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tv   Action News  ABC  November 1, 2014 2:10am-2:43am EDT

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>> we want to say there's no need to worry about bus drivers and train engineers walking off the job. we want to say there will be no septa strike. because all indications are that the transit agency and union are very close to striking a deal
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it's friday night the big story we think we're minutes a way from agreement on new contract for the workers union but, of course, nothing is definite until the deal is signed. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live at the scene of the talks at 4th and arch in philadelphia any, what have you got? >> jim, you're absolutely right. everybody wants to avoid a strike at this point septa lead aernz union leaders are expected to make an announcement any minute. today has been incredibly positive day towards this point all signs point to two year deal a strike could be off the table. at this point no official announcement was made. >> 4700 members of transit workers have worked without a contract and this week they let the possibility of strike loom over the city potentially affecting buses, trolley, subwe
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and not reej yool rail. he want aid contract by the end of friday. it's clear we're getting close to that. city, state and national leaders kept a constant presence here including congressman bob brady. a strike could suppress democratic voter turnout. around 6:00 they said they were 70% done with a deal and we're hearing all signs positive towards a two year deal but waiting on official announcement and we're expected to hear that any minute from septa leaders and also union leaders. that's the latest from old city, annie mccormick, channel 6 "action news", jim. >> thank you, an jury. they brought him out for everybody to see. eric frein in the flesh.
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just having been charged with capital murder. in tanersville he was captured this morning in front of pike county courthouse people yelled are you sorry. why did you do it? what he allegedly did is shoot two state troopers one fatally. he is now in maximum security five by eight foot sell his 48 day odyssey in the woods now behind him. "action news" reporter sharee williams is at the big board tonight sharee the more you learn about the police operation that ultimately led to frein's capture the more you realize it was planned with military like situation. >> that can mean waiting your target out or waiting for your tarring tote make a wrong move. every day for weeks in and weeks out teams of law enforcement officers walked their assigned grip grid. the jackpot turned out to be this abandoned hangar area where they methodically had been awk
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walking and clearing that mission there and one alert agent saw movement out of the corner of his eye. we hear about the capture in that maral seas own words. >> awe enforcement agencies combed the area in the poconos. day 49 a mundane grid walk was monumental. >> i saw movement, and it was high grass, weeds, >> scott was the first to so the him. >> when i first saw him i thought what he is doing in the field himself a second and then sixth sense i guess, i knew it was him. >> milkoski and members of his team closed in. >> the marshals hunted him down while searching abandon airstrip in tanersville. he describes the heart racing
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moment they made eye contact. >> i identify myself adds law enforce: i told him to get on the ground. he prond out. he was closing dips five feet away. i said who are you whait is your name. >> eric frein. >> he ordered frein to get on the ground and the search team formed a 360 perimeter around the suspect and radioed in they had their man. >> that's what the marshals do hunt funl snrivz it marks end of intense manhunt that gripped nation. eric frein was araivrned in pike county court charged with wounding alex dug also and killing straight trooper brian dickson september 12. his parents came out tonight showing appreciation to those what worked tirelessly to capture their son's killer. >> i say thank you more than you'll ever know they're family. >> and the dickson family grateful and so is surrounding community where search took place for weeks and left
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families on edge. tonight a sign of things possibly returning back to normal. >> chiropractor treating was originally called off and few that frein is behind bars trick or treat is back on. families doing just that door to door enjoying halloween. >> sharee, thank you. has expanded discover range of frein's capture. posted now a slide show of image from his arrest and court appearance today a type lime and trib out to the victims. >> shay lee chucklenassket died this afternoon. two others reneighbor critical condition. it was all at the hands of their front and school classmate jaylen fryburg that then called
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himself. >> maine nurse casey hickox is free to go wherever she polices. they cannot restringt her patient. hickox can monitor her health and she's humbled by the decision and support overseas. >> meanwhile dallas nurse nina pham who described ebola infection will get to reunewt with her dog bentley tomorrow. the dog has been quarantined for 21 days and tested negative for the virus. >> for many children tonight was one of the best nights of the year. we found great halloween costumes in logan section of philadelphia. there were scary ones too. in the quest for county all things are equal. the kids filled their bags with lots of sweet treats. >> in paoli little ones made the day-to-day journey easier with
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their own transportation. these children were hitting homes sycamore circle. we found great costumes here as well and some pretty ones beautiful young princess. >> still to come on "action news" tonight, fill her up. it's no trick. we have not seen prices at the pump for this in four years. and a deadly disaster in effort to launch paying passengers to the edge of space. cecily. >> after it cools and main gusty wind on subject. i'll have details in the i'ming and how cold it will feel in the accuweather forecast. >> i'm yesterday nydia han with a "action news" -- a paraplegic wrote to me because he was having trouble getting chair back from repair company. wait until you hear the rest of the story. >> "high school huddle" coming unand ducis rogers hears from lesean mccoy on run game this weekend and don't forget to tweet your photos of the little
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ones or pets trick or treating tweet your photos of the little ones or pets trick or treating with hash tag 6abc halloween.
