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tv   Today  NBC  September 13, 2009 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning. foul play? potential evidence found in the building where a missing yale student was last seen. now annie le's desperate family waits for word on what should have been her wedding day. she's out. serena williams bounced from the s. open. after a tirade against a line judge causes her to lose a critical point and match. what did she say? lucky number. a baby comes into the word on 09/09/09.
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triingly enough, that's only half the story. find out why her parents have truly incredible timing "today," sunday, september 13th, 2009. captions paid for by nbc-universal television welcome to "today" on this sunday morning. i'm jenna wolfe. >> i'm carl quintanilla sitting in for lester holt this morning. good to see you. >> good to see you, too. did you watch that match last night? >> it's unbelievable >> we haven't had a good john mcenroe moment in a couple years until serena went off last night. >> after being called out on a foot foul on a second serve. she was trying to stage a comeback. look at this language. she's talking to the lines judge which cost her the match. this was serious stuff. she's not apologized.
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>> the stakes were high. that was match point. it was definitely stakes were high there. we'll talk about that a little bit later. also this morning, while the president was in minnesota to get his supporters fired up over health care reform, his opponents were making their voices heard in washington in a big way. what does this war of words mean for the president's agenda? we'll find out. also ahead, jay leno is getting ready for a big debut and prime time tv may never be the same. coming up, we'll hear from the former "tonight show" host about his next big adventure which starts tomorrow. he's been off tv for three months now. i feel like he has so many jokes built up inside he can't wait to find tv again. >> he says with all of the pressure easier than replacing carson all of these years ago when you replaced a living legend. >> i can imagine. first, right to what authorities are calling potential new evidence in the case of a yale student gone missing. mike taibbi has the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. last night yale vp sent out an
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e-mail calling it the most perplexing mystery adding we don't know where annie le is or what happened to her. there's hope all week she may be another nervous runaway bride a police source in new haven confirmed that bloody clothes and other evidence were found in this building behind me, evidence that suggests a strong possibility of foul play. the search for evidence and witnesses has been intense. the fbi working with dozens of city, state and yale university police to determine what kind of missing persons case they had been probing. foul play or just cold feet? in a press conference late saturday, caution -- >> we're not in a position today to conclude whether this is a missing persons case or whether criminality is involved. >> reporter: also, a reference to newly discovered evidence. >> all i will say is that items that could potentially be evidence have been seized. none have yet been associated with annie le.
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the items seized are being examinedo determine if there's any association to annie le. >> reporter: 24-year-old med school student annie le was last seen at 10:00 a.m. last tuesday when the surveillance camera caught her entering this office building. three hours later -- >> there was a fire alarm trigger and the building was evacuated. >> reporter: none of the building's cameras saw her then. >> how many could have left a building at the same time? >> reporter: le was to be married today. she wrote on her facebook page lucky i'm in love with my best friend. widawsky has been helping distribute flyers about his missing fiance was not considered a suspect. the medical school dean stated the obvious. >> people are concerned. >> reporter: students said the continuing mystery was especially unsettling. >> you just don't know what happened to her.
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that's a little bit scary. >> reporter: now stacariest of all, the possibility of that student on this campus has been a victim of a terrible crime whose details and author and authors are still not known. investigators have been pouring over her life especially her electronic footprint. >> her computer, her facebook account, who she's been twittering, her credit cards, any electronic signal that would suggest how she's communicating with someone. >> reporter: after five days, her disappearance has not yet been solved. kw where she is. we don't know if a crime has been committed or not. >> reporter: there's now a missing persons billboard. investigators have pointed out they have not identified any persons of interest let alone suspects because it's not yet been determined that a crime has been committed. jenna? >> all right. thank you. joining us now on the phone is one of annie le's mentors
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from the university of pittsburgh school of medicine. professor, thank you for taking the time to talk to us this morning. >> thank you very much. >> you worked closely with annie at the national institute of health when she was in bethesda, maryland. can you tell us how closely the two of you did indeed work together? >> annie was a scholarship student who has the privilege to actually work at the national institute of health for two summers on an nih undergraduate scholar program. there she was in my lab for two summers working on adult stem cell research and so we worked very closely together. >> professor, give us an idea of what annie is like and who she is as a person and we should mention we're looking at a picture of annie in your lab in bethesda. tell us who annie is. >> she's a very lively individual. very smart, dedicated student.
