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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 12, 2010 3:05am-4:00am EST

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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. thank you. welcome, welcome, welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. happy thursday. the super bowl is only three days away, huh? are you guys excited? [ cheers and applause ] i always have the best time eating and drinking at super bowl party. until it's over and i have to spend an hour at a porcelain bowl party. [ laughter ] but it's still fun. i don't know if you guys saw, this morning, president obama spoke at the national prayer breakfast in washington, d.c. obama told the crowd that no one should go broke when they go sick in the richest nation on earth. which, i think, is his way of saying we're going to start exporting sick people to china. [ laughter ] listen to this. on the "today" show, this morning, michelle obama said she likes having her mother live at the white house because she helps take care of sasha and malia. and barack obama said he likes having his mother-in-law living at the white house because he has to say that. [ laughter ] you guys hear about what's going
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on with toyota? this is crazy. it's like, their job is to make cars, right? that's what they do, toyota? well, they had a problem with gas pedals getting stuck -- now, they're recalling the prius because the brakes don't work. [ laughter ] and because of this, sales of ford cars and trucks rose 25% in the past month. but ford says it's because of their new ad slogan, "ford, because toyota is trying to kill you." [ laughter ] interesting slogan. [ cheers and applause ] toyota is asking anyone who owns a new prius to return it to the dealership as slowly as they possibly can. [ laughter ] you guys hear this? london is opening a new theme park called "abba world." [ light laughter ] yeah, abba world. visitors to the park can take quizzes, re-create abba's sound at a mixing desk, dance next to an abba hologram and, most
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importantly, leave. [ laughter ] this is weird. a company in california is working on a new wireless monitor for pill bottles that tattles on you when you forget to take your medicine. yeah, it's the same system already used by people who take drugs for hallucinations. "okay, bottle's talking. time to take another one." "there you go." "thank you." [ laughter ] check this out. a new study found that eating corned beef for breakfast could help you lose weight. doesn't sound like a study. that sound like something a guy who eats corned beef for breakfast says. [ light laughter ] "corned beef is the best meal of the day." [ light laughter ] "what?" "i eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner." [ light laughter ] "weirdo." i ought this was pretty interesting. a new research found that one in five people has an unfitness gene, which makes them out of shape no matter how much they exercise. the same research also found that five out of five people will now use that as their
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excuse for being out of shape. [ laughter ] "i have this disease, man! you don't get it! [ applause ] i don't want to look like this!" "liar." [ light laughter ] finally, scientists discovered that bees think that human faces are strange flowers. so, if a bee starts buzzing around your head. don't worry. it just wants to have sex with your face. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a really ntastic show tonight, you guys. the talented actor from the new film "dear john," channing tatum is here! [ cheers and applause ] ladies love channing tatum. from the very funny, "parks and recreation," aubrey plaza is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] dudes like aubrey plaza. and we've got music from a
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great, great band. hot chip is going to be here tonight, doing it up. [ cheers and applause ] and rocking it out. they're rally good. they're also going to do an exclusive song for our website, it'll be up right after the show, so this is going to be great. i appreciate them being here. as you guys all know, jay leno is moving back to the "tonight show" in a few weeks and this leaves a big hole for nbc to fill every night at 10:00 pm. but they got some new shows coming up that they're really excited about. the network says that they've found a winning formula. and what they're doing is they're taking successful tv shows already out there from any network and combining them to make newer, better ones. i know, it makes perfect sense. [ light laughter ] i'm not really sure how they can do this legally, but i'm glad they are because these shows look fantastic. [ light laughter ] like this one here. first, we have "hardball with chris matthews," the political news show on msnbc and then we ve "nip/ck." [ laughter ]
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a show about plastic surgery on the fx network. two very different shows that have been combined into the new nbc show "hard nips with chris matthews." [ laughter it says here, higgins, "the hottest issues, the coldest newsroom and absolutely no undershirt." [ laughter ] >> steve: well, there you are. that's a winner. that's a winner. >> jimmy: that's a winner. yeah, i like the show because he gives equal exposure to the right and the left nipple. [ laughter ] >> steve: you like it because it's not called "ball talk," so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that was a joke you thought of, higgy? [ laughter ] you thought it was going to be called "ball tuck"? [ laughter ] "hard nip." >> steve: okay. well, now i know. >> jimmy: yeah, you do. yeah. this one here.
