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tv   World News Now  ABC  September 21, 2017 3:10am-4:00am EDT

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daughter madison is an aspiring singer so yak took her for voice lessons and immediately, this girl has a voice. wow. right on girl. and she wrote that. >> that's great. >> thank you. >> that's really wonderful. the only thing the song needs is a good singer. >> got a good singer already. >> i mean a real singer. >> that's a little uncomfortable. i'm trying to instill in her womanly stuff that girls are supposed to do. >> we might have different outlooks on what a woman is capable of doing. >> madison, can you step outside, dad and the instructor need to have a chat together. >> is there anyway to incorporate some of these lessons like songs about vacuuming and cooking. >> are you being serious right now? >> oh, man, jack continues to
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push the issue. >> maybe he's not really that good. >> she's quite good, sir. i'm not making it up. >> he finally leaves the room. madison starts with her beautiful voice again. >> sorry. can you keep it down. >> you can tell he has kind of had it. >> after madison and jack leaves he expresses what just happened to the other guy in the office and while they're chatting -- >> i'm sorry, is this your camera? >> no. >> jack and madison come back, oh, no. >> what about this right here? is that yours? >> it's a hidden camera show dude. >> kyle set this up. >> are you joking me right now? >> huge relief. >> madison rose really doesn't need voice lessons because she put out her new music video fall for you and just listen. ♪ >> that's his for real daughter?
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>> that's his for real daughter. she played along with that perfect. >> without a doubt the best episode ever. until the next one, see you then. and find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. there's a range to choose from, depending on your needs and your budget. rates are competitive. and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. like any of these types of plans, they let you apply whenever you want. there's no enrollment window... no waiting to apply. so call now. remember, medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. you'll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients.
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whether you're on medicare now or turning 65 soon, it's a good time to get your ducks in a row. duck: quack! call to request your free decision guide now. because the time to think about tomorrow is today.
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another march is planned for downtown st. louis tonight. officials are hoping this one will be a lot more peaceful than the last six nights. demonstrators trying to stop traffic near a major mall were stopped by officers overnight. now the protests began after last week's acquittal of a white, former police officer in the shooting death of a black man. and many are hoping that calm will return to the streets of st. louis. over in illinois, a teacher is be being praised as a hero after tackling a student who opened fire inside a high school calf tear yeah. one student was injured and in stable condition. another, a suspect is in custody. the teacher likely saved many lives. the high school is offering counseling services to students.
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and the white man accused of killing two black men in baton rouge has asked to be taken off suicide watch. he was in court on video feed. he is accused of shooting up a black family's home. the judge said she would refer gleason's request to medical staff at the jail and attorney. a dramatic drug bust at sea off the west coast. >> the coast guard chased down a so-called nar coe sub, carrying three tons of cocaine. here's abc's pierre thomas. >> reporter: watch as the dramatic high seas drug bust unfolds off the california coast. customs and border protection officers using high-powered surveillance, locking in on a tiny object on the horizon. it turns out to be a submarine type vessel, operating almost completely under water to prevent detection. the suspects growing under the
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infrared cameras. it's been a record year for high seas drug seizures like this. valued at more than $500,000 confiscated since august. >> we are facing a tremendous challenge. in 2015, we had 52,000 people die from drug overdoses in this country. numbers the likes of which we've never, ever seen before. >> reporter: the coast guard firing shots at drug smugglers who frantically throw their contraband overboard. and here jumping on board to make arrests with a boat stocked reque with cocaine. they've intercepted a record $6 billion worth of drugs. it's a battle that seems to have no end. pierre tom a a-- tom a abs, aib
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news. >> coming up in the next half hour, the scare at the ballpark for one young fan hit by a line drive foul ball. the emotional reactions in the stands and on the field. and why there still isn't more netting to protect fan. and the new sinkhole emergency in florida threatening homes and lives.
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with florida still cleaning up after hurricane irma, a new danger is sprouting up across the state. >> nearly a dozen sinkholes have opened up since irma made landfall more than a week ago. and at least one of them has destroyed an entire home. here's gio benitez. >> reporter: this home that survived irma, a total loss, swallowed by a massive sinkhole.
