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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  November 20, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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welcome to "world news tonight." breaking news, what we've just learned, what the president is about to do on immigration, about to take action on his own. also, the next storm hitting right now, still digging out from this one. the death toll growing and the new rescues, and tonight what the nfl has just decided. the moment on camera, bill cosby, his wife next to him, and the reporter, suddenly the silence in the room and what led to it. and remembering a legend, director mike nichols. he brought us the graduate, working girl, bird cage, from the movies to broadway, we celebrate his life, his work, his family. married to our dear friend diane, and tonight we look back at what extraordinary life.
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good evening and we will get to that deadly storm and the next system now moving in in just a moment. breaking news tonight, we have learned what the president is about to do, his new immigration plan addressing the nation a short time from now, strong opinions on both sides of this. we've seen the images of the young dreamers with their message, immigration reform starts here. otherwise belief the president is overstepping his power. president obama is expected to lay out legal status for up to 5 million unthe documented rim grants, including parents of children born here in the us. >> reporter: the president is preparing to announce the biggest change to our immigration system in nearly 30 years, and he will do it on his own in defiance of congress. the white house is saying this is all about keeping families together. the single biggest group
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affected will be the more than 4 million undocumented immigrants who have children, who are u.s. citizens or have legal status. they will be eligible to apply for legal status and work permits if they have been here more than five years. and david, these changes will go into effect, very importantly they cannot have a criminal record. the changes go into effect this spring. that's when people can begin applying for the work permits. the white house is prepared to defend this in court. one top official told me tonight, this is absolutely supported by law. >> prepared to defend it, but jon, what else are you learning about how republicans plan to respond here? >> reporter: republicans are planning to do everything they can to stop this. that includes suing the president to say this is illegal, unconstitutional, and also trying to undo it through congressional action. david, this will be very hard to do while republicans are in congress. the only way to really be sure they can do it is to control the white house. if they did that they can undo it with the stroke of a pen.
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>> john carl with the breaking news, thank you. we move on to the other developing headline at this hour, that monster snowstorm, at least ten dead now. now a new storm moving in and these images this evening, residents digging out not on the sidewalks but their roof at the present tops. eligible patients carried to safety from firefighters. a snowmobile filling up at the gas station and add to that, this. the sounds throughout the region that is thunder snowstorm. this evening a new system hitting at this hour, the forecast from rob in a moment. abc's gio benitez is in the storm zone. >> reporter: tonight from western new york all the way to michigan up to two more feet coming down now. on top of the more than six feet in some spots. blinding, driving, thunder snow. overnight rescues by snow machine. this person brought out in a stretcher. >> i'm going to be right here talking to you. >> reporter: residents of this
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nursing home carried to safety. across the region a race to clear roofs with everything from shovels to cranes. these people may be out of their home tonight. their ceiling about to cave in. >> we heard loud pops and saw a crack developing in the ceiling. >> reporter: they spent two days shoveling their driveway, now scrambling to clear their roof. >> there's still so much all over this roof. >> right, this whole pile is from the roof. >> reporter: experts say a foot of heavy wet snow on a 1600 square foot home weighs as much as 14 tons. >> the plows literally wouldn't work. the only way to remove the snow is with these front end loaders and dump trucks. you'll have people with thousands of pounds on their roof. >> reporter: residents forced to walk to get gas. lake effect snow pounding michigan, too. they're bracing for another one to three feet. back in buffalo, late word that the jets/bills game sunday will
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not be played in buffalo. the stadium filled with snow. the nfl now moving the game and possibly rescheduling. as temperatures begin warming up here, the concern is that roofs like this one are going to be getting heavier as rain moves in. in fact, officials telling us today they expect roof collapses to increase exponentially. >> gio benitez, thanks. that's the next threat. rob marciano with us. you were telling me a lot more snow tonight. >> take a look at the map here. that includes buffalo and watertown but michigan as well will see lake effect snow through tomorrow and then the warmup. this is the other big system we're watching. southeast texas will get severe weather on saturday pushing east through new orleans as well. could see large hail and tornados. that warm surge will begin to melted that snow. >> rob, thank you.
