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tv   Action News 5PM  ABC  October 9, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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reportedly for 40 years. she was also widely known among nonprofits here in west philadelphia for her ability to motivate volunteers so news that there is a suspect in custody was warmly greeted this afternoon. >> i believe this is an amazing thing to hear and finally justice to be served. such an amazing human being. everything she was about was positive and so to get this news is absolutely just exciting. >> i'm incredibly happy about this news but i'm sure volunteers will be even more happy. the community itself loved winnie and so getting finally some justice will be long overdue. >> it was early february when winnie harris was shot and killed in her own home. harris a long time beloved west philadelphia community activist. her passion, to create a greener city. she was acting director of uc green a group that has harnessed the efforts of countless volunteers planting
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thousands of trees. shortly after harris' death police released this grainy interview of two persons of interest. it's not known if investigators have an idea why anyone would want to harm the 65-year-old harris who was so highly regarded for her devotion to her community. a correction right now, miss harris lived for many, many years here at holly street in powelton, not rose street. my misspeaking there. still, a lot of elements we don't know at this point but the suspect or a suspect is in custody for the murder of miss harris with charges pending that we are told and that is what we do know to be a fact. live in powelton, john rawlins channel6 "action news." rick. >> all right, john thank you. a dire situation tonight in california where several wildfires have sparked thousands of evacuations there. officials in napa valley say more than a dozen fires have killed at least one person and destroyed more than 1500
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buildings. at least 20,000 people have been evacuated. schools and hospitals have shut down because of smoke. tonight at least 50,000 customers are without power because of the flames. about a 450-mile south a wind driven wildfires is ripping through the hills and canyons of orange county just outside of los angeles. this is a live look at anaheim california from one of the choppers there. one of that area's busiest freeways we're told has been shut down at this hour. the flames have forced schools to evacuate along with dozens of people who live in the path of this fire. we'll keep an eye on the situation in california and bring you more information as it becomes available to us. >> now to new developments about that growing health hazard in one south jersey school district. this afternoon the monroe township school district announced it would close all schools for the rest of the week so they can all be inspected for mold. "action news" reporter bob brooks is live in williamstown where a meeting concerning that mold issue is set for
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tonight and, bob, i imagine parents with a lot of questions and a lot of concerns. >> reporter: alicia, you took the words right out of my mouth. that's what i was going to say. i've been receiving facebook messages from parents wanting to know updates. there will be so many wanting to know how things got to this point. we're at the high school. that's where the meeting is going to be tonight at 7 o'clock. in the shocking announcement monroe township schools released a statement this morning classes are canceled for the rest of the week the decision coming after high mold levels forced the district to close holly again elementary last week plus these pictures revealed last friday from inside williamstown middle school. you can clearly see black mold saturating some of the ceiling tiles inside. as you can imagine parents right now in the district are down right furious. >> i'm heart broken. my kid has to use time from school. >> reporter: the pictures prompted dozens of parents to remove their children from williamstown middle early friday while the district is
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vowing action part of the statement released from the district reads the leadership came going to form the air quality task force in conjunction with the central administration and the board of education. it describes the plan moving forward. >> reporter: many in town already say this academics -- this action is too little too late. several parents say their children are sick now because of this. >> it was the very first day that he went back to school, he was completely fine all summer goes to school the first day and comes home sick. >> the first week going to school going to the doctor's with i can't breathe her eyes were so bloodshot i really thought she was going to start bleeding from the eyes. >> reporter: we spoke again with so many families who are saying now that once they started school again within the district their children are having respiratory issues. the meeting again tonight at the high school, 7 o'clock.
