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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 29, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to "world news tonight." the new images. the fire in the sky. the rocket explosion. that mission for nasa. $200 million lost. and what we've learned about the soviet engines inside. from the '60s. then, the river of fire. we take you up in the chopper tonight, over that 2,000-degree lava. can they save anything? what they're doing to the telephone poles. unscripted. governor chris christie lashing out at that man with a message, right there in front of him. >> sit down and shut up. >> how this ended. the hidden camera and the cat calls caught on tape. what happens to this woman as she simply walks down the street? it's sparking all sorts of outrage tonight. and the u.p.s. guy. that's a $12,000 package. what happened to handle with care?
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good evening and we begin this wednesday night with the fallout and the questions after that staggering explosion, the rocket on that nasa mission, blowing up just seconds after takeoff. the newest images of the explosion captured by a man watching not far from the launch pad there in virginia. the fire so massive, that blinding white light there in the camera. and then this view, coming in of the aftermath. that's the launch pad right there, also on fire in the moments after the explosion. nasa hired this company, $200 million for this launch. to deliver supplies to the international space station. and tonight, what we've learned about the rocket. made by the soviets in the 1960s? abc's david kerley leads us off. >> five, four -- >> reporter: a nighttime launch. >> three, two, one -- we have ignition. >> reporter: thousands gathered. >> and we have liftoff.
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>> reporter: to watch a spectacular flight as the antares rocket roorps towards the space station. but just 11 seconds in, something goes terribly wrong. the 14-story rocket starts falling back to earth, the bottom falling apart. at the 20-second mark -- the safety launch officer presses the self-destruction button. to ensure the rocket doesn't fly off, causing even more harm. >> launch team, be advised, stay at your consoles. >> reporter: take a look from another angle. and from 3,000 feet in the air, the scene captured by a passenger in a small plane. in space, the astronauts on the station watching the tv feed of their supplies being destroyed. >> we're very grace. no one was jushed. >> reporter: a $200 million loss of rocket and cargo, including science experiments by students from around the country. >> kind of weird to hear that
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something we've been working on all year long had just gone to waste. >> reporter: orbal sinces built the rocket and has been criticized by some for using old refurbished soviet engines, built in the late '60s. did you make a mistake? >> no, we did not. we went through a careful assessmentle of what engine to use and what was available on the marketplace. >> reporter: but another private space vebl sure competing for nasa's business is using american-made engines to send those supplies to the international space station. here's what they told david muir at spacex. >> you're the only team sending a made in america engine. >> that is correct. >> reporter: a nasa official says the damage though that launch pad is less than expected. a ship did arrive at the space station today and i'm told that the astronauts have enough supplies taking them into next year. >> david kerley, thank you. now to hawaii and that slow motion disaster what's been called a river of fire. the unstoppable lava. and this evening, warnings for
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nearby communities about air quality, too. our team has been right there tracking it all. these images from the overnight hours. that lava, 2,000 degrees. and it was last night here we showed you the structures beginning to burn. so tonight, we go back to find out what was left. there is also an urgent effort to save the power. tonight, what they're doing to save those power lines. abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano taking us up in the chopper tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the 2,000-degree lava is closer than ever to the town of pahoa. now in the backyards of residents. that first structure we saw burning yesterday, from the ground today, just ash. and this smoldering pile of tires. officials warning residents about air qualify. today, we got a view from above. just incredible to see the expanse of lava for miles and miles. still steaming with lava breakouts happening in various parts and just fingers of lava reaching for anything in its path.
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and we could see residents putzing up a fight. a private resident actually built his own berm, hoping to protect himself. you can see the lava is less than 100 yards from his home there. teams of scientists monitoring the flow that's less than a quarter of a mile of the island's main road. in an effort to keep the power on after the lava goes through, they're shoring up these utility poles with insulation that goes about halfway up and dirt surrounding it. well up and over my head. the question is, will the lava go around it or undercut it and knock the power out anyway? sara williams' home is just 200 yards away from the smoldering lava. >> totally devastating. i'm hoping it doesn't come to this properly. >> reporter: now, the every changing weather has brought another round of rain here. it's not going to stop this lava. and experts say any attempt to divert it will only direct it into another subdivision. plus, there are cultural considerations. for many native hawaiians, the volcanoes here and the lava they spew is spiritual. it's considered to be sacred.
