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tv   Action News 530 PM  ABC  November 3, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

5:30 pm
hello, again. here is what is happening on "action news" monday night. a routine eviction escalates after booby-traps were found around a property. and they are facing criminal charges after authorities say what he did off duty. and jamie apody asked chip kelly about the injuries of nick foles and demeco ryans. they ended up calling out the bomb squad. it turns out this abandon warehouse in west sedgley had its own homemade security system complete with booby-traps. john rawlins is live at the scene. have you new information for us? >>reporter:right monica. these were small devices we were talking about. they used shotgun shells. one of those device was
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triggered this afternoon at the site behind me.vice was the industrial site behind me here. the shotgun shell was discharged. the victim avoided most of the blast we are told. he was struck by one small pellet. he is fine and talking to the detectives. they were called back to the building after the mishap. he hit a trip wire and triggered a concealed booby-trap. it had a shotgun shell like this one. >> and caused the shotgun round to go off and it expelled shells and struck him in his flank. it caused a mark. the gentleman did not hit him in a more sensitive location. >>reporter:it dealt with the makes of four other booby-traps. would were rigged. >> they were rendered safe. they were rig-wired booby-traps.
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they are disarmed. they would not function as the design but the intent was still there. >>reporter:today began when the sheriff's deputies moved to evict sharlene and roland mcvicker. the control agents were called to pick up the many dogs. they advised him of the booby-traps that he used to ward off thieves. >> no evidence that were used for law enforcement. they were placed there according to this gentleman, because of previous thieves. >>reporter:well, as suspected there will be charges filed in this case sometime tonight. in the meantime, the police continue to hold the site that is measured in acres. the bomb squad is coming back tomorrow to search the many
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acres here. thank you. a warning for parents of children that went trick-or-treating in vineland, new jersey. the detectives say that the candy was collected in areas of south spring road, lincoln avenue, and pennsylvania avenue. a razor blade was found inside of a tootsie roll. if you have any information contact the vineland police at 856-691-4911. it happened in montgomery county. and jury selection began in the civil trial of penn professor rafael robb. he was found murdering his wife in 2006 inside of the king of prussia home. the investigation continues on who defaced a 911 memorial in
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mercer county new jersey. they spray-painted the memorial in west windsor township. the strange writings identified as russian was painted everywhere including on the steel beam that was covered with a tarp. it stands as a symbol of so many lives lost. tonight the police are trying to find whoever disgraced it. a veteran is facing criminal charges for what he allegedly did off-duty. it ended up on the internet. somebody posted a video of him touching himself on a broad street subway car in august. he was charged with indecent exposure and open lewdness. he has been with the trenton trt police for 12 years.
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he is on admin traffic leave. this is in the 30 3000 bloc. they tried to open the door with a key. it didn't work. the men jumped through the front window and took $1,100 from at locked box. barbara lieberman stole millions of dollars from her clients. she was a lawyer that specialized in elder law. she laundered funds including her attorney trust account. she faces 10 years in prison. there is new information about the moments of leading up to the spaceshiptwo on friday. the initial reports shows that a system that used to slow the craft down was activated before
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it was supposed to be. the co-pilot michael alsbury unlocked the first step of the braking system. the second step happened on its own. alsbury died from the crash. peter seibold survived. both men loved their jobs and knew the risks. >> they knew the importance of what they were doing. we have to go through the stage of creating a space line to make it safe for travelers that want to travel on the space line in years ahead. >> the tragedy will not stop his plans for space tourism. he adds that many more test flights will happen before customers actually fly. travelers to the u.s. that are in the waver program allows
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foreigns to enter the u.s. without a visa including 38 countries without a visa. now they have to have passport data and al aliases before they travel to the states. brittany maynard ended her life yesterday surrounded by loved ones. she learned that she had terminal brain cancer. it propelled her into the national spotlight. she was 29-year-old. her story is gardening a lot of conversation. "world news with david muir" takes a look at her right to day case and the failure of spaceshiptwo. they take a look at falling gas prices across the country. you can follow that at of on
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"action news" over to the rick and monica. and a time to look at traffic out there on monday night. it's dark out there and congested i see? get out the advil. it's giving u giving us headach. it's taking out of the two left lanes the right lane is squeezing by. traffic is at a crawl approaching the philadelphia international airport onto the the accident scene. on i-95 an overturned vehicle accident blocking the inner driver. the outer drive, the ramp coming from the airport is allowing the traffic to get by. you have a blockage and a delay there as well. we are locked up again all the way up to cottman. the crash there cleared. 52 minutes to get to the vine to wood haven.
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and from king of prussia, 422 southbound. and 352 is an alternate. back to you. thank you, sir. still ahead on "action news," a halloween cruise turned into a nightmare. something terribly wrong on board. we'll explain. who got several inches of snow adam. the temperatures have warmed a bit in the last 24 hours. 12 warmer in reading. 7 in philadelphia. 9 in allentown. we'll talk about the warmer air in the accuweather forecast. more on the eagles' injuries when "action news" comes right back.
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier.
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spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,... you can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? don't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler.
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there are conflicting reports about an attack on van der sloot. the fellow prisoners in peru stabbed him in the shoulder and waist. they are denying the claim.
