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tv   Action News at Noon  ABC  August 7, 2017 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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>> afternoon, i'm rick williams this is abdomin accuweather alert. a flood watch is taking effect as heavy downpours move through the region. sky6 live hd showing us the gloomy view from our temple university cam. accuweather is tracking rain expected to continue throughout the day. melissa magee is at the "action news" big board with the first check of the forecast, hey melissa. >> reporter: hi, rick it's a dreary start on the back to work on monday. we'll be in and out of the rain and pockets of heavy moisture, as well. storm tracker 6 live double scan radar you can see the rain along the i-95 corridor and areas north and west. pockets are starting to fill in once again across south jersey and delaware. we'll go in tighter on street
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level on storm tracker 6 live, if you're traveling along i-95 give yourself extra time. down to the south and east, you can see the showers pressing into elmer. pockets of heavy rain millville, fortescue, lightning strikes associated with the region, as well. dover and smyrna getting hit, as well. the majority of the day, the flood watch has been posted went up at noon today right through midnight southeastern chester lower bucks county and montgomery and delaware. we have a flash flood warning for kents county in delaware. this stays up until 2:45 p.m. this location partly over into dover has seen three inches of rain this will continue as we go throughout the day. we're tracking periods of rain, on and off one to two inches in generally is a good possibility. locally heavier amounts than that we're seeing that across areas in south jersey and
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delaware. isolated thunderstorm is not out of the question, the big concern today is we're going to have street and stream flumgd. flooding. we'll take a closer look in the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. >> all right, melissa we'll check in later, track today rain and storms using the 6abc app it will help you prepare for the seven-day forecast and storm tracker 6 live and images across the region. in other news, philadelphia phillies are remembering darren daulton who lost his battle with brain cancer. "action news" reporter, katherine scott is live at citizens bank park in south philadelphia now with new reaction from the team and from fans. katherine. >> reporter: rick, darren daulton was a family favorite. he hustled, he worked harold and tough he had charisma.
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tommy green said he was a man's man and lady's dream he will be sorely missed. he was a force on the field a fan favorite long after he hung up his spikes. darren daulton played 14 seasons with the phillies, the longest tenure for a catcher in franchise history. the team announced he lost his 4 year battle with brain cancer, dump was 55. >> he led by example. >> probably one of the best phillies that ever played. >> he was loving and giving and shared what he had that was in him. >> reporter: phillies fans held him close. dalton was selected by the phillies in the 25th round of the 1980 june draft. he made 143 starts at catcher in
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93. it was the most in the phillies history. >> john kruc a was -- charismatic guy. >> reporter: he established the darren daulton foundation in 2011. i told shifted its focus for raising money for patients with brain cancer. through it all, phillies fans sent their love and dutch felt the support. today an outmemories from the phillies great -- out pouring of memories from phillies greats. >> he was the glue that kept the misfits together. >> that group had a a lot of
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max efforts and players and darren personified it to the tee. >> he is survived by his wife and four children. a private memorial is planned in florida. live at citizens bank park, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thank you, our tribute to the life of darren daulton continues at there we have messages from those remembering and honoring dutch along with dozens of photos and videos from his legendary career. in other news, police are investigating a violent incident in the germantown section of philadelphia. three teens were arrested after throwing bottles at police vehicles. the large grouped at chatten avenue and around -- cheltenham avenue and anderson street. police were struggling to control the crowds. >> they were running up and down steps people have go to
