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tv   News 4 at 5  NBC  July 6, 2009 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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columbia or at any other time. we believe that the charge is baseless. we believe that the charge stems from a personal relationship that has gone horribly wrong in a lot of ways. >> reporter: at his lawyer's direction, barry did not speak at the news conference, in part because it's not clear that the u.s. attorney's office will even file formal charges in this confusing incident that occurred july 4th in and other anacostia park southeast. meanwhile, park police and other investigators were at the southeast home of the woman, donna watts, who was taken away to give a morehe complete thies.ent itauor ierefo she ftle, she told news4 by telephone, i didn't the tend r it to go this far. early saturday evening, an officer was flagged down in anacostia park by watts who complained barry was stalking her. the officer interviewed barry and watts who was with her ex-husband and charged barry with misdemeanor stalking.
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barry says the two had mannplana weekend trip in rehoboth. the park incident, which no one has fully explained, occurred a short time later. in a three-page statement, donna watts mentioned her relationship with barry and interest in public affairs, but sheds no light on the saturday incident. barry, 73 and separated but not divorced from his fourth wife, has often stayed at the watts home in southeast. donna watts' ex-husband who still helps her with her chilen allegedly has exchanged hostile words with barry in the past. so much so that barry last week had him barred from d.c. council offices. again, it's still unclear whether barry formally will be charged with anything wrong. he has a tentative court date for thursday to find out. wendy? >> he's on probation for failing
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to file his taxes. would this impact that at all? >> it possibly could. when you're on probation, you're supposed to obey all laws. if this comes to fruition and something -- he's charge woud wa new crime, that would be a reason for prosecutors to go into court and say he's violated the law again. get rid of his probation. >> more to come. >> yeah. it's a very confusing story. >> it is. >> i don't think at this point we know exactly how it's going to play out. >> okay. more onthat. >> y thahaou. ta s>ity wh ns4 aew wnd for the latest on the arrest of councilman barry. we're following a developing story out of laurel, maryland. a van crashed on i-95. a van hit a median in the northbound lane and flipped over on to a grassy area on the side of the road. nine people were inside that
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van. three were dloen from the vehicle. t none of the injuries are said to be life-threatening. police in prince georges county are on the loout for three suspects who robbed three homes in a matter of hours. the home invasions all happened this morning. darcy spencer has the report. >> reporter: police are investigating three home invasion robberies that they believe could be connected. they happened this morning at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 a.m. residents are on edge. >> would you say this is unusual or -- >> not really unusual. a lady got her house broken into six months down the road. i wouldn't say unusual. >> okay. >> yeah. >> but concerning? >> concerning. >> reporter: police say the masked men broke into the homes, bound the victims and robbed them at gunpoint. in one case, a res dependent reported that her big-screen tv was taken.
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>> they're looking to see how they got in the home. i know there were homes belonging to three families and one family did have children. it's unknown at this time which location had the children. >> reporter: the robberies happened in the 6600 block of district heights parkway and the 2800 block of crestwood place as well as the 8600 block of fulton avenue. the homes are just a few miles apart. >> usually they are random. at this time, we can't say if these particular homes were targets. to our knowledge rig now, these were random. but as always, we want neighbors to be vigilant. we want them to watch out for each other, keep their doors and windows locked when they're home and when they're not. >> reporter: the victims were only able to offer vague descriptions of the robbers. there was no report of a getaway vehicle. in district heights, darcy spencer news4. john leopold is taking the
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district to task. the city must do a better job of securing its juvenile detention center. six teens escaped yesterday. they were later recaptured. new beginnings was known as the oaks hill detention center and recently reopened. this is the second report of an escape from the facility. president obama's holding his first summit in russia. earlier today, the president held extensive talks with russian president dmitry medvedev. the two men signed a preliminary agreement to reduce their nuclear stockpiles by as much as a third. >> we've taken important steps forward to increase nuclear security and to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. this starts with a reduction of our own nuclear arsenals. the world's two leading nlear powers, the united states and russia must lead by example. that's what we're doing here today. the two leaders also agreed to work together to stabilize afghanistan, but they still remain at odds over the u.s.
