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tv   Action News at 430 AM  ABC  October 11, 2017 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning, everyone, it is 4:30 a.m. on this wednesday october 11th. >> breaking overnight an innocent bystander and two other people are injured when gunfire breaks out a superintendent addresses a disturbing incident where a doll was found hanging from a noose school locker room. >> crews are battling wildfires in california. >> we're looking out for rain maybe later. let's turn to meteorologist, david murphy and karen rogers. good morning. >> good morning. david is back from his hurricane hunting as we look at the wildfires.
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>> yeah, how about that? i was down in new orleans and ended up not hitting new orleans. i was pretty happy about that. in any event we have satellite right now and that is showing you some cloud cover out to the west of us and there's also a click of shower activity that's beginning to dance around areas to our south and west. as we get especially later into the afternoon and evening we are expecting to see some of that start to move in. 67 degrees in philadelphia right now. 68 degrees in wilmington. might feel a tad humid out there, too. as you step outside, 60 degrees in allentown, 70 in cape may. it is going to be relatively warm afternoon. 72 degrees by noon. by 3 o'clock, 73. and ahead of that rain we'll probably pop up to about 75. i can see that happening early by 1:30 or 2 o'clock and 60's by 5 o'clock and 67 by 7 o'clock and there's that chance of an afternoon or evening shower. if you're dressing the kids this morning they don't have any rain to worry about so
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light jacket works okay. 59 in the suburb, 66 on the bus stop in that city this morning. and clouds building in and then of course in the afternoon they may want rain gear for the walk home because there is the chance of some of rain. karen, temperatures really doing a lot of fluctuating again in the next seven days. we'll talk about that coming up. >> all right. kind of mild as you step outside right now. we're looking live and we can see construction crews up here. looks like they're in the process of starting to pick up. this is the schuylkill under 30th street. the schuylkill was shut down again westbound and you saw all those lanes being blocked. we're seeing vehicles begin to move. construction had been blocking two lanes here. you can exit and recenter or use 95 northbound. right now looks like they're letting traffic get by. we've got construction on the schuylkill, schuylkill eastbound between conshohocken and the curve. construction blocking the right lane and both lanes near 202 construction blocks the
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right lane as well as 95 northbound between the commodore barry bridge and the blue route. that time in the overnight hours, all the crews are out there getting their work done before the rain hits. 422 at 23, construction eastbound should be clear by 5:00. westbound doesn't clear though until 6 o'clock this morning, matt. >> thank you, karen. breaking here overnight, gunfire in philadelphia's point breeze section injured three people including a man who police call an innocent bystander. "action news" reporter jeanette reyes is live at south detectives with the rest of the story. jeanette. >> reporter: well, matt, police happened to be on routine patrol not far from this shooting and they were able to respond in seconds but while they weren't able to spot this shooter, the another set of eyes were on them and that may help police make an arrest. just past 11:00 tuesday night police on patrol heard multiple gunshots nearby. in seconds they arrived to the 1900 block of south bons saul street to found two men
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suffering from gunshot wounds. a 49-year-old shot in both legs. they would later find a 65-year-old man shot in the ankle. eight shell casings were recovered nearby. we confirm this morning that the last victim was simply a bystander caught in the crossfire. all three men were rushed to area hospitals reason in -- and are in that stable condition. the area is that lined with businesses and as a result police found several functioning surveillance cameras one of which captured the entire shooting including images of the two shooters running away. >> you see two males running east on mifflin from the 1900 block of bonsall street. they believed to be the shooters. one is wearing all dark clothing, the other male is wearing lighter colored clothing but they were both seen running east on mifflin street from bonsall. >> reporter: and at this hour police do not have a motive. in fact, they're not really
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sure whether or not these victims were the intended target. they're hoping that that surveillance video along with witness accounts might help them find the gunmen here. reporting live at south detectives, jeanette reyes channel6 "action news." tam. >> okay, jeanette, thank you for that. and the devastating toll from those -- death toll i should say from those fires in northern california has now climbed to at least 17. and hundreds more people are still unaccounted for this morning. the fires continue to rage in and around wine country burning entire neighborhoods to the ground. abc's donya bacchus is live now in santa rosa this morning with more. good morning, donya. >> reporter: good morning, tam. just to give you a scope of the devastation, around me are signs of intensity of the fire. house after house is gone. charred cars and charred chimp niece on lots that were once home and this morning the fire fight continues. the massive wildfires in california's wine country are burning out of control.
