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tv   News 4 Today at 5  NBC  November 10, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EST

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starts from within. >> but the poll isn't completely negative. ranks number 1 for historical sites and number 4 for most intelligent people. >> peop smart and being intelligent. >> there you go. historical sights and intelligence. at leaste have that. for clarification, the least attractive in terms of people, not the actual city itself. the city of charleston, south carolina ranked first, san diego, miami. no surprise there. the last three cities, cities in the south. >> you have to decide how much time do you want to spend looking and talking to the person.
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>> welcome to news 4 on this november 10th, 2010. a live look outside at the nation's capital. and i say very beautiful people as well. let's go to tom with more on the forecast. and the weather too. we're going to keep this party going. this autumn party the last couple days continues. enormous ridge of high pressure. another day with a clear start.
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near 40 in prince george's, arlington, fairfax. mid-40s in washington and near the bay. 30s to 20s in western maryland and parts of west virginia on this wednesday morning. as we look at the vie from space the last 12 hours, clear skies. a few high clouds coming from the north later this afternoon. highs 60 or so by midafternoo sunrise, 6:45. sunset, 4:59. a look at thursday, friday, turday, sunday. jerry, how is the traff? >> off we go. very quiet start on i-270 through clarksburg. all e travel lanes open. over to virginia, a little sampling on interstate 66 through vienna. lanes are open to all with no dela. and top side of the capital ltway, overnight roadway on the outer loop, new hampshire area should be wrapped up. good news to report.
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metro, vre and mark with no delays >> a developing story we are following this morning. tug boats are making their way out to a massivecruise ship stranded in the pacific ocean. the ship left long beach, california on monday and cruising toward mexico when it suddenly caught fire. the fire cut power to the vessel cutting the seven-day cruise short. there's no air-conditioning or water. they have been living on canned crab meat and spam. >> certainly they're uncomfortable. it's something we hope we can bring to close as soon as possible. >> everyone on board the ship is safe. once all the tug boats arrive, crews will attem to tow the ship back to san diego. that is expected to happen sometime tomorrow >> today ground will finally be broken on a new hotelt the
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washington convention center. the mayrriott marquis. >> reporter: when you have lived hereour whole life, when you attend a event here you don't think of the thousands of other people who are here who have no home to go to at night. in fact, they have to spread across the city in 40 different hotels. starting today that future is about to change. that's where the ground breaking of the brand-new marriott marquis will happen today. this hotel is going to cost 520 million to build. the expectation is it will attract more big events to our city's convention center. four-star hotel will have more than 1,100 rooms. it's slated to open in 2014. again, the ground breaking today, mayor fenty and mayor elect gray expected to preside over the big event at 11:00.
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>> kimberly, thanks very much. right now president obama just arrived in seoul, south korea for two economic sum mitts. he arrived just moments ago e. he is in the middle of a ten-day asia tip tripp that began in india. he made a quick stop in indonesia. before they go on to japan after the economic meetings there. last night the president visited the largest mosque in southeast asia. the president said it s under construction when he was six years old and living in jakarta. the president al delivered a speech at the university of indosia. >> i made it clear america will never be at war with islam. we must work together to defeat al qaeda a its leaders. >> the president left jakarta a few hours sooner than planned
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because of concerns over a deadly ash clouds. the trial of the killing of chandra levy will resumtoday. witnesses may include prison inmates who say ingmar guandique confessed to killing levy. her body was found not until year later. the trial is expected to wrap up before thanksgiving. a campus says good-bye to a beloved professor. last night a vigil was held for a vigil for professor sue markum was held at the arena. she was found in her home in october. police believe she interrupted a robbery and was beaten to deat 18-year-old hamlin was arrested for unauthorized use of the car but no arrests have been made in
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the murder case. everyone who attended the vigil agreed she was always upbeat no matter what the situation. >> always had a smile. alwayshad a laugh in her voice. and made accounting fun. how does anybody make accounting fun? >> we just all want to pay tribute to her. we all miss her. so i think it will be a good sendoff, a good ending or closure to the whole thing. >> professor marcum established a scholarship in her name in 2006. her family hopes contributions to it will be made in her honor. tomorrow, no vre service all day tomorrow. mark will be running on an s schedule. only trains designated with an s on the schedule will operate. metrorail will be erating normally. however, metrobus will runon a limited schedule. riders should check with metro to see whether their bus will be running ontime. 5:07.
