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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 23, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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tv's number one daily viral video show, "right this minute." absolutely stunning video of a speed rider about to go all -- >> bond, james bond. >> the moment he pulls off the escape of a life time. >> oh, snap. fishermen find something unexpected in their net. >> look at that poor little thing. >> the quick moves to save a baby porpoise. when a man hands his daughter a small bag, she starts freaking out jumping up and down. see the gift that tells you dad did good. >> should have been more respectful of my parents. >> we've got christian, oli, charity, nick and gayle breaking down the best on the web. including logging on for the moment of truth. >> when suddenly -- >> the story behind the
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life-changing surprise. >> oh my gosh! max has a different name today, bond, james bond. right at the beginning, it's just beautiful, perfect snow. you see it just glistening like there's diamonds embedded in it. it's stunning. you could see from his shadow that he's got one of those small, compact maneuverable wings. he's going to be doing some speed riding. as he approaches the edge of this pristine mound, it's getting interesting and then it gets very interesting. slows down. suddenly, it starts cracking. this is right when we first saw and it would be the best way to escape an avalanche turns out we were right because bond here starts carving through this like he was initially going for, gets close to it, whips it left and
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right and then you can kind of hear it in the background. he glances back and we get -- >> oh, snap. >> -- this astounding shot of this avalanche, he takes off in the air, nice. >> i wonder if they know the snow so well he said i'm going to trigger this and it's going to be an epic shot. >> it could have been ready to go. look at the snow underneath, there's already been small avalanches by the looks of it. clearly it was triggered by that little boop right at the top. >> the dude had time to do a barrel roll while escaping from an avalanche. >> max is a pro speed ride sore it's no surprise he knows what he's doing and able to stay calm under pressure. the only thing missing is the james bond theme. ♪ near hong kong, chan po hun caught something in the net. >> baby dolphin?
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>> a very young porpoise. look at that poor little thing and the one flipper moving like, help me. >> so close to drowning. that thing can't surface. >> they were able to get all that stuff that it was wrapped up in off of it, and gently place it back into the water. >> nice to see. sometimes with the fishermen they catch whatever they catch and they don't care. >> the pour pice isening hassing around like ooh, i feel so good. thank you, thank you. eventually it starts swimming around being playful kind of keeping up with the boat. meanwhile in maui these people are on one of the boat tours. >> wowy. >> see a humpback whale giving them a show and watch right here. >> oh my gosh. that is so cool. >> look at that, man, things are so awesome. >> massive. >> incredible. >> this thing hung out for a while and at one point it rolls over and it goes back and forth
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underneath the boat. these people are getting what they paid for. >> oh my gosh. >> hand inside the boat. >> you obviously keep your distance but i feel like part of you would be tempted to jump in the water, if you could do so safely, and swim with this thing. can you imagine? get good grades, be respectful to your parents and this could happen to you. lucy ann gets a small pink bag from her dad, frankie, pulls out a set of keys. >> keys to her heart? >> not exactly. the keys to her future. she starts freaking out jumping up and down. >> oh my god! >> big old hug, thanks so dad. the rest of the family comes out to join in the celebration. those keys belong to this. >> a car that's nicer than mine. >> yes. >> should have been more respectful to my parents! >> it's a 2017 mitsubishi mirage. it's lucy ann's first car.
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she's been accepted to college, likely going to georgia. apparently lives in kissimmee, florida, and she couldn't be more thrilled. of course this is going to help get her back and forth to school and it's a big thanks to her. >> nice safe car. >> perfect for a kid. >> remember how exciting it is to get your first car and then you're off to college. this is a huge moment for this girl in her life. >> working hard pays off. >> oh my god! ♪ it's so yesterday, you remember that song from late 2016 that took the internet by storm. you're going to have so many more questions when you see his latest release. ♪
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>> i reject this. i can't, this can't become something. it can't. ♪ ♪ tomato, tomato, tomato, tomato ♪ >> is this some kind of fetish video we don't understand? ♪ >> we're enabling this. like seriously. >> sorry, folks. you are not going to get that two minutes of your life back. it's gone. >> i apologize. for us. >> if you would like to learn the lyrics, head on over to
2:37 pm, click on tv show or check it out on our mobile app. ♪ ♪ pineapple >> no, apple. >> apple. >> apple is fruit. it's a dash cam video where -- >> all of the drivers involved were ninjas. >> see the lucky escape after near disaster. >> oh, hey, hey! and this dog -- >> they give it one task. >> get it. where'd it go? >> why the struggle is real, when it's time to fetch the frisbee. >> we've all been in that predicament. brought to you by ancestry dna. discover the story only your dna can tell. but we were more than american... i never realized we were from all over.
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italian, middle eastern, jewish, turkey, iran. that's what makes america what it is. we all came together as one. that's what made us champions. ♪ jen, i've got questions. boots or flip-flops? boot! great. smokey or natural eye? ugh, natural. good choice. how about calling or texting? definitely calling. puppies or kitties? sorry, cats. dry eyes or artificial tears? wait, that's a trick question. because they can both get in your way. that's why it is super-important to chat with your eye doctor if you're using artificial tears a lot and your eyes still feel dry. next question. guys, it's time for some eyelove!