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stretching firefighters to their limit. >> we have folks on the fire line starting their third shift right now that have not been relieved. >> reporter: throughout sonoma county entire neighborhoods have been devastated. >> and this fire was fast. >> firstly i think it will be one of the worst disasters in california history. >> reporter: at least 2,000 residences and businesses have been destroyed like this winery and this hotel. >> we were awoken to a red glow coming out of the north and -- and had just minutes to actually get out of -- get out of the house, wake our kids up. >> reporter: crews battling fires in santa rosa were forced to just let homes burn. >> we don't have a lot of water so the water supply is difficult. >> reporter: nearly 200 people are still unaccounted for as officials warn the death toll could rise. married for 75 years died when the fire tour through their home. >> and it hit so fast and
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they -- they just didn't have a chance. my mother had a stroke and she couldn't move very well at all and my father certainly never would have left her. >> reporter: in southern california, firefighters are finally getting the upper hand dousing hot spots in the charred remains of homes. as far as a cause for the fires, investigators say they are focusing on saving lives first, property second, then containment of the flames saying that cause investigation will come later. reporting live from santa ana, donya bacchus channel6 "action news." >> thank you donya. the kutzville area school district and police are investigating a possible case of racial intimidation. members of the cross country team found a doll tied on a noose in a locker room. the school board said the district will not tolerate hate and plans to discipline any student or staff member found to be involved.
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>> drexel university has placed one of its professors on administrative leave. george ciccariello mar voiced his thoughts about the las vegas shooting in a series of tweets claiming the narrative of white victimization was behind the massacre. his account that clearly states his views do not affect the universities drew death threats. freshman carlos ortiz is from laugh. he feels the poly-sci professor crossed the line but shouldn't be punished for his opinions. >> i really believe like having the first amendment right is essential and i think he should say what he likes on twitter even though i don't agree with it. >> the university released a statement saying we believe this is a necessary step to ensure the safety our campus. >> happening today, president trump is headed to the pennsylvania capitol to talk about tax reform. the president will speak of the at harrisburg national air
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base this evening. the gop backed reform plan stream lines the tax code and calls for cuts. critics say it will increase the national debt. the president shot down staff rumors on twitter late last night. the tweet said the fake news is at it again, this time trying to hurt one of the finest people i know, general john kelly by saying he will soon be fired. this story is totally made up by the dishonest media, the tweet continues. the chief is doing fantastic job for me and more importantly for the u.s.a. president trump is referring to a vanity fair report that called his relationship with chief of staff kelly irreparable. president trump has named someone to replace tom price who resigned as secretary of health and human services amid a private plane scandal. eric harga in. who worked in the department under president george w. bush is now the acting secretary. he was just confirmed by the senate last week for the number two position. >> the candidates for governor of new jersey faced off in
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their first debate an event seen here live on 6abc. kim guadagno and democrat phil murphy went head to head at the new jersey performing arts center in newark last night. the debate was moderated by our own jim gardner. the candidates covered topics from marijuana and immigration to property taxes. guadagno said murphy's plan to fully fund schools will cost taxpayers $9 billion. >> the people of new jersey are taxed enough. we need to provide them real property tax relief and we need to do it now. >> choices have been made by governor christie and the lieutenant governor every step of the way and they've chosen to give out tax incentives to large corporations in our state for almost -- for over $8 billion. all of that has come at the expense of the middle class. >> this second and final television debate will be held october 18th. >> 4:40 is the time and new from the overnight the navy releases a statement on the u.s.s. mccain crash that killed 10 sailors.
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>> more hollywood stars are coming forward with stories of sexual harassment by movie mogul harvey weinstein. >> school officials are on the lookout for a drone in the midwest that witnesses say has been trying to lure children off school grounds. david. >> we have clouds out there across the region this morning. and in some cases they're getting kind of thick, also some showers out to the west. those probably will hold off for the most part until late this morning or early this afternoon. i'll have more details on that, show you where numbers are going today and for the rest of the seven-day. that's coming up.
