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tv   Action News at Noon  ABC  October 2, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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car. and later a delaware man arrested for a seventh dui. what the police say he hit while driving drunk this time before passing out behind the wheel. but the big story on "action news" this noon is the heavy rain that's soaking the tri-state area and creating flooding fears along the jersey shore. right now it looks like hurricane joaquin is becoming less of a concern for officials in new jersey and pennsylvania, but it doesn't mean we are out of the woods. rain can make for a soggy weekend and cause dangerous conditions along the coast. and nora muchanic is in ocean city as people are preparing for rain as the day goes on. beginning with meteorologist melissa magee who is watching double scan radar at this hour. >> we are dealing with a wind-driven rain across much of the delaware and lehigh valley. and you see the moisture on the radar, a lot of the heavy precipitation to the south and east of the 95 cordon across south jersey and kent county in delawa
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delaware. and going in tighter, you notice moderate pockets of rainfall pressing into philadelphia. that 95 corridor, especially northern sections of burlington county, medford lakes, across south jersey into northern delaware as well. the moisture will continue. what we are essentially tracking at this hour with 3d, we have a soft frontal boundary areas of new england and as far south as southeast. and the area of low pressure off the coast of georgia and the carolinas, with high pressure over canada. the pressure gradient between the two systems is causing the constant flow of air and east-easterly winds. and the wind is a factor, so is the heavy wind. the wind gusts 31 miles per hour in philadelphia, gusts as high as 41 miles per hour in beach haven. and expect the gusts to continue and increase going throughout the afternoon and evening hours. coastal flooding, that is a big concern along the coast, especially as you press inland.
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there is a coastal flood warning up until sunday. moderate and major flooding is a concern at the time of high tide from seaside heights as far south as cape may. westward and as far south as rehoboth beach. and it is independent of the hurricane joaquin still a category 4 storm. more than likely taking a jog north and east staying away from the mid-atlantic coast. details on how much rainfall we are expecting today, rick, and what the storm system, trav trol system means for us. >> we will check back in. and the roads in atlantic city flooded while pooling rain and high tides started to cover streets. cars had to navigate through high water around a.c. after midnight. police posted on several street
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corners to make sure no one got stuck. and other shore towns are preparing for damaging flooding as well. nora muchanic continues our team coverage in ocean city with that part of the story. hi, nora. >> hi there, rick. this is what it looks like at high tide on the back bay. we are on 11th street in ocean city and this place is underwater. take a look. if you go across, that is bay avenue right there. cars are still crossing that, but it's pretty messy. they are kicking up a lot of water when they do it but look down the street, you can't tell where the street ends and bay begins. the neighbors say the end of the block will have two feet of water on it at least before high tide is over. >> with sandy it brought so much sand back into the bay area that at the highest tides we will -- it will crest this wall pretty frequently. but this has a lot of wind behind it and putting pressure and white caps coming in as well. >> ocean 11th and bay is mostly bay this morning.
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it is a typical spot for flooding and high tide is filling the street. the windy, nasty will be is a disappointment for this couple. they have a baby due in four weeks and the getaway has been rained out. >> we finally take a vacation. we are baby-mooning and this is what we get stuck with, but we are making the best of it. >> it was not raining three or four weeks before this. of course when we come down it rain, but we will still enjoy ourselves. >> the number of stores boarded up and sandbagging to protect from flooding, some shops are open. >> yesterday was slow. the wind and rain keeps people away, but i think there may be some people coming in town to check on their properties. >> the beach-access points in ocean city are sealed off with temporary dunes to hold the ocean back if it gets to that. the driving on-and-off rain means you have the boardwalk almost to yourselves.
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>> it is cool you don't have to worry about bikers coming in or lots of people. we come in the summer and thought it would be cool to come today. >> there are concerns the pounding, relentless surf will cause beach erosion. >> we are fairly familiar in what it looks like in calmer weather and it is pretty clear it is eroded away pretty quickly and this isn't even the full storm. >> and back live now at the end of 11th street, and the water, the bay rushing into the street up and over the bulkhead and on to bay avenue. the street is swamped at this point. i wanted to just walk you around for a quick second and show you what's happening. all of the homes, the yards are completely under water. you can see the tree sunday water, the pots. this place is swimming at this point and local officials tell me the next high tide will be like this. folks in the area can expect to have more high water and flooded streets. life in ocean city, i'm nora muchanic, channel "action news," rick? >> thank you. stay with 6abc for the latest updates on the heavy rain moving
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through the area and flooding at the shore. tracking the system and impact on the coast. find the up-to-the-minute updates any time on in other news this noon, learning more about the man who opened fire on a community college campus in rural oregon, killing nine people before he was killed by authorities. the federal, state and local police are looking for more clues to figure out what sparked this senseless shooting. and reporting from roseburg, oregon. >> 10 are dead, seven injured, three critically according to the sheriff. the victim's names may be released today at the earliest as we learn about the gunman and survivors. last night family and friends of victims mourned a tragedy in roseburg but the town woke up still shaken. >> the range of emotions from disbelief, anger, sadless to resolution. it is still very raw for a lot of people. >> overnight police and f.b.i.
