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tv   World News Now  ABC  August 3, 2017 2:40am-4:00am EDT

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model? >> i don't know. just watch the video and enjoy. i think we can all agree here at the table that to be honest when it comes to be handy with engines, things like that, nick's probably the most experienced. christian, you're second with your motorbike. but nick knows a lot about this stuff. you might be able to help tristan. he's having car trouble and he's trying to diagnose it. >> got a bit of a whine in the car. i don't know what it is. >> there's a whine. a weird whine that he can't quite put his finger on. >> it's worse when i open the front door.
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>> this is new. and i haven't even seen that before. >> so you hear that? closes the door, it's gone. now listen again. opens the door again. >> and this one i didn't know. >> close it, nothing. >> door closed. >> when did you get that? when were you going to talk to me about the money for this? >> just keeps whining when that door opens. >> i do happen to know how to fix that? >> yeah? >> get in. turn the radio up pretty loud. whine goes away. >> no, no, no. that's just like a band-aid. what you have to do is compliment it, give it some love and attention and it'll go away forever. >> mine is definitely the cheaper fix. >> people on the internet haven't been able to figure it out. if anyone has ideas, maybe we need to reach out and fix this problem. >> i hate to break it to you, but you're stuck with it, brother.
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>> when did you get that? when were you going to talk to me about paying the money for this? >> just keeps whining when that door opens. thanks for joining us today. catch us on the next sa boba toes. >> and rial madrid hitting first there. then the all-stars struck back.
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the score stayed 1-1, riveting until real madrid successfully hit their penalty kick. final score, 4-2, real madrid. >> you want to try that one again? >> okay. one more, real madrid. >> the transfer of a brazilian soccer player to a french club is about to set a staggering record. paris stgermain is paying neymar who is considered one of the best in the word. >> the best. >> he says he's ready to move on after four successful seasons but many are just shocked at the amount of money on the table here. >> he's great at marketing. a college football player has been forced to choose between two things he loves the
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most. his popular youtube channel or his team. >> he picked youtube, which means he's now losing his eligibility to play. t.j. holmes has the story. >> reporter: he's the college football player better known for his plays off the field. >> oh, man, do i have something special for y'all today. >> reporter: donald della hayes passion, giving his subscribers a behind the scenes look as a placekicker for florida. but last month, ucf and the ncaa gave him an ultimatum. be on the team or keep his football-centered youtube channel for which he's made more than $4,000. the gravity of the situation, the subject of one of his recent videos. >> i've been having to make the hardest choice in my whole entire life. it just rips my heart apart. one half loves football. one half loves making videos. >> reporter: he chose youtube and on monday, ucf ruled him in ineligible to play. >> i'm a young man having fun in
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his spare time making videos to inspire others and i get deemed ineligible to continue playing college sports because of it. >> reporter: the ruling is likely to strip him of his scholarship which would make him unable to pay for school. >> i'm not letting any of this ruin my. god closes some doors, maybe some others will open. it's about time to head down the road i guess. >> the biggest thing was collecting money for the videos. the school offered him the opportunity to continue making videos, just not getting paid for them. >> so he's making $4,000 making videos, but the scholarship is worth probably tens of thousands of dollars, maybe someday he'll be able to make it into the league, nfl. "game of thrones" is a huge money-maker, and it's not just hbo cashing in. >> movie tour locations are big business. we are getting a tour of the
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seven kingdoms. you're watching "world news now." i'm joy bauer, and as a nutritionist i know probiotics can often help. try digestive advantage. it's tougher than your stomach's harsh environment, so it survives a hundred times better than the leading probiotic. also in chocolate. probiotic bites!