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truly interested in research. always very upbeat. very positive attitude. gets along with everyone. and always a smile and a laugh every day and a delight to have her in the lab. >> can you tell us how and when you heard the news that annie was indeed missing? >> it's basically that. i heard it on the news. it was on thursday. it just came to me as a shock. i knew that she was preparing to get married. the few times i had spoken to her in the last year or so she was always very excited about that her wedding so it came as a real shock. >> today would have been her wedding day, just from what you know about her, is there any chance she could have been a "runaway bride?" >> that would have been out of character for her. like i said before, she's a very
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positive person in every day. it would be very difficult to imagine that she had run away. >> professor, what's your gut feeling about what happened to annie le? >> like i said before, i don't think there's a good chance at all that she ran away. i am worrying about the worst possibility of course and of course i'm also hoping for a very good outcome. >> professor, we thank you again for sharing your thoughts. >> thank you very much. now to the ongoing battle over health care reform that was waged on two fronts on saturday. we go to the white house for more. >> reporter: good morning. you're right. it was a tale of two rallies here. one yesterday in washington where dozens gathered to protest
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and the other in minnesota where an arena full of supporters cheered on the president. it was a coalition of the concerned. and the angry. >> we're not right wing radicals. we're american people. >> reporter: tens of thousands of protesters carrying signs and claiming to represent every state in the union. >> do you have idea what it takes to get someone from montana to come to d.c.? >> reporter: gathering under one belief, government is too big and is spending too much money on bailouts, on the stimulus and lately on president obama's $900 billion plan to reform health care. >> i'm scared to death for my country. i believe obama is running our country into the ground. >> i wish president obama was here because we got something to say. >> reporter: the president was not here. leaving washington just as the march was getting started. for a planned trip to minnesota to promote health care reform. his first outing since his address to congress.
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>> i can already see that this crowd is a lot more fun. >> reporter: there was hardly a jeer to be heard at the event where mr. obama was greeted which supporters of his plan. >> we got to do something! >> we got to do something! and while there were some protests outside, inside it was a campaign style rally with the president appealing for support from those who already have insurance warning that without reforms nothing is certain. >> nearly half of all americans under 65 will lose their health coverage at some point over the next ten years. >> reporter: back in the nation's capital, mr. obama's opponents weren't buying it. >> i'm an employer. i can't provide it to my employees. it's broken. it needs to be fixed. fix it. don't screw it up anymore than it is. >> reporter: more fallout from that outburst by representative joe wilson at the president's speech to congress. now both wilson and his challenger, an iraq war veteran,
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have raised more than a million dollars in campaign cash since last wednesday night. unprecedented amount of money for such an obscure house race. >> mike, thanks for that. david gregory is moderator of "meet the press" joining thus morning from washington. david, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we saw the tape of those protesters in washington protesting big government. can that kind of grassroots effo from the conservative base put a dent in the president's agenda beyond health care? >> it certainly can. i think the protest and message goes beyond health care. it's an indictment against the president, against the administration for excessive government, for the expansion of big government. that's really the argument that's being made and that's gavelonizing a lot of people on the right throughout the country and a huge distraction over the course of august and over the course of summer and carried in other aspects of his agenda. >> at the same time he had the crowd in minnesota fired up at the target center who people behind him on the health care
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front. at this stage of the health care debate, how important is public support or is this now about legislative arm twisting? >> public support is huge right now. it allows the arm twisting to happen. the white house knows they have to get a bump in public support r the president's plan if they're going to use leverage against those moderate democrats or even some republicans just a handful that might come over and vote for this thing. that's why the speech was made on wednesday. they're still waiting for the results. >> speaking of the handful of republican support, we'll hear from the gang ofpotentially as early as this week. any chance you see republican support will in fact come to that proposal? >> talking to people inside and outside the white house is clear. this is a 60-vote strategy in the senate to get health care reform and all eyes are on senator olympia snow of maine. she's thought to be the 60th vote for reform bearing in mind they lost senator kennedy. they have 58 votes.