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declare to place a missile defense system in europe. tomorrow, president obama holds talks with prime minister vladimir putin. joining us now is chuck todd who is joining us from mouscow. so nuclear proliferation, iran, north korea. that's at the top of the agreement, right? >> it was. the russian president, via transzilator, said they had a back log of problems to deal with. you hit on them. the two easy ones, believe it or not, was nuclear arms reduction and the war in afghanistan, getting the russian cooperation to move supplies in and out using russian air space. but the difficulties are absolutely missile defense, although the u.s. believes getting the russians to keep missile defense negotiations out of the nuclear talks is an accomplishment. and en there was iran. behind the scenes, the u.s. folks tell us that's all the
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president was talking about. but what was interesting was in public, they said very little and, in fact, the russian president went out of his way not to even say iran by name, just talking about nuclear issues in the middle east. so it shows you how sensitive the russian alliance with iran is and they were apparently much more aggressive behind the scenes than they were out front. >> he's going to be meeting with putin tomorrow. what's going to be -- what's topping that agenda? how is that expected to go? >> well, there was potentially a very awkward moment at the joint press conference today. there was a question to president obama whether he believed the russian president was the true power, was he meeting with the -- the power of russia or was that really vladimir putin who is now prime minister and was the former esident? and president obama totally side-stepped the issue and just said it is his understanding that medvedev and putin work very well together. and he made note that tomorrow will be the first time he's ever met putin. they really haven't had any
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conversations. and so, you know, you talk to russian experts here and they'll tell you medvedev is the international spokesperson for the government and putin handles all of the domestic issues. whether it's a true pull-the-strings moment, i think people would dispute that. but putin seems to have much i the ay biwhile medvedevs >>ief diplomat. i thanks, uc k. chuck will have more coming up tonight on "nightly news" with bria williams. that's here on news4 at 7:00. good evening. bob ryan, storm center4. what a gorgeous july day with hardly any humidity. nice, blue skies out there. look at how cool it is out in west maryland. high spots up there. 70 degrees. happy to say nothing on doppler. we could have used this, i know, yesterday. 84 degrees, our temperature here. 15 degrees above where it was yestday.
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we got some great weather if you're on vacation this week, you're in luck. i'll tell you all about it and the return of heat and humidity, too, when i join you in a few minutes. the district is poised to start recognizing gay marriages performed in other states. the d.c. council approved the provision in may. and congress had 30 legislative days to file an objection. that period ends at midnight tonight. if no one raises an objection, the law will go into effect. opponents of the new law still want to block it. they want a referendum of gay marriage put before voters, but that would be illegal under d.c.'s human rights ac a surprising turn-around for the dow today. at the opening bell, the dow dropped more than 200 points but climbed up steadily by the end of the day. the dow closed up 44 points to finish at 8,324. the s&p 500 made slight gains, up just two points, while the nasdaq fell nine points today.
