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tv   Action News 6PM  ABC  October 24, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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he joins us live from the montgomery county courthouse. john. >> reporter: hi, monica. well, kane was convict the last summer. since then the defense had asked for house arrest. today one kane ally a former police chief had told the judge that in his opinion, any jail sentence would be a death sentence. his thinking was the drug gangs that the attorney general's office prosecuted during kane's tenure would seek retribution. the judge listened but agreed with the prosecutor's office that jail time was necessary. anything less would depreciate the seriousness of what she called an extraordinary abuse of the system. the former attorney general kathleen kane leaving the court in handcuffs. prosecutors say a powerful message sent to those who would abuse their power. >> what's clear from this is that nobody is above the law. this is a significant jail time for the chief law enforcement officer of the state. >> reporter: the judge in sentencing kane to 10 to 23
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months in jail said kane's political ego had fueled her crime leaking of secret grand jury materials to punish a foe and then lying about it. >> today when she was taken out of the courtroom in handcuffs, there was finally justice and i'm happy to see that this ugly chapter for pennsylvania has finally concluded. >> reporter: in an odd twist while sentenced and led away in handcuffs today kane could be out of jail soon. she's entitled to bail pending an appeal as joe mcgettigan at a ah former prosecutor explains. >> because of the length of her sentence less than two years she's entitled to the same bail status as she was prior to her conviction. obviously she was on bail. so, the judge however increased the bail due to her changed circumstances. she's been convicted. >> reporter: late today kane's attorney and family were working to raise the $75,000 in cash needed for bail. >> it's really time is of the essence raising the money. >> love her and we just want
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to get her out on bail quickly. >> reporter: her twin sister was asked what kane will said when she was taken into custody. >> we really don't want to talk about it. we just want a little bit of privacy. thank you anyway. thanks for asking. >> reporter: so, a plight no comment there from miss kane's sister. the sentence 10 to 23 months in county jail followed by eight years of probation. monica, kane expected to make bail possibly as early as tonight. live in norristown, john rawlins channel6 "action news." >> thank you john. and of course stay with "action news" for continuing coverage of kane's sentencing and look for extended coverage on the search for a suspect took to the schuylkill river this afternoon. police from marine units launched near the haws avenue bridge in norristown. police say they were chasing a man on foot when he jumped into the river about 3 o'clock today. the suspect was captured. no word what he was wanted for. the historic union league of philadelphia is part of a criminal investigation
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tonight. who ripped the heavy brass handrail off the icon that you can curving staircase on broad street leaving the architectural gem partially crumbled. "action news" reporter bob brooks live from the private club tonight with the very latest on this. bob. >> reporter: monica, good evening. whoever did this is caught on tape and what a brazen crime this is. we're on south broad street, the union league right out in the open. there's nowhere to hide and take a look at the damage that has been caused. you can see that whole right side railing has been tore out when that suspect tried to rip that brass railing. apparently they thought they were going to get some money for it and they walked away with part of it. take a look. for lack of better words it's extremely sad butter this is what the iconic stairs to the union league front door were reduced to today. the right side railing torn down almost in its entirety all day people walked by the famous staircase used for wedding pictures and all kinds of events were in disbelief. >> now that's sad.
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wherever are you i hope you got something good out of it. >> reporter: not only shocked this could happen at the union league but the method in which we're told it happened. union league officials say it was one suspect who wanted to steal the brass railing. >> he came up the steps this way at about 3:02 kind of looked back came back up to the railing grabbed at the brass ripped it down causing the structure to fully collapse as you can see he here unfortunately. >> he had to be nuts. had to be something wrong with him. >> it was incredible hulk or something. who was this. >> reporter: half of the brass railing is gone. we're told the vandal picked it up walked down south broad made a right onto moravian and then disappeared. from surveillance video obtained by "action news" we see the apparent suspects. take a look. after the union league cameras loss sight the suspect crosses 15th continuing on moravian. then we see someone handle what appears the brass railing which is wrapped uploaded onto a cart and then pushed out of frame. it even appears as if he's being helped by another man. >> we're in the works of having that taken care of immediately so it can be restored.