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here's another one here. nbc is just taking "the ghost whisperer" and "flash forward." they're two popular shows right now. they've combined them to make this completely brand new show "the ghost flasher," which is really -- [ laughter ] he's a lewd dude who's not afraid to get booed. [ laughter ] look, i don't know why someone would flash a ghost. i thought it was the ghost that would be doing the flashing. either way, it's just a weird dude flashing ghosts. i'm just so psyched. i think it's time. [ light laughter ] next, we have "frontline," a respectable news program on pbs and nbc's own hit "the biggest loser." now, the network's taking these two great shows and combining them into one super show "front butt." [ laughter ] this is a news show about people who have eaten so much that they now have butts in the front.
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the first episode features an interview with fat kris kross, so i'm looking forward to that. [ light laughter ] this next one -- >> steve: wear the clothes backwards. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] this next one blew my mind when i first heard of this one. they are taking the brand new show "men of a certain age." it's about the day-to-day lives of -- [ laughter ] kris kross. they wear their clothes backwards. >> steve: it's for the kids. the kids don't know -- >> jimmy: yeah, because they missed the bus. what was the other song they had? "jump, jump, kris kross will make you jump, jump." >> steve: yeah, yeah.
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>> jimmy: daddy mack and mack daddy. >> steve: oh, yeah. love it. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: anyway. they're taking the brand new show "men of a certain age." it's about the day-to-day life of a middle-aged guy and combining it with a show that's not even on the air anymore, "e.r." the result is "e.d." a dramatic new series about erectile dysfunction. [ laughter ] it's going to be fantastic. there's actually a warning on the bottom, too. it says "if this sw lasts for four hours or more, stop watching and call your doctor." [ laughter ] see? it informs as it entertains, and that's good tv. now, check this one out. what do you get when you combine abc's "shark tank" and showtime's "secret diary of a call girl"? you get nbc's hottest new game show, "skank tank." [ laughter ] where hookers compete and see who can hold their breath in a giant aquarium the longest. [ light laughter ] the slogan is "we're going to need a bigger filter," is what
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it says. [ audience groans ] i can't wait for it. tivo is already set. this next one is interesting. it combines three shows. tres shows. "wake up with al," "weeds" and "the lake" to form "wake n bake lake." [ laughter ] look how red his eyes are. did you see how red his eyes were? four stoners, one summer camp. the forecast? totally cloudy with a super high pressure. [ laughter ] i can see al branching out into screwball comedy. and finally, what happens when you take one part "america's most wanted" and combine it with a dash of "bones"? you get "america's most boned." [ laughter ] all right. there you go. that's all the new nbc shows we have coming soon to a tv near you. we'll be right back with "freestylin' with the roots." come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ boss: hey, those gecko ringtones you put on our website are wonderful.
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people love 'em! gecko: yeah, thank you sir. turned out nice. boss: got another one for you. anncr: at, it's easy to get a free rate quote, manage your policy, make payments or even file a claim! boss: now that's a ringtone. gecko: uh's interesting.... certainly t the worst ringtone i've ever heard... ♪ ringtone lyrics: a-ringedy- ding-ding-dingy-dong, ringedy-dong-ding-ding... ♪ gecko (to himself): yeah, that might be the worst. anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. to thank you for making subway footlongs famous, we're giving away prizes every day, like free footlongs for a year! chances to win on specially marked cups, and in select bags of dorito's blazin' buffalo & ranch chips. subway. where winners eat. a complete adult multivitamin in a gummy... with ingredients to support energy, immunity, and your inner child. ♪ one a day vitacraves. multivitamin gummies... for grown-ups.
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our professionals hair care line. this feels great. very moisturized and shiny. - it shines like glass. - so soft. - smooth. i would definitely recommend this to my clients. then we revealed what was really in the bottle. it's suave professionals. suave, really? i'm shocked. i didn't know suave could do that. top stylists were surprised. you will be, too. suave professionals. salon proven to work as well as salon brands. suave professionals. rethink salon hair.
