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tv   Good Morning America Weekend Edition  ABC  March 3, 2018 8:00am-9:00am EST

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good morning, america. this morning, the deadly nor'easter. the killer storm hammering the northeast coast. homes slammed by a wall of water. >> look at the surge. >> emergency evacuations overnight and by all means possible. millions without power with neighborhoods underwater and more flooding threats this morning. treacherous travel. a roof ripped right off this airport. hurricane-force wind gusts making for some terrifying flights. thousands of cancellations. train travel derailed too from d.c. to boston. trucks flipped with snow piling up. we've got the latest on the travel headaches. white house turmoil. president trump's son-in-law jared kushner coming under new scrutiny over potential conflicts of interest. are his days by trump's side
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numbered? and oscars by the numbers. we are behind the scenes as hollywood gets ready for its biggest night of the year. what the stars will be drinking -- >> and we'll be pouring around 12,000 flutes for the guests. >> -- and eating. >> taste it. >> okay. >> including ruby-colored chocolate. hey, good morning, everybody. paula is off preparing for our oscar coverage tomorrow. she's going to hopefully explain what ruby covered chocolate is all about. we are very lucky, however, to have ace white house correspondent cecilia vega with us on the set. >> wow, the introduction. thank you. >> that's not even saying it as strongly as i feel it. >> or as i wrote in the prompter for you to say. >> she tells me what to say but even that. >> verging on sarcasm now. >> exactly. thank you. >> no, no, no. claiborne is a man who knows something about sarcasm. that's true. lots of nonsense coming up.
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but we do want to start with that news. we have that fierce and deadly storm moving through the northeast. >> it is moving fast. millions across the northeast are waking up without power this morning. take a look at this video out of massachusetts. that is a downed electrical wire likely set this gas main on fire there. pretty big flames. >> this is duxbury, massachusetts, where an entire neighborhood is underwater. as you can see, it's almost at the top of that white picket fence. >> with this storm has come dangerous rescues. this is a mother and child picked up by firefighters after their house was flooded. >> the nor'easter also creating massive travel delays as well. this is a picture of the large frustrated crowds at new york's penn station. we have team coverage here this morning. first, though, let's get it over to sam champion who is tracking the storm. sam, good morning. >> good morning, sir. good morning, everyone. what we need to know is that the wind problems, the flooding problems, that's the travel delays, power outages all continues today. here's a list of the worst of the worst so far. if you have anything worse than this, just send it to me on twitter and we'll put it up there.
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barnstable, massachusetts, peak wind gusts 93 miles per hour. what you will hear people say, this is a category 1 wind gust. what you say to them, you say category 2 is 96. that's how close it was to a cat 2 hurricane. crazy, boston, look at those wind, 70 miles per hour. biggest rainfall total almost 6 inches and snow, almost 40 inches. here's where the storm in now. watch it pulling off the shoreline, but the winds go down from maine to virginia. there's the low. till a lot of wind warnings out right now. high winds at 36 miles per hour down to 22, 27 in the new york city area. and that boston barnstable area. it has been a rough, rough 24, 48 hours. gio benitez has been there the entire time. he is in boston right now. gio, not only were you in boston right now but you were in scituate yesterday, where you saw those waves that were bigger than the houses washing over. that had to be crazy. >> reporter: it was just unbelievable, sam. you and i have covered a lot of hurricanes and seen things like that. this was just incredible.
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you know, sam, here in boston we are still feeling some of those wind gusts you're talking about. here at the boston harbor, they saw the third highest water level on record, we're talking about a storm surge of nearly four feet and the flooding threat is not over just yet. overnight the monster nor'easter blasting homes with wind and waves, waves reaching as high as second story homes. in quincy, massachusetts, children rescued by the national guard after their neighborhood flooded. rescues taking place in the buckets of tractors with the water washing out roads. this couple and their dog brought to safety on a boat. this man stranded in his vehicle trying to get out. >> look at that surge. >> reporter: the wind gusts reaching up to 93 miles per hour. tough for us to even stand in. this incredible wind that you're seeing right now, this is actually coming off the ocean.
