles that are starting to dry up north of d.c. hyattsville in prince george's county at 49 degrees. 48 is the temperature in alexandria and annandale. your day planner forecast will see more and more sun as we go through the day. so by the time we get to the afternoon a mostly sunny sky. breezy, though. so still kind of on the chilly side with that wind. temperature much improved yesterday 67 to 68 degrees compared to yesterday's 53. it's going to be a while before we see highs in the 50s again. we're talking highs in the 70s. we'll be stuck in the 70s. please don't complain are inform the re . for the rest of the week, 70 to 75 degrees. sunday upper 70s. there may even be a few spots through charles county and stafford county that get up to 80 degrees this upcoming weekend. beautiful stretch coming our way.
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plan accordingly. let's see if we've got to plan anything as we head out to the roadways. danella? >> definitely. i have a couple of trouble spots in d.c. the first one a crash at westbound suitland parkway at firth sterling avenue. and a crash at 295 northbound at holland road. and big delays 270. you can see we are jammed. you're seeing red leaving urbanna as you slowly make your way towards clarksburg. you're going to get a little bit of a break. then when you get to falls road. this is the scene at falls road. volume is definitely increasing in this area as you head towards the spur. traveling 95 in virginia, this is the view at lore done. i can tell you i'm watching this road. i have seen these cars come to a complete stop. you can expect delays heading out of dale city making your way towards route 1 and continuing past lorton. it's going to be a slow commute for you. back to you both. >> thank you, danella. 6:12 now.
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best streets in america. welcome back at 6:15. the countdown is on. in a few hours, apple will introduce its new upgrade in smart phones. the questions remain will it be an iphone 5 and who will get their hands on the phone? angie goff is live with the
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update. >> rumors are that the iphone 5 and a cheaper version of the iphone 4 will be introduced today. the new model which is being called the iphone 5 is said to be faster, have a bigger touch screen, 8 mega pixel screen, and a two tier layer, making it more fat at the top than at the bottom. techies are raving about the new expected software. >> i'd like a romantic place for italian food near my office. >> the intelligent assistant will tell your phone to find restaurants and cabs among other things. your personal assistant will learn and adapt to your needs based on behavior. this morning the internet is buzzing over who can get the new iphone. online tech site boy genius reports the iphone 5 will be available to sprint and only sprint off the bat. the carrier company has reportedly entered into a $20 billion agreement with apple for
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the exclusive. the report adds verizon and at&t will get the upgraded iphone 4, or iphone 4s is what it's being called. top tech sites are guessing the new iphone will be available in a matter of weeks and will cost around $200. at 10:00 a.m. the world will be watch to go see if new apple ceo tim cook will lead the keynote. steve jobs, who stepped down in august, is xwpd expected to app. >> angie goff in your news room. thank you so much. facebook's big overhaul was delayed. it was set to reveal the timeline that organizes into a scrapbook of past updates. a website called requested a restraining order. the two companies will head to court next tuesday to debate whether the judge should issue an injunction against facebook. the emergency room doctor who treated michael jackson the day he died says jackson's doctor never disclosed he'd given the pop star the powerful
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anesthetic propofol. the two physicians who tried to revive jackson testified that conrad murray was desperate to bring him back to life although it was clear he had not been breathing for hours. they also said that propofol can be a serious life-threatening drug when taken without precautions. >> propofol can cause severe lung collapse, respiratory collapse, breathing collapse. and it can cause cardiovascular collapse. >> the defense maintains that jackson was an addict whose own actions led to his death. if convicted, murray faces up to four years in prison and the loss of his medical license. researchers in the department of health say there is no definative link between cancer in the community base and the local army base. for years there's been a cancer
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cluster around ft. detrick in maryland. it did show a slight increase in lymphoma cases about a mile around the base, but researchers can't pinpoint the cause. there are mixed feelings about the results. >> the problem is the data they have is not consistent, and they don't have enough systems in place to actually evaluate it properly. >> we live in a farming community where a the lolot of have been put down over the years. i think it's jumping the gun to say we're looking at exposure at ft. detrick before we can assess what the exposure might have been. >> many believe years of chemical weapons testing in and around ft. detrick is the cause of the cancer rate. but researchers say getting to the exact cause will take some time. getting through airport security is about to get easier for some selected travelers. it's called precheck. under the program, tsa will assess travelers who volunteer more information about themselves before a flight.
