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tv   Action News at Noon  ABC  February 12, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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>> good afternoon in the news this noon super bowl winning
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eagles continue their victory tour. also there is more fallout after two white house staff members are accused of domestic abuse. the big story on "action news" is the discovery of a man trapped inside a burning car. we learned the victim was abducted an robbed before he was left in the vehicle with his hands bound. jeanette reyes is following the investigation, she joins us live from the scene in the olney section of philadelphia. jennette. well, sarah, minutes before the newscast we got additional disturbing details from the police. at the intersection of benefiter and harbison, the victim was held at gunpoint and abducted four miles away. he was brought to west bird road where he was doused with gasoline and put in the car bound and set on fire. >> looked out the window, a heard a woman scream and then i saw a car on fire.
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>> around 5:30 a.m., neighbors along 5400 block of we say -- west ford road in olney heard the screams of a woman. >> i heard a woman was assaulted, i went to get my phone and called 911. >> reporter: witness it is realize it was a man on fired and trapped inside. the 34-year-old witness was tan from the car and his hands were bound. burnt pieces of the victim's clothing lay strewn across the sidewalk. he was rushed to the hospital with second and third degree burns to 50% of the body. investigators examined the charred grand plea car as evidence.
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>> >> i was very devastated knowing that somebody was on fire, it was not that anybody could do anything bit because we didn't know he was locked inside the car. >> reporter: police arrived to tow away the car likely to look over for additional evidence. at this point police are looking for three males they have not released any discrepancy of them. the victim is in critical condition this afternoon. reporting live in olney, jeanette reyes channel 6 "action news." >> thank you, one person has died at a motorcycle crash in south jersey. police say a bike slammed into the utility pole on the white horse pike in chesslehurst. investigators are trying to figure out why he lost control. we're beginning to dry out
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after a soak weekend. looking outside sky6 live hd looking at the jersey shore in cape may, as the last of the rain is moving off the coast. david murphy tracking the latest conditions from the weather center. >> reporter: how is the weekend. the weekend is great, rick had a come down after the parade that we covered on thursday, boy was that a lot of fun. of course it rained yesterday and we're looking at the remnant rain from that situation. storm tracker 6 live double scan showing the rain is winding down. it's light highlighted in lighter shades of green. it's starting to break apart as the winds erodes the last of the situation. we have rain drops along the coast for the next hour or two. the bulk of the rain is over. we did wind up with an inch and a half to 3 1/2 inches. 42 degrees in philadelphia. 40 in trenton.
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if you woke up early thorn before dawn a lot of you had temperatures in the 50s. we talked about the winds would bring in cooler air. millville, you had a 60-degree temperature at dawn now down to 43 degrees. 39 in allentown. as we look at the remnants of the heavy rain, the only flood warning we have is threw today and a portion of tonight through the rancocas cities of pemberton and lumberton may see the creek sloshing over roads up there. 44 degrees by 2:00 p.m. 45 by 4:00 p.m. i'm going for a high of 46 right around here. you can see how the numbers do sag a little bit. we'll get colder overnight tonight. notice how it is cloudy right now, we'll get afternoon sunshine before it goes down. most neighborhoods getting down
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to the 20s. we'll talk about the thrust of cold air coming in and how much longer it lasts. it's not hear all week we'll get milder again. >> from our delaware newsroom a man is hospitalized in critical condition after being shot in the face in wilmington. the gunfire erupted on the 2100 block of pine street. police are talking to a person of interest in the shooting, but they have not made an arrest. in the nation's capital, the president has unveiled his plan to restore bridges and hig. the 1 trillion i happen from a structure -- infrastructure plan is up to the state and public. the plan to pass through a polarized congress remains unclear. >> there's fallout for the president trump administration after his former staff was i
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accused of sexual abuse. the president is facing backlash after the statement he made. >> reporter: the wife of rob porter firing back at president trump for ignoring abuse victims. rob ex-wife asking where is had your due process after the tweet on saturday suggesting that the lives of two former staffers might have been shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. he tweeted is there no such thing as due process. his second ex-wife writing -- this weekend a chorus of white house officials suspended how they handed rob porter. >> the president believes rob porter is falsely accused.