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power outages across the northeast with more than 2 million customers without electricity this morning. in pennsylvania, the downed power lines causing fires and the storm turning deadly with at least seven deaths all from falling trees highlighting the unexpected danger of some of nature's heaviest debris. >> stay out of it if you can. avoid being outside. a lot of these tree limbs are coming down. and people aren't prepared for them. >> reporter: on the road in jane city county, virginia, a truck driver could not avoid a falling oak tree. the passenger was killed. and back here live at the boston harbor, we can tell you the wind and water are still a concern because the next high tide is at around midday and that could mean even more coastal flooding. dan, cecilia. >> it is going to be a rough weekend. okay, gio, thank you. that storm is creating a travel nightmare along the east coast. i was stuck in that trying to get here this weekend. >> it's unpleasant. planes grounded. trains, buses and cars at a standstill and abc's kenneth moton is at reagan national airport covering the travel anging. what's happening? >> reporter: dan and cecilia,
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airports and train stations will try to bounce back from this winter storm. the strong wind still a problem especially here at this d.c. airport. i can tell you that already we're seeing flight delays and hundreds of cancellations. overnight the powerful nor'easter left its mark behind ripping this roof off at laguardia airport in new york. in d.c. a 737 attempted to land on a runway fighting those 40 to 60-mile-per-hour wind gusts. the pilot told to abort. >> southwest 5875, go around. >> reporter: affected by the stormy weather, more than 3400 flights were canceled in the northeast and roadways a mess. brutal winds knocked over a semi in rhode island. another overturned on this bridge in new york. >> flipped over. whoa. verrazano bridge. >> reporter: this truck flipped just outside of baltimore. further inland heavy snow from new york down to pennsylvania. nearly 40 inches falling outside of albany. in the poke joe mountains,
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conditions so bad, interstate 380 shut down trapping drivers in their cars for hours. >> it's been horrible. i was stuck on the side of the road since 9:30. around 2:00 somebody finally was able to pull over and pull me out of my ditch. >> reporter: travel on the rails even worse. amtrak forced to cancel service along the northeast corridor. in boston, water poured into the subway station and in new jersey, these commuter rail tracks flooded. amtrak says it will be back up and running this morning along most of the east coast. power outages and storm debris still impacting routes including d.c. to new york. dan and cecilia. >> what a nightmare. kenneth, thank you. we're going to move on now to politics and a whole new level of turmoil at a white house that as cecilia can attest is all too used to turmoil. >> exactly. now there are new questions this morning about potential conflicts of interest for jared kushner. the president is not happy with him but it is not just jared kushner, the list of possible
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west wing departures is growing. abc's david wright is at the white house with more. david, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, cecilia and dan. this has been another topsy-turvy week here at the white house with the president abruptly changing course on issues from gun control to a possible trade war and this morning, new headlines raise questions about one of his closest aides. publicly the president has full confidence in his son-in-law, jared kushner. but privately white house sources say kushner's potential conflicts of interest with his family business are a source of concern. this week "the new york times" reported that two wall street firms loaned kushner's family business more than half a billion dollars after executives had multiple meetings with kushner at the white house. six weeks later the s.e.c. dropped an investigation into one of those firms, apollo global management. the timing raises questions although both sides deny there was a quid pro quo. another new report in the
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intercept alleges kushner's family real estate firm sought a huge investment from the emir of qatar last april to shore up financing on this fifth avenue high-rise. qatar declined. weeks later the white house gave tacit approval to an economic blockade of qatar by its neighbors. >> the president certainly ought to demand that kushner get rid of his financial interests but it's a hard thing for the president to do because he hasn't gotten rid of his own financial interests. >> reporter: kushner's lawyer insists he has had no role in the kushner companies since joining the government and that he has followed all ethics advice including recusing himself when appropriate. kushner's job as one of the president's most trusted advisers has given him extraordinary access to foreign and business leaders. but according to "the washington post," several foreign governments have discussed ways to try and manipulate him by taking advantage of his inexperience and his business
