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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  November 18, 2010 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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according to court records, they re provided to the program through the d.c. government. the records show that thompson got about $150,000 in cash while he was on various cruises over the last couple of years, and also while hwas at bali's today scene no atlantic city. in one year alone, just last year, the records provided by t the. the coach is a good man. >> equipment for the gym, the kids, he took care of them. bought them new tennis shoes, he treated them like they were his own. >> reporter: according to court records, he confessed to these crimes. he said i used the money in the wrong way. i done it and i can't change it.
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he was arrested and appeared in d.c. court today. he was relsed on his own recould goies in answer but he is due back in court for a eliminary hearing on these charges. >> all right. thank you. court hearings for two prce george's coty policemen have been postponed over apparentroblems with legal fees. those officers are among nine people charged in a corruption se in the county. derrick ward is in greenbelt with more on this. >> reporter: those officers did make very brief court appearances toy in separate hearing. it was supposed to be a detention hearing but they were put off, at least one of them until next month while sme issues including legal fees are worked out these hearings took place in a courtroom pack with friends, families and colleagues. today's scheduled court appearance for officer richard delabrer was postpone until next
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month. corruption charges brought against him led to the freeze of assets and they said it is now challenging for him to pay his legal fees. >> it actually is. >> what do you speck to work out? >> i don't know yet. i just got retained yesterday. there is a lot of information to be gathered. >> reporter: the indictment alleges he and and another officer were involve in the scheme to move untaxed liquor and cigarettes in virginia and maryland. the prince george's county liquor store owner was also indicted. federal investigators alleged that officers delabrer and kim used their authority to escort and help distribe the goods. outside the federal courthouse, the defendant's brother was critical of county police chief roberto hilton's comments earlier condemning the actions alleged in the indictments. >> upset at the chief of police.
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>> [ inaudible ]. >> you saw the press conference. he convicted them in front of your cameras. >> reporter: while the arrests came on the heel of the arrest of county executive jack jackson. authorities are not denying nor confirming a conntion. theyre only affirming that the sweep is yet to be over. >> reporter: the prince george's county police chief has announced the creation of a panel to look at secondary employment by county police officers. it is believed that some of these officers may have been involved in ledge it mat moonlighting endeavs the authorities, federal authorities alleged have gone terribly afoul of the law. and an toefrt keep her off the counc county. she was elected to represent the county's sixth district.
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since she was elected, some say she has brought shame on the district. there is no law to keep leslie johnson to keep her from being sworn in but if she doesn't take her post interesting county council will have to call for a special election. one of the charges has been dropped against thman accused of stealing the car of a murdered american university professor. according to the maryland gazette, 18-year-old deandrew hamlin is no longer charged with unauthorized use of a vehle. police caught him on october 25th. he had crashed a stolen vehicle belonging to professor sue ann marcum. earlier that day she was found murdered iner home in glen echo. he remains a suspect in the murder and still faces charges of being a fugive from justice. it has been a rough 24 hours or so for the metro system. the red line train hit a piece of track equipment. nobody injured there. hours earlier, metro's communication system failed. that affected its website.
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e-mail alerts and the arrival times at the stations. they are reactioning to some street work that caused chunks of concrete to fall from the ceiling. >> reporter: d.c. transportation work crews were out on connecticut avenue near k street thursday faching roadway median. jackhammers here on wednesday around 5:00 jarred loose portions of the metro ceiling in the farragut north station around connecticut avenue. no one was injured. the ceiling has been patched with plywood but some riders are still concerned. >> i see allhese time above my head and i wonder, which is the next one that might fall. i was just talking about all of the metro's problems. >> it is obvious they have a lot of maintenance and reconstruction to do. it is a tough time and rources are tight. i do believe in the system and i hope they can get it together. >> i remember when they first built the system and it was supposed to be state-of-the-art.