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>> we have breaking news in old city, philadelphia, fourth and arch where step and twu are announcing agreements. let's look live. >> hopefully we can move on and get it ratified next couple weeks correct? >> correct. >> can you talk how difficult the negotiations were here in the final day. >> long. difficult. >> gentleman on the left is willie brown president of local 234 transport workers union. >> i'm satisfied with it. >> you can give us details of the contract. >> well i have to give to members first.
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can i not put it out i have to give to members first. >> basics? >> two years, wage increases, that's about it. i have to get to my members first. >> when will members have ratification. >> middle next week probably probably next friday. >> what is message of either septa riders tonight. >> thanks for patience and understanding and thank you to the ryeers and thanks to the union and how you got worked through and worked through and it's good agreement here tonight. we have to wait through ratification. >> what cause off off. >> determination of both sides
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to get it done. >> you can talk about -- >> we're watching live chairman of the septa board and union leader willie brown telling us the deal is done there's no chance of a strike open labor front and khanzit front in philadelphia tonight. let's go on. this has been a tragic week for space flight in america one test pilot was killed and other survived par chuteing out over the mow has beeny in california. it's called space ship too and it's nont eventually take tourist to the edge of space. ambitious plan after billionaire richard brand sop this was 56 test flights and fourth powered by rocket and fourth time with new fuel. >> drivers are getting halloween treat and gas has fall tone $3 a gallon. aaa expects national average should drop below $3 tomorrow
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which could be the first time that happened since december 20106789 gas is cheaper than milk per gallon. a delaware county man contacted "action news" troubleshooters about his motorized wheelchair he wanted it back from a repair condition. here is nydia han. this is how it worked. >> this is richard roads and when i read it my heart broke. i knew we had to spring into action to help. >> richard roads tells "action news" troubleshooters he used to own an landscaping company and his life changed april 8, 200 4. >> i turned around with wheelbarrow woman of mulch and somebody came through the parking lot and ran me over. >> he's a paraplegic and has a list of other health problems. the wheelchair he's in now is not his and having to manually operate is too taxing for his
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body. he needs his power wheelchair. >> twout. >> i'm stranded. you feel look a prisoner in your own house. >> "action news" troubleshooters refused to be ignored but had to persist. i called mr. mobilityty and asked about the wheelchair. she said no one there wanted to talk to me and refused to transfer me to supervisor and then i called attorney for the company. finally, after all these calls were made mr. roads himself got a call directly. >> i answered the phone and she said oh, your wheelchair is coming back tomorrow. it was day after you were here. and she said oh, thank for the free publicity. >> mr. roads looking good. >> at least it's working. >> good to be mobile again. >> great. >> you move fast in the power wheelchair. >> it goes 5 miles an hour. >> mr. roads is able to walk his
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dog again. >> it's the greatest. people don't realize how much help they get. it's one way to get help. >> we went three months i couldn't get help at all. once i called you it was so facts. it was amazing. >> now if you like help from the "action news" troubleshooters you can go to our web page or e-mail me or contact me through the call for action volunteers number 186697 8-4232 i'm nydia han "channel 6 action news." >> good job nydia han let's get the forecast from cecily tynan. >> not one of the best weekends this year getting all choked up about. it stormtracker 6 double scan showing we're mainly dry this halloween night. few sprinkles here and there. temperatures i thought ideal for trick or treater. you didn't get to hot and sweaty. 49 now in wilmington and 48 in