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searched for clues will the suspected shooter warming this nearby apartment complex where he lived with his mother. >> just thought he was an odd guy. >> the 26 year old identified as chris harper mercer is seen in his myspace photos opening fire on umpqua community college. >> multiple gun shots. >> the police officer facing off with a gunman. >> exchanging shots with him. he is in a classroom. >> the shooter declared dead. his father last night spoke to reporters asking for privacy. >> it has been really a devastating day. shocked. shocked is all i can say. >> this morning tales of heroism. 30-year-old student and army vet who charged straight at the gunman trike to staveve who he could. >> he ran back into the building and i don't know happened.
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>> he is in surgery recovering from seven gunshot wounds and here in this photo. and he was armed with three pistols and an assault-style rifle. the authorities are still looking for the motive as the college campus is closed until monday. for channel 6 "action news," roseburg, oregon. back in our delaware news room one person dead in a crash with a dart bus in wilmington. a dart bus, school bus and car crashed before 7:45 this morning on south market street near south walnut street. one person in the car is dead. there were passengers on the dart bus but the school bus was empty at the time. offices are say it is not clear if anyone else was hurt. the cause of the crash is under investigation. in newark, police trying to track down three armed men who investigators say broke into a home to take money and drugs from two university of delaware students. it happened this morning around 1:30 a.m. on cleveland avenue. according to officials, the men pistol-whipped one of the
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students before ran sacking the house. they made off with cash. the authorities say all three men could still be armed. if you have information, you are asked to call the police right away. after more than 30 years two men facing charges for the rape and murder of a girl from ben franklin, george shaw and robert sanders taken into custody this week. a murder in 1984 in bucks county. they say that shaw killed rowan who was babysitting his daughter when he was high on meth. and they say sanders helped him let rid of the body. more details about the clues that helped them solve this cold case. and governor chris christie giving an update on flooding at the shore. and with the mayor of sea isle city we take a listen. >> the cooperation that we enjoyed during the catastrophe as we did under this present administration. we have strong leadership in new
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jersey, and i am so proud to introduce to you a friend to south jersey, a friend to sea isle city, a friend of mine, ladies and gentlemen, the greatest governor in these united states, governor chris christie. [applause] >> all right. >> i want to thank the mayor and thank you all for being here and my friend, the congressman, he has been an extraordinary partner in dealing with all of the various natural disasters that we have had to deal with in the last 5 1/2 years. i was saying to the group of elected officials that i was meeting with before we came out that there is no one who engaged in more aggressive and effective hand-to-hand combat for the people of new jersey on the floor of the congress than he did. everything we have been able to
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do in reaction to sandy in the last three years would not be without him. and we're facing another problem. [applause] i met with local officials not only this county but neighboring counties this morning much we had a statewide conference call with over 350 elected officials from around the state, and i had three meetings now and am about to go to the fourth meeting with my cabinet in the last 48 hours to make sure we are prepared for what's happening. all morning we have been receiving the latest updates from the national weather service and know what we are dealing with, i think, in a general sense. the nor'easter we experiencing now and continuing the rest of today into tomorrow is dimini diminishing a bit. we are not getting the amount of rain we thought we would
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originally get, good news. but we still have moderate to major flooding in four southern countries, cape may, atlantic, cumberland and salem. and we need to be prepared for that and i believe these officials are prepared for whatever we are going to have to deal with. and i can tell you the state is well prepared for that as well. the good news on hurricane joaquin it continues to track east not west into the middle of the atlantic ocean. if the track continues the way it is now, we're not going to have to worry about joaquin having any major effect on the new jersey shore line and our citizens. so far that's very good news for us. we're prepared if it comes, but we're very happy to hear it will be visiting someplace else. we have already done our bit for hurricane tourism here in new jersey. we expect about 1-3 feet of flooding in the cape may and atlantic county region, so you need to be ready and prepared for if a. we are prepared for everything from working on the beaches with
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to make sure we replenish and provide protection there. also the extreme of sheltering if we need the shelter working with the country officials and we have statewide as sets available as well if we need to. the worst coming -- isn't coming today. high tide, 6-10 foot waves and maybe as high as 16 feet over the course of the weekend which will really damage the beaches. >> listening to governor christie at the jersey shore. he is in sea isle city with the mayor there talking about he knows now what we're dealing with as far as the storm is concerned. the nor'easter is diminishing, but the possibility of moderate and major flooding is still a possibility throughout the coastline and joaquin not a threat to the shoreline as well. and governor christie speaking from center city at this hour. a quick break and more news and accuweather forecast and
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much more after this. staci, you have got to get down here.
