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tv   Early Today  NBC  July 9, 2009 4:30am-5:00am EDT

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this morning on "early today," international pow wow. president obama huddles with world leaders at the g-8 summit. who said what? democrats point fingers at the cia accusing the agency of not being up front with lawmakers. lessons learned. a texas woman finds out the hard way why you should not run from a texas woman finds out the hard way why you should not run from police. captions paid for by nbc-universal television hello and good morning. i'm christina brown. today we begin with the search for common ground. right now president obama is at the g-8 summit in italy working with fellow leaders to confront
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problems with nations around the globe. at the top of the agenda, climate change and the world economy. president obama will chair talks at a climate meeting with the group of eight today. they have agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% to 80% in the coming years. already there have been setbacks on the issue from countries outside the g-8. china and india rejecting demands to house emissions of greenhouse by 2050. meanwhile, looking ahead to the rest of the president's trip, barring any major developments, the highlight is expected to come friday. that's when president obama will be meeting with pope benedict at the vatican. then after that, the president is expected to head to ghana on saturday. capitol hill is rumbling this morning following a claim by some house democrats that the cia has deceased congress for years. several democrats on the house intelligence committee claim cia
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director leon panetta said in closed door testimony that the agency has concealed, quote, significant action from congress repeatedly since 2001. and according to the chairman of the committee, it outright lied in at least one occasion. now, the cia responded saying, quote, it is not the policy or practice of the cia to mislead congress. there are still no details on what exactly congress was misled about. federal officials are blaming north korea for a widespread cyber attack that has slowed and crashed internet sites in the u.s. and south korea this week. if web experts have it right, the program may be set to release another virus at 6:00 p.m. aimed at banks, major portals and government offices, including the white house. impact has been widespread in both countries, creating chaos for affected users. however, officials in the u.s. and south korea claim the attacks have not caused a
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security threat. now, here's a look at some other stories making news "early today" in america. a routine traffic stop in texas took a dangerous turn. take a look. dash cam video here captured a deputy telling a woman he's impounding her car forex expired tags. the pursuit did not last long, 90 seconds as the driver crashed into two other vehicles at the intersection. the passengers of the other vehicle were hospitalized. in the washington, d.c. metro is not getting any better. a passenger shot this video of a texting train operator. now, he appears to be sleeping, but is actually using a cell phone in his lap. the train was running on automatic but he evidently was not looking at the tracks ahead. the operator has already served a five-day suspension for the incident. eleven people were arrested
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for adding their own expression to the faces of mount rush monday. using park service rock anchors to reveal this 65-foot banner, challenging american leaders to stop global warming. the demonstrators were charged with trespassing into and rolling off south carolina but not for battle. the army national guard donated 30 army personal carriers to the artificial reeve. they annually generate $83 million in tourism for the state now, for a look at your national and regional weather, here's nbc meteorologist todd santos with the weather channel forecast. good morning, todd. someone who absolutely loves scuba diving, that would be worth the trip. >> unlikely thing to find off the coast. if you plan on scuba driving across the southeast, relatively
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settled. continuing i should say across areas of the northern plains, extending toward the south. pretty strong storms outside kansas city this morning. yesterday we had real strong storms in north hampton, mass. i believe the national weather service made its way to survey that damage in north hampton. we're talking a microburst not a tornado. initially there was a tornado warning with some of those storms. outside yonkers tuesday we had damage due to straight line winds, 70 to # 0-mile-per-hour winds. today the northeast very settled. a few isolated showers this morningment likely to see a chance of showers in charleston, south carolina where we had pretty significant rainfall. columbia potentially this afternoon. florida, yesterday if you had seen the radar in the afternoon, we had showers across the northern portion of the state. today, again, we have a similar setup with more chances for showers.