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you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe it's time to be your own? transform your career with strayer university's mba program today.
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let's get it. closed captioning provided by -- penetrates 10 surface layers deep, with 7 moisturizers, 3 vitamins. gold bond. don't for get to dvr "right this minute" and never miss another video. we here at "right this minute" know the roads in russia can get completely insane but for this particular video, let's just be grateful that all of the drivers involved were ninjas. i'm going to throw you straight into the action. >> oh, hey, hey!
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that is ninja. >> you got basically a couple of seconds to react to this situation. let's roll it back. there's three cars in a row and suddenly they just start spinning. one goes right, the other goes left. this guy is like left, right, left, right, last second goes left, gets clipped by that truck as it goes by. that truck continues to roll off the road and end up in a ditch on the other side. >> it was like they pulled back the curtain on disaster. you couldn't quite see what was happening until the car in front of you jumped out of the way. you're left to make a decision like that. >> that's what's interesting about the video. we have the same experience as the driver. you have basically a second and a half to decide how do i not die today. >> it was like he was waiting to see which way is that truck going and i'm going the opposite. >> he eventually commits left. he goes i don't know what to do and ends up with that tiny clip. there are a couple of other videos. the driver uploaded. here you can see where the truck ended up. goes over to his little half van thing here and shows us the
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damage. when you were heading head-on with that truck, this is a pretty good scenario to end up with. >> when everybody survives an accident that could have been fatal for a lot of people, i think you're all right. >> they said the driver of the truck apparently i saw a report speculated he may have fallen asleep at the wheel which could have been the cause behind this, but lucky escapes for everybody. oh yes they're back. they went viral quite some time ago. that corgi and pony in bulivar, missouri. callie jay posted video of the corgi jumping on the back of the horse. people wanted to know how did it get on to the poen y's back? the pony is cricket who has a facebook page. cricket and pow and that corgi is jumping. . >> oh, dude! that was like some air, man. >> there we have it. >> and then the horse walks by. >> now the pony needs to get on
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the horse when the corgi is on the pony. it will be amazing. this next dog, what could he be looking for? >> his tail. >> no. >> get it. where'd it go? >> look for the red ring. >> that's not his collar. >> that's a chewed up frisbee. >> he got his head stuck in there. >> we've all been in that predicament. how many times have you looked for your glasses, and the whole time they're on your head. >> i spent an hour looking for a t-shirt i was wearing. >> they finally helped the dog out, and then they resumed the game of catch the frisbee. this is one pretty unique way to celebrate your wedding. >> with glitter? >> oh, lots of glitter, gayle. in this case we're at a wedding, the groom and the bride are getting handfuls of glitter and they'll toss it against the black canvas in the background. >> this means they'll have
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glitter in between those boards for eternity. >> oh, how cute. >> this is like having a pinterest moment at your reception. >> right. that is a portrait that was created by a sand artist girina. >> what is making it stick? a glue portrait? >> she takes an adhesive and starts painting against this canvas and you toss the you getter against it revealing the image she had painted using thatethat adhesi adhesive. you can hire her, she's in florida, to do an event, private party. >> hot new thing at weddings. i'm good. >> you're not going to be booking her any time soon. >> not everything that sparkles is gold. >> it's cute. it's kind of a quirky little thing. >> cutting the cake together or lighting the candle together is getting a little old so this is something new, okay. cute. online money battle for charity. >> it's fun to play with other people's money. >> next "right this minute."
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and still to come, ziggy will try to nail a trick at top speed. faster than 22 miles an hour. see if he can amp it up and stick the landing. oh, wow! plus a couple discovers they've got a baby on the way. >> they start documenting the entire nine-month process. >> get a behind the scenes look at the beautiful journey. -ahh. -the new guy. -whoa, he looks -- -he looks exactly like me. -no. -separated at birth much? we should switch name tags, and no one would know who was who. jamie, you seriously think you look like him? uh, i'm pretty good with comparisons. like how progressive helps people save money by comparing rates, even if we're not the lowest. even if we're not the lowest. whoa! wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. look at us. wow. i mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. in our home we make memories. in our home we are grateful.
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in this family we know what matters most is made at home. ugh man, my sinuses. it's like my head's in a fog. i mean, could you be any more dramatic? i've had it. i'm taking mucinex sinus-max. eh, that stuff's all the same. this is different. it fights pressure, pain, and congestion. a-thank you. those are my 3 best qualities. get the straps. carl? you know that i get carsick! carl! mucinex sinus-max. with a triple-action formula that fights pain, congestion, & pressure. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this.
