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tv   America This Morning  ABC  October 4, 2017 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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making news in america this morning the las vegas shooter's girlfriend returns to the u.s. overnight as police release video showing the chaos officers faced during the rampage. we also have new pictures from inside the shooter's room and how he kept tabs on police with cameras. >> new overnight, president trump speaking about the crisis in puerto rico. the potential cost to american taxpayers and the staggering needs on the island. >> drop the gun now. drop the gun. >> we're doing a movie. >> also this morning a movie mistake. police open fire thinking this was an armed robbery. hear why the actor says he's partially to blame. new details about what caused hugh hefner's death. the unexpected contributing factor.
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and we do say good morning, everyone. we start with breaking news in the las vegas massacre. the killer's girlfriend, a person of interest in the case, back on u.s. soil with investigators eager to learn what she knows. >> marilou danley was bushed in a wheelchair after flying into los angeles where she was met by fbi agents. now, this comes as we learn some new details about the shooter's weapons. >> overnight police released this dramatic body camera video showing officers frantically trying to figure out where the shots were coming from. abc's marci gonzalez has the latest from las vegas where president trump will visit later today. marci, good morning. >> reporter: kendis and diane, good morning. police here say they expect to get much more information on what led up to this in the next 48 hours, especially now that the gunman's girlfriend who they've been waiting to question is back in the u.s. this plane landing in los angeles overnight from the philippines. on board gunman stephen paddock's girlfriend, marilou danley.
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now, a person of interest in sunday night's mass murder at this country music festival in las vegas. >> shooting right at us. stay down. stay down. >> reporter: the spray of bullets lasting for as many as 11 horrific minute, these newly released body cam videos showing brave police officers rushing people to safety. >> this way, this way, this way. >> reporter: now our first look at some of the 23 guns including an ar-15 outfitted with a scope paddock fired from his 32nd floor hotel room into the crowd below scattered on the floor once police made their way in and found he had taken his own life and he set up two cameras in the hallway, another in his room. >> so that the suspect could watch as law enforcement or security approached his room. >> reporter: police now hoping danley can help shed light on the planning and motive for the massacre that left 58 people dead, 530 others injured. >> it still hasn't fully hit me.
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it's starting to but not fully. >> reporter: president trump traveling here today meeting with some of the survivors and their families. and he plans to also personally thank some of the medical professionals, first responders and heroic civilians who risked their own lives to save others. kendis and diane, back to you. >> of which there are so many of them. we're so thankful for their work. marci, thank you. police have already revealed that the shooter had 12 so-called devices that can help a semiautomatic gun function like an automatic gun and they're beefing up security with undercover officers in las vegas. more employee training programs to help hotel workers spot a security risk. police say the shooter had ordered room service for days leading up to the attack but hotel staff apparently failed to spot his arsenal or anything unusual. and we turn now to the crisis in puerto rico.
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hurricane maria is now blamed for 34 death, nearly double the death toll from earlier this week. >> and in a new interview overnight president trump hinted the united states may have to forgive puerto rico's debt to try to help the island recover. and as early as today the white house is expected to request billions in aid in additional disaster aid for the island. abc's serena marshall has new details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, kendis, diane. after president trump wrote on twitter that puerto ricans want everything done for them he traveled to the u.s. territory as consoler in chief. president trump meeting with the military and locals praising response efforts to hurricane maria. >> the whole team has been amazing. >> reporter: telling fox news -- >> we got an a plus in texas. we got an a plus in florida and we may have done our best work here but it hasn't been appreciated. >> reporter: and making a comparison not often heard during natural disasters. >> every death is a horror but
