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tv   Action News at 1230 PM  ABC  February 28, 2018 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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lives. and also new questions about jared kushner's role in the white house after he loses his top security clearance. >> and now the details, one person was killed in a house fire in west philadelphia. the fast moving fire ripped through two twin homes and one investigators sifted through the rubble they found that a resident did not make it out alive. vernon odom is live now along ray street with the full details. >> reporter: good afternoon sara, we are still waiting for philadelphia's medical examiner to release the name of the victim here described as an elderly man by neighbors who was known by the name of mr. kennedy. >> this is daylight video of the scorched twin home on the 5300 block of ray street. the rapidly spreading blaze broke out at 8:40 killing the elderly man that lived here and firefighters got here quickly but too late for the victim known to neighbors only at mr. kennedy. >> there was a lot of fire in
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the building of origin and extended to the occupancy next door and when they arrived was fire more than two stories up above the building and for n scene. >> coming out of the roof -- and for a minute there i thought it was going to explode -- >> this is the second fire death today we have in philadelphia. this is a challenging day. >> reporter: rick, that other deadly fire was on new kirk street in strawberry mansion. the fire marshall is still investigating what happened here at 53rd and race. i'm vernon odom, channel 6 "action news" live in west philadelphia. >> thank you. a man shot his wife critically wounding her and turned the gun on himself. it happened in the couple's home here on the 200 block of roosevelt avenue in edgewood park. the burlington police department is investigating. students return to class today at marjorie stoneman
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douglas high school in florida. two weeks after a former student gunned down 17 people inside of the high school. outside of the school in parkland a makeshift memorial for the victims continues to grow and inside we are told that volunteers joined police inputting up welcome back signs for the students and staff and the broward county school board vowed to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone. the students had mixed emotions for returning to class for the first time since the tragedy. >> i am feeling weird. it's nerve-racking back on campus and it's been a while. it's going to be different. we will never be back to normal but it is going to get us in the right direction. >> meanwhile, the officer who captured the gunman, michael leonard was honored at an event last night. and w call himself a hero and was emotional talking about the day. president trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, jared
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kushner, has lost his top security clearance coming with a crack down on clearance as john kelly stripped top clearance from several staffers. stephanie ramos has more from washington. >> jared kushner's role in the white house may be in jeopardy. >> i am senior adviser to donald trump. >> and for how long? he is downgraded to secret that means cut off to highly classified information. and making the task he is suppose to do finding peace in the middle east. challenging. >> he is a valuable part of the team and will continue his work. both chief of staff, john kelly and kushner's lawyer says the same that it won't affect his job. that multiple foreign countries have found ways to manipulate
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kushner by taking advantage of his business arrangements and lack of foreign policy experience. he is working under a temporary clearance since the inauguration. the fbi reviewing the application several months. and changing it several times adding the contact with foreign officials before the administration which he originally admitted. some contacts with foreign officials were never disclosed to the national security council or never reported at all. that may be of interest to robert mueller. >> they will look into efforts to raise money for his business from foreign sources. >> the president does have the authority to give kushner a permanent clearance but left that up to his chief of staff, john kelly. turning to the accuweather
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forecast. now we have another day with sunshine and it's not too cold out there. but big changes are coming in the days ahead in the form of rain and even snow. meteorologist, david murphy is outside on the terrace with the full details from accuweather. >> it's a bright morning with additional clouds and a lot of blue and clouds out to the west on satellite. take a look the cloud cover we are expecting to get here is massing out to the west and having a hard time overtaking fairly dry air right now and enjoying a sunshine bonus. and temperatures are on the way up with the southerly flow. you see the wind driving up from the south, 56 currently in philadelphia. and allentown similar 55. and milder numbers away from the ocean front. 60 in dover. the winds are not all that strong. they drop to 5 in philadelphia
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and the coast slightly more blustery conditions. the rest of the way looks mild. 57 by 2:00. 58 by 4:00 and i'm now expecting a high of 59 at 3:00 and still holding the low 50s as late as 10:00. the colder air coming into the region the last couple of nights doesn't make it here tonight. the overnight low own 44 or so. tomorrow we have a change on the way, we start out cloudy but by mid-day and early afternoon rain arrives and later into tomorrow night. this is the 9:30 at view. the rain starts to pile on and heavy downpours and pour drainage flooding and at this time period we'll have on shore flow. and into friday there may not be rain around and windy and not feeling nice at all and temperatures in the mid-40s. at the tail end of all of this we see wrap around wet snow
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particularly in the poconos. i'll have detail oz and that coming up with future tracker 6. and now, another nice day to get outside and get stuff done. >> thank you. today is the final day of february and the final day of black history month. one civil rights icon in philadelphia was honored with a statute outside of city hall. ac octavius cato was -- >> it was buried and not taught for generations there is a chance for this generation of school kids to learn about those men and women and do their own research. >> our tamala edwards sat down with two local authors that got high marks for their biography about octavius cato sharing his legacy so it is not forgotten. you can see it online at students at chester community charter school
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celebrated black history month with a little bit of competition and the top in each grade competed with the best author s and righters. the top three take a trophy to remember their hard work and dedication. still to come changes are make for this year's oscars and diversity converse surrounding the award show in the past. and the sneak peek of outdoor adventures that orlando, florida, has to offer. and you could be chosen for a free trip.
