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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  July 8, 2009 3:05am-4:00am EDT

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>> jimmy: all rht! wednesday crowd. lunatics here tonight. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon," you crazy people. yeah, right there. happy earth day. [ cheers and applause ] yes! so excited, earth day. i mean, every earth day, i mean, as a kid, i used to wake up on earth day, and run down the stairs in my footie pajamas, see what al gore brought us. it was just so fun. [ laughter ] "look sis, it'sne of those dark brown seventh generation paper towels. yeah, i love those." we're doing our part here at "late night." half the staff is planting trees. the other half is smoking them. [ laughter and applause ] lot of laughing on the staff right now. we're not the only show going green. today, "the price is right" had a green show.
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nothing plastic or artificial. which means all the showcase models had the day off. [ laughter ] they just took it right off. yeah. general motors -- general motors is joining in. gm is helping out the environment by doing everything they can to not sell cars. it's working. it's really good. [ laughter ] i love those guys. hey, new study in germany shows that break dancers suffer a higher rate of spine, knee and wrist injuries. i think we can all agree, totally worth it. [ laughter ] you guys break dance? >> no. >> jimmy: no. higgins? >> steve: i used to. >> jimmy: yeah? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: what was your move? >> steve: my move was thefall down and break the wrist." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, that's pretty good. different type of break dancing but i like that. a woman -- i used to do "the knee spin." that was my move. >> steve: "the knee spin?" yeah, "the knee spin" into a back spin. >> steve: how does that go? >> jimmy: can you give me a little something? ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: yeah. thank you. totally worth it. totally, totally worth it. also, i read this. a woman in new york was arrested after kicking her two daughters out of her car and then leaving them on the side of the road. in her defense, she did say numerous times, "don't make me stop this car." [ laughter ] paula abdul's "american idol" contract is up at the end of this season. [ cheers ] [ boos ] paula was asked if she'll return, but she says she doesn't want to slur about it. [ laughter ] doesn't want to slur about it. she'll slur to her publicist and have her release a statement and --
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not want to slur about it. don make her. finally, you guys know david blaine, the magician and escape artist? he just got engaged. he says he'll be married for a of couple years and then try to get out of it. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah! we've got an exciting show for you tonight. from "saturday night live," seth meyers is with us. [ cheers and applause ] love that guy. really funny guy. from the hit show "gossip girl," michelle trachtenberg is here. [ cheers and applause ] she's a pal. and bmx superstar, mike spinner is going to tear it up on the bike right here in this studio. [ cheers and applause ] this dude's crazy. i'm excited for him. i'm just so excited. i mean, today's april 22nd. earth day. [ cheers ] it is earth day. happy earth day. this is a very important day around here.
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we take this very seriously. now, in observance of the day, we here at "late night" are doing our part. we're recycling. we just had a battery drive to recycle batteries. and in an effort to conserve electricity tonight, we're going to do this next part of the show in the dark. going to be exciting. can we take the lights down? there we go. all right. [ cheers and applause ] great. i'm feeling -- i'm feeling greener already. this is good. now, let's get down to business. by simply turning off your lights ten minutes a day -- [ gunshot ] [ scream ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, my god. what -- turn the lights back on. what was that? >> aye dios mio! ♪ >> jimmy: oh, no, it's our cameraman, kurt. he's dead. well, this is obviously terrible. but this tragedy can't stop us. in the spirit of earth day, i'm making an executive decision here. the bit must go on. so, let's -- let's dim those lights again. okay, here we go.
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and ten minutes a day is all it takes really. [ gunshot ] [ scream ] turn the lights on! is everyone okay? >> aye dios mio! ♪ >> jimmy: somebody -- somebody shot an audience member, too? [ laughter ] oh, no, this is bad. this is real bad. but not quite as bad as global warming. [ laughter ] you know, i really want to drive home this point about saving electricity so, it's important stuff. so, again, please, turn those lights off. now, as i was saying, just ten minutes a day, people -- [ gunshot ] [ scream ] >> aye dios mio! [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: my gosh! they got kamal, too, what's going on around here? it's almost as if there's some sort of phantom in the studio that's going around killing people when the lights go off. but we still want to make this point about conserving energy. so, i can't stress that enough. i almost hate to do this again but will you please lower the lights?
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i mean, ten minutes, that's it. [ gunshot ] [ scream ] >> aye dios mio! ♪ [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: watch where you're vacuuming. watch where you're vacuuming, please. [ laughter ] no, no. don't -- please just move the vacuum cleaner. that's -- out of dignity for the -- all right. that rules out phantom of the studio. he's dead and he's currently getting his genitals vacuumed. [ laughter ] he's dead. it's a shame, really. i never got to meet that guy. anyway, let's dim the lights down. >> steve: whoa. whoa, whoa, whoa. wait, jimmy. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> steve: before the lights go out i just want you to know that i figured out who the killer is. >> jimmy: you did? >> steve: yeah. i'm absolutely 100% positive i
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know who did it. he's in this room. i know his name and i know why he's doing it. >> jimmy: oh, my god, who's doing it? >> steve: i'll tell you right after the lights go out. we've got to save the planet, buddy. >> jimmy: that's right. good point, steve. turn them off. ten minutes, everybody -- [ gunshot ] [ scream ] >> aye dios mio! ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: higgins! higgins, oh no! what have i done? what have i done? what have i done? i'll tell you what i did. i made a very good point about saving electricity. the point, so important that i keep trying to make it knowing full well that every attempt would lead to someone getting shot to death. extreme? perhaps. but what is earth day if not extreme-ly important. [ laughter ] sorry that four people and one phantom lost their lives. but on the bright side, we were able to save almost 29 cents in this month's electric bill. [ laughter ] now, we may never know who killed those people, but it really doesn't matter because every day is earth day.