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but it seems like it is falling apart quickly. >> reporter: the center of connecticut avenue between k and l street is being ripped up for future median strip treeblock. it will discourage u-turns and beautify the area. but engineering guidelines apparently misrepresented how deep worke could dig. >> it looks like the drawings we were provided may have been incomplete. so it is not anybody's fault necessarily. >> rorter: the engeers are to meet friday to assess the situation. the metro repair will take time. >> we doexpect it will take several weeks to make the repairs. >> reporter: meanwhile thursday morning, a red line train carrng several passenger struck a piece of equipment betweethe wheaton and glen mont stations. no one was injured themselves backed up to let passenger out and sense was delayed an hour while the trk was cleaned up. news4, washington. >> work on the streetscape is
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expected to resume as early as tomorrow or programs mony morning. now to the chandra levy murder trial. jurors have ended the second day of deliberations. no verdict yet. the deliberations were delayed because of unusually long security lines outside d.c. superior court pat collins is at the courthouse with details. >> reporter: a security ramp up here in security court causes long lin and a delay before 45 minutes in the deliberations of the guandique jury. this is what it was like to get into the courthouse this morning. i'm told some time ago they found a gap in the security system. they tried to tighten up the screening process. that led to the long lines and the delay. even so, this jury of nine women, three men managed about five hours of deliberations. no note, no questions. they talked or listened to 47 witnesses throughout th trial.
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there is a lot for them to talk about in these deliberations. which resume again tomorrow. at 9:30. back to you. >> chandra levy's mother has been attending the trial. what's happening with her? has she gone home or still around waiting for the verdict? >> she is still here. this has been an agonizing experience for susan levy, chandra's mother. she t this courtroom shelf listened to graphic details about her daughter's death and now she waits in the hallways of this courthouse patiently for a verdict in this case. >> pat collins reporting from d.c. superior court. thank you. president obama is pressing heed a list of goal he hope to accomplish before the new congress come to town and democrats become a minority in the house. but the lame duck congress is not making it easy for him.
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>> reporter: sproeb in a rush. >> we've got a lot on our plate during this lame duck session. >> reporter: he filled the plate because of the mid terms. democrats lose power in congress next year. in the days remaining this year, in the senate, and the house in currt lame duck sessions, democrats wanto repeal don't ask don't tell. to hype taxes on the well-off and ratify nuclear deal with russia that looked like a done deal until some replicans said it might keep us from modernizing our warhead. >> wrong. we can't jeopardize the progress we've made i securing nuclear materials. >> reporter: as part of new funding, democrats want to repeal the ban on open gays in the military. >> i'm not a lawyer but i believe my heart of hearts that don't a don't tell is unconstitutional. >> reporter: democrats pleaded
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for more help for the jobless. >> how dare we not provide an extension. >> reporter: the biggest fight over taxes. republican slamming the white house plan to let taxes ride on the top 2%. i believehat we ought to exnd all of the current tax rauts for all americans rmpl some democrats agree. and with member of his own party divide, the president can't dictate term of a deal. if mr. obama does compromise, agreeing for now to let all income tax rates stay what they are currely, liberals in this lame duck congress perhaps led by outgoing house speaker pelosi, might vote no. i'm steve haneman, news4. capil hill. coming up, sky cap have been accused of pokt extra cash. general motors made a block butter return. drivers caught in the act in
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a construction zone. the hope diamond unveil with a new look. we're going to have some big change as far as our temperatures are concerned. and even bigger change as we head into thanksgiving week. redskins could be witho a start order defense against the titans on sunday. georgetown handles coastal carolina down in charleston. the capitals playing well behind their young goalie.