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we'll be there. reporting live in williamstown bob brooks. alicia. >> thank you. gloucester township investigators are looking for witnesses to a head-on collision that killed four people who just happened to be neighbors. both drivers 53-year-old richard mason and 43-year-old panagioti ramoundos was killed in the crash yesterday on sicklerville road. two passengers anastasia and demetrius rom -- ramoundos died. >> he's such a good person. he took in rescued animals. he loved his wife. lost her to cancer. they were always going for, you know, charities and stuff like that. >> reporter: the crash seriously injured two other people who remain hospitalized. >> two more people who lived at the florida nursing home that lost air conditioning
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during hurricane irma have died. that brings the total number of deaths to 14. the latest patient was a 90-year-old who had been in hospice care since the incident. multiple investigations are looking into what happened at the rehabilitation center. the nursing home was shut down by the state two and a half weeks ago. along the gulf coast thousands of people are cleaning up from what was hurricane nate. the storm made landfall at category one strength first in louisiana, then mississippi over the weekend. heavy rains and storm surge were the main concerns as the storm moved ashore. what was left of nate made its way through the delaware valley today and made for a very wet morning for us. the action cam found plenty of umbrellas out and about here in olde city today. just the beginning of a rollercoaster week weather-wise for our region fasten you were seat belts. meteorologist cecily tynan live at the big board tonight with more. hey, cecily. >> hi rick. we're drying out after that
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wet morning. double scan live showing that steady rain that pushed through this morning is all moving over new england. the actual center of what used to be hurricane nate is over new york state and now there's a trailing cold front that could bruce a few more -- produce a few more showers but what that front will do temporarily tomorrow afternoon is drop that humidity. i think that's something a lot of people will be happy about. it felt like a rainforest here lately. today much needed rain. philadelphia officially .66-inches which is kind of a drop in the bucket but considering the fact the past three weeks we've had barely any rain at all, less than a tenth of an inch of rain. that same time period temperatures running more than 8 degrees above normal. it was dry, it was warm. this was rain we really needed and how much rain really depends on your location. since the center of that low was out to our north and west, areas farther north and west got more rain. mount pocono officially 1.28 but some areas in the poconos more than 2-inches of rain. reading about three-quarters
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of an inch but then as you head to the shore atlantic city airport less than a quarter inch and wildwood only about .01 of an inch of rain so barely any rain there at all. but highs today despite the clouds and the rain feel on the warm side, 81 degrees and if you look to the south, you look to the west, there's plenty of warm air. that returns tomorrow. future tracker showing as we head into the afternoon clouds breaking for some sunshine, temperatures up into the 80's again but lower humidity. i am tracking showers on the way and kind of rollercoaster temperatures. we'll talk about that in the forecast coming up in a few minutes. alicia. >> all right, cecily, thank you. we'll take you to breaking news out of northeast philadelphia tonight. at least one person was seriously injured during an accident around 4:50 p.m. in the northbound inner lanes of bustleton avenue near grant. details remain a little unknown at this hour but we do know at least one person is tropical depression. a host of rescue apparatus as you can see there on the scene, first responders trying
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to assess it and of course, again, one person trapped trying to get that person free. no word yet how many vehicles are involved but again, the situation unfolding in northeast philadelphia, one person trapped after a crash on the inner lanes of bustleton avenue northbound near grant. >> all right, we'll keep an eye on that accident there. in the meantime let's check the other highways and byways tonight in our "action news" traffic report. >> matt pelman is in the "action news" traffic center. >> hey, good evening rick and alicia. live along the schuylkill expressway in king of prussia and even on a holiday of course we've had some issues on some of these roads like an earlier crash here on the westbound side of 76 approaching 202. it was right here. it's here no longer so everything is reopened along the schuylkill expressway but it does remain a little bit extra slow as you come west of the blue route with speeds like 12 miles per hour. if you're going to get on the blue route northbound up to the turnpike westbound instead, go ahead and do that but there is a broken down vehicle just north of mid-county taking out a lane so it's a little sluggish in that area. on the big picture still
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another crash on the schuylkill westbound near montgomery but that's off to the side, not a big deal. still have that crash along 23 at rockhill road by the wawa to watch out for in bala cynwyd and yes we just told you about that nasty crash along bustleton avenue at grant avenue by the paul's adoption in the great northeast. stay over on the roosevelt boulevard, little sluggish through the lights but not too bad over there. we'll check it again, rick and leash sharks -- alicia, coming up. >> coming up in health check why one group of medical professionals is looking to the skies to get hope to those who need it most. >> also up close and personal with an eagles star. why wide receiver nelson agholor was the guest of honor at a north philadelphia school today. that story and much more when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ (avo) if you're burdened by belly pain and constipation, and you've tried any number of laxatives,
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probiotics, and fiber, it could be wearing on you. tell your doctor what you've tried and how long you've been at it. linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children less than six, and it should not be given to children six to less than eighteen. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain, and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess.