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senator byrd has been out. they think he can make the vote. maybe there's a couple others they bring on board. if they cannot get, they're prepared to move to budget reconciliation and try to get it through with 51 votes. >> president will speak in new york tomorrow marking the one-year anniversary of lehman brothers collapse what do we expect to hear from him? >> as you know covering these issues day in and day out, he'll talk about what's happened in this year and this administration working with the end of the bush administration were able to prevent a complete financial collapse. and that's part of what he'll talk about. talking about the stimulus plan. but he's going to talk about new rules for the road which are controversial on wall street, what they do next to try to avoid this kind of leverage from getting out of control, from risk getting out of control and also dealing with executive compensation. all of these issues that are really going to get sort of in the weeds of regulation but are going to be a key part of his message that this can't happen again. >> a lot to watch in the days to
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come. david gregory, thanks. >> thanks. it's now 13 minutes past the hour. time for more of this morning's headlines. for that head we head over to peter alexander at the news desk. >> good morning. we begin with dramatic pictures from a rescue at sea. it happened in corpus christi bay off the texas coast. look at this. a coast guard rescue crew spotted flames shooting out of this fishing boat them found two men floating nearby in a life raft. both of them were hoisted out, choppered to a local hospital. one of those men was in shock with burns. no word on his condition. the second man we have learned is recovering. torrential rains in western florida caused severe flooding on saturday. some areas saw up to 6 inches of rain in less than 24 hours. the national weather service says flooding could reach the highest levels in 14 years. and in california, storms caused problems of a different sort as intense lightning sparked more than 20 fires in the san francisco bay area.
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more than 400 lightning strikes were recorded on saturday. the storm also knocked out power to about 50,000 homes. customs agents along the california/mexico border arrested two men on saturday found with more than half a million dollars cash. the men were trying to leave the u.s. with a duffle bag stuffed with cash when they were stopped by federal officials. the men now face smuggling charges. finally, that controversial close to a tennis star, serena williams's, run. it's the semifinal. match point. the defending champ, williams, argues a call made by the line judge. there she is. courtside fans and reporters say they heard williams say "you're lucky i'm not shoving this ball down your throat" and some other choice words. tournament officials were called off. they penalized williams with one point for unsportsmanlike conduct.
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that point gave the match to kim clijsters who moves on to tomorrow's final. ir ironically, tennis the only sport where love is part of the game but there was no love last night. >> you couldn't see it -- and then -- and then -- over here was kim. over here -- all into it. his head was bopping back and forth. >> if hi been that judg okay. that's cool. keep the point. >> a force to be reckoned with in more ws than one. >>s ier is here for a check of the weher. >> uhe. o un has been rained out but the sun will shine in the northeast. more rain for texas. flooding rains unfortunately. some areas of central texas really need the rain around the san antonio area, south central texas. they're not really getting everything. it's between san antonio, dallas and oklahoma city where we see the heavy rain.
