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tv   Action News at 600 AM  ABC  October 14, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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6:00 a.m., friday, october 14. tam is off, erin o'hern joins us, we're working on several breaking and developing stories. >> philadelphia police have launched an investigation at a wynnfield heights facility after a 17-year-old died during a scuffle. we're live with the details. >> this mangled mass is all that's left after two teenagers were killed on the boulevard. >> a south jersey football will soon hit the field after vandals ruined their turf. >> david murphy is here with accuweather and karen rogers has traffic. >> reporter: we have cloud cover sweeping off the coast and it is evaporating and we are expecting sunshine across the region. 49 degrees, cool enough for a
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jacket. 47 in allentown. 43 in reading. 46 in wilmington, 52 degrees in cape may. 49 degrees by 7:00 a.m. noon, still in the upper 50s. this afternoon 65 degrees, that's the high at 3:00 p.m. down to 62 by 6:00 p.m. so goes the next 1 hours. remember -- 12 hours. remember overnight tonight we'll dip into the 30s in the outlying suburbs. another frost advisory this kicks in at 9:00 p.m. and goes to 9:00 a.m. on saturday. that means you need to protect the plants in your garden bed. we have a nice week next week. details coming up. >> reporter: i like the sunny streak. we have no weather-related problems on the roads. this is the boulevard southbound traffic heading toward the schuylkill expressway. moving nicely at this point. here's the blue route, looking good, we have the schuylkill expressway, i-95 showing no
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issues. we have a couple of accidents in montgomery county. one that's causing a problem in plymouth township at plymouth road at falcon way near the blue route and the schuylkill expressway. another one not far from cheltenham shade lane at pine road. a couple of accidents this morning. we're live on the ben franklin bridge all the area bridges are looking good, two people westbound heading into the industry. no big delays. >> two vehicles collided on the boulevard leaving two people dead and one driver with serious injuries. katherine scott is live along the boulevard in feltonville where this happened this morning. katherine. >> reporter: matt, there's a traffic light at the intersection and police are trying to determine who had the right-of-way when this happened. the drivers survived, but two teenagers who were in one of the vehicles passed in the incident. you can see the intersection is back open. it was closed overnight for the accident investigation here at
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front and roosevelt boulevard in feltonville. let's go to video to what it looked like after the accident happened. it happened at 12:30 a.m. you can see the wreckage. hyundai. the ford suv has front end damage and air bags deployed. 54-year-old driver of the ford has injuries, but stable. in the hyundai was an 18-year-old driver who's stable and 19-year-old and 17-year-old friend. initially we were told by police the 18-year-old and 19-year-old were brothers. the family member of the 18-year-old who just showed up at the scene said they were not brothers. the 19 we know was pronounced at the hospital. a friend, a 17-year-old girl was pronounced on the scene. police say the suv was going north on front street. the hyundai was traveling west in the outer lanes of the boulevard. the front end of ford struck the drivers side of the hyundai causing the passenger side side
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of hyundai to crash into a light pole. >> we know the 17-year-old female was sitting in the rear seat when medics found her. appears that that -- where she was sitting is where the vehicle struck the light pole. appears that she had head trauma and broken neck. >> reporter: police will be looking for nearby surveillance footage to help piece together the crash. they are interviewing the drivers. we're live in feltonville, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thank you, katherine. officials shut down the center lanes of i-295 where a pedestrian was struck and killed. this video is from a traffic camera. the victim was struck at 36 route 73 in mount laurel. it is unclear if the driver of the striking vehicle is cooperating with police. 6:04 a.m. we are learning more about the investigation into a death of a
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17-year-old at wordsworth academy in the wynnfield section of philadelphia. annie mccormick is live at the facility with the developing details. annie. >> reporter: erin we're waiting to hear a statement from wordsworth academy. a 17-year-old is dead after staff members tried to subdue the teen after an altercation. this is video from last night when this all occurred. philadelphia police including homicide detectives spent several hours interviewing staff last night. apparently the altercation centered around the teen having an electronic device he was not supposed to have, an ipad or ipod. at least three staff members responded and the teen was put in a head lock. medical staff at the facility responded and 911 was called. the 17-year-old was pronounced at the facility. now according to the website
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wordsworth is a non-profit private organizationvidingproblc words worth partners with several state agencies and the philadelphia school district. the teenager harls -- has not been identified, but he is from central pennsylvania. chris christie bridgegate scandal, a hack stack judge is letting a citizen's complaint move forward. a firefighter said christy knowing refrained ordering that
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his subordinates did not open any access lanes to fort lee. chris is expected to respond october 24. >> maribel aber is live at the nasdaq in time square. >> amazon is hiring 120,000 seasonal workers, 20% more than last year. the company expects thousands of the holiday workers will be kept on as full time employees. >> reporter: futures are pointing to a higher open. we have retails sales for september due auto later today. that's the latest from business from nasdaq have a great weekend, guys. >> david murphy not a bad day, right?