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two years after the oscars converse for diversity. there is progress with new voting members and changes reflected in the nominations but some say it's still far from enough. marcy gonzales has more. >> i'm here as the academy
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awards, otherwise known as it's white peoples choice awards. >> the glaring lack of divert sparking awareness and some change carrying into this year's nomination. >> achievement indirecting. >> mexican director in that category is considered a favorite to win and jordan peel is nominated for writing and directing "get out". >> it goes bigger than me and us. i had that when i was a kid. whoopi goldberg one for best supporting actress. >> nominated this year octavia spencer and mary j. blige up for original song. and denzel washington nominated for best actor and among it's nominees for original screen play, and best adapted screen play d. reason first woman to
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get a nod for writing. >> why did it take 90 years to gets here. they say that diversity in the film industry asks the same. there is some progress hollywood has a long way to go. >> out of 2016. 25 did not have a single african-american or black actor on the screen. over 40 did not feature asian characters and 15 did not feature latino characters. we need stories that represents all of humanity. >> don't forget to watch the oscars live with host jimmy kimmel here on 6 abc. beginning at 8:00 sunday night. and after the oscars, alec baldwin's new talk show on abc makes the debut. he will interview comedian jerry seinfeld andcate mckinnon on the
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show. set to hair sunday night after the academy awards. tonight on an all new goldbergs we can relive eagles glory with a special super bowl episode. the sitcom is centered around the family living in jenkin town and featured legend mike quick and voice of the eagles reece. airing here on 6 abc. still ahead on "action news" another check of the forecast for you. stepping live outside sky 6 hd showing you cape may, a little cloud cover there. meteorologist, david murphy, has the update from accuweather. olympic downhill skier...
12:44 pm can't let spills slow you down. that's why i use bounty, the quicker picker upper. bounty picks up spills quicker... ...and is two times more absorbent. bounty, the quicker picker upper.
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david is back with another check of the accuweather forecast. the pictures outside, bright and beautiful. >> very nice and most of afternoon is looking good too. stormtracker 6 live double scan
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showing you we are dry as expected and we'll keep that radar ready because tomorrow that changes. for now on sky 6 hd plenty of sunshine getting through the high clouds struggling to get here from the west. there is penn's landing with the spirit of philadelphia. and half of the battleship olympia there on the left side of your screen. 56 so far if philadelphia. mild for this time of year and winds from the west at 13 continuing to draw mild air in. we'll add a few degrees before we are done today. and temperatures across it's region everybody enjoying the surge and mild air from the south. the 56 in philadelphia not different from the 55 in allentown and a couple of spots down south in dover touching 60. satellite shows you how the cloud cover pushes in this morning and evaporating and eroding and gathering steam and coming in today and tonight ain nice sunny start with a few high
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clouds around and 59 is what we expect in philadelphia and a couple of spots touch 60. and 58 in allentown and the closer you get to the coast the better chance you get of stopping in the mid-50s and that is above average. here is now the number fwoz the rest of the way. 57 by 2:00 and 59 degree high there around 3:00 and even as late as 6:00 still comfortable at 55. and notice how the numbers don't fall all that quickly as late as 10:00. i think we are milder overnight tonight stopping in the 40s everywhere. and cloud cover in the morning and by noon we will be on the lookout coming in on stormtracker and the southwestern suburbs and we are here to show it to you on stormtracker 6 live double scan as we go later into the afternoon the rain starts to fill in 3:30 when the kids are wrapping up that walk home from school. you probably want to plan on arming them with some sort of rain gear and then we get later into the nighttime and pounded with heavy rain, this is 11:00
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thursday night. during this period and nighttime and the overnight thursday into friday morning. we could have coastal flooding with the on shore flow and pour drainage area in the region. and the winds pick up in intensity. you may get some debris on the roadways like a tree branch or trash can or something like that. 9:30 in the morning on friday not much rain but raining at times but the winds are shifting and getting stronger as the coastal low gets more intense off the coast. look for it to be cooler on friday, damp and very windy and we may see a chance for wet snow. the best chance is allentown and the poconos and it could whip down at times to philadelphia. what we look at here overall. this gets cranked up in the afternoon and thursday and rain heavier in the evening and overtight time period and the
