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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 9, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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tonight, state of emergency. deadly fires tearing through homes, through entire neighborhoods. more than a dozen fires burning tonight across california. in the north, at this hour tens of thousands ordered to get out. patients rushed from a hospital. and then to the south, outside l.a., we washed late today the flames sweeping into a neighborhood, homes burning to the ground. the war of words tonight. president trump and republican senator bob corker who now says the president is so reckless the nation could be on a path to world war it aice ccost the ta the las vegas shooter. tonight, what the note reveals in that ho melaniading tonigh ivana trump tells our amy robach i'm the first trump wife, i'm the first lady. good evening. it's great to have you with us
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here on a monday night. and we begin with california burning tonight. states of emergency as the fires now turn deadly. we're watching fires outside l.a. and north of san francisco tonight. homes, ne acres burning. 0% contained. families escaping through the flames in hard-hit santa rosa. the fires unstoppable, all day flames. and look at this after street just the of homes. abc's matt gutman is right there tonight, where the speed of these fires still burning is of great concern tonight. >> reporter: tonight, that swarm of fires consuming northern californiawhole. those powerful winds propelling the flames. >> we're really at the mercy of the weather right now. this wind is making a serious push. and that is out of our control. >> reporter: at least 1,500 structures destroyed north of san francisco. tens of thousands of acres er incifire battling flames up to ten the fires only ignited late last night and expoelded to over 80,000 acres in just 18 hours.
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>> we know we have a number of injuries and possibly some fatalities which we're sget our hands around. >> reporter: that jet engine sound you hear that's that gas main that burst. you can feel the heat from here. now, so many parts of this town have burned down that firefighters aren't even dealing with that right now. the fire galloping through a santa rosa shopping center a mobile home park and threatening the city's hospital. staff carefully balancing that iv, racing this gurney down the street as the hospital was evacuated and the fire roared behind them. and it was in this smoldering neighborhood that we found ryan white. he'd ridden in on his bike and under his arm, the only remnant of his house. this is it. this is all that remains? >> yes. matched the house. 1312 cash view road. >> reporter: overnight, a mass exdiscussion from the storm. tyler clark driving out through tunnels of fire. >> let's go. >> reporter: and this blizzard
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of red hot embers. and there was alyssa facing that orange behemoth ahead. >> this is my neighborhood. in flames. >> reporter: kat keller's childhood home now gone. >> this is the stuff you have nightmares about, you know, your home burning down. >> reporter: our nick watt is in napa. in nap pas is all that's left of the cinderella winery. you can see the bottles on the shelves. flaming coming out of gas lines. as the fire moved down this valley, it took out wineries and con dopes as it went. >> reporter: back in santa rosa, evacuations still underway. strangers helping jan kreager save what she can. >> i'm in shock. this is your life. >> all righ matt gutman on the scene in northern california. matt our thanks to you and nick outside los angeles tonight, there are fires there, as well. red flag warnings from one end of california to the other. mandatory evacuations in anaheim tonight. we watched the feed coming in late today as the flames swept through an entire neighborhood
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there. abc's marci gonzalez on the families who have lost everything. she's in anaheim tonight. >> reporter: tonight in anaheim, an all-out assault, on the ground and in the air. what started as a small brush fire erupting into a 2,500-acre blaze within hours. racing through neighborhoods, wildlife rushing to escape. home after home here, burnt to the ground. this is just one of the homes destroyed. you can see the garage the car inside still up in flames. firefighters here at the scene doing everything they can t keep this fire from spreading to even more homes. residents scrambling some with just minutes to get out. >> we've just been panicking and loading our cars up. >> reporter: parents rushing to get their children from school. others frantically trying to spray their homes down on their way out. >> it's probably going to get worse before it gets better. >> just please leave. life is our primary focus here. and we need you to evacuate. so we can protect you. >> reporter: those flames, whipped by 40-mile-per-hour gusts of the santa ana winds,