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in other news tonight, new details about the suspected gunman opening fire inside the library at florida state university filled with students cramming for exams. this chilling video from the moment of crises, students huddled there. look at this image tonight, a book riddled with bullets. ryan owens now. >> reporter: 12:25 a.m., hundreds of frightened students huddle in the halls and from the library speakers this chilling announcement. >> there has been a shooting in the library. stay where you are. >> reporter: a lone gunman enters the library and opens fire. >> i heard a man yell, there's a gun in the library, i've been shot. i didn't know where the voice was coming from until i looked around the desk and saw the victim holding his leg bleeding on the ground. >> reporter: as the shooter stops to reload, police are on the way. >> gunshot victim --
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>> reporter: terrified students hiding, barricading themselves in rooms and behind desks. >> it was panic mode. we were crammed in bookcases and crying, calling parents. >> reporter: then, another announcement. >> if anybody has been shot, call 911 on your cell phone. >> reporter: at 12:27, a mere two minutes after the shooting began, the gunman flees the library and is shot and killed by police. in all, two students and a staff member are hit. jason derfuss was nearly one of them. look at the holes in the books in his backpack. he didn't even know he had been shot at until he found this bullet. tonight police have identified the shooter was 31-year-old myron may, a florida state graduate. they say he thought the government was following him. >> mr. may had a written journal and videos where he expressed fears of being targeted and he wanted to bring attention to this issue of targeting. mr. may was in a state of crises. >> reporter: tonight two of the three people shot here remain in the hospital. one is in critical condition.
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meanwhile, police are still not sure what drove an alumni of this school to return to campus this time with a gun. david? >> ryan, thank you. and now to ferguson, missouri, all eyes on the grand jury, the decision in the racially charged police shooting of michael brown could come any day now. at least five people were arrested when demonstrators faced off with police in riot gear. they're demanding officer darren wilson be indicted. today brown's father released a video pleading for calm, no matter the outcome. >> by hurting others and destroying property is not the answer. no matter what the grand jury decides, i do not want my son's death to be in vain. >> some storm owners in ferguson are boarding windows in case of violence. the governor has activated the national guard. now to bill cosby under growing pressure tonight after that explosive tape was revealed, on it refusing to answer questions about the allegations of sexual abuse, pressuring a reporter not to air the exchange.
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his upcoming projects cancelled, all eyes on cosby as he takes the stage performing in the bahamas tonight. >> no, no, we don't answer that. >> reporter: newly released video of famed comedian bill cosby refusing to answer questions about decade-old sexual assault allegations. >> the persona that people know about bill cosby, should they believe anything differently? >> there is no comment about that. >> reporter: the associated press releasing this november 6th interview with the famous comedian and his wife of 50 years, camille cosby. he goes on to scold the reporter. >> i don't want to compromise your integrity, but we don't -- i don't talk about it. >> reporter: listen as cosby then asks that the exchange not be made public. >> now, can i get something from you -- >> what is that?
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>> that anyonone of that will b shown. >> i can't promise that. >> reporter: cosby insisting. >> i would appreciate it if it was scuttled. i think if you want to consider yourself to be serious, that it will not appear anywhere. >> reporter: abc news spoke to that reporter who defends his line of questioning. >> i would have no integrity if i didn't ask these questions. these are serious allegations. >> reporter: despite nbc and netflix scrapping upcoming projects and tv land yanking the cosby show reruns off the air, cosby will perform tonight and tomorrow as scheduled. to a consumer alert now, the manufacturer gray co is recalling 5 million baby strollers. they received multiple reports of injuries, at least six finger tip amputations, affecting 11
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models between 2000 and 2014. all the information is on our website. tonight we celebrate a legend, director mike nichols who has died at the age of 82, a singular talent and human being. beloved by hollywood's brightest stars and his family here at abc. you will remember his movies, they made us laugh, they made us cry. they made us country. >> reporter: mike nichols had a mind that never stopped, always a tlis for what was next, taking on a new project with meryl streep, one of the many actors who always came back to work with mike. >> you have shown us how a person can become essential. you're one of our era's essential artists, mike. you're one of our essential people. >> reporter: mike was known in hollywood and on broadway for his many gifts, getting actors to break through boundaries. in his college years teaming up with elaine may, nichols and may
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as they were called. >> i feel awful. >> if i could believe that i would be the happiest. >> who's afraid of virginia woolf, starring elizabeth taylor. burton once saying of nichols i didn't think i could learn anything about comedy, but from him i learned. his next movie, the graduate, and it was mike who chose an unknown dustin hoffman to play an all american boy coming of age. >> mrs. robinson, you're trying to sa deuce me. >> the winner is mike nichols. >> nichols would win the oscar. >> it's a picture made by a group and we cared for what we were doing. so this award literally belongs to them at least as much as it does to me. i'm grateful to them and i'd also like to wish my mother a happy birthday. >> reporter: he came to america
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at 7 years old, his family escaping nazi germany. it's here he would explore so much of our american lives, championing the working class in working girl. >> i have a head for business and a bod for sin. is there anything wrong with that? >> no. >> reporter: there was the bird cage. >> you do fosse, fosse, fosse, fosse. >> postcards from the edge. >> you're beautiful. >> reporter: and closer. >> my favorite thing about mike is that he is the most encouraging person that i have ever met. everything about mike makes everything about everything just better. >> reporter: nichols was part of a rare group, able to say they had won the oscar, tony, emmy and grammy. on broadway so many of his productions, spam a lot and two years ago a tony for the revival of death of a salesman. >> mike nichols for death of a
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salesman. >> sharing that moment with diane before telling millions watching -- >> you see before you a happy man. >> reporter: happiest mike often said when surrounded by his family, his children, daisy, max and jenny. his grandchildren and the woman he married in 1988. he said over and over i was luckier than i had any right to be. i found the love of my life, and we all knew here that he and diane revelled in the joy of being grandparents. >> love, family, food, movies, the night moon, the night stars. i'll see you on the set, on the beach, in the kitchen, and at the movies. >> and tomorrow night the lights on broadway will go dark to honor the legendary director. later here, what diane once said about meeting the man who would become her best friend. i should let you all know that she spent this day surrounded by family.