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those passengers would be sent to security lanes for expedited screening. the pilot program will take place in atlanta, detroit, dallas/ft. worth, and miami. three streets in our area are among the great streets in america. the american planning association came out with its top ten great streets for 2011. they are "u" street in the district, king street in alexandria, and davis street in culpepper. all of them are considered to be pedestrian friendly and have lots of shops. they chose the streets that highlight the role of great city planning while exemplifying exceptional character and creating communities of lasting value. >> very nice. top ten. three in this area. that's great. >> congratulations. a band from russia is taking the term hitting the road to heart. >> head out on the highway. looking for adventure in whatever comes our way. this trio was found by a driver
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in russia out on the open road, rocking out to a specially created motorcycle and side car. the video which was just uploaded to youtube on sunday already has more than 700,000 views. the band mates still have not been identified. >> they need to learn how to play born to be wild. >> they do. >> after that. >> i want to hear that. >> it is just about 6:21. 6:21 now. let's check in with meteorologist veronica johnson to get an update on the forecast. nice changes. finally some sunshine. >> that's right. i think we need to hit the road today and start to enjoy the nice air moving in. it's going to be blowing us around a little bit this afternoon, but for the remainder of the week, the trails and parks will be filling up. right now the temperature is at 51 degrees. wind at 6 miles per hour. that dry wind, a northwest wind. you can see up north around frederick now at 41 degrees. 45. up to 45 in gaithersburg, maryland. 51 in d.c. 50 degrees now in
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fredericksburg, virginia. so the clouds continue to break up, especially just west of frederick and down through front royal, around fredericksburg. that low pressure area is spinning off the coast of new jersey. that's the same one that brought snow over the weekend to west virginia, the mountains of north carolina and pennsylvania. finally it's moving away, and we're going to get stuck in this rut of sunshine, but who's complaining? so down into the 50s tonight. 70s on tap for tomorrow. a lot of sunshine. a continuation, broken record really, of 70 degrees. danella? while traveling in d.c., still seeing that crash 295 northbound at howard road. slowing you down just a bit as you make your way towards that accident. on the beltway, these cars standing still, outer loop new hampshire avenue. slow commute as you make your way towards georgia avenue. travel time traveling at about 36 miles per hour. inner loop in virginia not so bad. here's the view at van dorn street. in fact, traveling from the woodrow wilson bridge to van dorn street making good time at
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about 55 miles per hour. and i am noticing 395 get just a little bit busy. the hov lanes just open and still clear at this time. the main lanes pretty busy at edsall as you make your way towards seminary road. now back to you both. >> thank you, very much,
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performer at this year's super bowl? madonna fans, you may want to plan a super bowl party now. sb nation reports the material girl will perform at halftime of super bowl xlvi next year. unnamed sources are cited. the nfl and madonna have not commented on the report. with or without madonna you can watch on nbc 4 february 5th right from lucas oil stadium in indianapolis. something happened on monday night football that hasn't happened in 20 years, and it made for an unusual start to the game. espn. >> change is the only constant in this league. >> espn went straight from an opening montage to the game. that's right. there was no hank williams jr. singing "are you ready for some football?" the network pulled that famous song because of controversial comments made by williams yesterday on the fox and friends
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tv show on fox news, in which he compared president obama to adolf hitler. williams apologized for the remark and said his analogy was misunderstood. espn and its owner the walt disney company are not commenting on whether williams will be on future monday night football broadcasts. it is 6:26. 48
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morning as more aides quit. right now at 6:30 amanda knox is heading home. the message she wants the world to hear as she waited for her plane to leave italy. breaking news. the local man who just won a nobel prize. >> welcome back to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs. >> and i'm eun yang. let's take a live look outside at 6:30. it's 48 degrees. look at that beautiful sky over the capitol dome and sunshine back in our lives, joe.
