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tv   Action News 5PM  ABC  June 5, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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ony of padua church with the very latest. chad. >> reporter: well, the first viewing ended about an hour ago and another viewing will take place from 6 o'clock until 9 p.m. so we're in a little bit of a break but earlier today hundreds gathered and waited hours to get inside of saint anthony's of padua to pay their respects to beau biden and those who knew him say it's proof of what a great man he was: boyd's' casket arrived at saint anthony of padua church just afternoon. an eight member military honor guard carried the casket into church. hundreds lined up to pay respects to a loving father husband and son who committed much of his life to the state of delaware. >> wanted to pay my respects. this young man has done a lot of good. shame he's left this early but he's left a legacy that many of us will continue to strive for. >> it says something about his commitment to delawareans and the small guy, the little guy that he has touched.
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>> reporter: inside the vice president, his wife dr. jill biden and other family greeted mourners. politicians from around the country came to say goodbye to the former attorney general from delaware. they called beau's passing a sad loss. >> part of the tragedy is a whole generation of young people are going to grow up never knowing him. >> he was beloved. >> reporter: biden passed away last weekend after long battle with brain cancer. the 46-year-old leaves behind his wife halle and two children. >> he's a great man. and i feel so sorry for their loss. >> reporter: and tomorrow there will be a mass and burial that begins at 10:30 a.m. here at saint anthony's of pad due. what president barack obama is expected to deliver the eulogy. live in wilmington, delaware, chad pradelli, channel6 "action news." >> okay, chad, thank you. you can watch the entire funeral service tomorrow online at
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our live coverage starts online at 10:30 a.m. we've also posted a photo gallery of beau biden's life and career. it's all right there at >> in other news tonight an off duty philadelphia police detective shot and killed a man who was trying to rob a pizza should be. investigators say the detective had just ordered food at rising sun pizza in the city's lawndale section late last night when two suspects walked in. they allegedly took $20 from the detective's hand and put a gun to his head while forcing him on the ground. the suspect turned to the counter and that's when the officer identified himself and pulled out his gun. police say one suspect fired two shots which happened to be blanks at the officer. that's when the officer returned fire department he hit one suspect who later collapsed on the street and died. that suspect has been identified as 33-year-old andrew ellerbe. the other suspect got away. >> it's been two years since the deadly center city building collapse and today philadelphia honored the victims and showed off plans for a permanent tribute.
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six people were killed and more than a dozen hurt when a building being demolished collapsed onto the salvation army store at 22nd and market street. well, today friends family and city officials gathered at the site to remember the victims. >> i've become very emotional when i speak about ann. i miss her so much. still i love to talk about her. she was and still is my darling daughter, a beauty inside and out. >> family and friends were also able to see the final design of the memorial being built there. it will consist of three large granite panels resembling a house with six windows to represent the victims who died. >> a montana woman is speaking out saying her brother was sexually abused years ago by former house speaker dennis hastert. he's expected to be in court next week after a federal indictment alleged hastert paid someone to stay quiet
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about his prior misconduct. abc news reporter karen travers joins us live from washington, d.c. with the very latest. karen. >> reporter: good evening, rick. joline burdge says dennis hastert was a mentor to her brother steve when steve was in high school and she says that steve felt he couldn't go public with what happened to him because he didn't think anybody would believe him. there's been no response from dennis hastert since the allegations of sexual abuse and financial fraud came out last week. but the sister of one of the former house speaker's alleged victims is speaking out exclusive to abc. >> he damaged steve more than any of us will ever know. >> reporter: joline burdge says her brother was the equipment manager when hastert coached his high school's wrestling team. she says her brother told her in 1979 that he was gay. >> i asked him steve when was your first same sex experience and he just looked at me and said it was with dennis
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hastert and i just -- i know i was stunned. >> reporter: burdge says hastert became a kind of father figure for her brother. >> i said why did you ever tell anybody steve? i mean, he was your teacher. why didn't you ever tell anybody. >> reporter: and he just looked at me and said who is ever going to believe me? in this town who is ever going the believe me? ryan bolt died of aids in 1995. his sister said hastert showed up at the funeral and he confronted him with this message. >> i want you to remember i'm how the ear and i know. >> reporter: the reaction in washington was disbelief. >> i had no lingy inkling was so far. i was in shock and dismayed by the reports that i read as anyone else around here. >> reporter: joline burdge says she never asked hastert for any money and she doesn't know the identity of the unnamed accuser that hastert was allegedly paying. reporting live from washington karen travers