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>> ♪ >> welcome back. taking a live look here downtown. the sky6 view of city hall. beautiful in the middle of the night. gorgeous view. it is 4:43 and 67 degrees. >> david joins us. i hear you were in new
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orleans. >> i was and then i was in natchez, mississippi a beautiful time if you ever get a chance to go. >> right there on the river. >> and memphis, too, right there on the river. a lot of mississippi in my blood over the last week. it is fairly nice around here. that green you see around trenton is ground clutter. a scant shower beginning to develop. most of that will hold off until late this morning and late this afternoon here in our neck of the woods. as we take a look outside we have sky6. there's the airport and we are currently looking at dry conditions across the region and temperatures treating us okay. we're in the 60's in most neighborhoods right now. in fact, in philadelphia the upper 60's at 67 degrees. your ocean temperature is 72. winds not all that strong and again, dry across most of the region right now. you got to go way out to the north and west beyond allentown and redding to to see any rain at this hour. we get into the noon hour and there's a chance of a couple
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of us seeing a sprinkle or perhaps a little bit of drizzle. later this afternoon by 3 o'clock there could be more steadier showers here or there. the kids won't need rain gear this morning but some might want a poncho or something like that on the way home. 6 o'clock nuisance drizzle or light rain. by tomorrow there could still be some shower activity or at least some drizzle around in the morning in particular. cloudy skies for the most part today with some sunny breaks possible. i could see some of us seeing some sun early this morning once it comes up over the horizon. 66 degrees by 8 o'clock. and then by 10 o'clock, 68 and by noon, 72 and by 3 o'clock, 73. your high today is actually going to be 75 degrees but we probably hit that kind of early in the afternoon say around 1:30 or 2 o'clock and once the sprinkles and showers start to move in the temperature begins to dip a little bit. high temperatures early to midafternoon 75 degrees in philadelphia, 74 today in trenton. 77 in wilmington and millville. just 71 in allentown, 72 in
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reading and down the shore 73 in cape may and 75 in atlantic city on the boardwalk. tomorrow cloudy skies persist for the most part and it's going to be cool with a high of just 66 degrees and again, there could be some drizzle or some light shower activity around as an area of low pressure passes us by to the south. southern areas would have a little better chance of, say, a steadier shower at times. and out to the tropics we go. tropical storm ophelia still out there. but you can see that storm is centered well across the atlantic ocean from any of our eastern land masses and this is probably not going to be a threat top land but we'll keep our eyes on it. your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, today's high is 75 degrees, mostly cloudy overall, some sunny breaks can't be ruled out and as you just saw some showers are possible especially during the afternoon and evening. tomorrow cloudy and cooler, 66 degrees, drizzle at times possible and on friday mostly cloudy and 69 degrees. that appears to be a dry day. for the weekend we begin to warm up all over again. warmer on saturday with a high of 80 degrees for that temple
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game. probably starts feeling a little bit more humid on saturday. and then by saturday night there could be a shower around, then sunday 82 degrees, warm and humid there as well. a nighttime shower possible and monday clouds and sun, 74 degrees. i'm going to nix that saturday night shower because showers are likely sunday night. >> we'll take it. thank you david. new here on "action news" the u.s. navy says it has reassigned two top officers involved in the deadly crash of the u.s.s. mccain. a statement says the commander and executive officer of the ship were relieved of their duties due to lost confidence. the navy also says the crash was preventible. the collision between the war ship and a oil tanker near singapore killed 10 u.s. sailors and injured five more. the navy fired the then commander of the japanese based seventh fleet shortly after the crash. >> actor and exnfl player
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terry crews opened up on twitter about how he was inappropriate orangely grabbed e crouch by a high level hollywood executive in front of his wife at a public event last year. he said he chose not to make a scene a reaction he says helps him understand why so many women stay quiet for year about harvey weinstein. weinstein has been accused of sexual assault harassment and rape by a dozen actresses since the new york times revealed some of his past last week. weinstein was fired on sunday from the company he co-founded. >> this is new on "action news." school officials in ohio are on alert following reports of someone using a drone to try and lure children off school grounds. children and adults reported seeing the drone at wyndmere community learning center in akron over the weekend. the principal says several witnesses even claimed hearing a voice coming from the drone that attempted to coax children off the playground. the district sent a letter warning parents to have an adult accompany children to
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the playground. >> it's always something. >> ♪ >> my goodness. >> technology can be used for good and evil. >> indeed. it is 4:49. still to come, how more than $2 billion in federal grant money is going unused. >> this new jersey teen may not be the typical choice for homecoming king but his classmates would argue he is the perfect choice. meet him next. >> ♪ dates. you look amazing. and you look comfortable.
