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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 27, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." >> that's good. do that. >> he's dressed like a nurse, but that's not a nurse. >> what's going on? >> the home health care visit that's really a homecoming. >> how are you doing? >> why are you here? a rider tries to merge in traffic, but -- was not looking up ahead. how it all went wrong, really fast. >> oh no! oh, no! ♪ a choir goes viral with a cultural classic, but -- >> never heard it sung this way. >> how you can help them spread their amazing musical message. plus a miss ricochets for a
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one in a million shot, and a bride cracking the bull whip in a good way. why it's not her only talent, but guess who better stand in line or -- >> he might get asked to leave. get it? >> oh, vera, you landed one! good. we all know it can be tough getting surgery. paul went through a nasty appendectomy, ended up in the hospital for a couple of weeks and got a checkup from the nurse. eventually paul comes out, lets him in. if you're wondering about that radiation quip, the nurse is in the full-on outfit, mask and everything. nurse asks questions, checks up on things are healing. >> where is the wound? >> checks out the wound, sees how it's coming together, takes a few pictures. it's all relatively normal and then it starts getting a bit weird. suddenly the nurse walks off into the kitchen, opens the
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fridge, pops a drink, takes a swig. paul is like what kind of nurse are you? >> tired? >> what? >> are you tired? >> gets back to ask him questions. are you tired? are you sleeping? >> i'm so suspicious. >> if you're suspicious now you'll get more suspicious. as the nurse is listening starts positioning his phone balancing it. we get this shot here. >> just don't have the stamina i used to. >> as paul is answering, he's sort of messing around in the kitchen, starts to go for some food. >> paul has the same look i do. >> why don't you get out of my fridge. >> paul is fixed in that same look that nick was talking about, slightly incredulity. heads back to the fridge. cracks another drink. at this point, paul has had enough. tries to get up, confront this mupet. >> you opened two pops? >> no, the second of the day. >> getting worried for paul. >> he's in for a surprise.
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the nurse removes his mask and we get the shot from that phone, open mouth, eventually crazy nurse gives him a hug. what's going on? >> i was close to asking you for some kind of i felt d. you were from home health. >> the nurse is actually his son. dan ryker has flown in from new york city to kansas, this whole thing a giant setup so he could give his dad a hug and see how he's getting on. i thought this was a spot-on prank. >> i set all that up today. you don't have an appointment. a big part of being a good defensive driver is keeping your eyes way down the road. the same goes whether you're a driver or a motorcyclist. this guy's got two cameras, mounted to his truck, one facing back, one facing forward. clearly you see this guy on a honda gold wing coming up on the left-hand side, it looks like it's on the right because of the way the camera is situated. his headlights do the wiggle the
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to alert the drivers he's coming. he starts to merge but he was not looking up ahead. >> oh no. oh, no! >> oh, shoot. oh, no! >> that went bad really fast. watch it again, as he merges into that lane. >> oh, crammed into that truck as well. >> i am so glad he was wearing a leather jacket and that helmet. >> tough one to watch. i'll make you feel a little bit better. this next guy in pennsylvania comes up to this right-hand yield sign. looks like there's too much traffic to proceed. listen, that's the car behind him beeping the horn. the driver sounds like he's on the phone. >> who is beeping? >> the car behind me. they want this car to [ bleep ] pull out and they can't pull out. >> and then when the horn didn't satisfy this guy, he decides to go around the right. >> um-hum. >> but here is the beauty.
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>> sucker! >> that is amazing! >> karma. >> listen to our driver, he loses his mind. >> and it was a [ bleep ] cop! and it's on my dash cam, what the [ bleep ] is that! >> that is sweet. >> on a greet, gloomy day like this, that's your moment for the day. that is your moment. >> oh, i love it! ♪ that song gets me emotional every time. >> you're not the only one, gayle. in celebration of black history month they decided to present their presentation of the black national anthem "lift every voice and sing." ♪ >> this particular one was arranged by roland m. carter.
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most of us grew up singing it in church. it was written as a poem by james johnson and in the early 1900s the naacp coined the national anthem. i will say this their rendition is pretty special. i've never heard it sung this way. these are students and recent graduates of oakwood university, getting ready to go to the 2018 world choir games in july in south africa. the last time they went they won three gold medals in three different categories. we were taught this was the song to celebrate our ancestry and they just give it all they've got. ♪ the choir issing looing to raise around $350,000 to attend the games. that's tee cover travel, registration fees, food and housing for all 6 ochoir
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members. your money is going to a good cause. it's also a mission trip. they'll go into the community and teach kids about music and give them stlumts. >> that's worth it. you know, when you're an artist, you want to be up close and personal wit your subjects and this guy got just that and more. half hour into this trek, mountain gorillas. this one stops in front of us and doesn't move. because this gorilla was so close, coreach out and touch him. >> nah, it's cool. >> look at me. i'm magnificent. check me out. get your cameras rolling. this gorilla is not alone. here comes junior. >> who is very comfortable, not sort of bearing its teeth or pounding its chest or getting aggressive or charging. they have to stay calm. >> junior comes along, he's a little more curious and gets
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even closer. like oh, hey, look, humans. and then he proceeds to gently walk over the guy's camera, and his leg. doesn't touch him. >> the beautiful, magnificent beasts and they look incredible, but come on, you are holding your breath this whole time. >> you're so vulnerable. the guy is on his butt. it's a memorable moment. could have been a deadly moment. >> oh, man. i don't have a camera. >> you can smell that thing on the way by. >> you know what he said after the gorilla stepped on him? >> ouch? >> he said he's had a lot of encounters with animals over the years but he said this was the most personal. this guy he gets extra close up and personal withhis bison. >> oh [ bleep ]! uh-oh [ bleep ]! that thing's nose is the same size as the dude's face. >> holy cow. >> clearly that bison is familiar with bread products.
