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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  July 10, 2009 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," everybody. this is hour number two of the -- [ in irish accent ] "o'brien-fallon all irish double feature, so welcome." [ laughter ] now, let's see what is going on. north korea's kim jong-il selected his 26 year old kim jong-un as as next leader of north korea. the selection process went like this, "hey, who's up for vote? just kidding, my son's going to do it." [ laughter ] come on. i'm so glad to see things working out for lil' kim. [ laughter ] best of luck to president obama who just left for his five day trip to egypt and saudi arabia. and good luck to sasha and malia on their first keg party. whoo! [ cheers and applause ] of course the kegs will be full of mountain dew. so that's, you know -- [ light laughter ] president obama's inviting
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iranian government officials to the u.s. for our 4th of july celebration. i guess the goal is to make them go -- [ in middle eastern accent ] "death to america -- ah, ooh -- [ laughter ] ah, that's nice. that one looks like a palm tree. [ laughter ] i like the squiggly one." a new study reveals that night owls, people that stay up late are more depressed than people that go to bed early. i like to point out that this study was conducted before i took over the show, okay. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ drum roll ] >> jimmy: gutter ball. that was a gutter ball. [ audience ohs ] that's right. i am not going to get depressed about it. i'm not going to get depressed. here we go, i got another one. i got another frame. ooh, my goodness. all right, all right. here we go. ready? [ laughter ] all right. [ drum roll ] bang! [ cheers and applause ] did you guys see that? did you guys see that? woo.
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[ light laughter ] hey a couple just got married on juliet's balcony in verona, italy, on monday. the same balcony where juliet cried out for romeo in shakespeare's play. of all the ways to get married that is most romantic if you don't know "romeo and juliet" ends. [ laughter ] they kill each other. well, killed themselves. [ laughter ] and finally, i saw this today, fans can purchase a personal concert by ryan cabrera for $24,000. calm down, everybody. [ laughter ] yeah, it's exactly like a karaoke party, except you don't know the songs and it's never your turn. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, wow, wow. what a show we have tonight, everybody.
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steve martin and paul simon are here. [ cheers and applause ] the beautiful vanessa williams is stopping by. i love vanessa williams. [ cheers and applause ] and to top it all off at the end -- at the end of the show paul simon is going to perform for us with the roots. it is phenomenal. [ cheers and applause ] and antibalas. i'm so excited. >> steve: what a show. >> jimmy: you guys, that -- rehearsal today was just insane. i mean, do you guys ever think you would play with paul simon? you never played with paul simon before, have you? >> questlove: no, first time. >> jimmy: were you -- are you psyched? are you -- >> questlove: i'm excited. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean, it was so good. frank knuckle's going crazy and the timbalas. oh, it's just so -- i mean, honestly -- and the horn is just insane. >> questlove: yeah, antibalas. >> jimmy: how do you know those guys? just worked with them -- >> questlove: brooklyn legends, yes. >> jimmy: they're just like. they -- it's so exciting. the rehearsal, i mean -- the rehearsal was packed. usually there's no one here, just the crew guys. it was -- everyone was just
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going nuts. i'm just -- yeah. they're doing -- they're doing "late in the evening." that's what song it is. [ scattered cheers ] it is so good. one of my favorite paul simon songs. and then steve martin. [ cheers and applause ] love steve martin. any standup comedian should read "born standing up." that's the -- his book that he wrote about standup comics -- >> steve: and listen to every album. >> jimmy: and listen to every album, of course, that he's done. and watch every special. and then you have vanessa williams who's gorgeous, talented. the last time i saw vanessa williams i was on "saturday night live" and she sang with pavarotti. remember that? >> steve: yeah, and did "kwanzaa timmy." >> jimmy: and "kwanzaa timmy," too. tim meadows fans out there. yeah, that was awesome. [ laughter ] but anyway, it's going to be a great show. i'm just so psyched you guys are here. it's going to be so much fun. thanks for coming. it's no secret that we love shooting here in new york city and every now and then we take the cameras out in the streets and we ask people if they'll do something for us. like an impression of a famous person. take a look. >> jimmy: hey, everybody, we're here in times square. a lot of talented people walking around new york city. today we're looking for people