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51 degrees. why president obama has been good to federal workers. plus, the story that has everyone coming up with a theory. was it a bird, was it a plane, was it you know who? the mystery even the ptagon can't explain. next, ♪
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[ female announcer ] keurig has over 200 varieties
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of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes lik 's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjo keurig.
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you can sound off to our pat
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collins friday morning right here on news 4 today. he will be live in woodbridge. stop by from 5:00 to 7:00 a.m. and give him an earful. he is ready to listen. don't getlet him tell you he can't hear you because he has a corn cob in his ear. >> tom, tell us what you thi about the weather. >> it's gorgeous. and it'soing to continue. we had this wonderful run the last few days. and if you love crisp, aus up weather, we have more in store for you. right now near 40 in the suburbs. upper 40s in washington and near the bay. a few locations in virginian the 30s. west virginia, western maryland, though, many locations at freezing. highs reaching near 60. and more of the same on veterans day, friday, and again on saturd. sunday looks like it will be dry as well. look at that and into next week. our nextchance of rain in ten weeks. >> t, pretty quiet morning all
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in all. southeast, pennsylvania avenue, to minnesota avenue, the bridge moving along nicely. nice light volume of traffic. making the trip beltway north of town overnight road work should be wrapped up after that, university bouvard to the american legion bridge wide open. headed for downtown, doing okay. southeast-southwest freeway. everything moving along nicely as we get under way. joe and eun. ahead on news 4, a case of road rage in virginia with a strange twist. flying food and major changes to the national mal when you can expect after a rath sweeping makeover. >> up next all eyes on the sky. what the government is saying about this
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the object that launched a thousand questions. what the government is s
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:15. i'm aaron gilchrist. later today, d.c. will break grouped on a brand-new four-star hotel ne the convention center. the $520 million marriott marquis will go up in the shaw neighborhood. the hotel is slated to open in 2014. a stranded carnival cruise ship is moving again, albeit
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very slowly. mexican tug boats pulling it back to san diego. it lost power on monday after a fire. 4,500 people on board. more of that at the bottom of the hour. double shooting in the district leaves a 17-year-old dead. joseph sharps jr. and a friend were laughing monday night when they ran into three other guys. investigators say those men ma have thought the laughter was directed at them. shots were fired and sharps was killed. let's take a look at this mysterious object. military leaders trying to find out what caused this plume of a vapor trail in the sky. it's a story everyone is talking about. it happened monday north of catalina island nr los angeles. megan mcgrath is live at the pentagon with a key piece of evidence that was caught on videotape. good morning, megan. >> reporter: good morng, joe. a lot of people scratching their heads wondering what exactly was
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that. some believe it looked like a strange missile launch off the coast of california. take a look at this video. it was shot monday night by a news help copter by kcbs in los angeles. you can see a vapor trail rise from the ocean up into the sky. many thought it was some kind of amissile. the u.s. military says it was not them. although a dramatic sight to see. many experts, including a foer nasa mission control specialist, say it was an optical illusion. it seems to be rising vertical but, in fact, it is horizontal, traveling toward the camera. because of the angle, though, it seems suspicious. >> the most common thing you see is a rocket flying away. it was a legitimate proper interpretation of the geetry. turned out it was wrong.
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you can't see the actual veechblth all you se is the cloud. >> and norad says it was not a foreign military launch. all branches of the military say it was not them. and no other pilots reported seeing anything strange. for those who have seen the video, a lot of questions, a lot of scratching of heads because there were those who were left with the impression it was some sort of missile launch. >> it was something, so what was it? >> certainly a talker. a lot of people are talking about it. >> thank yo what started as a casof road rage in virginia turned into a food fight. a man in a toyota cut off a man in a lexus in quantico. the lexus driver drove up next to the toe oyota and threw a container of yogurt.