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2 to 4 inches locally. some areas already have received as much as 14 inches of rain since wednesday morning. well, the heavy rain will be situated there. there's also a chance for severe storms across eastern sections of montana today. another low pressure system moves into the pacific northwest and here in the east some sunshine. temperatures warming up to 80 ?nóf?nófóf?fóf?f?n?fóf?n?n?n?fó@ a s good sunday. i am chuck bell. we have plenty of sunshine out there in a fairly nice sky this morning. these are not rainpe making clouds. it will be a dry day here in the nation's capitol. and the temperatures are on the way up. and a forecast for today, mostly sunny. warmer. highs today upper 70s and
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>> now, here's carl. still to come, we'll meet a special newborn that came into the world at just the right time. first, these messages. revlon skin matching makeup... begins with a weightless foundation that starts off white... and self-adjusts to precisely match your skin tone. with soft, flawless coverage. how cool is that? revlon skin matching makeup. i know tresemmé will keep every hair in place. the pictures are gonna be great! with unbeatable prices on tresemmé tres two hairspray
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beauty costs less at walmart. save money. live better. walmart. if you get sick, or change jobs. eight ways reform matters to you. a cap on deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. no annual or lifetime lits on coverage. preventive care. covered. pre-existing conditions. covered. no higher rates due to gender. extended coverage for young adults. no more coverage denied if you get sick. and guaranteed renewal, even if you do. learn more today.
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elton john says he wants to become a dad for the first time at age 62. the british singer visited an orphanage in the ukraine and said his heart was stolen by a 14-month-old little boy. >> his partner has often talked about adopting a child but he always said no. he says he has no idea how to go about adopting the boy so this one is to be continued. i love elton john. that little boy is adorabldorab. >> this is the popular thing of stars going out and adopting children around the world. >> but this is a great cause. doing the work in the ukraine for hiv kids. >> we'll be right back. first, these messages. r body. tylenol 8 hour works with your body, with one layer that dissolves quickly... layer that lasts all day ...and no layers that irritate your stomach the way that ibuprofen can. it's tough on your body pain.
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not on your body. announcer: the super grain nutrition of quaker oats. power yourself with the limitless possibilities of instant quaker oatmeal.
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still to come on "today,"
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jay leno opening up about his new prime time show. details kept under wraps until now. we'll bring you a preview. what are investigators not telling us about annie le? first, these messages. (announcer) eucerin smoothing essentials. the lotion with a unique formula - effective 24 hours a day lightweight and fast absorbing. turn dry skin into skin that feels great all day. with smoothing essentials. only from eucerin.
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no carbon copy forecast here at nbc 4. nothing like yesterday. as you can see right here from the shot of pennsylvania avenue, old glory blowing in the wind right there. we will see mainly sun. and then a couple flags there blowing in the wind there as well outside the white house. if you have not made it outside yet, you want to get outside because it's going to be a
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gorgeous day. chuck bell will have your forecast coming up in a bit. it's sunday september 13th 29. slick roads may have been a factor in the crash that killed a teen in maryland. her car ran off the road. two passengers in the car were hurt but are expected to be okay. the maryland woman accused of killing two of her adopted daughtersould spend up to two years in prison for abusing a third daughter. a third daughter was found ondering her neighborhood in bl blood-stained clothest :0his t 7:00:0 this g.ats 0 7 th inrn 32eil-mrsou c rereuieqs32-mile
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s ormpto run by the national mall and hek creek and swim in the plau combic. numerous road closures will be in effect until 1:00 this afternoon. your weather is coming up next. @
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meteorologist, chuck bell, joins us. chuck, looks like we will see sunshine. >> yeah, and a beautiful today outside. plenty of sunshine to get sunday started. it's going to be one of the nicest days that we have seen in almost a full week's time. the mid-60s in downtown washington. and manassas and frederick in the upper 50s. it's going to be a beauty of a day today. plenty of sunshine. up to 82 today for a high. and a chance for light rain moving into the area that shows
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up on wednesday with temperatures back down in the mid 70s. and then instead of all the early october days that we suffered through last week and yesterday, but today sunny and mild. a live report from the national mall as dozens of athletes compete in the nation's we are back on this sunday morning, september 13th, 2009, with a look at the happy group joining us outside on the plaza. i'm carl quintanilla filling in for lester holt this morning alongside jenna wolfe. >> the weather has started to change a bit. i could feel it this week. except for a little rain yesterday, a gorgeous day. you're enjoying yourself so far? >> i am. a good half hour. >> i have two words for you.