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if you look at a real catastrophe like katrina what is your death count? 16 people versus in the thousands, you can be very proud. >> reporter: after the president left, the governor announced the death count had doubled. during the president's four plus hours on the island he handed out supplies, at times tossing them at the crowd. even questioning the need for some of those supplies. >> flashlights. you don't need them anymore. >> reporter: elizabeth vasquez delgado and others living in this apartment would likely disagree. just 7% of the island has power back but more concerning no food, no water. >> can you drink the water? no, we cannot. >> reporter: 78-year-old maria diaz says she's been drinking the water even though she knows it's not safe. fearful she may be one that adds
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to that death count telling him, i don't want to die here. the president questioned the cost of puerto rico saying it threw our budget out of whack but in that fox news interview he did suggest perhaps puerto rico's debt should be forgiven. kendis, diane. >> serena marshall there in washington, thank you. we're hearing from more people struggling to survive in puerto rico. >> in one rural town a family is holed up in a school shelter with their baby who was born just last month. now, with no power they have to wait for the sun to warm up their bathwater and in some cases people are so desperate they're later drinking that same water they bathed in. good news is some aid is now arriving and over in a different building we visited an elderly couple that just received their first medication in two weeks. for now just some simple painkillers but food remains scarce. >> i had a piece of bread, half of bread and i shared it with like four apartments. >> people say they're just
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trying to live day by day. >> well, now let's take a look at your weather for this wednesday morning. so watch this. so this is not old video from january. it's actually from yesterday. in big sandy, montana, after the first blizzard of the season which dumped more than a foot of heavy snow breaking an october snowfall record that had stood for 119 years. elsewhere it's starting to feel like fall for at least half the country. phoenix to maine and everywhere south it'll still feel like summer with temperatures ranging from the 70s into the 90s. new orleans will be 84 today. well, coming up, important news about cancer this morning. what's being linked to 40% of all cancer cases. also, should the united states do away with social security numbers. the former ceo of equifax tells
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us what was behind the data breach affecting half the country. >> we're doing a movie. >> and lights, camera, confusion. a cop opens fire on a movie set. oh...sorry i'm late sir...had a doctor's appointment.
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so was your doctor's appointment at a steakhouse? when your t-shirt smells more like a t-bone... that's when you know it's half-washed. add downy with odor protect for 24-hour odor protection. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions fibers to lock... ...out odors all day. hey your shirt's making me hungry. so don't half-wash it. downy and it's done.
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we're back with new video showing the explosion of a pressure cooker bomb on a street in new york city last year. this video was just released by prosecutors at the trial for the suspect, 30 people injured. it was the first terror attack injuring civilians in new york since 9/11. the ceo who lost his job because of the historic data breach at equifax is now blaming human error and technology. richard smith told congress the u.s. may want to look at
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replacing the social security number as the main method of personal identification. social security numbers were among the data of the 145 millions of americans potentially compromised when the credit reporting company was hacked. still, the irs just awarded equifax a $7 million contract to help prevent taxpayer fraud. meanwhile, yahoo! confirms 3 billion users were compromised by a date that breach that hit the yahoo! site in 2013. that's 2 billion more than the company first disclosed. meaning all of its accounts may have been affected. a bit of health news now and a dire warning about the risk of extreme weight gain. a new study finds obesity is a factor in 40% of cancer cases. obesity has been directly linked to 13 different types, everything from brain cancer to postmenopausal breast cancer. that's a major concern given a recent report found two out of three american adults are overweight or obese.
