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tv   Action News at 600 AM  ABC  August 15, 2017 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> ♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with matt o'donnell, tamala edwards, karen rogers and meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ >> good morning. it's 6:00 a.m. on this tuesday august 15th. >> good morning and we're following breaking news. flames in an apartment building in northeast philadelphia send three people to the hospital and dozens have been displaced. >> and police uncover a marijuana grow house in west philadelphia. how neighbors helped alert investigators. >> today is an umbrella getter. accuweather is tracking the chance of storms throughout the day. >> see if dave murphy has it already popped open out there on the deck and karen rogers has your traffic. good morning. >> no umbrella. it's feeling kind of comfortable what with cloudy skies a little bit of light movement of the air out here. as you take a look at storm tracker6 live double scan
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there's the threat of rain around. a couple sprinkles and showers to the southeast of allentown beginning to push over into south jersey. burlington county appears to be the focus of light sprinkles right now in south jersey itself and then there's more shower activity coming up the i-95 corridor getting ready to pop into southern chester county and i can see delaware also catching some of that before too much longer. the wide view on satellite shows you lots of clouds. we might get a couple sunny breaks today but generally speaking mostly cloudy skies and more rain back by richmond and west virginia and rich respond in pond is in virginia of course but west virginia also showing showers. all of that is heading our way. it will be a day where we'll have to keep a lookout for some off and on showers and a thunderstorm. wow they're picking up the trash behind me. 73 in philadelphia, 73 in wilmington. 68 currently in allentown. 75 in cape may and the dewpoints are up this morning. we're in the upper 60's along the i-95 corridor and those 70's down south, that is oppressive humidity. quickly here's what's going to happen today. 79 by noon, 83 by 3 o'clock.
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when it's raining that temperature tends to drop and just about any time we could see that spotty shower or thunderstorm. sunny and hotter tomorrow karen rogers. a big day for summer lovers in the accuweather 7-day. >> it's noisy where you are. >> keep it down back there. [laughter] >> take a look outside on your roads this morning. we're looking live on the schuylkill. we've got an accident involving three vehicles. you can kind of see them right here. this is the schuylkill westbound approaching girard avenue and they will be blocking all lanes. remember i showed that you shot a little bit ago and we saw live as they pushed this to the side and allowed that traffic to get by. a little heavy as everyone is passing this multi-vehicle accident on the schuylkill westbound approaching girard. police are on the scene. it has been moved to the shoulder and you see the guys kind of working on it right now. little bit of debris but it's mostly off to the side. we also have this accident on forty foot road at welsh road here in hatfield township in montgomery county. let's check the roosevelt boulevard extension. that's your southbound traffic. maybe a touch of building
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volume. it's not really slow yet. as you head towards the schuylkill your majors are looking pretty good. here's the vine, westbound, eastbound a little more volume than we saw 30 minutes ago. the vine was shut down overnight for construction. you see it's moving nicely now. crews will return at 11 o'clock shut the vine. watch that as you're traveling late night and early morning. >> three people injured in a fire including a firefighter. flames erupted at the apartment building in northeast philadelphia early this morning. dozens of people are still unable to return home right now. let's get right to "action news" reporter jeanette reyes who is live at the scene along academy road. jeanette. >> reporter: well, matt, two of those residents were seriously injured and a firefighter was also injured and taken to the hospital as you mentioned about 50 residents have been displaced. one woman i talked to says this is the second time she's been displaced by a fire although this time she was able to salvage some things and i want to step out of the way and try and show you the second floor unit where
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authorities believe this fire may have started. you can see the windows have been broken out but this is viewer video of that fire as it was going on. you can see it spread rather quickly. authorities say they got the call around 12:30 this morning about a fire at the canterbury court apartment complex here on academy road near morell avenue. firefighters arrived in about five minutes and flames were showing from that second floor unit. the entire building was evacuated due to fire and heavy smoke. it took about an hour to get the blaze under control. about 50 people were displaced, many of them sitting on this septa bus as they waited for further accommodations. again two other residents are at the hospital with serious injuries. >> fire alarm, looked out building's on fire. i couldn't believe it was on fire. we went back in, we grabbed the animals. >> reporter: and we did speak with the red cross. they tell me they're working directly with eight to 10 units -- residents from eight
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to 10 units and they're assisting with financial and other accommodations. we just spoke with the fire marshal and he tells me they're still investigating the cause of this fire. reporting live in northeast philadelphia, jeanette reyes, channel6 "action news." matt. >> thank you, jeanette. firefighters were also busy in ocean city new jersey battling a fire at a multi-million dollar home. crews arrived on the 400 block of waverly boulevard at 11:00 last night and found flames shooting from the home. firefighters were able to get control of the fire but say the home has extensive damage. everyone inside was able to get out safely. >> just days after violent rallies in charlottesville, virginia more communities are calling for confederate statues to be torn down. last night in durham north carolina people taking partly in a peaceful protest ended up tearing down the confederate soldiers monument in front of the old county courthouse. the often ugly scene this weekend in charlottesville was kicked off when white nationalists rallied in opposition to city plans to take down a statue of confederate leader robert e.