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that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any of these types of plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call unitedhealthcare insurance company today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company,
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which has over 30 years of experience behind it. apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan any time you want. so don't wait. call unitedhealthcare now to request your free decision guide. >> health check tonight. new technology is combining drones with telemedicines. the goal is to get medical care to people quickly in an emergency or disaster situation. >> the team showed off the system today in center city. health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman was there and joins us live at the big board with just how it works so fascinating. >> it's still undergoing testing but it's remarkable technology that aims to save lives by bridging the gap between when disaster strikes and when and first responders
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can get to the scene. it looks like something you'd see in a futuristic "action news" movie but high tech drones dropping interactive medical kits could soon become a reality. >> for us, it began in 2013 with an f4 tornado. >> an emergency and disaster specialist says that tornado in mississippi highlighted a critical problem which we also i was with recent hurricanes. >> trees were down. power lines were down. there was flooding. and people were communicating but it was very difficult for us to get our first responders to those victims' homes. >> so a team from william kerry university college of colf college of osteopathic medicine developed hero. the drones drop kits then with
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bluetooth glasses and an audio device, a bystander can communicate with a doctor who is off site. the provider can assess several patients and give instructions to help. >> okay, you're going to need to place a tourniquet. >> the medical care is equipped with diagnostic and life saving supplies including an aed, epipen diabetes medication and inhaler. doctors can release them remotely. >> your friend is having an asthma attack. i'm opening the bin with an inhaler. >> the system works by a cell or satellite communication. it's not intended to replace on site care but to buy time until first responders can reach the scene. and the team has been consulting with emergency management officials in mississippi and also with the department of homeland security. obviously safety is priority so they're continuing to do more safety tests. the goal is to have the systems ready to release by 2018. >> okay. >> pretty amazing.
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>> yup. thank you ali. >> a celebrity be autograph could be yours for the right price. the parent company of several popular radio stations like q102 and power 99 is selling off guitars and sports memorabilia signed by the likes of ed sheeran and floyd mayweather. listeners the preview the items and place bids all part of the i heart media philadelphia bid for breast cancer benefiting the american association for cancer research. >> students in north philadelphia were lucky enough to spend the morning with a philadelphia eagles star. wide receiver nelson agholor was at the tanner duckery school to read the children dr. seuss. his visit came less than 24 hours after he scored a touchdown in the birds' big win at lincoln financial field >> welcomed the kids in and the kids are feeling awesome. welcome here any daily. >> i love it. agholor's visit was part of the stepping stones scholars mission to help local students achieve academic success.
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>> that's a touchdown in itself right there. still to come, the new face joining the table on the view. >> plus, skipping the return line. how wal-mart is going high tech to save its customers times. >> reminder "action news" anchor jim gardner will help moderate tomorrow's gubernatorial debate airing at 7 o'clock right here on 6abc. you can submit your questions on twitter using the #nj gov debate or 6abc action. we'll be right back. (avo) when you have type 2 diabetes, you manage your a1c,
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but you also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke. non-insulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill. (avo) and for people with type 2 diabetes treating cardiovascular disease, victoza® is now approved to lower the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. and while it isn't for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. (avo) victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients.
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stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. gallbladder problems have happened in some people. tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. ask your doctor about victoza®.
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>> ♪ >> wal-mart is going high tech to help customers make returns faster. the company says customers will soon be able to use the wal-mart app to scan the product before you get to the store, then provide a reason for the return. once at the store, mobile returns will be processed in an express lane. the new program applies to products bought online and shipped to your house starting next month. the sequel to blade runner topped the box office this week but still came up short of expectations. blade runner 2049 starring ryan -- is it ryan reynold -- the other ryan and harrison. >> gosling. >> gosling, that's right grossed 31 points $5 million over the weekend 20 percent of its budget.
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the mountain between us debuted in second. the film adaptation of stephen king's "it" slipped top third. >> megan mchugh has joined the panel of view. mccain the daughter of john mccain replaces jedediah bila. most recently mccain hosted out numbered. its most memorable year night tonight on "dancing with the stars," the 11 remaining celebrities will share a dance reminiscent of their time in their lives that left a lasting impression. at the end of the night one couple will be sent home based on votes from the previous two weeks. the dancing gets under way at 8 o'clock right here on 6abc and speaking of "dancing with the stars," some of the pros are coming to philadelphia on the show's upcoming tour. "dancing with the stars" live light up the night comes to the tower theater on january 4th. tickets are on sale now. you said that's right like you
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got tickets already. >> i might join them on stage. you never know. they might say hey, rick -- no, that won't happen. >> getting all excited. >> that's not going to happen. a check of the forecast for you. >> speaking of live outside sky6 hd with a look over the ben franklin bridge. you see the sun sort of starting to peek in. meteorologist cecily tynan with the exclusive accuweather 75 day forecast. the rain moving out when "action news" comes right back. >> all right.