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we have upcoming weddings and events certainly so disappointing for sure for a lot of people. >> reporter: now, you can see he out live here crews business he see. they want to get this fixed quick for everyone that enjoys the stairs here at the union league. now, in the surveillance video that we obtained that suspect was also [inaudible] >> that was bob brooks reporting. thank you bob. the residential treatment facility where a teenage are died earlier this month is now ceasing its residential treatment program. the 17-year-old student died after a struggle with three adults here at the wordsworth academy in wynnefield heights. police say the student had a physical outburst after his room was searched for a missing item. wordsworth does provide education behavioral health and child welfare services to people between ages 10 and 21 years old who are experiencing emotional behavioral and academic challenges. all other wordsworth programs are still operating.
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bridget kelly took the stand today in her own did he first in the bridgegate trial. the former aide to governor chris christie said she told the governor twice about the lane closures on the george washington bridge as they were occurring in 2013. christie denied any knowledge of the lane closures and says anything to the contrary is untrue. kelly testified on friday that christie signed off on what she maintains was described to her as a traffic study. police have four teens in custody tonight after several violent attacks near temple university that targeted officers students even a horse. investigators say the suspects went on a rob he reand assault spree friday night after they apparently could not get into a show at the pearl theater. sarah bloomquist joins us live now with more on this. sarah. >> reporter: monica, four boys between the agents of 15 and 17 are in police custody tonight in connection with this violent crime spree on the streets west of temple university's campus on friday
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night surveillance cameras did capture the crowds of young people roaming these streets just looking for trouble. surveillance video from an off campus pizza parlor shows the chaos on oxford street just off broad on friday night. a huge group of young people roamed around targeting temple students, beating and robbing them at random. joe's daughter a sophomore was heading home from the football game with friends when she was attacked. >> her head was stomped on. her whole side of her face back of her head was all black and blue. her arms, her legs, her back, her ribs, she was on the ground, they were kicking her. >> reporter: two police officers were assaulted and a police horse was punched in the face. >> as i'm walking through there's just a large group of people here and they were throwing down just punching each other. >> just a whole bunch of young kids trying to fight, trying to start fights and riots. >> reporter: investigators say the crowd formed in response to a call on social media to meter up at the pearl theater. when they all couldn't get in they took to the streets
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instead. >> it's very concerning that you can get a group of juveniles to pull together that quickly and some become violent. >> reporter: students did receive a public safety alert friday but today some parents and students question the timing telling us the warning to avoid the area came too late. >> the overall concern is that temple is not making them aware soon enough. >> friday night was the first time i had seen anything other tu alert about it but it just seems like it's been an ongoing issue that they haven't really addressed. >> reporter: temple's executive director of public safety told us they are looking at ways to streamline the alert process. he added the police patrols will be picked up in the area on weekends for the foreseeable future. live in north philadelphia, i'm sarah bloomquist channel6 "action news. monica. >> thank you sarah. the shooting last week in rittenhouse square will be addressed at a community meeting tonight. a 17-year-old suspect surrendered saturday for his role in the attack. police say a 39-year-old man was shot when he he tried to stop the teen and another man
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from robbing someone in the park last tuesday. the victim suffered multiple gun shot wounds. members of city council will discuss the incident with residents tonight at 7:00 at the church on the square. coming up on "action news" tonight pat toomey and katie mcginty are set to square off in the final pennsylvania senate debater. we'll go live to jim gardner for more on what to expect tonight. and the eagles react to their convincing win against the vikings as the team looks ahead to their matchup with the cowboys. cecily. >> well, temperatures climb into the mid 60's today but much cooler air is moving our way. next four days temperatures stuck in the 50 as well as some freeze watches. i'll have all the details in the accuweather 7-day forecast. >> those stories and more when "action news" continues tonight. most people owe the bank.