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all right. stick around. when we come back, we're going to play "freestylin' with the roots." [ maniacal laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ sam adams boston lager is my favorite because it has so much flavor. so i wanteto design a glass that would enhance the taste of boston lager. we did a laser etch on the bottom. it releases the hops aromas this bulb is for collecting aromas. there's a little ridge on the inside. and that allows you to sense the hops as it enters your mouth. the way this hits your tongue, you really get the full flavor out of sam adams lager. having a boston lager in this glass was like tasting a boston lager foe thtr rs mefiintiga a. the getting close part. so there's embrace, the latest razor from venus. 5 blades surrounded by a ribbon of moisture... shaves closer than ever... and leaves your legs smoother than ever. venus embrace. of bleach accidents?
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new spray n' wash bright and white is your safe bleach alternative. it does the job... stop-- don't do that! without the accidents. add it with your detergent to help when and keep colors bright while the resolve power gets rid of stains. trust spray n' wash bright and white. that leaves fewer pieces behind? fortunately, there's charmin ultra strong. its diamondweave texture is soft and more durable, so compared to the ultra rippled brand, it holds up better. fewer pieces left behind. charmin ultra strong. new aveeno nourish plus. active naturals wheat formulas proven to target and help repair damage in just three washes. - building shiny, strong... - hair with life. announcer: new aveeno nourish plus.
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you need pampers cruisers with comfort flex. it flexes in high motion areas, around the legs and waist, for our best fit to help stop leaks. from pampers cruisers. ♪ (announcer) it's right here, it's easy... r r ♪ i's the money you could be ving with geico. r r♪ alway ♪ who's watching? (announcer) it's right here, it's easy... r r ♪ i's the money you could be saving with geico. p p♪ som ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right! welcome back.
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i know we say it a lot, but it is true. we have the greatest band in late night, the roots, everybody. they're awesome. [ cheers and applause ] you guys are awesome. they're really good. and from time to time, we like to test them out and see how good they really are. so, the way we do it, we pick people out of the audience and we have the roots make up a song about them on the spot. it's not planned. we just pick random people. it's a segment we call, "freestylin' with the roots." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you guys ready to do this again? >> audience members: yeah! >> jimmy: oh, you guys are ready, too. all right. let's pickomeone from the audience. let's do this. come on. [ cheers and applause ] who do we got? who do we got? you. want to do it? >> sure. >> jimmy: yeah, come on. stand up. all right, cool. you can hold this mike. there you go. all right, what's your name? >> will. >> jimmy: will? you just go by one name? >> yeah. >> jimmy: perfect. all right. laughter ] will. will, how many siblings do you
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have? >> four. >> jimmy: four siblings. all brothers? >> two brothers, two sisters. >> jimmy: two brothers, and two sisters. okay, and who's your favorite u.s. president of all time? >> obama. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay, very good. barack obama. very good. i thought you were going to go with taft. [ laughter ] but that's good. all right. so, your name is will, he has two brothers and two sisters, and his favorite president of all time, barack obama. roots, can you do this in the style of big band/frank sinatra-ish? [ laughter ] ♪ we got will here. he really just came to the show here he wants to check ♪ ♪ the flow he didn't bring his two sisters
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and two bros ♪ ♪ he said he's feeling the show and that surely was a mama his favorite ♪ ♪ president is obama that's how it goes♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: amazing. love these guys. all right. who else we got? who else we got here? going on. we got to do -- we'll do you here, yeah. come on, stand up. how are you? okay, what's your name? >> jessica. >> jimmy: jessica, you can hold this. jessica, here we go. jessica is your name. so, i got that. my handwriting's terrible. who is your favorite superhero? > captain planet. [ laughter ] earth day. >> jimmy: oh, ke, i've never heard of that. very obscure. captain planet? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay -- what does captain planet do? >> he's your hero. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's his catch phrase? >> that's his theme song. >> jimmy: how does it go? can you sing it? ♪ he's our hero
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going to fight pollution down to zero ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: sounds like a real favorite of yours, yeah. never heard of captain planet but hey, i got to get into it now. is he a comic book guy or is he -- >> cartoon. >> jimmy: a cartoon on tv? >> mm-hmm. >> jimmy: really? i got to check it out. i got to tivo captain planet. [ laughter ] now, what's the thing in the world that scares you the most? take your time. it's not like we have millions of people waiting for you. >> being on tv. >> jimmy: oh, no, no, come on. what is it? >> eggplant. >> jimmy: eggplant? >> yeah. i don't like eggplant. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's good. you're -- >> i don't like it. >> jimmy: the thing that scares you the most in this world is eggplant. [ laughter ] is it because of the name? >> i don't like the texture. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. eggplant. even writing it makes it seem like it is weird.