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jay leno. coming up this half hour, we'll gate preview of jay leno's new show. >> ittarts tomorrow night at 10:00. what's it going to like? it's been a secret. we'll give you a few hints straight from jay himself. >> it's not easy to keep things a secret at a big network. somehow for the last three months they managed to keep the show a secret. also coming up, we'll meet a brand new little baby bornn 09/09/09. the best part about this, she's not the only one in the family with aemorable birthday. we'll meet the sister born on another special day. we'll see how they were incredibly blessed with incredible timing. >> you won't give away the secret of what that other day was. >> we'll figure it out. one of our trademark taste tests today. the winner of this pizza taste test gets aig prize. i mean a big one.
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we'll find out who the winner is and what they'll get in just a couple minutes. >> unfortunately we're sort of going to have to taste maybe a slice or two. someone has got to do it. >> and they have wine over there, too. >> first, another check of the weather with ms. janice huff. >> thank you. we have friends who have stopped by. you may recognize this guy. a former new york giant and retired nfl great george martin. you have a group of friends here today and you'll have hundreds with you when you walk for 9/11 responders helping with their health care costs. the name of the group is giant steps. >> giant steps for 9/11. >> how far is the walk? >> the walk is about 13 miles walking from the george washington bridge to giant stadium. we look for a few hundred participants to come out with us today. >> you have a big posse of police officers back there. >> some are walkers that will be joining us. and others will escort us today. >> that's fantastic. f ye oai reyse lots of money and have a great, safe walk. the weather is great to it. good luck.
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let's check the weather and see what's happening today. here in the northeast it's fantastic. we're lucky to have a sunny day. in parts of the country a lot of rain over texas where really could use some in some areas but not too much but unfortunately there's some flooding going on in parts of texas as much as 14 inches of rain in the past three to four days. that heavy heavy rain will?fóf?w the sun is up and a mostly clear sky first thing this morning. lots of sunshine streaming into downtown washington right now. there is thef washington monumet proudly standing in the middle of downtown where the temperatures hit 66 degrees. most of the suburbs in the mid-60s right now. highs today, generally climbing in the upper 70s and low 80s. bright sunsh
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>> tonts tonight on nbc, it's "sunday night football." we'll have live action for you. weather will be fine at lambeau field in green bay. chicago bears will be visiting. clear and mild. temperatures low to mid 60s with light winds. that's not bad football weather for this time of year. when we're not here, you can always go online and get more weather on now, here's carl. >> janice, thanks. more on the disappearance of yale medical student annie le. about a was supposed to be her wedding day but authorities now have new evidence. does point to a crime? mike taibbi is on the campus this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we were able to confirm yesterday from a police source in new haven that bloody clothes and other evidence were found yesterday at the building which was the last place that annie le was seen back last tuesday at 10:00 a.m. a press conference yesterday
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afternoon at which university anpolice officials said this thing has not been solved. we don't know at this point whether it's a missing persons case or a case of criminality. they spent time knocking down rumors. they say that no body has been found. they have not identified any suspects let alone persons of interest in this case so they interviewed many, many people and say we're looking. $10,000 reward posted by the university is still out there. there was a concession that without using the words bloody clothes, that some evidence of newly discovered has been collected now and is being analyzed for potential association with annie le. that's as far as they would go. there's been a statement -- go ahead. >> authorities -- a lot has been made of this potential runaway bride scenario. we know that annie's wedding was supposed to be today. do authorities think that's believable at all? >> reporter: the sources i have spoken to all say no. they did not float the idea of a runway bride scenario.