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to an excellent getaway. get a four-star hotel at a two-star price from hotwire and have extra money for shopping or a night out. hotwire has special deals with hotels. when hotels have unsold rooms they use hotwire to fill them, so you get them at ridiculously low prices. like four stars in chicago, hotwire hot rate from $76. four-star hotels. two-star prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too. from $13.95 a day. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. and thank you so much for watching our show. i really appreciate it. you know, we're lucky to have the greatest band in late night, the roots, right there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] they are phenomenal. we wouldn't be were are without those guys. but it isn't all fun and games. from time to time we p the roots to the test. we pick people from our auence
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and we have the roots make up songs about them on the spot. and since the olympics are coming up soon, it's time for a winter olympics edition of "freestylin' with the roots." ♪ freestylin' with the roots ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very, very nice. you guys ready for the winter olympics edition of "freestylin' with the roots"? >> ow! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: ridiculous. they all said "ow." okay, anyone here? who wants a song written for them by the roots? come on. [ scattered applause ] yes? come on. here you go. stand up. here you go. this is for you. >> thank you. so, lovely to meet you. [ laughter ] hi. >> jimmy: lovely to meet you, too. >> i'm amanda. >> jimmy: your name? >> amanda. >> jimmy: amanda. >> yeah -- >> jimmy: pleasure to meet you. >> you, too. >> jimmy: i like that thing there. it's like a leopard skin -- a blue leopard. >> yeah, yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: blue leopard. [ light laughter ] >> sorry. is it too much? okay. >> jimmy: perfect amount.
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okay. so what is your name again? is it amanda? >> yes. >> jimmy: very good. amanda. >> yes. >> jimmy: amanda, what is your favorite winter olympic sport? >> hockey? >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. >> i guess. [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: crowd favorite. hockey. survey says -- [ light laughter ] winter olympic sport is hockey. and if you had to live in another country outside the u.s., what would it be? >> i'd have to say thailand. [ light laughter ] right? >> jimmy: another crowd favorite. yeah, thailand. [ laughter ] of course. so, roots, we have our pal here amanda. who will make sure she's gonna to check out the hockey event at the winter olympics this year. and she's gonna be rooting for thailand. [ light laughter ]
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and for this one, you know, i think we need to smooth it out. can you do it in like a smooth r&b type of thing? >> b flat -- ♪ ♪ oh, baby well, well, well ♪ ♪ amanda wears a blue leopard on she came to show support ♪ ♪ when it comes to the winter olympics hockey is her favorite sport ♪ ♪ if you watch later on this month then you might catch a grand performance ♪ ♪ wait a minute you won't because you'll be in thailand ♪ ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what's up buddy?
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i appreciate that. who else we got? who else we got? [ cheers and applause ] this guy. come on, buddy. what's up? how are you doing, buddy? >> i'm fine. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: are you guessing the question? all right, what is your name? >> lavelle. >> jimmy: lavelle, lavelle -- very good, lavelle. where are you from? >> queens, new york. >> jimmy: queens, new york. from queens. [ scattered cheers ] very good. a crowd favorite. a crowd favorite. thought you were going to say thailand, but -- but it's all right. queens, new york. if you invented a new snowboarding trick, what would you name it? they always have crazy names for it like "dinner roll," "360 something" -- you can call it whatever you'd like. >> "triple board skip." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "the triple board skip." that's a pretty good one right there. look forward to that. i like that one.