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lee. as well the city of baltimore voake down all confederate statues in its public spaces. three corporate executives have now resigned from the president's manufacturing council after the violence in charlottesville. the ceo's of athletic wear manufacturer under armour technology company intel and pharmaceutical company merck all stepped down. kenneth frazier merck's ceo who is from philadelphia cited the president's initial failure to condemn the white nationalists involved in this weekend's violent rally in strong and unequivocal terms. >> police busted a marijuana growing operation at a home in west philadelphia. "action news" was there as officers brought out more than 100 plants and equipment from the 4800 block of cedar avenue yesterday. neighbors contacted authorities because they smelled a strong odor coming from the house. >> a lot of people in this neighborhood smoke marijuana. a lot of people in this neighborhood are very pro-marijuana legalization. >> it is not known how long
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the homeowner was in operation. that person has not been named and faces a number of charges though including reckless endangerment and drug offenses. >> it is 6:07 and it seemed like forever we were telling you only dire news about the casinos in a.c., always being in big trouble so it's great today to have much better news about them. maribel aber is live in new york with this morning's market watch report. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, tam. atlantic city casinos actually doing better so far this year compared to last. new numbers show winnings up a half a percent through july excluding the trump taj mahal which is no longer opened o the seven remaining atlantic city casinos posted a 4 percent revenue increase last month. stocks closed higher yesterday with the s & p 500 gaining 1 percent for the first time in over three weeks. trite rite now futures pointing to a you here open. report on retail sales due out later today. that's the latest in business. >> thanks maribel. >> dave murphy sprinkle shower. >> sprinkle shower here or there, nothing super big.
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storm tracker6 shows us that we're mainly dry across the region but that closer view does give you the idea that there has been some rain moving through earlier and there's more to come. you can see that big batch of shower activity now pushing into southern chester county. at the same time a couple of lighter showers departing up around allentown and through parts of burlington county. we will go in tighter here, though, and show you what's going on down there in chester county. does look like oxford is about ready to get something. newark delaware about ready to pick up a sprinkle and this is the first batch of steadier rain we'll see during the morning rush hour and it is pretty quickly on the way into areas like southern chester county and perhaps northern new castle county, delaware. i can certainly see wilmington getting caught with that. there's that wide view. as we take a look outside we've got sky6 fairly cloudy over the ben franklin bridge. we may get some sunny breaks this morning and through the day but overall we're looking at generally cloudy skies and there is a mugginess to the air and of course we've got that spotty shower and even a thunderstorm passing through just about any time up through dinnertime or so. 73 degrees currently in philadelphia, 73 in wilmington, 68 currently up in
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allentown, 69 in trenton on 75 in cape may. again, it's humid out there. more so than it was yesterday. future tracker6 showing you that between now and 8 o'clock, there is the chance of some additional shower activity, model wants most of this down by wildwood, actually think there could be some a little bit closer up to philadelphia. and more of the same all the way up to noon. a shower, maybe a thunderstorm and an isolated drenching downpour is not out of the question. as we go to 3 o'clock, again, not raining everywhere but some of you seeing some of this stuff, maybe a rumble of thunder and by 6 o'clock, a little bit more still left over. it does look like by the time we get up to 7, 8 o'clock most of this is pretty much off the map. in allentown today we're going to go mostly cloudy a-spotty shower possible, maybe a rumble of thunder, a high of 80. in philadelphia mostly cloudy, a spotty shower with a high of 83. thunderstorm can't be ruled out there as well. and out in the atlantic we have an issue, a category one hurricane gert was a tropical storm yesterday but bumped up to hurricane strength last night, probably stays a category one well off our coast and missing bermuda. but as it passes by, later
