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tv   Action News at 530 AM  ABC  October 29, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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you, it is 5:30 a.m., october 29 here's some of the stories we're following on "action news." a big late october surprise for hillary clinton, the fbi is looking into e-mails once again. details on with a sparked the new investigation. plus, crews rush two teenagers to the hospital after they are shot in wilmington. today marks four years since super-storm sandy barreled a shore and destroyed parts of the jersey shore. thank you for waking up with us, those stories and more in just a moment, but first, meteorologist source is here on a saturday morning like yous are.
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it is going to be warm today. >> reporter: it's going to be warm. >> no 90s. >> reporter: no, but compared to the 50s, your body will be like what's going on here. it's quiet and chilly, the winds have calmed down, as well. we're down to 31 in quakertown. matters creek, ouch, 29. pilots, -- pottstown, 31, in the 30s across south jersey. we have a cold front pushing across new york that will slide to today anticipate tomorrow. today and tomorrow. today and tomorrow is called
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prefrontal. the call from accuweather, sun and clouds, this is a warm breeze, 69 degrees, the normal is 62. tomorrow is even warmer and then there's a cool down for halloween. when i come back in just a few minutes i'll have the details in the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. gray. >> thank you so much, look forward to the update. it is now, 5:32 a.m., more drama on the campaign trail this morning. the latest shock to hit the hillary clinton campaign is resonating across the political landscape. fbi is looking into newly discovered e-mails found on a computer belonging to clinton's long time aid huma abedin long time wife of former congressman weiner. they were found while he was sending message to a
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15-year-old. hillary clinton is calling on comey for more details. >> the american people deserve to get more facts immediately. the director himself have said he doesn't know whether the e-mails referenced in his letter are significant or not. >> in july, comey announced he would not bring charges against clinton while using an e-mail serve server as secretary of state. donald trump responded to the news of the fbi discovery. >> i've had some words about the fbi lately, but i give them great credit for having the courage to right this horrible wrong. justice will prevail. >> trump went on to accused hillary clinton to try to politicalize the investigation. trump's running mate mike pence
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was in bucks county stumping for votes yesterday. the news of the hillary clinton e-mails excited trump supporters hoping for the surge they need in the last days of the election. >> we call on the fbi to immediately release all the e-mails pertinent to the reopen investigation the american people have a right to know. >> it didn't take much for mike pence to fire up the crowd in bensalem, pennsylvania. the latest chapter in the e-mail saga shows her leading in the important battleground state, but pennsylvania is too close to call. trump's faithful are encouraged. >> i think it was the right thing to do. >> it made my my day. it could swing the election. >> at a rally in reading, bill
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clinton didn't make mention of the controversy, but some said -- >> this is horrible. >> reporter: clinton supporters said there's no accusation of wrong doing by secretary clinton and don't think it will lead to a shocker on election day. >> most people know how they feel about the whole e-mail situation. this really solidifies whichever way you lean toward on the e-mail sector. >> you can expect both campaigns to pay plenty of attention to both him campaigns, and donald trump is expected to return to philadelphia on the art museum steps on tuesday. >> you can keep track of all the news on the campaign trail by downloading our free news
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app. two teenage boys k shot in wilmington, crews transported them to the hospital in critical condition. both victims were only 16 years old. both were shot along the 2600 block of north market street. police got to the scene around 1115 -- 11:15 p.m. so far not clear why the victims were taken to two different hospitals. we don't know a motive for the shooting. police have -- they believe an argument that led up to a deadly shooting in bucks county overnight. the action cam at the scene second and chestnut streets in perkisie borough, the victim was in a park when an unidentified man shot him. the victim was pronounced at the hospital. police are working to track down the shooter. this morning, csx is looking into what caused two freight trains to collide head on in delaware county. chopper 6 hd was over the crash in chester township. the impact happened at a track
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interlocking between curlin street and concord road. two workers were hurt. they have been treated and released. commuters can use the pennsylvania turnpike once again, a dump truck ripped down electrical lines causing a whole lot of problems, the bed of the truck was left in the up position and it hit the high tension wires hitting the wires on the turnpike near the oxford overpass. that brought traffic to a standstill for 12 hours. four years ago today, super-storm sandy devastated the new jersey coastline and emotions are still raw. >> when do we want it? now. >> reporter: chris christie heard from hecklers as he visited a rebuilt business 365,000 homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed by
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sandy. some people taking on the state and shade contractors have yet to rebuild. >> it will take a wile to rebuild, the fact that all of the 1700 homes are back and restored is something i'm proud of no matter how many people yell and scream. >> i'm amazed we made it this far with the struggles we've gone through over the last four years and every step of the process to recover has been a nightmare. >> lawmakers considering bit that would crackdown on contractor scams and stop foreclosures of sandy victims. police are cracking on down drunk drivers. 100 police officers will be patrolling in wilmington, bear and rehoboth beach, they will be looking for drunk drivers. they are conducting numerous dui check points. they hope visible enforcement will act as a deterrent. there need 3,000 arrests in