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>> that's a pretty sunrise. getting ready to start out there. >> that's right. i'm here to tell you i've got the winning ticket to the weather lottery. everybody has the ticket. we're going to divide it all up. >> excellent. the winning ticket to the weather lottery. you can see right now as the sun gets ready to rise. 7:07. so we're almost there. clouds around the horizon. temperature now at 51 degrees. georgetown, capitol hill at 51 degrees right now. oakton and mcclain a little chillier at 46. damascus will take it down one 45 degrees. landover at 51 degrees. day planner forecast, more and more sunshine as we make our way through the day. it's going to be breezy, though. breezy with winds gusting up to 20 miles per hour. high temperature today of 67 to 68 degrees. your evening planner forecast continued clearing. dropping down to the upper 50s. not nearly as chilly. we'll have a look at the seven
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day forecast coming right up. danella? >> good morning. if you're taking the rails, a good day too. so far no reported delays on the metro, marc, or vre. now i do have some accidents slowing you down just a bit and some congestion. let's start with 95 north at route 1. report of an accident here in your shoulder lane. you can see we do have some volume. that volume continues as you make your way towards the beltway. you can see we do va fihave a f truck on route 50. also on the beltway, report of an accident at colesville road. i can tell you, travel the outer loop, pretty slow from new hampshire avenue as you make your way towards connecticut avenue. eun, back to you. >> danella, thank you so much. 6:32. amanda knox is waiting to board a plane back to the u.s. she reportedly spoke to an
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italian news agency thanking her supporters. >> she told them she would always be grateful for their commitment, to those who wrote her and those who defended her. knox left the prison last night. the president of the italy usa foundation said inmates were chanting for her at the prison. an appeals court threw out knox's and her former boyfriend's conviction for the murder of meredith kercher. they discredited crucial dna evidence used to convict knox. knox has always maintained her innocence. >> we're thankful that amanda's nightmare is over. she suffered for four years for a crime she did not commit. >> knox and her family will take a british airways flight to england before heading back to the united states. >> a crowd of family and supporters cheered and burst into applause halfway around the world as knox was acquitted. the group began to chant she's free, and we did it. meantime, we're hearing from
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meredith kercher's family. kercher's sister says she's still hopeful the italian police will be able to find the person who did kill her sister and bring that person to justice. >> that's the biggest disappointment, not knowing still and knowing that obviously someone or people out there who have done this. >> the italian prosecutor told nbc news he will definitely file an appeal to the high court, saying, quote, consider it already done. now to decision 2012. new jersey governor chris christie could announce as early as today whether he plans to run forepreside for president. christie has not said whether he'll join the race, but he's asking top republicans to hold off on their endorsements. meanwhile, republicans were south rolina move their primary to january 21st. and big decisions for michelle bachmann's staff as she continued her campaign.
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four of her staff members have left the campaign. she says the departures have nothing to do with falling poll numbers and have been planned all along. three of them will work in her congressional office. congestion in northern virginia is the worst in the region. that's according to governor bob mcdonnell. now he's commissioning a study to figure out how to change that. the study is called super nova. it will take a broader look at future traffic patterns for people traveling from maryland, d.c., and virginia. it will increase mobility and give people more transportation choices. the virginia department of rail and public transportation will lead the study, which will take a year to complete. good news for drivers in prince george's county this morning. they will not have to pay their speeding ticket. it's because of a glitch in one of the county's new speed cameras. police say a total of 18 drivers were cited for speeding along high bridge road in bowie on sunday, september 25th. the problem is the speed cameras
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in the county are not supposed to be in operation over the weekend. those drivers will have the ticket waived or be reimbursed. they say it's not a county-wide problem, and the camera has been reprogrammed. where a woman at th"well, we could sleep we hin the same bed,ime: but it just doesn't work." she would like a firmer mattress than i would. yeah, nine out of ten couples disagree on the firmness they want in a mattress. i sleep on the couch. with our bed, the sleep number setting represents the firmness that you like on your half of the mattress. don't mess with my side because i'm comfortable.