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>> we pamade it through the hurricane. we were really, really lucky and then this. >> reporter: their oven clearly lost in the wreckage. >> i saw big, deep cracks in the bathroom. apartme and the tub was sinking and the window was coming loose, i said it's time to go. >> reporter: residents told to keep clear of this area behind a middle school that was washed out over the weekend. at reported sinkholes opening up since irma made landfall last week. including part of this road and in orlando, ac units falling into the earth. >> it has to happen at some point when you have a tremendous amount of water from irma. it exacerbates the situation and makes it happen more quickly. >> reporter: experts say sinkholes are extremely common in florida especially after a big storm. excess rainwater can wash away sand below the surface, creating an underwater cave and the
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weight above event lually becom too heavy. >> these things happen over thousands of years and suddenly they appear at the surface. the several inches of rain after irma was the last straw. >> reporter: as for she and her family, thankfully, no one was hurt. >> this is the only home i know. >> reporter: and back here with our drone cam, you can see that sinkhole there. the family lived here for nearly 50 years. now they're just watching that home go into the ground. there are early warning signs to look for, for sinkholes. if your doors and windows are sticking, cracks in the wall. if you hear those cracking and popping noises, that's when you know you need to get out and call for help. gio benitez, apopka, florida. could there be a new business model for weddings? charging your guests. . and the world's first hostel made entirely out of sand. a spot for the honeymoon?
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>> good to exfoliate. >> that's true. the mix is next.
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mom i dropped my ball. got it. ewwww oh eat it! lysol kills 99.9% of bacteria on soft and hard surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect.
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clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from being embarassed by her parents? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things.
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♪ all right, time for the mix. we start off with a debate. genius or cheapskate. a british couple is charging their wedding guests about $200 to attend their wedding. they're getting married. the wedding is taking place over the course of three nights, and the groom says he came up with this whole idea of charging the guests to attend before even proposing. >> oh, okay. thinking ahead. >> instinct was, that's sort of uncouth. how cheap are you? however, he says the whole cost is $200, 150 pounds, around $250, and that includes access to the indoor pool, spa, food
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and drink. so he says it's more like an all-inclusive vacation. for $200, all-inclusive vacation, that sounds pretty awesome. >> there's something wrong in the fine print. there's no way it includes the free hotel stay. that would be a bargain. >> they were able to book this place, this hotel at the last minute. my guess is they had to book the whole place. so this is how they were able to afford it. everything sta everybody stowe staays there fo whole weekend. sg >> i don't mind the idea. it's the same thing as giving a gift. >> that's thing, do you still give them a gift? >> oh, hell no. that's like a destination wedding. do you give a gift at a destination wedding? you already traveled to the wedding. okay. >> your presence, kendis's presence is the present. >> this is a present you could
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give them. remember those cute little game boys that we used to have as kids. >> a nintendo in your pocket. >> you could play with one hand. >> do, do, do. do. >> this is a student who came up with his own game boy, created it here. it's this megagame boy. it's three feet by two feet, and it holds a record for the largest came boy in t largest game boy no tin the wor. >> i appreciate he's playing tetris, but the whole point is to have it small. over to australia, shall we? and you will not have to complain about sand in this hotel, because it is everywhere. the entire hostel made of sand. check out what happens when you look at the after photo. sand, sand everywhere. it's only open for two days. you can book it through
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this morning on "world news now." in the dark and under curfew. it's pitch-black in puerto rico after hurricane maria carves a deadly path of destruction across the island. and in mexico, we're watching the round the clock efforts after that deadly earthquake, including moments like this one, tense moments call for silence, whistles, while everyone nthen pauses to listen for clues as they try to save school children trapped under the rubble. and new this half hour, the first lady making good on one of her promises, to fight cyber bullying and does so on the world stage. >> hear melania about setting good examples for children. and divas dining out. the chance meeting of two members of america's pop music royalty, britney and mariah.