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today, tonight, maybe tomorrow as well it is going to produce some swells on the shore and so we are calling for a moderate risk of rip currents and heavy surf down the beaches with high temperatures in the mid to upper 70's. be careful about getting in too deep in the water. back injuries and neck injuries from heavy surf would also be an issue. if you get caught in a rip current you swim to safety by going parallel north or south 72 overnight low, evening shower possible. looks like we get overnight clearing. today's high is 83 degrees, muggy with mainly cloudy skies and that spotty shower and thunderstorm chance. tomorrow sunny and hotter, a high of 90 but not as humid. and then the humidity creeps back on thursday. it will be stickier 86, a spotty thunderstorm possible hopefully missing the eagles in the evening. they have a 7 o'clock preseason contest at lincoln financial field against the bills of course. look out for friday. there will be more numerous showers, some of them could be downpours so more of that stuff on friday. saturday a spotty thunderstorm
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for those of you with outdoor plans like my friend tam edwards and then sunday looks dry right now. >> i'm sure you'll work that out. >> i got my toolbox over there. i'll see what i can do. >> or you can get a tent. >> yeah. >> thank you david. 6:11. ready for record crowds. cities in the path of the solar eclipse make final plans for monday's celestial show. >> binge-watching might seem like a way to relax but a new study warns it could actually have a serious negative impact on your health. karen. >> we had a disabled vehicle that popped up right here on i-95 southbound at girard. it just cleared but you can kind of see how traffic's a little heavy now southbound heading towards center city. and we've got a vehicle fire happening near atlantic city. details on that one coming up next. >> ♪
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>> ♪ >> welcome back. taking a live look here philadelphia international airport. you can see a little bit of a grayness to the sky this morning. you will need the umbrella. some rain could be cupping our way. it's 6:14, 73 degrees. >> what you got going on in south jersey there karen. >> we've got a new problem matt just popped up. a vehicle fire happening on the atlantic city expressway westbound near route 42, so as you're passing cross keys shopping plaza out there and then heading towards 42 near turnersville, that's where a vehicle is on fire right on the atlantic city expressway. crews coming to the scene right now to help with that so watch for that one. here's a live look at the schuylkill westbound approaching girard. we have an accident here involving three vehicles. it looked like they towed a couple of them away. we're still seeing police and
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penndot on the scene. at one point they were blocking all lanes with this multi-vehicle accident on the schuylkill westbound approaching girard. still slowing things down a little bit but we see all lanes opened now on the schuylkill expressway. so, moving better right there. we had an accident here in hatfield as well on forty foot road at welsh road. it just cleared. traffic is moving better there. let's check your travel times now. 95 looking good. even the schuylkill now that that accident in the process of clearing here, schuylkill's moving fine eastbound and westbound and 42 is looking good. this is summertime traffic. in another month, all these things are going to be red and it's going to be a mess. try to enjoy it while you can. oh, there you go. also i found dry soup sunny, i really just wanted to say that 'cause it's such a weird name on the waze app talking about a hazard on the road on the blue route southbound near whitpain township so thanks for dry soup for that one. storm tracker6 live showing it's dry. we have a few scattered showers certainly this batch that you'll notice near
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wilmington we've been tracking that traveling up 95 heading towards philadelphia in a little bit but for now some spotty showers, muggy out there and a high of 83, matt. >> thanks karen. production on the set of the latest "deadpool" movie is now on hold as police investigate the death of a stunt woman. she was killed in a motorcycle crash that happened near an office building in vancouver canada yesterday. witnesses say the woman was riding the motorcycle down a set of stairs, picked up speed, crossed the street and swerved to avoid pedestrians. "deadpool" star ryan reynolds sent out a statement saying he is heartbroken. the incident is the second deadly onset accident in recent weeks. a stunt performer died last month on the georgia set of the walking dead. >> the fbi was able to take down a 23-year-old man who they say was "out for blood" when he tried to blow up a bank in oklahoma city. jerry varnell has a history of making antigovernment statements and an admiration for timothy mcveigh.