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♪ i ruled the world ♪ imagine that ♪ i'd free all my ♪ ♪ if i ruled the world >> so. >> it's about traveling the world. and touring the seven kingdoms apparently is big business as "game of thrones" fans flock to the actual filming locations. >> okay. so no spoilers here, right? i thought there were six kingdoms when they first started the show. nick watt headed to belfast, northern ireland to check it
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out. >> reporter: winterfell castle last seen on hbo's "game of thrones" and in real life. not quite so alluring in person. >> they've taken this image, copied and pasted it and stuck it on the other side. >> reporter: cgi. no matter, the fans of arguably the greatest television show ever made, this is like a pilgrimage to the principal location, northern ireland. >> this is where it all began, the very opening sequence of "game of thrones" was filmed here. >> reporter: just one of many tours milking the connection. and you can see it all from the dark hedges to the iron islands. this is changing the society in this once restive province. >> people come along and they say, are you a catholic or are you a protestant. now so many people involved in "game of thrones" you're more
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likely to be stopped and asked if you're a lamester. >> reporter: it is worth $260 million plus to northern ireland in production and tourism. lights, camera, travel. tv and film tourism is booming worldwide. destination number one, new zealand, far away and oh, so filmy. want to fly over a "lord of the rings" set, be their gist. it's more than a $1 billion a year business. employing 14,000 locals, and brings in many more tourists. avatar was filmed down here, so was "lord of the rings." but it's the hobbit trilogy alone that has given the number one reason for coming by 18% of people. >> just one of the many transformations of los angeles. >> reporter: this is chase mcneill, leads location tours here in los angeles, home of the
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movies. what is it that makes people want to come and see the place where a movie was shown? >> i think it's the curiosity of how the sausage is made many they're wondering, how did the magician craft this experience for people. >> reporter: chase says he can't of stop taking in movies. >> they want more access to that fiction. >> reporter: back in winterfell, i mean northern ireland, will film sets and clips, pyramids of giza, maybe not, but. >> anybody who has not seen "game of thrones"? there is a bus stop we usually put them off here and they can walk back to the city. >> reporter: nick watt for "nightline." >> who would travel there because their favorite tv show
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was there. >> it's the shame stairs. you know where i went on my honeymoon? new zealand. thanks for loading, sweetie.
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resolve carpet care with five times benefits ♪ >> interesting. milo with a top five book. little league, as you know is packed with small kids with big dreams, and this one 11-year-old is certainly one of those. >> he's a small kid making a big impact. here's erik johnson. >> go to the base and listen to the coach, got it? >> reporter: at first blush, scanning the dugout of the apple sox, there is one player, a ball player's ball player who is for lack of a better word, different. >> what? >> reporter: but that's our word, not his. we use it only because we don't
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know any better. his teammates are better than that. >> he seems like everybody else. >> reporter: for the record, aden harris, the littlest leaguer has a form of dwarfism. he's 42 inches tall. more importantly, he has a big heart overflowing with joy. >> he's an aggressive, always wanting to get in the game. >> reporter: the things standing in aden's way never seem to stop him. but on the way to little league immortality, he's had some help. >> i was safe! >> no play fair and strive to win. >> reporter: when he said he wanted to play ball, they said they'd make it happen. he plays against kids younger than he is. the league reached out to every team in the league to make sure it was okay, and everybody said "let the kid play."
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and on the first night we saw him play, >> go, go, go, go, go! >> reporter: he ripped the best base hit of his life. all you need to know about aden harris was plastered all over his face standing there at first base. ah, the glory of it all. [cheers and applause] >> two outs! players on third! >> reporter: so no matter what happens down the line for the rest of his life, aden harris will know what it feels like to hit a ball on the screws. to bear down on the mound with a full count. >> there it is, there it is. >> reporter: to be a ball player. >> oh, my gosh. that is amazing. our thanks to comeau there. >> great for him and great for the kids who get to play with him. >> just that burst of energy, to have that on the field. >> i loved his expression in the opening shot, "what?" >> congrats to aden. that's the news
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this morning on "world news now," with a new sheriff in town, jeff sessions gets to stay in the saddle. >> after weeks of getting slammed by the president, the new white house chief of staff, john kelly assures sessions that his job as attorney general is safe. this as sessions' department of justice looks to take on the issue of affirmative action. we have details ahead. >> and a new republican-led effort to reform immigration is rolled out by the trump administration aiming to cut immigration by half and move english speakers to the front of the line. this as the president mentions high-profile phone calls that actually never happened. mt and it's a video tough to watch, but everyone is surprisingly okay. an officer's dash cam captures the scene as he goes flying through the air after a suspected drunk driver plows right into him during a traffic
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stop. hear what he's saying now. and here it is. the secret to getting more dates. >> i don't think my husband's going to like this. >> no, no, no. but this is a difficuefinitive . post pictures to your profile. i'll tell you what cities do the best. and get bert houtter hours so y actually go on a date. this is thursday, august 3rd. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> you don't have a lot of 5:00 a.m. takers? >> there are a lot of 5:00 a.m. takers, not sure what they are taking. >> not for a cup of coffee. we'll get more to that later. >> secrets to dating. but we begin this half hour with attorney general jeff sessions getting a vote of confidence from the white house. >> sources say the new white house chief of staff, john kelly told sessions that his job was safe despite a recent barrage of