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he has a 20 year sentence in 2010. he is the maybe suspect in the disappears of alabama teenager natalie halloway. there was a horror-themed trip. hundreds of folks huddled in life vests during an evacuation in the bahamas. it shifting something out at sea. the passengers and crew made it off of the ship safely. as we were telling you eagles won but it came at a price. jamie apody has more. hi, jamie. the eagles won the game. they lost th their quarterback d
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the quarterback of defense. here is what happened. nick foles had an m.r.i. and mark sanchez came on in relief. he didn't look like he played since september 30 of 2012. he had two touchdowns and two interceptions. and chip kelly preached having a capable quarterback. >> preparation is ou outstandin. he prepared like a starter. he was ready to go in the game. one thing about him he's always ready and focused. he is prepared to make plays. that is part of his makeup. he has a great work ethic.ys. he can run everything. >> it felt good to get back out there. it felt good to make calls and to get hit a bit. all that stuff is really fun. we are fortunate to play like
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this. >> he throws and it's picked off. >> and demeco ryans has a torn achilles tendon. he is done for the season. it happened in the fourth-quarter. he gathered around the linebacker. some were seen crying. he is described as the true leader of the team. >> it's sad to see someone go down like that. all the thing we can do is to keep pushing forward. >> you never want to see anyone to get hurt, you know. demeco is a rock for us on defense. i hope that he is all right. >> you get to see from a time with injuries is how much faith do you have in the guys? and how much depth do they have? >> a strange twist of fate in the same stadium in the exact
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spot on the 10-yard line demeco tore his other achilles four years ago. >> houston is hoping to get their first win of the season. for phillies news, a.j. barnett we hardly knew you. he is a free agent. he is not sure if he wants to pitch again next season. they are having a start against edmonton. no word when he will be back. the flyers are below the 500 mark again. they know that november is their chance to fix that. >> you are not going to win every single game of the year. when you have the month over all november overall you have to take advantage of it. you will have a great opportunity. you want to start on the right foot to have that feeling moving
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forward. mason is looking for his first win. emory had their first wins. thank you, jamie. what a way to start off the week with dancing and country music. that starts at 8:00. two hours of "dancing with the stars." at 10:00 it's the countdown of cmas after that one hour special is "action news" at 11:00. and alicia vitarelli is in tennessee to captured the excitement. she is live tweeting behind the scenes pictures and more from the private party. the live report starts tomorrow on "action news." and a-listers from the media and entertainment worlds mourned oscar de la renta. mong thosamong those attending e
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oscar de la renta. mong thosamong those attending e funeral was hillary clinton we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speed of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job posting our vacation pics. stop living with half fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast? that is up to him. get a fios triple play online for this great price and a $400 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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giving you the freedom to relish right now. independence blue cross. live fearless. well, we may be in for a
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warmup. people in new england are cleaning up. and bangor, maine got hit with a double digit snowfall. and aand asand austin was hit. they call it one classic nor'easter. it is in ou our backyard. >> a lot have no power. there are no leaves on the trees. you get the heavy weight of the snow. compared to that we are in nirvana. it's balmy. yeah. the temperatures are warming at 70. as you look at double scan radar we are on the good side of the mimid-atlantic. the average is 61. the low is at 36. the record is 28 and 80 degrees.
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as we look at numbers 53 allentown. 56 in trenton. 53 in millville. the sun set an hour earlier on saturday. 55 in wilmington and dover at 55 degrees. the high acts as a heat pump. the winds are clockwise. a few high clouds are from the north and west. a sprinkle in the poconos as warmer air is pushing in. tomorrow's high 66. a lot of sun and a few clouds on the nice side. we are watching a cold front that slides into our north and west on wednesday. tsit brings in a warm day. a triple of warmth along the boundary. it combines with this. the two will marry on thursday.
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that throws a lot of precipitation in the form of rain on thursday. in the morning the commute will be a mess. heavy rounds of rain. it continues as it goes south and west at 1:30. that continues further into the evening hours. seasonably cool. 43 for center city. the exclusive seven-day forecast a couple of warm days. 66 with a decent amount of sun. november warmth on wednesday, 68 despite that a little more cloud cover on wednesday. the soaking rain sets in on thursday. it won't be the raw rain that we had over the weekend on saturday with highs in the 40s. it will be 64. we are looking at 1 to 2 inches of rain. it creates a slow even and morning commute. there could be a rumble of thunder as the low develops over
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our region. it throws the strong winds back out of the northwest. it drops the temperature into the middle 50s with returning sun. it's dry. showers developing on sunday, 53. right now for monday night football at linc, it's a little on the cold side. that is what you want it to be. 50 for the high. dropping to 30s. meantime a beloved broadcaster has died. tom mag liozz magliozzi died. they started their talk show in the 1970s. they stopped live broadcasting but the station was airing
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well, if you don't want to be tempted by the leftover halloween candy you can maketo cash. they will buy your stash. try they wild send your extra treats to soldiers overseas. and how about the soda. if you don't want to overeat now you can freeze it and save it for later. and right now jim gardner is standing by with stories at of. the search is on for a woman that was abducted in germantown. she shows the struggle to fight off her attacker. they made alleged threats against the school. the breaks details coming up in a live report for adam joseph
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and sharrie williams, shirleen allico
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monday night the candidates for pennsylvania governor hours before election day. police dismantle a booby-trapped warehouse. the big story is a kidnapping all caught on video.
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surveillance cameras were rolling in germantown as 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither was west handsbury street was forced in a car. she kicked the rather driver's side window out before the car sped away. but she is still missing at this hour. live at the scene of the crime, we have chad pradelli. what is the latest here, chad? >>reporter:jim, the police believe it was a random kidnapping that the victim did not know her attacker on the victim. the victim was approached by the suspect at green and coulter. she was knocked to the ground and dragged down this block. it was captured on the surveillance video there. the police want you to take a close look at it so the victim