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tv   News 4 at 4  NBC  November 25, 2010 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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>> today on the "nate berkus show" -- nate: we are sitting in what will be your college dorm. >> there's a trick when you have a small space. >> how to live big and maximize ever inch. and surprise -- >> then how to host the ultimate family reunion. >> i think this is adorable. >> this is super sexy. >> and "gossip girl"'s michee trachtenberg's secrets. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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nate: hi, guys. hi. how are you? hi. how are you? hi there welcome. hi. welcome. how are you? wow. yeah! whoo. i love this. i lovehen people go like this. it just makes me happy. thank you. thank you. you all look really beautiful today. seriously. i want you to know i appreciate it. i appreciate the hair and the flat irons and the babysitters, and the traffic and the taxis. so thank you very much. thank you. welcome to the show. i'm always inspired by stories of people who have made it against the odds. and i recently hearthis story in the news about a young man that not only touched me, but made me want to reach out and help him. as he mes into the first place that he can call his own.
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>> home is not alys where you grew up as a child or where your family lived, but home is where u find peace and where you're comfortable. i was holess, i had to live in a homeless shelter with not much family support. >> when orayne was no longer going to be with his mother, it was a very difficult time for him. >> i was 17 at the time. a senior in school, and i was really nervous. i was really scared. i basically sawyself walking in a lonely dark path with no one by my side. i didn't know whether or not i would be ableo continue my goal to finish high school and then to go to college. what drived me the most is when people said oh, you will never make it. ou will never amount to anything good.
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i used that to prove them wrong. >> he's determined. he's had ambition. he's had foresight of where he wanted to end up at. >> the hard work paid off because i'm going to college. you know, a full scholarship. that's big change in the cycle f my life. i'm looking forward to going to school and having my own dorm and my bed and fix that area in a way that it definesrayne. i'm going to tell my story and tell my past and wre i'm going. and that's what i look forward to doingn my room. hopefully i' have enough space for that. [cheers and applause] nate: i'd like toelcome soon to be college freshman, orayne williams. welcome, buddy. [cheers and applause] how are you? >> good. nate: so we are actually sitting in the space -- it's all taped out here of what will be your
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college dorm room. >> it is really small. nate: i want is pretty small, but i'm going to show you what we can do to a space this size to give you some ideas, but first i wanted to talk to you. this has been a journey for you. > yeah, a tough one too. it was really challenging. nate: was it embarrassing for you to tell other people that you were living in a shelter? did everyone in school know about this? i wanted you to come on the show because when i heard about your story, i thought to myself there are so many people out there that aren't giving it their best shot and they ha so much coming to them, they have so much that they're taking for granted. here you are, and like you said in the tape, every time someone tells you you can't do it, that's your motivation to do it. >> at first it was embarrassing because nody wants to accept the fact that they're homeless. everybody has a personal human angle that they want to keep to
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themselves. i only shared it with people who are my family and they were cing the same situation i was. nate: it was nor comfortable to share your story. >> yeah, but in school, they didn't know until the article came out. i kept it a secret. nate: there was an article in the magine or in the newspaper -- >> the daily news. nate: ok. you have been great student this entire time and you got accepted to a four-year college with a full scholarship? [cheers and applause] >> yep. nate: that's like -- that is -- you know, that's one of the reasons why i wanted to meet you because when you go on television and you have the opportunity to tell a story like yours, everybody is interested in it because it sounds like news. but the truth is, you never know who's at home facing something, listening and tnking you know what, orayne did it. >> i can do it too. nate: yeah. [cheers and applause]
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well, this dorm room will really be then your first space that's really yours. so i'm actually really excited about that. so let's get rid of these stools and see what we can really do. [cheers and applause] all right. i don't anyone watching to get the most out of what they have. the space tt we're standing in right now is actually -- it's been taped off. this is the exact size ofhe typical college dorm and your exact college dorm room size. >> my exact -- nate: this is it. because we called the school. are you kidding me? we have producers working here. we have measud everything. so first, what i want to do is i think the fst thing you do is you roll out a rug. because dorm rooms do not come with rugs. and a rug is actually going to ma the space so much warmer right away. so we've got the rug. excellent. ok. the second thing that is very important is the bed. t there's a trick when you've
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got a small space. you have to make everything do double duty. so here's the twin-sized bed. comes in every dorm room. and what we're going to do is actually the guys -- tha you very much. they're putting it on risers. ese you can get at any home improvement store. because when you raise up your bed just that amount, you can see -- we can store all other stuff underneath it. you need tt space when you'v got a small space, right? everything has to do double duty. [applause] so let's go this way. now, you need a place to study. everybody needs a place to study. so let's bring in the study center. a desk. i love just calling for things and they magically appear. i wish everything in life was like this. so over here we've got the desk. desk comes in dorm rooms, usually come with a chair. we have the desk lamp we have books and a messenger bag.
