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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  November 17, 2017 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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tonight the major storm about to hit the midwest, chicago at this hour. then headed east, dangerous driving, winter storm warnings in effect. just as millions begin travel for the holiday week. president trump blasting senator al franken tonight. but remaining silent nothing on roy moore. and roy moore's wife tonight, saying the president should thank them. the five alarm fire, the race to get to seniors who were trapped. and authorities a short time ago -- and what they've now revealed. ing. breaking in new york city more than 200 firefighters battling a four alarm blaze ripping through an apartment building. the urgent hunt tonight. the veteran detective shot in the head and killed. a major reward tonight. the submarine missing tonight beneath the sea, authorities waiting for any signal. dozens on board. outrage over killing
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elephants for sport. the trump administration lifting a ban on some big game trophies. americans can now bring african elephant trophy animals home. and your money. black friday is here, a week early this year the app that alerts you when new deals are posted by the hour. good evening and it's great of the you with us on a friday night. we begin with a major winter storm right now. the midwest about to get hit and moves east and quickly. winter storm warnings up at this hour. the system hit the west. snow, fog and sleet on i-80 in california. more than a dozen states under alerts tonight. that system is moving across the country. as you can see, chicago, d.c., new york and boston all in its path as millions prepare to travel for the holiday week ahead. rob marciano is tracking it for us. good evening. >> reporter: good evening david. we saw what this storm did to the west and over the mountains.
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it's going to start to wind up. look at the map. a strengthening storm with the ad advisories. wind advisories across 15 states. the wind is going to be the big story with this. chicago you're getting rain tonight. that will continue but the winds strengthen tomorrow through st. louis, nashville, louisville, cincinnati getting into pittsburgh and strong storms as well. d.c., new york and boston sunday morning, most of the rain is gone but the wind hangs as does the cold and snow. the windchills monday morning teens and 20s. the winds are going to slow down air travel. if you're driving on the highways any sort of cross wind would nudge your car around. >> thank you. we turn to the national outcry over sexual misconduct. the president is weighing in blasting senator al franken after a woman accused him of forcibly kissing her during a uso tour before he was a senator. but the president remains silent
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on roy moore. how does the white house explain this? and by weighing in does the president make himself vulnerable. here's cecilia vega tonight. >> reporter: it didn't take long for president trump to weigh in on that photo of senator al franken as he appeared to grope a sleeping woman in a late night tweet the president said -- >> the al frankenstein picture is really bad, speaks a thousand words. where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 while she sleeps? and to think that just last week he was lecturing anyone who would listen about sexual harassment and respect for women. that searing rebuke came just hours after the accusations against the minnesota democrat became public but as for the more than week old allegations accusing alabama republican senate candidate roy moore of sexual misconduct? >> should roy moore resign mr. president? do you believe his accusers? >> reporter: the president ignored our questions, repeatedly. >> should judge moore drop out, mr. president? >> reporter: with those non-answers and that attack on
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franken tonight, the allegations of sexual misconduct against president trump himself are back in the spotlight. from that "access hollywood" tape. >> you know i'm automatically attracted to beautiful -- i just start kissing them. it's like a magnet. just kiss. i don't even wait. and when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ] >> reporter: to the more than dozen women who came forward during the campaign alleging everything from sexual assault to harassment and inappropriate behavior. >> all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. >> today we put the question to the white house. if it is fair to investigate al franken and the allegation made by his accuser, is it also fair to investigate this president and the allegations of sexual misconduct made against him by more than a dozen women? >> look, i think this was covered pretty extensively
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during the campaign. we addressed that then. the american people i think spoke very loud and clear when they elected this president. >> how is this different? >> i think in one case specifically senator franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn't. i think that's a very clear distinction. >> reporter: today, no sign of franken in the wake of radio host leeann tweeden's bombshell claims about their work together on a uso tour in 2006. in addition to that photo, she says he kissed her forcefully and against her will. >> i was just disgusted, you know. and i just felt like he betrayed my trust. >> reporter: today on "the view", she revealed she's now received a letter of apology. >> it says dear leeann i want to apologize to you personally. i am so sorry. sincerely al franken. the president tweeting about senator franken but this is not a topic the white house wants to talk about right now. >> reporter: this is a point of frustration. aides would much rather talk about tax reform.