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police are on the scene of a four-car know on the southbound gw parkway. ashley joins us now with more. >> reporter: this is certainly adding to the already standing delays we haveround the region. here's the view of the capital beltway just prior to this camera shot is the exit for the gw parkway. the delays due to t accident that is after chain bridge, we only have one left lane squeezing by and it is jammed from the capitol belay all the way down to chain bridge. this is also directly affecting drivers along 123. northbound was slammed with delays if you leave chain bridge road to get to the gw parkway and southbound 123 was solid from the cia to hop on to the beltway. as you can see, no trip in the
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park. we've got significant delays around the region. these delays do stretch from inner loop drives toward the college park area. as you can see, the outer loop which are the headlights, they continue solidly over toward 270. 270 was a pretty nationally lineup. that's the pace headed northbound. gw parkway southbound after chain bridge, one left lane squeezing by. >> thanks. federal agents arrested 18 baggage handlers in miami. they're accused of accepting cash from travelers secretly trying to get bigger bag on board. official say sky caps at miami unnational airport accept moy from travel here's wanted to avoid the airline's baggage fees. they say they would accept extra or overweight bags. then tag t items as wheel
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chairs or strollers. the sky caps then allegedly pocketed the cash. officials believe many of the travelers involved were shipping goods to latin america and made friends about the baggage handlers order time. >> general motors once again is a publicly traded company. this happen after the aerican auto milwaukeer filed f bankruptcy and took a massive government bailout in order to stay afloat. michelle franzen has more on our report. >> reporter: with the opening bell, general motors sped into history th its largest initial offering of company stock. uninvestigators society owning a piece of the iconic american company d on the 478 million shares. the starng price, $33 a share, climb within the first minutes of trading. >> we priced it aut right. now we have to go to worknd hopefully improve profitab. >> reporter: the majority of ares sold, gm common stock
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owned the u.s. government. the once bankrupt company raised $28 million that will help pay do some of the $50 billion in government loan. gm's return as a publicly traded company comes 18 months after the bailout gave the company a chance to restructure. downsize and rein in the ballooning costs of one of the largest pension nds in the world. >> they got most of the housing in order. they still have got to have a 21 century financial operation that understands how to read a balance sheet. >> analysts warn some investors tolip the stock for a quick profit but many investors including retirees are confident the company has turned a corner. >> with all depth gm has shed on the restructuring and the new products they're coming out with, i'm hoping they'll be strong enough to withstand the sell-offs. >> the hot stock offering follows one of the hottest rollouts in years. consumers are buying popular cars, trucks and suvs and the
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chevy volt just earned motor trend's green car of the year. just the momentum gm is hoping will keep driving prits up. nbc news, new york. >> gm's successful return to the market made it a good day on wall street. the dow industrials closed up 173 points. it end the day at 11,181. the nasdaq closed up8 points to 2514. the s&p 500 close that up 18 points. it ended at 1196. coming up, some students caught cheating in school may be given a second chance in virginia. doug come backith a look at the forecast. >> reporter: and a prestigious university in our area is home to bed bugs. which one is it? i'll tell u.
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with capital one bank's new checking with rewards, me and the lads earn rewards just for everyday banking. like writing checks. i found your oblem. thank you. getting cash from the drive thru earns us rewards. here's the twenty i owe you. so does paying our bills online. [ mouse squeaking ] click. we even earn rewards for getting money at the atm. it's new checking with rewards at capital one banks ll over the dc area. what's in your wallet? mr. snappy!
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test test. test. test test. test. test test. test test. "access hollood" test. it's windy but colder out there. >> even though the day will go down above average once again, it was a very chilly afternoon. and any time the win did blow, it made it feel a little bit cooler. let's take a look out there. a few people were out and about and of course, they had their jookts and the coats as well. by tomorrow morning, it might not be just the coats. it might be the hats and gloves as evebody into the 30s.
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a lot of the trees are now without their leaves although so of them are trying to hole on. our high today was 59 degrees. the low was 49. that's well above average again today even though it felt chilly. today was the 11th day and only the second day below 60. we've been on an unbelievable mild streak. that has come to an end. i think we'll be below average. outside, 51 degrees. dew point at 34. winds out of the west northwest at eight miles an hour. many locations down into the low to middle 40s. right now in frederick. 47 in hagerstown. 48 in sterling and manassas. fredericksburg all coming in around 48 degre. and la plata around 49. you're looking at a temperature there of 51 degrees. what will we be seeing? temperature wiall into the
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30s. 38, the washington area. out toward upper marlboro. we're looking at a temperature of 36 degrees. tulane toward annapolis. back to the west. i think we could see the coolest temperature to about 32 in one chester. we had a little system that moved through during day. bringing us some cloud cover. you may have seen a stray spnkle or two but that's about it. that storm system, a very weak one will continue to move off toward the east. as it does so, we'll see some thg change. making a dip into the eastern portion of the country. cold sarah on the way. look at cincinnati. around 43. some of the colder layer filter in to the day tomorrow before a warm-up once again during the day on saturday. e area moving off. high pressure will filter in. that will keep it cool even
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though we'll see men of sunshine. the high temperature will be about five degrees below. then back above average, on saturday the cold front, yet another cold front moves through the region. this will cool thing downor sunday but not before a pretty nice day on saturday. what will we be seeing after that? tomorrow morning, mostly clear. chilly morning. a bit breezy. 31 to degrees. winds out of the northwest at 10 to 15 miles an hour. that will put windchills in the upper 20s to lower 30s in all the area. then for tomorrow we'll see the temperature between 49 and 54. so mostly sunny skies. a cool day. a little bit breezy early. very chilly when you step out tomorrow morning. then by about noon, temperatures should warm up. 60 degrees on saturday. 60s looking great for saturday. i think that's about the best day, the next four days. 52 on sunday as we get more cool air. each of those days, temperature into the 30s to startoff. then on monarch little warmer.