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barack obama had a special surprise for his wife on their 25th wedding anniversary. >> the former first lady was attending a women a conference in philadelphia speaking with television producer shonda rhimes when all of a sudden rhimes stopped their chat and then the former president took over. >> it's no wonder that as people got to know you the way that i got to know you that they fell in love and it is truly the best decision that i ever made to be persistent enough asking you out for a date that you finally gave in. and i hope that -- i hope you feel the same way. >> more than one try, more than a few tries for her to go out with him. michelle obama posted a picture from their wedding day calling her husband the most extraordinary man she knows. >> that south side chicago romance that survived. the survivor who says her
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iphone saved her life. also ahead, the alleged hazing death at a college fraternity, the text messages that could be key to the case. new details on what played a role in the death of hugh hefner. you manage your a1c, but you also have a higher risk of heart attack or stroke. non-insulin victoza® lowers a1c, and now reduces cardiovascular risk. victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill. (avo) and for people with type 2 diabetes treating cardiovascular disease, victoza® is now approved to lower the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. and while it isn't for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. (avo) victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away
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try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. with parodontax toothpaste. ♪ you're looking at the 62-year-old girlfriend of the man behind the deadliest mass shooting in modern u.s. history. marilou danley returned from the philippines overnight. investigators are trying to track down $100,000 they say the shooter sent to the philippines recently. >> his family says that's typical of the generosity he showed people close to him. abc's brian ross has more on the investigation. >> reporter: authorities labeled the shooter's girlfriend, marilou danley, as central to the ongoing investigation. much more than simply another witness. >> currently she is a person of interest. >> reporter: especially after the discovery by police of so many weapons, so much ammunition and explosives at the home they shared in mesquite, nevada. >> how could she not know what
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was going on in her own house with these weapons? she had to know something at the very least question to him where are these coming from. why do you have all these weapons? >> reporter: according to documents obtained by abc news, danley traveled to her home country, the philippines two weeks before the shooting on september 15th. paddock visited her family in the philippines four years ago, one of them posted these photos on facebook. now u.s. officials want to know why paddock began to transfer tens of thousands of dollars to someone in the philippines just prior to the shooting. according to relatives, danley apparently met paddock at this hotel casino in reno where she worked as a hostess to entertain high rollers like paddock. employees at this bar in mesquite and former neighbors say the couple were regulars, drinking beer and tequila and playing video poker and the slots. >> so he just one time pulled his phone out and said here's a picture of the slot machine where we won $20,000. >> reporter: brian ross, abc
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news, new york. >> one woman at that can certificate says her phone saved her life. the proof, her heavily damaged iphone, she says a bullet hit the cover and shattered it but thankfully she was not hurt. she managed to escape in a cab. text messages are at the center of the investigation into the hazing death allegedly of an 18-year-old college student in louisiana. maxwell gruber and other fraternity pledges received text messages trucking them to attend bible study. it was apparently code for a game in which pledges were forced to binge drink. gruber died one day later from an apparent alcohol overdose. now to a very close call outside a bar in crawfordsville, indiana, after an officer opened fire in what turned out to be a misunderstanding. >> drop the gun now! drop the gun. >> we're doing a movie. >> you see that officer fire off a shot at what he thinks is an armed robber after the suspect appears to point a gun at the officer but it turns out that
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guy is not a robber. he's an actor shooting a scene for a movie. now, thankfully nobody was hurt in the incident but the bullet did come close to hitting him in the head. >> i actually find fault between both people, you know, the producer of not notifying the police and the policeman of not, you know, giving me the chance to react without, you know, firing. but emotionally i just keep playing it over and over in my head, you know, how lucky i am to still be alive. >> lucky, indeed. no charges are being filed. police say they were responding to a 911 call about a robbery and were never notified about the movie production. hugh hefner's death certificate revealing what killed the playboy founder. 91-year-old died from cardiac arrest. an e. coli infection which he contracted six days before his death was a contributing factor. it was so bad it was highly
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resistant to antibiotics. we switch gears and sports and the major league not so fast. new york's dee dee gregorius tied it with one swing later and aaron judge's turn to run the bases in the fourth inning. the yankees win 8-4. tonight the rockies face the diamondbacks. i'm a little happy about the yankees' win. >> minnesota is not. coming up, the latest celebrity considering a run for president. >> also ahead, what o.j. simpson is up to this week following his release from prison. the contestant on "jeopardy" winning america's heart as long with a boatload of cash. for you, it's always leap over look. now over later. and pause. not even in your vocabulary. so when a cold sore tingle strikes you act on it.
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♪ time for your wednesday "pulse" starting with life outside prison for o.j. simpson. >> so as you recall he was released on sunday and he's now ditched the prison uniform for the golf attire. new pictures show the 70-year-old practicing his putting at his temporary home in las vegas. >> another picture shows o.j. looking at an iphone with his daughter, maybe it's a tutorial on how to use one. o.j.'s 2007 arrest came three months after the first iphone hit the market. o.j. also spent time lounging by the pool with his daughter. >> he kept searching for the rotary on the iphone. there wasn't one. so this will be great. could be billionaire versus billionaire in the 2020 election. >> dallas mavericks owner and "shark tank" star mark cuban says he is, quote, actively considering a run for president but admits his wife isn't too crazy about the idea so a campaign is unlikely until he can get her on board.