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>> reporter: feels like autumn and better over the weekend. storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we are dry. heading outside we have the promise of sunshine over the horizon, not there yet, but it's coming. we're starting out chilly and not much windy out there. that's a good combination i suppose. jackets required in allentown, 47 degrees. 49 in philadelphia. 46 in wilmington. 44 in trenton. 45 in millville. 52 in cape may. satellite shows you how the cloud cover from yesterday has disturbed and we'll require sunglasses on the roads an rails and all that good stuff as you're out and about today. in the lehigh valley, lots of sun, a bit breezy at times, not too bad in that regard. 63 degrees. at the shore, 66 degrees, breezy, but not horrific wind wise. mostly sunny skies and cool on the boards. in philadelphia, lots of sun, cool, 65 degrees, winds running 6 to 12 miles per hour. not exactly strong enough to
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knock the hat off your head, but breezy at times getting mild enough under the sun later on if you're working outside you might lose the jacket for a little bit. overnight tonight, clear, 44 in philadelphia. some outlying areas could get down to the mid 30s. that triggers the possibility of frost especially in the outlying suburbs north and west of philadelphia and rural and central south jersey. not much wind overall. tomorrow, high pressure in control, we'll get a gorgeous start to the weekend, lots of sunshine, just like today slightly improved high of 67. by sunday afternoon we expect to be up to 73 sun and clouds, a gorgeous weekend ahead. if you're heading to the pike to washington to see the eagles at the redskins, nice day for football in washington, d.c. 68 degrees for the kickoff, 72 for the 4th quarter. i believe they play in virginia,
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not much wind to the kickers in that regard. 65 is the high, sunny and cool. gorgeous weekend ahead. sunny and nice tomorrow, 67. sunny and great on sunday, union game, not bad, sunshine, 73 degrees, a few clouds if the union win they will be in the playoffs, that's a big game against orlando. monday, clouds and sun, 76 degrees. tuesday and wednesday, we'll get close to 80 degrees not far off the record high tuesday arena wednesday. wednesday night into thursday could be a shower. >> 6:10 a dose of discrimination a physician claims a flight attendant did not believe she was a doctor because she was black.
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>> reporter: schuylkill expressway we have police and emergency workers blocking the right lane eastbound at south street. we'll talk about the other problems when "action news" comes right back. do you own a plane? do you own a bank? pat toomey owned both. but it's the fact that toomey owns a seat in the u.s. senate that should really concern us.
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while on the senate banking committee, pat toomey voted to rewrite rules to help bankers like him ...and he tried to eliminate protections put in place to stop wall street's risky practices. pat toomey: looking out for wall street and himself, not pennsylvania. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. you need bnow.s. ♪ right now buy one get one half off all wood blinds and cellular shades.
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blinds to go. blinds for life. i've always taken on the status quo. in harrisburg, they didn't like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. as head of pennsylvania's third-largest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions. now, as chairman of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i'm leading the fight to stop the epidemic of heroin and opioid abuse. as attorney general, i'll prosecute anyone who scams our seniors. and i'll hold the oil and gas companies accountable to keep our drinking water safe. i'm josh shapiro. i'll be an attorney general who always fights for you.