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an undercover fbi employee provided him with a van and materials. >> in today's tech bytes watching the. tv shows and sleep deprivation. >> more fatigue and bouts of insomalia. study found men binged less frequently than women. researchers surveyed more than 400 adults between the ages of 18 and 25. >> tesla unveiled a tiny house powered entirely by solar paneling. it's taking it on a road trip around australia towed by one of its own model x cars. >> the company is using the tiny house to show off its energy products. we have visual proof a smartphone can survive a 1,000-foot fall. a man was recording with his galaxy s5 from a plane over kentucky when the phone slipped. >> it landed in some bushes and sat there still recording for about seven minutes when two men finally found it. and guess what? they returned it to its owner, no damage. >> wonder what sort of protective case that had.
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>> those are your tech bytes. >> ♪ knock out your sinus symptoms with vicks sinex. the ultra-fine mist starts working instantly to deliver up to 12 hours of ahhhhh get fast relief with vicks sinex. can i ha a peanut butter sandwich? can charlie have one, too? charlie can have one too. one for charlie.
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(gasp) look mom! charlie took a bite. feed his imagination, with the fresh roasted peanut taste he loves. where there's jif, there's love
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>> ♪ >> hi everybody it's shoshana at soul beats studio with "action news" fitness tip. i have my girls with me again. we're ready to work our thighs. you better be too. grab a ball, slide your back down any wall you can find. i want that ball in between those thighs extending that right leg out or modifying by keeping your heel up. squeeze the right leg into the left. really stabilizing that left leg working that inner thigh. 15 of these on the right. then 15 on the left. and your thighs will be screaming and thanking you for working them and making them exhausted. >> why can't i see david matt and really doing that one. >> yeah.
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>> for sure. >> why, what are you trying to say. >> your thighs would look great. let's take a look outside and check southwest philadelphia. the platt bridge by i-95. westbound traffic on your left headed towards the airport and moving nicely so far. no issues on the platt this morning or 95 right now. we have one delay here airport train 40910 minutes late. everything else is looking pretty good davey. >> little bit of a sprinkle and shower popping through the region at times. lots of clouds with more rain out on the west. it looks like it's going to be one of those off and on precipitationype days. you can see that steadier cell starting to push into chester county and there's more rain creeping up toward southern and central delaware. most of the rest of the area beginning to dry out. as we take a look at temperatures, we're in the 70's and 60's. it's also on the muggy side out there this morning. you'll feel that. and as we go through the afternoon we expect to spend most of the time in the low 80's. where we hit that 83-degree high really depends on when it's raining but it is going to be rather warm and muggy this afternoon.
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that's for sure. as we take a look at the airport, all green aircraft, no major delays, does still look like we've got a little bit of rain and a lot of cloud cover up by j.f.k. most of our other big travel destinations are dry. matt. >> thank you david. the phillies continue their road trip in san diego tonight. mark lighter jr. will be on the mound. rookie rhys hoskins hit his first major league home run against the padres last night. and then he hit another in the same game. the two teams snapped -- swapped the lead three times but the phillies went on to lose seven to four. >> ♪
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>> countdown is on for what is being called the great american solar eclipse. >> very exciting. nasa says it will be viewed by more people than any other celestial event in history. >> marcy gonzalez explains what makes this eclipse so special and what to expect if you're in the right spot to see it. >> reporter: for most people it is a once in a lifetime event a total solar eclipse crossing the u.s. from coast to coast for the first time in nearly a century. >> i'm really excited about it. >> reporter: on august 21st people will be able to see a partial eclipse. the totalological pass from oregon to south carolina with cities and towns in that path ready for record crowds. >> our hotels and air bnb's everybody is at capacity. >> reporter: it is a big change from the last time a solar eclipse happened in 1979.