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work they were extremely loud. >> jeanette reyes will have reaction from the police commissioner coming up in the next half-hour. the investigation continues into a late night attack in upper darby, delaware county. a person was stabbed on the steps of the 69th street terminal around midnight. transit police responded to the scene within minutes, the search continues for a suspect and motive for the stabbing. the driver who sped away from a deadly hit-and-run remains at large. police believe the vehicle a jeep rubicon was captured on video near the crash. the victim identified as 53-year-old anne brodrick dialed after being rushed to the hospital. overseas there's mounting international pressure from north korea to stop its nuclear
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program. the regime is vowing revenge against the u.s. we have a report from washington. >> reporter: rick, these sanctions come as north korea makes alarming progress in the nuclear myself program, the latest launch that could reach as far as the eastern united states. >> north north north koreansn the streets in response to the sanctions. the country promising to reciprocate 1,000 fold for the villainous actions against the u.s. and the country. warning that if the country things it is safe because it is across an ocean there is no guarantee of that. u.n. city council sanctions against north korea are expected
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to cost the regime $1 billion a year. unprecedented move spurred by the north korea nuclear and missile development effort. kim jong-un conducting his inter continental missile ballistic launch ten days ago. president trump tweeted he is happy with the u.n. vote as rex tillerson trarvelings -- travels to all countries to make sure they stick to the sanctions. tillerson if the missile test stops, the u.s. would be open to talks with north korea. the latest provocative launch, the 11th test since president trump took office. >> mike pence is bashing a report suggesting he is preparing to run for president in 2020. a story in new york times detailed the efforts of several
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republicans looking toward the next election cycle. vice president said his team is focusing on advancing the agenda of president trump to see him elected in three years. the classroom of arts academy at benjamin rush were filled with excited people but not students, teachers were attending a week long orientation. superintendent william hite said he is excited about the teachers getting to work. >> it's about cepght connecting with individuals who are doing the same work and sharing in the success and challenges and the opportunities and growing as teachers and growing as leaders and growing as individuals who have the responsibility of educating young people. students in grades one through 12 back to school on september 5th.
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kindergarteners start the 12th. still to come on "action news" at noon, a tornado rips through shopsance -- shops and restaurants in downtown tulsa, okay okay. mill plane crashes with dozens of personnel on board. melissa magee has the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast when "action news" continues in a moment. many people clean their dentures
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with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we could see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident every day. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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for a cleaner, fresher, wreckage of a u.s. military plane that crashed off the australian coast. 23 survived the crash, but three missing marines are presumed dead. the plane was conducting a regular exercise when it plunged into the water on saturday. a dive team will start the process of covering the submerged wreckage. there's an all out manhunt across missouri for an accused cop killer who gunned down a officer during a traffic stop. clinton police officer gary michael stopped the suspect for registration violation. the driver opened fire and took off. he shot back at the suspect before he died. it is not clear if the suspect was injured. fbi is looking for the people who bombed a mosque in minnesota. governor mark dayton condemned
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the attack after touring the damage caused by an explosive device thrown at the buildings. federal investigators are working to identify possible systems and determine if the incidents was a hate crime. at least 30 people were injured when a tornado ripped through tulsa, okay oklahoma. it struck when most stores and restaurants were closed. 8 victims were injured when part of a roof collapsed on a t.g. i.fridays. the tornado was packing winds topping 100 miles per hour. a google employees manifesto about women in the workplace is drawing backlash from the company's executive. a male engineer wrote women should not take tech jobs and men have higher stamina.
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the company executives are condemning the document. starbucks is forced to set the record straight after the coffee chain fell victim tore an internet hoax. there's an easy way for mom to avoid raising picky eaters. details on healthcheck when "action news" comes right back. eligible for medicare?