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you're taking a live look at the platt bridge. it's friday i'm excited for that. guess what else today is? national dessert day, that means cheese cake for breakfast. >> reporter: i'm all in for national dessert day. the accident eastbound at south street, police and penndot on the scene. the arrow board on the scene, the right lane is blocked. can you see what the guy is doing, out there with the broom sweeping up the debris on the schuylkill expressway him for a moment they were blocking all traffic while they picked up the debris. one of the vehicles involved in the accident drove away. this is the vehicle southbound at south street. we can see slow speeds on the schuylkill expressway 18 miles per hour as you head westbound top and look at it all,
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eastbound 11 miles per hour on the schuylkill expressway near south street near the accident scene. a couple of other accidents in the area. one in lower salford blocking main street at indian creek harleysville 476. we have an accident at shady lane at pine road. in plymouth we talked about an accident at plymouth road that just cleared. no weather-related problems, 41 in quakertown. 49 in center city. temperatures just a little bit cooler than yesterday this morning. 50 on the boardwalk. 48 in glassboro. today we start a beautiful sunny day and we keep the sunshine all weekend, so nice, matt. >> thank you karen. new on "action news," two drierls -- drivers are seen duking it out at a red light in las vegas. the man gets out of the car with a crow bar and the woman grabs it and swung it at him. the man flipped the woman over,
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the woman smashed the guy's windshield. >> he did have his hazards on at least. the video was posted on facebook viewed 1.5 million time. police are trying to figure out who was the primary aggressor. a black doctor said she was brushed a side by a delta flight attendant when she was asked to help in an emergency. a passenger lost consciousness, when asked if a doctor was on board, the doctor raised her hand. the doctor said they said know we're looking for real doctors or nurses. the attendant apologized, but the doctor said that's not enough for blatant discrimination. a halloween display outside
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a home features zombie babies and severedded heads and -- severed heads and limbs. one mother says it goes too far. it gets the thumbs up from the kids. >> it's cool. >> the neighbor describes the mother and father as great neighbors and say they use the crib for two children until the crib was recalled. >> it's not safe for kids about, but safe for zombie children. generous people help a football team hit by vandals get back in the game. >> reporter: we have temperatures in the 40s, not a lot of wind, but chilly. this afternoon depending they still might want a jack we're in the shade. >> reporter: three airlines will have containment bags on flights in case an electronic device camps fire.
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delta and virgin are putting them on overseas flights. smart phones and crowd computing have led to slow down in pc as and printer sales. >> he is he is -- a person knocked over high end tvs, no word if he has to pay for the damage. you bought a wig, a jersey, and overpriced nachos...
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...don't let sinus symptoms bring you down now. get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game.
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sinex, the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head... ...medicine. one pan, less than 30 minutes. because if they aren't going to eat it, at least you didn't spend too much time making it. campbell's one dish recipes. made for real, real life. made history in pennsylvania shaking hands with a robotic arm
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which is controlled by the mind of a paralyzed man. it's helping restore his sense of touch. so many great things happening in technology. >> reporter: let's take a look outside and check out this accident scene on the schuylkill expressway. this is eastbound at south street we're watching more emergency workers coming to the scene with this. looked like a multi-vehicle accident there were four vehicles there, one is left and it is damaged. we have police and fire crews on the scene it's a slow go at south street with the right lane blocked. >> reporter: lots of sun on the way, it will be cool, 49 degrees by 7:00 a.m. 50 by 10:00 a.m. noon, upper 50s. later today at 3:00 p.m. we get a high of 65 degrees lots of sun and light breeze, but not horrific breeze-wise. down the the airport, all that
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sun and tranquil air in place. atlanta, and dallas there's more clouds, but no signs of morning rain. >> in "healthcheck" colorado teenager is fighting an uphill battle against a disease that normally strikes older woman. peyton learns she had stage four ovarian cancer for her 16th birthday. the teen had 6 rounds of chemo and seven surgeries to removie the tumors. >> the eagles face their divisional rival on sunday they face the redskins. eagles are keeping an eye on fletcher cox who missed practice yesterday due to an ankle injury.