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keep that in mind as you go througho your day. more of that potential flooding across 75, 95 as well and up towards atlanta a chance for isolated showers. temperaturewise, a few cool spots. 50s boston northward. 70 in charlotte. and there's a look at the region. let's check out your local forecast. albany, new york, coming in 74 degrees. by later on today following that pretty cool start. pittsburgh, pennsylvania, 81. providence, rhode island, still clouds in the forecast but not expecting a chance of showers. much better chance in myrtle beach. so christina, finally we're drying out in the northeast but still another chance for showers of course and we'll talk more about that coming up. >> all right. can't quite put the umbrella away just yet. >> no. >> thanks so much, todd. americans scale back, g.m. takes a little off the top, and a banned gripe becomes an
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internet t. your early morning headlines are straight ahead. plus giving lindsay lohan a little bit of a headache. a play in the mets/dodgers o me you've got toee s t believe. you're watching "early today."
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good morning and welcome back to "early today." i'm christina brown. and here's some of your top headlines this morning. the u.s. is suspending $16.5 million in military aid to honduras following last month's cue. meanwhile, ousted president zelaya demanded his power be handed back to him in the last 24 hours. nashville authorities confirm that former star steve mcnair died in a murder/suicide. the 20-year-old woman shot mcnair in his sleep before turning the gun on herself.
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the world famous museum and a nearby college were evacuateded by a quickly burning brush fire. about 2,000 employees and visitors were moved out of the main museum and ventilation systems were shut down to prevent smoke from damaging priceless artwork. and nasa has begun another countdown for the space shuttle "endeavour." once again, stormy weather could staal saturday's launch. endeavor was delayed twice last month because of a hydrogen gas leak which has since been repaired. two new reports indicate bottled water should be labeled with the same amount of information that municipal water companies provide for tap water. the reports presented at a congressional hearing note that public water systems must distribute reports on e source of possible contaminants but also health concerns of water.
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while most bottled water companies do not. sales of bottled water have been on the decline due to the economidownturn. check out the health page at now, here's an early look how wall street will kick off the day. the dow opens 8,178 after jumping 14 points on wednesday. the s&p was down 1. but the nasdaq was up 1 point. taking a look at overseas trading this morning, in tokyo, the nikkei fell 129 points, while in hong kong, the hang seng added 6points. investors remain cautious on wall street wednesday as there was more mixed sentiment over when the lagging economy is expected to recover. for more on that and all your early business headlines we're joined by geoff cutmore from the london headquarters of cnbc. good morning, geoff. >> reporter: hi. good morning to you. the side way stretch for equity markets continued through the session yesterday. didn't help the ims with a bit
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of a mixed outlook. they say the economic story gets better for 2010 than they previously forecast. but they revised down some of the '09 expectations. a bit of a mixed bag there. alcoa came out with a second quarter loss on weak demand. again, though, that was better than the marth had anticipated. that kicks off this earnings season. we're keeping an eye on family dollar. third quarter earnings jumped 36%. at least they're cashing in on the difficult retailing environment here. consumers trimming borrowing in may by $3.2 billion, according to the federal reserve. there were some in the market who anticipated contraion of $9.5 billion. g.m. is shedding more jobs than. the new ceo likely to dispense 4,000 white collar positions, including 450 executive level
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employees. and the sec also losing the commission's top inspector, lori richards, after a year in office. let's wrap up with a story about good customer service. the united airlines group now using youtube as a trading aid after dave carroll had his guitar smashed, it was a $1,200 instrument. initially there was a refusal to compensate with that. dave carroll turned it into a song and put it on youtube. boy, it was his first hit in 16 years of performing. but a message about the power of youtube, i think, out there for companies. let me accepted it back to you from london. >> all right. never too late. thanks so much, geoff. we'll have the latest in lance armstrong's bid to win an eighth tour de france title. plus, it's east beats west as the new york mets overcome a ninth inning homer against l.a. dodgers. your early morning sports headlines are straight ahead. and while the west is a big
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winner in weather today, we'll talk about more what extends the southeast. you're watching "early today."
