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tv   News 4 Midday  NBC  July 6, 2009 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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you'll receive over $180 back in available online rebates when you get the verizon single line business pak and data protection pak. one of the many tools in the verizon small business toolbox. right now at midday, barry answers publicly to charges that he stalks a woman in a d.c. park. and fans begin to say their final good-byes to the king of pop. the preparations are under way for the memorial for michael jackson. why did she quit? sarah palin is stepping down as governor of alaska. good morning. welcome to news4 midday.
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i am joe krebs. >> and i am barbara harrison. we begin with a story you saw first on 4. and marion barry arrested over the weekend for stalking charges. and the former mayor and his attorney held a news conference. and megan mcgrath joins us with more on that. >> reporter: he is facing stalking charges with an alleged instant that involved a personal friend of marion barry. he held a press conference. it's wpping up right now. he did not speak himself on the advice of counsel, rather his attorney, fred cook, spoke on behalf of barry. he said that he did not stalk anybody. this is an issue involving a personal relationship gone bad. the u.s. attorney has not filed charges and they are reviewing the case and it's barry's hope
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and the hope of counsel that this will not go any further. >> we believe that the charge is baseless. we believe the charge stems from a personal relationship that has gone horribly wrong in a lot of ways and resulted in one party of the relationship striking out at mr. barry, and repaying him for some of his kindness and efforts to be of assistance to that individual by offering up these charges, which we believe to be false. ic ere flagged down an o that was in patrol in the area, bad she pointed to marion rr ba he was in another car and said that he was stalking her. sh wae taken intowa -- he was taken into custody. dan there i a rambling atstent that doenotat provide
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detail to what happened, but she thsan ie statemet n thaeth term stalking is the correct term to be used in the circumstance. she went on to say that there is a lot ofe confusion about what happenmo ang the parties involved. and she went on to say"those atth truly katwno mario barry willw not be sock qui to condem me, and those that know me through him will not be so quick to defend him." we will have more coming up later in the show. barbara and joe? >> thank you, megan. tomorrow a public memorial will be held for the pop icon. police say they are bracing for hundreds of thousands of people going into the downtown area. and tracee wilkins joins us with details.
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>> reporter: tomorrow's memorial service is expected to be a celebration/concert tribute to the king of pop. thousands of fans are expected to come together in the same arena that jackson spent his last nights. the night before jackson's death he was rehearsing at the staple center for the ylong-awaited comeback tour. and 1.6 million signed up for the random drawing for the tickets to the service, but in a lottery, fewer than 9,000 people were given two tickets each. and the odds of getting a ticket were 1 in 183. and the other ticket holders will be seated in the neighboring nokia theater. and police have locked down the surrounding area. anybody that doesn't have a ticket and a fitted wrist band will be turned away, which makes the lucky few that do have a
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lucky ticket feel that much more privileged. >> it's overwhelming that we will be there and help celebrate his life with other fans and family. it's such a mn occasion. >> he was a master entertainer. i cannot think of anybody that comes close to what he was able to give to the public. >> beginning at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow, here on nbc 4, we will ver the michael jackson memorial live with brian williams. artistsedch seduled include ma rriah carey, and jusn timberlake. >> right now, jackson's mother is the interim of her son's estate. and a prominent entertainer attorney and a executive are named in the role.
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and the big question too is who will have custody of the children. we will have more on that coming up later in this newscast. now, new at midday, former secretary of defense, robert mcnamara died. he passed away in his sleep at his washington home this morning. he was one of the main architects of the vietnamar and was vilified for that role. he later concluded that he and others were wrong about the war. he was recruited from the presidency of ford motor company to run the pentagon by john kennedy in 1961. and he spent years as president of the world bank. he was 93 years old. traffic is down, but toll venue is up othe dulles toll
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road. and that coinsides with the 8% dip in weekday traffic in the first three months of the year. while traffic is up, revenue is up significantly, jumped 11.5% this year. six juveniles escaped from the new beginnings youth center shortly before 3:00 yesterday afternoon. and officers searching the parkway near route 198 saw six people that matched the descriptions. four were found hiding in a drainage pipe, and other two were found in the close by neighborhood. president obama is now in moscow for talks with the russian president, dmitry medvedev. they are trying to repair strained u.s.-russia relations. and his trip will also include a
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visit with the pope in italy. and the honduras president made an unsuccessful trip to return to honduras last night. the exsiled president is trying to recapture power after a military coup forced him out of the country. let's stick around and find out from tom kierein what the weather is like. >> we had an unusually cool pattern. the high at reagan national was only 73 degrees. and at this hour, we are hitting the 70s wit bright sunshine and a blue sky. a few clouds popped up here. those clouds used to be fog. and then they evaporated and lifted up, and cooled and condensed and formed a cloud and it's passing to the west.