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carrying dangerous embe winds like this you get little embers it can land anywhere and start a fire. >> reporter: massive flumes of smoke seen today at nearby angels stadium and hovering over disneyland. >> let's get to marci gonzalez now. and you were telling us, 1,000 homes evacuated tonight, and these families did not have a lot of time. >> reporter: david, it all happened very quickly. the first evacuation orders were issued within 15 minutes of when this fire was firstported. adding to the challenge out here is just how close together these homes are. and tonight, we've learned at least one r has been injured. david? >> marci gonzalez, thank you. it is always something to see one home burn down and the one still standing right beside it. let's get to ginger who is tracking this. >> reporter: and the simple answer for why this is happening, david, is wind. but let me get a little bit more into it for you. you've got two pressure systems, a high and a low. these create a big difference in pressure over a very small area. and so that's going to make the
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wi greater. we've seen gusts upwards70 miles per hour. the santa ana, classic setup with that offshore f over the mountainsides. it heats up it dries out even more. that's why you still see red flag warnings for almost the entire state. but just to let you know humidity not going to be helpful tomorrow. still in the 5% to 15% range, esthern california. even as winds start to release. >> all right, ginger on the watch tonight, thank you. there is also breaking news tonight involving the las vegas massacre. moments ago, we learned that the hero security guard who showed up first on that hotel floor and was shot through that door learned the massacre had not even begun yet. authorities say afterward the gunman started to fire and tonight what we now know about the note left behind. here's abc's senior justice correspondent peel area thomas. >> reporter: tonight, with no clear motive or hard evidence of accomplices, abc news has learned some investigators increasingly suspect stephen paddock had a severe mental illness. >> comprehensive picture is being drawn as to the suspect's mental state and currently, we
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do not believe there is one particular event in the suspect's life for us to key on. >> reporter: details now emerging about the note with numbers on it found in paddock's room. detailed calculations of height and wind velocity to maximizeth coun >> he had written the distance elevation he was on the drop bullet was going to be for the crowd. >> reporter: and tonight, we've learned that that hero security guard was shot before the massacre happened. arriving on the scene after an alarm for a door ajar went off in another room. the gunman firing 200 guards at the guard through the door. >> what we have learned is mr. campos was encountered by the suspect prior to his shooting toe the outside world. >> reporter: pad domdock killing himself after shooting into the crowd for 11 minutes. that's when the police arrived. >> 12 minutes is a long time. >> reporter: this friend who worked with him for six six years, is baffled by paddock's final act of terror. >> he was kind.
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and i don't know what happened to him. i don't know. >> pierre thomas with us live tonight. and pierre there had also been reporting that some of the fuel tanks at the airport, not far from the concert site, had been hit and we're learning more about that tonight, as well? >> reporter: david, the sheriff said he may have been targeting those fuel tanks and that he had personal protection in the room. the sheriff said he suspects he had an escape plan. david? >> pierre thomas with us live in washington. pierre, thank you. now, to president trump tonight. he finds himself in a war of words with republican senator bob corker. the president targeted corker with tweets this weekend, three in a row. tonight, the senator continuing to fire back. saying president trump is so reckless, that the nation could be on the path to world war iii. here's abc's senior white house correspondent ctonight. >> reporter: as president trump golfed today with republican senator lindsay graham, he remained uncharacteristically quiet about his very heated, very public feud with another senior member of his own party.
