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tv   Action News 5PM  ABC  October 4, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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trump to the victims of this week's mass shooting in las vegas. today the president visited with victims and first responders in nevada. as the sign of solidarity. he says that the nation's stands behind them as they continue to cope with the fallout of that deadly rampage. it is wednesday night and the big story on "action news" is the latest out of las vegas as investigators continue to piece together what led up to the deadly shooting. >> right now the shooting centers around the gunman's girlfriend, marylou danley and overnight she returned to the u.s. and is being questioned by detectives, meantime the police are looking at the setup outside of stephan paddock's hotel room as the names and faces continue to emerge. "action news" anchor, jim gardner, is in las vegas all week and live with more from president trump's visit there today. good evening. jim. >> reporter: hi monica, air force one is now wheels up and
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it has just left las vegas. and i think it's fair to say that president trump's presence here today and the support he expressed made a lot of people feel good. his trip here had none of the controversy that plagued his trip to puerto rico. >> the president and first lady, melania trump landed in las vegas this morning. the president's first stop was the university medical center where he met privately with victims of the shooting rampage and praised the work of doctors and nurses. >> people that would not be around today are up there and leaving the hospital in a week or two weeks or five weeks and some in a few days and some in a few hours and you never would have believed it. >> the president refused to answer questions about gun control and soon the modercayed was off to the command center where he told first responders he showed the world about what professionalism is all about.
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>> donald trump's visit to las vegas today. if you think that young people aren't affected by bad things in general, and by what happened here sunday night in particular. you would be wrong. at least that is certainly not what we found this morning during a visit to unlv. the university of nevada las vegas. just minutes from the strip and an academic oasis away from the glitz and glamour of las vegas. >> you think las vegas and you think of rolly massimino and the basketball team and now it's more than that. and a school trying to come to grips with the death of quenton robbin robbins, he was well like and the death pulled unlv into the tragedy on a personal basis. >> we are emotionally and
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mentally exhausted but came together to support each other and that say beautiful thing. >> it was shocking because you hear about these things and it doesn't really hit home until it literally hits home. >> i feel like saying banning like all guns and assault rifles people shouldn't have them but that is not going to stop the criminals obviously he didn't do something legal to begin with and banning guns all together will not solve the issue. >> reporter: now i want to tell you that what we tried to do today but weren't able to do today. we wanted to do the full story of the gun rights debate on the view of las vegas and visited five gun stores and none would talk to us. all said this was not the time to talk to the media in the wake of what happened here on sunday night. and i guess if i owned a gun store in las vegas, i would feel
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the same way. any way, that is what happens now. at 6:00 we'll tell you more about president trump's visit to las vegas. >> all right jim thank you. we'll see you at 6:00. of course we fin to follow the latest from las vegas on air and online at is your complete resource and we posted ways you can help. puerto ricans in philadelphia rallied on market street to call for more relief efforts there. they gathered outside of the bank today and told "action news" they want congress and the trump administration to send more help to puerto rico devastated by hurricane maria, only 5% of the power more than two weeks after the storm hit. in other news, a father is facing murder charges in bucks county tonight in connection with the death of his son. christopher coun is accused of stealing speakers from a wal-mart from tully town
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yesterday. according to police coun was trying to get away and ran a red light and crashed. and his 2-year-old son kaden was thrown from the vehicle and died from his injuries. police say that coun tried to run from the scene and was captured nearby his bail was set at $5 million. a man staying with his mom in delaware came face-to-face with a burglar in his home and held him until police arrived. it happened in newcastle. anthony selby says he happened to be in town this week when he heard someone walk withing ash in the house. he sat up and saw a person crawling across the floor and it appears that the person was reaching for money that he had left out on the dresser. >> i turned the light on and he jumped up and tried to run so that is when i grabbed him and i held him until the police came and i yelled for my mom to call the police. >> and it turns out the suspect was a 17-year-old young man and
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broke into the home from a side window and the teen is facing charges being held until his arraignment. >> a surprising discovery by police in a montgomery county community that sparked intense moments today. before 1:30 p.m. when police in franconia found what appeared to be several explosives on city property and now a lesson for anyone that comes across such a device. vernon odom is live with the full story. >> reporter: good evening rick, it was tense here for a time this afternoon. where these bricks, exwere these explosives for a terrorist bomb they didn't know and had to get experts here to franconia township fast to find out. the municipal complex of franconia township was evacuated this afternoon when what were feared to be improvised explosive devices were brought to the grounds by a resident
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that found five of them. >> it looks to be the real thing. it was ultimately determined they were not live explosives. but looked like it from bomb training, it's practice type items brought back from the son from overseas. these items resembled syntax, that is a plastic explosive that is used middle east. but it was inert. >> the local man that found them has a son in the military overseas and left these dummy explosives behind and everyone here is relieved and the chief says any discoveries like these should be called in to police immediately. but leave them where you found them don't try to transport them on your own. >> if you see something call him but don't try to move it yourself. evacuate and leave it where you found it.