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all right, here we go. so, we have my friend lavelle. he's from queens, new york. and if he invented a new snowboarding trick, it would be "the triple board skip." it's pretty nice, right. and since we had new kids on the block here not too long ago, can you do it in the style of a boy band? [ light laughter ] [ scattered applause ] >> wait. whoa, whoa. can owen do it? >> jimmy: yeah, yeahowen -- owen can do it. >> i'll have to dust off my boy band chops. ♪ ♪ lavelle lives in queens where you can't the "l" to get to ♪ ♪ because i think it goes the other way ♪ ♪ and if he invented a trick it would be called the triple board skip ♪ ♪ do the triple board skip skip, skip do the triple boarskippy skippy, skip ♪ ♪ do the triple board skip girl, your body is ridiculous your mind is ridiculous
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and your body blows my mind ♪ ♪ you're ridiculous and you're physically awesome girl ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you my friend. triple board skip. got to come over here. didn't know how to come over here -- excuse me. sorry, sorry, pardon me. how you doing? excuse me, pardon me. how you doing? how are you, buddy? hey, guys, how you doing? [ cheers and applause ] nice to see you. excuse me, pardon me. how are you? how are you doing? take a look around. here we go. what else we have going on? hey. [ cheers and applause ] ready? you want one? come on, buddy. get up. here you go. never mind. [ laughter ] wow. all right. you are a big dude. how are you? >> i'm great. how are you. >> jimmy: good. you can hold this or i can hold this, whatever you want. [ light laughter ] wow, are you a wrestler or something? what is your name? >> michael. >> jimmy: michael, very good. michael. okay, michael. now, michael, which sport do you think you could win a gold medal? >> gymnastics.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: gymnastics. very good. >> i'm very flexible. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. questlove, stop it. all right. finally, if you had a figure skating outfit, what color would it be? >> i would have to go with pink, i guess. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely, that's your -- that's your move. very, very nice. okay, you guys, we have michael here who thinks he'd be great at gymnastics. and just picture doing it in a pink unitard. that would be -- pretty fantastic. [ light laughter ] for this last one in the honor of the famous jamaican bobsledding team, let's do it in the style of bob marley. [ scattered cheers ] it's that cool? ♪ ♪ now the time has come for us to sing songs from the old ♪
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♪ from michael sitting up in the third road ♪ ♪ in the winter olympics in gymnastics he might win the gold ♪ ♪ finally he said should he wear a pink outfit or not i said no! ♪ ♪ michael michael ♪ ♪ no, no, no! ♪ michael michael ♪ ♪ no, no, no! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks to these guys. thank you to the roots. we'll be right back with channing tatum, everybody! come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ koch ] at samuel adams, we get inspiration for our seasonal brs from all over the world. [ cannon ] for our new spring seasonal, we're introducing samuel adams noble pilsner.
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it's our take on a classic bohemian pilsner. and we found the traditional heirloom malts. laid out and turned daily by hand. [ man ] it produces a lot more flavor. [ glanville ] our twist with this beer is using all five noble hops. [ man ] four hops from bavaria and one from bohemia. we get a very bright, hoppy note with a clean finish. it's got a lot of flavor. and refreshing. [ man ] it makes you look forward to the warmer days of spring, but noble pils will be gone before you know it. cold and flu viruses fact: your child could pick up the flu virus, even h1n1, from surfaces. but, lysol disinfectant spray has the power to stop the spread of cold & flu viruses. it's approved to kill more germs than any other brand. it even kills h1n1. lysol is the number one brand recommended by pediatrians. lysol. disinfectant to protect. also use lysol disinfecting wipes to kill flu viruses. that keep you cool and dry have now inspired stayfree® to create a whole new level of comfort when it comes to your period.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. welcome back. our first guest is a talented actor whose credits include "g.i. joe," "fighting" and "public enemies." his newest film "dear john" is in theaters this friday. please welcome channing tatum, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go, buddy. thanks for coming back, my man. >> thanks for having me back. >> jimmy: you are a friend of the show now. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> jimmy: congratulations. this movie is going to be big, i think. this igoing to be a huge movie. i think so. "dear john" is kind of like -- they're saying it's like the new "notebook." >> i hope so. that movie, you know, i'm pretty sure -- >> jimmy: i cried. i cried. [ cheers and applause ] i laughed. i cried. you take your shirt off in it. amanda seyfried. >> yeah, seyfried.