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at one of the hottest spots and a table's hard to get there. who asked who out on this date? what did they eat? we'll have the details in "the skinny" on this thursday, september 21st. from abc news, this is "world news now." we do say good morning to everybody on this thursday. millions suffering following hurricane maria. >> all of puerto rico, 100%, is without power. kmum communications are also extremely limited. >> damage is being assessed in the virgin islands, urging travelers to postpone any planned trips until officials can discover the extent of the destruction. >> maria will continue moving north. right now it's not certain whether it will hit the u.s. main land. >> the hurricane warning has been lifted for the island, but the dominican republic has storm
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warnings. >> and in puerto rico, the storm left behind a trail of destruction. joe torres has more. >> reporter: on the streets of san juan, cars and trucks swerved around downed trees. this is one of the people picking up the pieces after hurricane maria ripped apart his two businesses. >> i have two apartments. >> reporter: yes. >> also they destroy complete. >> reporter: what will you do next? >> i don't know, man. >> reporter: in other parts of the island, a different kind of destruction. flooding. look at the cars under water. rising water surrounded this restaurant. and streets and roads, overwhelmed by flooding. as gauges indicated more than 24 inches of rain in some locations. back in san juan, natalia of
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swedes bore bor bo, new jersey rode out the storm as the storm wreaked havoc on the island. >> i was in panic mode. i was scared. i've never been through a hurricane. new jersey, we don't experience that. >> reporter: what was your fear? what was your worry? >> that i was going to die. >> reporter: we saw sheet metal wrapped around lampposts. traffic lights dangling by a single cable. trees, some uprooted, others severed. the governor issued an island-wide curfew, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every day through saturday. the goal is to get people off the streets so first responders, utility workers and others can do their jobs quickly and effectively. in san juan, puerto rico, i'm joe torres, abc news. >> and just about a 30-minute flight from where joe is standing, the governor of the u.s. virgin islands says he's
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praying for the strength to rebuild. >> officials are focussing on st. croix. communications are limited due to heavy rains and flooding. tourism officials are asking potential visitors to delay any planned trips until the islands can recover. >> dominica was the first island in maria's path. at least seven were killed on that island. one official described the country as being in a daze. >> public buildings are being used as shelters. the university school of medicine evacuating to neighboring st. lucia. now let's get the latest on maria's path from accuweather's justin povick. hurricane maria expected to strengthen through the day. big impact to turks and caicos. notice the bending motion more toward the north this weekend. and that will produce dangerous swells, coastal flooding and rip currents throughout the
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southeast united states. notice the current forecasted track here at the cone. and that's what you need to focus on over the next several days. >> turning now to the desperate rescue operation following the powerful earthquake in mexico that brought down dozens of buildings and killed at least 230 people. >> search and rescue teams are clawing through debris to reach anyone who may be buried underneath. they're struggling to free at least one girl trapped in a building in mexico city where 21 children died. more than 50 people have been rescued from toppled buildings. at any sign of life, people gathered outside are given the signal to be silent. then they make contact with the girl and realize she has two companions with her. what an ordeal there.
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>> that little girl is trapped under a granite table which is part of the reason they're having such a hard time getting her out, but that also may have saved her from the impact of the rubble in this case. let's get the latest from the fusion network. >> caller: in the case of the school, yes, we're still pulling kids out of the rubble. they found this girl. and they said there were also two other kids near her. and they were trying to pull her out. so, you know, there's still students trapped under the rubble. teachers as well. they have the death toll a few hours ago at 20 kids. still a lot of them missing. that's a tricky case, because the entire infrastructure collapsed. a lot of rubble, a lot of rocks, a lot of concrete that needs to be broken down and carried away. obviously, parents on edge, trying to figure out if it's one
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of their loved ones trapped. they're working non-stop. and today we had a little bit of rain, so that's always dangerous. it kind of complicates rescue efforts. so the more time passes, you can have rain, you can have bad weather, but, yes, it's a tricky situation. because in that case, the entire infrastructure collapsed. so they're working non-stop. but now they have cleared the area completely. volunteers cannot get through. people watching. what they're trying to do is just leave the extras to do their work. and i think the military for now has pretty much everything under control. >> all the crews definitely have their work cut out for them. those operating around that school say they will not leave until every victim inside is pulled out of the rubble. >> it will be a long, long road
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ahead. >> we will continue monitoring the earthquake and hurricane but right now we want to get to some of the other stories. president trump has reached a decision on whether or not to pull out of the iran nuclear deal but he's not ready to share it with the world or his closest advisers. secretary of state tillerson says the president has not informed him about his decision. in his u.n. speech, he slammed the iranian president and said the deal was one-sided. and embarrassing to the u.s. the iranian president fired back saying trump's comments were ignorant and hateful. and north korea is also responding to president trump's u.n. speech. that country's foreign minister is calling his threat to destroy the north the sound of a dog barking. as far as his calling him rocketman, he said he feels sorry for his aides. the foreign minister addresses
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the u.n. on friday. >> melania trump condemned bullying. during her first speech at the united nations. she was the only speaker at a luncheon and joined by spouses, including the wives of presidents and the president of france. mrs. trump called on world leaders to step up for children. >> it remains our generation's moral imperative to take responsibility for what our children learn. we must turn our focus right now to the message and content they expose to on a daily basis through social media, the bullying, the experience online and in person. and the growing global epidemic of drug addiction and drug overdose. >> the first lady had promised in november to take on cyber bullying as a signature cause. many saw irony in that.
