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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  November 9, 2010 11:00pm-11:35pm EST

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it is faa and pentagon weigh in but can't say for sure. a man in a wheelchair went to the rescue of a store clerk tackling a would-be robber. the first tugboat reaches a cruise ship dead in the water with thousands o people on board. good evening. i'm doreen gentsz lzler. >> and i'm jim vance. begin tonight with a tribute to a professor. sue marcum embodied the best of american university. they still struggle with her murder, arime that still has not been solved. jack s jackie bensen is at american. jackie? >> the people conclude here tonight that whoever hurt sue marcum also hurt many, many people. the memorial set up in american university auditorium quickly filled by peop whose liveshad
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been touched by sue marcum. >> she was an amazing professor and we all wanted to pay tribute to he we all miss her, so i think it wille a good send-off and kind of a good closure to the whole thing. >> repter: on october 25, 52-year-old sue marcum was found murdered in her bethesda home, just a couple miles away from the au campus. police believe she interrupted a rglary and was beaten to death. her 1999 jeep cherokee was recovered hours later after a police pursuit and crash in the district. 18-year-old deandrew hamlin who was injured in the crash was arrested for unauthorized use of the jeep. but neither he nor anyone else has been charged with professor marcum's murder. friends prefer not to dwell on how she died but how she lived as she passed along her enthusia for her chosen field, accounting, to a new generation. >> she was a warm, special person and, you know, we're here to, you know, honor hernd it's
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just a tragic thing. >> she always had a smile, always a laugh in her voice, you know? and made accounting fun. how do people make accounting fun? >> a bunch of us came back together who hadn't seen each other in years because we knew her as time passed. >> professor mrcum, who is also a graduate -- professor marcum, who is also a graduate of american university established a scholarship in her name in 2006. her family hopes that contributions to that scholarship nd will be made in her memory. back to you. >> thanks, jackie. now to that mysterious flash of light across the southern california sky. military officials at the pentagon still can't say for sure what was caught on video. this is that video taken by a news helicopter last night. it apprs to be a missile soaring through the sky dangerously close to the los angeles coastline. they have ruled out a foreign
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missile lach and there is no record of a single launch last night outside los angeles. military missile expert john pike thinks a jumbo jet created the optical illu sirks on. >> it's coming out of the sunset. it looks like it's being washed out of the water, but it's not. >> replays do not show a fast-moving object in the area. they also reviewed air traffic controtapes and found no reports of any unusual sightings from pilots. more than a dozen men from northern virgin are n on their way to mecca for the trip of a lifetime. but that trip was delayed several days when their passports were intercepted. today the local muslim community says the rights of those men were violated. craig melman with more o that. craig? >> some worked for t united states government. others are in their 60s. some had saved thousands to complete the fifth pillar of
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islam. they say either the american government or a shipping company nearly stopped them for the wrong reason. before and ater evening prayers at the mosque in manassas, everyone is still talking about their 16 llow muslims who almost didn't get to make their hodge, their sacred pgrimage to mecca. they used the northern travel agency to help them make arrangements. they received the visas for their passportsz and overnitd the package ups. the group was set to start out friday evening. >> friday morning we found out the package was being held by one of the governmen agencies. >> rafi ahmed is president of e organization. >> we didn't get any word why the package was ceased. >> they called the fbi, homeland
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security to find out what happened. eventually he found out border protection was the agency responsible. they held them in part saying the agency is committed to promising safe and legitimate travel. it encourages travel to conclude arrangements for international travel way ahead of deadlines. but it is still unclear whether cpv kept the passports or united services. a government seizure exceion was in place. they added, quote, we cooperated with government agencies on security matters. while the muslim community in northern virginia does not yet know who is responsible, they are sure about one thg. >> if the package had john smith name written on there, i don't think these folks would hav been under the situation that they were put in. >> reporter: now, by the time the mistake was fixed, everyone in the group had missed their flight. sunday night travelers learned
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that customs and border had decided to foot the bill to buy replacement airline tickets. the price tag to the taxpayer? $44,000. also this evening, the council of american islamic relations said they' learned of three other cases where american's passports and visas are being held up. >> thank you, craig. th man accused of a terror plot against four metro stations put in a not guilty pleaday. he met people who he believed to be al-qaeda operatives and suggested where they could place explosives to harm the most number of people. those were undercover authorities. when they arrested ahd, they found gun paraphernalia. that decision by the justice
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department comes after a three-year investigation into the cia's interrogation tactics. the video showed two men being suggested into a process that m simulates drowning. they desoyed the tapes in 2005, later citing no legal reason to keep them. the justice department is still investigating whether the interrogation methods were legal. a carnival cruise ship off the coast of mexico tonight lost power after a fire in the engine room yesterday. nobody was hurt but there are still no hot meals, no air-conditioning. military helicopters have been dropping supplies onto the ship and engineers were able to get toilets working again. the tugboat will try to pull the ship to san diego. carnival hopes that the ship will reach ore by thursday, late thursday. from vancouver, canada, a man in a wheelchair is being called a hero tonight. he was inside a convenience store over the wekend when a man tried to pass counterfeit
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money and then got into a fight with the woman behind the counter. on the store's surveillance video, you can see larry spotnik grabbed the suspect and then wrestled him to the ground. spotnik is paralyzed below the waist, but he says his father taught him a long ago that the definition of a goodman is helping others when they need it. the nation takes the lead in pushing the commonwealth to a higher cigarette tax. asurvey out there gs washingtonians are ugly. honoring tina fey here in washington. great weather, and that great weather will continue right on through the rest. week. what about the weekend, though? i've got a full forecast for you. lindsay? clinton pois is whether he'll be back in pads monday night. also a driver punished for giving the one-fingersalute. and the capitols
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hey ove, i'm gonna need a bank. any ideas? capital one bank. they're everywhere. yeah, you're right! ♪ [ male announcer ] capital one banks are everywhere. [ clang! ] with hundreds of branches and atms, they're hard to miss. hey, there's one right up the street. [ male announcer ] capital one bank. the most branches and atms in the dc area. what's in your wallet? ove, go long!