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instead sarah sanders in that briefing room taking questions, facing a barrage of questions about her own boss' behavior. >> roy moore's wife before the cameras today. a show of support with a group of women with her and moore's wife on why president trump owes them. and alabama's republican governor with tom llamas tonight. he asks her does she believe the women and how will she vote? >> reporter: eight women accuse roy moore of inappropriate behavior including sexual assault, most say it happened when they were teenagers, but tonight kayla moore is defending her husband. >> wow we're in a battle who would've known -- >> reporter: moore surrounded by women supporters, insisting her husband never did anything inappropriate. >> he has always been an officer and a gentleman. he is a loving father and a grandfather. most important, he is a christian. >> reporter: and sending a
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message to president trump, you're welcome -- >> i personally think he owes us a thank you. >> have you noticed you're not hearing too much about russia? >> reporter: but moore refused to take questions -- >> mrs moore, any message to the accusers? any message about the allegations? >> reporter: like her husband only discussing the allegations on their terms. >> i'll quit standing when they lay me in that box and put me in the ground. >> reporter: at his first news conference since the scandal broke, roy moore dodging questions. we followed him trying to get answers. his supporters outraged. >> you are the fake lying news from the swamp -- >> look at the mob. these people are sick in desperate need of jesus and they hate, hate, hate. >> reporter: the latest poll shows moore down, but the alabama republican party is still with him. so is the governor kay ivey who
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said today she'll vote for moore despite the accusations against him. >> are you gonna be proud of your vote for roy moore? >> every alabamian has a right and duty to vote and i'm proud to vote. >> and do you believe any of the women who have brought accusations against roy moore? >> i certainly have no reason to disbelieve any of them. >> tom, we heard the governor there, she says she has no reason not to believe the women but she made it clear she'll vote for roy moore. >> she want as republican in the seat because she wants republicans to hold a majority in the senate. we have heard from other alabama officials and voters here in the state. whether or not roy moore acted inappropriately for them he's the republican with the best chance of winning. >> tom, thank you. there are two major fires to report on tonight. first authorities coming before the cameras a short time ago near philadelphia revealing some residents of a senior living facility are still unaccounted for tonight. that fire burning quickly
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through the buildings overnight. an urgent effort to get 160 people out. neighbors racing in to help and abc's eva pilgrim is outside philadelphia on the scene. >> reporter: tonight authorities in a desperate search for those unaccounted for in the massive inferno that ripped through this assisted senior living facility outside philadelphia. police asking for a mass casualty response with many additional ambulances. >> reporter: more than 400 emergency workers scrambling through the night to save the elderly residents, many couldn't escape on their own. desperate blanket-wrapped patients loaded onto school buses. the road crowded with wheelchairs and beds. firefighters attacking the blaze from above on ladders. >> one of our firefighters went as far as he could until he could feel his helmet actually start to melt. >> reporter: tonight officials trying to make sure everyone got out. >> we can't get into the structure. it's too unsafe so the origin and cause is undetermined at this point. in the massive rescue,
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160 residents and workers evacuated. 27 taken to area hospitals, mostly with smoke inhalation. david? >> eva, thank you. and the other major fire burning at this hour right here in new york city. firefighters facing a five alarm fire of their own. aerial images coming in this evening showing a six-story apartment building engulfed with more than 200 firefighters battling the blaze. 34 apartments in the building. five injuries reported already including four firefighters all suffering nonlife threatening injuries. that's in the hamilton heights neighborhood of manhattan. the hunt in a missing submarine case. last heard from two days ago now deep beneath the sea. they are hoping for a signal. any kind of signal. dozens of crew members onboard that submarine. here's matt gutman. >> reporter: that massive search off the coast of argentina and a
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nation waiting for a ping of life from the missing submarine. the san kwaun is one of three submarines. the crew navigating the seas by paper charts and periscopes. it was supposed to be a routine trip from the southern tip of the continent to the san juan's home base. argentina has deployed helicopters in the search about 250 miles off the argentine coast. a fire onboard knocked out communications at some point on wednesday. >> if you don't know where the submarine is, where it's in distress, then you can have all the rescue gear in the world and it's not going to make a difference. >> reporter: we learned the u.s. has deployed a plane to the search site and the rescue operation urgent because only enough air left in the submarine to last the crew for a number of
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hours. david. >> matt, thank you. next the outrage this evening after a decision by the trump administration lifting a ban on importing trophies of elephants hunted in africa. here's abc's david wright. >> reporter: the majestic african elephant is still a "threatened" species. but as of today big game hunters who kill these creatures in zambia or zimbabwe will be allowed to get their trophies through u.s. customs. president trump is not a big game hunter. but his sons are. that's don junior in 2012, an elephant tail in one hand, a knife in the other. in an interview two years ago don junior insisted the money hunters spend on safari helps protect these creature sghs that money goes to fund the anti-poaching leagues. >> reporter: but his own mother seems to disapprove.