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indeed the ones today were inert duds and the father later confirmed with a phone call to his son overseas they were in fact inert. duds. the son is over there in harm's way, i'm vernon odom, in franconia township, montgomery county. thank you. it is a night to honor some of the biggest names in music produced by philadelphia and tonight the likes of patti labelle and jill scott and sister sledge will be in the spotlight. >> it's part of an effort to make the stars shine. john rawlins live in northern liberties with the story. >> reporter: hi guys, well it's it's pma gala, that is the philadelphia music alliance. a nonprofit and part of the mission is honor philadelphia musicians and others in the music business and that is what is did earlier today in the walk of fame on broad street. >> hundreds of philly fans
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packed the space between the kimmel center and broad street. several bronze plaques unveiled and the vocal group sister sledge. >> thank you, we love you and god bless you. others honored jill scott and the group labelle. and of course patti labelle that has a plaque at a solo artist. >> there is no me without them. and most people don't know this but we are still in contact with each other every day. we plan to tour again and to record again. >> before today's ceremonies. they shined some of the walk of fame plaques installed in prior year. hall and oates and frankie avalon and the roots. causing jill scott to mousse about something in the philadelphia water. >> so many artists come here to get whatever this goodness is. you can't buy it and you can't bottle it but it's a certain
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kind of magic that cannot die because i believe it's just in the water. >> something in the water, as good as idea as anybody else. many scott and the six other honorees will be due in fishtown for the next hour hour and a half that runs from 6:00 to 11:00 this evening. back to you guys. >> thank you. well, stories like that that make us so proud to be a part of the philadelphia community. you can see more of what makes us philly proud online at >> lets go live to matt pellman. >> a crash on the roosevelt boulevard extension by the ridge avenue on ramps, it's taking out the right lane and extra heavy off the schuylkill. and the southbound side of
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northeast philadelphia they are looking for someone in the suer, someone trapped there near calmly road. look for the restrictions from woodhaven. and 95 southbound by bridge street a crash on the side and extra heavy from cotman and delco that armored truck is on the side past the blue route. and 352 a vehicle on the roof next to linvilla orchards. and repairs to a utility pole and beaver avenue can get you around that. >> much more ahead including the search forever a south jersey man not seen for nearly two weeks, ahead at 5:30 the volunteers trying to track him down day and night. >> and health check a story of perseverance and how a man survived cancer and achieved a
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climbing feat. i guys, beautiful day here i'm here with danny and shen. he is a red tailed hawk. what is like having a baseball cap all the time. it shades the eyes to see, it's like you reading a newspaper from the other side a football field. and look at the camera, you see that little bit of flash it's not an eyelid but a membrane and can clean the eyes it's really important when are you flying at a high rate of speed, i'll have more awesome animals at the zoo and the accuweather forecast coming up when "action news" continues. and during this commercial break go to my facebook page we have a live q&a from the zoo going on right now. eligible for medicare?
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that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like any of these types of plans, they could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call unitedhealthcare insurance company today to request a free decision guide. with these types of plans you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan any time you want. so don't wait. call unitedhealthcare now to request your free decision guide.
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health check tonight a story of survival and inspiration, a new domry follows a two time cancer survivor on an extraordinary journey. ali gorman spoke with the survivor and the creators of the film with him. >> sean shawner beat cancer
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twice and did the grand slam including trekking to the northern and south pole. >> he just completed a feat that no other two time cancer survivor has done, the documentary true north, takes you along his incredible journey. on a visit to "action news" he tells me his goal is to inspire others. >> the human body can live without food for 30 days and roughly sustain itself for three days without water and you can't survive without hope. there is nothing left. >> he battled hodgkins lymphoma at 18 and then faced another aggressive cancer. >> the second time around they gave me 14 days to live but after a year of intensive treatment he survived and later
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he climbed mount everests using the highest platform to urge people to keep climbing and true north shows the culmination of his adventures. >> i'm extremely proud of this project and i'm proud of what it will do for other people. >> the director and executive prosecutor say that it's a once in a lifetime story. and while it focuses on people and families fighting cancer the message is for everyone. >> bought we all struggle with something and this documentary helps inspire people. and gives them reason to believe that they can get over whatever it is the challenge they are presented with right now. >> you can go to literally the ends of the earth to give people hope. >> and sean brought a flag like this one, but much bigger, and covered by names of people affected with cancer.