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all right. so your name is jessica, a favorite superhero, guys, is captain planet, and the thing in the world that scares her the most is eggplant. now, look, i know james is a big fan of enya, and so, i was thinking maybe, can you guys do it in like a new age type of -- enya type of vibe? ♪ ♪ captain planet captain planet earth day ♪ >> jimmy: that's it? [ laughter ] wow, that's it. all right, you got it. [ applause ] you feel it? there's -- yeah. just going to go here. mind if i cut through?
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how are you? how you doing? oops, sorry about that. excuse me. pardon me. excuse me. pardon me. how are you? how you doing? can't sue me for that, sorry. [ laughter ] how are you, buddy? god, look at this purse. is this for real? i'm going to take is purse. are you kidding me? [ laughter ] man. what the hell did you bring with you, a tent? you're not caing out for heaven's sake. good god. you got that past security. that shocks me. [ laughter ] my god. look at this one, too. my gosh. another good one. sorry. excuse me for one second. i apologize. sorry, sir. it's better than putting my butt in your face. so, this is much better. oh, here we go. i'm on this side over here. who else we got? [ cheers and applause ] hey, how are you? how you guys doing? look at you guys. i'm feeling you guys. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah? come on, you do it. yeah, come on. stand up. all right, cool. here we go. here you go. hold that mike. >> hi. >> jimmy: hi. what's your name? >> demara. >> jimmy: demara? >> yes. >> jimmy: demara. and what is your favorite sport to play? [ laughter ] >> basketball.
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>> jimmy: you love basketball? >> yes. >> jimmy: hmm. little b-ball. >> little b-ball. >> jimmy: yeah. basketball. little b-ball. demara loves basketball. now, demara, now, if you could replace arnold schwarzenegger in any of his movies, so you'd star instead, which movie would you take from him? >> i'd be the lead? >> jimmy: yep. there's "kindergarten cop," there's "terminator," there's "running man." >> oh "terminator." "terminator." >> jimmy: "terminator"? >> yes. >> jimmy: "terminator." you would be -- that's the move right there? the "terminator" move? okay, good -- oh, i loved it. yeah. >> okay. >> jimmy: that's so intimidating. it's actually kind of cute. all right. now, roots, her name's demara, she would love to play basketball if she had her choice to play a sport, if she was an athlete -- professional athlete. and if she could replace arnold schwarzenegger in any of his movies, she would do "the terminator."
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now, we have a special guest. the one and only booker t. down there. booker t. from booker t. and the mgs. [ cheers and applause ] he's awesome. he's been with us the last three days. he's the greatest. >> we love the roots. >> jimmy: oh, the roots are great and even better with booker t. and he has a great -- the b-3 hammond organ. roots, do you guys -- can you do it in like a doors type of -- doors type of style? is that cool? ♪ ♪ and then the wind gives way to the night i see demara there she's playing basketball ♪ ♪ but the girl isn't playing it right ♪ i said are you a fan of the roots she said she was so she ain't no hater ♪ ♪ and then i asked what movie from schwarzenegger she would play ♪ ♪ she said "the terminator" oh yeah
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she loves "the terminator" "the terminator" yeah ♪ ♪ the terminator yeah [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: unbelievable. thank you so much. thanks to these guys. thanks to the roots. booker t. when we come back, seth meyers, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ when morning comes in the middle of the night, [ rooster crow ] it affects your entire day. to get a good night's sleep, try 2-layer ambien cr. the first layer dissolves quickly... to help you fall asleep. and unlike other sleep aids, a second dissolves slowly to help you stay asleep. when taking ambien cr, don't drive or operate machinery. sleepwalking, and eating or driving... while not fully awake with memory loss for the event... as well as abnormal behaviors... such as being more outgoing or aggressive than normal, confusion, agitation and hallucinations may occur.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay, okay. welcome back. our first guest is in his eighth season on "satury night live," where he's the head writer and anchor of "weekend update." ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my good friend, seth meyers, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: seth meyers. >> all right. good to see you. >> jimmy: thanks for coming on, buddy. >> it's fantastic to be here. >> jimmy: you came down two floors. >> you have your own desk. your desk is smaller. >> jimmy: my desk is a little smaller than "weekend update." yeah, the other one used to wrap around. how are you enjoying "weekend update"? >> i love it. >> jimmy: you're rocking. you're killing on there. >> i love it. it's really fun. >> jimmy: and you kind of took over. now,my -- amy poehler left. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but she like -- she was having the baby first. >> she had a baby and left. and i understand that. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but i've met the baby. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and there's literally nothing the baby can do that i can't do. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's upsetting to you. >> yeah, i mean like, i'd have words with the baby but it doesn't have the capacity to use them. i'll wait. >> jimmy: you can't arg with that baby. >> no, i'll wait. >> jimmy: yeah, you'll wait 'til it knows words to argue. >> and then we're going to have them. >> jimmy: like a nice debate? >> yeah. yeah. i think, you know, now i'm just doing it with dirty looks. >> jimmy: you're just staring. you're giving dirty looks to the baby. >> yeah, i think the baby knows. archie, adorable. >> jimmy: he's a cute little baby. >> i do like -- i have nothing against her. >> jimmy: no, i know you don't. i know you love archie. but, so you're doing "weekend update" solo.