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missing person yes but one source that confirmed discovery of the bloody clothes said there's nothing to connect it to that because her wedding was coming up and scheduled for today and everyone remembers the case of jennifer willbanks five years ago that disappeared for three or four days before resurfacing. no one that knows le presented that way. not that kind of woman. highly skilled. highly capable. >> mike taibbi in new haven. appreciate that. clint van zandt is a former fbi profiler. good morning to you. this news conference yesterday with law enforcement officials didn't really yield big results. did you hear anything significant? >> a couple of things, carl. number one, they have not been able to show that she actually left the building she went into. we know she swiped her key card to get in the building like many of us do at 10:00 a.m. we know there was some type of alarm at 120.
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there was no evidence so far and they looked at frame by frame surveillance cameras, seven cameras that circle this 120,000 square foot building. so far they have yet to find one ame on a camera that suggests she left the building. you know, where i work in this case as an fbi agent, first, i have to take that building apart and prove to myself she's not there before i look for her some place else. >> that's a larg large facility. there have been reports that a body had been found. they denied that. would there be any reason for authorities to have that body but not tell us? would there be a strategy behind that? >> there could be although at this point i doubt it. you couldn't sit on something like that more than 12, 24 hours. there may be a strategy initially that says we're going to hold back some evidence. you and i have seen this where we don't share exactly what we have as investigators because we assume if she was a victim of violence, that the offender is out there and he's watching and
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he or she will be driven based upon what they hear in the news. sometimes there's a reason to hold information back but the fbi yesterday suggested that there was no body. >> they are taking some items they said from the building and testing them that may or may not belong to annie. what kind of test do you think they're doing? >> as mike suggested, there are reports that there was bloody clothing found up in the ceiling. this would suggest that someone would have had to taken a ladder, push a false ceiling out of the way, put the items of clothing up there and hide them. if that's true, we're looking for blood. we're looking for dna. we're looking for hairs and fibers and realize again, carl, this is a woman who was 4'11". 90 pounds. ght away just the size of the clothing before you do any forensic testing could suggest the possibility that the clothing belonged to her. again, if we have clothing, that still doesn't suggest where she
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is. >> very few people have come out give people a sense of what is going on in this case. are you getting the feeling that there is some overlay of hush-hush surrounding this case? >> i think law enforcement is doing everything they can. realize that there were friends of annie's who came out and suggest shed she may have been r runaway bride which caused police to split their resources. could she have been under so much stress, she was a double docketoral major, getting married, could that stress cause her to run away? she doesn't seem to be that type of person. the other police resources have to say could she be a victim of violence? and so far as they told news a press conference yesterday, they just don't know. >> clint van zandt, thank you for that. after a three-month break
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jay leno is back tomorrow on nbc. the show's format and jay's set have been kept under wraps until now. low cowen went behind the scenes for a sneak peek. >> reporter: jay leno never claimed to be a network executive. in fact, for all of those years on stage, he always saw himself as a standup comic who just happened to have a tv show. the ads for his new show are funny. the stakes are anything but. it will occupy prime network real estate up against heavy hitting and expensive crime time dramas like "csi." >> don't feel a lot of pressure. the only time you feel pressure is when you get into a situation where you don't know what you're doing. >> reporter: what he will do is what he knows.