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the turn-around may have been fueled by gains made in the services sector. while the services sector still contracted in june, the institute for supply management index reached its highest level in nine months. the services industries are made up of retailers, financial services, transportation, and health care. these industries make up about 70 per 70% of the country's economic activity. still ahead on "news4 at 5," lest-mant preps under way for that massive memorial to michael jackson. a kayaker is rescued off the coast of alaska and it's all caught on tape. firefighters sprint into action after there's an emergency in the crowd. and if you want your voice heard while you travel, you may want t log on to twitter. why so many people are tweeting their complaints.ññ
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the investigation under the pop star's death continues. thousands of people lined up to receive tickets they won in the lottery to attend tomorrow's service. dozens of l.a. pice officers on hand to direct traffic at dodgers stadium. that's where thousands of michael jackson fans gathered today to pick up their tickets for tomorrow's memorial service honoring the pop legend. they were notified by e-mail. >> your application to attend the michael jackson public memorial service at staples
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center this tuesday, july 7th, at 10:00 a.m. pacific time was successful. >> reporter: more than a million fans signed up for 17,000 ticketed. at the stadium, they received the tickets and remember arbands they will have to wear to get in. most are grateful for the opportunity to honor the man they idolized. >> look, i clicked on the e-mail and it's like, congratulations. i was like, this can't be real. and i said, if i get an e-mail, i was going to scream, but i didn't scream because i was in shock. i called my husband. he's like, you got it. i was like, oh, my god. i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: the service will be held at the staples center. tomorrow, the area around the arena will be shut down to everyone except ticket-holders. the tickets were free, but already are popping up on ebay. >> i've posted it at 15,000 just to see what happens. >> reporter: detectives have executed search warrants. ey want to talk to at least five doctors. their goal is to try to
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determine if prescription drugs played a role in jackson's death. a private family ceremony will be held before the public memorial service. debbie rowe says she has decided not to attend either service. she says she does not want to be a distraction and will mourn for n privately. at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow on ne ws4, weeil bovl cginer the iv hael jackson memoria l with brian williams. some of the artists scheduled to make appearances include justin timb timberlake and stevy wonder. the driver of a white minivan led police on a chase for more than an hour this afternoon, driving the wrong way down an entrance ramp to get off the highway. the suspect eventually pull understood a parking guraid at a shopping mall. police were able to arrest the driver but first he jumped off a ledge. not clear why he was running. we're learning the identities of the two people killed in a plane crash in
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southwestern virginia. the former chief executive of the checkers drive-in chain was piloting the plane when it crashed yesterday. his wife was also killed. just before that crash, he had radioed that a piece of his plane fell off and he was attempting to land. he didn't make it. the plane crashed on a farm. this year was the busiest fourth of july ever for metro. passengers took more than 631,000 trips over the weekend, setting a new ridership record foindependence day. 32,000 more trips than the previous fourth of july record, which was last year. for the most part, red line trains were operating at normal speeds. they had been slowed down following last month's deadly accident. outside today, it doesn't get much better than this. >> no. great show down at the mall, also. we had wonderful weather for the fourth of july. could have used it on the fifth, yesterday, right? welcome back. >> thank you, thank you.
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>> yes. back from the old side. right now, boy, oh, boy, it's a wonderful, wonderful day indeed. there's our sky watcher. our temperatures, what a change from yesterday. we had that breeze. boy, it was cool and damp. sprinkles to our south. our current temperature here, we're into a bit of a dry pattern. our current temperature, 84 degrees. i guess we don't have it. take my word for it. 84 to our north. 70 degrees. look at the temperatures out of the midpart of the country. yesterday, texas, our friends in texas, 105 degrees. houston, 102 degrees. our temperature, though, is up 15 degrees from the same time yesterday. boy, we get into july and we get dew points into the 50s. it's wonderful. there's that humidity. look at atlanta. 71 oppressive degrees. what's the point? that's how we measure the humidity, just like we measure the temperature or how much heat
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is in the air. we measure how much moisture or humidity is in the air by the dew point temperature. when it's below 60, it's mightily comfortable. we get up to 70 to 74. it's very humid. we'll see some of that, but not until really friday because of the still overall dry pattern that we have down to our south. you can see all of the clouds down there. look at the rain. boy, more rains now marching into tallahassee. yesterday, little rock, arkansas, had almost three inches of rain. albany, georgia, to this is not severe weather, just plain old heavy rain showers. montgomery, alabama, more rains into texas, around -- into florida around the tampa area. look at florida. five to as much as eight inches of rain in the first five, six days of july. on the other hand, wonderful day around the bay. we're watching for you over in the eastern shores. so overnight tonight and during the day tomorrow, we're still dominated by high pressure. there will be a couple of little
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weak weather fronts coming through, but still overall it's a dry pattern. thunder showers stay to our south for the time being. mid-80s tomorrow. so for this evening, really beautiful, clear, sunny skies will give way to car skies later on tonight. skies will clear completely and we'll see a delightful morning. 60 to 67 degrees because we have that nice low humidity around. once again tomorrow, a lot of sunshine. i think there will be more afternoon clouds. a little weak weather front coming our way than we've had today. low humidity. the air quality good and the uv six.x i later on tonight, here's what to look for. looking toward the northern sky, about halfway upthn ie yn ou y will see the inatournteional sce station because it's all together. 10:46, about as late as we can see the international space station. it will be moving from the west-southwest to the northeast.