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tennessee senator bob corker unloading, telling "the new york times," president trump is so reckless the nation could be "on the path to world war iii." corker saying, "he would have to concern anyone who cares about our nation." and he says quote, "i know for a fact that every single dale at the white ho situation of trying to contain him."the attack came after a weekend war of words on twitter. the president claimed corker "begged" him for an endorsement and "didn't have the guts to run." corker, who is not seeking re-election, fired right back saying, "the white house has become an adult day care center." a powerful voice in the senate crucial for advancing the president's agenda on tax reform and iran. corker was even considered as a possible secretary of state or v.p. pick. but how far they've fallen. >> a great friend of mine, somebody respected by everybody, senator bob corker. >> reporter: now corker says the president lies on twitter and treats the job like a rhealeality
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show. and he says most republicans in the senate share his concerns. >> and cecilia vega joining us live tonight from the white house. cecilia, stunning war of words playing out between the president and senator you hearing from his fellow republican senators tonight? >> reporter: well david, the senate is on recess but we did reach out to every m of republican leadership and other key voices senate. no one will touch this which least for now, many people, no one is disputing corker's claim that many ith his concerns about this president, david. >> cecilia vega live at the whnight, the white house was asked today, was it a stunt? the v49er ghe anthem. but was the pool re travels with the vice president told ahead of time not to head into the stadium, that the vice president would not be at the game for long? and how much did this stop in indiana cost the american taxpayer? abc's mary bruce tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the vice president is taking heat taking this stand. as players for the san francisco 49ers took a knee sunday to protest racial injustice, mike pence staged his own protest
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against them. abruptly walking out. he ied this statement, saying "president will not and dignify any event that disrespectin soldiers our flag or our national anthem." but the walkout was not a game-time decision. reporters traveling with pence were told to stay behind informed the v.p. at the game for long. the president, seemingly eager to prolong this divisive debate says it was his idea tweeting "i v.p. pence to leavef kneeled, disrespecting our country. i am proud of him." but 49ers player eric reed says it was alleam has had the most players protest, he knew that we were probably going to do it again. >> reporter: the white house today pushed back. >> to call that a political stunt is truly outrageous egregious and offensive. >> reporter: footing the travel bill for pence's brief visit, the american taxpayer. to the tune more than $240,000. >> and mary bruce with us live many other headlines, the shooting northkorea, the war of
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words with senator corker the trump team is aggressively pushinghe flag debate tonight. >> reporter:hite house seems to relish this fight and wants to keep it tonight, the trump campaign committee is fund-raising offe vice president'wa urging supporters to donate a $5 to $250 or more. david? >> mary bruce with us tonight, mary, thank you. a major headline from epa scott pruitt. war of coal is over. pruitt saying inging inging the 2015 clean power plan aimed to cut emissions by 30% and save 3,600 lives a year. before its repeal there will be a public comment period. next tonight, harvey weinstein fired from the company bearing his name after after games of sexual misconduct. tonight, more voices are now speaking out. kate winslet among them. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: the woman who holds the record for the most academy award nominations is now speaking out.
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meryl streep says she had no idea hair lee weinstein allegedly sexual women for decades. saying "not everybody knew. harvey was supported." streep calls the women who spoke "ourheros," including a reporter that claims weinstein accosted her ten years ago. >> he cornered me in the vestibule and leaned in and tried to kiss me, which i immediately rebuffed. >> repr: to actress kate wins tells "varty "variety" magazine "the allegations a"disgr appalling." the president weighing in. >> i've known harvey weinstein for a long time. i'm not at all surprised to see it. >> reporter: when confronted about his own lewd comments from last year's "acceshollywood" hot mike accident, thes president made this distinction. >> says that were inappropriate. >> you, a year that videohat's that's locker room. >> reporter: and now, new reports that just hours before his firing, weinstein sent a
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desperate plea to sup to d that went unanswered. >> linsey davis, thank you. there is much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday r tonight. what the first lady isaying after president wife did an interview with our amy robach.g to what that > the nfl coach out tonight, after video and a white powder. and the scare at the airport. a cargo loader igniting right next to a passenger more news ahead. itself? is that the work of wizards? yes. technical wizards. who, with the visionary engineers at ge, developed predix- giving plane engines the ability to self-diagnose problems, and alert those who can fix them. and that's no illusion. magic can't make digital transformation happen. but we can. that's the power of pivotal, part of dell technologies. ♪ stare with me into the abyss ♪ ( ♪♪ )
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not engaging. first lady melania trump is responding tonight, after an interview with president trump's first wife eye have a that trump. in that interview, she reveals how often she calls the president, saying she's the first trump wife, the first lady. here's amy robach. >> reporter: the president's first wife and mother of don jr., eric and ivanka saying tonight she still has the president's ear. how often do you two talk? >> talk about once every 14 days. i have the direct number to the white house, but i don't really want to call him there, because melania is there, and i don't want to cause any kind of jealousy or something like that. because i'm basically first trump wife okay? i'm first lady okay? >> reporter: that comment prompting a spokesperson for me melania trump to tell abc, "there is clearly no substance to this statement from an ex."