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>> there's it was just another day. dr.ed croft the director of the overrer to in los angeles says it is about time people got excited. he's traveled the world to see 14 total solar eclipses and says it's an unforgettable experience watching the moon move between the sun and the earth. >> when it goes total it's like someone has switched a light switch. the sun goes black completely. you see flame like structures around the edge of the sun. >> reporter: for those in the wide path where the total eclipse it will be fast. the sun will be covered towards to minutes 40 seconds. no matter where you're viewing the eclipse croft and other experts say it is critical that you wear and official eclipse glasses. sunglasses won't do enough to protects your eyes. marci gonzalez abc news, los angeles. >> and there is a special section of our web site all
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about the eclipse. we have tips on where you can go to watch the event plus some fun facts. you can find it all at >> 6:27 now and meteorologist, david murphy is tracking scattered showers. the call from accuweather is next. >> also when we come back a brazen vandal shocks a jewish community with a vulgar act as he stairs at the security camera daring to get caught
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>> ♪ >> breaking now on "action news" a fast moving fire injures several people and forces dozens out of their home in northeast philadelphia. >> tied up and robbed. an 84-year-old woman survives a terrifying ordeal in her queen village home. >> a new fallout from the violence in virginia. confederate statues come crashing down while other protesters lash out on the president trump. >> hello and good morning. 6:30 on this tuesday
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august 15th. dave murphy has accuweather, karen rogers has track. you know the drill. >> lots of clouds out here is the drill right now matt. we've got overcast skies and storm tracker6 live double scan shows us that some of us are getting a little bit wet. we've got some showers creeping up into southern chester county. they'll be in new castle county before too much longer. some already are. looks like that stuff over in burlington county is getting out of here and allentown drying out and quakertown as well after some earlier showers there. so, roads a little damp in some spots. satellite shows you more pronounced rain on the other side of washington and as we go later into the rush hour and really in through the day and all the way up into the early evening there's the chance of some spotty off and on showers, maybe even a couple of thunderstorms. 73 degrees is your current temperature in philadelphia. 68 in allentown. 75 down in cape may. and your dewpoints are up. the southern half of the region has that dark shade of green crossing it. that's the higher stickier air and those dewpoint numbers in the 70's show you that much higher humidity even at 68 in philadelphia isn't exactly super comfortable as you start
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to walk around and work out a bit. 71 degrees by 7 o'clock. 79 by noon. expecting a high of about 83 today. whether or not it hits at 3 o'clock is a little iffy because whenever it starts to rain that number is going to drop off temporarily. i expect us to be 80 or so. 79 by 7 o'clock and that spotty shower or thunderstorm just about any time but not all the time. karen, we got a sunny and hot one for summer lovers coming up tomorrow. i'll have that story in the accuweather 7-day. >> all right, dave, we're starting with breaking news. an accident in new jersey on the atlantic city expressway westbound right near route 42 where a car smashed into the guardrail, crossed all lanes before bursting into flames. take a look at the video just coming in to us right now. we want to thank our viewers for sending in this video. there you can see the car fire on westbound atlantic city expressway right near route 42. we've got police emergency workers, fire crews responding to the scene as that car just burst right into flames after smashing through the guardrail on the atlantic city
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expressway. so, be careful as you're traveling westbound on the atlantic city expressway right near 42. so, that's after you pennsylvanias that big cross keys shopping area and as you're passing near 42 in turnersville where you're encountering this scene right there. a horrible accident. here's a live look at 42. creek road closer to the walt whitman bridge we can see volume a little bit out there but no major delay on 42 as you head towards the walt whitman bridge. looking pretty good there. this is a great shot of the tree and the foliage is looking great on the schuylkill. the roads not great. this is the schuylkill westbound near girard. we had a multi-vehicle accident there that is all cleared that for awhile all lanes were blocked on the schuylkill westbound near girard. but things are moving better and the trees are looking great with all that rain. here's a look at the big picture, though. slower speeds here westbound on the schuylkill approaching the boulevard to past belmont, only 11 miles an hour, tam. >> okay, thank you, karen. breaking right now a firefighter is among three people injured in an apartment fire in northeast
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philadelphia. dozens of people have also been displaced. let's head on over to "action news" reporter jeanette reyes. she's live on the scene there along academy road. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, tam. two of those residents seriously injured as a result of this fire. we did see some residents here of the 50 displaced grabbing what they could heading over to a friend's house or a relative's home until they can return back to their apartments. take a live look behind me though. you can see the second story unit. that is where authorities believe, investigators believe this fire broke out. this is video of that same unit with flames coming out of that apartment. it happened around 12:30 this morning at the canterbury court apartment complex on academy road near morell avenue. firefighters they arrived in about five minutes. the flames were showing from that second floor unit. the entire building was evacuated due to fire and heavy smoke. it took about an hour to get the blaze under control. about 50 people were displaced.
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many of them were sitting on the septa bus as they waited for further arrangements. two other residents are at the hospital as i mentioned with serious injuries and here at the scene some were concerned about whether or not people got out safely. >> i think everybody got out but my neighbor, we're not sure about her. they're not giving us much information about her. so, hopefully -- obviously she'll be okay but we're not sure. >> reporter: and we were that everyone did get out but two -- again, two residents were seriously injured and are being treated at the hospital. the red cross is assisting with those displaced residents and we did speak to the fire marshal and he tells me they're still investigating the cause of this fire. reporting live in northeast philadelphia, jeanette reyes, channel6 "action news." tam. >> okay, thank you, jeanette. and we just learned overnight that a man was gunned down in front of his two young children in west philadelphia.
