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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  April 24, 2017 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. president trump, the first 100 days. and tonight, the other countdown, just days until a possible government shutdown. the high-stakes showdown, should american taxpayers pay to build the wall on the mexican border? at least at first, the president wants it in the budget. also tonight, the people speak. how do they grade president trump on the first 100 days. our trip across the country. what voters told me. from some, unwavering support. for others, the frustration mounting. the showdown with north korea takes a new and troubling turn. north korea detaining an american citizen and threatening to sink the "uss carl vinson." the massive flooding in the east tonight, the system moving up the east coast. d.c., philadelphia,
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new york city hit next. rob marciano standing by. and the uproar onboard. first, it was united, now american airlines. the flight attendant and the family with a stroller. good evening. it's great to have you with us on a monday night. we begin what could be the most important week for the trump presidency so far. that other countdown tonight, the government running out of money saturday. his 100th day. he wants the wall along the mexican border in the budget. some democrats say it's a nonstarter and our new poll finds president trump with a 42% approval rating. that's the lowest of any president since 1945, but a very telling number tonight of those who voted for him 96% say they would absolutely vote for him
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again. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl leading us off. >> reporter: forget the 100 days milestone. the top agenda item in washington this week may be keeping the government from shutting down. funding runs out midnight friday, and right now the two sides are locked in a disagreement over whether the next spending bill will include money to start work on president trump's border wall. >> how confident are you that there will not be a shutdown? can you from that podium guarantee that there will not be a government shutdown? >> i can't guarantee. >> how close can you get to a guarantee? >> they feel very confident that that won't happen. >> so he won't insist that his priorities get funded on the border, the wall, increased security? >> that's not what i said. >> reporter: democrats are saying there's no way they'll agree to money for the wall. the white house says it's the president's top priority. although during the campaign he offered a different idea on how to pay for it. >> and who's gonna pay for the wall? >> mexico! >> who's gonna pay for the wall? >> mexico!
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>> who's gonna pay for the wall? >> mexico! >> i've never done that before. that's actually cute. >> reporter: shortly after taking office, the president told david muir at first taxpayers would likely foot the bill and then get paid back. >> are you going to direct u.s. funds to pay for this wall or will american taxpayers pay for the wall? >> we're gonna be starting those negotiations relatively soon, and we will be in a form reimbursed by mexico which i -- >> so they'll pay us back? >> absolutely. 100%. >> reporter: as for the 100 days marker -- >> in my first 100 days. in our first 100 days -- just think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days. >> reporter: the president has certainly shaken up washington, signing more than two dozen executive orders, he's on pace to sign more in 100 days than any president since fdr. but during the campaign, he promised action on ten different pieces of legislation in his first 100 days.
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but he's only move forward with one so far, with repeal and replace obamacare. >> right now, he's 0 for 10. only one of those has actually been introduced. >> right, and i think he's going to continue to work with congress. as he says in that document, "i will work with congress to achieve these things. we are going to continue to work with congress to achieve those." >> but why have nine of them not even been introduced? >> i think, when you look at what he has done, the supreme court justice, the executive orders, the number of legislation. there's a lot that has gotten done. >> there's a scramble this week to get things down before day, including talks on reviving the health care plan. and the white house promises a new tax plan will be released wednesday. in an interview with the ap, the president acknowledged that succeeding in government is more complicated than business. "everything, pretty much everything you do in government involves heart," he said. "whereas, in business most things don't involve heart. in fact, in business you're actually better off without it." >> so, let's get to jon karl.
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as you know, national security also playing a big role in the first 100 days. . the strike in syria, the bomb in afghanistan and now we're learning all 100 u.s. senators have been invited to the white house for a briefing by the president on north korea. >> by the president's national security team. including the secretaries of state and defense. the director of national intelligence and the chairman of joints chief of staff. david, it's not unusual to have a briefing like this. what's highly unusual for it to happen here at the white house. >> you'll be watching all week long. john karl leading us off. one of the key sticking points in the budget, funding the wall on the mexican border. should the taxpayers foot the bill first after promises during the campaign that mexico would pay for it. >> returning to capitol hill tonight, lawmakers stepping into a standoff over the president's border wall.
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the president wants the american taxpayer to fund it, at least at first. >> i'm going to sport the president. >> reporter: that push could be pushing the government to the brink of a shutdown. what's your message to the democrats? >> there are some things they want and that's kind of horse trading. if you draw a line in the sand people usually do that, wind up getting more blame than others who don't. >> reporter: their message to the president -- back off. >> if the president wouldn't throw this border wall into t s this, we would have funding. >> this is just a down payment. you're shaking your head. >> show me. let's hear the plan. >> all right, so both sides digging in tonight. mary bruce with us live from capitol hill. as we heard, lot of debate over whether taxpayers will pay for the wall sf. >> one thing that both sides agree on, no one wants to see a
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government shutdown. this doesn't necessarily mean that a deal will be reached this week. they'll pass a short-term extension to buy them some more time to negotiate. >> north korea upping the ante with the united states with a new and troubling move tonight. taking an american teacher into custody as he was about to return home. and the new threat to sink that u.s. carrier group. president trump in a new round of phone calls with china and japan and a new round of meeting with the u.n. security council. abc's bob woodruff in north korea. >> reporter: tonight, american tony kim remains in custody. the 58-year-old professor arrested in north korea while trying to leave the country. he has yet to be charged with a crime. he is one of three americans being held. >> please save my life. >> reporter: the other two serving lengthy prison sentences. tensions between the united states and the regime is reaching new highs.