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and it's 76 in washington. mid-70s in montgomery and prince george's counties. and in southern maryland, right near the bay, temperatures in the mid-70s. bring field around the neighborhood networks at 76. and a comfortable 56. and when the dew points are in the 50s this year, that's comfortably dry. and then the mountains had patchy dense fog there, too. it dissipated. their temperatures are around 70 degrees. we will have lots of sunshine on tap here for the rest of the afternoon. low mu tid pea. and highs will reach the mid-80s. details on tomorrow and the rest of the week and the weekend will be in a few minutes, barbara and joe. >> thank you, tom. and up to the roads now, jerry. what does it looks like? >> it's looking nefi. something we can't say at midday all the time. live pictures south of town from the maryland shoreline of the woodrow wilson bridge.
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and bothhe inner loop and outer loop, no worries and travel lanes are open. and route 50, don't have any big deals to report coming or going to the eastern shore. and no midday construction we can find as of yet. and i am sure they will be back and over the american legion bridge moving along nicely. back to yo >> thank you. >> the moratorium is over? >> yeah, over and done. the temperature is 76 degrees here in washington. still ahead at midday, the crash in virginia, the pirate reported pieces of the plane falling off before the crash. and a nfl star shot to death over the weekend. new questions about the relationship with the woman found dead in the same home. and sarah palin's surprise announcement and what may have prompted her to step down. and the tiger's big weekend here in washington. fi
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good morning. welcome back. investigators now believe a natural gas leak could be to blame for a house explosion that happened on saturday. saturday night near the section of oregon and nebraska avenues. the blast costed more than a million dollars in damage to the home. nobody was injure at least one person is dead afar llla smane pra c iedshed
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rg.n atirep p rdeteeor lginos an exterior panel before yesterday's crash. the plane went down around 10:00 he in t morning on a farm. the single engine aircraft had been on the way to new jersey to tampa, florida, and was trying to land in lynchburg after losing the panel. so far investigators are not saying how many people were onboard the plane. and alaska governor's decision to step down has the political world in a buzz. it's delighting some democrats. the governor has yet to reveal what she is doing next, and some are wondering if the announcement could lead to a presidential run in 2012. andrea mitchell reports. >> reporter: on a holiday weekend in wasilla, people are still trying to figure out why she is quitting. >> i am stunned and shocked. >> i did not see that one coming. >> she is letting us down by quitting mid-term.
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>> reporter: palin had been invited to take part in the parade, but instead was almost unnoticed. >> we know only dead fish go with the flow. >> reporter: she tried to explain again. and a post on facebook, of course we know by now for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions my make. her lawyer denies any federal investigation or legal problems. >> she not step down for scandal or wrong doing which has been alleged. >> reporter: her lawyer says she has piled up more than half million dollars in legal fees. 15 cases on ethics have been dismissed, and one is still pending.