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criticism from the president. he called him to reassure him that the white house was supportive of his work and wanted him to remain in that position. >> the president has repeatedly criticized him for recusing himself from the russia investigation. republicans came to sessions' defense and warned the president not to fire him. >> but sessions' department of justice is under fire this morning from civil rights groups. reports that the trump administration is planning to target affirmative action programs. >> the "new york times" cited a story over policies found to discriminate against white applicants. the justice department says it was a job posting. so president trump has grudgingly signed off on new sanctions against russia while blasting the bill as seriously flawed. >> the president opted against a
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public signing ceremony, as he lashed out at lawmakers over the legislation which prevents him from lifting the sanctions without congressional approval. abc's cecelia vega has more on that and the president's credibility being called into question. >> reporter: president trump so often criticized for being too soft on the kremlin, reluck it tantely signed into law tough new sanctions on russia, but for someone who seems to so enjoy a signing ceremony, the white house kept this one behind closed doors, away from the cameras. the president signing it but issuing scathing words at the same time. calling the legislation seriously flawed. and when we asked him about it. >> mr. president, why are the russia sanctions seriously flawed? >> reporter: no comment. congress had boxed the president into a corner. the bill passed by an overwhelming veto-proof majority. democrats and republicans. the president said he signed it for the sake of national unity, but in written statements he slammed lawmakers, saying they
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included a number of clearly unconstitutional pr unconstitutional provisions, adding i built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars, as president i can make far better deals with foreign countries than congress. senator john mccain from arizona where he is undergoing cancer treatment saying i hope the president will be as vocal about russia's aggressive behavior as he was about his concerns with this legislation. the president also facing tough questions about his own behavior after using a boy scout's jamboree last week to vent about politics. >> we won florida. we won south carolina. we won north carolina. we won pennsylvania. >> reporter: the president told "the wall street journal" the hid of the boy scouts personally called him to say it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful. but the political tone of that speech angered so many the boy scouts were actually forced to issue an apology. they said there was no phone
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call from scout leadership to the white house. the presidents also says he got a call from mexico's president praising his work on the border. >> the president of mexico called me, and he said their southern border, very few people are coming, they know they're not going to get through our border. >> reporter: but mexico says nope, that call didn't happen either. we asked the white house, did president trump lie? >> on mexico, he was referencing a conversation that thiey had hd at the g-20 summit. in terms of the boy scouts, multiple members of the leadership following the speech that day followed him, praised him. >> reporter: but the president said he specifically received a phone call. >> they were direct conversation. not phone calls. >> reporter: so he lied. >> i wouldn't say it was a lie. that's pretty bold accusation. it's a conversation took place that didn't take place over a phone call. he had them in person. >> i do not envy sarah sanders
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in those positions. i wouldn't call it a lie. it happened. thanks to cecelia vega. >> it happened a little differently. >> differently. the white house, president trump is backing a new republican proposal that would reduce the number of legal immigrants by half over the next ten years. >> the bill's author, senator perdue and senator cotton. it would favor those who are highly skilled workers and those who speak english ahead of those trying to enter the u.s. based on family connections. >> this will favor applicants who can speak english, financially support themselves and their families and demonstrate skills that will contribute to our economy. this legislation demonstrates our compassion for struggling american families who deserve an immigration system that puts their needs first. >> the legislation will replace
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the current process for obtaining legal permanent residency or green cards with a skill-based point system for employment visas. >> so the president says the measure will raise wages and create jobs, but critics are blasting the plan saying it would hurt industries like agriculture and the economy as a whole. the bill lacks needed support from republicans in congress, though, and a nearly identical bill failed to gain traction in congress in february of this year. and wall street kicks off trading today in record territory again after hitting a new milestone. >> the dow climbed above the 22,000 mark for the first time yesterday propelled by apple's healthy quarterly iphone sales. >> but many caution this is not the sign of a healthy economy. these gains have been built on a very narrow sector and unusual market conditions. weakness in other tech stocks has been holding back the nasdaq and s&p 500. two people are dead from a
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natural gas explosion at a private school in minneapolis. construction crews may have ruptured a gas line causing a blast and a portion of the school came crashing down. just moments ago the only person not accounted for was removed from the rubble of that academy. the man still missing was john carlson, a part-time janitor who also attended the school as a child and ruth berg, a receptionist at the school for 17 years also killed. >> this is a day of extraordinary heartbreak in minneapolis. the school is at the heart of a neighborhood and the heart of a community. this school is beloved. the people there are beloved. and this is a big loss for the city today. >> and overnight, neighbors and friends gathered at a church to honor the victims. several others were also injured, and four remain in the hospital, including one person in critical condition. residents of a small town were forced to leave their homes
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after a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in western pennsylvania. tankers with propane and molten sulphur caught fire. it was heading from chicago to new york when it crashed in the tiny town of hyndman. no word yet on what might have caused that incident. former fbi director james comey has signed a book deal estimated to be worth over2 million. the publisher says comey will write about leadership and decision making and share previously unheard anecdotes from his long career in government. it's expected to include the investigation into hillary clinton's private e-mail server and the accusations of ties between russia and donald trump's presidential campaign. the still-untitled book is due out next spring. so mad props to this couple here. you have to give respect to those who know how to get down. >> like us. >> yeah, except they're better than us, nick ahols.