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: nerve-racking? exciting? fun? >> it's a little nerve-racking. you know, when a joke bombs, that's when i really miss amy, because i go, "oh i wish she was telling that." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i knew that. i used to -- dude, i used to do that too, with tina. i'm like -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then, when i just told some joke that bombed i'm like, "tina, pick up the pieces." you know, like, flop sweat just coming down. >> when it bombs now, there's no one there to pick up the pieces. you have to pick up your own pieces. >> jimmy: i'm kind of excited about this. >> yes. >> jimmy: we have a clip from dress rehearsal. >> yeah 'cause you -- we do a dress rehearsal on saturday night and it's kind of fun because stuff can really bomb. >> jimmy: oh, trust me, i know that. we don't have a dress rehearsal here. >> oh, yeah. so, you just do it on tv. >> jimmy: we just bomb on national television, yeah. yeah, my crowd's very forgiving and nice. >> yeah, so, this is a real bomber. >> jimmy: this is from dress rehearsal? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, good. so, here is seth meyers bombing a joke at dress rehearsal. never before seen on "weekend update." >> milton parker, the man who bought new york's carnegie deli and turned it into a tourist hot spot, died this week at the age of 90. 90? 90? 91? [ light laughter ]
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it's a deli joke about a dead person. that i will only do it once. just now. [ laughter ] thank you for sharing my terrible decision. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: dude, i love that. that's a good one. >> not a bad joke, right? >> jimmy: we love it here. >> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: we loved it re. >> they're real picky. >> jimmy: "90, 90, no, 91." 92?" >> we got another one, frilly toothpicks at half mast. that was, i think, our other joke. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> just awful. >> jimmy: throw pickles -- >> you can't make jokes about dead people because the way they get back at you is then the jokes die with them. >> jimmy: with the dead people. >> yeah. it's like ghost jokes. >> jimmy: we used to do it all the time on "weekend update." that was the thing, yeah. i remember we did once the beatles thing where i was doing what if the beatles got back together? john lennon, paul mccartney, except vh1 couldn't get the rights to any beatles songs so they opened up a chicken restaurant. just bizarre. and it went nowhere. i loved it though. and i remember the one thing that we were doing is we were at the chicken restaurant, and we were going, "number 9, number 9,
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no. [ laughter ] number 10, number 10. your chicken basket is ready." totally lame. but, dude -- they gave it up more for your deli joke then my joke and they're my audience. >> yeah, well. >> jimmy: they love you, though. >> thank you. >> jimmy: dude, i got to say, i hung out with you at the super bowl. >> yes. >> jimmy: you're a big steelers fan. >> huge steelers fan, it was great super bowl for me. >> jimmy: yeah. you were there with your brother. >> i was. >> jimmy: who was very cool. backstage -- >> yes. >> jimmy: josh meyers, you might know him from "that '70s show," "mad tv," a bunch of movies. josh, you want to come out here? josh meyers? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love this family hug. >> yeah, we got to hug. >> jimmy: now, i wanted to see how well you know each other because i'm close to my sister, too. >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: i want to see how well, so i got a set of questions i'm going to ask you guys. separately. >> it's a sibling contt. >> jimmy: it's a sibling contest. >> of knowledge. >> jimmy: of knowledge. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. it's almost like a sibling-wed game. >> yeah, okay. >> jimmy: that makes no sense. okay. we'll see if your answers match up. we don't have a soundproof booth so we have these noise-canceling head phones and an ipod. >> okay. >> jimmy: so, seth, maybe you put them on first. oh, no, josh goes first. >> yeah, okay. >> jimmy: josh goes first and then -- you can put the headphones on, josh. first of all, how are you doing, josh? >> very well. >> jimmy: that doesn't bode well. [ laughter ] >> i can't hear you. >> they're noise canceling. >> yeah, doing well. >> jimmy: good, all right. good man. >> can you hear? >> i can't hear anything now. >> jimmy: you really can't? can you hear anything? look away. can you hear anything? >> i will. >> jimmy: can you hear anything? >> if you can't hear me, how many fingers am i holding up? >> jimmy: all right, ready? here we go. >> okay. >> jimmy: all right. now, what would you say -- what would josh say was -- sorry. let me do this again. seth, what would josh say your favorite pet was? >> all right. well, here's the thing in the meyers family, we've had old english sheepdogs our whole lives. we're on our fourth old english sheep dog. they're all named albert. we've decided there's less -- >> jimmy: you got used to that. >> and it's also less tragic when one passes away. you go, "i miss albert."