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high temperature, 62 under partly to mostly sunny skies. then thg get very interesting. a chance of showers. maybe ahorl with highs in the mid 60s. mid 60s on wednesday. an afternoon chance of shower activity. and then a big storm moves in. the potential for a major storm moves in late wednesday into thursday. i still think ahead of that storm like our last orm. we'll see the chance for temperature to soar boo the mid to upper 60s on thuray. that is on thanksgiving. by the end of the day, for at turkey, the temperature could be in the 40s. we could see a 20 to 30-degree temperature drop during the day on thursday. not to mention the fact we could see some big winds on thursday as well. right now, we're still seven days out. this could change one day or maybe move back a day. right now, thanksgiving or the ea around thanksgiving is looking very problematic. wait until you see how this will progress. i'll continue toeep you posted
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right here from the inning 4 storm center. you remember just yesterday, just the other day, i had my feet up in theeather center thinking thing are nice and quiet. i will you they would turn around in a hurry and it looks like they're turning around just in time for thanksgiving. >> that's a distant memory bored with the forecast last week. >> the pressure is on for all that thanksgiving travel. thank you, doug. coming up, a schoolus driver has resigned after she showed kids some pictures on her cell phone. thelist is out for this year's most dangerous toys. a local community luring in holiday shoppers with free parking. orange cones on the road? no cones. a pledge the local company is making to
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[ male announcer ] with fs, the movies you buy for them in the house... ♪ ...are easy to keep watching outside the house... ♪ ...even on the long road to grandma's house. for the first time, you'rfree to access the movies you buy on demand on all your devices. get the ultimate in kids' entertainment on the ultimate network. it's time for fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities go to at 800-974-6006 tty/v. ♪golden morning family's smiling♪ ♪gonna be a special day anncr: for the perfect start to the perfect day, i always choose land o'lakes all-natural eggs. from hens fed a ch, whole-grain diet with no added antibiotics or hormones. ♪pure and simple always natural♪ ♪our best eggs say land o'lakes♪ land o'lakes all-natural eggs. where simple goodness begins.
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metro is still investigating how it is that a piece of cement fell on to one of the platform. the piece of cement came from, wases caused the falling of the piece of cement was caused by construction work on connecticut avenue. a court hearing for a prince
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george's county police officer has been postpone until next month. a lawyer for sergeant delabrer said his client is having trouble paying legal fees. the hearing for corporal chong chin kim has been postped. they are linked to untaxed liquor and cigarettesful. president obama has only a few week left with the democratic majority in both houses ofcongress. he is pushing ahead to make the most of this lame duck session. george washington university one of the most expensive schools in the country. >> today that school is making news because of the discovery of bed bugs on campus. >>t's tolly scary. >> reporter: if the sight of bed bugs make your skin crawl, imagine sleepingith them. that's what students have been dealing with at one of the most expensive schools in the
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country. according to george washington university, over the course of the fall semester there ha been six confirm cases of bed bugs and five residence hall buildings across campus. >> health re about it on the news. >> reporter: the school says four cases have been fully treated with two remaining cases of bedugs that should be taken care of by next week. >> when's most alarming to many of the students we talk to is that they were not infmed about this. many said they found out by reading the school's newspaper in this front page article. now highlighting these creepy critters crawling around campus. >> they should do something about it asap. >> reporter: george washington univerty refused an online interview. they said george washington university takes reports of bed bugs seriously. we continue numerous efforts to educate students about bed bugs. it goes on to say when a case is