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but pat toomey actually owned a bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> ♪ >> the stage is set for the final pennsylvania senate debate tonight. republican senator pat toomey and democratic challenger katie mcginty square off at temple university's performing arts center in a little bit. 6abc is the host of the live debate and "action news" anchor jim gardner is the moderator. he joins us with a preview of what to expect on that stage less than an hour from now. good evening, jim. >> good evening, monica. this will be the second and the last debate between pat toomey and katie mcginty and so it will be the last time that voters in pennsylvania have the chance to size up these candidates particularly outside of their paid and what has been largely negative advertising. now i hope to cover grounds tonight, issues like gun violence to the economy he, to
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abortion to isis. there will be a lamp audience here tonight including partisans from each campaign and about 150 temple students and so if everybody he behavior -- behaves it should be a really n tiff event. i would like to show you a little bit about our set here tonight. follow he me if you would. obviously these are the two podiums. this is where mr. toomey will be. katie mcginty will be over here. and i want to draw your attention to these three large screens here. i must say i'm impressed by this set and i don't get impressed by much of anything. but these screens are not here just for decorative purposes. these led screens will show questions that actually come from people who are inside this hall. all of the questions tonight are not going to be from me. we have questions coming from the hall and the candidates
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will be able to see the questions right up on these screens. we'rely going to be able to put text from questions that we have received by way of social media from twitter and from e-mail. so, this is going to be an interactive debate with many of you, our viewers, and, you know, that's the way it should be in the year 2016. back to the politics of all of this. the polls say that this race is very close and if you have been paying attention, you know that the stakes are extraordinarily high as republicans try to keep control of the senate and the democrats try to wrestle control from them. so, please join us at 7:00 live here at temple university for the toomey-mcginty debate. we hope you'll join us. >> thank you jim. that live debate does start tonight at 7:00. you can watch it right here on 6abc we're streaming live on christ our king church in wilmington its days are numbered. it has been parter of that
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community for nearly 90 years but the historic church will close this sunday barring some unforeseen miracle. parish administrators blame a combination of factors including declining enrollment changing demographics in the area and church finance it's like losing a loved one. our buildings mean something. we say that god's grace flows through here and a lot of people have been touched by that. i think they just feel sad. >> parish officials hope someone buys the property to preserve the buildings and allow the church's thomas sullivan food pantry he to continue serving the needy. women's health - both trump and toomey would defund planned parenthood. on abortion: trump: "there has to be some form of punishment" toomey: "i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors
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who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: too dangerous for pennsylvania women. pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump..." "should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> ducis is here with sports. the eagles feeling very good after yesterday's win. >> the panic has stopped in this town. one win after that two game losing streak. things are looking pretty good right now. it's dallas week sorry if we're getting ahead of ourselves. we'll further and joy that vikings victory in a moment. birds will visit cowboys
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sunday night. if the eagles win they'll be back atop the nfc east. in yesterday's win over minnesota eagles got contributions from. areas. a 98-yard kickoff return for a touchdown from josh huff. on defense they left former eagles quarterback sam bradford frustrated sacked him six times. minnesota committed four turnovers. today lay later coach pederson. >> both units real again our defensive line getting after the offensive line of minnesota and puttering pressure on sam and being disruptive there. then our offensive line pass he protecting and run blocking against a in my opinion a great defensive front so, yeah, it's just every man each unit did a nice job. >> injury news. nickel cornerback ron brooks out for the season. he suffered a ruptured quadriceps tendon in the first quarter.
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the flyers breezed into town, they breeze out of town after a short two game home stand the flyers are back on the road. they will visit montreal tonight. two games and two nights they'll be home buffalo tomorrow. matt read breaks downton night's competition. >> good home team. they're fast. they have a lot of offense, they play very well defensively. for us we got to come with speed and move the puck well and can't make many mistakes. >> sixers have trimmed their roster down to 15 players. they are ready to start the season. the opener is wednesday at home against the thunder. the sixers coming off a 10 win season they were the worst team in the nba. a lot more optimism this time around. jahlil okafor shares the team's goal and his own. >> myself just to get healthy to where i know i can play however many minutes. eight minutes is not something i'm used to. that's my first and foremost goal to be in the best shape.
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more minutes. as a team we want to go out there and perform. we been working so hard. we want to see that translate on the floor. >> the mls playoffs are about to begin. union will face toronto fc wednesday night a single elimination format. the union struggled mightily down the stretch. coach has an interesting way of turning that into a positive. >> the pressure is on them. my guys should be loose. nothing to lose. we're going on the road. on a quick turn around. short rest. both teams are on short rest. yeah, i think it is fair to say they're the home team. they're looking for success this year. they want to make a deep playoff run and we want t make some noise and win our first game in the playoffs so, yeah, two things -- something is going have to give for sure. >> once again that's coming up on wednesday. >> all right, thank you ducis. we have this just into our news room. former state attorney general kathleen kane who was sentenced today to 10 to 23 months behind bars only spent about three hours behind bars
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in eagleville montgomery county. she just posted $7000 cash bail. you see he her getting in a car and leaving and she he does say she plans to appeal that 10 to 23 month sentence.