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he w he flashed a firearm. it is called bckout in a can. l loco may be banned in the state of washington. the liquor control board is considering banning all alcoholic energy drinks. theebate comes after nine central washington university students were hospitalized after drinking it at an off-campus party. when the beverage is used responsibly it is safe as any other alcoholic drink. washington's governor is expected to hold aews conference on the decision tomorrow. america's front yard is getting a makeover. secretary of the interior ken salazar signed an agreement yesterday to fix up the national mall. you can expect better maintenance and family-friendly
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facilities. the project will cost hundreds of millions of dollars but a private group for the national mall is raising money to help pay for the work. >> we are goingto get this done it's not just me. the outpouring of support we have had from the american people, not just here in washington but across the country has been amazing. the main thing that people don't realize is there's a problem here. once anybody sees the pictures the first estion they ask is what can i do to help? >> the interior department says i plans to deny permits to some events that use heavy trucks and other equipment that can tear up the grounds. hundreds of disabled veterans will gather for a new memorial dedicated them the day before veterans day. the disabled for life memorial will be located associate of washington avenue southwest. the memorial located on a 2.4 acre site will recognize the
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sacrifice disabled veterans have made in service to our country. among the ground breakers, lois pope of the foundation and actor gather sinese the national spokesperson. federal workers are making more money than ever before. according to ausa today" analysis, those earning more than $150,000 a yearsoared. in 2005, just under 7,500 government workers making 150 grand or more. now there are 182,000. they have gone to government employees with 15 and 24 years of service. since 2005, average salaries has jumped 25%. 5:21 is the time again. time for another look at traffic and weather. here's tom. >> so many people enjing the weather for so long, and let's keep it going. this gorgeous autumn pattern thanks to a ridge of high
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pressure from eastern quebec to the gulf ast. another clear morning. temperatures near 40 in the suburbs and rural areas. and upper 40s in washington and near the bay. later today we should make it up to or so with lots of sunshine for veterans day tomorrow. upper 30s in the morning and sunny. sunny during the afternoon. more of thsame on friday. saturday should be mostly sunny with highs in the 60s. a look into next week. sunday, part cloudy. increasing clouds mop. might get rain monday night into tuesday. jerry, how is the traffic? >> northern virginia, interstate 66 at the ranch to go to th capital beltway. as you can see, reened. travel lanes are open. everyone is moving along pretty well. into town, northeast, new york avenue, anostia to bladensburg road. very minor traffic light issues.
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395 wide open. moving noosely out on the rails this morng. metro, vre and mark with no early issues. joe, eun >> it turns out digging into a good book can have pretty big rewards. a friend gave paul vitale for his birthday. the kennedy buff found a mint conditiobusiness card that holds the former presint's signature from his senate years. >> i thumbed through it. at first i did not recognize there was a businesscard stuck in between the pages. i took a closer look. at that time i was stunned by what ifound. >> he says he was told by an expert that the signature looks to be authentic. for now the card is locked away safely in a bank. how cool is that? >> very ol. one of the most familiar and unique faces on television is
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stepping down. gene shall lot is leaving. after 40 years on that program. tomorrow will be his final day. he first appeared on the "today" show back in 1970. he sayshe wil pursue other activities, including publishing, radio and commercials. >> do you think he will ever shave that mustache, though? >> or comb that hair? >> never. >> probably not. >>5:24. now coming up -- >> hero honored by local firefighters after an incredible display of streng. what he did to save a stranger's life. the supreme court takes up a landma case that could change
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dead in the water. the very latest on the cruise ship stranded [ female announcer ] joe here likes saving money. that's why joe likes aetna's payment estimator. he gets to compare out-of-pocket health care costs before they come out of his pocket. that's awesome. [ female announcer ] now let's say every joe in america uses it.