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channel6 "action news." sharrie. >> karen thank you for that report. turning to the forecast now, after a week of mostly rain and clouds, we're hoping for some warm sunshine come this weekend. meteorologist adam joseph joining us now live from outside with a first look at the accuweather forecast. hi adam. >> we can deliver, sharrie part of the weekend with full sunshine. the beginning of the weekend it's a little gloomy and you know what, it's been a gloomy first week of june. in fact we take a look at the numbers in philadelphia. monday 76 and then we were only 58 degrees on tuesday. 70 for the middle of the week and today so far 75 degrees but we've had very cool nights so temperatures right now for the first five days or so of june running close to 7 degrees below average after the second warmest may in philadelphia's history. so quite a flip with the calendar. as we look at the numbers it depends on your location. it's warm from philadelphia north and west where more sunshine has been out for a few extra hours. 75 in philadelphia, near 80 in reading but right along the shore, the lingering clouds
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and that wind off the water it is still very raw and chilly with temperatures near 60 degrees. there are the clouds. they were thick pretty much everywhere with the exception of the lehigh valley this morning. then the clouds started to fall apart from northwest to southeast into the afternoon and as you can see right now still very thick from long beach island to atlantic city and just to the north of wildwood. if you're heading to the game this evening looking pretty good. first pitch temperature 72, by the ninth inning 67, partly cloudy and feeling much milder than the last few days. we'll talk about the little blip tomorrow morning with the some clouds and some areas could see a little shower or two or a downpour sharrie but when that sun returns in full force it will be around the rest of the weekend. we'll have that timing up coming up in accuweather. >> adam thank you. changes are coming to four catholic churches in atlantic city. today bishop dennis sullivan announced our lady starr of the sea saint monica and saint michael's are combining. it will be called the parish
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of saint monica. they'll serve as the two childrens. the current saint monica's and saint michael's close. it's because of a lack of money and a decrease in attendance. >> time to check our "action news" traffic report for you. >> on a friday let's head over to matt pelman in the traffic center. >> say your prayers, do your lucky dance cross your fingers whatever you have to do before you head out this afternoon it's going to be a rough ride home rick and sharrie. we have a new crash in a very dark spot here along 95, northbound side. is it going to come back? i don't think it is. it's the northbound side of 95 just across the delaware state line. it was taking out the two left lanes causing big delays coming out of delaware into delaware county this afternoon. that you were planning to did that you might want to take the delaware memorial bridge into new jersey, run 295 to the com whatter to come back to pennsylvania. this is the pennsylvania turnpike where we've got big delays with speeds in the
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teens on the eastbound side from past valley forge out to near fort washington. the good news is the crash that caused the huge delays is now gone but those delays have spilled back onto the blue route and those delays have spilled back onto the schuylkill westbound side, nearly an hour to get from the vine out to the blue route. that's about four times what it should be. the eastbound traffic about three times what it should be. so big delays on the schuylkill expressway. heavy delays getting into south jersey with shore traffic. on 295 northbound at the curve still have that broken down truck as well as a crash. single digit speeds there as well. and if you're headed down the shore coming south of tuckahoe route 50 is blocked just north of nine in seaville by dino's diner. maybe come in by tuckahoe road into marmora or stay on 550 instead. so, yeah rick and sharrie there's a lot going on. we'll check it again in the next half hour. >> that's for sure. the map center for the performing arts wasn't showcasing a musical performance but a mural masterpiece. it was a special unveiling of
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a new mural created by students from a school in the city's parkside section. the work of art depicts nelson mandela frederick douglas and martin luther king as part of the mann center's musical festival this year called liberty unplugged. today's event also featured student performers who will be part of the liberty festival. >> a great event there. still ahead on "action news" at 5:00 a new gym in south jersey is offering a unique way to get in a great workout in just 30 minutes. ali gorman there she is gives us the look in on the cardio kickboxing routine and she gives it a try coming up in health check. >> i got to be nicer to her. proud day for more than a hundred high school graduates in delaware county. those stories and more plus adam is back with the full accuweather forecast for your weekend when "action news" at 5:00 comes right back. stay with us.