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troubles. >> well, jared has done an outstanding job. i think he's been treated very unfairly. he is a high quality person. >> reporter: it isn't just the democrats taking an interest in kushner's complicated finances, the special counsel is investigating as well and his finances may have something to do with his apparent inability to get a security clearance in the past year. just this past week, he was downgraded. his access to classified information downgraded from top secret to secret. cecilia and dan. >> yeah, and, david, it has been a really rough week for jared kushner. that review of security clearances that you mentioned was prompted by that rob porter departure, very controversially. chief of staff john kelly now has a new explanation for what happened there? >> reporter: that's right. kelly now says that porter resigned the day the scandal broke but that doesn't square with events. just the day after the scandal broke, here in this room press secretary sarah sanders was expressing full confidence in porter. bottom line, kelly says the white house could have handled
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things better but he says at no point did he think of resigning. dan and cecilia. >> a lot of questions about the time line that he has laid out. david, thank you very much. as we've said, it's a whole new level of turmoil at the white house. cecilia, you've been there since the jump. how bad is it? >> well, i think the fact that the president is angry right now with what many thought was the untouchable jared kushner says a lot and we're not just talking about jared kushner but look at the departure of hope hicks, one of his closest aides, within the past few days and now potentially more names to come in the inner circle. there's a real sense that the knives are out behind the scenes in the white house, growing factions and the reality is with all of this drama they are not getting a lot of policy done. >> i want to ask more about jared kushner. so let's bring in abc news chief political analyst matthew dowd. matt, good morning to you. so, as we know and david and cecilia have laid this out, jared kushner is facing questions about conflicts of interest, he's entangled in the russia investigation. he's just had his security clearance downgraded. how long can he hang on?
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>> well, in any normal white house which this one isn't he would have been gone a long time ago, long before even these latest allegations had surfaced just because he couldn't even pass a fbi background check and get security clearance. so obviously he has a special attribute which is the some of the president, so i think that allows him some more leeway in this but as cecilia just said in her report and reports over the last few weeks, this white house, the chances of surviving this white house is akin to surviving the armitage house in "get out." >> a lot of people are watching what's happening and saying it feels like watching a reality show in realtime with all these departures coming and going. so now john kelly admits these missteps in that rob porter scandal. that is far from the only thing going on. how much, matt, is all of this getting in the way of the president's agenda? >> well, i think the president is his own worst enemy and now
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he has some staff that seem to be putting up more hurdles in this. i think the biggest problem, this adds to a long series of things that's going to make it very hard to get his agenda through. i think the last fundamental thing that he's going to be able to have done was the tax bill that he got through at the end of last year. the primary reason is this is a midterm election year and now all the politics come to play and with a president with a job approval rating in the mid-30s, staff trouble at nearly every level in the white house, the chances of getting anything done while the president continues to tweet and get his own way is exceedingly small. >> matt, thank you. we appreciate your referencing the movie "get out," which is a best picture contender tomorrow night. >> awesome movie. awesome movie. >> still haven't seen it. >> it's great. well, you're a little busy covering the white house. >> you got to see it, cecilia. you got to see it, vague. >> i take all my movie recommendations from matt dowd. >> you should. the man is a maven. matthew, thank you very much. excellent as always. we really appreciate it. we move on now to a wild arrest that was caught on camera. this one is downright cinematic. >> police swarming the suspects just as they were allegedly
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about to attempt an armored truck heist. abc's eva pilgrim is here with more. hey, eva, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the way this played out looks like something out of a action thriller. a bold attempt to steal millions of dollars cashed just in time. a dramatic interstate takedown in florida. police say a violent two-year plot to steal millions from an armored truck foiled just before the heist. a helicopter capturing the moments officers moved in. one suspect crawling on the ground as he surrendered. another walking backwards. >> you see in the video actually we have cars in front, cars in the back, vehicles on the side and we just slowly tighten the noose, stop the vehicle and get them out. nobody got hurt. >> reporter: authorities say the group was planning to rob a loomis armored truck on tuesday during a large bank run in port st. lucie killing at least two of the guards working.