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>> one awkward moment for sarah palin at the yankee game, during the 7th inning, her daughter was knocked up by alex rodriquez. >> reporter: what will she do now? she will try to expand the conservative movement, her base of support. >> she had a wider opportunity to advance our core values. i think she will lay that out as to how she will do that. >> reporter: some say palin has hurt her chances as being taken seriously for a contender of the white house. >> it's not clear what her thought is. >> that was andrea mitchell reporting. our time is 11:16. a lot of nice sunshine. >> and tom joins us to talk about the forecast for today and the rest of the week. >> the best thing is the low humidity with us. we have not suffered under a big
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summer swelter here all summer. we only had three days over 90 degrees, and those days were not that uncomfortable. look at the excellent visibility. a few clouds passing over us now. and areas of fog were lifted and then condensed. and the area of fog off to the west has dissipated now. a delightful morning under way. and then look at the view from the city camera. down river is reaga national, where the temperature right now is at 76. and the last nine days in a row at reagan national has been cooler than average. and the fact that it has been cooler than average throughout most of the region for the last in nine or ten days. and as we take a look around the region on radar, no precipitation. and it's in the 70s from the san
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shenandoah valley to the chesapeake bay. and 76, the dew point a or mfcotably dry 60. low humidity with a gentle breeze coming in out of the northwest. in the mountains, it's in the upper 60s now. terrific day at the beaches and a beaiful day around the bay as well. we had overnight rain that pushed off to the east. behind that we have drier air coming in and tapping some of the cooler air up to the north. upper michigan was in the 40s and now it's in the 60s. and the temperatures all around the region, all from the atlantic seaboard to the mississippi river valley, it's not veryot or humid. we are getting a big break for early july. the last 12 hours, we had the drier air moving in on a northwesterly flow. this will continue for the next day or so. enjoy going forward over the next 36 hours where you see the colors where we could get a passing afternoon thundershower
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tomorrow, north and east of us and perhaps in new england, but here it looks like we will stay dry toward the end of the week. and we are looking for the rest of the afternoon here, having a breeze out of the northwest that will shift into the southwest as the afternoon progresses. then overnight tonight we will be clear through the evening. haneav the bright fulle moon u. sunset today at 8:36. sunrise tomorrow, 5:50. and it will be partlylo o cyudn tuesday, a weak fnty coming through giving us a few clouds. and temperatures in the mid to upper 80s with low humidity. sunday, low 60s. we will have comfortable evening hours and mornings. and afternoon highs are great for the beaches and pulls. and afternoon highs, 70 danhen after the front goes by, that will openhep uhep t he nd the humidityin all igowt to
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flow in on a southwesterly wind. highs in the 80s tea nr 90 on friday, saturday and sunday. in fact, getting quite humid over the weekend. you will want to be at the beach or at a pool with the heat and humidity coming inevitably. >> yeah, it does. just like the traffic, huh, jerry? >> yeah, i was looking at the boom at the table. don't hit counter tops, because everything is moving well at this hour. a little volume northbound, and not much to worry about on the southbound side. and it doesn't seem to be too
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much traffic. and let's see what is happening. there had been an accident earlier in maryland on i-50. and this is the interchange and the baltimore washington parkway. do be prepared because you might find traffic briefly heavy, but things are beginning to improve. look at that blue sky. >> pretty, pretty out there. our time right now is 11:21. it's 76 degrees here in washington. still ahead, the longest grand slam in history. if you are only as old as you feel, americans are younger than ever these days. and the debate over what should happen to michael jackson's children. the mother o thewo twoes oldt say s e ntthwal ofale re them.e we will look at all
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having the right tools is crucial to being able to manage your diabetes properly. it's very important for me to uh check my blood sugar before i go on stage. being on when i'm feeling low can be like a rollercoaster. it does at times feel like my body is telling me to do one thing... and, my mind, my heart is telling me to do something else. managing my highs and lows is super important. with my contour meter i can personalize my high/lo settings so it really does micromanage where my blood sugar needs to be. m i'nick jonas and never slowing down is my simple win.
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good morning. welcome back. tiger woods was the big winner at the at&t national tournament this weekends. he won by sinking a 20-foot birdie on hole 16. he topped hunter mahan.
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he is donating the prize to the tiger woods donation. another dominant athlete, roger federer claimed another wimbledon championship. roger federer is only 27 years old. the calf 18 that perks you up could perk up your memory. researchers found that drinking coffee reversed memory impairment. they were given five cups off coffee a day. the caffeine decreased the levels of protein linked to alzheimer's in the lab mice. if you believe age is nothing but a number, you are not alone. most people say they are not yet old no matter what their age.
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and that's what a survey found. when asked what old is 20 sgz said 60, and seniors said old is not until you are 75. 65 to 74, just 21% said that they felt old. and that's good. >> yeah, very good. i would say old is 20. >> yeah? >> for some. it's about 76 degrees here in the nation's capital right now. still ahead, marion barry speaks out about his latest brush with the law. it's the story you saw first on 4. and finally, good news at the pump. what you can expect to be paying to fill up the rest of the summer. and a kayak attempted to circle the globe. and in case you have not noticed, it's a beautiful day outside. how long can we expect mom: why do i love this country?
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i love how easy they make spending a weekend with my family. i love how they know what we'll enjoy doing. i love that they know how to indulge us. i love that they know how we like to relax.