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and then you get a puppy and you're like, "albert." [ laughter ] but, i have always been a fan but i'm going to say albert two. [ laughter ] albert two was my favorite. >> jimmy: albert two is your favorite? >> albert two is my favorite. i wouldn't say that if albert could understand tv because it would be a burn on albert four. but albert two. >> jimmy: is albert four still alive and well? >> yeah, albert four's alive and well and he's great. he's my second favorite. >> jimmy: okay, good. all he's hearing right now is the word albert. he's so excited. all right. seth, this is -- when was the last time you cried? >> the last time i cried was not the last episode of "battlestar galactica" but the second to last episode. 'cause i was worried i was going to cry on the last one so i was ready for it. but then the end of the second one, the penultimate episode. >> jimmy: that was the one. >> waterworks. >> jimmy: that's almost like the second to last "johnny carson" was the sadder one. >> yeah, exactly. 'cause i was, like, ready to go, and i was like, "how's it going to end?" and then the next thing i knew i was crying watching sci-fi network. [ laughter ] it was a real take stock of your life moment. >> jimmy: yeah, really. yeah, i do that sometimes with "extreme home makeover." >> when, like, girls say you're emotionally unavailable in
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relationships and then you're crying because edgar james olmos is being, like, strong. [ laughter ] yeah. that's just not good. >> jimmy: yeah, it's sad. all right, i think that's good. josh. all right. we got it. we're good. we got those questions. all right. now, ready josh? i going to ask you -- no, i'm going to ask you now, see if you answer correctly. josh, what was seth's favorite pet? [ laughter ] >> favorite pet? >> jimmy: pet. >> i mean, it has to be albert. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're very close. very close. which albert? >> oh -- >> jimmy: how many alberts have you had? >> four. okay, it's albert four. [ buzzer sounds ] >> jimmy: sorry. >> no! >> jimmy: i'm sorry. >> i said albert two. >> jimmy: albert two. >> oh, albert two. he had the shortest life. [ laughter ] it was sad. he did, yeah. >> i thought that was going to bum out the audience but then they like that dead deli owner joke. [ laughter ] >> they love it. >> jimmy: what do you mean, short life? what happened? >> something terrible happened. >> something terrible happened.
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>> jimmy: was he on drugs? >> he just -- i won't tell you what happened but the school bus is fine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. that was bad. >> and albert four is incredible. >> albert four is great. i said he was my second favorite albert. >> jimmy: oh, stop with the kissing albert four's butt. i mean, please. all right, ready josh? when was the last time do you think seth cried? >> i mean, we've talked about it. i would say at the super bowl. >> no. it was "battlestar galactica." [ buzzer sounds ] >> oh "battlestar galactica." [ laughter ] finale, yeah. >> jimmy: you cried at the super bowl? >> yeah, i cried at the super bowl, too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "battlestar" was after -- after the super bowl. >> jimmy: are you on hormones? >> no. [ laughter ] emotional things are happening to me. i don't cry at every super bowl. >> jimmy: no, i got you. all right, good. seth, why don't you guys swap positions? and seth, you put on the noise-canceling head pnes and let us know -- >> i'm going to kill this. 0 for 2, i'm ashamed of ourselves. >> jimmy: no, no, don't be. >> i cried yesterday, for the record. >> you did? >> yeah, on the plane, i, like, had a couple drinks and watched "rachel getting married" and, like, just started crying.
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it happens on planes. it's weird. >> jimmy: you guys are really emotional. >> yeah, super emotional. it's weird. >> jimmy: seth, can you hear anything? good? okay. he can't hear anything. all right. josh, all right. ready? all right, right, what was the worst thing you did to seth as a kid? >> from, like, a betrayal point of view? [ laughter ] which is terrible. we both had braces but you have to wear, like, head gear when you have your braces to make sure it's all working and the nickname for his head gear was his gummy. which i don't know if he came up with or my father did but he was very bad at wearing it. so, my father devised a system to make him wear it more. and that was to sort of deputize me as the gummy patrol and if i ever caught him at night not wearing it, then i would get paid 50 cents and he would have to pay it. so -- and i would, like, hide in his closet and wait for him to turn the light off and then i would pop out and turn the light on and be like gummy patrol and go running into my parents'
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room. it was like a horrible -- >> jimmy: gummy patrol? >> gummy patrol. >> jimmy: hilarious. i love this. okay. good. i love knowing gummy patrol. he's not wearing his gummy. all right. all right. josh, what was your favorite song growing up, you guys? did you have a favorite song? >> we made up a lot of songs and there was, like, sort of the best one because it meant we were free from all blame as if we would, like, track mud in the house. or if we would, you know, slosh water out of the tub or do anything, and our parents would come in and say, "who did this?" and we would say, "well, the bad boys did it." we would make up these sort of, you know -- >> jimmy: "family circle." yeah, and we would sing and we would say, "the bad boys did it, the bad boys did it, but we will clean it up." and then everything was fine. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> yeah, and our parents would be like, "oh, they're cute." and we would be out of trouble and we'd clean it up and be like, "yeah, it wasn't us." >> jimmy: "the bad boys did it." now, was it "bad boys" and then
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in parentheses "did it?" or "the bad boys did it" and then "we will clean it up?" >> i don't know. but that was before, like, featuring this person. >> jimmy: all right, it never existed, all right, good. all right, seth can take them off now. you get him? we're good. >> lot of gestures. >> jimmy: were you watching? >> well, what am i supposed to do? >> jimmy: lot of gestures. all right. >> you're supposed to dance to the music. >> i was. >> jimmy: seth, here we go. what was the worst thing josh did to you as a kid? >> he threatened me with a golf club. >> i did. [ buzzer sounds ] >> jimmy: what? >> i definitely did. yeah. >> jimmy: what? >> we were playing in the basement, like, playing, like, roughhousing. like, my friends and josh, and josh, like, crashed into the wall, and he was going to run upstairs and tell my parents that we hurt him. and i said, "don't." he basically went and grabbed a golf club and chased me into the garage. and was like, "stop telling me what to do!" he was real wound up. >> jimmy: was he wearing his gummy when he did that to you? >> oh, the gummy!