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when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth... ...and strengthen fibers. so, don't half-wash it. downy and it's done. he's a double-dipping mepension padder.y. double-dipping pension padder! he had two government jobs, two paychecks and padded his pension along the way.
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he's a double-dipping pension padder! now he's making over $300,000 a year as a lobbyist and a senator. double-dipping pension padder! so he's all set - thanks to you, the taxpayer. which is why steve sweeney had no problem voting to raise your taxes 145 times, including the largest gas tax hike in history. sounds about right, coming from a.... double-dipping pension padder! what's new from light and fit? greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. real fruit and 90 calories... you'll be wowed! try new light & fit with zero artificial sweeteners.
4:52 am
>> ♪ >> hey, everybody. this is halfway through, right? wednesday, right? hump day. got to be happy about that. looking outside live at 422 at trooper, eastbound traffic headed towards king of prussia, construction has been blocking the right lane here in both directions. eastbound had all traffic stopped for a little bit here. traffic was really jammed. it still looks a little slow because of that. eastbound is supposed to clear at 5:00, westbound is supposed to clear at 6:00 so you're jamming up. it's too early to be jammed, right? we're half awake here. this is 422 westbound which is completely shut down at route 100. should be clear by 5 o'clock. stick to high street to get around that. i hate when roads are closed in the middle of the night. it's not supposed to happen. northeast extension both ways north of lansdale construction out there. accident at sumneytown pike.
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mr. matt it's your turn. >> i am ready, karen. thank you so much. time for your first look at business. stocks hit record highs after big news from wal-mart came in. the company announced a 20 billion-dollar stock buy back program yesterday and intentions to expand its online grocery business. wal-mart's a big part of the dow and that news helped the dow jones hit a record high gaining nearly 70 points and futures are pointing to a flat open for the morning bell at 9:30 this morning. a recent report claims u.s. high school grads passed on more than $2 billion worth of free federal grant money this year. the personal finance site nerd wallet says many students simply do not fill out applications for federal student aid. an undergraduate student can borrow at least $5,500 from the government each year. >> classmates crown an student with down's syndrome as their homecoming king.
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patrick petro is the manage of the football steam. he's super friendly high-fives everyone and has great school spirit. teammates call him the heart of the team. >> great story there. >> yeah. >> 4:54. new on "action news" a new jersey state trooper saves a couple from a burning car. we will hear from that trooper coming up at 5:00 a.m. >> an immigrant living in a philadelphia church as a sanctuary is about top to finally leave its premises. that story is up next. we get him to taste scombhily's fine
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>> ♪ >> happening today, a father who spent a year seeking sanctuary in philadelphia will finally be able to step outside of a local church. 40-year-old javier flores moved into arch street united methodist church last november because he was due to be deported back to mexico. flores has been living under the protection of the church while waiting for his new visa application to be processed. flores moved to philadelphia from mexico city in 1997. >> 4:57 is the time and the the latest jeopardy charge may have won close to $400,000 but that is not the primary reason why he has a growing list of fans. >> plus, it was a shocking and embarrassing show for u.s. soccer. for the first time in three decades the u.s. did not make the cut to compete in the world cup and they were not taken out by a power house team. >> the research debunks a long held relief on epidurals. those details in this morning's health check. >> ♪
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paulsboro's a very proud community.
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it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back.
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 5:00 a.m. on this wednesday october 11th. >> and we're following breaking news. police investigate two deaths inside a mobile home in delaware. >> also, burning out of control. the latest on fire crews and their attempts to stop the california wildfires that are turning an american paradise into that hell scape. >> accuweather is tracking the chance of rain plus cooler air for this never ending summer season. >> it sounds so silly saying that it's october. let's go on over to karen rogers and dave murphy. they've got your accuweather and traffic. good morning. >> at least we break our streak of 80 plus degree temra


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