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>> even those on stage start chanting for the couple. >> look at nick's moves. it's almost like, are they coordinated? >> oh, yeah, they know exactly what they're doing, these two. and then for this move. >> yeah, get it, get it, get it. so they've actually been spotted before. >> i love how they encouraged everyone around them who's seated to get up and start dancing themselves, but look at them go. >> this is at the mall around the holidays, apparently, they are local celebrities. >> nick and emma, come hang out with us. we love you. >> that is the epitome of relationship goals right there. i have to give them props for liking j. quad. >> they got it. they're ready to go. at some point, some guys come over and try to dance with emma,
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she's like, mm. i got this. coming up, the new trend for brides and grooms. many turning to elopement planners to help them plan their dream wedding. and the invisible danger in the latest incident of a police officer passing out while driving a ford suv. that vehicle testing positive for carbon monoxide exposure . e you're watching "world news now." clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from being embarassed by her parents? nope.
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so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. in new herbal essences it's bio:renew a blend of sea kelp, aloe and antioxidants that help bring your hair back to life. new herbal essences. let life in. if parts a and bcare and want more coverage. guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window.
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this was the scene in central washington town where a fire that destroyed vehicles and outbuildings is being blamed on a cat. a cat apparently climbed up a power pole. and this is the second fire in the area started bay cat >> what? >> in less than a month. believe it or not. and this comes as firefighters across the west are battling at least 48 fires fueled by a heat wave. in missoula, montana a second firefighter has died after being hit by a tree. that one's grown to more than
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6300 acres. these fires are being fueled in part by scorching temperatures across the northwest that could set all-time highs. >> who knew there were arsonist cats out there. >> many. new video of a driver slamming his car into a police officer. the officer is okay. matt lessle was on a traffic stop when the car crashed into him, tossing him into the air. he said it felt like he was in a washing machine. he landed in the road and was able to move out of the way as other cars zoomed past. he fractured a vertebrae and will be off the job understandably for at least a month. the driver of the car has been charged with intoxicated assault. he is urging drivers to slow down and move away when driving past traffic stops. >> it's amazing to see him get up in the video. and we turn now to what appears to be a new case of carbon monoxide in a police cruiser. >> this time a massachusetts officer passing out behind the
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che wheel, crashing into another driver. >> reporter: another case of an officer passing out behind the wheel and having an accident, allegedly after unsafe exposure to carbon monoxide. this crash happened in newport beach, california, the new case in massachusetts. >> he'd just been involved in an accident and had passed out and hit another vehicle. >> reporter: the auburn officer lost control, struck a car at a stop sign and wound up in a church parking lot across the street. he's been hospital identified. so has a second officer who also tested positive for carbon monoxide exposure. it's the latest in a series of troubling incidents involving late-model ford police suvs. the austin, texas police department took nearly 400 vehicles offer the streets after officers there reported getting sick from the fumes. ford says it is sending engineers to auburn to inspect their vehicles and modifications
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made to them. ford says that it's the modifications that police departments make to those vehicles that may be the cause of the problem because they have drill holes in order to install equipment that officers need. in any case, ford says it will fix all of the vehicles that are experiencing problems. meanwhile, federal highway safety officials are also sending investigators. david wright, abc news, new york. coming up in our next half hour. thousands of americans turning up at job fairs across the country vying for 50,000 amazon jobs. but first, ditch the big wedding without ditching the big moments. we'll tell you about the latest trend in weddings. that's coming up on "world news now."