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a lot of stuff in a very tight space. then the bath caddie. bath caddie will change your life just so you know. >> oh, yeah? nate: yeah, because you don't want to carry every single thing with you. this is how you get back and forth to the bathroom. so bath caddie like this. if you have somebody going off to college, buy them a set of towels. seriously best gift you can give somebody and then a hamper for dirty clothes, very necessary. you have to find space just lik this. this is great pce, these will also be a life saver. your shoes can go here. whatever stuff. even stuff you don't want people digging through. but don't was the back of the door. you can share this with a roommate too. this is a great, great tip for space saving. next, a chair. let me fell you why. >> why? nate: e reason that you want a chair in the room is very simple. you want a chair in the room and when your friends come over -- and you will make a lot of friends -- you don't want them sitting on your pillow, right?
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>> oh, no no. nate: you want to have people have a place to go wn they come to hang out. you know, this chair is really cool because it folds up and it can go under the bed or in the corner and when you have people hanging out, somebody can com in, you open the chair and they have a space to be. which i think is really cool. >> that's great. nate: and then the last thing that everybody needs in a dorm room is a refrigerator. so let's bring one out. baby refrigerator. plug it in. you're thirsty, you're struggling, you're a straight a student, that would work for you too. middle of the night. you get to keep stuff in your room which i think is great. this basically all of this, base space-saving ideas for somebody you're sending off to college or somebody living in a small space. that said, i have a couple of things for you, send you off to school. the first one is actually your high school graduation photos which i heard you weren't able
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to afford to buy. [applause] so i threw that in the frame for you. >> thank you. nate: you're welcome. and the rest of them are right in here. >> i was -- i recently got the ring. i was kind of upset because i'm like the ring don't go well without the pictures. nate: you have to have them both. now you have them both. >> thanks. nate: oh, anoth thing actually. i want to send you off to school with this. [applause] sony vaio. that's yours. that's going to make studying a lot eaer for you. did you have a laptop? o? now you do. oh, you know what, i almost forgot. and also everything in this space. >> are you serious? nate: yes. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you. nate: you're welcome. you're welcome. all right. we've got orayne set for school. i'm wishing you all the best. you're walking through the door, my friend. so walk tall and walk proud. >> thank you. i will. thank you. [cheers and applause] nate: to check out other tips on sll spaces, head to we'll right back. >> coming up next on "nate", no paint, no mess. michelle trachtenberg reveals how to spice up your home. then nate's family reunion survival guide. >> we've got some great ideas. >> and later -- how you can squeeze the most out of that small space. >> now this will change your life. >> don't go ay.
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[cheers and applaus nate: my next guest is a self-confessed design geek with some amazing ideas for designing your le that she's dying to share with us today. but you or your daughter may kn her as a real troublemaker on the hit show "goip girl." >> not again, milo. do you ever sleep for more than five minutes? [phone ris] >> yes? >> sorry, i think i have the wrong number. >> oh, mr. humphrey this is georgina spark. so great to hear from you. nate: please help me welcome michellerachtenberg. [cheers and applause] hi.