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according to court documents one guard on the truck was in on the plan. the motivation, money. the truck expected to be carrying $4 million. >> informants are absolutely critical in these cases that are ongoing. in other words, they're in the planning stages, where the informant through audio and video can actually captu crime as it evolves. >> reporter: investigators say they used the informant's audio and videotapes to stop the group. this morning, all three are in federal custody. and police say if this attempt had been successful the trio planned to strike again. they already had a second one in the works. >> oh, wow. thank you very much. speaking of wow, it has been as we established at the start of the show a wild weather weekend. sam, let's get it back to you for what else you're looking at. >> right, and good morning again, everyone. we've got to get you west, another one, big snow. many of you will see this as a survival issue. we'll make it up in up with
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storm. two inches of snow an hour in some cases, allowed them to pick up 48 inches of snow in just one day. that's across the california see air i -- sierras. this is good news for the snow pack we need it for the entire west coast. when i see the watches and warnings a couple of thing stand out at me. las vegas, 06-mile an hour wind during the day today. look at the winter storm warnings in the mountains of california they could pick up 18 inches of snow. when you see what's going on rapid city minneapolis, that's ahead tomorrow when this storm makes a move to the middle of the country. you have that low spreading the low on the coastline, pushing that inland. we'll take the western half of the country. we'll see snow near minneapolis, picking up 60 inches of snow. that's the weather around the
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nation, here's what you could see this morning. >> reporter: that system that will be pushing through the heartland of the nation that could be a potential storm for us down the road. flurries north and west of the philadelphia area. not a big deal. most of us waking up to sun and clouds. as a matter of fact beautiful shot. camera shaking around a little bit, you saw the ben franklin bridge there. decent day, chilly, 46 degrees, windchills in the 30s, winds up to 40. coast by midweek when we come back. >> why do you look so happy when you say that. >> i'm not so happy. >> you're happy. look at you. >> because he lives in miami. >> that's right. he's returning. he doesn't have to deal with it. winter, we're changing here. >> we're going to change the subject. ron, save us. please. >> good morning, ace. >> hi. >> and dan. adrienne and sam, good morning to you. good morning, everyone. we're going to begin with breaking news out of michigan
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where the manhunt for a college sophomore suspected of fatally shooting his parents on the campus of central michigan university, that manhunt is over. 19-year-old james eric davis jr., he is in custody this morning accused of killing his parents at a dormitory. the school was on lockdown yesterday as police searched for the shooter. davis was found near some train tracks that run through campus. and in las vegas, the family of a british tourist who died when the sightseeing helicopter that he was in crashed into the grand canyon last month, he has filed -- the family has filed the first lawsuit over that incident. the relatives of jonathan udall claim that their son could have survived the crash if the helicopter had been equipped with a crash resistant fuel system. five people were killed in that crash, two people survived. also in vegas, the families of the 58 people killed in the october 1st mass shooting at a concert there, they'll receive $275,000 each family from the victims' fund that was started as a go fund me effort. the nonprofit says it will also provide more than $10
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million to dozens of the victims injured in that shooting. the cdc is issuing new numbers on the season's deadly flu epidemic saying the worst of it may finally be over while 17 more children died from the virus this week. the number of people being treated for flu symptoms has actually gone down. high levels of flu activity has been reported in 32 states down from 39 states the week before. 114 children, though, have already died from the flu this season. in charlotte, north carolina, some 2,000 mourners paid their respects to the late reverend billy graham, the president, the first lady as well as vice president pence and his wife remembering the man often called america's pastor. graham's children vowing to carry on their father's evangelism. and finally, it wasn't quite casey at the bat but more like russell at the bat. seattle seahawks quarterback russell wilson batting for the new york yankees in spring training, this happened yesterday. wilson appeared as a pinch hitter in the fifth inning in a game against the atlanta braves and tampa where the yankees play.