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he puts the odds at about 10%, cuban supported hillary clinton in the last election and he and president trump have made no secret about their dislike for each other. >> not at all. in fact, he was actually in the audience at one of the debates supposed to be one of the persons there to make the president feel a little bit weird and uncomfortable. >> yes. >> they don't like each other. >> interesting if they're both on the debate podium. >> it will be great. well, life is pretty good for the current "jeopardy" champion. austin rogers with his unruly hair and full beard is a bartender from new york. >> he looks like every professor that we've had in college, doesn't he? so right now he's on a big winning streak. thanks to his general knowledge and risky betting strategy. rogers is getting lots of attention, though, for his quirky behavior, do you see it? yeah. and his unique personality when asking the correct question to alex trebek. >> austin. >> what is a turboprop?
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what is van halen. >> who is benazir bhutto. what is a chimney sweep. >> you figured it out correctly. >> who are the eagles? >> yes. you don't like the eagles? all right. >> reluctantly. >> so for last night's final "jeopardy" he bet $34,000 and correctly asked who is nelson mandela. >> won $69,000 last night. that means his six-day total is now $257,000. >> all right. what is more news next. i accept i take easier trails than i used to.
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. >> ♪ >> good morning, everyone. i'm matt o'donnell. it is 4:27 on this wednesday, october 4th and this morning the latest from las vegas. the shooter's companion a woman who police are calling a person of interest returns from overseas. also police say a father's theft from wal-mart resulted in a crash that took the life of his two-year-old child. and we have a consumer alert. ground turkey under recall because of what could be in it. accuweather says it's going to be a warm wednesday. it's all next on "action news." >> ♪ ossible for the northern rockies. finally for us, the gun control debate reignited. >> the las vegas shooter had 12 devices to modify a weapon. now lawmakers say it's time to act. here's abc's byron pitts.
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>> reporter: here at dixie gunworks in utah owner chris michael woke up shocked by the news of the las vegas shooting and the identity of the alleged gunman. >> i remembered exactly that he was a customer. >> reporter: miking says he sold paddock a shotgun in february. >> everything lined up, everything was a normal purchase by a normal person. >> reporter: but now the store owner is struggling with the knowledge that a gun he sold may have been used for part of the unthinkable. >> it's a feeling of guilt. i mean to an extent. >> reporter: sunday's shooting started a fierce debate. divided in the nation's capital, pro rights gun republicans say the things they so often say. >> i think it's premature to be discussing legislative solutions if there are any. >> it's the only issue i'm aware of that has that response, something bad happens and the immediate response, well, it's too soon for us to talk about it. >> we'll be talking about gun laws as time goes by. >> reporter: pro-gun control democrats saying what they
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always seem to say. >> it is time for action. >> reporter: the hr in las vegas ripping off scabs not yet healed from the story we have heard too many times before. william begg lives in newtown, connecticut. five years ago he treated victims of the sandy hook massacre. gut reaction, when you heard about las vegas. >> i could not physically watch more than a few seconds of the tv and i'm passionate that events like this are in my estimation preventable. >> reporter: he sees gun violence as a public health issue. in utah chris michael says more restrictions for banning firearms are not the answer. >> there's not a rule that's out there, i could be wrong that would have prevented this in any way, shape or form. when bad people want to do bad things you're not going to be able to stop it. >> that debate raging on. >> that's what's making news in america this morning. >> do stick around for "good
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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's four i'm 30 on wednesday october 4th. >> fbi agents speak to the girlfriend of the las vegas gunman they try to figure out why he opened fire on a concert crowd. >> a father is charged with murder after a crash in bucks county that killed his two-year-old son. >> a school district in new jersey is closed today for air quality testing. >> all right. dave murphy is off this morning. let's head on over to karen rogers to take a look at your accuweather and matt pelman has your traffic. good morning. >> good morning. and the moon is striking out there this morning. >> beautiful out there this


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