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how are you? >> good, how are you? nate: i'm good. >> thank you. nate: all right, s you love to decorate because that's what we were talking about. the night we met we talked about it. >> i attacked you. nate: yeah, full on. >> i'm so happy that you have your show and we can talk all about it. nate: thank you. thank you. >> so excited, i love it. nate: one of the things that we were chatting about and that think is really great is that what -- you know, we were talking about what design means to you. so share that with everyone. because i love this. >> yeah, i mean, design is super important to me. i mean, i sort of startedoving it because my mom loved decor and she explained to me that every room can be eclectic, it doesn't have to be one theme. it starts off your personality, it starts off your day. i always thought clothes did it, but as i got older and wiser i alized it's your couch. nate: everyone starts somewhere
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around you just started with your new york apartnt and you have things that are very much michelle style. >> yeah. i mean, i made a little mistake with my l.a. place because i live on both coasts where i sort f started with brown. i think brown is le the go-to color that everyone -- nate: the safe color. >> brown couch, brown rug, it's a lot. it got suffoting so in new york i started to incorporate different parts of color and arguably with the "gossip girl" set showed me diffent ways to mix it up. like a mirrored piece of furniture that will reflect a different paint color on the wall. nate: i w going to ask you about the set. because the set has becomen inspiration to break out of your mold. >> yeah. it's a very sexy set. and we totally destroy it by leaving food and water bottles and eating turkey sandwich on the side right before going to make out with someone. [laughter] rely sexy. nate: i want to talk about some
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of the design tips you have applied to yourapartment. >> ok. let's go. nate: so this is the first one >> yes. this is my favorite inexpensive way to put art on the walls because it can get super duper expensive. decals are my favorite thing. this is a sticker. you don't have to apply them individually. it comes in aheet and you have to take some time, but like you get on the ladder and you slap that stuff on. nate: right. >> i have this chandelier over my dresser because sometimes new york aparents you can't hang anything from -- nate: right. concrete. >> yeah. concrete. na: you can't dig in. >> this is super sexy. like sple and then if you have kids and stuff, you can like not worry that they're going to break the chandelier because it's fake. it's a sticker. nate: what i love about this too, wallpaper is making a big come bk right now, but it's an ordea you have to commit to it. espially with kids, i love that they can come up with their open design and have fun with i.
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you know what, if they do a bad job let it go. you cacome and peel it off. >> totally. there's chalkboards and families can put their chores and to do lists on them. i have like 40 apartments. nate: yeah, i saw the apartment. come over here. >> he thanked me. nate: come on. in the west wing -- >> yeah. nate: i think these are great ideas that anybody can use. this is your design system. >> yes. so i'm like hard core obsessed with the polaroid camera. it's coming back. there's a new one and there's tiny little pictures. like i said earlier, the whole place in l.a. is brown. i want to break out of it because the new york place is gray and pink and black and white and cool. this is my current couch, like a chocolatey brown with a rug which has a couple gold undertones and a glass coffee
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table. obsessed with this chair, a crushed velvet chair -- am i crazy? nate: no, what i like about this, it's a mix between fenine and masculine. which i think is cool. you're gravitating towards pieces that are a littleit lighter and curvier, but listen, for me, a home should feel assembled and collected over time. i have said that a thousand times. anhing that you can come up with, whether it's this chair or a vintage chair, i love this palette o groups and you use this board. this is how you make your shopping decisions. >> yeah. so basically, instead of -- thank you. instead of like, you know, buying the piece immediately, you're like fretting and worrying i stage the whole thing. i'll do it 3-d, prop up a picture of the chair and the
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couch so you can see a niaturized version. nate: so if you're out shopping on a saturday afternoon, i like this, because there's a lot of impulse buys that is going on, because you try to shove the chair in the back of the station wagon becse you have a nice person helping you, so rather than doing that i love to take the snapshot, buying one of the inexpensive boards and play with it so you're ming the right decision. that's smart to come up. >> thank you. i recommend polaroid as opposed to digital because i won't print e digital off. and the best thing to do is also write down the dimensions underneath of the piece. that way you can sort of, you know, asure it out. ate: absolutely. i think the lesson here with this is that what you want to do is you want to actually take that extra beat like michelle is dng before you make the decisions, because you don't want to throw good money after bad. at the end of the day you just don't.