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>> rob porter no longer works at the white house. >> reporter: president trump first defended porter on friday without acknowledging the wimbledon. >> we wish him well it's a tough time for him. he also, he said he is innocent, i think you have to remember that. >> reporter: days earlier, photos of porter's first ex-wife with a black eye. willaby said his posture a scary message to the nation. >> what hope do others have of being heard. >> while the president has publicly supported porter, he was not happy with the way the staff handed the situation including replacing his chief of staff john kelly. eagles malcom jenkins took
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his super bowl pride to the big apple appearing as a guest on "live with kelly and ryan." they welcomed in with confetti. kelly reminded jenkins she is from south jersey, eagles territory. >> you have to be from the eagles to understand the suffering of the eagles fans. >> i'm from northern jersey. so i understand a little bit. >> the suffering has been extreme and extensive. >> i was in new orleans, when i won there, they used to wear paper bags on their heads and call themselves the ain't. it's a similar fan base. >> jenkins played catch with kelly and ryan outside the studio, as he said he is a two time super bowl winner now. >> fun stuff. >> he is very popular. a woman is able to walk away from a helicopter crash in
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the grand canyon. we have details on the survivors of the sightseeing disaster. how the tsa is making it easier for local travelers to sign up for the precheck program. david murphy is back with a closer look of the seven-day forecast from accuweather when "action news" continues at noon in a moment. >> members of on a ohio
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community are paying their respects to a pair of police officers who were killed in the line of duty. officials invited the public to line the streets in westerville as were removed to funeral homes. they were shot on saturday while responding to a 911 call. the suspected gunman quintin smith will be charged with aggravated murder. authorities in russia are scouring a snow-covered field near moscow in search of debris and victims from a plane crash. all seven 1 prearnlings and crew members -- passengers and crew members died when the regional jet plunged into the ground yesterday when taking off moscow airport. crews have recovered the data reporter which will play a key role in the investigation. four people are hospitalize
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with serious injuries following a helicopter crash in the grand canyon. th w a survivor. they saw her walk away from the fiery wreckage after the sightseeing helicopter went down in rocky terrain. three british tourists were killed and pilot and three passengers were airlifted to a hospital. multiple people saw it happened because they were taking part of a wedding on a nearby bluff. >> it's hard to watch something when you can't help. >> helicopter company has promised full cooperation with federal investigators as they look into the cause of the crash. officials say they restored power to most customers affected by a blackout in puerto rico. a fire and explosion of a power substation left people in the dark overnight. two plants taken off line are now up and running.
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work continues to get two substations functioning. some puerto ricans do not have power due to hurricane marie. deep debt and infrastructure is hampering restoration. a plea from puerto rico here who fled to philadelphia as marie i can't landed her punch. they called for federal housing for all evacuees in philadelphia. they say most of the 1500 evacuees in the city face eviption. they want philadelphia to be declared a hope city which would open up more housing for them. john rawlins is looking at mayor jim kenny's response we'll have more on "action news" at 4:00. tsa is asking local travelers to sign up for precheck at philadelphia international airport. the agency has reopened precheck in the terminal b baggage claim.
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once approved you'll be allowed to go through the precheck security lane that is faster than the regular line because travelers are allowed to leave their shoes on and keep their laptop in its case. coming up at 11:00 p.m. bargains that may be bogus. if you love a good sale. we have revealing information and advice. >> reporter: bargain hunters be aware. nearly long undercover investigationnd prices are not l savingsaozen national retailers engage in potentially pricing policy. >> that makes me want to buy right now. >> that means if you come back next week -- >> it's not going away. which are the worst offenders
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and which have do over special savings. find out tonight at 11:00 p.m.
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>> quifax revealed that's year's hack is bigger than thought. they disclosed the breach in september, now it's discovered more data was stolen.
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1,450,000,000 people may have had their tax he told you numbers and e-mail -- i.d. numbers and e-mail and social security numbers and birthdays stolen. the company that makes oxiconton is going to cut their sales force in half. medical experts say they are encouraged by purdue's announcement. "action news" team is working on news stories beginning at 4:00 p.m. alicia vitarelli is live in the newsroom. how was the the weekend? >> reporter: it was great. we hope you had a great one, too. if you love panera and you love your significant other there's a thing you can do to have your valentine's day catered.