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[ laughter ] that's the worst. that is the worst thing you ever did to me. >> $50. i got off, like, $50 to him. >> jimmy: gummy patrol. >> gummy patrol. brother versus brother. >> jimmy: i love that. all right, now, seth, what was josh's -- you and josh's favorite song as a kid? >> "i miss you" by rolling stones. [ buzzer sounds ] >> not remotely. do you remember this great song called -- ♪ bad boys did it the bad boys did it we're going to clean it up ♪ >> oh, my god. these aren't technically songs. [ laughter ] >> come on. >> yeah, but i wouldn't. >> jimmy: who's getting the publishing for those? >> yeah, i mean, it's not like we sat around going, "that's a great song." [ laughter ] you know what i like about that song? is how short and great it is. [ laught ] >> it's perfect. one of the best songs ever. >> that was a made up song. >> jimmy: so, i'm going to give you zero points again. but that just shows how great you guys are -- i love you, guys. the meyers brothers, everybody, josh and seth meyers. michelle trachtenberg is up next. come back, come back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ the bad boys did it
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the bad boys did it we're going to clean uit♪ places we love could be home to thousands of bacteria. but lysol disinfectant spray can help protect your family. because it can also be used on soft surfaces. it kills 99.9% of illness-causing bacteria... won't stain... ...and leaves your soft surfaces with a light fresh scent. lysol. the #1 pediatrician recommended brand. lysol. disinfect to protect. [ sighs ] [ female announcer ] tired of waiting for great hair? [ woman ] you have got to be kidding me. [ female announcer ] no worries! [ woman ] hey! [ squeals ] [ female announcer ] aussie's quick and easy products, like instant freeze... [ woman ] whoo! [ woman # 2 ] yes! [ female announcer ] ...put you on the express lane... to naturally beautiful hair. ♪ there's an aussie quick fix for everyone!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, thank you. welcome back. by the way, everybody, the last two days, we've had a very special guest. and i love him so much. booker t. right there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] love this guy. and he's got a new record out, "potato hole." the first record out in 15 years. but he's a legend on the b3 hammond organ. and he's awesome. and i love you. thank you so much for jamming with us the past three days. you're a good man. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, you're very welcome. it's been a great pleasure. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: let's get to it. our next guest is currently starring on the big screen in "17 again," the number one movie in america, and also on the small screen in "gossip girl," the hottest show around. here she is, michelle trachtenberg, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: very nice. >> hi, the roots. >> jimmy: oh, you love the roots. >> i do. >> jimmy: yeah? >> that's pretty awesome. >> jimmy: they're the greatest. yes. you're awesome. thanks for coming on the show. i appreciate it. >> hi, thank you so much for havinme. >> jimmy: josh, actually, was just saying that he flew on the plane with you over here. >> josh: i did. yeah,nd i was the last guy on the plane and was late and was, like, jamming my bag up into the overhead and she was like, "oh, excuse me, like, i think there's some fragile stuff in my bag." and i was like, "oh," like, that's the worst thing you could possibly hear when you're really manhandling the bag. [ grunting ] >> and then, like, two like male flight attendants were like, "do you need some help, sir?" >> jimmy: were you grunting, josh? >> josh: there was some grunting >> i heard some grunts. >> seth: did you sing a song after? [ laughter ] >> by the way -- guys, he flies in that suit. like, i'm in, like, schlubby pants and like a hat and i'm
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like "grr" with my coffee. and this one is, like, decked, to the nines. >> josh: it was a different suit. [ laughter ] i mean, it wasn't the same suit. >> jimmy: well-dressed man. >> josh: we were trying to get a vespa in the overhead. >> jimmy: what fragile things did you have in your bag? >> i don't know. there was, like, breakables, little perfume bottles. the ladies know. >> jimmy: how many perfume bottles do you have? >> i'm really smelly, clearly, and need a lot -- >> jimmy: you smell gorgeous. >> perfume. i don't know, i was -- >> jimmy: i don't wear -- do you wear perfume? >> i do. i have -- it's actually, this is a men's cologne. is that kind of weird? >> jimmy: then i'm going to say it's okay. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's beautiful on you. it's beautiful on you. >> thank you. i try. >> jimmy: now what kind -- do you know the name of it? >> it's a fancy one. it's, like, a dior bois d'argent. i stole it from -- >> jimmy: i'm sorry. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it sounded like you just played -- i just played you backwards or something. it was weird. that was odd. [ laughter ] >> i'm on slow-mo. >> jimmy: meyers brothers, ever wear cologne? >> josh: i do. >> seth: yeah, see if you can guess which one. >> jimmy: this is not part of the -- no. that's not part of the game. >> seth: the one who wears a suit on an airplane wears cologne. [ laughter ] and i don't. >> jimmy: which one did you
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wear, like, drakkar noir? >> josh: i wear dolce & gabbana. >> jimmy: oh. >> josh: and i was unaware that was a perfume. >> jimmy: i love it. >> good times. >> jimmy: hey, you must be excited. you're in the number one movie in the country, "17 again." >> i am. "17 again." [ cheers and applause ] thanks. >> jimmy: so good. >> it's very exciting and -- >> jimmy: good for you. you're awesome. >> thank you so much. i don't know if you guys have ever heard of that, like, show "my two dads" or whatever, but i technically have two dads in the movie. i have zac efron and matthew perry. and that's a lot of fun, zac efron is my daddy. >> jimmy: how do you know "my two dads"? you're, like, a baby. >> it's the face cream. i'm really 50. who knew? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: your voice as well -- >> let me tell you. >> jimmy: "excuse me." >> "look at all this, darling." >> jimmy: "it's all tucked in spanx. thank you, spanx." >> i love that you know what spanx are. >> jimmy: well, i got them from josh. [ laughter ] >> it was in his bag that he was grunting. >> jimmy: next to your fragile perfume bottles. >> yeah, it's actually pretty brilliant because it's basically the premise in a nutshell is matthew perry, very grumpy with his life, plays my father.