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this grown woman has an issue with the claw machine. >> she decides to reach in there. >> but she takes it even further than that. and something is torturing this little cutie. >> i just can't stop thinking about it. >> why the struggle is real. brought to you by progressive's home insurance. get your quote at today. rodney -- mastermind of discounts ke safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, at are we gonna do? ♪ insurance. that's kind of what we do here. ♪ everyone wants to be (cthe cadbury bunny
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because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. [coughs] that cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! why take 4-hour coughmedicine? just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this.
2:41 pm
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the struggle is real for babies out there in the world. >> i just can't stop thinking about waffles. >> the carb addiction, man. >> it's so bad, gayle, that this little girl cannot stop dreaming about waffles. >> why can't i just stop dreaming about waffles? >> she's dreaming about waffles so much that it's affecting her natural life. >> help me break my addiction, mom! >> she's not even crying to have waffles. she's like why do i have this crazy addiction? >> you guys, stop laughing. this is a cry for an intervention. she needs help. >> this is a cry for more waffles. that's what this is.
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>> you need a nap? >> no, i don't want to dream about waffles. when kids are growing up, there's always many firsts. you try new foods all the time. little rosie here, it's wasabi. >> you want to try wasabi? >> no. >> good call. you're a smart child. >> now against her better judgment, she decides to try the darned wasabi. just a tiny little taste. >> enough. >> oh, yes it was enough. because immediately she starts short circuiting and you know wasabi burns, and the only thing she can say is -- >> help. >> that is a meme right there. >> oh my god. >> they do assure us that no kids were harmed during the making of this video. >> help. ♪ this guy walks into a purse shop in dublin, eyre lard.
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do you think he looks suspicious with all black on and a mask, and a bike chain? that's petty coughlin. he's the owner of this popular purse shop. he reaches over and trying to get money out of the till. paddy stands up to this guy and pushes him away. he hits him in the arm with the chain but then he runs out of the store. >> it's like this entire heist was planned in the three seconds it took to walk across the floor. >> which is why it went bad but i'm glad he walked away with nothing. police have not arrested this guy, but they are still looking for him. usually it's kids who who get i trouble with a claw machine. this time it's fully grown adult woman. she's using the broom. >> i would never do it but tell me this never crossed your mind when you were a kid. >> let's be honest, these machines are specifically designed to make you lose. you almost feel like karma wise it's got it coming. >> you cannot sit on her jury. >> the broom didn't work so she decides to reach inthere. >> design flaw
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right there. >> it's a one-way door. >> that is a nine inch opening. she's able to kra ul in and be picky. grabs one and pulls it out. no, she starts moving stuff around. she did get arrested. the owner of the store that had this claw machine did turn it over to police. police said when she was in custody she told them she had taken sleeping pills and doesn't remember doing any of this. it was stated she was frustrated over not getting any toys, however when police talked to her, where are the toys? she said she gave them to neighborhood kids. >> she doesn't remember anything else except for what hee did with her booty. >> robinhood. you're welcome. a shipyard mom dog rescue. >> she's recently given birth. >> happy ending, next "right this minute." and still to come, she's perfecting -- >> her trick shot. >> and what a shot that is.
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>> oh! plus, turns out -- >> dishes don't wash themselves. >> what? >> see the passive/aggressive tutorial on how to use the dish wash per. >> it's like you're speaking a different language. while not to waking zeus. and this is charlie not coughing while getting really into nana's party. nothing lasts longer than delsym for powerful cough relief. e ♪ you'll ever do ♪ why have one, when you can have two-in-one? the delta hydrorain shower. when you see beautiful design do beautiful work, you see what delta can do.
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nature gives me... strength. clarity. energy. nature gives me... wisdom. courage. peace. nature gives me... humility. persistence. space. nature gives. give back. these special nature valley boxes support the national park foundation. promotional considerations provided by -- winding down - hard. brushing teeth - easy!