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i can adjust mine to my liking and she can do the same. go ahead and switch sides so you can feel what the other side feels like. you were on his side. how does that feel? it's hard. i like my side better, too. i like my side better. this is too soft. is is too hard. why don't we switch back to where you were. i am so glad to be back. oh, yeah. you can have comfort and you can be in the same bed. there's no debate or no squabble because you can have it your and i'll have it mine. so we save a lot of marriages. at our sleep better together sale, discover the bed whose unique dual air technology provides total comfort for both of you. and save $400 to $800 on our newest, most innovative bed sets. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699.
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when many people are making dinner. our time right now is 6:39. the "today" show is coming up at 7:00. check in with ann curry and see what's coming up. amanda knox out of an italian prison. now prosecutors say they plan to appeal. we'll have complete coverage from italy and seattle, and one of amanda's lawyers will join us for an exclusive live interview. also ahead, are you outraged
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at banks charging you to access your own money? what you can do to get out of costly new fees. plus the monday night football anthem yanked last night after hank williams jr. compared president obama to hitler. also, ellen degeneres opens up about being shy, finding happiness, and more on an exclusive interview on "today." joe, back to you. >> thank you. you have a great day. >> you bet. back to you. donald trump is spending the day in virginia as he jump starts his latest business venture. the billionaire businessman will join his son and governor bob mcdonnell for the grand opening of trump vineyard estates. he bought it out of foreclosure. it was form i. owned by socialite patricia klug and her husband. >> a beautiful dawn here in the nation nation's capital. let's go to veronica johnson in
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storm center 4. it's going to be a good looking day and a good feeling day finally. i think it's going to be our brightest and best day of young october. we're at 51 degrees currently. most neighborhoods now partly sunny already, even a few neighborhoods already mostly clear. there's still some clouds off to the west that will come rotating through. as a whole, though, most of the early part of the day is going to be partly sunny. then mostly sunny through the afternoon. the temperatures, they're going to rise quickly, into the mid-50s by 9:00 a.m. yesterday's high watt only 53. by 9:00, we'll be doing a lot better. 65 lurcnchtime today. 68 degrees. 67 for your afternoon. the next couple of days, find something to do. wednesday, thursday, friday sunshine. 70 to 72 degrees. the remainder of the work week. the weekend too, you want to get out and enjoy because we're
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going to see highs in the mid and even upper 70s. now that we've gotten out of this trend of dreary dismal weather, we're going to get into a trend of sunshine. >> good morning. here over i-95, two accidents at route 123. they're both at your left shoulder lane. the first one in the hov lane. you can see that here. the second one in the main lane. this hov accident was earlier. possibly the main accident could be due to rubber necking. you can see we have a lot of congestion traveling i-95 north at 123. those delays continue as you head towards the beltway. still seeing the accident at i-66 east at route 50, still seeing a fire truck here on your left shoulder lane as well. and congestion on 66 as you continue to head inside of the beltway. and congestion on 270. i can tell you now very slow out of urbanna to clarksburg and
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then again from shady grove to the spur. back to you both. back to you both. >> thank you,ture, you're always looking ahead... to what's next... to what's possible confident... that taking action now, is the way to create... a better tomorrow. that's why we're announcing, that with the planned merger with t-mobile, at&t will begin bringing five thousand jobs to america from overseas.
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we will invest eight billion dollars more... and deploy the next generation of wireless broadband to nearly everyone in america. this investment will create as many as ninety-six thousand american jobs. here at at&t, we believe in the future. we're not hesitating. we're investing in america now. why? well, we know it's good business. because america... has always been... and always will be... a smart investment. at&t.