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and he makes a little wish and he turns into his 17-year-old self, which is zac efron. and it's really funny, except that i have known matthew for years and i might have been out at a club venue one evening with a person i was dating, no longer, anymore, i have a lovely boyfriend at home. >> jimmy: tmi. >> tmi. sorry. broke some hearts. sorry, guys. now it's awkward. anyway -- >> jimmy: you saw -- >> yeah, so i saw matty, that's what we call him. the cool kids club. we saw matty out one night and i was like "oh, my god, oh, my god, dad, this is so and so, i want you to meet my father." and he was trying to woo a bevy of beautiful young things -- >> jimmy: and you call him dad. >> and then i was like, "this is my father" and they were like, "oh." >> jimmy: it's like "i'm leaving." he pulls out a pipe. he's, like, he feels like a grandma. >> he was just like, "why me?" so -- >> jimmy: why do you do that to him? but he's -- >> he's lovely. and every time i'm like, "hey dad." and with zac too, he's like "i'm so proud of my little girl." so -- >> jimmy: but i mean. >> it's really -- >> jimmy: it must be good to be
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you right now, because you're on that and also in "gossip girl." >> yeah, i guess. i'm 23 but i guess i have a theme of playing the young'ens in the 17 years old. i play a bad -- can i say a-s-s on tv? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i play a bad ass. >> jimmy: whoa. >> on "gossip girl." whoa. >> jimmy: watch it. >> that's right. >> jimmy: watch it. >> back up. >> jimmy: we have a clip of you being a bad ass. >> okay. >> jimmy: check it out. >> the only way her plan is going to work is by some act of god. >> wow. look at that. i'm so glad that everybody's here. >> all right, we need to get this crazy girl out of here. >> are you trying to have me killed? [ phone ringing ] >> my god. >> i am going to scream. >> so, is this how you found about -- >> right now. >> does anybody know a gabriel? >> gabriel. hey, thank you for calling me back. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: little angel. >> a little angel. >> jimmy: michelle trachtenberg, everybody. "17 ain" is in theaters right
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now. go see it again. when we come back, bmx superstar mike spinner will be here. come back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you know what i love about raisin bran crunch®? all the delicious raisins. i like the crunchy flakes and the granola clusters. you know, that's why it says "crunch" on there. yeah, but raisins are before "crunch" on the box. even "bran" made it before "crunch." yeah, but look at how big the word "crunch" is. i mean it just dominates the box. i like the box because in the middle of the word... "kellogg's®" is "ello," like a british greeting. "ello govenor." three tasty ingredients, one great combination. ♪ raisin bran crunch®! ♪ from kellogg! well, get on out of that department store. and into covergirl outlast. no department store longwear gives you so many different ways to last through breakfast lunch and dinner. more choices, more shades, more outlast. ♪ covergirl
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finish jet dry will fix that. with finish jet dry, dishes dry faster than with detergent alone, leaving fewer spots. see? spotless. (announcer) finish jet dry. brilliant diamond shine every time. fresh breath in your car. okay. sixty germ-killing pieces. seriously. the eclipse gum big-e-pak now kills bad breath germs. advanced fresh breath. seriously. feels kind of like knives. aleve works all day on my back pain. only two aleve liquid gels can stop pain all day. that would take twice as many advil or ibuprofen. aleve allows me to get through my work day. [ female announcer ] tired of waiting for great hair?
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3:52 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my next guest took the freestyle world by storm when he made his professional debut in 2006 at the final leg of the dew tour. he pulled off some of the sickest stunts ever on a bike, including this quad tail flip, look at this thing. and check out his 1080, he spun his bike three times in midair. he's sick. give it up for bmx superstar, mike spinner, everybody. ♪ [ cheers ] dude, what's up, brother? how are you, man? >> this is awesome. >> jimmy: mike spinner. dude, i'm so psyched you're here. man, that's insane. >> man, this is awesome. >> jimmy: it just feels like you get injured a lot. >> man -- oh, i broke my ankle twice. broke it the first time, a year later -- i had surgery and everything, broke it again. now the screw is, like, this in my ankle, right now.
