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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 30, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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tonight, the bomb shell indictments. president trump's former campaign chairman, paul manafort, under house arrest tonight. the 12-count indictment. among the charges, conspiracy against the u.s., money laundering. his associate, considered his right-hand man, indicted, too. the president tweeting "no collusion." but then, what could be an even bigger bomb shell. a third man, a former trump campaign adviser, pleading guilty, acknowledging meetings to get dirt from the russians. and he's been cooperating with the fbi for weeks. the other news this monday night, the powerful storm hitting the east. the homes swept away by flood waters. the allegations and new fallout tonight involving actor kevin spacey. and made in america is back. tonight, the world series edition.
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good evening. and a very busy monday night. we begin tonight with the first indictments from the special council, robert mueller, in his investigation into possible collusion between the trump campaign and russia. two former members of the trump campaign under house arrest at this hour. former trump campaign chairman paul manafort today pleading not guilty after that 12-count indictment. manafort helped orchestrate donald trump's convention. and his associate and former campaign aide rick gates also indicted, also pleading not guilty today. and tonight, a third man, an adviser to the campaign, this time, though, pleading guilty, and now, cooperating with the fbi. abc's senior justice correspondent pierre thomas tonight leading us off. >> mr. manafort, did you commit a crime? >> reporter: on a blustery morning in washington, former trump campaign chairman paul manafort today surrendering to authorities at an fbi field office. >> did you collude with russians? >> reporter: at the same time,
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his former right hand man, rick gates, surrendesurrendering, to. gates was one-time deputy campaign manager for donald trump. here you see them together onstage at the republican national convention. both now charged in a sweeping 12-count indictment, of conspirery against the united states, money laundering and failing to register as agents for a foreign government. the fbi claims they had been working for ukrainian officials with ties to russia. and that "from approximately 2006 through at least 2016," they hid more than $75 million they made from their overseas work in a number of foreign bank accounting, failing to pay taxes. according to the indictment, manafort used the money to quote "enjoy a "lavish lifestyle" spending nearly a million dollars on antique rugs and more than $1.3 million on fancy clothes. not to mention expensive cars and luxury properties gates allegedly used some of the money for his kids' tuition. today, both men pleading not guilty. manafort's lawyer, defiant. >> he was seeking to further democracy and to help the ukraine come closer to the united states and the eu.
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>> reporter: manafort has been in bob mueller's cross-hairs for months. in july, the fbi raided his virginia home before sunrise. armed agents busting into his bedroom after secretly sneaking in. president trump reacting at the time. >> you know, they do that very seldom. so, i was surprised to see it. pretty tough stuff. to wake him up, perhaps his family was there. i think that's pretty tough stuff. >> reporter: in his five months working on the trump campaign, manafort orchestrated the convention and denied he or donald trump had any ties to the russians. >> are there any ties between mr. trump, you or your campaign and putin and his regime? >> no, there are not. it's absurd and, you know, there's no basis to it. >> reporter: today's indictment does not allege manafort colluded with russia on behalf of the trump campaign. but hours later, a perhaps even bigger bombshell, pointing directly to the question of collusion. mueller's team announcing a guilty plea from a former trump campaign advisor named george papadopoulos. papadopoulos acknowledges he
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spoke with a professor with close ties to the russian government, according to court documents, papadopoulos says, "the professor had told him about the russian s possessing dirt on then-candidate hillary clinton in the form of thousands of e-mails." he admits he initially lied to the fbi and misrepresented those conversations. papadopoulos was part of the campaign's foreign policy team. trump praising him at the time in an interview with "the washington post." >> george papadopoulos, he's an energy and oil consultant, excellent guy. >> reporter: you can see them all here at this meeting. he told the investigators at that very meeting, march 31st, 2016, he informed the group "he had connections that could help arrange a meeting between then-candidate trump and president putin." the trump-putin meeting never happened, but in his plea papadopoulos makes one thing clear -- several members of team trump knew he was talking with the russians about helping the campaign. he says at one point he was told
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by a campaign official, great work. >> and pierre thomas with us live tonight from washington. and pierre, what do paul manafort and rick gates face if they convicted? >> reporter: david, they could face up to 20 years in prison. manafort was released on a $10 million unsecured bond and was placed under house arrest. he is expected back in court on thursday, david. >> pierre thomas leading us off on this monday night. pierre, thank you. shortly after the indictment of paul manafort and his associate, president trump tweeting, there is no collusion. but that was before news of a third man, another trump adviser, and this time, an arrest months ago, an indictment. and a guilty plea kept secret. and now comes word that he's been cooperating with the fbi for yeweeks. here's abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross tonight. >> reporter: it is the biggest break in the case yet. the strongest evidence yet of possible collusion, with this details of how this trump campaign adviser, 30-year-old george papadopoulos, worked with suspected russian agents and then denied it to the fbi, as he