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there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" tonight, strangers spying on your homes from miles away. those nanny cams, the warning for families tonight. look at this police chase ending in a wild crash in the heartland, a car demolishing a building in an incident. the new crash test results coming in, authorities calling them alarming. a lot more news to get to. to take their medications regularly. so join us as we raise a glass to everyone who remembered today. bottoms up, america. see you tomorrow. same time. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything. for new nestlé© toll houser delightfulls morsels, the chocolate you know and love now filled with
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caramel, peanut butter, cherry, and mint. so peanut butter up some brownies. and caramel-ify those chocolate chip cookies with new nestlé© toll house delightfulls. bake some love™ i have a cold. i took nyquil but i'm still stuffed up. nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose.
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really? alka-seltzer plus night rushes relief to eight symptoms of a full blown cold including your stuffy nose. (breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime. if you're suffering from constipation or irregularity, powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. we're going to turn next to a warning for parents about those so-called nanny cams. many families use them to watch over their children while at home. but who else is watching. here's abc's matt gutman. >> reporter: it's your private life exposed for all to see and without you even knowing it. these men at bar, this woman at her desks. two of thousands of images security cameras looking at driveways, porches, a laundry mat.
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more shocking, the images we won't show you inside of homes, even a child sleeping in a crib. a russian website called insecam has hacked nearly 5,000 cameras in the u.s. alone by entering the default password. >> they're searching for these devices on the internet. you know the password and they know it and log in like they were you. >> reporter: we found one right here in california. we're about to tell this young lady in this cafe that they are being spied on. is this you? that's you, right? >> yeah. >> reporter: we found that ba reese ta, cat lee. >> that's me today. >> that's from a few minutes ago. >> yeah. >> so what should we be doing about that? >> change the default password. make it unique to you and then the bad guys can't get in. >> reporter: just a few key strokes to protect your privacy. matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. when we come back here
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tonight, the brand new formula. will taylor swift and others be happy about this. then the car chase through the heartland. watch this, an entire building collapses in seconds. here's what's coming up tomorrow. >> ever wondered about your family roots? prepare to be amazed, the surprise for tina fey, sally field, derek jeter and david muir, the answer he wasn't expecting. how to trace your own roots on abc's "world news tonight" with david muir. that matter today. on the s ♪ at axa, we offer advice and help you break down your insurance goals into small, manageable steps. because when you plan for tomorrow, it helps you live for today. can we help you take a small step? for advice, retirement, and life insurance, connect with axa. imany cold medicines may raisee fyour blood pressure.t, and life insurance,
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into that building. no one was inside. the driver suffering minor injuries. and taylor swift with her new album 1989 and her hit shake it off. billboard revealing they can change their formula for the first time adding streaming. when we come back, your favorite moments from mike nichols movies, what diane said about meeting him and what mike said about the food when he came to america. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine
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the room life was changing. he had an impact on so many of us. >> reporter: mike nichols came to america the age of 7 and noticed it was different here. he said it was thrilling, first of all, the food made noise. we were so happy about rice crispies and coca-cola. he would grew up here, first medical school before finding his true calling, comedy first and behind the camera, his lens trained on the american culture, he embraced as a young man. there was benjamin braddock. the voice of so many angst ridden young men uncertain about love and future. there are so many indellible moments to count. a young meryl streep in heartburn. meryl streep once said of nichols, he's responsible for igniting people's dreams. who can forget robin williams and nathan lane exploring their
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identify dis. husband and wives then and now, sa deduction in the age of the internet. mothers and daughters in postcards from the edge. >> i am still here! >> reporter: he took on politics in primary colors, charlie wilson's war, always taking us on a journey, never quite knowing where we would turn next. here at abc tonight, we celebrate him, a dear friend to us, and we remember his family tonight. >> our thoughts are with mike's children, his grandchildren, and with diane. we hope you have a good evening. good night.
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this is the "jeopardy! tournament of champions." here are our three finalists -- a 20-time "jeopardy" champion from kenilworth, illinois... a compliance analyst, voice-over artist, and blogger from broadview heights, ohio... and an i.t. consultant, originally from florence, south carolina...


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