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to do impressions. so, it should be fun. and then there's some people that don't know that maybe they can do some impressions. so, we'll going to force them to do a couple. ♪ fat albert. >> "hey, hey, hey, it is fat albert. i'm going to do a dance for you." >> jimmy: "american idol" judges. >> "when you sing, it just touches my soul." >> jimmy: here it is, sarah palin. >> "i had a great time, tom and the kids had a great time going to central park and that goofy evolution museum." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jay-z. >> "there wrecking the building. whole wheat, baby. you could be any place in the world right now, but you're here with me and jimmy fallon." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: can you do oprah? >> winfrey, oprah? nu-huh, i'm not a woman. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: macy gray. ♪ i try to say goodbye and i choke try to walk away and i stumble ♪ >> jimmy: how would jack nicholson with a southern accent -- how would he break up with the girlfriend? >> "young lady, i think it's time for us to go." >> jimmy: there he is southern
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jack nicholson. this is fantastic. cartman from south park. >> "screw you guys, i'm going home." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so it's donald trump calling in sick for work. >> "i'm tired." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: do you have any impressions? >> i can do, like, a little bit of forest gump. >> jimmy: yeah, we'll take it. >> he goes, "hey, forest why are you running?" and he goes -- "i don't know, just to run." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you do an impression of a goat? >> impression of a goat, yeah. >> jimmy: let's hear it. >> "baaa!" [ laughter ] >> here's a dolphin choking on a cookie. >> jimmy: okay. >> all right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how would joan rivers give directions to the empire state building. >> "you go to east broad all of the way up there and drive and turn and look pretty while you do it. oh, that looks fabulous. >> jimmy: joan rivers -- oh, you're doing heidi klum. >> oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, let's do christopher walken. >> "it is nice to see you outside today.
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hi, gee, i christopher walken." what's this? >> i'm on the talk show. what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hank hill from "king of the hill." >> "oh, bobby, what in the heck. ah, ah." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jack nicholson. how would jack nicholson -- >> wait, wait, what is it, johnny. honey, i'm home. that was the johnny thing, you know, from the "the shining." >> jimmy: fantastic, so far you're doing great. [ laughter ] >> guess who this is. >> jimmy: okay. [ cheers and applause ] [ drum roll ] that was pretty good. awesome. you're clearly doing brad pitt there. homer simpson reading from "harry potter." >>what do you mean i got to read again, can't we just watch the movie." >> jimmy: jack black reading "harry potter." ♪ it looked like the end of ron and hermione unfriendship ♪ >> jimmy: how would snoop dogg -- just read it. >> "here we go, just come out. prototype. a square jawed wizard was hellin on his companion on the mic. it's the fastest broom in the
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world. isn't it bad? squeak from my boy younger than harry who was swingg f of his father's arm, irish international side just putting in an order for a seven leaf beauty." >> jimmy: you're the raddest. dude, you're so good. there you go. tons of impressions. tons of talent. thank you, new york city. we're going to come back to do more of this stuff. you guys were awesome. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] i love this city! that one guy is incredible. we might have to work with them again. when we getack, everybody, teve martin will be here! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ protesting is awesome.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight -- tonight, i'm very excited to be joined by an actor, author, playwright, musician, and all-around comedy icon. he has new music -- his new music album entitled "the crow: new songs for the 5-string banjo," is in stores now. ladies and gentlemen, steve martin. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] come on.