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ivana trump wrote why go to zim bob bay to shoot dumbo. today's announcement sparking outrage from fox news commentator laura ingram to ellen degeneres. >> elephants show compassion, sympathy, social intelligence, self awareness. >> reporter: the white house pushing back saying this action comes after a study by professionals of the department of fish and wildlife. still conservationists are not convinced. nous on the reverend jesse jackson revealing his personal battle revealing he has parkinson's disease. diagnosed in 2015 and says getting around is more of a challenge. he plans to dedicate himself to physical therapy hoping to slow the disease's progress. he said i do not see this as a stop sign saying i would rather wear out than rust out. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this
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friday. the urgent manhunt for a cop killer. federal agents smashing through doors. the veteran, detective and father shot in the head and killed. the major reward. also three prisoners on the run. authorities revealing how they escaped. and your money tonight. black friday is here this year a week earlier and an app that reveals posts by the hour. kimchi bbq. amazing honky tonk? i can't believe you got us tickets. i did. i didn't pay for anything. you never do. send me what i owe. i got it. i mean, you did find money to buy those boots. are you serious? is that why you don't like them? those boots could make a unicorn cry. yeah, tears of joy. the bank of america mobile banking app. the fast, secure and simple way to send money. i tabut with my back paines, i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm.
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is killed. the $200,000 reward tonight. there's a new study about living longer and why you should thank your dogs. so many of you sending your photos into us today. ♪
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he's showing signs of distress and then our life changed forever. >> tell me what you saw. >> it didn't look like a human being. he didn't look like a person. it was that different. >> reporter: for new yorker magda and russell it was not the scene of happiness but one of or row. >> they were scared to show him. >> because he had no cheekbones and no upper/lower eyelids. just completely disfigured. >> reporter: nathaniel's condition was caused by treacher collins. he would spend the first month in the neonatal intensive care unit undergoing 53 surgeries. they relocated after russ got a new job and that is where i met
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nathaniel for the first time. when you realized my face is different from other people's faces? >> when the first kid called me monster. >> a kid called you a monster? >> yeah. >> that must have hurt your feelings. >> yeah. then i realized don't do it to anybody else so i was different. >> the newman's came up with a plan to send letters to nathaniel's classmates. >> my name is nathaniel newman and i am 12 years old. i am different. >> reporter: i don't want you to be surprised when we meet. i have three dogs, i like pokemon a lot as well as "star wars." >> i really am like everyone else. >> he just wants to be treated like everyone else. elizabe elizabeth, you were saying his parents saying they were profoundly moved by the incredible book "wonder". >> that's right. mostly because the main character in the book, there's an uncanny resemblance between
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the two boys. >> you read the book to your own boys and heard from your mother. >> i did. a woman in her book club e-mailed her and said has elizabeth heard the book "wonder" because i'm teaching a real life wonder boy. that's how we found him and called his family and followed them for nearly three years. >> we hope everyone will watch a special edition of "20/20" 10:00 p.m. eastern. a story of transformation. we hope you watch or set your dvr tonight. i'm david muir. thank you for watching. i hope to see you right back here on monday. good night.
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this is the "jeopardy!" tournament of champions. here for the deciding game are the three finalists -- a bartender from new york, new york... whose cash winnings yesterday total... a software engineer from riverside, california... whose cash winnings total... and a music executive from los angeles, california... who had no winnings yesterday. and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. i'm dealing with three monkeys here today. [ laughter ]


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