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looks like everyone likes saving money. ah, the potential of puttg people first. thanks joe. know more. get better. get a smarter health plan. ♪ you can be fired for posting not so nice things about your boss online. dawn marie was fired from her job at an ambulance company. the company fired her after she complain about her supervisor on facebook. >> national labor relations act makes it unlawful for sbroirs to
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interfere with that communication. she was on her own time, own resources. and that's really what makes the case different. >> national labor relations board says your facebook posts are protected and you caot be fired. the hearing is set for next year. a hero's welcome at one high school for a student who saved a driver from a burning vehicle. back in august chris came upon a burning hummer vehiclehat had rolled over. he ran towards the flames, putting his own life in danger. >> chris grabbed the door handle and pulled it so hard the handle flew off. thankfully the door also flew
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open >> i kind of ran forward to the thing. i guess i thought if i was in there i would want someone to do the same for me. >> great guy. rescue workers arrived shortly after he pued the driver to safety. he said he never wanted any attention for his actions, but he certainly got it. >> and certainly deserved it. way to go, chris. i wonder if he will be a firefighter. stay with us. news continues at 5:30. long ride home. help arrives for a karn ncarniv cruise ship stuck at sea. good morning. i'm eun yang. >> good morning. i'm e krebs. it is wednesday, the 10th of november. taking a live look outside right now. a nice fall day under way. 50 degrees. not all that chilly, actually.
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but look to see if we're going to have a nice day. >> whave enjoyed great fall weather. >> hey, we have a settled start this morning. the winds are still a little bit blustery, around 10 to 15 miles per hour out of the north. and we have a clear sky. temperatures near 40 degrees weather watchers reporting around the entire region. a little bit chillier. in the mountains it dipped near or a little bit below freezing. elsewhere we're in the 40s. prince george's arlington, fairfax. around the lower chesapeake and the eastern shore, low to mid-40s. and the mountains it has dipped into the 20s in a few locations. we have this big ridge of rp from eastern canada to the gulf coast right down the eastn half othe nation keeping things dry. and lots of sunshine. by 9:00, 50. suise 6:45. by noon time, upp 50s. and by midafternoon we ought to make it previously into the low 60s.
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and then cooling down ain tonight under a mostly clea sky. we'll take a look at thursday, friday, saturday, in ten minutes. how is the traffic now, jerry? >> we're beginning topick up a little volume along the way. 66 inbound on the right side of your screen as you head through centreville, fair oaks. a little police activity westbound but they have moved on. once again, no distractions. 370 moving along well. ear, dry pavement. no rain to worry about this morning. although sunshine may be a factor in a little bit. university boulevard we're okay. just down the road at merrimack, police are dling with an accident. out to the rails we go to see how we're doing. metro, vre and mark reporting no early issues. eun. >> jerry, thank you. we are on top of a developing story. tug boats reached ship.
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ship splendor drifting at sea since it lost power on monday. the coast guard says 4,500 people are on board. an engine room fire knocked out electrical power and the entire ship shut down some 200 miles south of san diego. aaron; there relief in sit? >> reporter: it's hot. it's dark. people are moving very slowly. tug boats started pulling it back to sadiego. this is an all-out rescue operation under way right now in the middle of the pacific ocean. splendor left long beach, california monday morning. and about 4 minutes offshore a fire started in one of the engine rooms. crews quickly put that out. nobody gothurt. but it did knock out power to the speier ship. the 9352-foot vessel began moving again last night under th power of several mexicanug boats. 4,500 passengers and crew members have had to survive without air conditioning, without water, without hot food. >> rit now it's bread. there's cups, utensils. we have frozen milk, canned
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goods. easy to make items that ar served cold. >> reporter: the coast guard started ferrying those in from th uss ronald reagan to help splendor. a cutter escorting that ship back to san diegthis morning. again, at this point carnival said it should make it back to port late tomorrow. in the meantime, eun, they told folks they can expt their money back and a free cruise in the future. >> aaron gilchrist in the newsroom. thanks for the update, aaron. new today, some republican leaders mabe trying to get rid of michael steele as the head of the republican nationa committee. "new york time reports the gop is pressuring steel not to run for reelection when his term ends in january. they're unhappy with the nd-raising efforts of steel, among other tngs. the proposed new house leaders among high-ranking republicans who would like to see a new
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chairman should a viable allenger emerge. steel was a former lieutenant governor of maryland. former president bush will reflect on his time in the white house later this morning in the "today" show. he will sit down with a live interview with matt lauer. it comes a day after the memoir decision ints hits store shelves. that's after news 4 today on nbc 4. still no clear winner in alaska's senate race. more than 30,000 absentee and early voting ballots are being processetoday. part of the review is to check the spelling of the name of the ballots. she ran as independent and can only win as a writen candidate but the votersave to have spelled her name close to correctly to be accepted. . right now president obama is in seoul, south korea.