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10:46, be able to see the international space station. >> i think i'll be out there. >> i'll go out to the front yard. >> thanks. it has been traditionally a man's job, but more women are going into farming. there's a new survey that shows the number of women-run farms grew by 16%. the report says the growth in our region is similar to what's going on in other parts of the country. while men tend to lun rarnlger farms that grow crops, women tend to operate smaller farms that relshize in certain products. coming up, a relative of the woman found shot to death with steve mcnair is speaking out about a weapon the woman recently purchased. i'm liz crenshaw. sweet tea, a sweet treat on a hot day. which one wins our taste test. find out coming up. and the front man of one of the most successful bands of the some 90s tells us about a big change he's made musically.
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there are new allegations concerning the murder of steve mcnair. family members of the woman found shot to death along with mcnair say she had recently purchased a gun. her name is sahel kazemi. a relative says police think kazemi was the shooter, but say that the 20-year-old woman no motive. the family member says kazemi
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thought mcnair was planning to divorce his wife and move in with her. a manhunt is under way in south carolina. this is a sketch you're about to see of the man officials say they are looking for. all five victims were found i the town of gaffney, south carolina. on friday, a vigil was held to remember the victims. just yesterday, one of those victims was laid to rest. police say the shootings are linked through evidence and that leads are still pouring in. a dramatic rescue off the coast of alaska. the coast guard released video showing the man at the bottom of the screen. the 28-year-old's journey around the world was cut short. he was too weak to paddle through the strong currents. the coast guard says he's being treated for mild hypothermia. he started his journey from france in january of '08. that fire continues to burn at a meat-packing plant in wisconsin.
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the mayor has declared a state of emergency. residents and businesses within a mile of the fire were ordered to evacuate. there are concerns about exposure to toxic fumes and the possibility that containers filled with ammonia could explode. so far, no injuries. the monorail system in disney world is back in business. but as a precaution, new safety censors have been added. investigators are still trying to figure out what caused yesterday's crash. two trains collided and killed a 21-year-old train operator. five passengers on the train also were hurt, but their injuries were not serious. this is the first deadly crash in the park's 38-year history. stil ahead on "news4 at 5," firefighters taking part in an independence parade are called into action after a medical emergency in the crowd. a local business comes to the aid of a woman whose husband will killed while serving in iraq. next time you have a complaint while traveling, don't call customer service. just go to twitter.