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now a nobel prides winner. welcome back to breaking news. a nobel prize winner has been announced, and he is from our area. angie goff is live in the news room now with details on this. good morning, angie. >> good morning, joe. local astrophysicist adam reese has just been named a nobel prize winner in physics. the 41-year-old is from d.c. and works for john hopkins university and the space telescope science institute. reese received the prize along with two other men, saul perlmutter and ryan schmidt. in a 2001 article, reese was cited for realizing the universe
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is spreading faster and faster. it led scientists to reconsider the fundamentals of physics. johns hopkins has been tweeting through the morning sending congratulations to jhu astrophysicist adam reese, and other institutions chiming in too. m.i.t. just sent this out, its congratulatory wishes reese's way. i called dr. reese early and got a call waiting recording saying, get this, they were on the other line. i bet he's been fielding calls from family, friends, and people like us all morning long. it's sure to be a busy one for him. back to you. >> he's going to be on the other line for quite a while, i imagine. angie, thanks very much. and congratulations to him. police in montgomery county may release a composite sketch of the suspect who attacked a woman inside her kitchen. it happened in a neighborhood along saybrook avenue in silver spring. police say the 56-year-old woman was inside her kitchen when a man opened the sliding glass door. he reportedly grabbed her from behind, threw her to the floor, and tried to take her clothes off. police say the woman fought
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back, and the suspect took off. investigators say the woman and neighbors gave a good description of the suspect. they plan on releasing the sketch as soon as possible. a new poll out this morning shows that marylanders are almost evenly split over whether to allow same sex marriages in the sate of maryland. according to a poll by gonzalez research, 48% are in favor of same sex marriage, and 49% are against. the split appears to be along racial lines. those who approved of gay marriage, 51% are white. while those who disapprove, 59% are african-american. meanwhile, governor martin o'malley is making his push for gay marriage legislation in a new ad campaign. >> i ask you to join us as we work to pass marriage equality in the state of maryland. >> the campaign is organized by the group called marylanders for marriage equality, and they will introduce a bill next year. governor o'malley plans to
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support it. it would allow same sex marriages while still protecting religious institutions that oppose gay marriage. the obama moved to texas to campaign for his jobs bills. he tries to show supporters he is taking steps to spur a sluggish economy. republicans in the house are balking at the plan, saying they will only pass portions of the $447 billion measure. to help create jobs, starbucks is starting a nationwide fund designed to stimulate u.s. job creation. it's called the create jobs for usa fund. starbucks ceo howard schultz called small business an engine for job growth that is now stalled. the new fund is designed to give small entrepreneurs access to credit so they can hire again. starbucks foundation gave $5 million to get the fund started, and starting november 1st, starbucks customers will be able to donate to that fund. bank of america customer,frustrated this morning. cnbc's jackie deangelis joins us live with more on why.
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jackie, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, eun. bank of america says its website has been restored. b of a has been trying to get it back to full speed since friday. customers very, very frustrated around the fact they weren't able to use the website properly around that key first of the month period when things like rent and mortgage payments are due. b of a says the site issues aren't because of hackers or a virus, but the timing is attracting attention as bank of america announced last week it would start charging a $5 monthly fee on its debit cards. fed chairman ben bernanke makes a trip to capitol hill today. all eyes will be on him. he's testifying to a joint congression a&m committal commi0 a.m. he'll talk about his latest attempt to boost the economy operation twist. and apple expected to unveil the newest iphone this afternoon. it's the first major operation for tim cook since he recently
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took over as ceo. it's reportedly thinner and faster and got a larger screen. it's expected to be priced similar to the iphone 4, and it's going to be available for the first time on sprint's wireless network. that's it for me at cnbc. back to you. >> jackie deangelis, thank you so much. the man who wowed the world with michelle obama's inaugural gown targets middle america. high end designer jason wu will make a line for the mega retail store target. jason wu for target will be sold in stores and online. it will arrive in february. this comes after target's last guest designer missoni caused a frenzy last month. the store's website crashed, and every item was ripped off the store shelves within a few hours of the line's launch. i'm telling you right now there are people planning their line of attack to get their hands on the jason wu stuff. >> don't look for eun yang on this news cast in february. >> i might have to take the day off. >> just like the last big designer. it sells out like that. you don't have a chance. >> i know. it's really tough. >> we'll get a plan together.