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chopper6 was over the 5800 block of vision street last night. police say two men were playing dice when an argument broke out and the men drew guns. the father was shot and killed. the other man fled the scene. >> a brave 84-year-old woman refused to back down when a intruder tied her up in her own philadelphia home. police are still searching for the attacker this morning. "action news" reporter katherine scott is live in queen village where police have increased patrols. good morning, katherine. >> reporter: good morning, matt. that's right, police are doing a number of things including increasing patrols. they're also searching for tips, trying to find anyone with any information on who could have been behind this. we're also told that the victim is in good spirits. >> i can't imagine. i think i would be traumatized. >> reporter: an 84-year-old woman tied up and robbed in her queen village home. she was up and talking to police later. >> she went up and yelled firism the victim's friend described what happened to her after a robber broke into her
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home on front street and demanded money. >> somebody came up behind her. that tiny little 84-year-old precious just like a kitty cat smart as a whistle. >> reporter: police say the robber restrained the 84-year-old's arms and legs with a belt and dog leash. neighbors were stunned this happened especially midday. >> when that happens it means that it doesn't matter how good the neighborhood because they'll get in somehow. >> some people have no souls and -- how could they -- how someone could possibly do that to somebody else. >> reporter: the suspect took money and fled through an alley way. anyone with any information is asked to call south detectives. we're live in queen village, katherine scott, channel6 "action news. >> thank you katherine. time right now is 6:36. and this scene in north carolina is playing out across the south. statues of confederate leaders are coming down, some in a
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civil manner or in this case toppled by force. plans to remove a statue in charlottesville led to a white supremacist rally on saturday where a woman died during an attack on counterprotesters. angry crowds spent the night outside trump tower in new york city. the president had been criticized for his initial response to the violence for failing to call out hate groups by name. president trump changed course yesterday. >> racism is evil. and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs including the kkk, neo nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as americans. >> a judge has denied bail for james fields jr. he is charged with plowing his car into the crowd of counterprotesters killing heather heyer and injuring 19 others. >> a vandal has struck a philadelphia synagogue and this is not the first time this place of worship has been targeted. this time the members are left
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cleaning up after a really dirty deed. police say the man made no effort to hide himself that he looked right into the surveillance camera gave the middle finger and then proceeded to urinate on the building. this happened at congregation beth solomon on the 100 block of tomlinson road in the somerton section early sunday morning. this very same synagogue has been vandalized several times in the past year. >> ♪ >> happening today, dredging and beach fill operations are scheduled to resume in margate. a federal judge gave the army corps of engineers the okay last week to continue the beach replenishment project. work stopped when heavy rains left a giant pond of standing water between beach front homes and the ocean. crews pumped out the water and have begun adding sand to the area as part of a temporary solution. >> speaking of adding water -- >> yeah. [laughter] >> is there going to be any of that. >> we'll add some water. this morning matt you're right there's not that much. later today there could be an isolated downpour.