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delaware so far this year. >> still to come this morning, breaking barriers, we'll tell you why this woman made history within her church's denomination. plus, thick black smoke bellows from a plane at one of the nation's busiest airport. we have details on what happened in chicago that sent passengers scrambling. we're going on a rollercoaster ride over the next couple of days. it's warm today, and warmer tomorrow, and chilly for halloween. details coming up in the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast
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outside of minneapolis yesterday calling for the city to pull back the deputies sent to the protest in north dakota. that protest is over a pipeline that will carry oil from north dakota to illinois. him souix native americans have protested the pipeline saying it will polio native american cultural sites. >> a plane blew a tire and hit
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the engine burst into flames. american airlines flight 8383 as passengers scrambled to get the out the right wing of the boeing engulfed in flames. 20 passengers and a flight attendant had minor injuries. engine parts broke off and flew outside the engine causing the failure. take look at at this one, e pilot of the plane told investigators that they think landing gear caused this engine fire. this was captured on cell phone from a couple of different angles, the left wing burst into flames after landing at fort lauderdale international airport in florida. despite the fire, none of the cargo was damaged. >> we understand the topside of
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the aircraft has u.s. mail, but we don't believe there's any fire damage inside the plane. firefighters were able to contain the fire to the exterior wing and engine of the aircraft. >> wow, quite the scene there. two people on board, the pilots got out safely. 544 the time. back in our area, we're tracking the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, a warmup in store. >> reporter: it's not going to feel like the weekend before halloween. temperatures push 70. tomorrow, depending on cloud cover, that will play a role in the number. tomorrow could be 75 to 80 degrees. tomorrow is warm, the weekend overall looks great. as we look live on sky6 live hd, down in atlantic city, it's chilly this morning. temperatures are all the way down into the 30s across a large portion of the area. at least the winds are calm. the winds are blustery yesterday
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with temperatures topping out during the day in the low to mid 50s, the winds made it feel like 40 ins. we've at least lost the breeze. double scan live is clear. we'll keep it that way all week long. 41 degrees in center city. dewpoint, 34. pressure holding steady. winds officially have gone calm. so 30 degrees in the poconos, a pair of 3s in allentown. trenton, 33. millville, 31. 38 in wilmington, 35 in reading, lancaster, 36 degrees. here's satellite and radar, what we're watching is a cold front stretching from upstate new york back toward the high planes in toward the packed northwest. this front will slide through during the day on sunday. this warm air ahead of it will slide in before the front system knocks out to sea. you can see how warm we are to the west, to put this in prospective all the numbers are warmer than the average high in
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philadelphia for this time of the year. this warm air mass again it will be charging east, it arrives today. tomorrow we could see high temperatures anywhere from 75 to 80 degrees depending on how much of that you see outside the window. how much cloud cover. future tracker 6, later today, combination of sun and clouds, real nice start to the weekend. overnight tonight, clouding up, sunday mainly cloudy, lots of clouds out there, at least it's dry through the morning hours. by afternoon, same thing, cloudy, peeks of sunshine. we hold off all the rain until 10:00 in the evening hours. some of this could come down at a good clip. it will move out just as fast as it moves on in here. it will set up a nice halloween with combination of sun and clouds. only it will be cooler. 69 degrees, combination of sun and clouds, it will be breezy, but a warmer breeze. winds out of the southwest at 15 to 25 miles per hour. starting out with sun, clouds slowly building during the day,
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66 by 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m., 67 degrees. overnight tonight, it's chilly, actually we'll call it mild. 54 degrees outlying suburbs, underneath a partly cloudy skies. breezes pick up out of the west-southwest at 15 to 20 miles per hour. the call for halloween. 5:00 p.m., warmer, by 7:00 p.m., it's chilly. bundle the young ones up. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, very warm today, 69. tomorrow, 7. monday, 58 degrees, tuesday, 64. 72 wednesday, thursday, 70. friday, 62. the numbers are bouncing around in the seven day, but overall it
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will be nice. >> the kids will be sweating. >> reporter: cooler. >> cooler,. >> reporter: pay attention. you can get a live look at storm tracker 6 live double scan radar at your time 5:48 a.m., karen rogers has an "fyi philly" for all you veggie lovers you can find them fresh at a plant-based restaurant on the main street of haddon avenue and westmont new jersey. >> as soon as i came in to heartbeat kitchen you i thought i have to take my girls here. heartbeat kitchen comes from the heart. the decors. >> this is what my house looks like, too. >> reporter: the couple is from her basement. the chairs and lights are recycled finds and the table was crafted by a local woodworker. the menu is plant based and
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gluten and dairy free dishes made with organic or ingredients. it puts a focus on foods that are seasonal. >> it looks like pumpkin pie. and hyper local. she offers chocolate and tea made in philly and apple salsa and almond milk. the beenls -- beans are roasted less than a mile away. you can drink it hot or blend it into your not your average joe smoothy. >> i love it here. >> you can see more about the heartbeat and much more tonight on "fyi philly" beginning at 7:30 right here on 6abc.