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while others just cook, at college inn we craft a deeper, richer broth
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because every detail matters. we carefully select our all-natural chicken and farm grown vegetables, purposefully blend the most flavorful herbs and spices, and finish with a long, slow simmer. the savory taste of college inn broth is the detail that helps you make any dish, and every meal delicious. college inn, delicious is in the details.
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>> ♪ >> the rain outta' here. time for the accuweather forecast. >> meteorologist cecily tynan in the weather center and a whole lot going on this week weather-wise. >> we had the rain today, it gets warm tomorrow. cools off with showers, gets warm again. so there we go. >> okay. thanks cecily, all right. there will be a quiz. [laughter] >> "action news" weather center. i want to show you this photo and this was sent in by our very own adam joseph. he was actually flying into philadelphia international airport after running the chicago marathon yesterday and he had the nice view above the clouds. you can see the blue skies above the clouds, we didn't see the blue sky we were stuck in the clouds and the rain and the humidity. dewpoints really, really high. we have dewpoints in the 70's across the board. that is on the oppressive side and that's really where we have been all weekend long. finally tomorrow dewpoints
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will begin to drop by the afternoon into the upper 50's so it will start to feel better. we still have a few scattered showers but that steady rain has moved out. one batch moving through the northeast extension of the pennsylvania turnpike near macungie. that's moving to the east. we've got another batch that's just north of doylestown moving across 611. so we'll have a few more showers this evening as that cold front passes through but it really won't drop temperatures at all. actually temperatures will be a little bit higher tomorrow with some sunshine. right now 81 degrees in philadelphia. even with the clouds and the rain. still a very warm day. in millville 80 degrees, wilmington 81, allentown 79 and cape may currently 75 degrees. so, satellite and radar showing that steady rain this morning all from the remnants of nate. that's moved over new england. we have that cold front across central pennsylvania. once that sweeps through overnight the skies will clear and through the day tomorrow humidity levels will be dropping. while we are warm and humid feeling almost like summer,
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it's the opposite across the west. in the rockies, denver colorado getting some of that slushy snow, the mountains up to a foot of snow early ski season and look at this, the wind chill, the way it feels right now, the wind chill in denver makes it feel like 26 degrees. so, we have the heat and humidity here, they've got the cold and the snow out west. tonight back at home an early shower, then the clouds will break after midnight. 68 degrees in philadelphia, allentown 63, cape may 69 and wilmington 65. a very warm night. put that in perspective, our normal high for this time of the year is 69 degrees so temperatures almost equal to the normal high as far as the lows tonight. tomorrow the sunshine is back. the humidity will be dropping as we head through the afternoon. temperatures again rising up into the low to mid 80's. so, it's going to feel like summer. so, the five day at 5:00 showing tomorrow 83 degrees, lowering humidity. on wednesday mostly cloudy, some afternoon or evening showers, 75 degrees. thursday an easterly flow will brings a seasonable air mass,
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68 degrees with clouds, a few showers. we're back up to 74 degrees on friday and saturday, feeling like summer again, 80 degrees. let you know if things cool off early next week in the seven-day forecast, guys. >> all right, cecily, thank you. we'll take a quick break. another half hour to go when we come right back. stay with us. >> ♪
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>> action "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, jaime apody, rick williams and monica malpass. >> hello again. monica malpass is off, alicia vitarelli joining us tonight and here's what's happening on "action news" this evening. a dangerous and desperate situation in one of the most popular tourist destinations in california. thousands of acres are burning right now in the heart of napa wine country forcing visitors and residents to run. also emergency crews were on the scene of a serious crash at a busy intersection in northeast philadelphia. matt pelman will have an update on the backup coming up. and the eagles are now four and one after yesterday's dominating win against the cardinals. ducis rodgers and ron jaworski will break it down for us coming up in sports. >> we're continuing to follow a deadly story from the heart of california's wine country. you're taking a live look at
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santa rosa where a massive wildfire is burning out of control. so far the fire has destroyed more than 20,000 acres and forced firefighters to watch some homes burn to save other neighborhoods. states of emergency are in that effect for three counties and hundreds of residents have no choice but to run for their lives. abc's amy holly field has the details from sonoma. >> reporter: northern california wine country up in flames. >> this fire is explosive. napa sonoma and yuma counties under states of emergency. thousands evacuated, homes, businesses and hospitals under threat. as multiple fast moving fires rip their way across eight northern counties. >> this is my neighborhood in flames. completely in flames. >> (crying). >> reporter: more than 50,000 acres are burning, entire neighborhoods are destroyed with more under
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threat. >> let's go. >> i just saw flames all up on the hill behind my house. i don't know if i'm going to have a home when i go home. >> reporter: those numbers only expected to get worse. >> we're all in a state of devastation right now. >> reporter: the fires are advancing rapidly due to strong winds and dry conditions with some at 0 percent containment. the focus is on evacuations and fire safety. >> it was literally move people from out of the path of the front of this fire. fighting the fire at that time was not going to be possible just due to intensity and how rapid that fire was spreading. >> reporter: the fire has jumped the highway and bumped through much of santa rosa. mandatory have this evacuations have been issued as firefighters try to get a handle. >> it's an all hands on deck response and we'll continue to be here for the long haul. >> reporter: in santa rosa, amy holly field abc news.