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a simple misunderstanding may have provoked a double shooting that took the life of a high school senior in north washington. joseph sparks was astudent at springn highchool. he and a friend were joking around when they came on three other guys. investigators say the three other gu may have felt the laughter was directed at them. shots were fired and sharps was killed. his family is coping with the loss as police continue to search for the suspect. >> it really, really hurts but as a father, we have to move on and say the lord has him now. i'm happy for that part. >> the second teenager who was shot remains in the hospital tonight but is expected to survive. alexandria is looking to
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raise cigarette tax to deter smoking and raise more money. they are hoping to raise the price $1 more per pack. at 30 cents per pack, they have the lowest price of cigarettes in the country. by comparison, maryland charges $2. in the district it's $2.50. a council is holding a public hearing this saturday. a final proposal will then be introduced to the virginia je general assembly. there are going to be more opportunities to buy booz theyre going to allow stores to sell liquor on sundays. the policy could bring in an extra $2 million a year for the county. the sales starts in two weeks. something you must do before you buy on-line coupons. he ended up on an undesirable list. kochli i
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coming up, how apparently the rest of the country doesn't think we're attractive. find wh capital one bank's new checking with rewards, me and the lads earn rewards just for everydabanking. like writing checks. i found your problem. thank you. getting cash from the drive thru earns us rewards. here's the twenty i owe you. so does paying our bills online. [ mouse squeaking ] click. we even earn rewards for getting money at the atm. it's new cheing with rewar at capital one banks all over the dc area. what's in your wallet? mr. snappy!
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there's a new webite for -line bargain hunters who forget to read the fine print on those daily deals that are becoming so popular. an estimated 40 to 50% of guru
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shoppers read on-line only. it's for people who buy deals and then can't and don't use them. there's no fee to list the deal, but if yours get sold, you have to pay 8% of the sales price plus 99 cents. others are trying to advertise their sites on facebook for free. the rest of the country, apparently, is not too fond of what they see in washingtonians. there is a new survey out that ranks residents of the disict as the nation's least attractive. baltimore also made the un unenviable list. but are there any truths to these rankings, you might ask? >> reporter: travelers magazine asked readers on line to rank them based on different criteria. it was supposed to be a
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light-hearted and fun questionnaire. apparently the answers to one of those questions is bringing a lot of contrersy to the district. how attractive is washington, d.c. compared to other cities around the country? according to an on-line poll taken by a travel magazine, you might be surprised where the district ranks. >> i would say -- number 3? >> between 5 and 10, maybe. >> number 2. >> reporter: not even close. according to the poll washington, d.c. ranks number 6 for most unattractive people in the country. >> whoa! >> wow. that's not the best in the world. >> wow. >> i don't think so. there's some beautiful people here in d.c. i'm from akron, ohio, so i love it here. gorgeous people here in d.c. there is some questionable people out here, i guess.
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>> why did d.c. get such a bad rap? e of the real housewives of d.c. runs one of the top modelling agencies in town. >> i think peopleonfuse politics and being consvative with style and being boring. so i just go record saying that i think washington has many beautiful people, but it always starts from within. >> reporter: but the poll isn't completely negative. we ranked mber one for historical sites and number four for most intelligent people. >> the end of the day, being smart and being intelligent is more important than looks. >> reporte so i bet you're wondering which city got the top honor for being most attractive. that goes to charleston, south carolina. as for the least attractive city, that's memphis followed by baltimore. john shriffen live here in morgan. back to the studio. >> thanks, john.