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call to report any suspected fraud we're cracking down on medicare fraud let's make medicare stronger for all of us >> the vatican released more details on pope francis' meeting
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with the kentucky court clerk, kim davis. davis spent nearly a week in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. and davis met with the pope when he was in washington last week. and she was one of several dozen people invited to greet the pontiff. and they will not talk about her jail time or situation. and it should not be seen as a show of support for davis. and survivors and supporters on a journey to eradicate breast cancer. a sea of pink as tevent kicked off. for many of the people participating the event is very personal. >> i am a survivor, 19 months and i want for all of the women here and so that my nieces and
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the number of americans receiving state unemployment benefits has now hit a 15-year low according to new numbers from the labor department of the economy added 142,000 jobs in september. analysts say that is far below the trend set in the last 18 months. saying global economic turmoil could be the cause for weak hiring numbers. the national jobless rate held
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steady 5.1%. the "action news" team working on news stories for tonight beginning at 4:00. in the wake of yesterday's shooting in oregon, president obama challenged the news media to research the number of americans killed in terrorist attacks versus the number of americans killed by guns. so that's exactly what we did and we'll show you what we found coming up today beginning at 4:00. in the meantime looking live outside from sky 6 hd from the jersey shore one more time. and it is a soggy scene in atlantic city. as we mentioned, a lot of roads are flooded there and there is a possibility of some coastal flooding as well. meteorologist melissa magee is tracking the system soaking the tri-state area throughout the weekend when "action news" at noon continues. stay with us.
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>> meteorologist melissa magee is here and i think there is
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sigh of relief in the area. >> joaquin. it is a strong hurricane but it does now look like the shift is to move the hurricane well away from the atlantic coast and we are tracking that. and we are tracking the moisture, rickings with stormtracker live radar. moderate rockets -- pockets of rain. moving into trent and south and east of the i-95 corridor and wood bury, glassboro. and going across south jersey where we are tracking the moisture. if you are to the north of elmer at this hour, we are dealing with the moisture. same in glassboro and salem. and in fact, in areas in delaware, governor markell issued a state of emergency for the county south of our viewing area, and that gives you an indication of what we are tracking.
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philadelphia coming in 51 degrees, the winds are consist and consistent and higher gusts of pressure and holding steady. 51 in the city, 50 in trenton, 52 in allentown. and the leave and coast not much difference. 56 in cape may and save in beach haven. and satellite 6 and action radar, we have the frontal boundary from new england across the coast with area of low pressure as well. the moisture continues to press into the mid-atlantic reason and this will continue for the rest of the afternoon into tonight. and the moisture we are tracking is independent of hurricane joaquin that is still down across the bahamas. so the winds are pretty important in the world of meteorologist and this is what we have going on here. a ridge of high pressure over canada. this weak area of low pressure over georgia and the clear clears -- carolinas, and that is
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causing the flow there and the east-northeasterly wind why we have heavy rain today and also coastal flood warning at the coast as well. futuretracker 6 shows 2:30 this afternoon still dealing with the moisture nor the the 95 corridor and south and west of wilmington and north of dover and it will pile onshore and head inland. and it does look like the moisture will taper a little after midnight as we get into the start of our weekend. so the gusty winds inland, we can gusts as high as 40 miles per hour along the coast from 25-35 miles per hour sustained with higher gusts. and the latest with joaquin it is a category four storm. winds sustained 130 miles per hour. as early as late last night, we saw a huge shift in the track moving us well away from the mid-atlantic coast and west of bermuda. we will keep you posted on the
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progress of joaquin. wet and windy high of 57. 58 saturday with a few showers around. and it does look like sunday, rick, clouds break with maybe a few peeks of sunshine and the forecast is improving for us.
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"action news at 12:30" continues with rick williams,
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sarah bloomquist and meteorologist david murphy. >> hello again. sarah's off, here are some of the stories we are following for you on "action news at 12:30" now. high winds and heavy rain continue to batter the area. the shore is seeing the worst of the stormy weather. investigators look for a motive as survivors recount the horror of a shooting at an oregon college. and two men under arrest in bucks county in the disappeared and murder of a little girl 30 years ago. apparently we dodged the path of hurricane joaquin but have a lot of heavy wind-driven rain ahead of us today into tomorrow and -- and at the shore it would be more dangerous. and the heavy rain and street flooding made it hard to see. live at the atlantic city beaches, more from the shore coming up. but melissa magee one more time with the latest from accuweather. >> we are tracking the heavy rain


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