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this gives you everything on one place to really see if it's going t work. i think that's great. >> one last question for you. nate: we're not done with the design consultation. >> you're on my time now. i'm just sayi. so i have some black and white picture, but they have been there for a while. i haven't hung the yet. i have an audrey hepburn painting, so i want to put a vertical -- nate: definitely. walls for me are always about telling a story of what's going on in the home and who the person is. who you admire, the things you're interested in, the subjects that you love. what it's taking pages - whether it's taking pages from a book, if i find vintage books at flea markets or pick up fashion or flowers, but i love anchoring over a large piece of furniture with a large piece, whether it's a poster or a mirror and doing something on the sides that's more collagy. i would go for it. >> thank you. high five. awesome.
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nate: be sure to catch the next episode of "gossip girl" monday at 9:00 on the c.w. we'll be right back. >> coming up -- how to be the host with the most without breaking the bank. >> ok. >> like dollar store decorating? this is so great. >> plus, someone in this audience is about to get some surprise help from nate. >> whose room is this? >> stay tuned. nate: promliquid-plumr foaming pipe snake nate: promotional forms a dense foam to clear drains and clean your pipe walls too. liquid-plumr foaming pipe snake. ordinary lotions may not help. dry, itchy skin? new cortizone-10 hratensive relieves it with moisturizers plus the power of cortizone-10. new hydratensive lotion.
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[cheers and applause] nate: i have to tell you, i am a little bit picky about people being in my home. at may come as a surprise to you guys. [laughter] ok. all right. then fine. but what happens when everyone shows up? how do you survive a family reunion? i mean, honestly, how? who sleeps where, who pays for what? who does the dishes? and who's actually the boss? you know? i mean, i would like it to be me. of course.
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but, you never know. also, how do you make the house look and feel special when you've got an entirermy of people arriving? >> our family is really important to us. the thing is that we love just all getting together and with all our family and relatives. one of our family relatives -- a couple of years ago we vowed to get together more often. so the retreat is 24 people. 24 people in my house. how did this happen? i think i bit o more than i can chew and i think taking on this whole thing is just a big responsibility. we're going to have 10 adults and 14 children,nd how do we house them comfortably, where do they sleep? and how do i feed them all? then when i think about budg, what did i do? there's no budget. i'm really obsessed with making
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it look wonderful so people like they are some place really special. i'm kind of going for the wow factor. i don't want to be stressed out about it for the whole weekend because i want us to focus on being together. nate, help. the family arrives iness than two days. [applause] nate: why did you take this on? >> you know what, i mean we love our family. family is so important to us. you know, like i said, it started when his uncle was sick and we just found that we made time for family inrisis. and that's not how it should be. and so we just decided that we would make a commitment to each together in just a common place and we would just -- nate: not sad things, or big holidays, but to do it at a time when everyone can really benefit. yeah. nate: it's a very noble idea, but 24 people descending on your
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home, scott, how stressed is your wife really? >> well, the appropriate term here is maniac. [laughter] so brittany is fire and ice so when she gets stressed she is all fire. we are hoping that when this is all over our family will still be together. nate: we have kelly moore, festyle expert. entertaining expert. >> hi. nate: so thank you. [applause] so i'm just going to ask this, kelly but how do you throw a stress free reunion for 24 people? >> money does matter, right? probay i hear it's your top concern. she wants to make it pretty. so you have to come together. realize that it doesn't have to fall on you. i think it's fair you're having them over for a weekend, you have 24 people, by the way, a
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t. i think it's fair to ask each fami to contribute $100. if they can't handle that, then break down the responsibilities and see what they can do. when you break down your budget, the especiallies should work out this way. you have 45% for the food, 15% for your decor and 10% for the take away or something they can go home with. nate: let's you and i go ove and show them what they can do. >> what they can do. nate: we have some great ideas for how to spruce up the how was a little bit. >> all right. nate: be right back. ok. >> ok. nate: you're my make it pretty squad. tell everybody what we did. >> we took wrapping paper and cut it in the size of a place mat, you have that color coming off t table. you have mixed your paper with the regular dinner ware. nate: this is dollar store decorating.