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♪ we dwrgot to get out when we' young ♪ ♪ because baby, we were born to run ♪ ♪ >> that's an unusual way to use "born to run." so it used to be all you needed to do to elope was you had a bride. you had a guy. you had a groom. and you had a guy in an elvis suit. but for some modern couples, that just won't do. >> they want to skip the big wedding but not the big memories
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or maybe more honestly, the big instagram posts. so they're turning to elopement planners for help. >> reporter: he is getting ready for her wedding day. like many brides, she has her glam squad, her dressmaker and of course there's her groom. at a glance, it looks like a typical wedding, except for one thing. lori and john are eloping. >> it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife and you may kiss your bride. >> i was looking at weddings, have a wedding for $10,000, and at that was a small wedding. we just decided, let's just elope. >> reporter: but lori and john wanted something more than getting married at a courthouse. lori came across a local company that specialized in, you guessed it, elopements. >> i bring the cupcakes. i similar to
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wedding planners, except. floor and linens on a table. >> we didn't have to do anything. the company did everything for us. it was great. >> reporter: and in an era dominated by social media, more couples are choosing to spend money eloping in style, often in scenic destinations that look great oon instagram. >> i think a lot of couples these days are trying to be really smart about their decisions and instead of spending $20,000, $30,000 toward a wedding they're putting that toward a house, a car, having a child, going on a great vacation. >> reporter: so while running away to vegas may never be out of style, more and more couples decide to elope like this. >> it was fun, eloping was really fun. we got to run off and get married. >> just rerks amember all those people you left behind at work, they may not be so happy that
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you were eloping and leaving them behind. >> wedding gifting is very expensive. >> wedding planning, it's more
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♪ a cold, a bug, a flu ♪ when school was back in session ♪ ♪ those germs were shared with you ♪ each year kids miss 22 million school days due to illness. but lysol kills 99.9% of cold and flu viruses. this clean was like pow! everything well? my teeth are glowing. they are so white. step 1 cleans. step 2 whitens. crest [hd]. 6x cleaning*, 6x whitening*á i would switch to crest [hd] over what i was using before.
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. ♪ okay, time now for "the mix." and we have finally got the answer if you are a single person, if you're out there on one of these dating apps. >> like those are two separate categories. if you're single or -- >> you know, trying to run game. here is how to get more traction out of your app. >> oh. >> the popular dating app hinge has found that certain photos you post gets you the most likes. >> are they random ones where you're standing outside and running? >> i might have had four of those in the last week. but i digress. no, travel photos, especially a certain location. women, if you post a photo of
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you in maui or hawaii. >> ooh, hey now. what's up people. >> it gets 60% more likes on this dating app. >> how ya doin'? maui? i got to tell my husband about this one. >> it works. for men, if you take photos of you in munich, germany. perhaps with a bunch of other fellow germans while you're watching world cup action. >> how about that guy. you want to date that guy? >> the guy with the flag. >> the guy with the flag. that photo is more popular than any other photo, staggeri staggering 210%. >> maui and munich. h huh. >> keep us posted on how that works out for you. everyone, parents will now this one very well, when the kid gets ahold of the sharpy marker and goes a little nutso on the
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wall. one mother decided to make the best of that. check it out. she's an artist. and this reddit user posted a photo of it. instead of cleaning up the mess, the mom decided to turn it into a piece of art. she says this is when a creative kid has a creative mom. impressive, isn't politely post bring back my wheelbarrow. and then the wheelbarrow was brought back, which proceeded, thank you for bringing back my wheelbarrow. on to the latest workout craze, and by latest, i mean we do it first. this is the new bungee class in arizona. it's a 75-minute class with bungee cords attached.
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this morning on "world news now." down one for immigration. the plan to cut legal immigration by half and how it sparked a bizarre exchange in the white house briefing room. but does the congress have enough support to consider it. pool chemicals sickened dozens of children, sending many to the hospital. we'll talk about the wrong mixture of chemicals that caused toxic fumes. and new this half hour, tens of thousands of people descend on amazon locations across the country. >> we find out what everyone's looking for beyond just the job. and sofia vergara going commando. on the cover of "women's health" magazine. proving age ain't nothing but a number. what's the secret to looking so good at 45.