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welcome back to our second half hour of "news4 at 5." >> coming up this half hour, a woman whose husband was killed gets a helping hand from a local business. a cup of coffee might improve your memory. and what type of sweet tea tastes best. first, our top story. firefighters taking part in a fourth of july parade are called into service. fa it was an unexpected twist in
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fa'sirtyci urthtyf o jful pa dera manype soratct asn'tngoio g t itfo. dimelca emergency in the crowd prompted firefighters to spring into action. jane watrel is in fairfax to tell us about it. >> fairfax city firefighters say they feel fortunate to have been a few feet away from a man in obvious medical distress. that may have made the difference between life and death. it was an all-american scene. as firefighters from the city of fairfax greeted the patriotic crowds gathered at the annual fourth of july parade. >> waving at people and saying hi to the little kids and people tellings to hit our air horns. >> reporter: all of a sudden, the festivities took a dramatic turn as a viewer captured what happened next. >> a woman -- i didn't know who she was, but had run after me. ace said that her dad had
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tually had a heart attack. >> reporter: firefighters and paramedics sprung into action. before hundreds of parade-watchers. they gave an on-the-spot demonstration in life-saving. stabilizing the patient and loading him into an ambulance. >> we did it in front of a crowd. at the end of it, we got a standing ovation. i don't think we've ever run a call where people applauded what we did. some people, unless they watch rescue 911 or see it, they don't know what we do. >> reporter: in a matter of minutes, the patient was on his way to the hospital. and while the dramatic response created a long gap in the parade, firefighters quickly gathered up their supplies and resumed the festivities knowing another life had been saved. >> i know we were all grateful to be there a be able to give him assistance right away. definitely gave him the best chance possible to have a great recovery. >> the victim is listed in fair
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condition at the hospital, recovering in no small part to the quick actions of the firefighters. jane watrel. back to you, wendy. one of the chief architects of the vietnam war has died. he served as defense secretary during the kennedy and johnson administrations. he helped orchestrate the u.s. military build-up in southeast asia and led an unpopular war that led to the deaths of 58,000 americans. he later donecluded that he and his colleues were wrong about the war. lost in the car in afghanistan this year, 29-year-old captain brian bunting from montgomery county. four days after his wife was informed of his death, she learned she was pregnant with their second child. well, now this young war widow is getting help, peeping her growing family safe. yeah, do you want to look
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through the telescope? >> reporter: that's bubba bunting's 2-year-old son. that's bubba's mother-in-law, manning his grill. this is the family left behind when captain brian bunting was killed by an ied in afghanistan last february. and this is his wife, expecting their second son in november. >> this is just the greatest gift i could ever ask for. when i was notified of my husband's death, that's one of the first things i said. i said, i pray that i'm pregnant. it's something we wanted so badly. >> reporter: nikki bunting found this new home, she fell in love with the yards. the only problem, she needed a fence. >> i was asking for estimates. i said, oh, do you have a military discount? he said, we'll work something up, i'll call you back. >> reporter: several companies told nikki they'd match any deal. she said, unless you're going to pay me, i can't find a better
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deal than this one. >> we'll do this for free. it's the least we can do. >> when i called her on the phone and told her, she just frked out. >> she cried? >> yeah. that made it all worth while. >> reporter: so in one day, for no charge, tricounty fence put up a $10,000 around the bunting's 1.5 acres. team bubby t-shirts and cheerful volunteers included. >> she's getting a lot of support. she has the community support from both families. theommunity has just -- and this is a hero. my husband died of cancer. it's different. this is something that touches everyone. >> reporter: nikki was six when sh lost her dad to cancer. 28 when she lost her husband to war. and as others build her fence, she rebuilds her life for the sake of their sons. >> all right. do you want to dig? >> reporter: in montgomery county, kimberly suiters, news4.
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to make sure that the kids and the family dog can't escape the yard, they g 1,000 feet of wire mesh donated to secure it. the buntings are organizing a fund-raiser in september called bubby's belly run. the baby is due in november. >> the road is generating mor thmoney an ever bneefore. tolls went up last january on the 14-mile span that connects dulles airport to leesburg. it costs drivers a buck more to get on the greenway during rush hour, but for some people, the cost is just too much. a new report shows week-day traffic on the greenway fell 8% during the first three months of the year, but the revenue jumped 11.5%. some drivers in alexandria are getting used to a new route today because most of the eisenhower avenue connector is now closed to traffic. the closure is part of the ongoing bridge project. workers are replacing a deck on the beltway above the connector. the roadway will be closed through september.