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>> dollar store decorating. nate: what's this >> centerpiece. i love to do something special. who doesn't have a coffee can around? we have taken some birch bk because she had beautiful trees outside her house, bring that organic element in. all we have done is taken a stamp we have made with their name and you just stamp it on -- nate: you can do this at a stationery store. how much does it co? >> i think they run from $15 to $25 to make your own stamp. nate: you'll have it forever too. >> you'll have it forever. nate: super cute. the rose family. >> we'll dress this coffee can up, we'll take some ue, and this is a glue stick that your kids probably have in their crafarea. then you're going to wrap it around. just like that. thank you, nate. and then you prop your flowers in. nate: that's great. from the grocery store. >> totally. nate: i love this in multiples too. you know, three down the center.
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how cute is is? really cute. >> super cute. nate: this is my favorite. >> mason jars. nate: hands down favorite. >> i love to bring the family to the table in the decor. so you have an amazing jar, you have a little bit of twine and then what you're going to do -- nate: or buy these, they're under $each. >> go to the goodwill or junk stores. you'll find them. dump in some san and then take a picture. this is her uncle jim. you're going to pop that in just like that. you pop that right over there. look at how pretty that is. nate: so great. i never thought of that. >> yeah, i love it. nate: all right. >> now, this is the fun part. because -- nate: i thought this was the fun part. >> this is the fun part. when you have the picture that everybody has to stand up and take the smile -- nate: my mother thinks that picture should happen every 15
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secos by the way. a what is this? >> this is a back dropyou can take a piece of graphic fabric, yohave an instant camera around. you have props nearby and get in front like that. nate: we're going to pose for a picture. come on i the middle. >> look at this. takehis picture ofhe two of you. there you go. perfect. there you go. nate: all right. this isgreat. >> then people can take this home. >> i love this. >> it's personal. nate: no, that's adorable. i love the idea that you can do it online and i love the fact that if you can't order it you can do it yourself. just position the camera correcy. thank you, kelly. good luck to you guys. >> thank you. nate: do you feel better? >> i do. nate: all right. good. i really say is, stick to your guns. get e fami to pitch in. we'll g the family to pitch in and use creativity to decorate always. we'll be right back.
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>> coming up -- design ideas that could be hidden in your closet. >> i lovethat. >> but first -- >> what i really want to do is take advantage of the awkwardness of that space. >> nate works his magic in his instant design studio. [ female announcer ] who who who - who's on your list?
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give mom or dad a coat that fits your budge give him awesome argyle for an amazing price. give her bts at an unbelievable buy. give them darling pajamas for a great dea give her a sweet sweater for a very good lue. and you can get sparklg earrings for a steal. who knew wrappable could be so affordable? new list. new gifts. who knew! jcpenney.
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[cheers and applause] nate: this is always so much f for me. i asked my audience to bring in their design dilemmah them today. i'm going to solve one of them right now. so whose room is this? amy richie, come on up here. >> oh, my goodness. nate: how are you? >> i can't believe it. nate: how are you? where you from? >> massachusetts. nate: what's the design dilemma? >> we have two little kids, they have overtaken the house and we have nowhere to put important things, like important papers and we have a room that's small and kind of an awkward layout. we don't know where to begin -- nate: it really is an awkward layout. >> we store random things and close the door and just hide it.
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nate: like the house minus the -- >> exactly. nate: let's look at me photos of what the room looks like now. it's got nothing going on. you can see it turns around t the -- it turns around the corner and you justave that little thing. so there's your desk. that is not an spired place to work at all. let's look at the bookase. ok. a cabinet. you have got a cabinet in there. then you have some wrapping paper. [laughter] >> i loveo wrap gifts. i love them to buy them all ahead of time. i don't know how to get myself together. nate: i'm going to sol that for you right now. right now. >> oh, my gosh. nate: so let's see what i can do to create the space that you want. here's the space that it is right now. this is you room that we've put into my instant design studio. >> how cool. nate: so even all of your stuff is in there right now. the first thing i'm going to do, not to be mean,ut we have to clear out the space. >> absolutely. nate: so boom, good-bye. >> wow.
