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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 26, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." workers find a rare penguin chilling out in -- >> a metal container where they store ice. >> the rescue of a cute createeur in the wrong climate. where the heck did this thing come from? when a fighter pilot fires those engines -- you better just hold on. the cockpit view that's bet we are two angles. >> awesome. three couples, three ladies with curly hair who are -- it. >> going to get the guys to style it. >> why this is not a job for the faint of heart. >> i don't know that you can do this by yourself. >> we've got christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web. and -- >> i knew it! i knew it!
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i knew it! >> miss ethel thinks she's hit the jackpot, but why there might be a slight misunderstanding about the money miracle. >> get the cutest grandchild to break the news. the my friend the security guard always has funny support frommies about the crazy stuff he saw on the job but this is interesting in argentina. the security guard saw a penguin hop out of the water and run into a metal container where they store ice. theyo call animal control that penguin is a rare southern rock hopper and it couldn't stay in that container. could you see where they came to fetch it. you the it put it in a big coat. >> it just wanteto chill out. >> it found the metal container they keep the ice to keep the concrete cold. they take him back to their center. >> where the heck did this thing
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come from? >> they think he hopped in there just to keep cool once he got out of the water. these are not ice penguins. they live on the falkland islands off the coast of argentina and chile. they talked to the director there and he said you got to keep him on ice in a well ventilated area. the first place they set up was this metal drum with some ice in it. they're like you know what? maybe we could do better for him. they move him over to somewhere that has a little more air, a little more ice, a little more padding. >> how cute is that? look he's got eyebrows like i do. >> he pulls it off better. >> nicky jr. is now in the care of a vet. the vets are making sure the penguin is o-okay. check this out. you never know what you're going to rescue. they called in to care for a penguin. when they think it's okay they'll release it back into the wild. going to the airport for us is pretty nice. we have restaurants to choose
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from, lounges to go to. if you're on the "uss theodore roosevelt you better just hold on. we've got a pilot here in an ea-18g growler. >> cool. >> part of the electronic attack squad ron and if you like roller coasters you might like this. it's like being shot from a cannon. >> oh! >> awesome. >> he's like ugh, i got to get that. >> how many of us our age watched "top gun" and wish we could do something like this. as you hear the catapult click away, the small silence after the catapult finishes. you hear that, that whoosh. >> any info, like what do they get up to, 120 knots before they get zone into the air? >> it's probably -- they don't give us the details on what it takes to launch like that but we've got another pilot, different angle. >> that's an f-18.
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>> it is an f-18 f super hornet, part of the strike fighter attack squad ron. doing the old six gun. >> the thing is, as fun as it is to get launched, just imagine how scary it is to bring it back. i have a feeling this is going to give charity the cold sweat. the youtube channel has three couples. all the lovely ladies have natural and curly hair. they're going to get the guys to style it. >> oh lord. >> they have 20 minutes. >> that's the kitchen? >> that's what they call it. >> the kitchen, that's the nape of your neck here. >> why kitchen? >> because it is what it is. don't ask questions. >> i tried to teach you something, it just it is cause it is. >> you can replace the silver clips with bobby pins.
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>> these look more like hip, you know? >> they are starting to appreciate the skills their ladies have. >> that's crazy how you all tie your hair in a bun so fast. >> oh, now you get it. >> i don't know that you could do this by yourself. >> what? i do this by myself every day. >> so time's up. what do the ladies think? >> okay. >> i like the colorful clips. i like the premise. >> she's analyzing her hair like we do when our daughters or our children do it. >> oh i like how it's up one side and down the other and a little bit on fire. >> you did a good job. >> i did? >> yes. >> i give that guy credit. >> the fro-hawk is really cute. >> a little gel right here. >> with the alfalfa one time. >> that looks terrible. >> yeah, but she definitely
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loves you. you infer just have one of those days when you go, how does that even happen? >> every day. >> well maybe you can relate to this truck driver, because we're in russia. notice the bus is parked there on the side of the road. >> oh! that grain or something. it's a truck carrying grain and as it's coming down the road it tries to miss the bus and instead flips on its side. did that white car that was right in front of it have something to do with anything? reports suggest that when we look at the video, that car looks to be just fine. >> the footage is a little grainy but it's kind of hard to tell exactly what happened but maybe the brakes on the truck were a little, you know, not quite working right? >> all they credit it to is him trying to go around the bus. just look at the mess in the road. the lanes were backed up and they say traffic was backed up for quite a while. now what about this freight train? >> what freight train? >> were people in those
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container cars? >> no, the train was derailed and they say about 4,000 people randomly showed up. you'll never guess what they went in after. >> beer or water? >> wow, you guys are good. mostly water and wine, and coal. >> the essentials. >> these folks showed up and they started looting the place. they jumped on top of the train. they're going in from both sides of it, taking off. >> in a way they're kind of helping to clean up the mess. >> yes. it lightens the load, easier for the cranes to move them away. >> rationalizing. >> the train was derailed on its way to buenos aires. everybody got in on it. something unusual is spotted on that traffic cam. >> so they start slowly moving the camera around. >> see who is blocking the view. >> there it is. there it is. and how about a little family hockey. >> dad, they're coming down the ice. >> why taking the shot is going to score big. >> oh!