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did when he talked with abc news earlier this year. the special council revealed today that papadopoulos pleaded guilty to charges of lying to the fbi on october 5th and has been secretly cooperating. >> it's very significant to have an official with any major presidential campaign admitting that they're working with the russian government to hurt their opponent. and admitting that they lied about that fact to cover it up. >> reporter: papadopoulos joined the trump campaign's national security team in march of 2016. >> george papadopoulos -- kw. >> reporter: donald trump's now well-known words of praise. >> excellent guy. >> reporter: but three days later, papadopoulos was in london, meeting with his russian connections, including a woman he thought was vladimir putin's niece, but wasn't. according to the fbi, the russians told him on april 26th they had "dirt" on hillary clinton and "thousands
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of e-mails," long before they were made public. the day after that pivotal meeting, donald trump gave his first foreign policy speech, with an emphasis on russia. >> i believe an easing of tensions, and improved relations with russia from a position of strength only, is possible, absolutely possible. >> reporter: according to today's court filing, papadopoulos, as an unpaid adviser, reported to four separate senior campaign managers or policy advisers, trying to set up a meeting between trump and putin. one told him "great job" and campaign supervisor wrote an e-mail -- "i would encourage you." yet, the president has repeatedly denied his campaign had any connection with anyone in russia, including this exchange with abc's cecilia vega. >> did you are anybody in your campaign have any contact with russia leading up or during the campaign? nothing at all? >> none at all. >> and brian ross with us now. you heard you report there that papadopoulos reported to four
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different senior campaign managers about his contacts with the russians. according to the indictment today, one campaign supervisor added "great work" when he learned of those conversations. do we have any idea who the senior advisers are? >> reporter: they are not named, but if they lied about the cushion ran contacts, they, too, will face criminal charges. >> and about this development that he's now been cooperating, these last several weeks with the fbi, what does that mean, would we see a wiretap or other techniques they usually use? >> reporter: well, it's standard practice for the fbi, when they get someone like this to secretly cooperate, to have them engage others and wear secret recording device, a wire. we don't know if that happened here, but it would hardly be unusual, david. >> all right, brian ross, thank you. in the meantime, this is the day the white house has been bracing for. president trump today trying to shift the focus of the probe onto hillary clinton and the democrats. at the same time, the white house attempting to downplay the roles of these men in the trump campaign. here's abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl. >> reporter: the white house was
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blindsided by today's news. sources tell abc news, the president had no advance notice from the special council. the first reaction from the president himself, with this tweet dismissing the indictment of the man who ran his campaign -- "sorry, but this is years ago, before paul manafort was part of the trump campaign. but why aren't crooked hillary and the dems the focus? also, there is no collusion!" and in fact, there is nothing about collusion, or the campaign, in the manafort indictment. what the president didn't know there was another shoe to drop. special council mueller later revealing his plea deal with george papadopoulos, the campaign foreign policy advisor who, in fact, was talking with russians about getting dirt on hillary clinton. >> we've been saying from day one, there's no evidence of trump/russia collusion, and nothing in the indictment today changes that at all. >> reporter: but the george papadopoulos agreement is about the campaign. it is specifically about the campaign. >> it has nothing to do with the
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activities of the campaign, it has to do with his failure to tell the truth. >> reporter: sanders said papadopolous had an "extremely limited" role in the campaign. but again, there he is, just three seats from donald trump. >> look, this individual was the member of a volunteer advisory council that met one time over the course of a year. he was not paid by the campaign. >> reporter: it's not the first time the white house has sought to downplay the role of someone on the campaign. this is what they said about paul manafort, who spent five months on team trump, including three as campaign chairman. >> obviously, there's been discussion of paul manafort, who played a very limited role for a very limited amount of time. >> reporter: but he was the chairman of the campaign. >> hold on. can you stop -- >> reporter: paul manafort didn't play a limited role. >> hey, jonathan, somebody is asking a question. it is not your press briefing. >> reporter: as the white house downplays mueller's indictments, the president himself is making the case that the real subject of the russia investigation should be hillary clinton. the president tweeting sunday -- "there is so much guilt by