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she's beautiful. she's got a beautiful voice. she even sings in the movie as well. it's got everything, hopefully. >> jimmy: yeah, and it's nicholas sparks. same author. >> "the notebook," my wife, literally, looked up at me every single time when they pass away in bed. and she makes me promise that's exactly the way we're going to go. [ light laughter ] i'm like, "why are we talking about this?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: in the same hospital bed, yeah. >> i don't want to do that. >> jimmy: yeah, that was not the most romantic part for me. yeah, that one part scared me. but why don't you tell people what this movie is, "dear john." >> i play john tyree. he's just a kid from the south. he is in the military, but it is not a war movie whatsoever. it's just about two kids falling in love for the very first time. and it's kind of impossible to do that right. you can't get that first one right. you don't know how to do it. you don't know how to be in a relationship or even what love is. and they have no idea what's coming down the road. >> jimmy: yeah. and then, yeah, and then you see what comes down the road. great. [ laughter ]
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your dad is in the movie, i heard. >> yes, he is. >> jimmy: where is your dad? >> he's at a party. he's got like one line. and i found it -- >> jimmy: how did you get your dad in the movie? my dad is so mad right now. he's like, "why wasn't i in 'taxi'?" [ laughter ] >> i did -- we did it as -- the producer, it was his idea because he put his dad in it as well. and i found it so gratifying. because he always gives me ideas, you know, like critiques. he's like, "son, you shouldn't blink. you shouldn't blink. you know, great actors, they don't blink." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's his acting? >> that's his -- >> jimmy: "don't blink." >> "don't blink." he's like, "steve mcqueen, he never blinked." i'm like, "what does that -- why are you looking at him blinking? why are you counting his blinks?" >> jimmy: pretty funny. >> he had a flat-out meltdown. i mean, just could not even -- couldn't even figure it out. i had to go over it with him for six hours. theater games, role switching. >> jimmy: oh, that's great. and he had one line? what was his line? >> his line was -- i probably can almost do it verbatim.
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"hey, you john? savannah's john? well, i just wanted to say thank you, sir. thank you for what you're doing over there. and i hope that, you know, i hope all you boys come back soon. and i hope all this is over very fast for you." >> jimmy: wow. >> that's pretty much it. it was a long, long line. >> jimmy: that makes me nervous because i was like -- i would stutter. i'd probably start laughing in the middle of it. >> the very first take, he didn't even get it out. he was like -- >> jimmy: yeah. and you're just laughing. you're just like, "perfect. dad, don't blink." and he's like -- [ laughter ] "whatever you do -- good luck in the war -- say hi to savannah for me he's wearing kool moe dee sunglasses. you can't even see his eyes. >> oh, that's brilliant. >> jimmy: it's beautifully shot, i've got to say. where was this, south carolina? >> south carolina, charleston. >> jimmy: charleston. i want to move there. it is gorgeous. >> me, too. >> jimmy: it's right on the beach. beach parties. >> beach parties, bonfires.
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i mean, you got beautiful food and culture down there. >> jimmy: you have the best time? >> yeah, the best possible time. the food is -- it's just a trap, though. you'll gain like ten pounds in one weekend. >> jimmy: not good for you if you're taking your shirt off. >> no. >> jimmy: i'm eating salads and drinking water. >> chicken and broccoli the whole time. this is terrible. everybody's going out, having fun. >> jimmy: gorgeous. the way it was shot. who directed it? >> lasse hallstrom. he did "my life as a dog." he did "what's eating gilbert grape." "the cider house rules." >> jimmy: it's just shot so beautifully. it makes you want to go there. at least vacation there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'm going to go there and hang out. i saw you surfing in the movie. >> yeah, i had to learn it for the film. and you wake up at like 3:30 in the morning because you don't want have to learn when there's a bunch of really good surfers out in the water because you just feel very, very stupid. but it's really terrifying paddling out at night. it's still dark outside and something moves and you just
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think you're dead. you are just like -- >> jimmy: "it's a shark!" >> "oh, it's just a seal. oh, wait, that's food." and that's not good at all. >> jimmy: two things a shark could eat. >> it's not good at all. it's one of the most gratifying things, you know, seeing the sun come up and you're out there with your buddy and, you know, you're jt hanging out. >> jimmy: you got up a couple of times. >> a couple times, that was it. >> jimmy: "did we get the take? perfect. yeah, i'm not doing that again." let's take a look at a clip of the movie coming out this week. "dear john." >> the way people act around you, the way they treated you at that restaurant, it's like they're scared of you. >> they're not scared of me. they might be scared of how i used to be. >> and who is that? >> somebody different. >> so, you used to be tough? maybe you still are a little bit. you don't scare me, john. >> no? >> uh-uh. >> well, you scare me.