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good morning, everyone. i'm barbara harrison. >> and i'm joe krebs. straight ahead on "news 4 today," marion barry uses another of his nine lives. he will not face stalking charges, but now his accuser is speaking out. we'll hear her side of the story. >> then video that shocked metro riders. what happened to an operator caught texting while driving a train. >> more pandemonium at the national zoo. good morning. if you're just waking up, this is "early today." in sports, it has been a disappointing season so far for the new york mets, but that did not stop their bats from waking
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up to stop a four-game losing streak. here's nbc's fred roggin with an early look at all your sports headlines. good morning. mets host the dodgers la night for the second of three in the bib apple. mets have lost 9 of 11. who won last night's game? the mets of course. david wright a single to left. murphy scored. led 4-1 after three. manny ramirez cut that lead in half with his eighth homer of the year, seconds from returning from a 50-game suspension. mets up by just one. still in the ninth, two on for andre who grounded into a game-inning double play. the mets wl take it, 5-4. battle for first in the a.l. west. angels and rangers. jones hit not one but two homers. one game lead in the west. calm of walkoffs to show you. phils and reds.
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two down, bottom nine. victorino, to second. all the way from second to score the winning run. beat the reds, 3-2. rays hosting the blue jays. tied at nine in the ninth. a slicing single to right. carl stole second and third to get into scoring position trotted home. a barn burner 10-9. tour de france, american lance armstrong remains a second behind fabian from switzerland. finally, we revisit the mets and dodgers. great defensive play in the seventh. mark a bouncer down the line, ricocheted off the bag. tossed to first for the out. incredible play worth another look. murphy flipped the ball behind his back and had loretta by the slimmest of margins.
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harry potter's daniel ratliff widens the playing field and i'm not talking quidditch. plus, we'll introduce you to a 4-year-old missy with a mean back hand. you're watching "early today."
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welcome back to "early today." still looking for chances for showers and thunderstorms especially across a few years of
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the southeast right into north florida. earlier on i was talking about the microburst in massachusetts. beautiful today. of course i don't know if i mentioned hopkins but hopkins is where we saw that damage. beautiful across the northeast. really tomorrow if you're looking for a day to call in sick to work, friday is the day. saturday looking good. and actually sunday is the next best chance for showers and thunderstorms in boston. if you're watching wmgt tv 41 in mac macon, georgia, see the sky from a cowboy's perspective when you hear legends at the museum of arts and sciences planetarium show. that is your eastern event of the day. >> thanks, todd. no calling in on friday, okay? >> all right, fine. >> all right. thanks,todd. now, here's an early look at this morning's headlines in entertainment. while questions surrounding the king of pop's death continue to mount, there is no question just who's the reigning king of the music charts. right now for the second week in a row, michael jackson has three
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of the five best-selling albums in the nation, including his 2003 compilation number ones but also thriller and the essential michael jackson. daniel radcliffe was at the tender age of 14 and now here's ready to date women his own age. he admitted when he was younger he preferred older women but he's, quote, widened the field. well, she may not have passed up an opportunity to take a drink before, but lindsay lohan certainly didn't want a hangover. the post rehab actress turned down a role in the huge hit the hangover reportedly saying that the script to the summer blockbuster had, quote, no potential. oh, my goodness. i bet she's probably eating her words right now. >> i can defend her just for a moment. i have nothing but love for
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lindsay. i can't admit that the script looked that good but it's what you make of the part. 200 million it has made already. so much for no potential, right? this comes from news channel 5 in west palm beach, florida where in nearby boca ra ton, a very young australian prodigy is getting down to business. check her out. 4-year-old mia may barely see over the net but tennis experts see great things in her future. he coached andy roddick and the williams sisters is spending the next month coaching this up and comer. now, the seasoned coach actually calls her ability, quote, uncanny. amazing. well, i'm christina brown and this is "early today," just your first stop of the day today on yobc 4:54 is the time right now, 67 degrees. delightful morning out there.