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i love that it's a chance for us to really bond. see why you'll say... i love this country. developing now at midday, a court hearing today will decide who will control michael jackson's fate, while plans for tomorrow's memorial are finalized. and marion barry says he is not guilty of the stalking charges against him. heas arrested on saturday after police say a woman flagged them down in an costa park and said barry was stocking her.
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and megan mcgrath is joining us with more on the story you first saw on 4. >> reporter: counselman marion barry is facing allegations that he stalked a woman with whom he had a personal relationship with. and through his attorney, barry is denying the allegations. he says that this is a situation involving a personal relationship that has gone sour. with councilman marion barry standing behind him, cook responded to charges that barry stalked a woman is a result of a relationship gone bad, not a crime. >> we believe the charge is baseless, and it stems from a personal relationsp that has gone horribly wrong in a lot of ways and resulted in one party of the relationship striking out at mr. barry.
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>> reporter: barry was arrested on the fourth of july. an officer on patrol was flagged down by the woman, and she pointed to barry who was in another car and said that he was stalking her. barry was taken into custody and charged with misdemeanor stalking. >> reporter: in a sometimes ram bulling statement that is sometimes hard to follow, the woman took issue with the way that she was chzeacrited. and she says "those that truly know marion barry will not be so quick to docondemn me, and thos that know me will not be so quick to condemn me." she says there is a lot of
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confusion surrounding the events and what happened even among those that were involved. back to you joe and barbara. >> megan, thank you very much. councilman marion barry is no stranger to broken laws. he was videotaped smoking crack cocaine in a hotel room during an fbi sting. and he got a ticket for operating a vehicle even though his license was suspended. that same year a judge sentenced him for not filing his federal and d.c. tax returns. dd prosecutorsaide faile il ftoe his700 200 tax on .meti stay with news4 with the latest on barry's arrest. and president obama arrived in moscow, where he will be meeting with the president dmitry medvedev. the two are expected to talk
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about nuclear arms control. >> reporter: it was the whole obama family that arrived in moscow this morning. and the president sat down with russia's president, medvedev, and set to look at different issues. >> energy issues, and environmental issues, and weapons issues, that the united states and russia have more in coon than they have differen differenc differences. >> reporter: they want to cut the number of nuclear warheads, and that is a priority for both countries. >> we know people are trying to get their hands on the material. we get it through our intelligence community. >> reporter: issued remain in replacing the start or arms control treaty that expires in december. russia wants the u.s. to scrap plans for a missile defense system in eastern europe, something the russians see with
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suspicious. >> missile defense is something we have a difference on. . >> reporter: there was a shift as putin formed closure ties with mahmoud ahmadinejad. barack obama meets the former president today for the first time. u.s. officials see hope that putin's strong influence still may be waning. last week, russia offered airspace to fly u.s. troops and weapons into afghanistan. and they hope a deal on arms control with an agreement elsewhere. and the president will later meet with the pope. here at home, drivers are getting a break at the pumps. experts think that we have already seen the peak gas price this summer in june when the
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national average hit $2.69 a gallon. right now a gallon of regular gas is $2.61. and in maryland, a gallon costs around $2.54. michael jackson's public memorial will be held at the staples center tomorrow morning. west coast time. it will be afternoon here. tens of thousands are expected to fill the same arena where jackson spent his last night rehearsing for the upcoming tour. 17,500 people were lucky enough to get tickets. it's not clear whether the three children will attend the public service. the fight for custody is beginning to heat up. chris jansing has our report. >> reporter: she is the mother of the world's most watched children. >> are you ready to fight for your children? >> are you ready to get your butt kicked. >> reporter: she went from a
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unknown determine taulg assistance, to a well known mother. and after a divorce, she all but disappeared. until now. she told chuck henry that he wants the children, including blanket, jackson's son by a different mother. >> she said michael and i had an agreement, but he broke the agreement, and he died. >> reporter: under california law rowe has a clear legal claim to custody, but a judge will consider more than biology. >> put yourself in her shoes, and say i want them, they are mine. and it really begs to question whether they don't know her. >> reporter: rowe admitted as much. here she is in 1997, saying the children were her gift to michael. >> he changes them and sings to them, and i don' need to be there. michael is -- i would have
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nothing to do. >> reporter: and again, on britain tv in 2003. >> my kids don't call me mom, because i don't want them to. they are not -- they are michael's children. >> reporter: in his will, jackson said that nothing should go to rowe, and it shod go to his mother, first, and then diana ross, second. and katherine jackson claim the kids have no bon with their mother. and in rowe fights for custody, they will check out her house next. whether by preference or legal agreement, she avoided the spotlight. to win custody, she will have to step into the media glare, and .ow more blinding than ever
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>> rowe will attend jackson's memorial service. and you can watch that live here >>morrow afternoon. > we want to know if you plan to attend the service? if you managed to get ticks, we want to know how you got them. send us an e-mail at new and mcnair was found murdered on saturday. he was shot four times, twice in the head. the body of a 20-year-old woman that he was dating was also found inside his nashville condo. police say she was shot once and a pistol was found under her body. tms just released these photos, if we can take a look. it shows mcnair with the woman. it shows them parasailing together. we don't see that picture right now. and it's on a beach getaway.