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wow. fantastic. >> i did the -- notice i did the standard openinof t little funny thing over there. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that is the classic -- >> all comedians must do a little funny thing. before you get out here. >> jimmy: thank you so much. for coming here. i'm so happy to have you here. >> i'm so excited i can hardly stand it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i just saw you -- >> what? >> jimmy: i was just going to say -- what, were you saying something? >> no, i was going say before you were going to say, but i was going to saw that it's very confusing for me to do your show, because, you know, i don't know how the refer to the show, yet. to, you know, to friends and things. like, when i was doing "the tonight show with johnny carson," i would say "i'm doing the carson show." >> jimmy: right. >> or you'd say, i'm doing "letterman." and conan, you say, "i'm doing conan." and people understand. jimmy kimmel, people still say, ."i'm doing jimmy kimmel." and i don't know -- i'm saying, "i'm doing fallon." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: doesn't mean anything. >> doesn't sound right. no it means, but it just doesn't -- say, "i'm doing the jimmy." could be confused or it can mean
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sexual. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, it's very -- yeah. you never know about that. >> and to say, "i'm doing the jimmy fallon show" is like, you know, it's so long and drawn out and people fall asleep. "i'm doing the jimmy fal --" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you could say, "i'm doing jim." >> what do you think should be your -- fallon? it'll take. >> jimmy: yeah. >> probably end up doing the fallon. "i'm doing fallon." >> jimmy: "i'm doing, yeah, i'm doing fallon." the fallon show? >> it sounds like a gun slinger. >> jimmy: an episode of like, "gun smoke," or something. "i'm doing fallon." i don't know what it means. i think -- what -- "late night?" no. >> late night? that's like 17 shows. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, exactly, yeah, yeah. >> "did you see late night last night?" >> jimmy: yeah, so many things called late night. >> "which one." "the one that's on at 9:00 a.m." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is our favorite -- hosted by -- >> now, what were you going to say? >> jimmy: i was going say that i just saw you at the -- you did a g at the reuben museum? >> yes, here in manhattan. >> jimmy: do you do many shows in museums? >> no, because there's not many stages in museums. but the older i get, the more
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i'll probably end up doing -- [ laughter ] i was doing my banjo show with the steep canyon rangers. >> jimmy: gosh, those guys are great. >> yeah. ut i had a big thrill, recently i was asked to play the grand ole opry. nd i played -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is so -- that's an honor. >> that's a real honor. it's unbelievable. because they're strict. >> jimmy: yeah. >> they're strict. >> jimmy: oh, they don't fool around. >> no, you have to -- i was kind of searching it out in the '60s that couldn't get on if you had on long hair. >> jimmy: really? >> and they didn't have drums until 1945, they wouldn't allow that. but it's the oldest radio show in the world, i guess. because it's been on since 1925. >> jimmy: in nashville, right? >> and actually it came on the radio before the radio was invented when you think about it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean, that's phenomenal. >> but it was a great honor. >> jimmy: ahead of their time, they were. yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >>immy: everyone had to have tin cans the ear, yes. >> it was one of those little crystal radios. >> jimmy: ah, yeah. i've seen those. >> and i played with vince gill
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asked me to play with him and he sang on one of my songs. >> jimmy: he sang on your album, right? on the -- it was "pretty flowers?" >> yes, he and dolly parton sing the song on the album. >> jimmy: i love that. i think that's my favorite track. >> and tim o'brian sang and john mcguinn, the producer, played and stuart duncan, a great fiddler, gary scruggs. it was a big, big night. sold out. >> jimmy: i mean, it's a huge deal. [ talking over each other ] [ laughter ] that's amazing. >> all these great musicians. >> so fun, right? and you -- did -- who brought -- who inducted you? >> well, you don't -- i didn't get inducted. >> jimmy: well, what happens? >> well, you know, what happens is you're a guest. you're a guest on the show and then i have this banjo record that they must have respected somewhat so they asked me the play it. it was -- we did two shows. >> jimmy: oh, so cool. >> oh, i know what was interesting is, you know, brad paisley, the great country star, was there and he willing to sing. >> jimmy: sure. >> and the -- call it a coincidence he -- when i did the movie "father of the bride" my daughter was -- [ scattered cheers ] oh, i didn't expect that. [ laughter ] the daughter was played by kimberly william who ended up marrying brad paisley and he was there that night with kimberly. >> jimmy: that's right, yeah. i always cry when i see that movie. especially that scene where