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there will be vintage "tonight show" gags but the desk is gone. >> you have to keep within your comfort stone as a performer. jay can't do things that are outside of his realm of talent. >> reporter: what's new? a team of young comics, correspondents he calls them. it may take getting used to like the new time slot and his new building. >> this is all new. this is spinal tap going through all of these different corridors here. >> reporter: out that way is his new set. you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see that. it was in this studio, now a storage room on the nbc lot, that jay leno kept "the tonight show" number one for 10 of the 15 years he was on it. the scenery may be different but the furniture, in this case the comedy, is still the same. >> eventually this will be the
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last hour of "today" show. >> reporter: for today, lee cowan, nbc news, los angeles. >> did you hear the crew grown? >> i didn't getmo. gan memo. did anyone get a memo? >> jerry seinfeld the first guess tomorrow. >> a closer look at what to expect tomorrow night coming up tomorrow morning on "today." next, baby with a birthday that's easy to remember. wait until youme hear when her g sister was born. that's coming up next. building my life, my high cholesterol was contributing to plaque buildup in my arteries. that's why my doctor prescribed crestor. she said plaque buildup in arteries is a real reason to lower cholesterol. and that along with diet, crestor does more than lower bad cholesterol, it raises good. crestor is also proven to slow the buildup of plaque in arteries. crestor isn't for everyone,
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remember. baby molly was born on september 9th, 2009. that's 9/9/09. >> molly's big sister campbell was born on 8/08/08. pretty cool. the miller family joins us now from fayetteville, arkansas. first of all, congratulations. we're so happy you'll get up and be with us for the next couple minutes. how is everyone feeling? >> we're good this morning. >> i understand, alison, you've only been home from the hospital for a couple days. you already have your hands full. all four there. i have to start with the question, is this something you guys planned? >> no. no way. no. god was the only one that planned it that's for sure. we found out about that about 9 months ago. >> that's with both babies. you didn't have a c-section with either child? >> no. uh-uh. no. >> andy, you already have --
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>> i did -- >> andy, you had campbell born on 08/08/08 and that the expected birth date was 9/7/09, did you hope she would hold out for a couple days? >> we really didt think about it until we got home and then alison got excited about it because it was so close to 9/9/09. she talked about it a lot after that. >> once you got to the hospital, when it was time to have the baby, alison, i assume the medical staff must have been pretty jazzed about it, too. this doesn't happen that often. >> yeah. yeah. well, my doctor actually helped me. since i didn't go on the 7th, i said, well, we might as well wait and see when we can go.
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we went on the 8th to have molly and then i didn't have her until the next day any way. yeah. they were great. the nurses were great. really excited for us. shocked at the same time. >> the babies birth weren't planned. molly has nine letters. campbell has seven letters. i know it's a bit of a stretch. was that intentional in any way? >> no. that's a streh. it's just a fun coincidence. >> i'm just fascinated watching molly try to keep that pacifier in her mouth. >> it's so big. >> any other strange numerical convinces we should know? >> i would like to make something up but not really. >> if you need baby sitting,
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jenna is always available. >> i think you would be a fun baby sitter. >> let me give you my cell phone number right now -- not. >> we'll pass itlong to all of my friends. >> thank you so much. i can't tell you how much you appreciate that you have twins so you get what this is like. >> it's like being back home right now. >> alison andy miller, campbell and molly, thank you for getting up and being with us this morning and all of the best of luck in the months and years ahead. >> thank you. >> bye, guys. i still have that baby crying -- >> it doesn't go away. >> i'll do it myself. one of these lucky chefs your about to see is about to get great news. we'll reveal the winner of the pizza contest right after these messages. going urgently... waking up to go... it's time to do what lots of guys everywhere have already done-- go see your doctor, because those could be urinary symptoms due to bph, an enlarged prostate.
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this morning on "today's taste test" pizza. we're talking gourmet, my quality, high stakes pizza. >> can you smell it already? >> i can smell it all morning. >> this morning, one of these amateur pizza chefs is about to win the trip of a lifetime. it's all part of the fourth annual pizza classic. here to tell us more about it is andrew from "bon appetit" magazine. >> normally we have taste tests and we have a good time. you had 7,000 entries. >> we had the tough job of eating 7,000 pizzas. we got it down to these five finalists. lucky for you guys, you get to try some. at the end i've got the magic card here and i'll reveal who wins the trip to italy to the winery.