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a message delivered by state-run media warning the aircraft carrier uss carl vinson could be sunk with a single strike. the "vinson," now heading to the korean peninsula. >> welcome to the white house. >> reporter: today, president trump is hosting a rare meeting with the united nations security council, pressuring them to act. >> people have put blindfolds on for decades, and we have to solve the problem. >> reporter: mr. trump also spoke by phone with china's president, and the two reaffirmed the urgency of the north korean threat. trump also accepted president xi's invitation to china later this year. david? >> bob woodruff our thanks to you, bob. president trump now approaching the 100-day mark. tonight, here we were out all america this weekend. tonight, here, our trip to pennsylvania. to michigan, to wisconsin. where you'll remember just 77,000 votes across those three states decided the election.
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what grade do they give president trump? we want to know, do you agree with any of the voters you're about to hear from? the first 100 days, we had to monroe county, pennsylvania, where about 500 votes separated donald trump and hillary clinton. frank, a vietnam vet voted trump. we're nearly 100 days into the administration, what are your thoughts so far. >> little disappointed. >> how so. >> he couldn't get the health care bill through. and he's having all kind of problems with the democrats. so it's a little disappointing. i don't blame him. >> who do you blame? >> the democrats. >> reporter: down en route 209, a nursy, where they say the election is offlimits. a navy vet works at the nursery. first 100 days, what's your report card? >> f and if i could give him a lower grade i would. >> why?
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what stands out? >> the showdown with north korea. >> concerns you? >> that also concerns china and he's -- he's never made it a secret that he would use nuclear bombs and that scares me. i personally think by the time he's done we're going to be in world war iii. >> reporter: a retired construction worker, a marine. the report card, what would you give him. >> a b-plus. >> why? >> he's been doing what he said he was going to do. >> reporter: on main street in stroudsburg, a local sportswriter. >> if i had to grade him, i'd say about a "c." i voted for hillary. the one thing that i really didn't approve of is him taking action with syria. >> reporter: we traveled to
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saginaw county, michigan. the difference 1% between hillary clint hillary clinton and donald trump. what grade. >> b-minus. i think he can't do everything on his own. that's many message that's getting lost. people want people in washington, d.c., to work together and they're not. i think the stonewalling isn't helping somebody like me. it's not helping people in the middle. >> good to see you. if you had to give a grade what would it be? >> i think i would be give him a b-plus. >> why is that. >> just the twitter. >> the twitter? the tweets bother you sf. >> well, i don't really read them but i know when somebody gets under his skin he starts twittering. i think he should grow up. >> did anyone at this table vote
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for hillary clinton. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no? >> my mother did. >> we find vicky lawrenson in h front law. how long was it >> saved by her phone for a moment. the sun is out today. you didn't feel this way right after the election. how long did it take until you got to place where you were more helpful. >> a couple months. >> a marine and shopping for a car. are you going to get it. >>. >> they gave the same answer on president. if you had to give president trump a grade what would it be? >> probably a d-minus. >> a d-minus. >> what bothers you the most.
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>> the drainage of the swamp frustrates me. you look at this guy's cabinet and you can tell he loves the swamp. he loves it. i mean, he has a bunch of billionaires there. >> in wisconsin, donald trump won here by 109 votes. marlene buchanan worries about her disabled grandson and her country. >> i'm very uncomfortable with donald trump. >> compared to the obama administration i think he's willing to make harsher decisions and, you know, do things that, you know, the obama administration was afraid to do. >> lot of opinions on both sides. we want to know what you think tonight. make sure all voters are heard here. tweet your opinion. in the meantime overseas tonight, from france this evening, shock waves after the first round of the presidential election there, the major
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parties completely shut out now. the runoff now between two upstarts a far-right nationalist opposed to the european union and nato. and a moderate centrist who has never held office before. just 39-year-old. next tonight here, a stormy week ahead for much of the country, the flood threat already closing dozens of schools in tennessee. a teen rescued near nashville clinging to a pole after riding his bicycle into the rushing waters. the streets of charleston, tonight, turned to rivers. that storm as i mentioned headed northward. let's turn to rob marciano. >> reporter: david, that carolina storm is impressive. dumped a half a foot of rain in spots. the flood threat is still up.