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a new memoir from the model "raising trump" goes back to the beginning. full credit? >> full credit.n was on the telephone making the deals. he was loving father but he was not a father that would take a stroller and go to the park or go to baseball with them. >> reporter: in his first year in office ivana saying ings she's given the president advice. >> i tell him not to speak that much. and tweets are the tweets. and i think -- i don't disagree with him, because he has so much press against him, so if you say something, his words are going to be twisted immediately. >> reporter: when you read your book, you are all about kindness and manners. what about the fact that president trumpitter toll people are differen you like the good manners. >> reporter: but if you heard your children call someone a loser, how would you feel about that? >> i think they sometimes call the people losers if they are
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losers. and i don't mind it. >> and amy robach with us here tonight. and amy, you were telling us that ivana trump says the president offered her as ambassador to the czech republic? >> reporter: that's right. she told me sheosay bye-bye to miami in the winter bye-bye to new york in the spring and fall and bye-bye to san tropez, where i spend all summer long. so she's happy where she is. >> all tonight. amy, thank you. thatomes out tomorrow. when we come back tonight, the nfl coach out of a job this evening. also the scare at the airport. a fire right next to a passenger plane bound for l.a.oaching me eligibility? don't put off checking out your options until sixty-five. now is a good time to get the ball rolling. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any of these types of plans it could help you with out-of-pocket medical costs. call now and request your free decision guide and explore the range of aarp medicare supplement plans. start gathering the information you need... to roll into sixty-five with confidence.
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nfl coach is out of a job of the about video emerges of him snorting a white powder. chris firster resigned today. with the nfl for 25 years. he says he will seek treatment. a fire forcing the cancellation of an american airlines flight. the flight bound for los angeles. it was canceled. a spokesperson says the cargo was nonhazardous. and the nobel prize for economics goes to american richard thaler. he studies how people make economic decisions in irrational but predictable ways. when we come back tonight,
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america strong. the grandfather watching all of the grandchildren in the nicu. reporter:he >> okay buddy. >> reporter: david deutschman a volunteer at children's health care of atlanta. a grand fathe himself, for the past 12 years, he's been takf other grandchildren. and checking in with us today. >> hey, david. this is david, as well. >> reporter: twice a week you can find him here. >> we going to be friends today? >> reporter: holding the tiniest patient's hands. >> it just gives me a very comfortable feeling, seeing the baby that comfortable. >> reporter: their families, especially those far away are grateful. >> we're not able to be there 24 hours a day like we want to be. >> reporter: the per lates live two hours away.
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baby logan in good hands. >> he was like an angel. >> reporter: and grandpa david saying he benefits, too, by deliver, something as simple as a lullaby. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ >> grandpa david. we need him. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night. how's it going down there? that's good. lica misseyou. i'm over it though. i miss her morethan you anywa hey, my window is closing. s. (phone hangs up) yeah i love you too. ♪ ♪ ♪ meet steve sweeney. he's a double-dipping
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pension padder. double-dipping pension padder! he had two government jobs two paychecks and padded his pension along the way. he's a double-dipping pension padder! now he's making over $300,000 a year as a lobbyist and a senator. double-dipping pension padder! so he's all set - thanks to you, the taxpayer. which is why steve sweeney had no problem voting to raise your taxes 145 times including the largest gas tax hike in history. sounds about right coming from a.... double-dipping pension padder! ♪♪ this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants -- louisville, kentucky... an attorney from philadelphia, pennsylvania... and our returning champion -- a bartender from new york, new york... whose 9-day cash
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winnings total... [ applause ] and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. [ ch applause ] good news for our champion austin, is as, you regular fans know, he's already qualified for the tournament of champions coming up next month. the bad news is that he will not be able to participate
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