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detours have been set up and drivers can get to eisenhower avenue through van dorn street or telegraph road. bicyclists must use alternative routes also. are you loving this weather? let's get the latest. >> wendy is back. you brought it back with you. that was very nice of you to do that. with the low humidity, boy, we get into -- now heading into the hottest time of the year. our average is 88. in a few days it's 89 degrees. we get a blue sky like this with nice, low humidity. boy, it is really, really wonderl. nothing within hundreds of miles on doppler. this is high knob up there in the blue ridge, outside. 73 degrees is the high temperature. overnight tonight, we'll be seeing our temperatures into the 50s. again at 10:45, 10:48, that's the time to look for the international space station. it will be bright moving across high in the northern part from southwest to northeasteren parts of the country. now it's fully constructed with all of those whew solar panels
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and everything. temperatures tomorrow will be in the comfortable 80s. we'll see more in the way of clouds during the afternoon than we saw today. so -- but as we go through the remainder of the week, partly to mosty sunny skies. look at the morning low temperatures into the low to mid-60s. very comfortable. into friday, more sunshine. and then the humidity really begins coming back. with it, the chance for an afternoon thundershower on sunday. temperatures by then will be perhaps into the low 90s. summertime, it's out there. but we've got to wait a few days. it will be just warm and comfy the next few days. >> we'll have to deal with that, bob. >> not a problem with that. still ahead, changes are coming to facebook. an act to provide ewe users with onmo ore coltrver what they share.ol c úúq
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can a cup of coffee improve your memory? scientists are trying to determine, but there are early
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indications that it may actually do that. mice had symptoms of alzheimer's and were given five cups of coffee a day. the caffeine helps verse the memory loss by suppressing a protein that is linked to alzheimer's. scientists may soon try a similar experiment on people. mark twain said that age is an issue of mind over matter. these days, many people seem to agree with twain. a new study finds most people believe they aren't old yet no matter how old they are. when asked what old is, people in their 20s said it was 60. middle aged folks said it was 70. seniors say you're not old until you hit 75. seniors have a great attitude about age. most said they didn't feel old. it's not the advice you normally here from dentists, b giving kids a sweet syrup may help lower their risk of getting cavities. studies have shown the sweetener attacks organisms that cause
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cavities. kids who received the sweetener twice a day had a lower chance of developing tooth decay. when we come back, tweeting while you travel. it can land you a free upgrade. we're putting sweet tea to the taste test. which one pleases the most? my story is coming up. and coming up in sports, tiger woods wins his own tournament. (announcer) the official $5
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combo of summer is here. with curly fries and a drink for only $5. it's the $5 combo done better. okay. you could argue that sweet tea is just merely tea, sugar and ice, but if you grew up in the south, you'd argue instead that
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se sweet tea is sacred. >> now it's become a marketing battle. what happens if you put it to the taste test? liz crenshaw found out. >> they say sweet tea goes deep in dixie and sweet tea is a staple beverage. go to any mcdonald's or wendy's around here and sweet tea is all the rage. but is there a difference in the flavor of sweet tea? we picked a hot day to find out. ♪ >> reporter: tweet tea looks good. certainly good enough for mcdonald's marketing campaign. and for us, a taste test. so we set up in downtown washington, d.c. to taste four different iced teas. here's the heavily marketed mcdonald's. wendy's also sells sweet tea.
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this is arizona sweet tea. and we threw in a ringer, lipten powdered tea. we poured our sweet tea in cups marked a, b, c, and d and proceeded to announce our famous taste test rules and regulation. >> taste one of each and tell us which one you like the best. >> sweet tea is loaded with sugar and history. it's dated back to the 19th century when americans began to grow tea in south carolina. add sugar from louisiana and sweet tea was born. but it took the sweltering st. louis world's fair in 1904 for an enterprising merchant to pour ice in the mix. and now you have yourself a tradion. as for our taste tests, each tea got sweet reviews. tea a is wendy's.