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>> that is a lampoll. >> they put these things out all e time, though. you know? tomorrow it wille the best place ever to live in the world right here. >> that's right. certainly the weather here is enough to -- >> a new poll just came out 15 minutes ago and the weather is the best anywhere in the country. >> it sdendoesn't get much bett than this in the fall. today was a gorgeous afternoon, and i think we're going to see a lot more of those great days right up through the end of this week. the high temperate today reads 63 degrees. a little on the breezy side but that's expected at this time in october and november. it's normally one of the windiest times of yar across our region. winds out of the north at 12 miles an hour, and that little shift from northwest to north will dro techmperatures a coupl degrees over the next couple of
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days. not a big difference but just a little bit. 41 in frederick, 49 in sterling, 51 in manassas. to the north and east, very cool. 54 in new york, 60 up towards philadelphia. down to the south and st, 73 in roanoke, and in raleigh, normally our air travels from west to east across the country, but tomorrow it's coming fom the north, so that's where some cooler air is and we'll be just a tad bit cooler during the afternoon tomorrow. it's all because of an area of high pssure to the west, a big ridge and then an area of low pressure to the east. that's going to give us that northerly component to the wind. still nice but rather breezy, especially along the coast tomorrow. winds gusting 10 to 20 miles an hour tomorrow. maybe a little higher but just nice weather for this time of year as another area of high pressure starts to no in from the north. our temperatures will be in the upper 50s, so just a little below average, and as we end the week, it gets even better. a nice morning.
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46 in some of the suburbs to about 44 inside the beltway. around the 60-degree mark, 67 to 61. those winds out of the north at about 20 miles an hour, and there yo go. high around 60 on veteran's day, 61 on friday, 63 on saturday. i think we are looking at a fantastic weekend. sunday looking good as well, and our next chance of rain comes in late monday. ain't whole lot of rain chances for monday but a better chance coming up on tuesday, and then into wednesday. >> sounds good for now. thank you, doug. tonight a driver for the ♪ ♪
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the cap play some hockey in the garden tonight, right? >> they've got a good thing going. they have a five-game winning streak, their longest of the season. the capitols poured on the offense tonight, brooks scoring twe. they beat the rangers a fourth straight time. we're in madson square garden, madison square garden known for its history of boxing. it's green's secondbig fight of the season. you don't normally see that from him. both guys get tired and get five-minute penalties so they can rest. alex ovechkin to alex miskin who is just in the right place at the net. they tie the game up at 1. second period now we go. the capitols are down 3-2 at this point. take a look at alex ovechkin going end to end through traffic.
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knuvil for the goal. he had joked about sacrificing a goat to end his drought. no need. matt bradley from behind the net to matt hendricks and he puts the capitols up by one. capitols get the win in new york 5-3. moving now to football. redskins running backs ryan terrain and clinton portis will certainly have their work cut out for them next mday against the eagles. that's if portis can play. he said it will be a gametime decision after a full practice yesterday. he also shared his frustration after a community event this afternoon. portis joined us and teammates to talk to students at clermont immersion elementary school in washington about the importance of staying healthy. portis and teammates led the kids in different health activities, and afterwards
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portis talked about the toughest part of missing out on a season where he was trying to prove himself again. >> you know situations, barely losing the four games we lost, and you could have made a change in the game, and just being out with the guys, you know? you never know when your last day in this league is going to be, and i think what we have in that locker room is something special. so just to be on the field with those guys for 16 games and enjoy the ride would have been great. >> clinton portis hoping to be out there on monday night. it's not ctain, obviously, who the arter for that game would be. >> he's hurting. >> he is hurting. nascar. if you're base tg on raw talent, busch is the best driver. he was put on probation because of inappropriate gesture and verbal abuse on sunday's race.
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he had a great car, but it started mid-race because of debris he came to the pits. he was trying to beat the pace car to stay on the lead. nascar said he was speeding and would have to go to th end of the line. when he came back in, he dided he didn't like that. he wanted to tell the nascar official that he was number one. watch the top right corner of your screen there. kyle b usc h got upset, got back on the track and hisrew chief told him over the radio he was docked two laps because of his obscene gesture. listen to the conversation on the track. >> unsportsmanlike conduct. >> that's kyle busch's radio. remember the little gesture we had to apologize for? it's going to cost him two more laps. >> you're costing us! they docked you for two laps. >> so that was kyle buh's crew chief, obviously not happy what busch was doing to the team. he issued a statement saying he
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was inappropriate in what he did, apologized to the fans, saying he should not have done what he did. ♪ [ female announc ] keurig has over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee and tea to choose from. ♪ keurig is the way to brew frh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. [ female announcer ] so with keurig, every cup tastes like it's brewed just for you. ♪ because it is. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig.
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mawho had been trapped in a burning car back in august. he was strong engh to pull the door handle right off the vehicle. the driver survived. fire and police department officials nored chris at a school sembly. what a day. >> good for him. lots of good laughs at the kennedy center tonight. betty white joined the cast of "satday night live" and some other big name comedians who stepped out in support of tina fey. she was awarded the 13th annual mark tin prize for american comedy. fey is the third woman to receive the top rule the tweet.
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a man in south florida put his best foot forward to mark his birthday. dr. louis stein cebrated his 107th birthday yesterday. he went out dancing with his girlfriend and family. he says his secret to long life is wine, women and song. a long, fulfilling life he's had. he was born in 1903, the same year that the wright brother