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tv   Nightline  ABC  August 22, 2017 12:37am-1:04am EDT

12:37 am
this is "nightline." tonight president trpowing to keep american troops in afghanistan. reversal from his campaign promise. >> a hasty withdrawal would create a terrorist would instantly see just as happened september 11th. >> and his stern warning to other nations. >> plus we're in the shadow along the path of totality for today's rare and majestic solar eclipse, all across america, the spectacle drawing millions.
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>> and total eclipse of the heart ♪ total eclipse of the heart. >> her smash hitle she sings as the cosmic phenomenon reaches its peak. >> and a couple making their own mark. but first night at five. >> numr
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♪ or
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joining us. we begin with breaking news on the nation's long war in afghanistan. president trump i a primetime address declaring the u.s. must continue the fight.ces of rapid exit are both predictable and unacceptable. 9/11, e worst terrorist attack in our history was directed from tn by a government that gave comfort and shelter to terrorists. >> and our chief global affairs analyst joins us>> pres internal debate, president trum war in afghanistan saying will he go havens and be isis and
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giving the defensive win.he sg secretary authority to set troop le a favoring 4,00 more u.s. but in this speech the president emphasized ofal already comtt called o paktan sheltering terrorists saying that mustchange. but one thing he did not give was a meor withdraw. past presidents set time limits for troops. president trump said withdrawal will be conditions-based, can bes on the ground, not bles gesident said. warning of rephee mistakes in iraq of a hasty withdrawal. back to you. >>rtha, tnks, much more on gmto ur to the rare
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phenomenon that sent hordes of americans for tinted good view. we go to the pf totality with abc's matt gutman. >> there it is. disappoint, great solar eclipse 2017 gracing city afterh, my go >> an hour and half of cosmic wonder that captured the nation. >> so happy. so happy i could cry. there we go, there we go. the sun is coming back. it's being regurj stated. there's a star in the sky we can see. oh, beautiful. >> zooming along a 70 mile wide eff rivet of the country is called path of totality where 100% of the sun was eclipse by
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the moon, bathing everything in total blackness. >> it's spectacular. look how dark and quiet. it is like being in the eye of a hurricane. >> a total solar eclipse canly when the moon moves between the earth and sun casting a direct shadow on earth it happens twice every three years but most often on an ocean that's why event was so significant. it was the first one to go all the way across the continental u.s. in 38 years. >> this is an abc news special. live coverage of the solar eclipse. >> the date, february 26, 1979, at the abc news desk, the venerable frank reynolds. >> good morning this is a genuine special event the last total eclipse of the sun overt continent this century. >> on looking peering through what was considered protective
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eye wear. >> noting in august 21, 2017 will another total eclipse be seen in northern america. >> it is so spooky. the temperature is dropping. excitement is growing. we've just gone completely dark. we have reached totality here. on the oregon coast line. total eclipse of the sun! >> in the small taun of madris oregon the population ballooning nearly 1500% drawing crowds well over 100,000 people spectators and journalists along. >> i'm almost speechless. the crowd here is absolutely ectatic. turn down the lights and see how dark it really is. it's pitch black here. this is most incredible thing i've ever seen. [ cheers and applause ] >> for so many this will happen only once in their lifetime.