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they made a quick stop in india, indonesia and now landing in south korea before they go on to japan after the economic mtings there. last night the president visited the largest mosque in southeast asia. the president said it was under construction when he was six years old and living in jakarta. he attended public and click hools when he lived in indonesia with wit his mother and stepfather. the president also delivered a speech at the university of indonesia. >> we have n claims to be leaders of any religion, certainly not a great world religion like islam. >> he left sooner than planned because of a ash cloud. no one will be charged for the destruction of cia videotapes that showed the waterboarding of terror suspects. the ruling by the justice department comes after a three-year investigation into
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the cia's interrogation tactics. video showed two men subjected to a process that simulates drowning. the cia destroyed the tapes in 2005, citing no legal reason to keep them much the justice department is still investigating whether the interrogatio methods are legal. many of youill likely have the day off for veterans day. for those of you who are working we have a few travel alerts for you. no vre service all day tomorrow. mark will be running but running on an "s" schedule. only trains designated with an "s" on the schedule will operate. metrorail will be operating normally. however, metrobus will run on a limited schedule. riders should check th metro to see whether their bus will be running on time. and the cost of smoking about to go up for some people.
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who is proposing raising tax on a pack of sdprets. it is a cool morning but things are looking up. weather and traffic are next. stay with us.
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>> a rder mystery that continues to baffle police. why they hope e-mails may
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our time is 5:39. 21 minutes before 6:00 in the morning. 50 degrees ase pan across the
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skyline of the nation's capital. pretty scene out there. we'll have a pretty day today. >> more of the same. here it comes. >> love it, love it. >> we are a hour away from sunrise. reports of meteors in our sights. leonid mid week next week. unfortunately it may be cloudy by then. as you look at the sky you may have a chance of perhaps seeing a moat or. washington and near the bay, we're in the upper 40s. out of the mountains now it is cold. in the 20s in many locations of weern maryland west virginia. a bright and sunny day on the way. few eye clouds. mostly clear tonight. 40 by dawn thursday veterans day for the activities tomorrow, an excellent da with lots of sunshine, light breeze. highs reaching the mid and upper 50s. down in the rning, upper 30s and clear. another sunny day on friday with afternoon highs in the upper 50s
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ce again. saturday, a few high clouds. lots of n. a look at sunday and into next week at 5:51. good morning, jerry. how is our traffic now? >> certainly busy on the capital beltway, maryland side. that's the inner loop. outer loop, i-270. all this traffic to river road. looking pretty g. let's see if that's the case elsewhere. we are loading up very quickly northbound. flashing lights around 644. i'm going to investigate that. it does not appear to be in the roadway. let's see how we're doing making the trip on 61. what an odd picture. 66 inbound through fair oaks. a report of somebody with a flat tire drawing a little attention. out to the rails, metro, vre, it's all good. >> jerry, thank you. our time is 5:41. an aempt at cracking down on
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prostitution. one local escort who is working with police. a funny woman honored at the kennedy center. why she may have sarah palin to thank. what caused that reaction. and ugly ranking on the list ranking d.c. on the list of most attr 3q
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experts from a leading consum publication recently tested automatic dishwashing detergents. they rated finish quantum number 1, beating cascade. try finish quantum for amazing clean d shine. satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. years in the making. long-anticipated project that finally begins today and could mean millions of dolla
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>> our time 5:44. top stories in news 4 today. earlier this morning president obama arrived in seoul, south korea for two economic sum mitts. the first lady on s on her way back to the u.s. this morning. the president visited the
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largeest mosque in southeast asia. students a faculty said their good-byes to an american university professor murdered back in october. police believe sue marcum interrupted a burglary. professor marcum established a scholarship in her name in 2006. her family hops contributions to it will be made in her memory. military leaders figuring out a plume of a vapor trail in the sky. some say it's a missile. some say it's a plane. some say they don't know. late last night the defense department released a statement on this mystery object. megan will join us live at 6:00 with what we've learned overnight. today the decade-long plan to build a hotel nea the washington convention center will be another step closer to a reality. the city will break ground on the washington marriott marquis on the corner of 9th and massachusetts in northwest washington.