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there you see it just like casey, he struck out. first time that the former super bowl winning qb had played in a pro baseball game since 2011. the home team, though, still cheering him on. on the tim tebow watch he also struck out but also got a hit yesterday so tebow's career continues. wilson won't end up playing for the yankees, a lot of fun for everybody. >> you are our in-house yankees expert on all things. i do remember some tears last year. >> yeah, yeah. >> vaguely. bringing that back up. >> congratulations, houston astros. >> i don't know about tears. as ron claiborne likes to say, you can't hurt steel. thank you, ron. appreciate it. >> i do like to say that. >> yeah, he does. coming up on "gma." a new warning for american travelers. the popular tourist destination where an apparent explosive device was found on a ferry ry week after an explosion on another ferry. details on the invitation for prince harry's wedding to meghan markle being sent to commoners in the uk so who gets the golden ticket? we will tell you all the details. >> adrienne is covering that
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story. also, the oscars by the numbers. we're going to take you behind the scenes to show you everything that goes into hollywood's big night. there's the red carpet. keep it here. "good morning america" is brought to you by the serta icomfort mattress. icomfort mattress. rick blomquist thought he had comfort all figured out. but then, he laid on a serta and realized his life was only just sorta comfortable. i've been living a lie. the new serta icomfort hybrid mattress. not just sorta comfortable, serta comfortable. purchase an icomfort mattress and get a free boxspring or up to $500 off an adjustable set. is this my car? ck. state farm knows that for every one of those moments... what? this is ridiculous! there's one of these... sam, i gotta go... is this my car? what? this is ridiculous! this can't be happening!
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you, 8:27 a.m., saturday, march 3. sky6 live hd look at the controversy brook park section of philadelphia. there's a downed tree, the storm knocked out power to shows
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thousands -- thousand of households. let's go you over to chris sowers. >> reporter: the snow is heavy and weighing down on power line and tree branches. a lot of this will melt today and tomorrow, as temperatures get into the mid 40s, mixed skies today. monday looks good, another storm on the way tuesday and wednesday, it could be rain and mixed snow north and west. >> that's it for "action news" for now, we're back in 30 minutes. stay tuned for more "good morning america." i'm gray hall. make it a great day.
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hey, welcome back to "gma" on a saturday morning. happening right now the deadly nor'easthe northeast. millions of people waking up right now to flooding and power outages after high tides and a massive storm surge pounded the coastline. travelers stranded as well with the storm bringing trains and planes in many cases to a standstill. >> yeah, also right now, uber health. the ride hailing service says it is now teaming up with health care providers across the country allowing doctors to schedule and pay for their patients' rides. a study finds that an estimated 25% of patients have missed a doctor's visit because of transportation issues so this could be a really helpful thing. and check this out, alexa is now back. amazon's digital assistant going silent, oh, my gosh, for so many echo users across the country on the scene reminiscent of this
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year's super bowl ad. imagine this, the horror of this, users were forced to have to turn on light switches by themselves and look up phone numbers the old-fashioned way. fortunately the outage was brief and alexa is back at work. >> do any one of these digital assistants -- >> it's cool. it's amazing. >> what does it do for you? >> plays music. all kinds of music. i don't have it hooked up to the light switch. >> you don't have to feed it and it's company. you don't have to feed it and it's company. >> okay. >> dan loves cats so he's not going to replace them with >> this conversation is -- love we will start with a new warning for american tourists visiting mexico. >> this comes after last month's explosion on a ferry between two popular tourist destinations. abc's zachary kiesch joins us with more. good morning, zachary. >> reporter: you know, these poh tourists on a vacation enjoying the sun in mexico and expect to see beach bigs but not an explosive device. just over a week after this
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mysterious explosion, mexican officials are now investigating how an explosive device found its way on a second ferryboat destinations. authorities say the device seen here was found on a barcos caribe ferry between playa del carmen and cozumel just off the coast of the island. mexican officials say it was contained and did not put people in danger. the state department now warning american travelers to exercise caution when visiting the popular destination and princess cruise is issuing a warning to its guests saying they've canceled all tours that make use of ferries and strongly advise that ferries from cozumel to the mainland be avoided. >> some of the things we can deduce from the pictures we've seen is that these weren't large bombs that were intended to kill a lot of people. they were more likely to put oa to slowly sink a boat, perhaps to damage the reputation of the ferry companies. [ speaking a foreign language ] >> reporter: the first explosion