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that's the sound we all make when we're hangry. jackie, mrs. eagle here, is waiting on delivery. she's hungry. mr. b. is scheduled to make that delivery and here he comes. he's got a fresh fish. look at it, right there for her. she is not alone. >> little babies. >> she has eaglets under there. you see the fish he's left there but she doesn't give the babies the new fish. there's an old fish there so she starts taking that and feeding the babies. >> all right kids, mama doesn't feel like cooking tonight. you're getting leftovers. that sound is such the sound of nature though. you hear that and you just think it's all fine. >> eagles. >> that too. >> after they get a good meal it's time for them to settle down. she spreads those big wins. >> where is the big bear valley? >> it is in san bernardino county. as you could see, mama is ready
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to nestle down, and it's a good thing, because they say as soon as she covered them up and got them all protected, it started to snow. meanwhile, there's something else caught on camera, this is in finland. who two-people happen to be watching, in traffic control and they're like what is that? they start slowly moving the camera around. sounds like selfie time, photo bomb. >> there it is. there it is. turn around, the death stare. >> i love that, finnish transportation authorities released this video. they're like we saw something there. what is blocking the view in it happened to be that owl just wanted om selfie time. >> such a cool looking bird, too. ♪ michigan is bringing itting, when it comes to gender reveals. both videos come from michigan and they're pretty cool. in this first one you can tell mom and dad to be are very much into hockey and he's got one puck but the one he's after is the one waiting for him up
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ahead. he takes a swing and -- >> oh! >> he breaks it. having a baby boy, little skiba is coming august, 2018. >> he blew that one away. mom and dad decided to go about their gender reveal a little different. they already know. so in order to make it special for their friends and family, they decided to get a tattoo, they recorded the entire process, and now they've reversed it. they're playing it backwards, undoing the tattoo. >> that's quite the commitment. i think the baby was commitment enough. >> we are about to find out that they are having a -- >> they carved it in. now i understand why they did the pineapple. >> you get it? look, they spelled out boy within the body in the shape of the pineapple. this baby is arriving june of
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2018. passive/aggressive dish washing lesson. >> the dishes fairy doesn't exist. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, mr. beast is back at it. >> you're doing your thing. i don't know what you're doing. >> he's ripping things. >> see the twist when he brings out the big bucks. >> is he matching every donation? plus -- the bizarre scene after a paraglider's flight takes a dramatic turn, straight into the trees. >> oh, man the irony!
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promotional considerations provided by -- winding down - hard. brushing teeth - easy! new act kids toothpaste strengthens and protects developing teeth, and helps prevent cavities. new act kids toothpaste. believe it or not, mr. beast is at it again. >> my favorite streamer ninja is doing a charity live stream for suicide prevention. he's very passionate about helping people who deal with depression and he takes suicide very seriously. >> got himself a sponsor. >> the sponsor of this video is quid. i'm going to take the money quid gives me and give it to ninja. we'll start off pretty small, do
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$1,000. >> thank you so much mr. beast for the one thousand [ bleep ] dollar donation. >> it's going to go to help other people. >> let's do more. >> it's fun to play with other people's money. >> i can't wait to see how he reacts. >> five grand's been sent in. >> okay, okay, okay. you're not putting me on youtube. >> i'll do what i want to do. >> his reputation preceded him. i know what you're doing. >> i kno this is a video. >> ninja has to feel butterflies. he knows it's going to keep going up and up and up. >> with those reactions really, you don't think you're going on youtube? >> yes, you're going on national television, mate. let's get bigger. another five grand. this is where they may have broken ninja. >> guys, we broke ninja. i think we broke him. >> i can't -- >> and this is real. this isn't a prank. you can't just go and pretend like you're donating $5,000.