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music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪♪ ♪♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪♪
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helping protect that world takes state farm.
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>> in health check it's fitness friday. today we take a look at a new gym that offers a quick convenient and effective workout. >> health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman tried it out and joins us at the big board with more. >> rick, you told me about this workout. at first i thought you were trying to get back at me for something because it can be an intense workout.
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it's called nine rounds its a cardio kickboxing workout and the best part is there's no set class time. so the workout fits into your schedule. >> ♪♪ >> keep going. >> it's a full body kickboxing based workout. at nine rounds in mount laurel, new jersey, you'll cycle through nine stations. some are more cardio based. others include punching, kicking or core and strength work. >> each one is three minutes. the first two and a half minutes is mora robe bic. last 30 seconds is our burnout phase. >> which means you'll increase the intensity. in between there are 32nd recovery exercises. and the whole circuit takes just about 30 minutes. the owner says it changes every day so you won't plateau. anthony nocito has seen results after doing the workout for four months. >> i lost about eight to 10 pounds already and definitely more tight in my core now which i need come beach season. >> there you go back breaker.
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>> what makes nine rounds different than other programs is there's no set class times. >> you don't have to worry about a certain time frame, you just jump in as soon as you get here, which is great. >> hit the bag. >> the atmosphere is just fun. come in and have a good time. >> let's go. >> a coach will always be there to motivate you. >> but also focus and make sure that the technique the form is correct so you don't injure yourself. >> and he says exercises can also be modified. the workout is for all ages. 51-year-old sharon forney a cancer survivor comes six days a week. >> this is something i've always wanted to do. when i saw this place opened i thought yes i'm going to do this. >> there's a nine round gym in limerick pennsylvania. we have details on pricing on but if you want to try it the first workout is free. we always make fun of rick but, that he's home eating bonbons but he also does this
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workout. >> i do. it's great. like you said it's just a half hour so you can go in any time you want and we're all busy people and i do want to cheat sometimes but any one has a half hour. thank you. were story. >> yeah, good story ali. thanks. the young man of the haverford school graduated today, 117 seniors got their diplomas at the high school's field house in haverford. every single graduate is continuing their education in the fall at colleges and universities across the u.s. also this morning the 2015 class of bonner and pendergast catholic high school got their diplomas as well. the graduation ceremony was held on the campus of villanova university. congratulations and good luck to all of the graduates. >> "action news" at 5:00 continues next and a reminder when you see breaking news or severe weather we want you to join the action. >> you can do that by e-mailing us your photos and videos to join the action at or use the #6abcaction on social media.
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it's how you can be a part of "action news." we'll be right back.
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no. not possible. we're the settles! when we go on vacation, it's hard to find, like, those little activities that are kind of fun and educational. i think with williamsburg, you have all of that educational part rolled into the fun. it's already here. this is probably the most fun i've had all summer.