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the rest of the defense need to keep an eye on desean jackson to keep him out of the endzone. kickoff at 1:00 p.m. a teen dies suddenly at a center for children. annie mccormick is live at wordsworth academy with new information. >> reporter: a 17-year-old is dead and death investigation is underway. we'll have details on the investigation coming up in a detailed report.
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another teenage from our area is in trouble with the law over hoax clown threats. a 16-year-old was charged with making terroristic threats. she admitted to posting messages on october 4 hoping to get school canceled. >> things are looking up for a football team in camden thanks to generosity of their neighbors. vandals destroyed the football field forcing them to practice on the sidelines. donations poured in helping maintenance crews make repairs. >> you see a lot of good people standing up and making sure you're okay. >> the team hopes to be back on the field next month. police are following several leads, open hopefully they will make an arrested soon. >> crash on the boulevard kills
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two teenagers. a live report is next. >> a heartbreaking story in brooklyn where a mother pushes the stroller through the the elevator doors, but the car is not there.
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traffic tragic on the boulevard arc crash claimed the life of two teenagers and injured a third. >> a teen put in a head lock dies at a facility for children with special needs. >> it's cool, but a flashback to summer in the seven day. good morning, everyone, 6:30, friday, october 14. david is here with karen rogers and tam is off, erin o'hern is here, go to work. >> reporter: take a look at satellite, you can see how the
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clouds that formed yesterday are evaporated and kicked off the coast. we'll start out cool, but wind up pleasant later on. 49 in philadelphia. 47 in allentown. 43 in reading. throughout the region you definitely need are a jacket as you head outside the door. 45 in millville. 52 in cape may. rolling through the day, we'll have sunshine, but a chilly start. 53 by 10:00 a.m. noon, upper 50s. 3:00 p.m., 65 that's the high. jacket is good idea in the morning, if you're toiling in the sun later on, maybe you can to say that on the ground. it will get chilly overnight tonight. getting into the 30s, a frost advisory in the suburbs and rural south jersey, that kicks in tonight and end 9:00 a.m. saturday morning. karen rogers temperatures improve over the weekend and especially next week. details on that coming up. >> reporter: all right, dave i want to give you the latest on
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the accident schuylkill expressway eastbound at south street. they pulled out the last vehicle. the emergency workers are off to the side. the schuylkill expressway eastbound is jammed because of it. you're jammed from past girard to south street here you're seeing speeds in both directions on the schuylkill expressway in the single digits near south street because of the accident that at least for a minute was blocking all lanes and now it's off to the side. some of the delays should start to ease up. a couple of other accidents in the suburbs other than that. we're looking at dekalb pike and welsh road and montgomery. one in lower salford township is blocking main street rat indian creek. in abington, an accident at shady lane at pine ridge. this is the ben franklin bridge, westbound traffic getting a little busier as we come into the city, matt. >> breaking right now, a
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teenage driver is waking up in the hospital to learn two other people he was traveling with did not survive a crash on the boulevard. katherine scott is live where the collision happened at front street in the feltonville section. >> reporter: matt, that's right, that was a two vehicle crash, the two drivers survived. however, two passengers in one of vehicles two teenagers who did to the survive. you can see the road is open, traffic is getting through, boulevard by front street in feltonville just fine. let's go to video so you can see what it looked like last night around the accident scene around 12:30 a.m. you can see the wreckage. 54-year-old driver of the ford suv had injuries, but is stable. in the hyundai was an 18-year-old driver who survived and 19-year-old and 17-year-old who did not. police had said the 19-year-old was the driver's brother, but a family member who showed up to the scene said he was a friend. the 19-year-old was pronounced
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at the hospital. the 17-year-old friend sitting in the back was pronounced at the scene. she appeared to have head trauma and broken neck. the ford suv was going north on front street. the hyundai was traveling west in the outer lanes of boulevard. the front end of the ford struck the drivers side of the hyundai. >> the front end of that vehicle struck the drivers side of the hyundai causing the passenger side of the hyundai to strike a streetlight pole on the corner. >> reporter: and there is a traffic light at the intersection. at this point, police don't know who had the right-of-way. police are interviewing the drivers, they are looking for nearby surveillance footage. live in feltonville, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thanks, katherine. developing in delaware, a rollover crash has a man clinging to life. the driver flipped several times at a high rate of speed