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you're in the driveway with the basketball. >> i thought you meant when you saw kimberly williams. [ laughter ] i know what you're talking. >> jimmy: oh, i do. i just cry all the time. very emotional. [ laughter ] >> well, do you know what? stop watching it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know, i know. i can't. i actually look forward to it. >> and by the way, i just i want you to know i have forgiven you for that one time. it's completely over and we're starting over. so that's, so great. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm sorry, what're you talking about? >> the -- come on. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't know what you're talking about. >> when you came to dinner at my house, uninvited. [ laughter ] you don't remember that? >> jimmy: i never had dinner -- did i have dinner at your house? >> i have some, i brought some photos. yeah. [ laughter ] this was -- i'm having dinner at the house with some friends, and jimmy suddenly shows up, and i said, "we're actually, you know, we're actually we've got a full table so i would appreciate it." and then marty short was there and you knocked on the door again. [ laughter ] anweyd came bad i yann en went out in the garden and yo
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started telling really rude jokes. >> jimmy: what? [ laughter ] f >>-- were kind aughter ][ you had a little bit too much to dnk. >> jimmy: yeah, that doesn't lo mk kelie. >> well, you started to kind of, drool a little bit. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. [ laughter ] that looks familiar. >> and we walked away, and then you tried out -- tried your stuff out on a whole new audience, and i didn't think -- [ laughter ] i didn't think that worked so well. >> jimmy: he's not into it either, yeah. he's not into it either. >> but finally dinner -- dinner began and things calmed down. that was really nice. that's a oto of you at dinner. you started to maybe -- [ laughter ] maybe drink a little too muc >> jimmy: i was resting my eyes there, i think. [ light laughter ] >> and it was a -- it was very hot night, i remember that. and we have a photo of that, i think. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. this is -- an >> d erre>mbme one momt mb that was so shocking, a lot of the people reacted very, very strongly to it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god.
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who's the girl in the green dress? >> that's your wife, nancy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. i really was drunk. >> you were really, really out of it, but what they were looking at, was this -- i can't even -- [ laughter ] i hope you're throwing up. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> that's the best thing that's happened there. and then the party is over and it kind of got back to normal and things -- people seemed to -- [ laughter ] -- have a nice chat. >> jimmy: okay. i think -- it now it's coming all together. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: i remember now, because i remember marty's shoes. [ laughter ] so yeah, we went out after that, the night was getting started. >> yeah, really? >> jimmy: yeah, we went out with amy winehouse till 4 in the morning. >>'ll bet you showed her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i definitely did. i came back with a beehive. when we get back, paul simon is going to join us. >> woah. [ cheepp ae ndus ala] ♪ ♪ ♪
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ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) switch to verizon fios tv, phone and internet today and get an ultra-sleek compaq mini netbook. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. i'm here with steve martin. joining us now is the grammy winning rock and roll hall of famer that is and one of the most influential singer
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songwriters in rock history. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome paul simon! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. that was -- that was great today. just rehearsal. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: it was a packed rehearsal. >> you didn't -- i love this record. >> well, thank you. so much. so nice of you to say that. thanks. >> jimmy: i put out a record. [ laughter ] long time ago. >> i heard that, too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, steve? >> can ask a question. >> jimmy: yes, steve. >> is this my water or paul's? >> jimmy: yours. >> okay, great. thank you. >> jimmy: and paul, that's yours. [ laughter ] >> oh, you have one there. i didn't see. >> jimmy: we hide them around. like easter eggs. >> i noticed there was a bowl in my room with water. >> jimmy: yeah, well thought you were bringing your dog. >> yeah, no. [ laughter ] >> i've already spilled water o your couch. >> jimmy: it's all right. trash the place. [ laughter ] it's like, this is what happens.
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paul, you're getting ready to go on tour. now, you're going to australia. >> i'm going to australia, yeah, because the idea of going to australia in the summer is so appealing to me. >> explain that. >> jimmy: yeah, why? >> because it's not the summer. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's not the summer? >> in australia, it's not the summer. it's winter. >> oh, my god. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you guys just took a quantum leap there. >> art garfunkel got me into this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's you and garfunkel, right? >> yeah, we're going go and do about 20 shows in new zealand, australia, japan. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. that's fun. >> oh yeah, it'll be fun. >> jimmy: that'll be interesting. >> that would be spring. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you ever played -- >> it'll be 2010. >> right. >> jimmy: have you ever played the grand ole opry? >> grand ole opry, no, no. i wish i had. that is one of the -- it must have been one of the great thrills, huh?