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>> ♪♪ >> u.s. employers added 280,000 jobs in may a big number after a mostly sluggish
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start to 2015. the labor department's monthly report shows the unemployment rate climbed to 5.5 percent. that's up a tenth of a point but for good reason. hundreds of thousands of people started looking for a job again. analysts say the strong numbers show employers remain confident enough to keep hiring even though the economy shrank during the first three months of the year. car enthusiasts will get the chance to burn some rubber in the newest ford models this weekend. the 2015 ford eco boost challenge kicked off today outside the wells fargo center in south philadelphia. drivers are signed up for the big event tomorrow where they will take cars for a drive on a mini test track and those who attend will be entered to win a new 2015 ford edge. >> riders will be racing through the streets this weekend for the annual philadelphia international cycling classic. mayor michael nutter kicked off the event today and he announced this year's races will be featuring both the men's and women's event. the events are making a come
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back after 14 years. professional cyclists from 36 countries will take part in the races this sunday. and one of the teams competing in the upcoming cycling event met with students in south philadelphia today. the united healthcare pro cycling team held a cycling clinic at the south fork school. the riders shared tips and also talked about fitness and nutrition wretch men's. >> the flame of hope made its way through wilmington today. "action news" was there to capture the hand to hand exchange the torch is traveling the nation and will be delivered in los angeles for the special olympics world games. the open same is set for july advertisement the torch also passed through philadelphia today as well. ♪
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we just had the best family vacation. really? there were fights breaking out in
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the street, angry mobs the whole place was like a war zone. it was fantastic! what about the kids? we shackled them to a post in the middle of town. i don't know what they loved more the shackling or the pool. my money's on the shackling. with so much to do stay where the action is. book one of our hotels at mcdonald's asked me to remind you that their new sirloin third pound burger won't be around long. if you miss out, you'll never know how delicious 100% sirloin tastes. and that'd be a gosh darn shame. try any one for just $4.99. the sirloin third pound burgers at mcdonald's ♪
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>> time for accuweather at the "action news" big board. meteorologist adam joseph has the weekend forecast for us and it's a lot better than it was today and yesterday hm. >> yes, it's going to really turn around here especially saturday afternoon into sunday and for the folks at the shore you're saying, okay, where is the sun that everyone is talking about that's inland right now because as we look at sky six live right now southbound towards ventnor and margate we still have the low clouds. it's chilly. it is damp. and it's going to be some time before the shore completely clears out here tomorrow.
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so temperature-wise you can see it's still only in the upper 50's to near 60 degrees with that wind coming in directly off of that cold atlantic water. but you move inland away from that wind off the water and you add some sunshine into the mix, it's 75 in philadelphia, 70 in wilmington, near 80 in reading and the lehigh valley right now coming in at 76 degrees. as we look at satellite and radar we're noticing the void in clouds this afternoon across much of the area but clouds will be increasing once again overnight tonight. there's a cold front arriving from the north and west and that will throw the clouds back our way overnight and for the beginning of your weekend on saturday morning. so, for tonight it's partly cloudy at first and then the clouds really start to thicken after midnight. very comfortable again. low humidity and cool temperatures, 58 in the lehigh valley, 57 in trenton 58 for millville and lancaster 59 degrees. future tracker tomorrow morning you can see the clouds are back pretty much everywhere early in the morning when you wake up. even around the lunchtime
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hour. at that time if you're along the pennsylvania turnpike to the south, still a lot of clouds and even a couple showers or downpours or the rumble of thunder popping south of the city early tomorrow afternoon with sunshine to the north. then as we get into late in the day at 5 o'clock that sunshine returns from philadelphia to the south so it's a slower transition south and a quicker transition to the north. so, your weekend can kickoff in the city, clouds to sun 80 degrees. at the shore a lot of clouds maybe a shower, very late sun at 74. and quickly turning sunny first thing in the morning in the poconos at 73 degrees. if you're heading to ppl park for tomorrow evening's game for the union sunny warm, north-northeast wind starting temperature 78 and by the 90th minute 70 degrees. the five day at 5:00 forecast that transition from north to south and sun tomorrow, 80 degrees. then everyone gorgeous low humidity 78. late monday, early tuesday a front arrives. that's the next opportunity
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for downpours and thunderstorms but the sun returns late tuesday and wednesday warm with a temperature of 86. the 90's are back in that seven-day forecast. i'll let you know exactly when guys, coming up in the next half hour. >> okay. >> okay, thank you sir. still much more to come in the next half hour of "action news" at 5:00. authorities in south jersey make an arrest in a march triple shooting that resulted in the deaths of two men. we'll have the details. >> one minute he was on patrol the next a police officer was at the bottom of a 10-foot deep sinkhole. we'll have his story coming up. >> plus, it was a big day for thousands of high school students in our area. we'll show you why. >> those stores and much more when "action news" at 5:00 continues in just a moment.