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millville. satellite 6 along with action radar there's two low pressures one off eastern sea board bringing us rain and one in eye o he ovally snow as far as south adds norp georgia. moun taps of north carolina above 4,000 fet could get 6 to 12" of know we're not getting know snow but rain on saturday. future tracker showing me 6:00 in the morning showers around especially along the shore and through the day not all day heavy rain but we'll have on and off showers heaviest east of philadelphia and continuing into the afternoon 5:00 drying out in north east suburbs. it's not a washout of a week. this low pressure moves way surprised. sunshine is back. problem though is subbed we'll be dealing with extremely strong whipped gusts. future tracker showing 8:30 sunday morning run the ben franklin bridge race. i will be there and we're looking at wind gusts 38 miles an hour in philadelphia and even
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into the afternoon. wind gusts around 35 miles an hour. so the wind chills on sunday will be 32 to 42 degrees and definitely bundle up. the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast tomorrow, raw, rainy, high of 52 don't forgot fall back one hour saturday night as daylight savings time ends. plenty of sunshine and high of 50. whipped chills in the morning 32 and in the afternoon only 42. on monday temperatures began to rebound. 57 degrees monday and tuesday much warmer 65 perhaps few showers monday night to thursday morning. 65 is high and sunshine is back and cooler of 59 degrees. good news we gain one hour of sleep saturday night but sun sets 4:58 sunday afternoon. >> i saw your fate on "action
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news" at 11 springfield, delaware county. his mission was to dlait delete and get rid of fright. >> he may have out done himself with spooky music, flying host, grave stopz and here come the with spooky music, flying host, grave stopz and here come the chance. >> >>
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>> eye fierce battle in the nba. milwaukee one out. two teams meet tonight and speaking of winning. these guys win halloween. 1st quarter tj mc daniels tied at 24 after one. sixers lead by one. 4th quarter ut, oh. sticky fingers, fail to score a point in the final eight minutes and lose by eight. >> eagles getting healthier on offense. jason kelce and sproles named as probable. natal sent questionable. last year eagles led in rushing yards this 14 out of 32 that is
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major drop-off. lesean mccoy has one, 100 yard game this season it's been a tough go for him and the banged up offensive line. >> i wish i could do more. i can't get into that type of battle it all about me that's what it is, do i like this and that sure i would love that. it's not it's not happening. >> reminder eagles game day kickoff comes your way 11:30 sunday liver mike quick will join myself and we'll be back 11:35 to wrap up eagles game day final temple athletes put aside a safe night of fun for children. the kids lined the streets and "high school huddle" next on
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channel 6 of followed by special edition of juney kimle live and "nightline". for the entire "action news" team i'm jim gardner have a good night pretty good and great team i'm jim gardner have a good night pretty good and great weekend . i hate halloween. you know the best part about being a grown-up? this? okay. the second-best part is that i get to buy my own damn candy. yeah. but my dad loves halloween, so i have to decorate.
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check it out. wow. it's like you on a saturday night. true that. y'all love it, right? "y'all"? oh, when jules' dad comes to visit, she starts talking all folksy. ellie torres, i'm fixin' to get so mad at you. really? are ya fixin'? damn it. laurie, i want you to throw something at me-- done! let me finish. i want you to throw something at me when i start talking like that. got it. (southern accent) so when does redneck dad show up? my dad is not a redneck. we're just from the south. he is named after a farm animal. (gasps) (normal voice) don't tell me. um, a donkey! no. chicken! oh, a goat. you think my dad's name is "goat"? i'm sorry. it's chick. and i take my apology back. be nice. these visits are always a disaster. but not this time. i've got his favorite beer. trav's coming home. i'm fixin' to make this-- oh! thank you, laurie. i'm going to make this the best visit ever. (door opens and closes) so no pressure. excuse me. i'm looking for the most beautiful girl in the world. (gasps) oh. it's not you. my goodness. did it hurt when you fell down from heaven?