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"in washington, if you don't have some independence, some backbone, you might as well not even be there." backbone?! pat toomey voted 7 times to defund planned parenthood. and when he didnít get his way, toomey threatened to shut down the federal government. now, toomey refuses to tell us whether he's voting for donald trump. but when he's in other parts of the state, toomey's said he wants to support him. pennsylvania just cant trust pat toomey. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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with us, 5:51 a.m. there's appear alarming new report about sexually transported infection. center for disease control shows
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infections are on the rise in the u.s. cases hit an all time high last year. they can be cured with antibiotics, most go undiagnosed and untreated leading to more serious health concerns. young people are the most at risk. researchers say the gerpd gerpd -- gender gap in alcohol consumption is drinking. women are just as likely for a -- as aman to drink. alcohol abuse is the same among millennials. researchers say later child baring age women working outside the home are driving the change. copper infused begged, towels and tray tables and gowns and sinks can reduce hospital acquired infection.
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researchers found that the units with copper infused products had 83% fewer infections. they cost more, but save when it comes to fighting infection. our children, they look up to us. what we value, how we treat others. and now they're looking to see what kind of leaders we choose. who we'll entrust our country and their future to. will it be the one respected around the world, or the one who frightens our allies and emboldens our enemies?
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the one with the deep understanding of the challenges we face, or the one who is unprepared for them? a steady hand? or a loose cannon? common sense and unity, or drama and division? a woman who's spent her life helping children and families, or a man who's spent his life helping himself? our children are looking to us. what example will we set? what kind of country will we be? hillary clinton, because we're stronger together. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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casting their ballot for president but some are getting into trouble for posting selfies in the voting booth. that includes justin timberlake who voted in his own state. not allowed. this rule effects millions of voters. will ilindsey davis has more. >> reporter: katie perry donned in red white and blue promoting voting. just continue timberlake rocks the video.
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9 million people are hitting the polls before november 8. timberlake is no stranger to voting activism, he encouraged early voting for president obama in 2008 campaign and posted this selfie with hillary clinton earlier this year. it is that #voting selfie that had the potential to handle the star in hot water. in tennessee voters are prohibited from taking photos or videos at the ballot box be while violators could face up to 30 days in jail or 50-dollar fine, timberlake appears to be in the clear. now that early voting is underway in 37 states, #voting selfies are taking over social network. people are showing off i voted strickers, or snapping pick of mail in ballots una ware that it may be criminal.
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in least 18 states taking photo inside a voting place is unlawful. >> unlike anybody will go to jail are be find taking a picture in the voting booth. >> 5:57 there's a new rule to tell you about when it comes to protecting your privacy while you surf the internet. fcc put the consumer in control meaning internet must get customer's consent for using information. african-american woman will lead the die -- diocese of
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episcopal church. the new york native is an expert in historic preservation and passion for social justice. if you want luxury and the ease of a pick up truck, one car maker just may have the answer for you. plus, get the look of a luxury coffee table for pennies on the dollar. details on the do it yourself project ahead stay stay -- stay with us, we're coming right back. i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo
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and i approve this message. like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, biden: this is what i know about katie mcginty - and she's never abandoned them. hard work. family. playing it straight. that's katie. and the ads attacking her? they're a bunch of malarkey. katie's career is about looking out for families like yours. creating jobs, keeping our environment safe. she's a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. she's like you and she'll fight for you in the united states senate. i'm katie mcginty
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and i approve this message. >> pleasant good morning to you, 6:00 a.m. on this saturday, october 29. here's some of the stories we're upon on "action news." a woman is badly hurt after her car smashes into a tree in delaware overnight. ahead we hear from local voters on the e-mail controversy surrounding hillary clinton this morning. plus, a weekend warmup, we'll be able to ditch the coats at least for a a couple of days. meteorologist chris sowers joins us with a look at the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. no jacket or gloves, or anything? >> reporter: that's later on, you'll need a jacket early on. we're getting a little


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