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>> hello again. monica is off. sharrie williams joining us. here's what's happening on "action news" friday night. it's a waiting game for millions of federal employees whose personal information may have been stolen by hackers. we'll have the latest on the investigation coming up. also the search is on for an armed thief who targeted not one but two people inside of a cobbs creek business. and a crash along the new
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jersey highway has cost a burlington county college student her freedom. now she's pleading for a big rig driver to come forward. >> now the details. china's foreign minister is dismissing claims that hackers based in that country attacked u.s. government computer networks. federal authorities say personal information of at least 4 million current and retired employees may have been compromised. the breach was discovered in april and it's still unclear how much data was taken. abc's erin has the latest. >> reporter: the department homeland security says back in april hackers breached the computers of the federal office of personnel management, the agency that conducts all the background checks for federal employees. >> supposedly the breach was discovered in april but it's the -- the belief is it actually occurred months prior. >> reporter: the personal data including social security numbers of at least 4 million current and former federal employees may have been compromised. >> there's a real current and
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concern about anyone actually having this level of information about both present and former federal employees. >> reporter: anyone could be the chinese. >> the initial read that it's coming from the chinese. the question is is it state sponsored, is it a private entity or are these just hackers. >> regardless of who it is and regardless of what their ultimate aim is, the administration takes this very seriously and recognizes it as a threat to our national security. >> reporter: coming on the heels of cyber attacks on the when i say, the. >> reporter: rs and the credit cards of 10 of millions of shoppers. hackers find ways to get around constant changing cyber security protection. >> you have millions of people around the world trying to hack into systems. it's a daunting task to figure out a way to stop all of them and the short answer is you're not going to stop all of them. >> reporter: in the meantime millions have hacked government workers who are now being offered credit monitoring and identity theft
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insurance. abc news, new york. >> a former prominent iraqi leader from sadaam hussain's regime has died. az see who was considered hussein's right hand man was the international voice of his regime. he was sentenced to death back in 2010 but the execution was never carried out. aziz was 79 years old. eight of the 10 people charged with attacking international activist malala yousafzai were acquitted and not center to jail as originally reported. that's according to pakistani police and the country's public prosecutor. they say reports back in april that the men were sentenced to life in prison were wrong and only two men actually went to jail. the others went free because of a lack of evidence. malala was shot in the head by the pakistani taliban when she was coming home if school. world news tonight with david muir will have much more on the revelations surrounding the malala attack as well as
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the federal cyber attack. you can watch that at 6:30 following "action news" at 6:00. >> niah parlor the philadelphia man accused of abandoning her disabled son in cobbs creek park was found competent to stand trial. today a judge ordered parlor back to court in august for a preliminary hearing. authorities say she left her 21-year-old son who is quadriplegic daequon norman. parlor remains behind bars on a $2.5 million bail. philadelphia police are investigating a dollar store robbery in the cobbs creek section. this surveillance video is from inside family dollar on the 5700 block of walnut street tuesday. a man walked up to the counter, pretending he was going the buy something but once the cashier opened the register he pulled a gun and jumped over the counter. the robber grabbed the cash
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and they say he robbed a 70-year-old customer on his way out of the door. no one was hurt. >> authorities in new jersey say they have broken up a ring of truck thieves who have stolen almost $2 million worth of goods in three years. these are the 12 suspect who's were indicted today. according to the acting attorney general the men all hailed from northern new jersey and new york. and over years they had stolen various items from tractor-trailer along the east coast from bedding to bicycle parts, even perfume. all the men face various charges including conspiracy burglary and money laundering. from our new jersey news room tonight, vineland police have made an arrest in a double murder from back in march. 20-year-old michael lofton is accused of shooting two people inside of a parked car. damien mills died at the scene. 20-year-old kevin peterson died later at the hospital. authorities say lofton was already in police custody in warren county on unrelated charges. he'll be in court on monday.