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i used to use that line to get laid. (chuckles) how you doing, sir? aah! that is a mess of paperwork. this is stan's preschool application. you have to apply to preschool? i thought you just show up on the first day, like college. it's crazy competitive. as stan's legal guardian, i'd like to have a say on where he matriculates. well, when we named you and jules stan's guardians, we meant married bobby and jules, which, let's face it, meant jules. when you guys split up, we relieved you of your duties. so i lost your kid in my divorce. if it was up to me, when ellie dies, you and i would raise stan. come on, e-train. i'm responsible enough to be stan's guardian. how many shoes do you think you're wearing? (chuckles) oh. i'll be damned. where'd lefty go? (mouths word) you know what? i think i'm just gonna wait until dinner. well, i have no response to that. (chuckles) (grayson and bobby, high-pitched voices) oh! (all, singsongy) penny can! (mouths words) (bobby, normal voice) that's right, baby. good one. ding-a-ling-a-ling- a-ling-a-ling! that's my cue, since i was 4.
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i used to have to hold the can with both hands. aw! that's so cute. memories. (chuckles) i-i know who all these other folks are, but who are you again? grayson. i'm kind of dating your daughter. kind of? we're sleeping together. (singsongy) thank you. glad to help. (normal voice) uh, jules told me that you love halloween, and i'm having a costume party at my pub tomorrow night, so... god help me, i love costumes. (chuckles) hey, robert, you remember when we went as hall and oates? i becamhall. or was it oates? (chuckles) i don't know, but i had a beautiful mustache. i don't know what to be for my costume. last year i was octomom, but... (sighs) carrying around all those baby dolls all night got super annoying. i just tossed 'em in a dumpster eventually, which... (chuckles) got caught on a grainy security camera. long story short-- evening news. police raid at my house. huge mess. (chuckles) i hate dressing up. not for nothin', but i'm not doin' it, y'all. you sound just like your mom. she hated costumes. hey, i don't wanna wait till tomorrow to see travis. i'm--i'm gonna go pick him up now.
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i need me a dez-y. uh, who hasn't been drinkin'? i knewi was gonna pay for this. grandpa? i come to pick you up, champ. all right. let me get my stuff. good lord. look at the size of you. how'd your mama ever get you out? she never forgave me, sir. why are you guys staring at me? no reason. (screams) aah! ha! happy halloween, bitch! boo! (chick and kevin laugh) it was not cool. my r.a. thought a girl was getting assaulted. hey, don't be a nance. dad, please. (sighs) love you. (chuckles) (whispers) you were supposed to take pictures! (laughs, normal voice) nice. (chuckles) (laughs) okay, listen, i'm gonna have to go to the office. grayson, will you take dad to the pub, and i'll meet you there for dinner? i'll go throw on my free food pants. (laughs) how could it always be a disaster when visits? i mean, chick seems great. i know. with all of you, he's captain superfun.
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i may have just found my costume. when it's just the two of us, he's mr. emotionally distant. that could be my costume. i don't even have to dress up. whenever i try to connect with him, he ducks and runs. he was never like that when my mom was alive. she was our bridge between us. that's why i'm so glad you're here. so i can be the new bridge. no, because he is going to hate you. (chuckles) (chuckles) that way, when i show up for dinner, he's gonna want to cut the dead weight, which is you... (chuckles) and then we could end up having nice, quality father-daughter time, just the two of us. it's a great plan, huh? awesome! why would he hate me? for starters, your name's grayson. grayson is a cool name. for a hunting dog. plus, my dad's the salt of the earth, and you're, like, some vain little dandy. i'm not a vain little-- mirror. what's up, playboy? aw, you already know. (chuckles) who the hell are you talking to? (beep) that was the schiller school. stan is tenth on the waiting list. it's not fair. when i hugged the headmaster, i let him press up against the twins. he got sugar from the ice queen?
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he's a dead man! calm down. i liked it. cool. wait. don bauer is headmaster at schiller? guess who he golfs with? (click) there you are, lefty. grayson, i'm about to walk in and see you, so i want to apologize in advance for making fun of your $100 haircut. so thanks again for letting my dad... hate you. ♪ i'm her man ♪ i'm her father ♪ she's my lover ♪ she's my daughter ♪ we're singin' here like a couple of fools ♪ ♪ like a couple of fools ♪ cause we both got kicked ♪ kicked (both) ♪ in the family jules (laughs) yay. (chuckles) hey, we just got started, so why don't you sit down? dadgummit! (clatter) oh! (music stops) hmm. oh, hey, laurie. (singsongy) hey. ♪ oh. candy corn.


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