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>> a had a very sweet flavor to it. it seemed like it was more fresh. >> why do you like a? >> because i dislike the other ones. >> you picked wendy's. >> wendy's? >> yes, you picked wendy's. that's a. >> really? >> b was our ringer, powdered lipton. >> it actually has more flavor than just sugar water. >> i like b because i like a lot of lemon in my tea. >> b i the less sweeter one. that's the one people should be drinking, i think. >> c is sweet tea from mcdonald's. >> i liked c. it tastes the most natural. >> it was more smoother. it was balanced. not too sweet. >> c was sweeter, a little more interesting. >> reporter: and d was arizona sweet tea from a can. >> i chose d because it's lighter, more of a tea taste. >> what is it about d you like? >> i don't know. it tastes like a peach kind of flavor. why do you like d? >> it wasn't as sweet as the others. >> this is a sweet tea taste test. >> but i don't want it to be too
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sweet. >> reporter: by the way, that not too sweet comment was raised again and again by our tasters. >> too sweet. >> too sweet. >> it's called sweet tea, you know. >> and it's refreshing. it's not that sweet. >> not that sweet? >> it's called sweet tea. you want your sweet tea not that sweet? >> correct. >> you don't want your sweet tea too sweet? >> exactly. >> reporter:s he'erow h the taste testow tned t. of 39 tasters, mcdald' s iv cereedsenvece votes. wendy's and arinaie td it th tes. theannein wr wonptli powdered tea with 12 votes. so much for old dixie land traditions. >> it's cheaper. >> yeah, you save money. >> by the way, if you'd like to contact me by e-mail, we have an easy way for you tdoptt. it. request any info you'd like to send. also, keep in touch with us on
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twitter. just search liz crenshaw. yeah, i don't think the folks that pick to powered stuff thought they were picking the poered stuff. >> hey, taste is taste. >> it's cheaper. >> i'm not from the south. it makes your teeth ache it's so sweet. >> the best sweet tea i've had in north carolina. and the mcdonald's tastes like north carolina sweet tea. >> super sweet, though. >> very. >> yikes. >> thanks, liz. facebook is getting a makeover. they're making changes to privacy settings. face bb wants to give its 200 million users greater control over who sees their content. the option will allow users to customize their postings for specific groups of friends. the changes will help users share information over the internet and compete more with other social websites such as twitter. the facebook changes will be phased in over the nextew weeks. and twitter is a version of instant messaging and many businesses are using the te tnogyloo respond to customer complaints. gy 800,000 customers,
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some of who have complained about service via twitter. it responds quickly to a tweet and hopes the direct message will make its customers happy. let's see what's coming attonight at 6:00. coming up tonight, sarah palin, she's been speaking out online about her decision to resign as the governor of alaska. we'll tell you what she's been saying. therare riots in china. 156 people killed so far. and we'll report on a new program that is using bumper stickers to recognize american troops who are back home from the war. those stories and more coming up in a few minutes. >> great. >> thanks. tiger finally wins his own tournament. >> yeah. it was hot, but a great weekend to take in some really special golf. it was easy to see how excited tiger woods was about winning his own tournament. he even chose to interview himself afterwards. less than 24 hours since he walked off 18, woods is gone and the grounds look completely
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different. the at&t national will look very different next year with a new location and a new city as congressional prepares to host a major two years down the road. it could not have been scripted any better. when tiger woods raised the trophy at his own turnment he accomplished his goal of being a greedy host. capping the action-packed weekend that saw more than 150,000 fans descend on the nation's capital. >> our family, i know my dad and i and my mom really wanted to do something to help out kids, not just here in the united states but around the world. we couldn't have done it without every one of you coming out here. because of this event, we are able to help so many kids hear in the d.c. area and around the country and eventually around the world. thank you so much. >> reporter: but the day after, the reality sets in. the main fan entrance now a