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democrats/clinton. and now the facts are pouring out. do something." and what will the president do if mueller continues to focus on his associates and not clinton's? is he going to rule out once and for all firing robert mueller? >> the president said last week and i said several times before, there is no intention or plan to make any changes in regards to the special council. >> no intention or plan to fire robert mueller. careful words there. jon karl live from the white house. jon, you asked something else, sarah sanders was asked whether president trump would consider pardoning paul manafort at some point. how did she answer? >> reporter: she was asked specifically whether or not the president would consider pardoning manafort or gates and her answer was interesting, david. she said, quote, i think we should let the process play through before we start looking at those steps. in other words, the white house is not ruling out pardoning either manafort or gates. >> all right, stay tuned on that
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front. jon karl, thank you. let's get right to our abc news legal analyst, dan abrams. the white house saying today, this is going to end soon, the investigation, so, the question for you, will it end soon, or is this just the first shoe to drop? >> i don't think there's any way to look at that plaea agreement with papadopoulos and think this is going to end soon. the reason why they made that deal, when you read through the agreement, it is clear they cut that deal so they could investigate others. so this could be part of a broader investigation. >> they even say in one of the indictments there's going to be more questioning of people connecting to what they discovered. and i want to ask you about robert mueller's strategy. there's been so much talk about this, if he would go for the little fish first and try to get them for flip or if he goes for big names first. >> it's clear he's going for the little fish first. papadopoulos, very small fish, but someone with potentially relevant information. the question's going to be, do you also view manafort and gates that way? are they trying to put pressure on them to turn in an effort to
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get information on higher and others in the campaign? >> all right, dan abrams, every step of the way with us, thank you. and there was more fallout tonight from the special council investigation. powerful democrat iic lobbyist tony podesta stepping down from his own lobbying group. robert mueller investigating if he cooperated. he said he's cooperating with the team. his brother, john podesta, served as hillary clinton's campaign manager. also breaking tonight, major storm damage across the northeast. millions reaming from heavy rains and hurricane-strength winds. floodwaters sweeping a home down the river, right there in warren, new hampshire. at its peak, more than 1 million customers in seven states without electricity. that system has now moved off the coast tonight. glad about that. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. the allegations against kevin spacey. an actor accusing him of a sexual advance when he was just a teenager. tonight, kevin spacey's response, and that response is
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now igniting a firestore. the headline late today, a former nfl player dead at the age of 30. and our made in america series is back tonight, just in time for the world series. we swing for the fences. and we'll let you know how that turned out as we continue here. stay tuned. umonia that can take you out of the game for weeks, even if you're healthy. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that in severe cases can lead to hospitalization. it may hit quickly, without warning, causing you to miss out on the things you enjoy most. prevnar 13® is not a treatment for pneumococcal pneumonia... it's a vaccine you can get to help protect against it. prevnar 13® is approved for adults to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain,
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next tonight, oscar winner kevin spacey responding to allegations from an actor that spacey sexually assaulted him when he was a teenager. and spacey's response tonight is igniting a firestorm on several fronts. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: tonight, netflix and the studio behind "house of cards" say they are deeply troubled by accusations against actor kevin spacey. actor anthony rapp of "star trek: discovery" and starred in "rent", told buzzfeed the actor made a sexual advance toward him when he was just 14 years old. rapp says spacey, then 26, invited him to a party one night when both were working on broadway. when everyone left, rapp says spacey put him on a bed, and
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"lays down on top of me, pressing into me." but rapp was able to squirm away. spacey posted a statement to twitter, saying he was "horrified" but "does not remember the encounter." adding, "i owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior." he then turned to the subject of his sexuality -- "i have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and i choose now to live as a gay man." the "house of cards" star now under fire. critics say he was trying to shift the focus from the alleged abuse of a child. actor zachary quinto called it "a calculated manipulation to deflect attention from the very serious accusation that he attempted to molest." and comedian wanda sykes tweeting, "no no no no no! you do not get to 'choose' to hide under the rainbow!" spacey is not on-set now, though "house of cards" is shooting its final season. studio executives say they plan to meet with the rest of the cast and crew to make sure they feel safe and supported.