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>> the white house has rolled out a list of demands it says congress must agree to before the president agrees to shield young immigrants from deportation. president trump told lawmakers that he wants among other things a guarantee that a massive border wall will be built. without that, he says he won't sign any bill that restores protections for some 800,000 immigrants. democrats have already scoffedd at that idea. some of them saying a border wall is "off the table." epa administrator scott pruitt says the trump administration will abandon the obama era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming. it timed restrict gas emissions from coal fired power plants. it was centerpiece of the obama agency. >> now to the latest on the investigation into the las vegas mass shooting. the brother of stephen paddock is in the city tonight and
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reportedly helping authorities try to determine just what his brother's motive was for carrying out that attack. meanwhile, a friend and business associate is talking about her interactions with him. paddock's friendly's is a crawford says she knew the 64-year-old for more than a decade and managed one of his properties in texas. crawford called him a generous and funny guy. she says when she first heard about the shooting she was so shocked she assumed someone had stolen his identity. >> president trump is taking a step to bring about a change to one policy in our nation's healthcare. the white house is finalizing an executive order that would expand health plans offered by associations to allow individuals to pool together and buy insurance outside of their states. the president has long said that selling insurance across state lines would trigger competition that brings down premiums for people buying their own policies. however experts say that's not guaranteed because health insurance reflects local medical costs.
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new jersey residents it's nearly time for you to elect a new governor and now is your chance to accident candidates what their plans are for your healthcare. tomorrow night 6abc will host a debate with democrat phil murphy and republican kim guadagno. "action news"'s jim gardner is one of the moderators and if you have questions about new healthcare proposals or any other topics to twitter and use #nj gov debate or 6abc action and watch the debate tomorrow night at 7 o'clock right here on 6abc. world news tonight with david muir will have much more on today's top stories from that washington as well as the continuing fire fight in northern and southern california. you can watch it tonight at 6:30 following "action news" at 6:00. >> police and paramedics on the scene of a serious crash in northeast philadelphia. chopper6 is overhead. this is the northbound lanes of bustleton avenue near grant. it's still not clear how many people were hurt but we do know at least one person is still trapped in one of the four cars involved.
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traffic in the area is being diverted from that scene there. we'll continue to monitor the situation and bring you updates as soon as we get them. a firefighter was hospitalized with minor burns after fighting a house fire in port richmond. the flames broke out in the 2800 block of cedar street. the home was badly damaged. there were no injuries to anyone else at the scene. the cause is under investigation. >> philadelphia police are looking for a group of men accused of chasing a stranger down a center city street, then attacking him. investigators say this woman accused the victim of bumping foo her at the 7-eleven near 15th and j.f.k. boulevard back on september 13th. police say that woman then got several men to attack the customer as he left the store punching and kicking him. the assailants initially stole the victim's phone but he got it back when one of the men dropped it while running away. if you have any information about the attack you're asked to contact central detectives. >> it is time now for the "action news" traffic center.