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he's being held on $1 million bail. this reminder when you see breaking news or severe weather we want you to join the action. e-mail your photos and videos to join the action at or use the #6abcaction on social media. it's how you can be a part of "action news." >> a burlington county student who depends on her modified van to get around. now she'll have to find another mode of transportation after a crash with a big rig. >> reporter: this is the wreckage of a 2007 conversion minivan that was totaled tuesday as the vehicle tried to merge onto 195 in hamilton township. the van collided with a tractor-trailer and another truck that was parked in the shoulder. >> there was no where else for us to go and then the truck sideswiped us into that parked truck. >> reporter: new jersey state police are investigating the crash. the now twisted minivan contained a $22,000 wheelchair
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ramp and was the main form of transportation for rider university student madison. >> it's the only way i can get around. >> reporter: not having use of the van is creating real headaches for madison. this is how she was able to get around and get herself to school. now there's a mad scramble to find transportation for hers. >> what we're trying do now. we're trying to find a company for a conniverred van. >> while they also investigate public transportation options her father has been picking pieces of glass out of the wheelchair she was belted into when the crash occurred and he's thanking his lucky stars that his daughter and her boyfriend weren't seriously injured. >> i felt it was a little fender-bender. my wife and i got there and it was like oh, my god. >> in bordentown, i'm nora muchanic, channel6 "action news." >> nearly 50 men and women are now ready to serve and protect
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neighborhoods in philadelphia. today in front of friends and family 47 recruits from class 371 graduated from there police academy. the ceremony was held this afternoon at temple university. the recruits completed eight months of training. congratulations. >> good for them. all right. time for an update on the highways and by ways on a friday night. >> okay, let's check back in with matt pelman in the "action news" traffic center. hi matt. >> you guys don't have anywhere you have to be after work. >> i can only hope. >> well, you'll get there in three or four hours. i'm sure you'll be fine. traffic is a mess. very busy on the schuylkill expressway. here in both directions by the roosevelt boulevard. westbound travel time we've lost 10 minutes but it's still 48 minutes there on the westbound side. not looking so good as you head out toward the blue route this afternoon. watching a crash here in this camera. as we head into new jersey, 42 southbound side a little exat a heavy with people headed down the shore. once you get a little closer
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south of tuckahoe we have all lanes of route 50 shut down in both directions by route nine because of an accident investigation. maybe stay on tuckahoe road into marmora or stay down on 550 to get around that closure of route 50. on the garden state parkway northbound near north wildwood there's a crash taking out one lane causing slowing. in wilmington, dupont street tenth how long street and lincoln streets remain shut down tomorrow afternoon for the funeral and viewing of beau biden. rick and sharrie back over to you. >> have a nice weekend. >> you too. >> friday night it looked more like wind in one western state as strong storms tour through the area. we'll show you. >> first new details are released about the germanwings pilot who crashed that plane into french alps. what he did in the days before the crash that suggests he may have been reaching out for help. adam. >> hi, sharrie. after a very cool start to union. the summer warmth is starting
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to take over. theover. >> jeff skversky has a preview of tonight's phillies-giants matchup in sports when "action news" continues in just a moment.
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that's a hard question. (laughing) we are the fay family from chesapeake, virginia. williamsburg is just beautiful. because we have thrill seekers and not such thrill seekers, i try to find something that everybody likes. this is a very good spot to do that. the most exhilarating part about this vacation was being with the whole family. it was amazing.
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>> a cab sized ship in china is now upright. at least 456 passengers and crew were on board the vessel when it overturned during a storm monday night. just 14 people survived and 103 bodies have been recovered. most of the passengers were in their 60's and 70's. the investigation is continuing into just what went wrong. the captain and chief engineer have both been taken into custody. the pilot who crashed a germanwings airliner into the french alps had reached out to dozens of doctors suggesting he was desperate to find answers to an ailment. the prosecutors say at the same time andreas lubitz was contacting doctors he was also on line researching cockpit security. he locked the pilot out of the cockpit and crashed his plane
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killing all 150 people on board. families are expected to start receiving bodies of the victims next week. >> the cleanup is under way in colorado after violent storms that sparked tornadoes heavy rain and even hail have turned into waste deep ice. the ice blanketed the street like snow and crews had to use bucket loaders to clear the road. several homes were destroyed by the tornadoes but no injuries were reported. witnesses describe how the funnel cloud moved slowly through their neighborhood. >> it was coming directly at us. i just kept staring at it. and as it moved it devoured my neighbor's house, just ate it. >> meantime forecasters say more severe weather is expected there tonight. and in denver a police sergeant is recovering after hits police suv was swallowed up by a sinkhole. authorities say the suv was entering an intersection when the road suddenly collapsed. the sergeant and his car were
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stuck nearly 10 feet below the street. he managed to crawl onto the roof of his vehicle but had to be hospitalized for minor injuries. >> wow. turning to sports on friday night phillies are taking on the giants in south philadelphia little bit later this afternoon. >> jeff skversky is live in the "action news" sports center with the latest. >> hunter pence and the san francisco giants are in town taking on your phillies. they have been a giant problem. the phils have not won a series at home against them in four years. hopefully mackle franco can eat up the giants. after taking two of three against cincinnati cincinnati. the walk just win against the reds is giving them confidence. >> we play pretty well in philly. to get swept at home i don't think guys are real happy about that so i would expect
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to us play really well tonight. >> and coming up at 6:00 you won't want to miss this. the bull greg luzinski meets the phil's little bull, odubel herrera and how the phils are rallying behind this rookie. you will not want to miss that coming up at 6 o'clock. if losing game one of the nba finals one enough for lebron james and the cavs now this. khayree irving their other star will miss the rest of the finals with a broken left kneecap. the cavs are without kevin love. andre iguodala egg and golden state steal game one. iguodala top of your screen running around with only one sneaker. he still hits the three. 15 points for the former sixers star in the final debut and hey, dray don't forget your sneaker. the first game one to go overtime since the sixers faced the lakers. this one all golden state in overtime. cleveland didn't score until the final seconds ot. king james and the cavs go down in game one.