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flattening the pick up truck as it came to rest near a house. the driver was flown to the hospital in critical condition. no damage to the house. now to a developing story, a death investigation is underway at a facility for children after a struggle between a teenager and the staff. annie mccormick is live on the campus of wordsworth academy in wynnfield heights. good morning, annie. >> reporter: good morning, erin we have reached out to officials at wordsworth academy. at this hour they are not releasing a statement. sources say a 17-year-old is dead after staff members tried to subdue the teen during an altercation that happened last night. take look at the video from the scene last night where philadelphia police including homicide detective's spent several hours interviewing staff. apparently the altercation centered around the teen having an electronic device he was not supposed to have an ipad or
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ipod. at least three staff members responded and the teen was put in a head lock. medical staff at the facility responded and 911 was called, the 17-year-old was pronounced at the facility. according to the facility, it is a non-profit private facility helping children overcome behavioral issues. this is a residential facility it is not clear how many children are housed here. the 17-year-old has not been identified. again, we're waiting to hear back from the officials at the academy, sources say the 17-year-old is from central pennsylvania. reporting live in wynnfield heights, annie mccormick channel 6 "action news." back to you. >> thank you annie. a strange chain of event caused a crash in fox chase section. police believe an 18-year-old man jumped on a carat veree
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road -- car at are are are stre. the teenager is in serious condition. donald trump held a series of rallies yesterday including one in ohio last night. at each stop he denied claims he groped and kissed several women without his consent. he said one of his accusers was not attractive enough to warranted attention. his wife sent a letter to a writer for people's magazine demanding they retrack part of the writer's story. hillary clinton urged her supporters to reject negativity. michelle obama campaigned on clinton's behalf in new hampshire saying she was taken
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to the core about trump's he comments about women. more leaked eel -- e-mails have the clinton campaign on defense showing that her aids tried to push back a state primary trying to influence the republican outcome. >> people are happy it's friday and happy about the forecast. >> reporter: it's cooler today, but better and better as we go through the weekend. storm tracker 6 live double scan showing we are dry. stepping outside we have the sunshine coming up nice and bright over the commodor barry bridge. left of that bridge, the union play a big game at home on sunday. let's talk about right now. you'll need a jacket on the way out the door. 49 degrees in philadelphia. philadelphia is one of the milder spots. wind out of the north at 6 not all that strong, which is gneiss on a chilly morning. you see cloud cover, we had spotty syringe -- sprinkles around they are off the coast we're looking at sunshine today.
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the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, it's going to be on the cool side. 49 degrees by 8:00 a.m. noon, 59 degrees. 65 degrees by 3:00 p.m. 63 by 5:00 p.m. jacket weather most of the day, lots of sun and gneiss overall. temperatures not -- nice overall. temperatures not fluctuating enough. in allentown, a couple of degrees cooler. if you have plans to head out to dinner and a movie. 60 degrees by 7:00 a.m. quickly after 7:00 p.m. we're in the 50s and 11:00 p.m. in the low 50s. not a lot of wind tonight, but cooler for a layer or two. tomorrow in the afternoon we wind up with high pressure in control, lots of sunshine and gorgeous saturday with a high inching up to 67 degrees. sunday we're in the low 70s across the region. again, the union with a matchup
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against orlando city if they win we're in the playoffs. 72 degrees by the start of the contest. 69 by the finish. if you're on the shady side you'll want a jacket during the game. i'll be down there dooping it up with you guys. hopefully we get into the playoffs. tomorrow, 69 is the high. saturday sunday, 73. monday, we get sun kicking in, and we wind up with temperatures close to 8 on tuesday and wednesday afternoon. very nice weather coming. wednesday night into thursday there could another shower around, but who cares. >> forget about it. 6:39 tragedy strikes when an elevator stops in between floors and the doors open anyway
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for a woman expear -- and her child. >> we have a judge who takes justice into his own hands. >> reporter: we'll take you to king of prussia and check 202 when "action news" comes right back.