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♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. that's the way to do it. [ cheers and applause ] that's the way to do it, buddy. you did it. you did it. you really knocked it out. great job in this movie. you did a great job. i know you're an athletic dude, surfing. but can you play basketball? >> not that well, but i'll try. >> jimmy: when we get back, channing and i are going to play "random object three-point shoot-out." so, come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ man ] ♪ get born, get slapped, now get ♪ to school, be good at sports ♪ always look cool, lift weights, be strong ♪ ♪ know how to fight, stay out late, but be polite ♪ ♪ now find a nice girl who'll say "i do" ♪ ♪ then have three kids who look just like you ♪ ♪ rake the leaves, trim the hedge and mow the yard ♪ ♪ "honey, can you open this jar?" ♪ ♪ you've reached a stage where you feel at ease ♪ ♪ you've come this far and it wasn't a breeze! ♪
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♪ you can take on anything, of course you can! ♪ ♪ because you're a man! [ male announcer ] now that you're all grown up, it's time for some comfort. at last there's a dove for men. introducing dove men+care for skin as comfortable as you are.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. i'm here with our friend channing tatum. he's got "dear john" coming out this weekend. we're going head-to-head in a random object three-point shoot-out.
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the rules are simple. we take turns shooting random objects at the hoop. each object is worth one point and the last object, the money ball, is worth two. of course, none of these are balls. they're just objects. the high score wins. let's take a look at what we're shooting. first up, we have a mannequin head. a little bit like amanda, a little bit. >> a little bit. >> jimmy: then we have a bottle of champagne. very, very nice. some fake label. and then we have a corned beef sandwich from carnegie deli. good for breakfast, by the way. you lose weight. [ laughter ] not really good for you. more of a conversation piece, a lot of meat in that thing. this is some beautiful chocolatier. this is from russell stover himself. and then the money ball is a dirt devil. oh, it's a scorp. it's a scorp. we'll be throwing the scorp around and just having fun with that. it should be interesting. wear safety goggles, as always. since you're the guest, you go first, my friend.
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we'll stand back here. here's the line, over this side. roots, can we get a little shoot music? good luck, buddy. ♪ [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: air ball. thatas awful. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ laughter ] get the scores. get the scores. yeah, there you go. >> double? >> jimmy: no, i think for the whole play. >> the whole play? >> jimmy: well, whatever you want to do, i guess. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ audience ohs ]
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trying to be nice. oh, rejected. ♪ does that count? does that count? [ cheers and applause ] no, didn't count. ♪ like that, right? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ here you go. money ball, worth two. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we're tied. there's pressure here. ♪
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come on, score again. don't let me down. how did you do that? >> i don't know. underhanded. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we'll have a rematch when you come back. channing tatum. "dear john" is in theaters tomorrow. aubrey plaza joins us next. there she is in the bud light lime green room. hey, aubrey! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ destroy them with lysol neutra air. it eliminates odor-causing bacteria in the air... and kills 99.9 percent of bacteria at the source. oust air sanitizer is not approved to kill bacteria at the source. enjoy nothing but freshness. with lysol neutra air-- the ultimate odor eliminator. and trlysol neutra air freshmatic for clean, fresh air automatically.
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has been on quality, not quantity. people think we're bigger than we actually are. huge. 30% of the market? 10% of the market. sam adams is less than 1% of the entire u.s. beer market. [ koch ] at samuel adams, we're in a perfect place as brewers. we're big enough to be able to get whatever ingredients from wherever in the world we need to get it from, and we're small enough to still want to do all that crazy stuff. and you can taste that passion in every glass. a complete adult multivitamin in a gummy... with ingredients to support energy, immunity, and your inner child. ♪ one a day vitacraves. multivitamin gummies... for grown-ups.