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and they wanted to take the names with him. there is more on sporty you will want to watch for yourself and it's airing on tbs. ♪ having a baby. caring for your parents. learning you have a condition. these are moments when people realize that where you get your medicine matters. and they look to us. cvs pharmacy. for advice. and ways to save money. plus, get up to fifty extrabucks
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sad news from the cape may county zoo tonight. a female snow leopard cub that was born this year has died. czar acame into the world in may and officials say she became sick on friday and despite medical treatments she died on monday. tests suggest she had a severe infectious disease. she and her sister were born as a national program to save endangered species. a west philadelphia recreation center is offering a new way to workout. a new boxing gym was unveiled today. mayor jim kenney and curtis jones was on hand to celebrate the great edition. 40 members of the delaware national guard were deployed today. the soldiers are with the first battalion of the regiment and scheduled for a 12-month tour and heading to texas for
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premobilization training and then to southwest asia. the primary task to locate treat and evacuate medical patients. keep finding new ways t to join you so nothing gets in your way. because no matter where it is you're going, or whatever stage of life you're in. we believe that when it comes to health. you don't join us. we join you.
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time for a check of the accuweather forecast meteorologist, cecily tynan live at the philadelphia zoo tonight and has a check of the forecast and making some friends as
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usual. >> that is what i do. that is what i do here at the zoo. hey guys i have an interesting snake here this guy is gizmo, he is active and a solomon island tree boa, they live in the solomon islands off the northeast coast of australia. and these guys are really small. as far as like girth but they can be long and grow as long as five feet and the females are typically as big as males and they are active and if you look at the colors of him. you can see how he can camouflage well with the trees and if you see the head. come on stop wiggling here, it's almost the shape of a leaf. and it helps with the camouflage and these guys eat mall animals kind of like when you look at a snake you can tell the size of the animals based on the head. they can't open their jaw really big but this guy has a small
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head and he eats small animals and fortunately they are not a concern as far as being a threatened species. really active and interesting animal here. today like i'm mentioning a great day to head to the zoo. comfortable temperatures and low humidity and lots of sunshine. temperatures across the region, philadelphia holding at 76 degrees, 5 degrees are above normal and reading 78 and trenton 76 and little bill cooler near the ocean. cape may 78 degrees and wall-to-wall sunshine today. satellite and radar showing the east coast is dry and if you look to the north and west you see that line of clouds and showers. that is a cold front stretching from quebec and toronto and cincinnati. than has a lot of trouble moving in thanks to high pressure holding it at bay. some clouds move in tonight and the evening is clear and not as cold as the past few nights,
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overnight low philadelphia 61 degrees and a mild night. allentown 58 and wilmington 58 and cape may 63 degrees. tomorrow we see a mixture of clouds and sunshine and low 60s to start. and then we climb up quickly. and 80 degrees by 2:00 and 82 by 4:00 and it gets a little more humid as well. we got a break from tropical activity and that is over and we have tropical depression number 16 north of panama, maximum sustained winds in the western caribbean and it's spaghetti notes show a good consensus, brushing it's edges of yucatán peninsula. and not exactly where it will make landfall from a category one from new orleans to the panhandle of florida and then the remnants moisture will move north toward the mid-atlantic and we could get a much needed soaking rain by monday and tuesday. no rain tomorrow and just a good
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am of sunshine mixing with clouds and 83 degrees and friday that front gets close and that brings us a lot of clouds and the possible a shower north. 81 degrees and saturday the front retreats as a warm front and it is going to be warm and muggy, 85 degrees feeling like 90 and increasing clouds on sunday for the eagles game. and monday columbus day the rain developing a high of 78 degrees, and a soaking rain into the day on tuesday. we'll talk about that in the seven-day forecast. also, we are hanging out with the lions watching me now. and i think they want gizmo. i'll have more live from the philadelphia zoo. back to you guys. >> he looks comfortable. bring it home and show your husband. thanks cecily. we'll be right back.