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not a bad prize. i hope you're hungry. >> you'll go to the end. we'll start making our way through. the first is laurel, liber libertiville, illinois. tell us what we got. >> a spicy sausage, fennel, apple and sage pizza. >> let me taste it while you talk about it. >> you belong to a dinner club where you develop these ideas? >> yes. we test recipes out on each other. >> i love the way it looks. >> it's beautiful. >> nice and colorful. okay. next up we have seth. i spit over my script. you're from here in new york city. is this big mama's pizza? >> it is. >> my wife and i went for our honeymoon went to italy and we love the simple recipes and fresh ingredients. >> i can't be the only one
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eating peea eating pizza. it's simple and good. >> the crust is more crust than this one here. >> do you think, carl? >> i'm getting a handle of this. lisa is from bloomington, minnesota. good morning. a white pizza a little bit different. >> yes. i created this from ingredients my parents brought back from italy. m a fan of the white sauce pizza so that's why i went that route. >> your family had gone on a dream vacation to italy and brought back these ideas that inspired balk in the kitchen? >> yes. wedge of parmesan and wine and good things. >> is it harder than a red sauce? >> it's my preference. >> you didn't take a bite. i love this one. this is a clear favorite. >> yeah!
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>> they have all been wonderful so far. >> i'm getting full. >> you're not getting full. lamo. you're from wilmington, delaware. tell me about your pizza. where did you come up with it? >> my five and i like figs. the sweetness and sharpness and creaminess and it is nice with the wine. it's an excellent combo. >> i haven't been able to wash down any of my -- >> go straight for the wine. >> that's good. >> how did you get idea for the figs? >> we enjoy them. nice combo. change of pace. different than pepperoni. >> do they make easier or harder? >> exactly the same. nice and easy. very simple. >> excellent. thank you. >> and jane is from kansas. good morning. >> good morning. >> a little spicierlement here with a whole grain crust. >> spicy shrimp, with red
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peppers and goat cheese. it's a nice refreshing contrast to the spiciness of the peizzpi. >> very colorful. messy. i'll let you do that. this looks great. we have to announce the winner. we want to make sure we have time for this. >> any guesses? >> i'm going to go -- should i tell you what i like? everything was delicious. i'm a big fan of white pizza so i like the white pizza. >> i liked laurel's first one. >> okay. so the winner of the fourth annual pizza classic and a paid trip to italy -- >> we should mention we had nothing to do with this. >> this has already been determined. >> we're holding balloons. >> the winning pizza is -- >> do you want to read it? >> i would love to. >> lisa! >> thank you. >> do you want my script, too.
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>> thank you to everyone. congratulations. we'll be back with a little bit more right after this. ? trying to be big like you, dad. you're so good at keeping everyone full and focused with your fiber. but you already are great at doing that. really? sure! you're made with fiber just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids, and they love your chocolaty taste. kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats little bites cereal. an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size... to help keep your little ones full and focused. now where you going? to practice keeping 'em full and focused. i have big shoes to fill. now where you going? to practice keeping 'em another take?focused. new revlon doubletwist mascara. a revolutionary 2-in-1 applicator that combines a thickening brush with separating combs for massive volume and remarkable definition. new revlon doubletwist mascara. it's worth a double take. the lotion with a unique formula - effective 24 hours a day lightweight and fast absorbing. turn dry skin into skin that feels great all day.
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time for check of what's coming up on "meet the press." for that we're joined again by moderator, david gregory. good morning. the president tries to regain of the health car debate but republicans are not backing down. this morning a exclusilu debate. senator dick durbin, republican senator john cornian, howard dean and former house speaker newt gingrich and our round table coming up on "meet the press." >> all right. thank you so much for being with us. it's good stuff. we have to thank you so much. congratulations.
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she still has tears in her eyes. it's beautiful. take me with you, maybe? >> yeah. >> lester is back next weekend. next weekend he'll go behind the scenes of the sitcom. thank you for joining us. breaking ne .wsrse s onpe ade iftaders ide hit by metro train. we have a crew on the scene and will bring you the latest. obama hits the road trying to keep the health care plan alive. how the white house is firing back at critics. and thousands flock to the district for the nation's triathlon. good morning, everybody. welcome to news4 today. it's sunday, september 1th


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