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>> it was a great, great thrill. yeah. [ laughter ] i will tell you how much of a thrill. it was such a thrill that i'm still talking about it. >> jimmy: you guys are friends. you've known each other for the a long time, right? >> we are. >> jimmy: have you ever thought of working together? >> oh. [ laughter ] well, actually -- we did. when we were very, very young. >> jimmy: really? >> before paul worked with art garfunkel, we talked about doing an act. >> yes. >> do you remember that, paul? >> i do. i remember that. >> steve, i am so excited that we are going to do an act together. >> oh, yeah, me, too, it's so cool. >> it's going to be so funny. >> funny? >> yes, funny. >> no, no, i see the act as serious. as kind of moody and dark. >> no, no, funny. it should be funny. listen, i'm writing these songs.
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they're funny. listen to this one. ♪ like a bridge over troubled water i will lay me down ♪ so funny. [ laughter ] >> how is that funny? >> because the guy thinks he's the bridge. he's a bridge. it's funny. >> look, i have been working on a thing where we come out, and we go, "we are two wild and crazy guys." [ laughter ] >> that's funny. >> that is not funny. how is that funny? it's sad. they are both wild and crazy. so, they have a compounded woe. [ laughter ] >> okay. listen, i have another song that i am working on that i think it's funny, too. ♪ that's the sound of silence ♪ >> that's so serious.
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>> no, it's funny. >> how is it funny? [ laughter ] >> the silence has no sound. >> look, i'm working on a thing where we come out like this, and we have these arrows, and we put them on our heads. [ laughter ] >> that's great. that's so funny. >> it's not funny. the arrow representing the woes of the world penetrating the human mind? you know what, paul, i think that we are on a different wavelength, and maybe the act -- >> i think we are. >> -- isn't going to work. i mean, i have no, no hard feelings, but -- you know, i wish you luck. >> well, i wish you luck, too. i know what i want to be anyway. i want to be in comedy. what do you want to be? >> i guess i want to be a poet. [ laughter ] and a one-man band. ♪ a poet and a one man band that's so funny. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you guys been daydreaming for a little bit. you guys been daydreaming for a little bit. >> just a little daydream, we're out of it now. >> takes us back, yeah. >> i actually do have to compliment paul i think he's so funny. >> funny. [ laughter >> seriously, funny. we've done a couple things before and he has this like very unique kind of delivery. always unexpected, very -- i don't know. it's a compliment, paying you a compliment. >> i'm looking at this, i think to myself, how can i be wearing a enormous pompadour, dark pompadour and look older than i do in -- [ laughter ] >> i did think i looked a little dough-boy-ish. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now what did yothink of -- >> unfortunately, no one will ever see this again so -- >> jimmy: what do you think of steve's musical stuff? >> steve's music is great. and i knew when he was -- i didn't realize that you were going to make this full album but he did --
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he did send me -- he gave me four songs. [ laughter ] >> that's great. >> no, listen, he gave me four songs to listen to on the way back, and i gave him -- then i sent him my book of lyrics and he e-mailed me and said, "got your bookf lyrics and i got to be honest, not that great." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: very good. >> no, you have it backwards because it started with your e-mail that said, "steve, i listened to your songs and i have to be honest, i didn't like them that much, sorry." >> jimmy: that's great to get from paul simon. more with steve martin and paul simon when we return. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ the germ-killing eclipse gum big-e-pak.
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i eat anything that i want. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ... yeah, every night is something different. oh, yeah yeah... ... she always keeps them in the house. no, no, no. i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky.
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babe... umm, i gotta go. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back everybody. i'm here with steve martin and paul simon. oh, my gosh, i'm so excited. [ cheers and applause ] you know, paul, i as gonna ask you -- when you were tom and jerry, i remember that -- but didn't you tour high schools, or was that when you were simon & garfunkel. or siegfried & roy? >> no, we didn't tour high schools. >> that's what he's doing in australia. >> jimmy: oh, yeah! you are doing "high school musical 4." [ laughter ] how is zac efron? >> no, maybe we played high school dances or something.