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>> time to go to matt pelman in the traffic center its a busy night. >> yeah, it is even though it's columbus day. we're doing some exploring and finding a few spots like this one. of course it's the schuylkill expressway slow even on a holiday. eastbound side backing up here by conshohocken on into the curve. at this point it's just volume. we had a westbound accident 202 in king of prussia, that's gone and the delay has thinned as you head out towards route 202. still have the crash on the westbound side by montgomery drive but it's off to the side. at this point that's not a big deal. a tow truck is in there getting ready to remove the last vehicle. still work to be done on the accident in northeast philadelphia, the businesses see intersection of bustleton avenue and grant avenue right there by the midas. because bustleton is all blocked off you're looking at jams all around that area with speeds like 7 miles per hour so you'll want to steer clear of that intersection bustleton at grant. you can stay over on krewstown road as a possible alternate or the roosevelt boulevard,
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deal with the traffic lights. no big problems on the boulevard this afternoon. we had a broken down vehicle in pottstown southbound side at 100 approaching king street. they just got that pushed out of the way and 422 doesn't look too bad at this moment at least. but in elk township chester county a new construction closure began today. the bridge over little elk creek being rehabbed so state road is closed for about six months. woods road can get you around that new closure. and a new restriction in delaware northbound side of 95 beyond 202. one of the two lanes out there for about a month during the rush hours especially might want to stick with 495 instead. rick and alicia, back to you. >> all right, matt thank you again. much more still ahead on "action news" monday night. a man went to a cubs game and he's now permanently injured and he says he wants the team and major league baseball to pay. we'll explain. >> plus, temple university is going for two big awards all involving two very crucial parts of clothing. we'll tell you about it. >> okay. and meteorologist melissa
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magee who is in for adam tonight is tracking the latest in the "action news" weather center for us. melissa. >> rick and alicia, it was certainly wet today but wet and warm across the region in fact the stretch of 80's, our official high today 81 and it's been in the 80-degree range since last saturday. we've got more details on this summer-like warmth that just isn't budging with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. >> those stories and much more when "action news" comes right back. >> ♪ paulsboro's a very proud community.
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it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out
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medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now.
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>> isn't bangladesh at least 12 people have died after an overcrowded boat carrying rohingya muslims fleeing myanmar capsized. 35 people on the boat traveling through the bay of bengal. the search continues for more bodies or survivors but the sea remains rough. hundreds of thousands of rehinge gay -- rohingya have fled myanmar. american airlines flight from hong kong to los angeles canceled after a piece of loading equipment caught fire and so did the cargo on top of it. one person suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. boarding hasn't started yet -- hadn't started yet. no passengers or crew members were injured. the airline is looking into the cause of the mechanical
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issue that triggered the fire in the first place. >> a man who may lose his eye after getting hit by a foul ball at wrigley field is now suing. this is video of the august 29th incident at the cubs-pirates game. the 60-year-old victim says the chicago cubs and major league baseball failed to install enough safety netting to protect him and other fans. the man has undergone three surgeries to repair his severely damaged left eye and the five bones in his face shattered by the foul ball. the cubs have not yet commented on the lawsuit. again, the 60-year-old victim is suing for that injury. >> scary stuff. after a dominating performance by the eagles yesterday against the cardinals. >> ducis rodgers and ron jaworski breaking down the win in this version of monday morning quarterback. >> okay. >> ♪ >> the eagles now sit at four and one. can we say they are one of the top five best teams in the nfl. >> well, i'm not quite ready
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to anoint them as a top five team yet but i believe they're a playoff team and that's where it starts. >> a lot of it starts with carson wentz. what did you see from the quarterback. >> tremendous day for carson wentz. he steadily gets better week in and week out and the coaching staff doing a great job of setting him up for success. a simple read another first touchdown pass to tray burton. once the safety is center field here's the leverage trey burton on that seam route and this is a great job by carson wentz because he identifies one, two, three wide receivers to his left and he likes this matchup right there, buchanan a linebacker/safety kind of player miss matched for trey burton quick prelease off the line and carson lays it beautifully his arm, easy touchdown pass for carson wentz. burton is happy about this one. red zone ducis you got to score touchdowns not kick field goals. eagles on third and six come out with three tight ends, one, two, three tightened to the right of carson wentz.