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look at that early morning glow on the horizon. a little blue in the skies right now. good morning. welcome to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs. >> and i'm barbara harrison. we're glad you're up with us this morning. we want to start things off, as we always do, with a look at weather and traffic. tom's here with the forecast. good morning, tom. >> good morning. sunrise less than an houraway yit'stlar cloudy this morning and really q ctetloolor f a ayuj g.rn in ong on darar,ra'ton h denyav ip threctitbusn aty it'nl onnl eer 5 upp0s t mnghisniorni in me gentryx fafairdangoncri p ouge cs.'sorient intoasnghiienndr ahe nea t bay in the 60 ts. but farther to the west, only in the low and-5id m0s.0 moing.e cloo rn mo infact, it's dippednow d inw tus j near 50 degrees out in the mountains. a cool start on the eastern shore as well. only in the 50s thereaw ay from ovhwars.e teras lt six hours, lvee' w it b ofitudlos cesin ng vi fmon t imrohe wemst. may beowom le sherseratern oallheou stonernnah sheoand ey, sounweervistvaia rgin , but for us we'll have clouds around and cooler than average temperatures. details on today's forecast coming up at 5:01. >> thanks, tom.
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>> let's say good morning and happy thursday to jerry edwards in the news 4 traffic network. >> good morning, everyone. as we get going, all is well so far. keeping our fingers crossed for a nice, quiet commute. 395 northbound from the beltway all the way to the 4th treat bridge, so far looking mighty fine. let's see what else is happening, coming in on 270 from i-70 down, no early issues. wrapping up the overnight road work on northbound 270. traffic at the wilson bridge unencumbered at this hour. back to you. >> thanks, jerry. >> here's a look at four big stories happening today. u.s. park police will release documents detailing the arrest of marion barry in that stalking case. prosecutors have decided not to pursue charges against the d.c. council member. >> president obama is meeting with brazil's president on the second day of the g-8 summit in italy. international leaders will be discussing climate change, development aid, the economy and international trade. >> today there will be two public vugs in nashville to remember steve mcnair.
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police say the former nfl quarterback was killed in a murder/suicide, shot and killed by his girlfriend who then killed herself. mcnair was married with four children. investigators say the woman was distraught about financial problems and worried that mcnair was having a second affair. >> tai shan is having a birthday. the national zoo's youngest panda is turning 4 years old today. he'll celebrate with a special frozen treat. >> the latest legal drama to surround former d.c. mayor marion barry has taken a few more twists and turns. this morning we're learning that he will not face stalking charges and that the woman involved is finally telling her side of the story. barry, you'll recall, was arrested on saturday after the woman reportedly said he was stalking her. later came out that the woman, donna watts-brighthaupt was barry's former girlfriend. we've also learned that barry awarded her an employment contract after the two started dating. barry's spokesperson says the stalking allegations were false. the woman says the fallout got out of hand. >> 's bothering me.
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make sure he goes home, you know? i thought it was d.c. police because they just let him go. i wasn't thinking that i was in a federal place. that's not my fault. i wasn't thinking bad things. i wasn't thinking the worst. >> barry's spokesperson says the council member is concerned about how the u.s. park police treated him during his arrest. >> and this is just one of many legal episodes during marion barry's long career. some believe he's been peecuted by police, but others believe he's gotten away with too much. news 4's tom sherwood has more on barry's many ups and downs. >> reporter: since his 1990 arrest on controversial drug charges that resulted in only one conviction and a six-month prison sentence, barry's return to the mayor's office and to the d.c. council has included several run-ins with the law. in october 2005, barry pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor for not filing years of income taxes.
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he was sentenced to three yrsea probation. in septeer 2006, the u.s. secret serceed sppto brypp for running li r edgh te dpuis envesu oedr drug testing at the scene. a judge later found barry not guilty. december 2006, park police charge barry with driving on o suspennsd celie. dmv later blames a computer error. in february this year, prosecutors seek to revoke barry's tax probation after he's late filing again. a judge extends the probation two more years. and then the four-day drama over his relationship with a woman that he's dated. it ends with no charges being filed. tom sherwood, "news 4 today." >> sources tell news 4 that neither barry nor his attorney will likely be present in the urtroom to hear these recent stalking charges dismissed. >> stay with us now. "news 4 today" continues at 5:00 a.m.


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