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i have a motorcycle! wonderful. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. "action news" continues with meteorologist, adam joseph, rick williams and monica malpass. hello again here is what is happening on "action news" tonight. a senior lawmaker shares just how close her family came to the tragic events in las vegas and unveils new gun control legislation, what senator diane
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finestein revealed today. volunteers using tracker dogs and search teams are looking for a missing burlington county man. i'm nora muchanic in browns mills. >> and the former head of equi fax answers tough questions on capitol hill about the data breach that put the information of tens of millions of americans out in the open. and now the details, president trump travelled to las vegas to meet with first responders and victims. the president along with the first lady visited people in the hospitals and the command center and told the doctors that the job they did made him proud to be an american. and investigators are looking into what may have led stephan paddock to go on a shooting rampage from his girlfriend now back in the united states. fbi agents are questioning marylou danley in los angeles at this hour.
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>> sent her away so he could plan what he is planning without interruptions. >> 59 people died at least 530 were injured when paddock unleashed a barrage of bullets. and the weapons included shotguns, pistols and assault rivals. one magazine clip is able to hold up to 100 rounds and now they are looking into whether paddock was planning to attack another musikfesc festival the prior. and diane finestein says her daughter planned to go and changed her plan and did not go. as she introduced legislation to ban bump stock. it can effectively turn semi automatic weapons into fully
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automatic weapons. and this could attract support from republicans. >> we continue to follow the story from las vegas on air on and line. is the source for cleat coverage find photos from the scene and ways you can help. a young man from burlington county has not been seen in nearly two weeks and his family has no idea where he is. now several law enforcement agencies are getting involved in the search. nora muchanic has the details. >> reporter: monica, police say it's a complicated story that appears to involve two men fighting over a woman and some threats that were made. and 11 days since cody mcpherson was last seen and his family is in a panic. >> i am very worried and i feel like something terrible has happened to his son. >> that is the mother of cody mcpherson who has not been seen
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since september 23rd. with the help of this dog, a team of volunteers including cody's family is searching parks and marshes and abon danned buildings looking for mcpherson. >> we are not stopping until we find him. people just don't disappear and not come back. >> we have a large family and i have a lot of friends here that grew up here and know these woods and we search them day and night. >> was at a local bar called belly busters and got into the argument with -- and now they can't locate either man and are concerned for cody's well being. >> there say known sort of relationship with other people, that it is concerning. and the fact that we can't locate him is troubling. >> if it was my child i hope the
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community would come together and help me. i have kids of my own. this family needs help. he was here in town somebody has to know something. >> cody would not reach out to one of us. something definitely happened. >> i can feel it. >> now, state police and the burlington county prosecutors office are working the case along with pemberton police and following up on every lead they get and anyone that has information to can't them immediately. live in browns mills i'm nora muchanic can channel 6 "action news." >> a group gather add long the barnegat bay to talk about how to save the stretched waterway and on the amount of night nitrogen and other pollute ans. they have long sought the effort and one that requires more study
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before a decision can be made. the former ceo of equi fax was grilled by lawmakers on capitol hill over the company's recent hack that compromised the social security of 145 million americans. this after it was announced that the massive breach back in 2013 was even bigger than previously thought. maggie ruly is live in new york city with the details. >> reporter: rick, we are just getting more and more used to these major security hacks but lawmakers call this recent equi fax hack unpress dens and saying more needs to be done. >> new details on two major data breaches revealed that most likely have you been affected. >> big financial institutions screw it up and executives walk away with millions of dollars and tens of millions of americans end upholding the bag. >> and yahoo! tripping down on
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the 2013 breach numbers, saying 3 billion of its customers were affected the largest in history. and equi fax getting grilled on capitol hill for the unprecedented breach of private information including the full nine digit social security numbers of 145 million americans putting identities and credit at risk are in half of the households in the country. the country's former ceo has since resigned. >> i am truly and deeply sorry for what happened. >> he says that call centers are beefed up and a support package for those affected are offered. >> the lawmakers call the response inadequate at best. >> the slow roll out and how poor it was done is just inexcusable. and just a front to make more profit off people that purchase data protection after a breach. and senator warren ripped him because of profits of 80% since