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- so we've got a list of things you can do to get active. - like jumping jacks. - or push-ups. - yoga. - which is actually kind of like peaceful and quiet and no talking. - aha! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. our next guest is a very funny young actress who recently starred opposite seth rogen and adam sandler in "funny people." she also stars every thursday night on nbc's "parks and recreation." let's take a look. >> i want to be your assistant. >> really? you hate it here. >> so do you. i'll make sure you don't have to go to any meetings. if anyone comes around, i'll scare them away. >> april, if you had to chose between these two ties -- >> you're hired.
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>> i just figured i should be paid for being here. >> jimmy: give it up for the lovely aubrey plaza, everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very, very nice. thank you for coming on the show. >> oh, thanks for having me. hello. >> channing: hello. how are you? laughter ] >> jimmy: you a fan of channing? do you know channing? >> oh, no, i don't know you. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: don't know him? >> no, i just have pictures of you all over my -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah -- >> channing: that's weird -- i kind of have -- pictures of you as well. >> yeah -- >> jimmy: that's pretty unbelievable. yeah, that's pretty awkward. congrats on "parks and rec." >> sorry -- >> jimmy: it's up for another season. you're back. >> yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: it's really fun. >> yeah, season three. >> jimmy: that's great. yeah, i'm really excited. >> jimmy: working with amy poehler. >> yeah, she's the best.
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she's awesome. >> jimmy: is it fund to work with her? >> yeah, she's like the best boss. she sets a really great tone for the show. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, nice, funny -- >> jimmy: did u know her before that show, or -- >> no, no. we met doing the show. i mean, i knew who she was but, no. but, now we're like really close. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay. yeah. >> is that funny? [ light laughter ] i think that we're close. i think we're friends. >> jimmy: absolutely. >> but, yeah, we're really good friends. we have a lot of fun. we speak ilike a weird secret language when we shoot. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. we like talk to each other in like older hispanic woman voices. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the secret language? >> yeah. >> jimmy: but -- how does that go? >> it's a secret voice, really. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i don't know where it came from, but it really freaks the extras out. >> jimmy: how would you say something like -- how would you say, "it's great to be here"? >> i'd be like -- "that was a really good take you just did." [ laughter ]
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and she'll be like, "thank you so much." i'll be like, "okay, want to get some water now because i'm very thirsty." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the way of doing it. that's one way of doing it. sounds fantastic. [ cheers and applause ] >> that never happens. >> jimmy: you grew up in delaware, is that correct? >> yep. wilmington, delaware. >> jimmy: wilmington. yeah -- were you always a funny kid? >> yeah, yeah. [ light laughter ] it was kind of weird. yeah, i did a lot of weird things in delaware. i followed by my principal home in a box a lot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sorry, i'm sorry. you followed your principal home in a box? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> like it means what it sounds like. [ laughter ] i found a -- sorry. sorry, i didn't mean to -- >> jimmy: no, you're not being rude. i don't even know what that sounds like.
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>> found a -- no, i was in the box -- i found a large box in the locker room in middle school. my principal miss scaglione is a very tiny woman and she used to walk down pennsylvania avenue to go home and she'd walk home from school. and i thought it would be funny if i followed her home in a box. so, i would like -- it was a big box. and i would be in the box and i would walk down this main street after her and every time she'd turn around, i would drop down inside it. >> jimmy: so, there's no top or bottom on the box? >> no. it was like -- >> jimmy: so you just kind of hold it and walk? >> -- yeah, it's like the worst cartoon imaginable. [ light laughter ] yeah. >> jimmy: and what would you get out of it? >> nothing. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it was just -- did you scare her or anything? >> no, she knew it was me. yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: interesting. that must have made her feel safe. >> well the next day she'd be like, "hey, so you did that again."