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operated by the same company leaving 25 people injured. this american mother and son suffering minor injuries after the blast. >> there was a very loud bang like a giant firework just went off when it exploded. >> reporter: some americans visiting the region say they're not afraid. >> i think the mexican government will probably be doing a good job searching the ships making sure it doesn't happen again. >> reporter: both incidents are still under investigation and mexican state barcos caribe ferries have been suspended and don't know if there's any connection between the two. >> what a weird mystery. >> i know, right. >> scary. >> zachary, thank you very much. really appreciate it. >> let's check the weather again. as we mentioned, sam champion, we're very lucky to have sa we were bouncing between the west coast storm and the east coast storm that's departing all day long him let's go back east out of mount new hampshire. you see the ice on top of everything. look at the ripply waves in the
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clouds they called calvin ham waves. because of the two guys two discovered them. today it departs, all today we have the effects of the wind and the coastal flooding. that's why we have the wind alerts and all day flooding alerts along the east coastline. monday and tuesday we're tracking about rain and snow developing along the mississippi river valley. someplaces in arkansas on the mississippi river are at stage. this will create problems adding more rain and snow behind it. as we said we're looking at the snow to be in minnesota him this is a nor'easter for wednesday. if anyone has totals, tell them they can't have them yet. it's way it looks like the storm is on its way.
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>> reporter: that's the weather around the nation, here's what's happening are you live to this morning. >> reporter: good morning, chris sowers that's what we're anticipating next week. today looks good, sunday looks good, as well, monday, looks good. tuesday and wednesday, here comes the coastal storm. that? were you like, i don't want to wear fancy shoes? >> the weather was messy. >> a product placement thing. >> he has a deal with michael jordan. >> i'd love to say i have a deal but i don't. thank you. >> tomorrow, tomorrow he's going to wear a suit that is like emblazoned with nike -- >> like a nascar driver, all sorts of things on it. >> just one day. all right, sam, thank you very much. coming up on "gma," harry and meghan putting a personal stamp on their wedding. the good news for us commoners. and the star athlete who needs a lesson in why it is not okay to play ball indoors. it's all coming up on "pop
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news." >> he's wearing shoes too. he has a deal, though, this guy. a deal, this guy. take a moment. to unwrap, and unwind... with lindor. a hard chocolate shell, with a smooth, melting, center. crafted by the lindt master chocolatiers. whenever. wherever. lindor, from lindt. life's too short for ordinary chocolate. i've never seen anything like that. i want to video chat with a doctor (cooing) (grunt) oh! (clattering) (toys clicking, buzzing) whoa... need a doctor after hours? see one on your phone... that's normal for a new baby. ...with unitedhealthcare. hey, doc. unitedhealthcare.
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no, please, please, oh! ♪ (shrieks in terror) (heavy breathing and snorting) no, no. the running of the bulldogs? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money aleia saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. so you can expect the royal wedding of prince harry to meghan markle to be filled with the traditional pageantry.
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>> but the couple is determined also to put a few modern twists on this wedding and adrienne is here with more including the guest list. >> that's right. it's kind of like what's old is new again. almost everything about this storybook engagement and wedding has been magical and now for those on the very exclusive guest list will be a witness to history. here ye, here ye. this morning we know who will be invited to the wedding of the year. >> the prince shall choose a bride. >> reporter: remember the scene from "cinderella" as all the maidens received invitations to come to the palace. it's kind of like except the prince has found his match, meghan markle. public from,hat will be similar quote, every corner of the united kingdom will have the honor to become the first to see the newlyweds as they exit st. george's chapel invited to await their royal highnesses inside the castle walls of windsor and just who will be the guests
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receiving those specialinvitati? youth leaders in their communities. each nominated by the queen's representatives. doesn't that sound like a page ripped right out of a princess' diary. >> princess of jenovia. >> a lot will come to windsor to see the whole event. they'll be lining the streets where the carriage route will go after the couple are married. >> reporter: 530 members of staff, more than 600 from the windsor castle community, 100 local students and 200 from charities supported by the couple likely to include wounded warrior athletes from harry's invictus games. >> this is still going to be a fairy tale wedding for the whole of the world to see. >> reporter: but first more royal business. buckingham palace reveals meghan will join the queen for her first working engagement since christmas to celebrate the commonwealth next week. and you can almost hear it. you know, you see this carriage. it's gold gilded and it's like cue the music.