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>> exactly. this is an official paypal payment. it's right about this point that mr. beast realizes that he may not have thought this through. >> i'm going to run out of money in my paypal, man. i don't have that much. >> is he matching every donation? >> oh, snap. >> no he's not matching it dollar for dollar, but for every $10,000 donated, ninja is taking $1,000 of his own money and putting it into the charity, too. now mr. beast is kind of breaking his back. >> oh no. >> i don't want to make him do something crazy. okay, these things happen. let's do more. >> so he does. we hear the running total. >>iable we almost raised $70,000. >> ninja streaming and playing a video game has raised $70,000 for charity. >> so you think that was enough, ninja? >> give him another 5k. >> okay, koala. >> ninja is completely shutting
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down. >> this man is a god! >> let's give him more money. >> i hope you overdraft. >> he sends him ten grand also saying i hope this screws you up. he's so excited by what's going on. >> you are a freaking beast! $84,000. >> in six hours of gaming. different world, ladies and gentlemen. >> i'm so happy for that charity. >> oh my god! this is a fun day of paragliding but you know what? >> what? what? >> ooh! because as he's there, having what looks like a pretty amazing flight, things take a turn, and the thing is, he is losing altitude quickly, and there's nowhere to go but right into those trees.
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crashes down. you see his canopy lands on the trees. but even though he survives this, he has disturbed a site. >> oh, man, the irony! >> right in front of where he lands, he spots a few tombstones. >> don't worry, it does not appear to be injured, gathers everything up. >> one foot in the grave. >> let's move on over to the next video. this one in the uk. it was posted to the youtube channel of sebastian lee. he's flying around this cliff over the water and is he having a great time. >> up 'til. >> up 'til right about here. this happens. he didn't even see it coming. >> oh, watch out! >> ooh! >> dude hit the cliff. >> you see his wing minutely
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deflated, when he lost the altitude he thought he had and bang. >> this is the best part, though. his reaction, unlike what we would expect. >> did that just happen? >> and it's followed by a little nervous laughter but yeah, everybody was okay. oh! i knew it! i knew knew it! >> gran thinks she's hit the scratcher jackpot. >> $10,000. >> see why her priceless ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪
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so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ >> for all of these go to, click on tv show or check it out on our mobile app. i love me some miss ethel. >> i knew it, i knew it, i knew it, i knew it. god knows, i knew it. i won $10,000. >> what? did you? >> she got a scratcher ticket in her hand. >> yes, of course. >> $10,000. oh! >> that's her grandson, christopher recording.
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all you need is three and you win. >> did i win it? >> i see 10,000, 10,000, 10,000 on there. >> $10,000, cha-ching! >> let me read it and make sure. >> double check. >> look at it this way if it's genuine they'll all get some money in her will. if it's not they're all going to be cut out of her will. >> i got it. i promise to god. i promise. ♪ you're a winner >> what about the fine print? nobody reads that anyway, doesn't matter. >> this is too good of a day. >> let me tell you something, when i was in the store and that man paid for my groceries $80, he chose me out of the line and said you such a nice lady. you don't know me. >> she got to the store, the man paid for her groceries and now this. it's just an entire string of good things happening on this fine blessed day.
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>> read the back of the ticket. >> i read it. you can't get the money here. >> where do you have to go? >> he's like read the fine print, we need to know where we take it to cash it in. >> winning tickets of $100 or more must be sent by mail or in person to the money fairy. >> oh it's hitting. >> valid only in your dreams. >> and the ball is about to drop. >> i didn't win this? >> she still won. she still got that $80 in free grocery, right? it was still a banner day. >> miss ethel won. that's the end of our show. sad. go to for lots more fun stuff and catch us on the next all new "rtm."
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this is so exciting, dave! hey gus, meet tucker... . awwww... whoaaaa !! ...and axle, angie, frank, charlie, millie, ralph, henry, audrey and duke... yep...ten times the fun. sorta like this... ahhh, ten times the bucks. it's one of the new times the bucks games from the pennsylvania lottery. with millions in prizes! hot diggity dog! keep on scratchin'!
3:00 pm
your father committed a crime. my father was diagnosed with alzheimer's. he didn't know what the hell he was doing. i'm sorry. i'm sure this is incredibly difficult for you. it doesn't... it doesn't have to be, you understand? i will compensate ms. jerome for all the damages, and this whole thing will be over. you just got to let me take my father home tonight. unfortunately, we're past that. ♪ when he got his -- his diagnosis, he was so upset, he took off. he didn't know where he going, and he probably just ended up at that art gallery. and the vandalism? it was an accident. put yourself in his shoes. he's a scared man. i get that, i do. it's not that i don't have compassion for your situation,


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