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>> jimmy: the screw's -- the screw's broke? >> it is bent in my ankle. >> jimmy: so dude --oh, my god. so you can't even -- you just -- do you walk like -- >> oh, no, i walk fine. >> jimmy: you walk fine, yeah. >> i was always nervous at airplanes, are just gonna, you know, light off. >> jimmy: going through it, awesome. >> it's all good. >> jimmy: how long you been doing this? >> man, i've been riding for, like, ten years, just all my life, progressing slowly and now professional, this is the dream. >> jimmy: good for you, buddy. >> this is awesome. >> jimmy: awesome, thanks for coming on tonight. now, you got a lot of -- [ cheers and applause ] a lot of other tricks. so --what other tricks can you show us? >> i can do a few little tricks right here. >> jimmy: yeah, sure, i'd love it. >> called the bunny hop tail whip. >> jimmy: the bunny hop tail whip. >> the bike goes all the way around. and then bunny hop 360. >> jimmy: okay. the bunny hop -- oh, my god, that was amazing. [ applause ] dude, the tail whip and the 360. that was rad! that was awesome. like i said, it was rad. you ever see that movie, "rad"? >> i saw that movie when i was, like, a little kid. i was like, "what, that's so sick." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: i love this guy. that's awesome. >> that was totally sick. >> jimmy: now i heard that you can jump a guy. you can jump over a dude. >> i can bunny -- i can jump.
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i can jump on the ground. >> jimmy: so, we should get the dummy out or -- >> i think you. why don't you lie down. i'm gonna jump over -- what do you guys think? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. let's do it. >> lie down right here. >> jimmy: please don't kill me. >> i won't kill you, i promise. >> jimmy: thanks, buddy. oh, man. >> the suit might get dirty. >> jimmy: it's okay. i was just break dancing here. so, this is, uh -- [ light laughter ] i just want to tell my wife, i love you. you have everything -- i leave everything to you. >> oh, you're fine. >> jimmy: is this good? >> all right, now here we go. >> jimmy: oh! [ cheers and applause ] i'm not sure when to get up again. oh, my gosh. dude, that was awesome. do we have that in slow motion? can we show that? all right, cool. look at this here, right here. oh, man! look at that. >> you're shaking. i think you're shaking. jimmy: you got some air. yeah, i'm totally shaking as you did that. is that easy to do? >> man, you just pull back, jump forward and bam, you're off in the air. >> jimmy: yeah, no, i could do that -- i can't -- maybe i can try, maybe, to run around, maybe. i can, maybe, try to, maybe ride around. maybe ride around. >> yeah, i think we could do that. you want to get a bike out for you? we got a bike right there. >> jimmy: yeah.
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you got a bike? >> pull the bike out. >> jimmy: all right, cool thanks man. >> we're going to try to help you ou >> jimmy: okay, good. here we go. thanks, pals. >> got that helmet on. throw it on. >> jimmy: all right, this looks good. >> buckle up for safety. >> jimmy: okay, very good. all right, this is a cool bike. you don't sit on these bikes, huh? >> no, no, the seats are -- whoa, get out of the way. we're just here for tricks. >> jimmy: that's not -- that's not cool if you sit down? >> no, no. get back up. [ laughter ] it's not cool. >> jimmy: this looks pretty cool to me, man. like, hey. you girls single? [ laughter ] all right. so, what do -- what do we do here? >> all right, i want you to do the basic trick, the bunny hop. >> jimmy: the bunny hop. >> you're going to go right here. >> jimmy: okay. >> throw your momentum forward. >> jimmy: okay. do i pull the brake? >> no, don't pull the brake. you want to go forward. so go like this, then -- that's it. >> jimmy: i won't be able to do that. all right. all right, so. [ light laughter ] >> that was a little shaky there. >> jimmy: that was like john mccain on a bike. this is just embarrassing. [ laughter ] >> so throw your -- let's do it. you're going to lift the front tire up. hey! there it is!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, can we watch that in slow motion? did i get in the air in that one? there you go. yes! you check him out all this summer on the dew tour. mike spinner, everybody. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] m♪ again? finish j dry will fix that.
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with finish jet dry, dishes dry faster than with detergent alone, leaving fewer spots. see? spotless. (announcer) finish jet dry. brilliant diamond shine every time. myth. head & shoulders is just for dandruff. myth. the fact is, it gives you... seven scalp and hair benefits including beautiful, 100% flake-free hair. respect the scalp. love the hair.
3:58 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're back after that pretty sick jump. hey, guys, one of mike's sponsors, ballpark franks, is giving the whole audience a year's supply of hot dogs. [ cheers and applause ] that cool? my thanks to seth and josh meyers, michelle trachtenberg, mike spinner, booker t. jones and the greatest band in late night, the roots. stay tuned for "carson daly." thanks for watching, have a good night hope to see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause


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