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reported, gw staff perform an inspection. if they are could not if i recall, treatment will begin immediately. one student who has friends who lived in an infested dorm said the school needs to do more like put students up in a hotel while the dorm is being treated. >> you can't have bed bugs in a student tomorrow. they evacuated for a day and then sprayed and put the kids back in but i don't think that's acceptable. you can't do that. >> reporter: in northwest d.c., news4. >> we checked with self other unersities to see if they are also having a similar issue. all applied they had no confirmed cases of bed bugs on campus this fall. a veteran school bus driver resigned after showing inappropriate pictures to students. it allegedly tookplace on tuesday. parents said the driver showed students racy photographs on her
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cell phone shelf drove bus for a.g. wright middle scoot. she was later taken off the route and resigned before an investigation could be launched. some parents in fairfax county are upset over a machine to give studts who cheat a second chance. the principal of west potomac high school wants studentso have a chance to take a test if they cheat. the principal said cheating is a disclinary problem. not an action dem ig one. distracted driving is on the rise among the drivers on virginia's beltway. that survey found laugh the dryers who use cell phones are making work-related calls. even in construction zones. now, some large company are trying to change that behavior. when the roadhead looks like this, dotted with orange barrels and koengz, full of lane
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shifts, then this is a very bad idea. but even in the hot lane construction zone, distracted driving is on the rise. the biggestincrease, texting. almost one in four drivers surveyed admit to it. more than half say when they do text o talk behind the wheel, it is often because the boss is on the other end. >> more than half the same group, 52%, said their employer does not have a formal policy regarding distracted driving. i find that amang. >> reporter: the new orange cones no phones safety pledge is an effort to change that. saic is one of four big employers signing on. they will urge them not to text while driving, especially in construction zones. >> our imperative to be responsive to business needs,
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they can do that by pulling to the side of the road. some employees 78 word come om the boss, they're more likely to change their behavior. >> i think if our executives are saying this is the right thing do, then our employees will feel the same way. and hopelly, they'll follow the commitment as well. >> reporter: this commute here once work for an insurance company that banned employees from talking while driving is skeptical. >> i didn't see it makes any difference. most people get in their cars and do what they want to do. >> reporter: the orange cones no phones hope they will turn coliance if enough company sign on. news4, tyson's corner. the other comny on board include tyson's corner center mall, nova health systems. two more group are playinging a plea to sta leaders in virginia. they're asking them to consider a plan to put high occupancy toll lanes on i-395.
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the coalition for smarter growth and the sierra club of virginia sent a letter to the governor and to the transportation secretary. the group says they failed to fully evaluate the project will have on the environment and surrounding neighborhoods. today the transportation secretary said it is crucial to easingrowing congestion. >> we can't end up adding to the capacity on the 395. there's no place to go up. there is no place to go out. we'll to have find ways that better utilize the facilities we have today. that's why they came forward. >> group said fairfax, alington and alexandria sent a letter expressing similar concern about the project. coming up, they say few
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re than 400,000 people in indonesihave been displaced for weeks. they're living in cramped makeshift shelters. some of the evacuees are manding the government bill them what they call a privacy chamber. it's been referred to as a love shack. it would not be the first time. privacy chambers or love shacks were constructed in indonesia after the deadly tsunami back in
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2006. however, not everyone is in favor of the idea. indonesia's population is sharply divided between conservative and liberal values. a new report suggest as growing number of americans think marriage is obsolete. a survey was coucted of 2700 peel. 40% of the people polled said marriage is obsolete and most people say their definition of family has cnged. four out of five people said an unmarried man and a woman with a child were a family and 63% said a gay or lesbian couple with a child could be described as the same way. the authors say respondents were even reply split as to whether the new family units were good, bad or did not ke a difference in society. another check on the weather? >> it even looked like a winter day out there. you saw the clouds moving in. a little dark underbelly. a sprinkle or two here or there. for the most part we were dry just about every where.