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>> jimmy: but that was you and artie, right? tom and jerry. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, you were tom and jerry. then you just went and changed from that. i don't know. well, we didn't rehearse this at all. but you don't want to talk about that? >> well, it was 1950s, and nobody called anybody simon & garfunkel. you know, they didn't anybody -- what's her name -- dorothy -- what was her name? judy garland's real name? >> oh, yeah, i forget. >> but that was a very important thing in the act was when it changed from tom and jerry to simon & garfunkel. it's just -- no, we're just -- we're ourselves. and it was a big statement in the '60s it was sort of non-showbiz. >> yeah. i mean, it was not actually our decision, but a record company's decision, a man named goddard lieberson said, "keep your real names," because -- we were just thrilled to be signed with columbia records. it didn't matter what they were gonna call us. >> jimmy: call us whatever. >> the funny thing is that your names are actually tom and jerry. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's interesting. and then i was gonna --
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this is interesting. it is good trivia. steve, i was going to ask you, like, when you do all of the different things, like you do a play or you do a book or an album, do you ever think, like, "this is like a departure" or does -- >> no, i never think that. no, i just think, this is what i am interested in right now, and i have been playing the banjo for all of my life. and i thought, gee, i have all of these songs, and i would really like to record them and sort of -- i'm the type of person who likes to see things on the shelf so they can be forgotten instead of being in your head all the time. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, what album? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's such a good joke. >> i don't think it was actually. >> jimmy: oh, i loved it. >> the proof was in the audience. they didn't laugh that much. >> jimmy: i think someone will really get it on youtube. >> it was not as good as you said, but it was better than you. [ laughter ] >> i think you are right. hence your half smile. you are right in between us.
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>> jimmy: yeah. thank you, tom. >> that was jerry. >> jimmy: jerry, sorry. [ laughter ] i knew that. i was making a joke. but this album's a big hit. >> evidently number one on the bluegrass charts. >> jimmy: that's good. [ cheers and applause ] >> number on the bluegrass charts. i think it means it has sold at least 700 copies. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: perfect. well, you're gonna give us -- can you give us a little -- can you guys maybe want to switch places. can you give us a little bit? >> gee, i don't have my -- oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's right there. there you go. >> that's lucky. [ applause ] >> jimmy: do you want to play there? do you want to switch places? >> do you want to switch places. or just go like this. >> whatever you want. >> oh, okay. let's just do it like this. >> all right. i will have to do my best to keep up with him, because he is lightning. >> lightning. >> jimmy: you are amazing. i mean, gosh. >> this is a song called "wally on the run." it's about my -- i was writing the song, and i saw my dog running, tearing madly around
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the backyard, and i thought, there is a good title, "wally on the run." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yes! i love it. thank you, steve martin and paul simon. steve's albumn, "the crow: new songs for the 5-string banjo," is in stores now. we'll be bac -- in a little bit. stick around, vanessa williams coming back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, all right. welcome back. hey, we got a fantastic show coming up tomorrow night from the new film "land of the lost." the very funny danny mcbride is going to be here. [ cheers and applause ] host of the national geographic show, "world's toughest fixes," an expert in heavy duty rigging, sean riley will be here. [ cheers and applause ] gonna rig some stuff up. and we'll have a performance from a little known band known as the dave matthews band tomorrow night. [ cheers and applause ] it's a lot of show. it's going to be great. we'll see you here tomorrow. it'll be good. >> wow, that should be good. wish i was on that show. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, you're on the steve martin and paul simon show. >> oh, i forgot about that. okay. >> jimmy: yeah and the third of your show is our next guest, she voiced an oscar-winning theme song, has been nominated for multiple grammys and emmys, as well as best actress tony award. she rocks on "ugly etty." her new album "the real thing," is out today.