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families driving far and wide to witness history. >> you guys d hours. >> this is the second most beautiful thing i'ven in my life. >> is that the first. >> thedarkness marching east ward, averaging morehan 2800 miles an hour. scientists using every precious 340e789 to study the outer atmosphere. >> because of the contrast between the darkness of the sky and dark sun you get a bright region with ring around the moon so it looks a diamond ring and then the corona path of to hotels were fully booked. >> couple hundred miles from the nearest airport middle of nowhere and so man showed up becau smack-dab in the middle of path of totality. >> some calling it wodly and extraterrestriestal. >> here they a cosmic coins
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against, the 62nd anniversary of a reported alien i that happened just about 200 or 300 yards from here. >> celebrities posting their experiences on social media. lady bill jessica parker not so expertly anywhe t preside melania andence. son also enjoyed the view through their otal eclse the he experience o cruise with her classic bat llot. ♪ total eclipse of the heart ♪ >> totally awesome. >> do it again in 99 years. >> in the music city the sky went dark. the streets lit up. >> we've been watching everybody
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else you came all the way from -- >> -- from the uk to come see this event. >> how you feeling? >> amazing. it's a religious experience. >> cosmic experience had some moon struck. >> the sun is slowly being taken out of the shadow. >> that diamond ring in the sky transforming to one on her finger, just moments after the totality the question asked and answered with a yes. and then that kiss. >> you literally had no idea this was coming. >> no idea. >> and then were you able to focus on the eclipse knowing right after the eclipse you had the biggest question of your life to ask someone. >> i was actually really into the eclipse it was so amazing but once it was over my brain switched thinking about when am i going to do this. yeah it got a little nerve waking. >> we were both shaking, and crying. >> from a proposal to an
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outright wedding. while tens of millions of americans looked up at the sky. >> who gives this woman to be wed. >> in st. joseph, missouri right in the path of totality. >> on this very special day we'll get to say we witnessed one of the great cosmic events of the century. >> all eyes were on sam antha ad cameron. she once dreamt of being an astronaut. >> i went from being a kid to space, space, space. so she knew today would be the day. every guest given special eclipse viewing glasses, decorates, no brainer, heavenly touches guys a spacey-motif. >> it should look really cool braid. >> mr. and mrs. kume. >> couldn't be happier right now. >> and despite the cloud cover they held hands as totality
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approached. and darkness ascended. the couple already planning for the next total eclipse which will be visible in certain parts of america in 2024. forethe great american eclipse for 2017 ending in charleston before going out to sea. >> may all of the world have peace and a will bring you next eclipse years from w.>> wed be theoeep his promise but ha share this great american eclipse with all you have home. >> now america looks forward to n gre nationwide eclipse, hopefully i'll see you there in 2045. for nightline, i'm matt gutman
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in oregon. >> when we come back how eclipse tourism is rocking small town america. does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz.
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award winning engine. the volvo xc90. luxury suof the century.gine. this august visit your local volvo dealer to receive sommar savings of up to $4,500. sor eclipse brought c of over100,000 astronomy fans to parts of the country that only see few hundred people, re jams and windfall. not to mention a lot of fun. abc's david wright. >> today america stood still, spell bound by a cosmic pot of
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dough and easy to see how for some people once in a lifetime is not >> suddenly youealize this is p >> you are standing in the shadow of the moon, people write pom poems. >>music. >> one of the classics,eclipse. ♪ everything under the sun ♪ >> it's like a little kid watching his mother disappear. that's scary. you know it should be there. luckily it comes back. but because it's so unnationurai think one you can't replicate in any other hood on eclipses is my eleventh solar clippers. >> this is number 12 for me. >> they call themselves umbrphiles.
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eclipse-chasers. galavanting around the world. >> look at the ruby r color. >> chasing the moon's shadow. >> never gets old for you. >> no. i will be chasing for the rest of my life. i absolutely know it. >> she doesn't just chase eclipses, she helps other communities to prepare for people like her. >> really try not to be on the roads of you can zblx we caught up with her in ton, wyoming they approached this day with mixture of excitement and dread. >> it's a huge deal. i don't think there's anything to compare it to. >> the local h & r block transformed into pop up eclipse store sellingt-shirts, tote bags and glasses. >> i imagine you're thrilled it wasn't april 15th. >> exactly if it was we wouldn't be selling t-shirts. >> it's been more than a senceny
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since the last total eclipse in wyoming, it was a very big deal too. david baron chronicles that in his best seller. >> the experience he that eclipseent was>> com t thrgh the ameri fronhe w westand among the scie went out to a young inventor named thomas edison who came back with a new idea. >> if he didn't goo wouldn't ha first person to come out with the successful light bubblb. >> and four decades later, einstein's relativity theory came from watching stores. >> giving the strongest evidence gravity was bending light. >> that was crucial to showing
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theory of relativity. >> in another small town in wyoming they wonder how they will get through it. >> wow.he town has a 1-1 ratio t potties to people. no hotels here. visitors all watching. >> farmers are charging $20 to park in their field. >> they're the center of the universe. >> right.>> for two minutes. the universe. 're the center of anything this is a moment of wonder. the closest thing on earth to space travel. >> there's aof over. waef and so beautiful. >> he was in n, wyoming,
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catching it from mountain top 10,000 feet up. >> it's that feeling of being in the presence of something much larger than yourself that humbles you. >> the path of this total eclipse cut right through those rural red states within driving distance o big blue metro areas like denver and chicago. >> this is a shared moment for all of us as americans for something that's not a natural disaster, not a schoolshooting, being, but something we can all get excited about. i think it's important for the nation toe this moment of >> a polized nation sharing sothme today we all looked up in wo me. newary kinof
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