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she reveals all in "the skinny" on this thursday. it's august 3rd. tom brady's birthday! from abc news, this is "world news now." why are you so excited about tom brady's birthday? >> i don't know. somebody back here reminded me that today's tom brady's birthday, and he turns 40. >> congratulations, everybody. >> i guess. all right. >> okay. we'll move on. president trump. >> because we're big tom brady fans. >> we'll go from somebody turning 40 to 45. that's the best i have for transition there. president trump backing a republican plan that would cut legal immigration by half over the next ten years. >> the president rolled out some of the legislation's details, which included favoring highly-skilled workers over those with family ties for legal residency. >> the president's push for immigration reform led to a heated war of words in the briefing room over the statue of liberty's real meaning.
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we begin with abc's emily row. >> this competitive application process will favor applicants who can speak english, financially support themselves and their families and demonstrate skills that will contribute to our economy. >> reporter: president trump joining two republican senators to introduce an immigration overhaul bill, aimed at cutting the number of legal immigrants by 50% over the next ten years. >> over 50% of our households of legal immigrants today participate in our social welfare system. >> reporter: senators david perdue and tom cotton say it's time to give priority to highly-skilled immigrants who can support themselves and speak english. the pair first introduced a similar bill was presented in february. it didn't get much traction then and already some republicans are speaking out against it. >> this idea of skewing the entire green card pool to one area of the economy i think is very misplaced.
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>> reporter: lindsey graham saying he supports merit-based immigration but worries about the legislation's impact on agriculture, tourism industries. democrats calling it an affront to american values and a threat to the u.s. economy. >> this legislation demonstrates our compassion for struggling american families who deserve an immigration system that puts their needs first and that puts america first. >> reporter: supporters of the bill say this would help low-skilled american workers compete, but critics say that's not the case. the u.s. chamber of commerce and some democrats arguing that it would make things harder for businesses and hurt the u.s. economy. diane and kendis? >> our thanks, emily, there in d.c. a briefing on the immigration plan turned into a heated showdown between steven miller and cnn's jim acosta. >> the poem at the statue of liberty that embraces immigrants was at the center ever that clash. it was cited by acosta when he
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asked if the proposed immigration reform was in keeping with american ideals. >> the statue of liberty says give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. it doesn't say anything about speaking english or being able to be a computer programmer. >> i don't want to get into a whole thing about history here, but the statue of liberty is a symbol of liberty and lighting the world. a symbol of american liberty lighting the world. the poem that you're referring to was added later. it's not actually part of the original statue of liberty. >> this whole notion of they have to learn english before they get to the united states, are we just going to bring in people from great britain and australia? >> this is an amazing moment that you think only people from great britain or australia would speak english is so insulting to millions of hard-working
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immigrants who do speak english. >> from all over the world. >> you're trying to engineer the racial and ethnic -- >> that is one of the most yowl outrageous, insulting and ignorant things you have ever said. the fact that you think is a racist bill is so wrong and so insulting. >> for you, that's treading down quite a path there. >> whenever i first met you and we came on set and you talk about how you're from long island. and i'm like when you say anything, it shows your cosmopolitan bias. >> it's lon-gisland. >> i don't know what cosmopolitan bias means, but
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does he not like "vogue" magazine? >> there's a big concentration in the cities. so they say that people have a bias if they live there. >> steven miller being from santa monica. >> cosmopolitan. president trump has reluctantly signed a new package of sanctions against russia but he called it seriously flawed. >> the president approved the legislation behind closed doors and coupled it with a scathing statement accusing congress of encroaching on his authority. the veto-proof measure prevents the president from lifting the sanction without consent from congress. >> despite the criticism, he said he signed it for the sake of national unity. and attorney general jeff sessions is apparently out of the woods at least for now. sources say president trump's new chief of staff john kelly told sessions that his job is safe and that the white house is supportive of his work. the president has been angry with sessions for recusing himself from the russia probe, he also unleashed a series of
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blistering tweets. calling sessions beleaguered and weak. the white house insists president trump was not lying when he claimed to have received two recent phone calls that actually never happened. he said mexico's president called him to compliment him on the border, but mexico says there was no such phone call. and he said he got a phone call from the head of the boy scouts praising him for his speech. to the troops. scout leadership, who was forced to apologize for the political tone of that speech said actually never happened either. the press secretary sarah sanders insists the conversations took place but not by phone. >> and the president's also disputing a report that he called the white house a dump. in an article posted on, sources say he made the comments to those at his golf course in new jersey explaining why he spent so much time on the weekends at his own properties. the president issued a denial last night tweeting i love the
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white house, one of the most beautiful buildings, homes i have ever seen, but fake news said i called it a dump. totally untrue. two u.s. service members have been killed after their convoy was attacked in southern afghanistan. military officials say a suicide bomber hit the convoy of international troops in kandahar. the taliban quickly claimed responsibility for that attack. the two deaths brings the total number of u.s. service members killed in afghanistan this year to nine. an investigation is under way in durham, north carolina where a chemical leak caused the evacuation of the downtown ymca and also closed surrounding streets. the leak affected 40 children, ages 6-12 and at least two adults. most were treated and released. authorities say the leak involve the chemicals used for disinfecting the pool which reacted with each other, releasing new york citious --
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noxious fumes. 39 of the victims were reportedly in the pool at the time of the leak. fire officials add that the leak appears to have been caused by a mechanical issue. record producer, shug night has been indicted for making criminal threats. he is accused of threatening the life of "straight out of compton" director for how he was portrayed in the movie. knight is currently in jail awaiting trial for the murder of a man in a compton parking lot two years ago. now to the cutest video you might have seen all day. a video of a man trying to make a food delivery. >> the puppies just kept getting under his feet, so he couldn't really make the delivery. they even jumped into the grocery bins.