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the overhead view and we are looking at some more pronounced shower activity than we had earlier now pushing into southern chester county. even this is not super steady rain. we were only getting a little blip or two of yellow in there but as we go in closer, that's enough to certainly make your roads wet from oxford all the way up to areas about halfway up to chadds ford and there's route three pushing right out toward oxford so that's one of those areas getting wet. wilmington also with a couple of sprinkles and showers. looks like dover is getting a couple lighter cells and that wide view showing you more rain out to the west and even more still down by washington, d.c. so it's going to be one of those days where we're in and out of raindrops. that's what we're going to see. as we take a look at outside we got sky6, lots of low lying cloud cover obscuring some of the tops of the tallest buildings in philadelphia and it's not only cloudy but muggy out there this morning and certainly setting the table for some rain today. 73 degrees is your current temperature. dewpoints up there at 68. that's pretty high. so, it is stickier out there
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today than yesterday. winds are light at five. ocean temperature at 76. future tracker6 shows you that between now and 8 o'clock there's the chance of some of these showers around. the model has been wanting to sell the idea of the heaviest stuff being down in wildwood. i could see this filling in a little bit closer to philadelphia at times and by noon we're also looking at spotty showers but also some possible thunderstorms and maybe some of you get a drenching downpour for a bit today. by 3 o'clock, it looks like we are into that spotty pattern maybe a little bit less pronounced still a thunderstorm possible. by 6 o'clock a couple of lingering showers and thunderstorms and by seven or 8 o'clock it looks like it's pretty much done and we may even be clearing. today's forecast overall, clouds with some sunny breaks possible. 71 degrees by 8 o'clock. 76 by 10 o'clock. 79 by noon. expecting a high around 83 where it hits will depend on when it's not raining because when that rain starts to fall the temperature will tend to cool several degrees and pop back up when the rain is done. 83 the high in philadelphia. 82 wilmington. on or about 80 in trenton allentown and reading and it looks like mid to upper 70's
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down the shore. we have a hurricane gert, this was a tropical storm yesterday. it's now a hurricane. it is going to be well off the coast missing bermuda, missing us but the swells from that category one storm today and maybe tomorrow are going to be such that you want to swim near the guarded beaches and be careful of rip currents and heavy surf. back and neck injuries are possible in the sorts of surf conditions we expect. if you do get caught in a rip current you escape by swimming parallel to the beach north or south. your seven-day from accuweather, today's high 83. muggier than yesterday. clouds for the most part. and spotty showers and a thunderstorm or two possible today. tomorrow sunny and hotter, a high of 90 and then thursday humid again, a thunderstorm possible in the afternoon and evening. hopefully missing lincoln financial field at night where we have the eagles with that preseason contest against the bills. muggy though. and then friday some scattered downpours are possible. maybe a thunderstorm there, too. on saturday, just a spotty storm here or there. you'll want to keep your eyes out on that.
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if you have outdoor plans but it's not a washout and sunday is looking dry. >> thank you david. 6:41 and it's your move. the latest message out of north korea has a slightly different tone. >> and later a thief rigs up an elaborate system to steal from a local home improvement store. karen. >> our delays have been taking a little longer to formulately but we can see we've got it now on i-95. it's already slow past cottman to girard as you're traveling towards center city on i-95 southbound. i'm going to update you on that vehicle fire on the atlantic city expressway when we come right back. >> ♪
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>> let's get an update on a problem that's been out there for awhile, karen. >> that's right ax vehicle
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fire on the atlantic city expressway happening westbound right near 42. it just cleared. but this one caused some pretty big problems. i want to take a look at this video which we have which a viewer sent in. hooting up on the atlantic city expressway westbound right near route 42. a vehicle lost control, hit into the guardrail and then traveled across all the lanes before bursting into flames. so, a mess of a scene. thanks to a viewer for sending in this video here and you can see those flames that were shooting up there. they have fire crews, emergency workers. this accident just cleared. that car fire westbound on the atlantic city expressway near route 42 just cleared so we're moving a lot better. right now you see the green traffic flow through that area. let's check another scene for you: let's see if we can go back to that right now. there you go. we're looking at some heavier traffic on the schuylkill expressway and this i a 29 minute ride right now traveling from the vine to the blue route so watch for that on the schuylkill expressway right now causing problems this morning as we look live
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past conshohocken jammed right now past the blue route to city avenue on the schuylkill. here's the roosevelt boulevard extension. that's your southbound traffic and we're seeing some extra heavy delays on the boulevard southbound heading towards the schuylkill now that the schuylkill is jammed. i've got to say the delays have just really started. in the summer it takes awhile to get them going. a 21 minute ride from the woodhaven to the vine. and 42 northbound now heavy. i just want to show you storm tracker6 live double scan. we're seeing a few light sprinkles except for this shower here that we've been watching as it travels up i-95. heading towards the city now so grab your umbrella, tam. >> okay, thank you, karen. early this morning the prime minister ofto president te about diffusing tension with north korea. prime minister shinzo abe said the country's top priority isprm