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precipitation ends on friday. and by the way coastal flooding is also possible. the best chance for snow on the back end is the poconos. your exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast today not a bad day and sun mixing with clouds and 59 is the high and tomorrow rain arrives and high of 56 and windy and wetter and on friday the accuweather alert for strong blustery winds could gust as high as 50 miles per hour down the shore and 30 in philadelphia. look for debris and could be wet and chillier with the high of 45. and we dry out for the weekend the first time we are dry. 57 on saturday. and a trip for four to sunny orlando, florida, could be yours you just need to enter the contest to win. if you think orlando is just theme parks, think again. melissa magee travelled to check
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out the outdoor adventures there. >> from hot air balloon roads to hand gliding and the brand new andretti games there is so much to do. we start the tour on the coca cola orlando eye. the observation wheel floats 400 feet up no the clouds. >> we can see downtown orlando and some of the famous theme park. the 23 minute air conditioned experience gives a birds eye view of the city and beyond. here is to a great trip to orlando. right across the street is the brand new top golf. >> this is not like put put. we are taking it up a little. >> on a driving range with cool technology. >> yes! >> there are nine different games. but the signature top golf is the most popular. >> you get more points for the further you hit. they are armed with tracers so
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you can follow the path. >> that was good. >> and track your speed, height and hang time and curve. >> and you can work on your game. >> to cool off we hit paradise cove on orlando's lake brian. >> this is where you can do a lot of fun water activities. >> from you looking for a lawn chair on the water kind of vibe, try paddle boarding. >> if you are down for a big time adrenalin rush -- >> oh gosh -- >> jet skiing is the ticket to ride -- and for a truly wild adventure -- >> welcome to wild florida. >> wild florida is a taste of pristine old florida. >> the most wildlife you'll see just south of orlando. >> the family run business offers air boat tours. exploring the head lands of the
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florida everglades. from a flat bottom boat that could swim along a swamp just 6 inches deep. within seconds you spot birds of prey along with storks and herons. >> and you can see a bald eagle or alligators. >> and they have a gator and wildlife park. you can feed lemurs that go crazy for raisins. and take a selfie with the sloth. and sign up for the vice president encounter you can go in for the cuddle. the park has both exotic animals native to florida. nala is a 7-month-old panther is a favorite. >> she will get 200 pounds fully grown. >> at 80 pounds she is too big
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for person allen counters but we got vip access. for fyi philly i'm melissa magee. >> tune in tomorrow at 12:30 when melissa takes us on a culinary tour of some of the best restaurants in orlando. how did she get this gig by the way? and if you want to win the trip find the link to enter on you have until this sunday to put your name in the contest.
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david murphy joining us now to talk about how great the "action news" viewers are. >> we appreciate each and everyone of you. but one of the real special things about it. over many many years it's a tradition to watching "action news" starting with a lot of
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people when they are very young. >> and that is the case for a harleysville family. particularly a 3-year-old boy. >> who is? >> david murphy. >> wow he sent you a picture. what do you think about that? >> wait, did he purposefully meant to do that. >> oh my god. i'm so excited. david murphy gave it to you. >> because he knew you liked him so much. >> oh my gosh. the other siblings were there to help their younger brother with the special mail delivery and they got pictures and autographs from karen rogers and chris sowers mom casey says that he keeps the pictures in his bedroom at night. >> but the picture of david murphy --
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>> i know. >> probably on the dart board right now. >> right next to his little crib -- >> are you very mean. i'm sure he is treating karen and chris and i well. we thank the family for contacting us and fun to have the interaction. 59 in downingtown and more of the same along the i-95 corridor and we build the clouds later today and right now we see plenty of sunshine and 55 down the shore guys. >> thank you. that will do it for "action news" at noon. >> now for david murphy, sara bloomquist and the entire "action news" team i'm rick williams. have a nice afternoon. see you later.
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- honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big... (yelling) - [narrator] isn't always best. - who's our little puppy? - sweetheart, daddy got you a new. sweetheart? elizabeth, where are you? she's under the bears! - [narrator] unless it's a aaa plus membership. - woo! - [narrator] get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. when going big is best. aaa. go ahead. - [man] woo!
1:00 pm
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