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>> all he's trying to do, the first roll the dolly, then decides i'll just carry them. >> everything turned out jut fine. he was able to make the delivery, eventually. and he made a few friends in the process. >> how cute is that? >> that's got to be the cutest video of the day. >> p >> puppies. puppies for everyone. >> maybe he was delivering puppy snacks. >> puppy chow? >> exactly. thousands show up for job fairs in cities for a chance to work for the online powerhouse. and coming up in "the skinny," how the "star wars" morey movie is going to send out princess leia. first, let's take a look at today's forecast. world news weather, brought to you by united health care.
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my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it this was the scene just hours ago at the ventura county fair in california where three people were rescued from a bungee jump ride. one of them stuck upside down.
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officials say it was caused by mechanical malfunction of the crane carrying a box of jumpers. no one was injured. >> luckily. >> no thank you, though. thousands of people have new jobs this morning after being hired by amazon on the spot at job fairs across the country. >> and many applicants were looking for jobs but also something else. here's gio benitez. >> reporter: from coast-to-coast as many as 50,000 people have new job offers, standing in line for hours to get hired by online retail giant amazon. >> i'm ready. i can do this. i'm going to get a job today. >> reporter: marty mussman works part time and came here for the benefits. almost all of the jobs here are full-time. he got offered. >> i'm 56 years old. there aren't a lot of places that want to hire someone over 50. >> reporter: this stay-at-home mom needed a job too, and got one. >> i'm going to call my husband. >> reporter: what do you think he's going to say? >> he's going to be happy. the extra income's going to be
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beneficial. he's military, so we don't make great pay. >> reporter: amazon schooled to hire 100,000 people throughout the next year. hosting these amazon job fairs across 12 states. the company's success causing concern for some. american malls are losing ground and experts tell us that shift means 5 million traditional retail jobs could be gone in the next decade. >> i guess sort of like another prime day, except they give you jobs and give you money. when we come back, sofia vergara bearing all for "women's health" magazine. and "sharknado" five. it's happening. "the skinny" is next. shark nadeau five. it's happening.
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♪ skinny ♪ so skinny it is your thursday skinny, and we are kicking things off
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with the sexy, sultry, sofia vergara, 45 years old, looking amazing on the cover of "women's health", baring it all for this issue. >> she says it's acceptable for a woman of her age to show off her body. >> this is the second time she's been in the buff this year, causing her husband joe manganiello to wonder if this is going to become a regular thing. >> being naked, i think is powerful, sensual, and it can be fun. i have always been very comfortable with my body. i'm latin, so we grow up going to the beach in a g-string. >> we need to go to more latin beaches, don't we, clearly? do you think like in colombia she's a 2? or is she legit a 10? >> no, i think she's a 10. >> she talks about her diet.
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thursdays are her cheat day in which she enjoys a very large pancake powdered sugar, strawberries and side of eggs. >> oh, yeah, that counts. >> and her every day, she works out three to four times a week with a trainer, and she's had her gigantic, her words, not mine, assets since she was 13. >> something in the water? >> in colombia? been to colombia. >> we've got to start eating some pancakes and strawberries. >> got to go to bogota. i think there's a straight flight from new york to bogota. and the actor who plays the storm trooper finn in the new "star wars" movies is giving us a little glimpse of how they're dealing with the passing of carrie fisher this past december. >> he's opened up to peter traverse about what it was like working with her and how princess leia will appear for the last time on-screen in "the last jedi." >> this movie does her love.