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>> cecily is here with accuweather. temperature are going to start moderating sounds like. >> they'll start cooling down. this time last week i was talking about record warmth on the way. >> no more. >> now we've got freeze watches posted. it's getting cold. storm tracker6 live double scan slowing rain free conditions out there. even the clouds that bubbled up early today really dissipating. live on sky6, the sun now sets at 6:08 and we head to eastern
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standard time a week from this saturday november 5th. that's a sign of the times. another sign is the fact that it's going to get very cold. a freeze watch in effect has been posted for wednesday morning for new castle county, delaware, and the northwest suburbs of philadelphia also interior south jersey. this is where temperatures will be dropping near freezing so a good idea to bring in those potted plants or cover them up and then once the cold air begins to move out, we've got some rain on the way. much needed rain. this is future tracker showing rainfall amounts and generally we're looking at up to about three-quarters of an inch of rain. thursday a pretty good soaking which we need. right now 62 in philadelphia down from a high of 65 which is 1 degree above normal. millville 61, allentown 56, cape may 63. the poconos already dropping down to 45 degrees. as we get the winds out of the northwest, behind a cold front that moved through earlier today, now you can see how the
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skies are clearing out very nicely and it is going to be a chilly night. mostly clear skies. still a wind really all night long. overnight low 42 degrees in philadelphia. normal low for this time of the year in the mid 40's so slightly below normal. allentown 37, cape may 44 and wilmington 40 degrees and tomorrow good amount of sunshine as high pressure is building in but we do get this wind tunnel effect. winds out of the northwest 12 to 20 miles per hour so the high of 56 will feel more like temperatures in the 40's when you factor in the wind chill and future tracker showing speaking of wind chill 7 o'clock wednesday morning we'll have wind chills in the 20's in parts of our viewing area especially the northwest suburbs so wednesday morning you may actually want a winter jacket and then on wednesday after a frosty start to the day some high thin clouds later on 53 degrees. ahead of some system that will bring us that pretty good soaking on thursday. so, the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, feeling like fall tomorrow. bright sunshine. you'll need the sunglasses but
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breezy and cool, 56 degrees, feeling like temperatures are in the 40's with a wind chill. thursday morning we start with that hard freeze. then some high thin clouds in the afternoon and again temperatures will be on the cool side with a high of only 53 degrees. thursday is when periods of rain move in especially later in the morning through the afternoon into the evening hours. again, it will be a cool day with a high of 58 degrees, so a chilly rain and then friday we begin to clear things out. mix of sun and clouds with a high of 59 degrees. heading into the weekend a bit of a trade-off on saturday. temperatures will be milder like today with a high of 65 degrees. but it will be mostly cloudy way -- with a few showers later in the day. temple game o could be a few showers around. sunday clouds break for sunshine with a high of 60 and monday which is halloween, right now looks spooktacular. spooktacular boo-tiful mix of
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clouds and sun with a high of 62 degrees. looks like we could have rain moving in on halloween but at this point looks to be after midnight. by then all the trick-or-treaters should be back home. >> they'll be happy about that. thank you cecily. abc's "world news tonight" with david muir is next here on channel6. "action news" continues at 10:00 p.m. on phl17 withdrawn brian taff sharrie williams adam joseph and ducis rodgers. join us for "action news" at 11:00 here on channel6. for jim gardner cecily ducis its entire "action news" team, i'm monica malpass. have a good evening. join us live for the pennsylvania senate debate on the 7 o'clock. until then have a good night. >> ♪
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i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you. pat toomey: he was a founder of this pennsylvania bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. under toomey's leadership, the bank used a controversial foreclosure practice called "confession of judgement" to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. the practice is banned in 35 states because it's considered predatory, but pat toomey didn't care. pat toomey the banker: he's really not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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speed always wins. especially in my business. with slow internet from the phone company, you can't keep up. you're stuck, watching spinning wheels and progress bars until someone else scoops your story. switch to comcast business. with high-speed internet up to 10 gigabits per second. you wouldn't pick a slow race car. then why settle for slow internet? comcast business. built for speed. built for business. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
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tonight, breaking news. the urgent hunt for a killer. two murders already. then, attacking two officers and several others. the suspect then posting this live on facebook. police now warning tonight, he is armed and dangerous. donald trump calling the polls phony tonight, telling supporters, we're winning. and now, the new poll just out. and what senator elizabeth warren said today about, quote, nasty women. the plane crash, no survivors. the jet plunging from the sky just after takeoff. the ball of fire. the u.s. launching air strikes. the iraq kips moving closer to mos mosul. and martha raddatz revealing the new horror playing out in that city. inside the deadly bus crash. at least 13 people dead. authorities late today


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