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in north carolina. it spins up the coast tomorrow. by 7:00 a.m. it's in d.c., baltimore and philly. by 7:00 p.m. it's in new york city. we do have a severe weather threat tomorrow. more so on wednesday from she reeveport, to little rock and an even larger system with potential tornadoes as we get closer to the weekend. >> rob will be tracking it for us there's still much more ahead on this monday -- the chaos in the cabin. american airlines, the fight with the family over the stroller. we're following that deadly shooting inside an office building today. employees evacuated the five-alarm fire, the apartment complex up in flames. the nearby college forced to close. and we're moderating that new head line about elton john. news coming in on his condition. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again?
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one of its flight attendants. his heated confrontation with a mother over her stroller. here's abc's linsey davis. >> you can't use violence with baby! just give me back my stroller please! >> reporter: more turbulence tonight after this clash in the cabin between a mother and flight attendant after she boarded with her twins' double-wide stroller which was supposed to be checked at the gate. >> very upset. he grabbed and just pulled it off, sort of violently yanked it, and then stormed off the plane with it. >> reporter: this passenger on board the american airlines flight friday intervened. >> hey bud, hey bud, you do that to me, and i'll knock you flat! >> hey, you stay out of this! you stay out of this! >> come on. try it. >> reporter: american airlines, immediately removed that crew member from duty, apologized, and put the mother on another flight, upgrading her to first class with a $1,000 voucher and a full refund. [ screams ] >> reporter: that woman has now hired the same lawyer representing dr. david dao, the passenger who was dragged off that united airlines flight.
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>> they understood maybe by united mishap. but the fact is, yeah, they said the right thing. >> reporter: the female passenger is now back in argentina. the flight attendant remains on paid leave while the incident is being investigated. david? >> linsey davis with us. thanks, linsey. when we come back here -- sheryl sandberg, her new and candid book after the sudden death of her husband. the dead lie shooting inside an office building. elton john's health scare. we have news on his condition. se crohn's disease,... ...i was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i had it covered. then i realized managing was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief... ...and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections...
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. to the index of other news tonight and the five-alarm fire in college park, maryland. battling smoke and flames at a six-story apartment complex that was under construction. the complex near the university of maryland smokey conditions forcing the school nearby to close. the deadly shooting inside a dallas office building. police say an angry employee locked himself in the meeting room, killing his female
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supervisor and then himself. employees evacuated from the building. . no word tonight on a possible motive elton john's health scare, the singer forced to cancel performances after being hospitalized. he spent two days in the intensive care in the uk before being released. he said he contracted the illness during a tour in south america. he plans to return to the stage on june. facebook's coo revealing the moment she found her husband dave goldberg dead in a hotel gym. her new book describing the moment she had to tell her children and then their resilience in coping with the grief and then finding happiness nearly two years later. >> happiness isn't about every big thing about being perfect in our life. happiness are the small things that we notice. >> sand integ on the board of
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abc's parent company, disney. when we come back here tonight -- america strong. the new record set this morning before many of us woke up. our interview tonight with the american astronaut. she made history in space today. the dna day sale is here. get your ancestrydna kit. spit. mail it in. learn about you and the people and places that led to you. go explore your roots. take a walk through the past. meet new relatives. and see how a place and its people are all a part of you. ancestrydna. save 20% through wednesday at tyler hicks: i see fear. i see desperation. but i also see hope. thousands of people arriving every day, risking their lives to find a place to live,
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honor to break a record like this. >> reporter: but dr. whitson has been breaking barriers since she began at nasa, the first woman to command the space station. eight space walks, most by a female astronaut. the biochemist grew up on an iowa farm, watching the moon landing at age 9, and a dream was born. nasa ground crews, amazed at her ability to get work done in inside and outside the station. >> i got to get my bag. >> reporter: have dubbed it the "peggy factor." >> in order for us to exploration going to mars. >> reporter: are we going to mars sf. >> i absolutely believe we will. the sooner the better i think. >> reporter: a goal closer to reality because of her record. david kerley, abc news, washington. >> we're cheering on peggy tonight. and i hope to see you right
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congressman macarthur promised to protect our health care. but when right-wing politicians tried to pass a disastrous health care repeal bill that raises costs and cuts coverage, macarthur wouldn't oppose them. macarthur wouldn't protect us from a bill that raises premiums and causes 24 million to lose their insurance. wouldn't oppose a massive "age tax" on people over 50. but supported a 600 billion tax break for the wealthy. tell tom macarthur - stop trying to repeal our health care.
7:00 pm
this is "jeopardy!" here are today's contestants -- a software engineer from santa barbara, california... a library assistant from hoffman estates, illinois... and our returning champion, a social security administration attorney from alexandria, virginia... ...whose 1-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! [ cheers and applause ] thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen. today is a very special day for all of us here at "jeopardy!" it is day one of the great galápagos sweepstakes. for the next two weeks, you folks at home have an opportunity to win a trip


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