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it sends her off in a very amazing, amazing way. she's still kept alive in this franchise. that's beauty of it. >> he also says in that interview that the two have many scenes together in the upcoming movie. that's a little nugget of info we didn't have before. and he talked about the moment the cast found out about her death, saying that everyone just went silent. >> understandably there. now, a case of life imitating art. back in 2015, sci-fi was casting for its movie "sharknado" 3. and they were looking for a president. well, they wanted to cast, you guessed it, donald trump. >> apparently, they got pretty far along in the negotiations when trump went silent. then after that he announced he was going to make a real run for president. things worked out pretty well. >> i'd say so. but trump wasn't too happy with who producers cast in his place, business rival, mark cuban. >> ah-oh. >> yeah. >> you might remember those two
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have a real-life rivalry. >> mm-hm. so in case you're wondering, "sharknado 5", the global swarming airs this sunday. have you seen a single one of these movies? >> i have not, actually, but i kind of want to. maybe we should bing watch all five. wall to wall "sharknado". >> they're based on fact. >> are you a fan? >> yes. michael phelps was going to appear in the movies, but he doesn't want it appear on camera with a real shark. >> a real shark? and finally, our own michael strahan is on the mend following an accident that we don't think involved a shark but it did leave him sidelined. >> he was back to work on "good morning, america" yesterday where he shared the news with viewers, showing off his bandage there, he said he lost part of his finger. and although we don't know the details of the injury we do wish him a speedy recovery. >> maybe it was a shark. >> it could have been. >> "sharknado".
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coming up, breaking the mold and turning clay into clicks. stay with us. mold and turning clay into clicks. olay eyes
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new deep hydrating eye gel with hyaluronic acid born to outperform the #1... prestige eye cream for better hydration. and your best look yet. olay eyes collection. ageless. i love you, droolius caesar, but sometimes you stink. febreze car vent clip cleans away odors for up to 30 days. because the things you love can stink.
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♪ ♪ >> your duck face is on point. >> there are so many different faces. at least you're consistent with beautiful smile. i'm just like -- >> i just tasted food for the first time. >> all right. speaking of doing it for the gram, let's get do an artist heating up the gram by spinning his potter's wheel. >> he's getting reactions he never expected. here's abc's rebecca jarvis. >> reporter: prepare to be mesmerized. eric landon is the artist behind these hypnotizing videos. taking the internet by storm,
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reminiscent of that pottery scene in "ghost." with just a lump of clay and handiwork, eric is wracking up thousands of views on instagram. >> this is the kind of thing that keeps me coming back. i imagine it's like surfing, you hit a good wave and it feels so good. >> reporter: but he wasn't always keen on sharing his artistic process. >> my brother came up with the idea that i should maybe open an instagram account. i was a little reluctant. i'm not so fond of new technologies, but i thought why not give it a go. >> reporter: since then, the videos he films here in his copenhagen studio have taken on a life of their own. >> there's no fancy setup. just an iphone and the pieces i maid. when i first started the videos my focus was to put a light on this work i've been doing for years and years and years. >> reporter: while eric's focus may be on his work that can sell
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for over $1,000. >> each piece i make is unique. >> reporter: some of his followers are more focussed on the potter himself. the huffington post writing, we could watch this sexy ceramicist play with clay all day every day. >> taking on this role as a little bit of a sex symbol is a little, it's kind of new for me. it's not something they train you for at the design school. >> reporter: but he says in the end it all adds to the artistry. >> i think today people don't just fall in love with art or with ceramics. they fall in love with the people who create these things and instagram is a good way to show the things that inspire us and make our work a lot more personal. >> reporter: rebecca jarvis, abc news. >> eric now has 699,000 followers on instagram. >> doesn't hurt that he's attractive as well. >> he's easy on the eyes. >> it's very easy to just get into that. ♪ oh, my love
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making news in america this morning, new reaction overnight to the trump administration's controversial immigration plan. it's a proposal that's already sparking some heated conversation. >> no, this is an amazing -- this is an amazing moment. this is an amazing moment. >> plus, overnight the president reacts to report that's called the white house a dump. we're live in washington. and point of clarification, those phone calls from the boy scouts and the president of mexico. president trump spoke about them in detail but both organizations and the country say they never made those calls. so did the president lie? we have new details this morning in a deadly school explosion. what investigators are saying as another body is pulled from the rubble. new this morning people trapped high above a fair after a


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