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>> i feel like with each designer the frenzy is growing. >> right. well, target very smart. >> they are. we're on target. i think we should prepare to launch. get ready for a day of sunshine. we're going somewhere this week. that's for sure. right now a clearing sky. 51 is the temperature as we get ready for the sun to come up. 7:07. the sun rises today. 51 for a temperature. dewpoint at 47 degrees. moisture moving out of here with the clouds breaking up. 46 degrees in college park. adelphi at 49 degrees. vienna at 47 degrees. light wind. wind's going to start picking up here today. the clouds already breaking up. we've got that pesky low pressure system making its way out of here. still around the coast of new jersey but moving away. still some clouds back to the west. west virginia up into pennsylvania. still some clouds rotating through today. partly sunny for a couple of
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hours. then mostly sunny for the afternoon. we'll get into the 60s today. much better than yesterday. we were in the low 50s. it was aery cool day yesterday. by the time we get to tomorrow into the 70s. so a lot of warm air will start moving this way. it's going to stay around here for the next couple of days. mid-atlantic states finally. into the northeast finally looking very, very good. warming up 65 to 68. gusty conditions up to 25-mile-per-hour winds by the afternoon. we'll drop from the mid-60s to the upper 50s as that wind eases up this evening. your four-day forecast looking very good for the remainder of the work week. around 70 degrees. full sin shine. lots of sunshine, great for getting to the park or hitting the trail. the weekend especially. 74 on saturday. 77 expected on sunday. some neighborhoods on sunday could even get up to 80 degrees. we may even hang on to those nice conditions as we get into the early part of next week. danella? >> good morning.
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if you're traveling in d.c., traveling 295 north, you'll not be able to get onto the ramp for howard road due to the crash there. it's completely shut down the ramp for howard road. delays from 295 north start from the beltway as you make your way towards this crash here. now, i want to show you choppers still over 95. this is at route 123. there's an accident in the main lanes. blocking your left shoulder, earlier there was also an accident in the hov lanes. that is clear. we still see police are there on the scene of that accident. delays on 95 continue from 123 as you make your way on 395. taking 395 the picture is the same. big delays at edsall. those delays continue as you cross the 14th street bridge. back to you both. >> danella, thank you. 6:54 now. metro riders should expect major delays over the three-day columbus day weekend this weekend. metro will close the three stations along the green and yellow lines, shaw, "u" street, and columbia heights for track work. the stations will shut down at
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10:00 on friday and open tuesday morning. shuttle buses will operate between mt. vernon square and georgia avenue stations. on the orange line buses will replace trains between east falls church and west falls church. crews will be working on the dulles rail extension project there. those two stations will shut down on friday at 10:00 and open again on monday. getting around southeast d.c. is getting easier. a new circular bus route is operating. it is the first to cross the river. this will be the first one to cross the an kwoft ya. it ru anacostia. the buses will run weekdays between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 at night. 6:55 is the time. here are the top stories. right now amanda knox is on her way home. she reportedly left rome in the last 30 minutes. she'll take a stop in england
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before flying home to the u.s. the court threw out the case on appeal. the conrad murray trial continues. two emergency room physicians testified murray never told them he gave michael jackson the powerful anesthetic propofol. the doctors also claimed murray pushed them to bring jackson back to life even though he had not been breathing for hours. the trial for the so-called underwear bomber is set to begin today. he was hauled off a transatlantic flight on christmas day 2009 after trying to set off a bomb in his clothing. the young nigerian, who is representing himself, is expected to denounce america as an enemy of islam. we are giving away great prizes to our facebook fans. we call is fandemonium. >> call it free stuff too. like nbc washington on facebook for your chance to win great prizes. today's prize is a nook e-reader. we'll choose the winner during the 6:00 p.m. news cast and announce the winner tonight at
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11:00. >> out the door forecast with miss veronica. breezy sunshine today. high 68. we continue with that. should be good viewing for the meteor shower saturday night. that's coming up. pretty nice. danella? on the roadways, outer loop still jammed at new hampshire avenue. those delays continue to georgia avenue. miles per hour, about 22. ♪ ♪ oh, won't you be good to yourself? ♪ ♪ and don't you feel like coming home? ♪ ♪ ♪ it'll be like coming home [ male announcer ] some rooms feel like a fish bowl. but in our roomy suites,
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you can spread out and live a little. with breakfast, dinner, and drinks included, you'll feel right at home. ♪ la la-la-la-la la la la ♪ [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average.
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five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah.


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