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deconstruction zone. the skacaffolding dismantled. tiger's tournament will not be played here for the next two years while congressional prepares its course for the u.s. open in 2011. until then, tiger woods and the fan will descend on philadelphia. >> we understand that the u.s. open has to come here and we have to go away for a couple of years to philadelphia, but we'll be back. we're excited about that. >> how tou is to to know that it's not going to be here? >> it is difficult, but i'll go to pennsylvania. i really -- >> really? >> yes, yes. i love the tournament. it's really nice and it's for a good cause. >> reporter: the at&t national is set to return for three years beginning in 2012. it's a three-year contract voted on by 2,000 members on just 51% approval. so the question remains could tiger's tournament find a more rmanent home elsewhere on the
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pga tour down the road? >> i hope not. this club, we are a democracy. we voted and it was alose vote, but we've put that behind us now and we'll see them back in 2012. they'll be here for three years and then the club members will vote on it again. but i fully expect them to be here for the whole time. i'm not really worrying about tiger moving the tournament. he really loves this course. and the players love this course. as we start tweaking for the open, i think they'll love the course even more. >> reporter: officials hope that tiger woods winning his own tournament could help the cause of it becoming a permanent fixture at congressional. until then, the weekend remains a favorite but fading memory. i was joking with tim sullivan that he's got a tough office to look at every day. it was interesting this morning because the members can now play on the blue course. but just for a week because then they're shutting it down for a year. they're ripping up the greens, putting in a new cooling system.
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they've got the gps set. then they'll start implementing those fairways and stuff that needs to be for the u.s. open. >> it's so fascinating to me. i was asking him 5 million questions. they're like, stop it. >> and only 51% approved it? >> that's right. only 51% approval. they'll vote again in 201. so hopefully they're hoping to make it a six-year contract with tiger. for now, it is three. >> okay. great. thanks, lindsay. >> you're welcome. when we come back, he was once the front man for hooty and the blowfish. now he's taken a musical turn.
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darius rucker is still the front man for hootie and the blowfish, but last year he launched a solo career. rucker says he's always had country in his heart, but now he's opened it and people are listening. craig melvin has his story. ♪ >> reporter: today, the only thing you probably recognize about darius rucker is the trademark voice that made hootie and the blowfish one of the most successful bands of the '90s. ♪ their album is still the 15th
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best-selling album of all time. now, 15 years later, rucker's gone country. >> to actually get to do it and have it blow up the way it has, to have two number ones and a third one on the way y just sit back and pinch myself. i go, who really get as second chance at a career? >> reporter: rucker's new album has already sold about 3/4 of a million copies. he's touring with rascal flatts this summer. he caught up with him getting ready to play an unfamiliar role. >> it's hard because you're the opener. i know i have to go out and give my all. rascal flatts and going to be great every night. >> reporter: rucker admits today's country crowd is a lot different from the hootie crowds of the '90s. >> people tailgate. country fans are crazy, man. they're crazy.
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♪ >> reporter: the fans have changed and so has darius rucker. >> i'm not partying andtaying up until 5:00 in the morning. life is pretty mellow for me now. it's all about family. i've definitely mellowed a lot. i've grown up a lot. >> reporter: for rucker, the o. s,ha >> i think hootie, we wrote story songs, but in country, all your songs have stories in them. it's really -- you want to say what people feel. you know, it's not so much about -- >> reporter: smiling, singing, and pinching himself. could be a song in his next albu >> it's crazy. >> you're a bona fide country star. >> yeah, i guess. >> reporter: craig melvin, news4 washington.
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>> hootie and the blowfish will continue touring in the future, but for now, country music is his day job. he plans to release another album next spring. coming up, the latest on the arrest of marion barry. that's next with "news4 at 6." president barack obama and the president of russia today announced a deal regarding nuclear arsenals. the taliban is making an announcement on its website about a u.s. soldier missing in afghanista police have released new information about the death of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. it started as a trip to the beach. it ended with one of this city's most well-known men in politics under arrest. good evening. >> this is a story that we brought you first on 4 saturday night. marion barry was raeed over the weekend and accused of stalking a woman. today


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