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[ laughter ] and i'd go, "got you, miss g!" because i was like really popular. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. [ laughter ] you were -- i got to say you were great in "funny people" by the way. i thought you were fantastic that movie. have you done stand-up before then or -- >> no, that was actually the first time i did stand-up. to get the part, actually in that movie, i filmed myself doing stand-up. i did like improv comedy and like sketch comedy before that, but that was my first time doing stand-up. >> jimmy: i hear you do some weird impressions, things i've never heard before like -- you do an impression of marsha gay harden? >> oh, yeah, well, you know, i can do random people like her and -- >> jimmy: yeah, let's hear -- >> and joy behar. >> jimmy: joy behar? >> yeah. >> jimmy: these are -- yeah, i mean, aren't on everyone's list of impressions. [ light laughter ] >> yeah, well, i just do them to myself. it's not like something i do for
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audiences normally, but -- >> jimmy: do you want to pretend they are in a box. [ laughter ] >> yeah. well, the joy behar one is actually -- it's actually from the story. i actually saw her on her show on "the view" and i thought it was interesting. she had a little kid on that was in a pooh bear costume and it said "pooh bear" on the costume. and she kept doing this thing whe e was acting like she didn't know what was going on. and i was like, "you know what's going on, joy!" because she kept going, "you are so cute. what are you wearing? what is that? a lion? what are you wearing? he's adorable. what is he wearing?" and i was like, "it's pooh bear. it says it -- [ laughter ] it says it on the thing. it's pooh bear." i'm like shouting athe tv. >> jimmy: you were at home. you weren't in the -- >> yeah. and, she's like, "what are you wearing?" so, yeah, i started doing an impression of her like joy behar right after she murders someone would be like, "what is that, blood all over me? what am i, holding a knife? what am i, running away now? what am i, guilty? [ laughter ]
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what's happening? what's going on here? am i being arrested? what's happening?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "what's am i, guilty?" >> "what's going on here? what am i, convicted?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i like that. i'm going to steal your impression. it's a pleasure having you on the show. you have to come back. "parks and recreation" airs thursdays at 8:30 p.m. right here on nbc. aubrey plaza, everybody. very funny. hot chip performs next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ anncr vo: with the new geico glovebox app... anncr vo: can get help with a flat tire... anncr vo: ...find a nearby tow truck or gas station... anncr vo: emergency services... anncr vo: ...collect accident inrmation. anncr vo: or just watch some fun videos. anncr vo: it's so easy, a caveman can do it. caveman: unbelievable... caveman: where's my coat? it was suede with the fringe. vo: download the glovebox app free at
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, we're back, everybody. oh, i hope you like good music because this is unbelievable, right here. this next band, beloved british group. they are about to release their new album, "one life stand." they're here to tonight to perform its title track, with a little help from the roots, please welcome hot chip. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ tell me where you've been to nowhere that you shouldn't do ♪ ♪ tell me what you're good for i can tell you something, too ♪ ♪ where have you been staying tell me what you're playing ♪ ♪ i hope it's not my conscious you will always be my baby ♪ ♪ tell me do you stand by your whole man keep on feeling ♪ ♪ i only want to be your one life stand keep on feeling ♪ ♪ tell me do you stand by your whole man
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keep on feeling ♪ ♪ ♪ wishes keep raining nothing will contain it a balloon where they're escaping ♪ ♪ there's nothing but a play thing moments keep us guessing ♪ ♪ and lead us from temptation
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but better to embrace them and measure our relation ♪ ♪ i only want to be your one life stand keep on feeling ♪ ♪ tell me do you stand by your whole man keep on feeling ♪ ♪ i only want to be your one life stand keep on feeling ♪ ♪ tell me do you stand by your whole man keep on feeling ♪ ♪ ♪ could this be could this be ♪
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♪ i only want to be your one life stand keep on feeling ♪ ♪ could this be could this be ♪ ♪ tell me do you stand by your whole man keep on feeling ♪ ♪ could this be could this be ♪ ♪ i only want to be your one life stand keep on feeling ♪ ♪ could this be could this be ♪ ♪ tell me do you stand by your whole man ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, buddy. that's how you do it, man. thank you. thank you very, very much. thank you very, very much. hot chip, everybody, right there! check out the album "one life stand." see them live friday and saturday, here in new york city. my thanks to channing tatum, aubrey plaza, hot chip and the greatest band in late night, the roots. stay tuned for carson daly. thanks for watching. have a good night. hope to see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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