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>> we win every dame at home we'll be all right in the series so that's a start. you know, you have to come in ready to compete and kind of just -- especially in the first game kind of feel it out 'cause, you know, it's they play a different style and you got to adjust and we were able to do that. >> you can see game two of the nba finals on 6abc sunday at 8:00. lebron without a few of his guys will try to even the series at a game a piece. nascar in the poconos this weekend and penn state fans check this out, that is jeff gordon driving around with penn state on his blue and white car. teaming up with the science technology engineering and math program to teach students how to build race cars. gordon is the all time win lead interpocono. a new pitcher will be driving hitters face. the ace can pitch with both his right arm and his left arm.
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yeah crazy right. he will become the first ambidextrous pitcher in 20 years. he even has a special glove to go along with the special talent and he can only switch between batters. he cannot switch up in between pitchers, left right. opposing players are calling him a freak rick williams. what do you guys call me? >> not ambidextrous, that's for sure. but thank you and see you later. well, this summer philadelphia will reflect on the 50 years of the gay rights movement. today there was a ribbon cutting for a new exhibit at the national constitution center museum. the exhibit speaking out for equality the constitution gay rights and the supreme court will feature historical movement that is took place over the -- historical moments that took place over the past five decades. that includes the 50th anniversary of the first pitch injury gay rights march in front of independence hall. there are also artifacts pictures and personal stories. the exhibit runs through labor
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>> it was a big day for high school seniors at saint john newman and maria goretti. they graduated. the commencement ceremony was held at temple university's performing arts center. it was packed with proud family and friends watching students get their diplomas. dr. carr roll carey the superintendent for secondary schools presided over today's ceremony. >> all right. it is that time of year. but it doesn't really feel like june. >> no. >> next week will. we'll boost those temperatures way above average add the
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humidity into the mix and you'll be saying -- >> remember. >> no one is ever happy. as we take a look double scan radar we're drying out with some sunshine especially in the heart of the delaware valley, the lehigh valley, the poconos, the shore the last place to try to get rid of this pesky cloud cover. we've dealt with the entire week. but as we look live on penn's landing on sky six all looking pretty good. you can see some stratus clouds mixing with some cumulus clouds out there but a decent amount of sunshine for this late friday afternoon. with that sun temperatures going to work. 75 degrees in philadelphia. 76 in the lehigh valley, the poconos 71 degrees. but again, you go to the shore and it's a completely different situation. we've got that northeasterly wind only 59 degrees, very raw feeling that went straight off the atlantic and still dealing with low clouds. satellite and radar we got that break this afternoon and many locations with some
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splashes of sun but to the north and west we're tracking our next front. that's going to slip through late tonight and during the day tomorrow and that will increase the cloud cover once again late tonight and first thing on saturday. now, saturday it's a transition day. if you are north of philadelphia, you're going to quickly see the sun return late morning early afternoon. if you're south of philadelphia, it's going to take a little extra time tomorrow afternoon to get rid of the clouds and there could even be a spotty shower downpour or thunderstorm south of the city late morning early afternoon. but by 3, 4, 5 o'clock even south of the city, that sun will be returning so if you're going to be at the shore you may have to do indoor type of 50's in the morning but then in the afternoon maybe you can get that stroll on the beach before the sun sets at the shore. as we look at your saturday, it's that high pressure coming in from the north. it's been fighting all week, is it going to come in quick is it going to come in slow, it's kind of back and forth. right now it's coming in slower, that's why we have that cloudy start and the