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launching missiles at gaum. the north korean leader appears to be backing off for now. according to state runnemede ya' in -- run media. >> new this morning, a wisconsin man accidentally fire survived. doug bergenson says he was trying to finish framing a fireplace. he accidentally dropped the nail gun shooting a three and a half inch framing nailcht. >> it didn't really hurt, it just felt like it kind of stung me and i looked down and i didn't see anything and i put my hand there and thought that's not good. >> now he drove himself to the hospital. you see the nail in his chest there where doctors performed open heart surgery to remove it. he has a scar but no permanent damage. >> ♪
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>> now for a preview of "good morning america." >> robin roberts has a lot of news to get to on "good morning america." let's get a preview from her this morning. good morning, robin. >> reporter: coming up protests at trump tower here in new york overnight as president trump returned for the first time since taking office. this as three top ceo's step down from his manufacturing council. all in response to the president's initial comments
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about the violence in charlottesville. we're live at trump tower with all the details this morning. also ahead the latest in those recent string of stunt accidents ending in tragedy. what we're learning about the woman who died while filming the action movie "deadpool 2" the second onset fatality of a stunt actor this summer. we'll have more on that. and the taylor swift sexual assault trial ending with a victory for the superstar. the former deejay jay found guilty of groping her is speaking out exclusively to abc news. we'll hear from taylor swift. they has a message for all victims this morning. all coming up here on "gma," matt and tam. >> all right, see you soon, robin. >> jamming up this morning on i-95. let's take you there live right now and show you the scene. here we are at the betsy ross bridge and you see that that southbound traffic on your left-hand side moving pretty slowly from cottman to girard and we've got a 22 minut now frm woodhaven to the vine. mass transit has been looking pretty good. just a couple of delays. the newest one is with the
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paoli thorndale train. one that's 15 minutes late an 10 minute delay on the airport line. >> cloud cover, showers moving in after some otherarlier. and as we ache a look at storm tracker6 live double scan looks like chester county and new castle county delaware picking up some of this. some delaware bay into cumberland county as well so another batch of rain on the way right now. as we take a look at temperatures, we're starting out warm, 73 degrees in philadelphia, 69 in trenton, 73 in wilmington, 75 at the shore. and as we roll through the day it looks like it's going to be mainly cloudy and at times there will be a pop-up shower or thunderstorm. won't be happening all the time. we go for a high of 83. whether we hit it at 3:00 depends on weather or not we have rain. dewpoint is 68 in philadelphia and the 70's down south. tam, that's pretty sticky. >> thank you david. going on now, a handyman made off with two stolen drills from home depot with the help of his own rope and
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pulley system. this is surveillance from the store on bristol pike in bensalem last thursday. authorities say the man swiped two drills from a display in the garden center. the video shows him having trouble pulling the tools over the fence but eventually he figures it out succeeds and gets away. >> ♪
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>> top stories at 6:55.
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two residents and a firefighter were injured in an overnight apartment fire in northeast philadelphia. it broke out at the canterbury court apartment complex on academy road. the red cross is helping 50 people forced out of their homes. the search is on for the intruder who tied up an 84-year-old woman in her queen village home yesterday. police say the robber ran off with cash. the woman was not hurt. >> let's check a jam on the schuylkill expressway for you. this is your traffic westbound looking live at the boulevard and look at that line of cars here. you're jammed from montgomery drive to gladwyne. earlier we had a multi-vehicle accident near girard blocking all lanes. that is long gone but we are extra heavy today westbound of 31 minute jam from the vine to the blue route. i-95 northbound construction starts at 9 o'clock. it lasts all day until 3 o'clock. northbound is going to be blocking a lane and creating big delays, dave. >> showers out there in some spots especially central new castle county, while southern new castle county, central delaware. karen, some of this is also in
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parts of chester county and there's obviously more to come. we're going for a high of 83 today. a little bit below average. lots of clouds. spotty showers and thunderstorms at times. >> all right. well, we'll be back to help you out with weather be traffic and breaking news every 30 minutes through "gma." for karen, matt, david, i'm ta >> ♪ pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once.
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super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. uber pro-tip: buy delicious produce you don't need to chop at all. boom. summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. more and more tax money tosends trenton, but gets less and less back thanks to steve sweeney and chris christie. here's the sweeney-christie record eight years of underfunded schools. huge tax breaks for themselves . and homestead rebate funding for seniors cut in half next year. don't believe the fake news from his wealthy donors. steve sweeney stands with chris christie, not with south jersey.
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america th good morning, america. breaking overnight, back from the brink? the new message from north korea after its leader reviews those plans to fire missiles toward guam. we are live on the korean peninsula with the latest. also this morning, president trump facing new backlash. [ chanting ] thousands of protesters at trump tower overnight upset overis to violence in virginia calling them out by name two days later. >> kkk, neo-nazis, white supremacists. >> as three top ceos quit the president's council in protest. breaking news, hurricane gert brewing in the atlantic threatening the east coast as millions head to the beach. the new warning about rip


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