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quick play action, going to get ertz behind the coverage, i love the simple design of this play, it's identified quickly as we roll the tape right here, you'll see carson wentz with quick pressure in his face look down the gun barrel and deliver the strike. well designed, beautifully executed and i love the fact that carson wentz never flinched with a body right in his face. that's quarterbacking in the national football league. >> wentz was very accurate 21 for 30 over 300 yards career high four touchdowns. what did you see on this play to torrey smith. >> seems like every week now ducis we're talking about explosive plays and really this is a big explosive play to torrey smith. he's going to run a simple kind of deep post route and i'll tell you the guys up front do a great job. this is not a complicated route but it's a read that the quarterback has to make. the minute you see the middle of the field open you got to hang in pocket. he can hang in this pocket. look at this wall that's around him. he can step up deliver the football. the safety's on the center
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field a lot of room to throw torrey smith opened and you get a big play touchdown so you're seeing red zone efficiency, explosive plays on offense, deep ball pinpoint accuracy from carson wentz and third down he was 11 of 12, 225 yards and three touchdowns. >> what we call third down in the nfl. >> the money down. >> making that money. on thursday, the eagles will travel to carolina to face another four and one team. it's a short week for both teams but what challenges does that present. >> one day, tuesday to physically prepare. there will be a lot of mental work compressed in the short week. >> four and one carolina, four and one eagles. we'll watch it coming up on thursday. he's jaws, i'm ducis. back to you. >> temple university is attempting to break not one but two sock related world records.
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socktoberfest. they're trying to break the record for the most pairs of socks donated in eight hours and the largest gathering of people wearing miss matched socks. all socks collected will be donated to the joy of socks its a nonprofit that that distributes new socks to the homeless community in philadelphia. sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no. mr. peterson, fios is a 100% fiber optic-network. what does that mean? think about it. if you got an awesome new car you'd put the best gas in it, right. so why hook up your awesome technology to anything other than a fiber-optic network? i got to go. peterson. peterson's wife. counting on you guys. your internet deserves the 100% fiber-optic network. and now get our fastest internet ever plus tv and phone for just $79.99 per month.
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he's a double-dipping mepension padder.y. double-dipping pension padder!
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he had two government jobs, two paychecks and padded his pension along the way. he's a double-dipping pension padder! now he's making over $300,000 a year as a lobbyist and a senator. double-dipping pension padder! so he's all set - thanks to you, the taxpayer. which is why steve sweeney had no problem voting to raise your taxes 145 times, including the largest gas tax hike in history. sounds about right, coming from a.... double-dipping pension padder!
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>> we have temperatures above normal here. this is what it looks like in denver colorado. the first snow of the season began falling earlier today. the city is expected to get up to 5-inches of snow. good news, though, most of it is melting because the ground is still warm from the weekend. but that's what they get in denver. you never know. snow one day, balmy the next. >> they have their hats and gloves. i was wearing flip-flops over the weekend. >> yeah, it was very warm across our region very humid and it's wet but it's starting to dry out. sky6 live in hd looking at the ben franklin bridge on this monday afternoon. you can see lots of clouds around but the clouds will begin to break as we go throughout the rest of tonight and really overnight. here's storm tracker6 live double scan radar 3-d. you can see all of that heavy moisture pressing into new england at this hour, just a few leftover showers to the delaware and lehigh valley. so we'll talk about the weather headlines. the rain is starting to pull away.
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it gets brighter for us tomorrow, lots of clouds later this week and another warm weekend as summer just is not leaving our area any time soon. we'll show you storm tracker6 live double scan radar street level. you can see still a couple of leftover showers close to king of prussia if you're traveling along route 22, norristown and south and west of norristown its light in nature but it is coming down along route 309 in quakertown and also into new hope and between new hope and also doylestown. we'll be in and out of the this moisture then clearing comes later tonight. still very warm in the city, 81, 79 in allentown, 71 in the poconos, 82 down in dover. millville right now 80. up in trenton 78. at the coast in beach haven 73. also in the lower 70's in cape may. satellite6 along with action radar showing you we're tracking the remnants of what's left of nate now pressing into new england. you can see the center of circulation right now moving across new york state.