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higher finish. that high slips overhead and just to our east on sunday and that means low humidity, lots of sunshine a beautiful day with temperatures in the upper 70's. if you're heading up to the poconos for the weekend or you're already there looking pretty good for the nascar up there, saturday 73, turning sunny tomorrow. pretty quickly in the morning and then beautiful sunshine for the big race on sunday with a temperature of 70 and at the shore that ocean we're still trying to warm it up here. it's still 60 degrees. saturday 74, a lot of clouds, a shower or two through the early afternoon and then some sun late in the day. the sun back in full force on sunday at 69 but it's cooler because of that wind that will start to shift out of the east as opposed to the land breeze tomorrow. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, clouds, then sun. full sun on sunday at 78. 84 for both monday and tuesday, a little more humid as well. late thunderstorms monday with a front that could linger into
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early tuesday. clearing tuesday afternoon and then we see the sun sticking around wednesday thursday and friday as we warm those temperatures from the mid 80's to the upper 80's and then near 90 degrees a week from now with a scattered storm friday afternoon so if you like summer soup on the menu, it's there at the end of the seven day, guys. >> okay. >> june is coming. >> it is. >> okay, thanks adam. >> thanks adam. stay ahead changes in the weather by checking you can always find live storm tracker six radar and the seven-day forecast and get the very latest from our team of meteorologists. if you didn't know it, today is national doughnut day and if you haven't gotten your fix yet, there's plenty of time. the salvation army in chicago started the tradition back in 1938 to honor doughnut lassies. they served treat and provided help to soldiers on the front lines during world one. doughnut shops and chains across the country are offering free doughnuts with the purchase of a drink.
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>> it was also graduation day for high school seniors at little flower catholic school for girls. the the ceremony was held this afternoon at holy family university in northeast philadelphia. the girls proudly acceptor their diplomas. bishop michael fitzgerald presided over the ceremony and again congratulations to all of the graduates out there. >> uh-huh. >> right now jim gardner nd the "action news" team standing by with these stories and much more. an off duty dead stops a robbery and kills one of the suspects. the latest on the shoot out. >> philadelphia is marking two years since the center city collapse and victim's families got their first look at a new tribute. >> also some local students accomplish 100 percent success. the new program that ended with jobs or college for every single graduate. >> now for adam joseph cecily tynan jaime apody rick williams and monica malpass i'm sharrie williams. "action news" at 6:00 is up next. >> good night.
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en at first. ♪♪ ♪♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. started my camry. remembered the choices i've made. to be bold where others are scared. to show her right from wrong. and realized my little girl had become an amazing human being who will make choices of her own. toyota
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let's go places. >> ♪♪ >> "action news." delaware valley's leading news program. with ducis rodgers meteorologist cecily tynan and jim gardner. >> ♪♪ >> friday night another tribute is getting under way for beau biden in delaware and on the two year anniversary of the center city collapse, a survivor meets the firefighter who rescued her from the rubble. but the big story on "action news" tonight is new information in last night's shooting of an alleged bandit by a philadelphia police officer. it happened at rising sun pizza at 6919 rising sun avenue in lawndale. authorities have identified the dead suspect tonight as
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33-year-old andrew ellerbe of north garnett street in north philadelphia. his alleged accomplice is still at large. "action news" reporter john rawlins has the details of what happened. >> reporter: police say ellerbe was wielding a gun when he tried to rob this pizza shop late last night but there is an odd twist. it was later discovered that gun was loaded with just blanks. an off duty detective the lone customer in this pizza shop when two men come in. one puts a revolver to the detective's head, takes $20 from his hand and orders him to the ground. the police say the men focus on the store's employees. the detective pulls his gun and identifies himself good then there was a gun battle. the perpetrator fired at least two shots at the detective and the detective returned fire. >> reporter: the detective's return fire slams into glass and the gunman who flees and dies outside. >> at least two shots were fired from the suspect at point blank range at the officer. the officer is


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