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and he played most of his career with the tennessee titans, and he was married with four children. it's a beautiful day out there with lots of sunshine. let's see what tom has to say about the sunshine. >> we have seen a trance poormation in the atmosphere this morning. and the clouds are floating off to the west. and the fog evaporated and lifted and kau dencondensed and and cated a cloud. and lots of sunshine pouring down. temperatures now in the 70s to near 80 degrees with low humidity in place. and in laurel, around the neighborhood network in prince george county, a dew point is 60. and the 70s, a beautiful day around the bay and at the beaches. in the mountains now, the fog dissipated. for the rest of the day, we will
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have lots of sunshine with the highs in the mid-80s. and low humidity, we will have a big bright full moon coming up, and we will have our temperatures by dawn. it will be in the low 60s as we start off tuesday morning. another delightful day tomorrow. a few more clouds around as a weak front comes through. on wednesday and thursday, still not very humid. morning lows, low 60s. afternoon highs, mid-80s. and then on friday, saturday and sunday. each day a little hotter and more humid. afternoon highs near 90. and it's quite steamy over the weekend as well. and saturday and again on sunday a passing shower. barbara and joe? >> thank you, tom. and let's go to jerry because he is keeping an eye on the midday roadways. >> it's a little on the sluggish side on 95 southbound. there was a medical emergency southbound 95.
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northbound no worries. and then we check -- i suspect that was a plane or large bird that just flew over the 14th street bridge. if it's a bird, we better run. and the 14th street bridge, it's looking good. there was a big shadow, and it was a plane, i am sure. >> that or get a strong umbrella. >> yeah. it's 76 or 78 degrees. somewhere around there. >> yeah. coming up, a rescue at sea. a professional kayaker runs into trouble. too precious to be worn. one of the top jewelry
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good morning. welcome back. the walt disney world monorail remains closed doed after the deadly crash. two monorails collided killing one of the operators. five guests were treated at the scene for minor injuries. this is the first deadly accident in the park's 38-year history. the investigators areooking into the cause of the crash now. a manhunt is under way for a possible serial killer in south carolina. authorities believe he killed five people within a week. take a look of the sketch of the
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man. and all the victims were in gaf knee, south carolina. and just yesterday, one of th victims was laid to rest. the cherokee county sheriff says leads continue to poor in, and the shootings are linked through evidence. >> the task force is building the case on it, and we are hoping that we are inching closer to him each day. >> the town is no stranger to mass murder. back in the late '60s, the so-called gaffney strangler killed many woman in just days. demonstrators were confronting police and attack g attacking. people are ordered to stay off the streets. a senior chinese official claim
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the unrest was the work of extremists abroad. a kayaker had to be rescued off the coast of alaska. we have video from the coast guard here. it's a french kayaker. and the 28-year-old encountered rough seas and became too weak to battle through the current. and he contacted authorities on saturday to give him help. and he started his journey from france in january of 2008. 1juáhp'd a half. it is now time to look at some of the business stories making headlines this morning. >> and we are joined by courtney with more. >> reporter: stocks are lower here today. the dow is down 35 points. that's off the low of the day as ll street returns from a long holiday weekend.