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after the speech, she was mocked on social media with some describing the president as the "bully in chief." now to north carolina where the saga of siblings who hadn't seen each other for 50 years reached an emotional conclusion. >> it might sound like you heard this story before. that was a different story yesterday. alan smith and bambi. they gave each other a big hug at the raleigh durham airport. both were given up when they were very young. >> when smith's adoptive father was on his deathbed, he told him he had a sister. she knew she was adopted 30 years ago and spent the last decades searching for her brother. >> what an emotional reaction to someone she hasn't met. >> so cool. we're hearing more and more of these stories. this is one of the positive effects of the internet, that people are able to exchange information. sometimes you uncover these things. great that they got to finally meet. >> yesterday we had the couple that were living next door to
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each other. >> they were neighbors! >> had no idea they were long-lost siblings for 50 year. >> now they're making the most of it. coming up, america's most popular wedding songs. can you guess what are the top-requested songs when you want to boogie down at someone's wedding. believe it or not, it depends on what state you live in. we'll have that next in "the skinny." >> please say it's not train. but first. the ballpark scare for a little girl hit in the face by a line drive fly ball. the new questions, again, being raised about fan safety. but first, here's a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather, brought to you by united health care. . b and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply.
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that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long.
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we are closely watching hurricane maria for you, currently rushing past the dominican republic and on a path towards the turks and caicos. it has already left the entire island of puerto rico without power. residents there scrambling to try to recover after much wind and rain which they're still dealing with now. back here on the mainland, a
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young girl got the scare of her life during a day out at the ballpark. >> she was let by a line drive foul ball, reportedly flying right into her face at 105 miles per hour. linsey davis has the emotional player reaction. >> reporter: a split second after the crack of that bat. >> oh, my goodness. >> reporter: it's clear a fan is hurt. yankees hitter todd frasier immediately shows concern. players on both sides look distraught, bowing their heads, some even crying. >> a little too graphic to show you. >> reporter: the injured fan, a little girl. the crowd calls for help. a medical team tends to the girl who's rushed from the is stands to the hospital. her condition unknown. a similar scene played out in july when a foul ball hit a fan in the head. and a young boy was hit by part of a broken bat in may. shattered bats and foul balls have prompted some teams to
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extend protective netting. they are seriously considering extending the netting next season. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> and tad frasiodd frasier has 2-year-old daughter, so you can see why it would be emotional. the top three-requested wedding songs, next in "the skinny." requested wedding songs, next in "the skinny." working fast ins for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things.
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny a good morning to you all. we're starting "the skinny" off with some hollywood celebrities supporting the victims of the earthquake in mexico and of hurricane maria. >> salma hayek is giving back to her home country, pledging $100,000 to unicef and its effort there in mexico and has taken to instagram to implore her followers to follow her lead. >> beyonce is sending prayers to both mexico and puerto rico, paying tribute on her instagram account with black and white images of the puerto rican and
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mexican flags. >> and ricky martin canceled his upcoming concert in mexico city saying in spanish, his mind is in puerto rico. we are strong, we will rebuild together, united. next, two divas walk into a restaurant and the inner webs explode. >> britney spears and mariah carey bumped into each other during dinner at dantana's. in west hollywood? >> we have to say it dantana's. >> spears couldn't resist asking carey for a selfie. >> britney has credited mariah as one of her greatest influences since sky rocketing to fame in 1998. >> so many are wondering what they ate. no confirmation of what carey ate, but spears shared this, it looks like a good steak.