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2013 even as the company suffered four different hacks. >> equifax did a horrible job to pro ter our data. because of this breach consumers will spend the rest of their lives worrying about identity theft but equa faxt will be just fine, heck it could actually come out ahead. >> to find out if you are affected go to equi fax security and click on am i impacted? >> thank you for that report tonight. time for another check of the "action news" traffic report if you. >> lets go to matt pellman to see what is going on. >> the ride home could be better major issues including a crash on the schuylkill expressway eastbound side approaching the conshohocken curve. it looks like three vehicles involved and pushed off to the side and damage is done. it's a parking lot from 202 in
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king of prussia through this point approaching the curve on the schuylkill eastbound. and seeing big delays on the roosevelt boulevard extension northbound off the schuylkill to broad street but our crash here in east falls is now cleared out of the way. a bad one in exton this afternoon vehicle on its roof someone reportedly trapped in the wreckage where business 30 and 202 come together. some of the 202 ramps are also blacked in the area and i would stay clear. and not far away in malvern they are closing the ramps connecting the turnpike with 29 and easy pass interchange for construction. and started at 6:00 tonight into tomorrow morning. count on not using the interchange, use valley forge or downingtown during the overnight hours tonight and overnight construction repairs on the draw bridge heading toward the airport and the left lane is out of of of commission and overnight tonight they are
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working here in mount laurel at waverly avenue. and staying close for work on a utility pole. beaver avenue could get you around that. >> thank you see you tomorrow. more ahead tonight. new dramatic video when an explosive device detonated in a building last year. and ducis rogers has sports coming up and cecily tynan hanging out at the philadelphia zoo. who is that adorable creature? or is that a creature? >> this is an animal. this is clara bell, a polish chicken. she is watching tv and they actually originated in europe. not necessarily in poland. they think they are called the polish chicken from the dutch world pole that means head and see the feathers on the head
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here. these are show chickens but they are popular in europe for a long time. actually if you look at some painings by dutch and italian artists in the 16th and 18th century you'll see not clara bell but her ancestors. we will be hanging out with the lions and talking about the heat and humidity on the way also a good soaking in the seven-day forecast. back here live from the philadelphia zoo. this is a chicken can you believe it? >> cecily you used to wear your hair like that didn't you? >> it would look nice. thank you. >> yes she did 1992.
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the moment a bomb went off in a building was captured by several cameras it was september 17th when two bombs when off in the chelsea neighborhood. people were covering their ears for the loud noise and rahami is accused the bombings, he is seen on camera dragging two bags before the explosions, there he
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is again. there were pressure cooking bombs in those bags. rahami pled not guiltiy trial and it's now under way. time for sports and an exciting night for flyers fans. >> the flyers opening the season in an jose, you'll see a different flyers team in the season opener, normal names are there like giroux and simmons and five rookies made the roster. >> it shows how good this organization is drafting. and they are good players to make it to the nhl. >> the main goal as a kid to play in the nhl to get the chance i'm really excited. >> the dream to play in the nhl since i'm 2 years old i'm dreaming about it. and now i realize i am in it. >> they look so young. to football the eagles turned their attention to the
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cardinals, the two teams meet at the linc sunday afternoon and no word if flexor cox will play, he missed practice again today with a calf injury. they are off to a good start. the 3-1 on the year coming to a good chiefs team on the road. but they are not satisfied they want to play even better. >> we are 3-1. we have not played our best ball offensively. and so just to know that that makes you feel good in a way. i haven't done anything i am capable of. >> and approving each and every day working hard. and keep working hard and get out there and let the rest take care of yourself. the eagles run game is a huge plus and the eagles rushed for 400 yards in the past two games combined and it helps to win games and take the pressure off the quarterback. >> they got the job done and at
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the same tie we never feared we couldn't get it done. we never lost sight of that and the nature of the game. and how it unfolded. and it makes things easier the last two weeks the way we were able to run the ball the way we have. >> the sixers open up tonight against memphis. joel embiid will sit this one out but they still have firepower. ben simmons and market -- is expected to play. >> it's exciting and there is a lot of buzz about this team. and something that we are is expected to see ben and market for the first time playing in an nba game. >> and my expectation is to give my all. and to compete against someone else. this is just my team. give it my all and see where i'm
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at and where the team is at. and improve in my first preseason game and play as hard as i can and get the w. >> i'm excited. >> the mlb playoffs start tonight. >> and the yankees and twins played last night and new york catcher gary sanchez caught the ball -- in the area between the two legs. >> the pitcher is like glad that was not me. sanchez would remain in the game. >> yes, thank you ducis. painful. sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no. mr. peterson, fios is a 100% fiber optic-network. what does that mean?