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>> my oh, my, take a look at the nice picture we have from sky6 live hd showing the sunrise which has the 7-eleven, you see the streak of clouds in the horizon, a beautiful sight as
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the sun comes up over south jersey. >> we'll head over to karen rogers she has what's going on the roads. >> reporter: checking out king of prussia 202 at the schuylkill expressway. traffic is starting to slow, no major jam on the schuylkill expressway in this area. let's go to limerick ridge pike at swamp road we have appear accident coming in blocking the intersection on ridge pike in montgomery county, so right near limerick you'll watch for that one. live look at the schuylkill expressway eastbound at south street, the earlier accident has cleared. last time i showed you we had emergency workers off to the side. they left the scene, but slow speeds eastbound on the schuylkill expressway at south street. hop into new jersey, 42 southbound the off-ramp we have a disable vehicle on the off-ramp partially blocking that
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ramp. route 130 disabled vehicle partially blocking the ranch. 38 in martins creek, 40 in pottstown, 49 in center city. 44 in browns mills. 42 in vineland. 44 in dover. temperatures this afternoon are going to similar to yesterday, but today we get bright sunshine so it will feel nice, breezy, high of 65. >> thanks so much karen. a woman with a trouble past is now under arrest for stabbing a man to death and setting him on fire. philadelphia police and u.s. marshals arrested tina vanderhorse accused of stabbing robert lynch last month. his burned body was found last month. she has a rap sheet including theft and prostitution. "action news" covered her 1999 conviction for selling her 2-year-old son for drug money. >> a 6 week old baby died after
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the stroller plunged down the elevator shaft. the woman was waiting on the 21st through floor of an apartmt building. the woman stepped into the elevator shaft and fell on the car below. >> there's been a lot of problems with the elevators. people get stuck in them all the time. >> a mechanic working on the elevator heard the mother's screams and pulled her to safety. the baby girl was pronounced at the hospital. the mother is in the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. a michigan judge jumped from the bench to help restrain defiant defendant. the defendant started mouthing off to the judge and fought an officer who was trying to cuff him. the judge ripped offs robe and pounced on the defendant who subdued him. we'll hear from the judge coming
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up on "g.m.a." at 7:00 a.m. after "action news." >> we'll check on what else is on "g.m.a." next. everything is big in texas including the alligators. this one set a record. david. >> reporter: we're dressing the kids in jackets this morning because we're 40s. this afternoon they might want to keep it handy because we're going up to the 60s. we'll have more on what's coming up next. ♪
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♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal, or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee.
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and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ from santander bank. how do we measure greatness in how america? you? the height of our skyscrapers? the size of our bank accounts? no. it's measured by what we do for our children. the values we pass on. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families and it will be my mission to build a country where our children can rise as high as their dreams and hard work take them. that means good schools for every child in every zip code. college that leads to opportunities... not debt. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. we face big challenges, but we can solve them the same way families do. working together. respecting one another. and never giving up. i want our success to be measured by theirs.
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i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. problem on i-95. you can see the heavy traffic in the shot. i-95 on the right-hand side that's northbound at girard we had two accidents in the same general location, one just cleared. the other one can you see it top of the your screen blocking the left lane creating a jam on i-95 northbound at girard with the left lane blocked. southbound is the normal delay. you can see how heavy that is. watch out for an accident at limerick blocking the intersection of ridge and swamp pike. >> reporter: satellite not showing much, we had clouds yesterday, they are evaporating off the coast. it's a cool clear start, 49 degrees by 8:00 a.m.