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high temperature today, believe it or not, were actually well above erage. right now we're sitting at 51 degrees. winds out of the west northwest at eight miles an hour. right now temperature in frederick. 46 degrees. 49 in baltimore. that wind the other day out of ball, that was just confirmed as an e-f-1 tornado with winds at 100 miles an hour. 48 in kwanco. and 49 in clinton, maryland. none of the damage here around our area was caused by a tornado to let you know. 38 in washington overnight. 34 in frederic. warming up to the low toiddle 50s. it will be a chilly day tomorrow and i think tomorrow will be the first day below average in the last 11 days. and i don't see many days, actually, above average for the next couple of week. >> six months? >> i've got the forect one more time. wait until you tell whayou will happen around thanksgiving. >> we won't behappy until may.
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>> what's up? >> college basketball if that's okay with you. we'll start with the terps taking off in the fifth. the redskins still trying to figure out how to solve those third down woes.
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are the titans a good team should expect to beat? >> they're a better team than
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the redskins so they can hope to beat they will. that's a very good question. mike shanahan still being asked about monday night's at-down. he said the only thing he could. anyime you lay an egg like that, it starts with me. the skins still have a chance to right that ship on sunday. they will be facing a better team and the skins will be better nded. ryan did not practice today and the cornerback carlos rogers is out. he is the mo physical corner. he iured his hamstring. he would have almost certainly seen some time matched up against the titans receiver, randy moss, who only had one catch this past week. but is still one of the most dangerous deep threats in the game. here's rogers on his situatn. >> i don't want to be like malcolm and rush it. and get out there and not be out
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for a while. tame, you want to do, kind o work to see where you're at. in my situation, i'm not going to rush it. i won't put my body in jeopardy to be out there. and then i can't perform the way i want to perform. that's not good for me or the team. >> maybe he should have tweaked what he said a little bit. putting something bad on film, he is a free agent. he is looking for a new contract. you n't want him t there not helping. i talk to guys like gary clark and some of these guys. they laugh when they hear these little minor hamstring pulls. look at these little high school kids. i think we you a acon like. that offensively, there's been much made about the inbail to score points. they average about 20 ints per game. the biggest problem for the redskins' offense isn't finding the end zone. it is converting third downs.
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the achilles' heel all season long. when it com to the money down, the redskins are the poorest team in the league ranging dead last in third down conversions. this goes all the way to the rams game when mike shanahan praised sam bradford for what he was able to do on thirddown. shanahan said third down. ironic considering mcnabb just got a new contract and he is the worst third down quarterback in football. that has to change. but it is not just mcnabb. they know entire offensive unit needs to improve. >> it's not that we can't do anything. we're doing a lot of good thing. good thing on first and second down. the one thing we're n doing third down. it is not a lack of, you can't do anything. getting guys, how do you play over 60 applause? not just one big play and three bad plays. it is, the offense is fine. we have to get our guys to play at that level consistently and
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do a better job coaching. >> we didn't have anything wrong. i was pleased with the way we controlled it early. third and three, third and four, third and six. and i think we talk about the first five third downs, we should have made those plays. that's when you keep working. you get it doner you don't. we haven't been able to capitalize. and through the years we've been fairly decent in that area. >> and the same thing every third down. it seems like every situation, there is a different reason for their lack oficking up a first down. the punters have gotten a lot of work lately. >> and being last in the league, that's aery uncomfortable place to . and i guess kyle has to take the weight of that. >> absolutely have to. when they look at everything they say tey're happy with the way they're calling the game. >> i'm not. are you?
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>> the end results. >> that's what it boils down. to once they win we have nothing to complain about. after that mat guy game in georgetown, the 20th ranked maude it rain them had 14 three-point earth on the way to an easy win. john thompson iii. it should be a couple easy plays. the only ranked team. jason clark bur advertise three of five. how about another one from the corner? freeman beats the buzzer for the first of his 20 points in the game. second hal the shot that clears from coaal carolina, down by 19. forced the turnover. nice passing here. greenwood in for the layup. he goes on an 11-0 run. it works. no problem there.