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kimberly suiters is at the sight of that hotel and joins us live. hi, kimberly. caller: good morning, eun. it was supposed to have a companion hotel. well, it nev had one. visitorsbasically had to scatter the 40 different hotels. that's going to change. as you look across the corner that spot right there is where the new marriott car key will be but. the cost, $520 million. it will attract more big events to the city's convention center and change the surprising fact that d.c. does not rank in the top 50 for major international meetings. the four-star hotel will have more than 1,100 rooms. it is slated to open in 2014. and hundreds and thousands of construction jobs and hospitality jobs are expected because of the new marriott
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marquis hotel. where there is the promise of jobs, mayors, fent and gray will be here for theround breaking at 11:00 today. reporting live in northwest, kimberly suiters, news 4. eun, now back to you. >> kim herly, thank you. new problems for the newest and largest jetliner. singapore airlines grounded three of its super jumbo jets after finding oil stains in the engine. this after a qantas 380 exploded over indonesia. they use the same engines, rolls royce trent 900. singapore airlines originally ground all of them but returned them to service on friday. three planes will be fitted with new engines. all of qantas's a-0s remain out of service. investigators are hoping the internet will help them find a college student earlier this year. they filed a request for a search warrant to gain access to
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e-mail and facebook accounts. the 19-year-old was found stand to death in her car on route 50 in june. she just finished her freshman year at savannah college of art. a misunderstanding may have provoked the shooting that took the life of a high school. he and a fellow student were joking around in nooempt washington monday night when they ran into three other young men. investigators say those men may ve thought the laughter was directed at them. they filed shots and killed sharps. his family is left to cope wi the loss as police continue to lookor the killers. >> it really, really hurts. but as a father we just have to move on and say the lord has got him now. so i'm happy for that part. >> the second teen that was shot remains in the hospital but is expected to survive.
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montgomery county police are trying to put app end to sex trafficking and getting help from victims to do it. investigators say they're reaching o to local sex workers and cracking down on escort web sites. they say it will help drink them closer to catching the pimps involved. one woman helping police said she is thankful for the effort. she said she was beaten and abused after she answered an ad for an escort service. >> it is good. policere just trying to put us in jail and don't care what the situation is. but in some other areas they want to help the girls get out of it and in a better situation. >> police are collecng information on clients in an effort to crack down on the dema side of human trafficking. sxuktd and you could soon be paying more for cigarettes.
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leaders in alexandria want to increase the cigarette tax. they want to boost state funds and keep teens from smoking. right now it's 30 cents a pack. that's dramaticly lower than the $2 tax in maryland and $2.50 in the district. the council is holding a public hearing saturday. a final proposal will be introduced to the general assembly. >> america's front yard is getting a makeover. secretarof the interior ken salazar signed an agreement to fix up the national mall. you can expect better maintenance and family-friendly facilities. the mall will also have an improved recycling program. it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars. a private group, the trust for the national mall, is raising money to help pay for the work. >> we're going to get this done. and it's not just me. the outpouringof support we have had from the american people, not just here in ameca but across the country, has just been amazing. the main thing that people don't realize is there's a problem here. once anybody sees the picture that we have that shows the
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current conditions, the first question they ask is, what can i do to help? >> the interior department says to help protect the mall it plans to deny permits to some events that use heavy trucks and equipment that can tear up the ground. >> it is such a treasure but beginning to look a little seedy. so much use over so many years. every day thousands and thousands of people are tromping over the grass. >> much needed makeover. >> yeah. >> beautiful day to be at the mall. indeed. outdoor recreation and work. dry and cool. wonderful, crisp, autumn weather tomorrowing. jefferson memorial at the tidal basin. from the national airport, down river, 47. light northerly bree right now. and we have a clear sky. upper 30s around shenandoah, blue ridge, central shenandoah value. but from the blue ridge 40
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degrees. weather watchers reporting in from southern maryland, eastern shore reporting there in the mid to upper 40s in a few isolated locations. but much coldern western maryland, west virginia. many spots in the 20s. we have this enormous ridge of high pressure from quebec, stern canada, to the east coast. giving uslenty of sunshine. students at the bus stop, chilly morning. by noon, upper 50s. by midafternoon the low 60s. sunrise, 6:45. sunset, 4:59. and we should be mostly clear tonight. bottom out by dawn on veterans day. tomorrow, veterans day for the events and activities tomorrow should be bright and sunny. afternoon highs into the mid and upper 50s. on friday, moreof the same. saturday, sunny. sunday, high near 60. mostly cloudy monday. into the 50s. in monday night and tuesday. how is the traffic?