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59 degrees, in the 50s by noon. we'll get a high of 65 degrees at 3:00 p.m. we'll have light winds but not all that strong. 62 degrees at 6:00 p.m. down in the 50s in you're heading out for dinner and moviey. >> time now for a preview of "good morning america." >> new jersey rocker is among the things you'll be seeing this morning let's turn to amy robach for a live preview. hi amy. >> reporter: i will get to that at the end of this. matt and erin great to be with you on this friday morning. donald trump on the offensive lashing out after new accusations of sexual misconduct. first lady weighing in. our political team breakdown recent allegations. the desperate manhunt for a serial kidnapper, the suspect caught on tape accused of abducting a 6-year-old girl and attempting to kidnap another.
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the fbi struggling to make a break in the investigation despite the surveillance image of the kidnapper's face and car. john bon jovi releasing a new music and gearing up for a major tour and big surprise for the audience i'm a lot jealous of michael, my first concert ever, slippery when wet. >> by amy. >> reporter: the zika virus has popped up in another miami neighborhood, the governor announced that five people were diagnosed within a one square mile area. a large portion of miami beach remains an active zika virus infection zone. there are 1,000 cases in florida him most travel related.
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a prank left a chopper pilot temporarily blind, someone with a handheld laser pointed a later into the cockpit. his name is big tex he is the largest alligator ever caught alive in texas history. the officials at the wildlife refuge say he was becoming too friendly in the refuge's lake. rescue facility helped 0 corral the massive beast and found him a new home. he will live out the rest of his life in that pond in peace.
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do you own a plane? do you own a bank? pat toomey owned both. but it's the fact that toomey owns a seat in the u.s. senate that should really concern us. while on the senate banking committee, pat toomey voted to rewrite rules to help bankers like him ...and he tried to eliminate protections put in place to stop wall street's risky practices.
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pat toomey: looking out for wall street and himself, not pennsylvania. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> top stories at 6:55 two suvs crashed into each other on the boulevard overnight killing two teenagers. the collision sent a vehicle careening into a pole. both drivers were taken to the hospital with serious injuries. a death investigation is underway at a philadelphia facility that cares for people with mental issues. a 17-year-old died during a struggle with staff at wordsworth. a judge has allowed a
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citizen to move forward with a complaint that could pave the way for chris christie's indictment over the bridgegate scandal. >> reporter: an accident has blocking the left lane at girard. usually it's southbound that's slow. northbound it's 22 minute ride from vine to the woodhaven because of the accident on i-95 northbound that just cleared dave. >> reporter: sunny and chilly this morning, karen. we have temperatures in the 40s across the region. probably still there by 8:00 a.m. noon, 59. a decent high seasonable, 65 degrees, lots of sun and a breeze at times. getting milder over the weekend, by sunday afternoon we'll be in the 70s. >> anybody with plans? >> reporter: i'm going to pumpkin patch. >> reporter: i'm going to the sixers game on saturday and union game on sunday. >> you matt? >> i'm going to mow my lawn on
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sunday. i put grass seed down and i want to it germ ate, i've got a green thumb. >> for karen rogers, david murphy, erin o'hern, i'm matt o'donnell. thanks for watching. "g.m.a." is next. her male coworkers. an pat toomey has voted time after time i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it. katie v/o: i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead.
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good morning, america. donald trump unleashes a tie ride against the clintons and media. >> outright lies. they will attack you. shell slander you. >> denying claims he sexually assaulted women even going after one of her accusers for her looks. >> you take a look. look at her. look at her words. you tell me what you think. i don't think so. >> first lady michelle obama blasts trump delivering a very personal response to that lewd tape in it has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldn't have predicted. hurricane nicole battering bermuda. blasting the island with winds topping 100 miles an hour. 90% of the nation without power. now its path this morning as a massive new storm heads for the west. guess spraet search, the


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