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nate: i'm the fastest house cleaner in america. all right. so then i'm gog to go in here as well. i'm actually going to change the wall color. i'm ing to tell you why i've picked a blue. it's going to look like this. >> oh, my gosh, i love that. beautiful. nate: here's the weird cubby area but the reason i wanted the alls to be blue or pale blue, that stripe thing you had going on was cute, but in a space that awkward you need to go with the solid color. traveling around that tiny space, it don't make sense. let me go into the catalog, the fit thing that we need desperately and that you need because otherwise your kids will never find their birth certificates again is storm. what i want to do is take advantage of the awkwdness of that space. so this shelving unit can go right there on th far wall framing the window. >> oh, my gosh. gorgeous. nate: thank you. couple of things here for you.
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you have a counter space under the window. you have cubbies right here. this is 18 inches deep. we measured your room exactly. these are filing cabinets. these are lateral files, they pull out. even though the wall stops here, you still have access -- i can actually show you what that looks like. the files are all facing you. you see what i mean? >> i'm in shock. yes. awesome. nate: so there you go then of course i -- because i'm a decorator i wall papered the backs of the book cases in a cool pattern. >> i'm never going to leave this room. nate: i love it. next, need actually to position the desk and what i did was i actually floated the desk in the middle of the room. so that it's sitting in front and it's coming out from that side wall. >> amazing. i never would have thought of that. nate: it's goingo make the space funtion. it has to be pretty and function. i'm going to add seating. a chair on a swivel is a great way to do it. there you go. going back in here we're going
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to add a desk lamp. we also need to do accessories. now, thiis the thing that will change your life. >> ok. nate: i promise. this is a cork wall. cork comes in sheets. so what i've done is i have basically wall covered this entire wall with corks and now you have a board for your family calendar, for pictures, for everything. >> oh, my, i love to take pictures. this is a great spot to put everything. nate: you can't have something deep because the closet door opens. >> that's fantastic. nate: a functional, a beautiful space. here we have added everything, we have addedll of our storage and our seating, our lighting, and our accessories. and let me show you what it's going to look like when it's absolutely done. there you go. >> oh, my gosh. neat. thank you. oh, my gosh. i can't believe it. i cannot believe it. nate: so do you ink this will work for you? >> this will be amazing for me. this is exactly what i needed. i can't get over the amount of space you have created in this
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little room. nate: well, it's an adult zone. now you can have a place for everything. i hope this works out really beautifully for you. >> i cannot thank you enough. really, thank u. you're brilliant. nate: it's great toeet you. >> great to meet you. you're so adorable in person. nate: thank you. thank you. if you have a design dilemma go to the website, and tell me about it. we will be right back. >> coming up -- america show us your favorite spaces. >> i'm excited tohare my son's bedroom with you. >> eggland's best eggs.
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the best in nutrition... just got better. high in vitamins d, e, and b12. plus omega 3's. [ female announcer ] eggla's best. the better egg.
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[cheers and applause]
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nate: as much as i love sharing my design tips with everyone, what i truly love is when you share yours with me. so i'm giving eryone an opportunity to share their designs, their inspirations and all of the great ideas they want to show off in a part of the show i'm calling "house proud". lisa contacted me about a bedroom of her son's. >> come on in for a very quick tour. in his room i have the walls painted blue. and below the chair rail i have a navy blue and white wallpaper, hung all by myself. for his closet doors i painted the trim navy blue by myself and i like the way it pops from the white. over here i hung white frames with blue and white gingham and my favorite part of the room
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would be my husband's medical school rugby jersey. i took the rugby jersey and had it framed in this white shadowbox. behind the jersey, i took the wall pap that is below the chair rail and nate, this is my son's room, i'm very proud of his room and i hope you have liked it as much as i do. nate: i love that. i really love that. i mean, are yo house proud? would you say that? >> yes, very. nate: room proud. i think you did suc a great thing. don't you think she did a great job? [cheers anapplause] because, you know, it's alwa always -- it's always -- we only see except for the design blogs which i think are amazing and i'm looking at them all the time, but we only see interiors that are on tv or in glossy magazines, so whe somebody does great themselves i'm like the bigges champion of that. i think it's the coolest thing. so congratulations. >> thank you. nate: you're welcome. i have two favorite things.