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we did not trade on friday, but some of this could be carry over from thursday's unemployment report. and it shows more than forecasts jobs were lost. and there was a five-week low trading for oil. and concession concerns are still looming. and the investors are gearing up for earning season. and it officially kicks off on wednesday. alcoa's results come out then. europe is seeing red as well. and the economic calendar for the week, it's relatively light. and general motors clears a major hurdle in order to emerge from bankruptcy. a judge has aroved to sell the bulk of assets into a new company. the judge says it's justified to prevent the death of the patient
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on the operating table. reports say gm could complete the sale by tomorrow. sales abroad are surging. the automaker reports sales in china are up 14% for the first half of the year, with passenger car sales up 20%. automakers around the world are hoping china will have sales higher across the board, and so far things are looking up. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, courtney. have a great day. our time is 11:48. it's still 76 degrees. and so here is a question. i am sure michelle obama faces this. how do you stay fashionable while traveling? and we will have another check of the forecast. we are looking for people that make the day special in the ifrly morning hours. ou y know somebody like that,
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e-mail us and a clearou c
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well, it's likely the highlight of your summer and something you have been looking forward to for months, your summer vacation. before you jet off to some exotic destination, we have simple ideas to let you be a tourists without looking like a
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tourists. let's talk about michelle obama who is in russia right now. we saw her when she got off the plane. we saw when she got on the plane, and let's look at it there. that's when they were just taking off last night. and the children all dressed. they get onboard air force one. they jet off to their first stop on this trip, which is in russia. and then we will see her in just a moment and what she was wearing when she got off. would you say that's a good thing to travel in? >> yeah, i think that's a great thing to travel in. one of the things we talk about in the article is what a great thing a dress is. if you think about it, a dress can be good for going out to dinner, or going to a museum. they are very versatile. >> let's look at what she actually had when she arrived? do we have that tape? we will get that in a minute. >> yeah, she had a very elegant
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suit with a cardigan. you never know if it will be cold on the airplane, or if it will be chilly at the restaurant you are going on. and accessories which are something michelle knows well, from broechs to belts. and they are a great way, if you don't pack that many things, can you look like you have a ton of outfits by switching out your belt or necklace. >> so jeans and t-shirts are out for travel these days? >> jeans are fine. i hate to see somebody getting on a airplane with crosswalks and a sweat suit. when you arrive you will not get treated as well if you show up all slobbed out. >> what about -- what do you pack? >> well, like michelle, who we just saw, you pack -- i think
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knits are still good. and you pretty much know there is going to be an iron on the other end. >> if you don't have room in the luggage for seval changes of clothes, is there a few key things? >> a cute, daughter colored dress. maybe a bright cardigan, and ballet flats which are going strong in fashion, and a terrific thing to travel with. >> not just running shoes. if you run, don't take them. they are an easy mark, because if you are roaming around rome in running shoes. i think that we are better, and i think we have a great image in michelle obama. >> when you are rome, dress as a roman.
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is that true? >> yeah, you dress in your own style, but there is nothing worse than getting to a place and not thought about where you are going to be, and showing up for a beach vacation and you have clothes that are apopriate at the office. you want to fit in in a nice way. you will have a better time. >> thank you so much. michelle obama's beautiful attire? >> yeah, she travels stylish. >> thank you. tiffany's is now banning coral jewelry from its stores. indonesia are doing something.
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>> the coral is considered a threat mainly because it removes living corals from reefs where they ought tbe doing their job building a system and producing the habitat that all the other species depend on. >> recently the white house and congress received a letter from 100 scientists and 44 groups asking for protection on the reefs. coming up on news4, it's free exercise. can you do anytime or anywhere. walking has incredible health benefits that companies have begun to realize. and then at 5:00, it's tea time, but which sweet tea wins the best. we put that to the test. those stories and all the day's news, join us for news4 beginning at 4:00. and we will carry michael jackson's memorial service live
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tomorrow at 1:00. we want to knowfou i y are one of the lucky ones? y you managed to get tickets, we want to ow ow how you got them? send us an e-mail at news4 washingt and we are still comfortable with low humidity. plenty of sunshine. this is a live picture from the sky watcher camera. at this hour we have temperatures climbing into the upper 70s to near 80 degrees. we will see it peak in the mid-80s by the afternoon. and right now, temperatures eastern shore in the 70s, and 60s out in the mountains. we will have plenty of sunshine today. and then tomorrow, as well as wednesday and thursday, each day highs in the 80s with low humidity, getting hotter and more humid on friday and into the weekend.
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we will see you tomorrow morning. we start at 4:55. barbara and joe? >> thank you, very much. and a few people were caught snoozing on the job. it happened while the speaker of the lower house in central india was addreing them. and the speaker was asked about what happened. she said ty were awake despite the contrary evidence here. that's news for "news4 midday."
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