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we're on the backside of it so the clouds are starting to break apart. you can see some clearing over the ohio valley that heads our way overnight and into the start of the day tomorrow. so, over the next 12 hours early showers around and those clouds will be breaking. fall could develop during the overnight hours, otherwise we drop down to 63 in the suburbs and 68 degrees in philadelphia for the overnight low. as we get into tuesday, clouds and some sun. the good news tomorrow, the humidity will start to lower especially as we get into tomorrow afternoon so 83 the high temperature in the city, 81 in allentown, 80 in lancaster. over in dover tomorrow, millville temperatures will be in the lower 80's. at the coast in cape may 78 and 79 degrees at the boardwalk. so, future tracker6 showing you as we get into the middle half of our work week more changes on the way. it's mostly cloudy with maybe a few breaks early in the day on wednesday with sunshine at 7:30 in the morning. then it turns mostly cloudy, fairly quickly. by 3 o'clock, wednesday afternoon, a few showers will be around as an area of low pressure moves on through and
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wednesday right into thursday, staying unsettled with an easterly component to our wind so temperatures will be a touch cooler as well before they warm back up as we head into the weekend. here's the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. it is warm tomorrow, lower humidity especially by the afternoon, a high temperature in at 83. on wednesday, mostly cloudy, a few showers around and it's 75 for the high. on thursday, it's cool and cloudy with an easterly wind, high temperature just 68. friday breaks of sunshine at 74 for the high and then once again, as we get into next weekend, more fall warmth on the way with temple at home, a high temperature saturday of just 80 degrees. we are 15 degrees above normal by sunday with a high temperature of 82. then on monday it's partly sunny, it's dry with a high coming in at 76 degrees. so, we're kind of up and down this week. maybe one cool day where it feels like fall and then we're warming back up again.
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>> i'll just keep looking at my fall boats. >> you'll wear them eventually. >> right. >> thank you. >> visit for the up to the minute forecast. there you can follow the remnants of nate with storm tracker6 live radar and view the seven-day forecast any time of the the day. the fallout continues today from the sexual harassment scandal surrounding mega producer harvey weinstein. a person with knowledge of the decision tells the associated press that the weinstein company will now rename itself. it's also moving to remove his name from the credits of several upcoming tv series, all of this follows a firing of the company's co-founder amid tawdry allegations detailing decades of sexual harassment. weinstein hasn't responded publically to his ouster but last week apologized for the pain his past behavior has caused.
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>> this is going to be the simplest thing you do. >> sarah michelle
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>> four highly venomous
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spiders and six scorpions found in bathrooms in massachusetts. they were found in pet company in north hanover. someone abandoned them there in plastic containers. one of the spider center city so dangerous there's no antivenom if you were stung. even scarier the insects are illegal in massachusetts. local environmentalists and police are investigating. >> eke. >> right now the "action news" team is standing by with these stories and more coming up next at 6 o'clock. schools closed. an entire south jersey district shutters its doors over mold concerns in the classrooms. >> neighbors killed a head-on crash claims the lives of four people who live on the very same street. and murder arrest. philadelphia police track down the suspect wanted for killing a community activist earlier this year. >> that and much more coming up next. now for monica malpass meteorologist adam joseph cecily tynan jaime apody alicia vitarelli, i'm rick williams. join us for "action news" at
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6:00. after 8 years of chris christie, is kim guadagno the change new jersey really needs? guadagno is christie's hand-picked successor. says she's "proud to be part of the christie administration." guadagno was chris christie's right hand as our schools came under attack, critical services were underfunded, and our credit rating was downgraded...11 times. from the bridge to the beach, we've seen it all, and we've had enough.
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kim guadagno isn't the change we need. >> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading into us program with ducis rodgers meteorologist cecily tynan and jim gardner. >> ♪ >> monday night. jim is off. i'm rick williams. in the news the remnants of hurricane nate pull away from the delaware valley. and a local young football fan responds to cam newton's controversial comments. but the big story on "action news" tonight is the entire school district in gloucester county, new jersey, shut down due to mold. all six schools in the monroe township school district will be closed for the rest of the week as part of an ongoing mold investigation. last week officials closed holly glen elementary school and on friday reports surfaced
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that there are moldy ceiling tiles in williamstown middle school. tonight, there's an emergency meeting to address the shutdown along with parents' concern and confusion. "action news" reporter bob brooks is live outside of williamstown high school tonight with more on the story. bob. >> reporter: well, rick, i can tell you i spoke with so many parents who are convinced at this point that they sent their kids to schools in the district and they've become sick because of this mold and they're the ones coming out in full force for this meeting and they want some answers. first it was the closure of holly glen elementary after a test there the district found the mold levels to be too high. then shocking pictures revealed from inside williamstown middle school last friday. it's black mold infesting ceiling tiles with class in session. now all six monroe township public schools are closed for at least the remainder of this week, mold the issue and many parents say it's already made their children sick. >> it was the very first day he went back to school. completely fine all summer goes toc


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