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trust icy hot when for powerful relief.down, [ male announcer ] the icy hot patch. goes on icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. so you're back to full speed. [ male announcer ] icy hot. power past pain. the "rtm" video app is the easiest way to watch the best videos. download it now. you guys know how fast a figgy is? >> a figgy, in a jiffy? >> you don't know what figgy is. what about figgy dodanali? >> must be skateboarding. >> how fast justin figueroa can do a nali. i don't know the terms very well but a nali looks like a kick flip of the board. sorry to the skaters. go for it. >> a nali is the regular oli but
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reverse? it's a backwards oli. >> what? >> thank you, adam. >> kind of crazy, no one goes nali. it's usually regular tricks. >> watch what figgy is about to do. >> 20 would be epic. >> figgy on his second run busted it right out no problem. 22 miles an hour. that didn't seem to be much of a challenge for figgy. we have to try to amp it up. can figgy do this nali faster than 22 miles an hour. >> let's go 25. >> as figgy tries to go faster and faster and faster, you can see landing that trick isn't quite as easy. >> oh, this is an abc news special report. now reporting, george stephanopoulos. >> good afternoon, for those of you watching "general hospital"
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it will be played in his entirety after this break. we do have breaking news now. it's in the russia investigation led by special counsel robert mueller. we have learned that the former deputy campaign chairman of the trump campaign rick gates, going into court, you see him right there, is now pleading guilty to two counts of conspiracy and false statements in the russia probe. he has been indicted, charged with several counts of fraud, conspiracy against the united states, money laundering, and false statements. but he has decided now to cooperate with the special counsel, plead guilty to two counts. want to get all the details now from our chief justice correspondent pierre thomas. >> that's right, george. rick gates, former deputy campaign manager for president trump's election bid, is today pleading guilty. two counts, first he's pleading guilty for engaging in a conspiracy to defraud the united states government by not reporting foreign bank accounts that could be taxed, and failing to register as a foreign agent for work on behalf of ukrainian officials who had close ties to the kremlin. gates is also pleading guilty to one count of lying to a special counsel about the nature of work done for those ukrainian
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officials. the special counsel office claims that gates engaged in this conspiracy with paul manafort, trump's former campaign chairman. manafort has pleaded not guilty but now one of his principal business partners is set to be and cooperating with the special counsel. something that could have enormous implications for manafort. >> under the dozens of charges he was facing before today's plea agreement, he could have faced years and years in prison. what should he expect now? >> well, he faces at least up to 20 years in prison under some of those previous charges. but by our calculations, he's looking at somewhere maximum of between four and seven years in prison, george. >> that's the maximum. that's not necessarily the recommendation of the special counsel robert mueller. >> exactly. we expect that he's going to cooperate, george, and that could give him much more lenient time, as well. >> okay, pierre, thanks very much. want to bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. right now the big question with this agreement what did he give to robert mueller to get it? >> that's right, because they wouldn't have made this deal
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unless they felt gates had something very important to offer them. and some people are saying out there, well, you know, this is so they can help get his former boss. but mueller already had -- right. so mueller may not have needed gates for manafort. so that's what leads to the really interesting question. which is, what else might gates be able to offer? he was there. leading up to the election. he tlfs during the transition. he may be able to help mueller put some of these pieces together, with regard to the collusion that's the fundamental part of this case. >> now we have three top officials, three officials in the campaign who've all gone now with robert mueller. mike flynn, george papadopoulos foreign policy adviser, rick gates, deputy campaign chairman. >> and each one of them are going to be offering information that the special counsel feels is important not in some minor issue, but you make these kinds of deals, because the special counsel thinks that they can offer information.
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they can testify against certain people. they can offer times, and dates, and phone calls, that are relevant to this investigation. and speaking of that, i think it's important to note that one of the two counts that gates is pleading guilty to is a false statement made this month. >> just a couple weeks ago. >> while they were trying to negotiate this deal. which shows you that they are saying, he was lying to us even as we were trying to figure out this. >> now there is a major development in the russia investigation. much more tonight on "world news with david muir." have a good afternoon. >> this has been a special
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confusing spain for mexico. >> achoo. snow day treat time.
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>> you like the snow. oh. good morning. you want a snack? do you want a snack? good boy. big family moment rite to passage happening in this jukin video. you are seeing double, the twins, lindsay and melissa. lindsay on the left, melissa on the right. logging on to get big news. melissa turns to lindsay, takes her hand and they have this moment. they'll be fine no matter what occurs. >> school application? >> yes, you nailed it. >> i knew it. >> what, what? [ screaming ]
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>> these two have submitted to the wharton school at u penn penn, basically one of the top undergrad business schools. somewhere they've wanted to go forever. they've been working super hard. the cool thing they also had their laptop cameras rolling, first person perspective in their face, we get it from the other camera. >> they definitely got it. with a reaction like that, that's incredible and good they both got in, because if one did and the other one didn't that would have sucked. not the only version of this we've got. i've got another one right here. anders is waiting to see if he got into vanderbilt. >> oh my god. oh my god! [ screaming ] >> mom's happy, too. the house is going to be empty -- i mean, yeah, he's going to college. that's our show but there's lots more to see at check it out, and catch us on the next all new "rtm."
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