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♪ when you wish upon a star >> are you a little excited about this? >> i know. ah. those fortunate enough to grab a spot along windsor's town center outside windsor castle will spot the married couple waving at crowds from their horse-drawn carriage. they'll wish them a happily ever half. >> are you really this excited? >> i really get excited about this royal wedding business. i remember where i was when will and kate got married. like i know exactly where i was. >> wow. >> it's important. >> i have no memories. i was just trying to think where was i? >> you stunned us all. >> hey. >> i hope you get an invitation. >> when you wish upon a star makes no difference who you are. >> oh, wow. >> anything your heart desires will come to you. i'm really living it and my fingers are crossed. >> i can't cut her off because that's a disney song. >> i know. >> all right. thank you very much. >> you're welcome. >> we love your enthusiasm. coming up on "gma," oscars by the numbers. how hollywood is getting ready for its biggest night. we're going to take you behind the scenes tomorrow at oscar sunday.
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♪ 24 karat magic all right, this i can get excited about. i love the oscars. we are acounting down to the oscars tomorrow night. >> what's happening? i want play-by-play coverage of the scene we're looking at. >> that is a carpet and the color is red. >> final touches. >> and a worker working. >> and a worker working and lots of celebrities, people who are part of some of the best movies of the years going to be walking up those steps. >> i'll be watching but kayna whitworth, our friend in los angeles, got the money ticket and went behind the scenes. take a watch. >> cool. >> reporter: before holl elite even enter the dolby theatre, they'll walk the red carpet. underneath this plastic is 900 feet of red carpet. it's 33 feet wide and costs more
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than $24,000. after the big show it's on to the governors ball for a famous feast by wolfgang puck. >> always something different. >> reporter: this year the all-star chef shipped in 300 pounds of miyazaki-wagyu beef, considered the best in the worl >> okay. wow, this is special, guys. >> reporter: and with a thousand pounds of chicken a fan favorite. >> the chicken pot pie and the chardonnay are to die for. >> reporter: a couple of wines planning on pouring 2400 bottles. and don't forget the champagne,h the glitz and glamour of old hollywood. >> we'll be pouring around 12,000 flutes. i know it sounds a lot but actually it's a lot of guests. pop, pop, pop goes the piper that night. >> reporter: and for dessert, 30 pounds of 24 karat gold dust will partially cover those famous chocolate oscars. >> when we unmold them you have to be very careful about the ankles because it's so thin and
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delicate, it will crack. >> reporter: for the first time ever in the u.s., 150 pounds ay to enjoy hollywood's sweetest night. >> finally came up with a new kind of chocolate which is ruby so the extraction process just keep the color purple/pinkish and it tastes almost like a berry. >> reporter: for "good morning america," kayna whitworth, abc news, los angeles. >> we got our answer about the ruby chocolate. >> yes. >> i want them to ship us the ruby chocolate. i mean, can we get a -- >> paula is out there. she's going to be there tomorrow. >> can we get an amazon delivery? >> i think we can get a paula faris delivery which is even better. abc's coverage of the oscars starts tomorrow at 1:00 eastern. we're going heavy on this thing with countdowns to the oscars paula faris, as well ass chris connelly and at 4:30 we'll be live on facebook, then it's oscars opening ceremony live from the red carpet at 6:30 eastern and the oscars itself starts at 8:00 eastern, a half
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hour earlier, plus, a complete wrap-up monday on "gma" so going light on this. >> so you're saying the oscars are tomorrow? >> yes. that's whittling down to the headline. >> we'll be back with "pop news." [silence] [click] why is the screen empty?! thank you! espresso! blonde! starbucks!