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please put it together for vanessa williams, everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very nice. beautiful. you look gorgeous. >> well thank you, darling. >> jimmy: thank you for coming on. do you know steve and paul? >> no, i don't. i'm huge fans. huge, huge fans. >> nice to meet you. i spilled water all over that side of the -- >> oh, no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now, this is yours, now. this isn't paul's, this is yours. >> no, actually that was jimmy drooling. [ laughter ] >> my great grandmother used to play banjo. >> your great grandmother? >> my great grandmother used to play -- then my dad always talked about her playing banjo. >> where is she from? >> she's from long island. oyster bay, anybody? long island. [ scattered cheers ] >> well, that's amazing. she played the 5-string banjo? >> i don't know. i don't know. she is no longer here. >> oh, well -- > but, i am glad you didn't make me bust out the french horn, though. >> jimmy: yeah, oh yeah. we'll i heard played french horn. >>we'll i did. i mean, you know, both my
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paents are music teachers, so i had to play an instrument till i graduated high school, so -- >> jimmy: oh, really? >> piano and french horn and -- >> jimmy: i did clarinet for a little bit. >> did you? good. >> jimmy: and i learned the theme from "hill street blues." >> there you go. >> jimmy: which is two notes. [ jimmy hums a tune ] i would open up with that. [ laughter ] >> there you go. >> jimmy: and the, yeah. and then i actually traded that in, because i didn't get into that, so then tried the banjo for a second. >> you did? >> jimmy: yeah, was a big fan of steve martin and i -- but i learned "dueling banjos." >> you did? >> jimmy: just the beginning part of it. >> yeah. [ vanessa hums a tune ] and then -- [ jimmy hungs a tune ] >> jimmy: yeah, but i had no one to play with. [ laughter ] i had no one to duel with. it was just me in my room with a mirror going, "this is unbeatable." [ laughter ] a flame erupted in my bedroom, like -- "this is too insane, man!" >> exactly. >> jimm then i got out of that because i just couldn't -- it's too hard to pick all that stuff. >> it's tuff. >> jimmy: it's terrible. >> dave berry, said -- right now -- dave berry, the great comedy writer said, "two of the most famous banjo players in the world right now are steve martin and the kid from 'deliverance.'" [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: yeah, totally. it's really tricky to play that stuff. so, your parents were music teachers? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. elementary school and my dad did band and my mom was chorus. so yeah, we were forced. to take an instrument and i did the same thing to my kids. so, i got a trumpet player, clarinet, my little ons going to start clarinet and my son plays sax. >> jimmy: you've got to teach him "hill street blues." >> yeah. >> jimmy: "hill street blues" is an easy one to learn. you can do that one, yeah. how many kids do you have? >> i have four. >> jimmy: four kids and they're all -- they all have an instrument. >> well, they all had to. they've since -- >> jimmy: they hate you. >> yes, they hate me. [ laughter ] we'll i remember running away, you know. that was the first time i ran away from home and i did want to practice and my parents said, "well, that's what we do in our house and if you want to not practice, then your gonna have to leave." so i packed up my little suitcase and i went out to the woods, because we lived in westchester. but the woods once it got dark i heard the crickets and i heard like rustling in the leaves and stuff and i was back in no time. >> jimmy: that's the best. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i ran away from home once, too. i packed up -- i had a little matchbox car collection in a suitcase and i packed with some underwear and stuff like that. and i walked too, i wasn't allowed to walk in the streets. >> right.
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>> jimmy: so i went to the end of my driveway and just stood there. [ laughter ] then it got dark and i came bac inside, "i'm sorry." [ laughter ] yeah, yeah, yeah. but it's a musical family, i mean, you must have -- i mean, the last time i saw you played with pavarotti. >> well, that was -- yeah, that was treat. all though -- >> jimmy: one of the best things i ever seen. >> you know, i've done his pavarotti in france concert and moda in italy, that was in '98. and when he got the gig, he got the call first. to sing on the christmas, the "snl" christmas show. >> jimmy: and he called you? >> and he said, "i'll only do it if i do it vanessa williams." i was like, "what?" and then i got that phone called. [ in italian accent ] >> jimmy: "vanessa, it is me. pavarotti." [ laughter ] he leaves the best messages, doesn't he? >> and whenever he came in he came in on the golf cart. [ laughter ] yeah, he had a hip replacement, so he came in the golf cart. >> jimmy: yeah, i do remember that.