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one are the pair of vintage chairs that you threw in there. i think that's the coolest thing in the world. the other thing that you did was the jersey. what was your husband's reaction? did u tell him? was he like where's the jersey? >> no, it was a surprise. he hasn't seen that -- or he had not seen that jersey sce medical school. it was balled up in the back of his closet and unbeknownst to him i took it. had it framed in that shadowbox and hung it in the room. i had him enter the room once it was hanging. nate: did he cry? no, i hav to ask. rugby guys cry. maybe not your husband, but i think it's so meaningful. for your son to grow up in room that he's going to transition when he'solder, the color scheme is classic. but lots of personal touches. that being obviously the biggest one. i would cry, i have to say. i'm comfortable -- i would. i'm comfortable with that. anyway, thank you very much.
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you did a great job. nice to see you. nice to see you. so i want to see the room in your house that you're most proud of. go to my website, and find out how you can submit your house proud video. we'll be right back. black friday? ha! try blue friday! don't miss the kmart six-hour blue friday sale! find these nintendo dsi bundles, $149.99 each! buy two, get one free on imaginext and thomas the train toys, and this craftsman drill, just $49.99. there's smart, and there's kmart smart.
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there are over 450 reasons to start shopping at 4am... like women's st. john's bay pea coats for $49.88, $99.88 diamond bracets, and sweaters for just $9.88. go to to see everything on sale. ♪ but you're not sweet you hit on my friends ♪ ♪ i'm not your fool i won't just sit here and drool ♪ ♪ i'm tired of sharing you this is the end ♪ ♪ so i found a new love a natural true lov♪ ♪ that comes from a leaf green and bright ♪ ♪ zero-calorie, guilt-free no artificiality ♪ ♪ my soul sings with joy and delight ♪ ♪ its name is truvia i had no idea ♪
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♪ and i am loving every single bite ♪ [ announcer ] truvia. honestly sweet. or sing some songs... or, or know...hang. box me up, let's roll! [ female announr ] find the decor that speaks to you. at pier 1 imports. nate: promotional considerations provided by -- switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. fe me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. [cheers and applause] initiate nate: it when people use materials in their home in inped ways. so there were maps in that room, when i moved in. and i took the maps out and i
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went to the fabric discount place and i said leather, the color of like a saddle. i wanted to install something that would really add a lot of texture to the space. i think that did the trick. thinking about leather panels got me -- [applause] thank you. thank you. i love you clapping. thank you very much. but thinking about leather panels got me thinking about walls and then thinking about walls got me thinking about wallpaper. if you can put anything on your walls can you t wallpaper on anything? so i'm going to show you three unexpected ways to use wallpaper in your home. they don't cost a lot. you can even use scraps and remnants. the first is something you can do with any leftover wallpape look at this picture from better homes and gardens which is right there. how cute is that? seriously. by placing wallpaper remnants together on the wall, you can create an amazing colorful wallpaper collage and from that you can pull your palette into
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the room with accessories lik pillows and glassware. what i love so much about that is if you make friends with the people that own the wallpaper store or work in the wallpaper store in your town, they may let you go through discontinued books. you can do that thing for almost free and have that look which i think is really cool. next, check out this book case. this is a typical book case that you can find online, in big box retailers. pretty much anywhere. by simply adng wallpaper one roll to the back of the book case, you have added color the room and opened up your own sense of design to new possibilities. i love this. i think this is so cool. seriously. love it. and finally, what's next is something that i absoluty went crazy for. adding wallpaper to the risers of your stairs can really make them pop. ta a look at this photo. done a full staircase. how cool is that? right? i love this idea. and of course, here's my baby one.
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we'll be right back. power deals for power santas. doorbusters start at 7am this saturday at sears. this rca thirty-two inch lcd is just two ninety-seven... plus, save three hundred on this frigidaire laundry pair. ...and sixty percent off all coats. be the santa you want to be. find your santa at [ pony ] he had a fever yesterday. [ elephant ] well, her pediatrician recommended new triaminic fever reducer syrup. [ dog ] so she'll feel better! [ female announcer ] with the #1 doctor recomnded ingredient to help bring down children's fever... trust in triaminic.
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[applause] nate: thank you so much for being here with me today. remember, no matter what kind of place you live in, whether it's a housroom, whatever it is, your space should always tell the story of who you are. i'll see you next time. [cheers and appuse] captioned by the national captioning institute
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