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bully bunnies, some parts call for a boycott of peter rabbit film why they appear be mocking people with serious food allergies. get it ready for valentine's day with treatment just for your lips. plus, special deals. you won't want to miss it. we'll see you at 4:00 p.m. "action news" forecast will be up at noon, we'll be right back. >> meteorologist david murphy
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is back with another check of the workweek forecast. we have a couple of mild days ahead of us. >> reporter: we do, today is chillier, but tomorrow is, as well. but we get back up and the numbers are above average in february for philadelphia. double scan radar, obviously we're not completely dry. yesterday was the day we got inundated with heavy rain. these are scant nuisance showers
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that should be off the coast in the next hour or so. as we look outside, the clouds are thick on sky6 live hd as we check out the commodore barry bridge. this is an area that's drying out at this point. we'll see sunshine recent gauging starting out in the northern and western suburbs this afternoon. the temperature is 42. when i came into work this morning, in the predawn hours we were well in the 50s. we talked about how the north wind would be drawing cooler air in, it has arrived. the winds are out of the north at 21 gusting to 25. the windchills, 33. bundle up if you have to head out. 39 degrees in allentown. we dip for a little bit now we're back up there. 41 in reading, 42 in philadelphia currently. we have dropped to 40 in trenton after the morning broadcast we were at 50. a ten degree drop in a matter of few hours. 43 in millville. the wind out of the north.
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over the next several hours we'll see the rain off the coast and we'll see the clouds thinning out and breaking out a bit we'll see sun come back later on. lehigh valley sun and breezy, 47 degrees. down the shore, 52 degrees, a little bit mild in the process of drying out over the next hour, hour 1/2, and sunshine down the shore, as well. breezy and chilly, winds out of the northwest. tonight clear arena colder, winds out of the north not as strong. probably give youing windchills in the low 20s or -- giving you windchills in the 20s and low teens. out to the west, it looks bore bore -- foreboding.
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it will get chillier tomorrow and we'll grab on to the milder air to the south as we held into wednesday and thursday. when we get rid of the precipitation we'll get a couple of dry days once we get rid of the early precipitation arena afternoon precip. sun coming back to a good importance of the region later. sunny on tuesday, 41. wednesday, valentine's day we start out cold in the 0s in the morning and we wind up with an afternoon high of 52. any rain holds off until later at night. a much better day on wednesday for valentine's day now, when we looked on friday we thought it would be wetter. thursday, it will be mild 63 degrees and drying in the afternoon. one final feature comes in friday. that will be a morning type of
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thing, mild high of 56. saturday, 42. brisk and chilly partly sunny skies overall. sunday clouds arrive ahead of the next approaching cold front, at the same time the number will come back up. it will be high of 50. i could see rain by monday, the way things shake out right now. the average high at the end of this months is 47. and most of the numbers are over that. >> all right, david. thank you much. much more ahead in the next half-hour. chamber or which he -- orchestrf philadelphia is honoring the scores of the 18th century. displnchtsd shark tank star was was in philadelphia this morning. those stories and more next. >> hello again here some of the
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stories we're following on "action news" at 12:30. a man is hospitalized with serious burns after being abducted and found inside a car in philadelphia. we have the latest. an investigation is underway at the grand canyon after a helicopter taking virtues on a tour suddenly crashes. three people were killed. super bowl champion eagles will be riding this win until next season.
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appears a boost in local eagles gear sales will not slow down anytime soon. after a weekend of rain and soggy start to the workweek. sky6 live hd looking live in cape may. there's a dog out there there's rain showers lingering down the shore, but the dog doesn't care, it will be gone in the next few hours, david murphy is outside on the terrace. >> reporter: there's a little bit of drizzle on the terrace. there is enough to need rain gear. we have light nuisance rain every now and then there's a darker shade of green that passes through. over the next hour, hour and a half that will be off the shore. there's break up in the clouds in central pennsylvania as dry air rides in out of


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