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they beat coastal carolina easily 80-61. we're going to find out very quickly how far along these baby terps are. maryland forgs fourth ranked partnership. the first time these guys have ever played in the garden. th first time these guys have face ad top 25 team. gary william will be leaning heavily on this man. jordan william. the big forward has replaced him as the terps' best player. through three games, he's been very good. williams averaging 21 points in 13 rebounds per game. gary william the s anxious to see how he responds. >> this will be the best inside team we've played so far. and it is a great opportunity for to us see where we are
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against quality teams. we're looking forward to that. and i like our team in terms of the effort they're making to learn what we're trying to do. this is another 10 to see where we are with that. >> just to prove people wrong. i'm always motivated. i come talk to you guys with a straight face. like you just said, i'll going afr it. and i don't care who it is. m trying to help my team. whatever i have to do, i'm going to do it. last night the latest example yf the caps are an excellent team. even on a rare night whennal he can ovechkin doesn't score at all, the team can still get it done. theyave another win thanks to some big saves. some rookie goalie michal neuvirth and a solid stand in the ird. the buffaloes, ryan miller. the best goaltender in the league. no score. five-on-three advantage for the
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capitals. and they are getting it done. off the post and then off the skate one more time. you can see. kind of a lucky brk there. right across the line. the bre would come back. 30 seconds to play. sabres down by a goal. michal neuvirth is there. man, he is playing ry well. the capitals win 4-2. >> we have one group of winners. coming up, a hospital toy
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test test. test. test tt. test. test te. test test. "access hollywood" test. the city of alexandria is luring in shoppers, hopefully on black friday, by offering in free parking in city lots. parking is free at the mark square, courthouse square, thompson's garage, the union street garage, and at the south henry and cameron stree lots. you still have to bring your loose change if you want to feed coin's only meters. city leaders are planning to install new mull space meters
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that acct dollar bills and credit cards but that won't happen until next year's holiday shopping season. >> we get ready for holiday shopping season. th consumer product safety commission is out with the list of toys that could pose dangers for children. they come with important recommend digsz how parents should supervise pl time. kristen dahlgren reports. >> reporter: it is that time of year when kids make their lists and parents find themselves overwhelmed with the options. and it is not all fun and games. while toy-related deaths were down last yr, injuries were up. an estimated 186,000 emergency room treated injuries blamed on ys. the cpsc has a list for parents. >> first, select toys that are age appropriate for your child. >> reporter: that mean no small part for smallchildren. >> if a child swalls these magnets, even one or two of them, it can cause an obstruction. >> reporter: more than half the toy-related deaths in 2009 were
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riding toys. >> don't buy a bicycle and leave the helmet in the store. buy a helmet so your child's head will be protected. >> reporter: the final rule, location, location, location. make sure your children are playing with the holiday haul somewhere safe. >> you can ride into a pool or a pond and you can drown very easily. >> reporter: they said new safeguards and tests mean dangerous and lead-laced toys are getting into the u.s. less and less and they're working to recall products like this pogo stick sold at sports authority, recalled today. >> the rivets on the pogo stick were coming undone and it caud a laceration hazard. >> reporter: hazard at's can come in pretty packages. prompting a reminder to parent that smart shopping and supervision can help keep kids safe. >> look what i got. all too often in a news
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broadcast, you hear about the pathology of the human condition. the darker side of things. what often gets overlook, the valley you've one person simply reaching out to another. tonight on our broadcast, we' bring you the story of a man who found redemption, recovery and success because somebody cared enough to help. >> he put his hand out. and i thought it was a handshake. what it was, he was pulling me up. he was pulling meup. and he began to mentor me. >> we'll tell you the story of charles thornton and how he is paying it forwar now. coming up on news4 at 11:00. a final check on the weather? >> you guys just mentioned black friday. i was looking at the forecast for late next week. we're talking about the potentl for a major pattern change here come this time next week. of course, that means thanksgiving. tomorrow, a little change. down to 54 degrees and men of
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sunshine. 60 on saturday. 52 on sunday. a pretty good weekend out there. the best day, i think, will be on saturdayalthough each morning will be rather old. warmer temperature next week, ahead of a storm that will move in here late wednesday into the day on thursday. still, a lot of time to watch this. this could be not ju a game changer for next week but maybe for the next couple of week. guys? >> thank you. a lot of people have been talking about that princs diana sapphire that is now kate middleton's engagement ring in britain. buwe have some famous jewels of our own to brag about right here in d.c. the famous hope diamond has a new setting. the setting was designed by harry win stob in new york and it was unveiled at the smithsonian museum today. it was meant to commemorate the half century on display at the smithsonian. it was chose been by more than 100,000 people who voted on three design online.