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new act kids toothpaste strengthens and protects developing teeth, and helps prevent cavities. new act kids toothpaste. let this be a reminder that even our failures can be victorious. >> oh! >> paid for and got. >> dude, he was totally defeated and then he turned around and saw he actually made the basket. >> yes, that's ryan labore and he goes to shoot his shot, misses it, it bounces off the side of the pool and bounces into the hoop across the pool. >> he was aiming, that's the one he was going for. >> i imagine his buddy right next to him is going ehm, that doesn't count because you didn't call your shot. oh! >> well this little lady is perfecting her trick shot craft as well. >> yeah!
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>> nice. >> that's 5-year-old emmy. i think the lesson is learning if at first you don't succeed -- >> edit. >> or that. >> no, try, try again, because her dad is here with her every step of the way. hey! >> her brother's like, what? >> get ready for the little girl. >> yeah! >> mommy! >> that was the first try! a news flash for a lot of people out there, it turns out dishes don't wash themselves. >> what? i leave them in the skimping and sometimes it's overnight, they're done. >> like magic. well it turns out it's not. >> the dishes fairy doesn't exist. >> she's going to give you a very passive/aggressive tutorial
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about how to use the dishwasher. >> here's how you begin. you open the dishwasher. then you load the dishes and the dishwasher washes the dishes for you. >> but sometimes you open up the wish dau dishwasher and it's full of dishes. the only other place to put them is in the skimping. >> first you need to scrape the chunks of food off of your plate before you put it into the dishwasher. kraer to what some people believe the dishwasher doesn't have a stomach and doesn't want to eat your leftovers. >> it's easy. >> it's like you're speaking a different language. >> did you know that a dishwasher can actually hold more than two plates at once? if you insert them vertically -- >> also don't spoil the spoons. >> if you put them like this in the dishwasher, they won't get clean. so please, give your spoons a little space. >> ooh, this one, this one irks me, too, even when it happens
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accidentally. >> while we all enjoy a glass of suddensy water after a wash cycle, it's actually better to put a glass in upside down instead of right side up so it doesn't fill with water. >> the target demographic for this video is age 13 to about 19, somewhere in there seems to be where you have to talk very specifically to the person who is living in the house, and doing all these things wrong. >> and finally, so your mom doesn't go completely bonkers, learn the difference between dishwasher detergent and dish soap. they behave very differently in the dishwasher. >> otherwise you'll have this foamy mess on your kitchen floor. good luck to all the mothers out there that have oli as children. this bride isn't messing
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around. >> brand new juggling knives. because things are taking time, she thought i'll see if i can juggle these in when we see a woman who comes to cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia to have her breast cancer treated, she's coming for the expertise that we have, for the multimodal therapy where the specialists talk to each other and form a treatment plan together. we were looking for a cancer team that would help us decide the best course of action. amy met with our three specialties, radiation oncology and genetics-there are so many different options. rather than one treatment fitting all, it is a personalized approach to cancer therapy.
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we have so many tools available at cancer treatment centers of america. this is what attracted amy to our center all the way from new york. cancer is what they deal with every day. these were people who were experts in their field. and for us that was the best choice. learn more about our breast center at appointments available now.
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>> look at that, it is incredibly impressive. you know how at weddings when the offiant objects, anyone objection, speak now or hold your peace. i guess no one is doing that at april's wedding. >> the groom is like baby i was on time. >> another bride, she's marrying bethany. this entire thing with from the bridal shoot they were doing in advance of the wedding. that is her actual wedding dress. these are brand new juggling knives and because things are taking time she thought i'll see if i can juggle these in my wedding dress. >> what's bethany going to do? >> show up on time. >> wow, this whole wedding was cutting edge. >> they did incorporate some of her other skills into the shoot.
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clearly their relationship is full of whips and chains. >> yeah. >> not that way, you filthy people. >> okay, that crack comes in the video. >> she's hanging from the roof, got those chains around her and got two bull whips and starts crack, crack, crack, crack, crack. >> what does she do for a living? >> yes. >> i don't know if she knows that for sure, if you go to her youtube channel it's full of bull whip trick shots and juggling. . is clearly a passion in her life. >> do we get to see the final photo? >> no, but i do have another video for you. here as well they've got this rope tie. you see how people wrap it around their arms and neck. it has this l.e.d. >> it's dope how she incorporated her passion with her love for her lady, and i won't be late to the wedding either. >> i know, i want to go now. >> you might get axed to leave. that's our show. we'll see you next time on "rtm."
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2:59 pm
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[ police radio chatter ] what's this? well, if you're gonna be stuck here all night looking after your grandfather, the least i can do is smuggle in some food from home. [ chuckles ] i got lucky with this one. mm. you did. how's mike doing? he's, uh -- he's asleep now. it's funny. you know, to see him, you'd never know. alzheimer's. i don't know who i feel worse for -- mike or sonny. they say it's only gonna get worse, too. i think the thing i hate the most is the powerlessness. someone you love is suffering, and there is nothing you can do to help them. are we talking about my grandfather or maxie? both, i guess. look at the bright side. you quit your job.


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