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with these types of plans you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan any time you want. so don't wait. call unitedhealthcare now to request your free decision guide.
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what's new from light and fit? greek nonfat yogurt with zero artificial sweeteners. real fruit and 90 calories... you'll be wowed! try new light & fit with zero artificial sweeteners. time to head to the philadelphia zoo and cecily. >> cecily tynan is out there with new friends on a wednesday night. boy oh boy a nice day to go to the zoo. >> it certainly was beautiful i'm hanging out with cool cats here. another cool cat laurie. and we are by the zoo 360 trails across from big cat falls and hanging out with two of the juvenile lionesses. introduce me. >> these are two of our four lion cubs born in 2014 and they
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are beautiful, beautiful cats weighing in at about 250 pounds now. >> they are not exactly full cubs. >> but part of our pride and we have two others their parents. and these guys are just fascinating to watch. they love to go through the zoo 360 trail and may find them sleeping over you with the big old paws hanging out and love to visit down to the gorillas. and watching the gorillas.
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20 hours a day. and young kids are jealous when they hear that. they have paws, eight marks you can tell them apart? >> they are wonderful keepers. but they need help telling them apart. we do a quick little dye mark so we know which is which. >> they are gorgeous, and can you visit them for boo at the zoo. >> last two weekends in object we have boo at the zoo. and hopefully beautiful fall warren and the fall is a beautiful time to visit the zoo. >> thank you so much laura. i can watch them all day. and it certainly is a beautiful day to come to the zoo. take a look at the temperatures on the mild side today. the high is 76 degrees, 5 degrees above normal. holding at that now. 75 and lancaster warm and 78 and
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cape may 68 degrees, and satellite and radar showing the cold front stretching from quebec and toronto and cincinnati. we are in the clear and high pressure is holding that back and tonight is clear early and clouds sneak in tonight and with a southwesterly wind not nearly as cool as the last several nights, 58 degrees in the suburbs and 61 for center city and we warm it up even a little bit more. clouds and sunshine and philadelphia climbing up to 83 degrees, and the popular number same for trenton, wilmington and reading 82 and cape may 78 degrees. so as we head through the week we will be having a taste of summer. dominant high pressure is a heat pump meaning the next few days into the weekend, temperatures 10 to 15 degrees above average and the high pressure scoots to the east and this will allow tropical moisture from what will become hurricane nate to come in and we could get a good soaking
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rain monday and tuesday 1 to 3 inches of rain that we do need. just remnant moisture. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast a warm day tomorrow 83 degrees and mixture of clouds and sunshine and 81 from the front and that lifts north as a warm front 87 degrees and feeling like 90 with the humidity and sunday with the eagles game increasing clouds and 83 degrees and monday the rain and 78 degrees and tuesday a soaking rain and 78 and wane the sunshine returns and noticely less humid with a high of 75 degrees. i'm hanging out with the cool cats. not to put my fingers in the fence. safety first. back to you guys. >> thank you cecily. all right this reminder you can keep up with changes notice forecast any time on your phone or tablet. that includes real time views from stormtracker 6 live double scan the 6 abc app is a free
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download for your mobile device. paulsboro's a very proud community.
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it's been on the decline with the closing of the refineries and there's no jobs in the community. if there's no jobs, there's no education, there's no food on the table. what's important is the children. steve sweeney... he fought for 'em. this is where he's from. steve sweeney's been here since the beginning. steve spearheaded the whole project and really brought it to fruition. it would've never been done without steve. it was a pride in building this port and then knowing that we're coming back.
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"action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with ducis rogers, cecily tynan and jim gardner . it is wednesday night and the big story on "action news" tonight is president trump here in las vegas. he came here to lift the spirits of families who have lost so
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much. of the injured and the responders that once again showed remarkable courage. the president and first lady arrived aboard air force one the first stop in university medical center, where he met with victims wounded in the shooting and the president praised them and the doctors and nurses and credited them with saving so many lives and off to las vegas police headquarter where the president met with first sponsors and police officers and calling them a beacon of professionalism. >> and spoke to vegas and the nation. >> in the darkness what shines most brightly is the goodness that thrives in the hearts of our people. that goodness is our lighthouse and solace and knowledge that the souls of those that past are now at peace.


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