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"good morning america" is brought to you by geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. >> we've made up a new nickname for adrienne, "a" game. >> we're bringing our "a" game with a.b. >> do you like it? >> let's talk about taylor swift. not me. she just announced an exciting lineup for her big "reputation" tour. camila cabello -- i'm second-guessing myself on camila cabello's name even though i know how to say spanish. all right, camila cabello and charli xcx will be opening for
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the "end game" singer as she shared this with her fans. >> i'm excited. i hope you are too and can't wait to see you, can't wait to see them. really excited just about the whole thing in general. >> that's right. that's her excited face. meanwhile, charli playfully tweets can i officially be the influence on the reputation tour. just kidding or am i. >> charli xix is very good. i interviewed her for "nightline." >> you are a good music critic. >> eh. >> he is hip to the hip. >> don't be fooled by the suit. >> underneath that suit is a hard core rock and rap lover. >> yeah, don't be fooled. >> i tell you. >> what's the next story? >> let's do sports. you know you like sports. right? steph curry may be a wizard on the basketball court. but don't ask him about his golf swing. yeah, the nba star posted this on instagram. >> uh-oh. >> kind of shattered the
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glass in a window? and it fell or it was the glass on the table and it cracked but he said in this caption when you feel like you're on the pga tour so you got to get swings going on in the hotel room. >> this was a hotel room? >> yeah, i think he can afford to replace the table or window or whatever he cracked. still, maybe stick to basketball. >> ouch. >> just saying. >> he's a very good golfer, actually. >> just not in a hotel room. like nobody is a good golfer in a hotel room. what are you doing? maybe he was just trying to chip it in the bathtub. "gma" was proud to take part in the lemons for leukemia challenge earlier this week. a social media campaign started by two friend, one who has leukemia, dedicated to raising bone marrow awareness. michael, robin, george and lara all joined in on the set. lara challenged the rock and he stepped sharing on twitter. >> why eat an amazing tasting orange or grape when you can eat an awful tasting lemon for a great cause? good luck, boys. it's a great challenge and thank you, lara. i am going to -- you're going to pay dearly for this. >> he barely tasted it. >> not even a face. >> didn't pucker up.
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>> like a piece of gum. >> the rock. >> talk about you can't hurt steel. the rock. >> wow. >> all right. adrienne, great job as always. brought your "a" game. we'll see you tomorrow right here oscar sunday. le i'm gray hall, coming up next only "action news" 9:00 a., but traces remain him we'll look at the problems the storm causee it left behind glcialg the countdown is on for the oscars, we'll have a live preview of one of the biggest nights. a look at what makes the 90th academy awards so special. those stories and more all next
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only "action news" saturday morning. oh good, you're awake! finally. you're still here? come on, denise. we're voya!
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we stay with you to and through retirement... with solutions to help provide income throughout. i get that voya is with me through retirement, i'm just surprised it means in my kitchen. oh. so, that means no breakfast? i said there might be breakfast. i was really looking forward to breakfast. i know... voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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nor'easter remains as crews continue to clear the debris that was knocked over by strong
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wind. the storm brought down several large trees and took out power lines across the delaware valley causing major travel issues. this morning many are without power and some roads remain blocked by the fallen debris. drivers are under to use caution as they hit the roads today. we have live coverage this morning, bob brooks has a look at some of the damage that drivers can expect out there on the roads, but first, meteorologist chris sowers is outside with the accuweather forecast, hi, chris. , all right, good morning to you, gray, one of the problems we're having this morning is this right hear. heavy wet snow that fell yesterday sticks to everything, power lines, power poles, trees, bushes, asphalt and sidewalks. the snow and the ice that was accumulating on the snow and branches is starting to melt and fall. if you have to shovel the walks and driveways, especially if you have trees above you watch out for this s


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