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states starbucks will give discounts to undocumented immigrants august 11. 40% off any menu item for the made up starbucks dreamer day, it had the #border free coffee. they said it is fake. a new proposal calls on taxpayers to foot the bill for the new york city aging subway system plagued by delays and breakdowns and mayor de blasio wants the city residents to funds the repairs. new york's governor offered to split the cost with the city, de blasio refuse to commit any money to support it. children are less picky about eating vegetables if their moms ate veggies while breast feeding. they are less likely to reject similar tasting foods as they
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grow older. the action team is working on new stories today beginning at 4:00 p.m. alicia vitarelli live in the newsroom with a preview. hi, aleash, how was the weekend. >> reporter: today we're talking about toddler melt downs, if you have one in your house like i do, we can tell you that there's some crazy reasons why the kids have them. there's a new platform for parents to share their stories. plus the video we're looking at, when it comes to scams we've heard about phishing but there's a new scam criminals are using for phone. is he hero or fake feminist. a california man penned a post about loving his wife's curvey body. we'll tell you why his message and the way he conveyed it is
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sparking debate today. we'll have that inig talkers at 4:00 p.m. >> we'll take a break and come back with the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. stay with us. >> meteorologist melissa magee
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is back with a closer look soggy forecast, stormy morning. >> reporter: we have showers on and off throughout the day. it's a day you have to pack your patience. double scan radar you can see the rain across the delaware and lehigh valleys. there are heavier pockets south and east. i want to go in to street level storm tracker 6 live north and west of the i-95 corridor. allentown, heavy rainfall, pottstown, pressing eastward
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into lansdale and new hope and pennington at this hour. mercer county trenton, also dealing with moisture. we have heavy rain in elmer, millville, fortescue and south and west in smyrna, and the rain history the coast in sea isle city up to the north in atlantic city, we're in and out of the moisture. the heaviest is falling to the south of philadelphia. we'll show you the picture outside, sky6 live hd, not the best of beach days, today we're down the shore in cape may, you can see the rain drops on the lens there and certainly rough surf with the wind out of the easterly direction right now. we've got a flood advisory that has been posted in addition to the flood watch that is up for philadelphia and mainly areas to the south. so the flood advisory up until 2:45 p.m. this is for southern sections of kent county to the south of dover pressing into bauer, river
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view and milford at this hour. a big concern because this location got up to two inches of rain and they could get an additional rain on top of what we've seen. severe storms, a bit of a concern with that. south of the region, southern section of delaware, the storm prediction center placed the region in isolate severe storms. the big concern the rest of the day will be the flooding downpours. it's cool on this monday, 66 in philadelphia. with the easterly wind off the atlantic. 66 allentown. down in cape may, 74. dover, coming in at 72. here's satellite and radar we've got the moisture overahead there's a lot of -- overhead, there's a lot of wet weather coming in from southwest to northeast direction as we go throughout the day. we'll time it out for you, future tracker 6, 2:00 p.m., you
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can see the rain in the poconos all the way down to the i-95 corridor into south jersey. local rain heavier where we have the flood watch and advisory. the storm system is slow to move out. 8:00 p.m. we have showers that are starting to exit the coast, but residual moisture moves in the overnight hours. as far as what we are expecting today, a high concern with lighting, i do think there's a greater concern with heavy downpours and moderate concerns with strong winds, if you get a thunderstorm that moves across the region. low risk for large hail and isolated tornado. here's the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, we've got an accuweather alert today because of the moisture we're tracking. so periods of rain it's a cool day today. high temperature, 73. clouds and sun tuesday, 82 for the high, wednesday it's nice and sunny, 83. thursday, cloudy and sun, 82. on friday, partly sunny, it will
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be more humid by friday, high temperature of 81. humid saturday, 82. shower possible. friday, humid sun around and high -- sunday, humid, sunday around and 84. >> we want to congratulate upper providence montgomery county state champions, they are one step closer to the world series. they moved on to the mid atlantic regional tournament. they take on the state champs from maryland at 4:00 p.m. the tournament is being held in bristol connecticut and broadcast on our sister network espn iii. good luck to them. much more ahead on "action news" at 12:30 p.m. a movie tells the story of a high school team. another couple of powerful
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actors decided to end their marriage, those stories and much more when we come right back.
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>> hello, again, sarah is off, here's some of the stories we're following on "action news" 12:30 p.m. the rain continues to fall across the region and we're keeping an eye out for strong storms, as well. meteorologist melissa magee has the latest on the accuweather
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alert coming up. >> the way he led the pitchers the way he led us as a team was tremendous. >> remembering darren daulton, the phillies and their loyal fans are talking about the beloved former catcher who lost his battle with cancer. police have to step in when a large group of teenagers cause a major disruption in one philadelphia neighborhood. now, the details, the rain fell on and off this morning and it was heavy at times. as the soggy weather continues we're under a flood watch. we have the possibility for thunderstorms this afternoon. looking live from sky6 live hd showing you a wet picture of the philadelphia international airport, but no word on delays coming in or going out, so far smooth sailing, but it's a soggy picture to be sure. accuweather says we could get up to two inches of rain or more in some spots. let's get the latest from melissa


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