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david? >> linsey davis with us tonight. thank you. when we come back here, your money. the major news coming in on that $300 million contract landed bay montana company with just two employees at the time what we've learned tonight. also, medical news this evening. could a new breakthrough in cancer detection help doctors find cancer in just seconds? and the headline tonight involving a young football player, found dead at just 30 years old. we'll be right back. of the nigh. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench? maybe? you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. but he hasoke up wwork to so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol,
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philadelphia eagles and tampa bay buccaneers and graduated as the all-time sack leader at the university of washington. he had returned to coach football at his alma mater, hawaii preparatory academy. his cause of death is not yet known tonight. and the new headline this evening, could artificial intelligence help cancer detection? japanese researchers now revealing a computer assisted system that could be used during a colonoscopy and determine in less than a second its potential cancer risk. reporting an 86% accuracy rate. the technology could tell a doctor in real-time if it should be removed and more researched is now being conducted. when we come back, going deep. made in america is back, and is my baseball swing back? that's the question. in a moment. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment?
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6:56 pm
what a night last night. another nail-biter. the houston astros, one game away. the dodgers not giving up without a fight. and made in america, something on the field this season, and the workers not giving up, either. with all eyes on the houston astros and the l.a. dodgers this week, we're watching something else, too. not just the players, but some of the bats, now being used in the major leagues. the logo, right there. the season, some 75 players with dove tail bats from shirley mills, maine. and we just had to meet the man behind the made in america bat. hi, paul. good to see you. fancy meeting you at a batting cage. >> that's where we hang around. >> i need some tips. >> we can do that. >> but first, the idea behind that made in america idea. what do you got? >> i got some bats for you to try. >> beautiful bats.
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this is entirely made in america. >> made in maine with maine wood, with maine labor. >> paul, a former baseball player himself, even trying out for the majors. >> what was it like trying out for the red sox? >> phenomenal. as close to getting to my dream, that was it, you know? >> their loss. >> well, yeah, their loss. >> paul's other love? carpentry. you started out making cabinets -- >> right. >> and then you were sort of on the side doing what you loved, which was something to do with baseball. >> right. i -- you know, it evolved, because my youngest son wanted to play baseball, for a living. >> he started making bats for his son first. >> instead of me sending him money, i'd send him bats. >> his son started selling the bats. start in the forests of maine, carefully shaped, polished, logo added. 11 workers making 30,000 bats this year alone. when you're watching baseball, are you really looking for your bat? >> every time. every at-bat. >> then, i was at-bat. been awhile. probably since little league. a few tips. >> first thing you have to do,
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you have to hit the edge grain. you can't hit the face grain. and as you're swinging, coming into the ball. concentrate on hitting the ball. >> then they told me, aim for the security camera. >> sweet. >> a much-needed lesson, made in america. we love made in america. but i'll keep my day job. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. until then, have a good evening. good night. joseph, i'm steve. how are you? nice to meet you sir. nice to meet you. how's it going man? the yankees? come on. [ laughing ]
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look at the smiles and the hard work that the people here are doing. it's like making mini sandwiches. they're no different than anyone else. they just want a job. they want respect and they want dignity. this is a nice place. yeah. he plays basketball with lauren. steve called, fairly frantic. you know, he had a premature baby and i think he had just been given the diagnosis that she had down syndrome. lauren brought out the best in me. she made me a different person. deep down in his heart he feels for people who are disadvantaged. lauren's a light in everybody eye. she's the spark that has started the fire. the goal is to keep places like this open so all people, regardless of disability, have an opportunity for employment. see, i love you. i love you guys too. you know that. yeah. ♪
7:00 pm
this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are -- a phd candidate from tullahoma, tennessee... a technical consultant from hyattsville, maryland... and our returning champion, an economist from washington, d.c... ...whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, ladies and gentlemen. i'm gonna begin today by looking forward one week from today. our tournament of champions gets underway featuring some of your favorite "jeopardy!" winners from the past year. okay, something to look forward to.


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