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>> take a look in maryland. i-270. just a little volume. frederick to germantown headed on down. elsewhere, northern virginia, check things out. route 1 looks pretty good. those of you continuing up around dale boulevard, no concerns on the route 1 corridor. out to the rails we go. looks like we're doing well. metro, no delays. vre, no delays. mark, three traipse me hind schedule. camden843. penn, 401. and 503 running behind schedule at this point. eun? >> jerry, thank you. the 13th annual mark twain prize for american comedy. shis the youngest ever award recipient. she was joined by amy poehler, seth meyers, and fred armisen just to name a few. in her speech fey thanked sarah
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palin who she impersonated more than once for her succes and a lot on the queen of comedy received quite a different honor. 88-yr-old white said she wanted to be a forest ranger when she was younger but they weren't hiring at the tim she was named honorary forest ranger by the forest center at the kennedy center yesterday. she said she and her parents spent three weeks camping in the high sierra or yelwstone national park. >> we would spend three weeks and not see anybody. yellowstone became my second home. and my teachers at school would say write another essay, but would you write about something besides yellowstone national park. >> betty white said her parents would have been, in her words, over the moon out the honor. congratulations to betty white and tina fey. >> absolutely. ask any visitor and you'llear how autiful washington is.
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unfortunately they may be referring to the monuments and landmarks and not to the people. >>kunl thcan you believe that? >> i can't. travel and leisure ranked the most attractive and least attractive. washington ranked 30th out of 35 cities. boo. at least we're hotter than orlando, anchorage, baltimore and memphis. >> reporter: how attractive are people in washington, d.c. compared to other major cities around the country? according to a new online poll by travel and leisure magazine, you might be surprised where the district ranks. >> i would say 3. >> between 5 and 10 maybe. >> number 2. >> rorter: not even close. according to the poll, washington, d.c. ranksumber 6 for most unattractive people in the country. >> whoa!
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>> wow! that's not the best in the world. >> wow! >> i don't think so. we have some beautiful people heren d.c. i'm from akron, ohio, so i love it here. it's gorgeous, gorgeous people here in d.c. >> well, there's something interesting looking people out here, i gues >> reporter: why does d.c. get such a bad wrap? to find that out we went to the beauty expert, one of the real housewives of d.c. and runs one of t top modeling agencies in town. >> i think people confuse politics and people conservative with style and being boring. so i just go on record saying i think washington has many beautiful people but it always starts from within. >> buthe poll isn't completely negative. it ranks number 1 for historical sites and number 4 for most
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intelligent people. >> people smart and being intelligent is more important. >> that's right. beauty on the inside. as for the country's most attractive cities, charleston, south carolina, ranked number one, followed by san diego, savann and miami. are you offended? >> ion't see where derwood is listed. >> it just didn't make the cut. >> maybe it's in the list higher towards numberone. >> you're right. it's like three and a half, something up there. >> it could well be for all we know. th woman has it exactly right. if you have to spend more than two minutes with a person are you going to sit and look at them or talk to them. >> i still think washington has some of the most beautiful people. a program that pays mmitment to commute to work. how you can cash in.
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