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i remember he had these eyebrows. do you remember his eyebrows? >> they were a little dark. >> jimmy: they were painted on eyebrows. >> yeah. [ laughter ] they were. >> jimmy: i thought they were like, it was like, groucho marxy, a little bit. but it was -- it was so interesting. and then when you see him on tv, you don't notice it, because of the makeup, but gosh that's something i'll never ever forget. >> ah, he's amazing. >> jimmy: and you sounded so good. now you have this record, "the real thing" >> out today. record, you know, my first one came out in '88, so i am happy to be -- >> jimmy: you can say record, then. >> i know. >> jimmy: this is a jazzy, kind of latin vibe to it? >> jazzy. yeah, yeah, there's a bunch of stuff. you got some brazilian, some samba, some cha-cha, some smooth kind of r&b. baby face did two tracks. >> jimmy: kenny baby face? >> baby face evans, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: does he still have the baby face? >> ah, yeah. >> jimmy: that's a good nickname to have, right? like "old man face," is not a good -- [ laughter ] he's not a good producer at all. you're lucky you didn't get mixed up with him, he makes some bad records. >> yes, he does. >> jimmy: johnny, "old man face," edmond. he's a terrible guy. [ laughter ] but i, yeah, i'm listening to it. it's so good. >> thanks. >> jimmy: what are you like in the studio? are you serious down to work? >> well, i insisted that
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everybody's naked, so -- [ laughter ] just like when you knocked on the door, and i said, "i'm naked." he's like, "i don't care. >> jimmy: i did knock on your door. and you were. >> you did, and i was naked. you insisted. what's up with you? >> jimmy: best show of my life. [ laughter ] i got to say, this is like -- i'm getting flustered here. this is fantastic. >> no, no, i -- you know, i've done film. i've done broadway. i've done films. i've done television. you got to show up, you got to do your thing. so when i get to the studio, i usually work during the day and i'm warmed up and ready to go and i know how the read music, so it's like, "where's the lead sheet and what are we doing?" it usually takes me a day, maybe a day and a half to complete the vocal. i do all my backgrounds myself and stuff. so i mean, i guess it's kind of no nonsense, all though, even though i do like to work during the day, i had one episode where one producer insists that i'm working at night, in sort of vampire hours -- r.kelly. famous, great producer, great songwriter, but he insists on working in the middle of the night. and i remember saying, "well, i don't really sound good at 2:00 in the morning." but you'd have to fly to chicago and then you'd stay in the hotel
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and big john was going you a call around 12 to 1. and big john rolled up -- >> jimmy: big john. >> big john. came, got you, and then you go into the studio and you start vocals at maybe 3:00 in the morning. so you're finished at, yeah, yeah. but he makes it happen. >> jimmy: that's what happens when you work with old face producing your records -- [ laughter ] i mean, john -- big john old -- big old face john. but you didn't do anything with r. kelly in this one, this is all you? >> no, no, no. yeah. >> jimmy: and now you're going back to "ugly betty." >> "ugly betty" starts, i know. well, it is nice to have many jobs. >> jimmy: well, i'm so -- i'm happy you took the time to come on my show. and please come back, will you? >> i absolutely will. >> jimmy: and sing for us. vanessa williams everybody! paul simon performs next! come back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ n
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: as promised, performing "late in the evening," backed up by the roots, ladies and gentlemen, paul simon! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ the first thing i remember i was lying in my bed i couldn't have been no more than one or two ♪ ♪ i remember there was a radio comin' from the room next door ♪ ♪ and my mother laughed the way some ladies do ♪ ♪ when it's late in the evening and all the music's seeping through ♪ ♪ the next thing i remember i am walking down the street i'm feeling all right i'm with my boys ♪ ♪ i'm with my troops yeah
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and down along the avenue some guys were shooting pool and i heard the sound ♪ ♪ of a cappella groups yeah singingate in the evening and all the girls out on the stoops yeah ♪ ♪ then i learned to play some lead guitar i was underage in this funky bar ♪ ♪ and i stepped outside to smoke myself a -- and when i came back to the room ♪ ♪ everything goes zoom zoom and i turned my amp up loud and i began to play ♪ ♪ and it was late in the evening and i blew that room away ♪ ♪ blew it away blew it away ♪ ♪
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♪ the first thing i remember when you came into my life i said i'm gonna et that girl ♪ ♪ no matter what i do ♪ well i guess i'd been in love before and once or twice i been on the floor ♪ ♪ but i never loved no one the way that i loved you and it was late in the evening ♪ ♪ and all the music seeping through ♪ ♪


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