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>> it's not bad. dantana's, by the way, it's four stars on yelp. clubby, eatery italian. >> why are you reading the yelp review. >> i'm surprised mariah didn't say "i don't know her." >> i don't know her, but i'll take a photo with her. next, to the music we love to hear at weddings. >> the geniuses at spotify have compiled a list of the most-requested songs at weddings in america. >> number three. ♪ give your heart to me >> all of me by john legend. >> it's not necessarily the song that the bride and groom dance to. but it's overall what's popular with the deejay set. >> but this one sounds like it's probably requested for the bride and groom to dance to. it's a good romantic song. >> and this one, it's a fun song. number two. ♪ ♪ fun to do ♪ hey, baby
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♪ i think i'm going to marry you ♪ >> this is like the proposal song and marriage. >> okay. can you guess number one? >> nickel back. >> it is not nickel back. the number one most-requested wedding song. "thinking out loud" by ed sheeran. nice and romantic. ♪ take me to your lovin' arms ♪ kiss me to the light of a thousand stars ♪ >> we have to give it up. it was broken down by states. the number one song varies by where you are. we have to give it up to indiana, kentucky and north carolina. >> you have to get your, you know it happens at your wedding. ♪ ♪ boogie, boogie, boogie-woogie ♪ >> no, who's in?
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we're going up front? come on, let's do it. which way are we going? >> back and down. >> down. >> and now we turn.
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clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can ot fix this teens skateboarding mishap? nope.
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so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. not all fish oil supplements provide the same omega-3 power. megared advanced triple absorption is absorbed three times better. so one softgel has more omega-3 power than three standard fish oil pills. megared advanced triple absorption.
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if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer ♪ you're an overcomer ♪ stayin' the fight to the final round ♪ ♪ you're not goin' under ♪ cause >> we here at abc news are celebrating a new chapter this the life of a member of our work family. robin roberts is marking the fifth anniversary of her life-saving bone marrow transplant. >> happy birthday, robin. her donor was her sister.
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but many people don't find a donor in their own family. that's where the generosity of strangers comes in. >> he was a healthy boy. all of a sudden, in the middle of the night, he woke up with leg pain, and the following day we had to take him to the e.r. >> reporter: on his 4th birthday, a.j. and his family got a life-changing diagnosis. a.j. and his family immediately flew back to the united states for treatment. >> a.j. was so sick. the treatment was so intense. >> reporter: unfortunately in the summer of 2015, a.j. relapsed. >> at that point we knew that a transplant was really his only option. >> reporter: the family turned to be the match, and thankfully, they found a.j. a match, a 22-year-old woman. that's all the family knew at the time. like a typical kid, a.j. found small moments of joy in his toys
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and even dancing. a.j.'s mom writing to her son's donor. >> thank you from the very depths of my heart. >> reporter: the transplant worked. a.j. was cancer free, and now meeting his donor for the first time face-to-face. >> a.j.'s match. [ applause ] >> reporter: something you want to say to her? >> thank you for saving my life. >> ah. robin asked her what made you want to be a donor? and her response was, because it's the right thing to do. >> ah, that's very nice. i would donate anything for you. >> really? anything? >> well, depends on how much -- >> you said anything. you said anything. we just moved in about four months ago,
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but the living room's pretty blank. it's really nice when clients come in and have done some of their own research. working with a bassett designer was really easy. just kind of ties in very well. we love it!
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making news in america this morning, puerto rico is devastated by hurricane maria. the entire island is without power. some airs ya are underwater and the storm is strengthening again. we have the new track on where it's heading next. overnight desperation. the search in mexico city growing increasingly frantic. survivors still buried in the rubble following that powerful earthquake there. new concerns about safety following the second death of a college football player this week. his teammates in shock and another school is mourning. and another cabinet secretary under pressure forced to justify why he took five flights on a private jet in just one week.


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