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david? >> rob marciano with us again tonight from hawaii. rob, thank you. and from one extreme to another now tonight, the coldest air of the season moving in across much of the country and now word of a nor'easter building. look at this image. 35 degrees in st. cloud, minnesota. and that nor'easter, how much of this will affect the millions of children out for halloween? ginger has the timing of it all. >> reporter: it's really the cold. i started the clock right when the kids will be out of school. places like oklahoma city are under a freeze watch by friday night into saturday morning. you can see why. we take the clock into early saturday morning, so, a lot of people, maybe still be out. you see the 20s dipping into almost chicago. atlanta even gets into the 30s. so, yes, that cold smack goes all the way to the gulf coast. and there we go. the first storm i want to talk about, that's not the nor'easter, but that's another one. bringing snowflakes from the great lakes through west virginia. and check this out. it's there, develops in the atlantic, it goes up. it is wind driven. ugly rain. nasty weather for saturday and
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sunday, accumulating rain and snow in apartments of maine. >> after halloween, so, just bundle up. ginger, thank you. now right to the white house. and new details about those computers in the west wing hacked. what was on them and who did they think was behind the cyber attack? abc's pierre thomas live in washington tonight. pierre, what do we know? >> reporter: david there is still some destruction to that white house computer network, because security officials are still cleaning out the electronic infection. and while that network does not have classified information, it's so serious the fbi is investigating. >> do they have any idea who was behind it? >> reporter: sources say the primary suspects are russian hackers tied to that nation's government. one theory, they are retaliating due to u.s. support for economic sanctions because of russia's suspected role in the ukrainian conflict. also, russian hackers are suspected of targeting nato, the world bank and u.s. defense companies. sources say the new breech fits that pattern, david. >> pierre thomas, thank you.
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now, to ebola this evening. president obama calling for, quote, dignity and respect for those health care workers fighting the disease on the front lines in west africa. calling them heroes. and this evening, that american nurse recently back from west africa. we saw her quarantined behind that plastic. now, back in maine, self-quarantined there on her couch. she's now putting authorities on notice this evening. if she's not allowed to leave her home tomorrow. abc's linzie janis in maine. >> reporter: tonight, kaci hickox holed up inside this house. now issuing an ultimatum in an interview with abc news. >> if these restrictions are not removed for me from the state of maine by tomorrow morning, thursday morning, i will go to court to attain my freedom. >> reporter: but maine is determined to keep hickox in quarantine for 21 days. even though she isn't sick. kaci is inside this white house her boyfriend. across the street, a state police officer, send here by the
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governor's office to monitor her movements. but tonight, residents of this tiny town are angry and scared. in fact, ten people canceled surge rims at the local hospital, worried hickox would get sick and show up. the police chief telling us his phone is ringing off the hook. should she stay in her house and be quarantined just to ease people's fears in this community? >> we would appreciate that and i would like to have that conversation with her. if, in fact, i have the opportunity. that's what i will say, can you just understand where we're coming from? >> reporter: but david, tonight, the state of maine gearing up for a fight, preparing a court order to force hickox to stay quarantined. david? >> linzie, thank you. now to an abc news investigation. one of the biggest rivalries in college spots, army versus air force. but tonight, another showdown, already quietly under way. a young woman with a startling accusation about sexual assault
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at the elite academy. abc's brian ross tonight with that young woman coming forward and the frank response from the air force academy. >> reporter: when the air force team takes the field against army at west point this saturday, one of its players will be a cadet accused of sexual assault. and this is his accuser, alexis jones hardy, a former cadet who says the assault changed her life forever. >> honestly, i gave up on life. there were times i didn't want to be alive. >> reporter: she reported the assault, but says she was too scared to name her attacker because, she says, the academy protects football players and punishes the women who come forward. >> i saw the academy as a whole judge them. everyone they'd ever slept with, how many people they'd slept with. >> reporter: for years, air force investigators say there's been a culture or code of silence surrounding sexual
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violence and the academy football team. until this cadet, eric thomas, a member of the football team, agreed to work as a confidential informant, providing information on alleged sexual assaults. anybody who is willing to rape another individual is really no friend of mine. >> reporter: his information helped lead to court martials of two football players for sexual assault and the dismissals or resignations of more than a dozen other cadets for misconduct. expose what the new academy superintendent admits is a serious problem. there's no denial of what happened here? >> no. >> reporter: it was bad? >> yes. >> reporter: and it's not just a problem with the air force football team. in fact, one of the court martialed academy football players, jamil cooks, number 37, is now on the field for another college, alcorn state in mississippi. a rising football star, even though he is also a registered sex offender. cooks says he is appealing his conviction. as for eric thomas, he was kicked out of the academy
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himself. he says it was retaliation, but the air force inspector general sails his dismissal was entirely proper, david. >> brian ross with us tonight. brian, thank you. and now a new development in that mystery, that father who went missing during halftime six days ago, reunited with his family this evening. police say he had walked and hitchhiked more than 100 miles, telling them he, quote, had his fill of football. he slept in the woods and bushes, authorities say, dishing his broncos hat and changing his clothes so no one would recognize him. tonight, the family saying they're still not sure what happened. tonight marks two years since super storm sandy ravaged the northeast and today in belmar, new jersey, chris christie marking the anniversary, when a war of worlds erupting with a heckler. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl tonight. >> reporter: it was supposed to be a mission accomplished moment. chris christie touting the rebuilding of the jersey shore on the second anniversary of super storm sandy. but then a protester accuses
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christie of not doing enough to help storm victims who are still suffering. >> i got the picture, i read it, so -- yeah, you do yours, too, buddy. >> reporter: christie is known for his occasional outbursts and this was classic christie. we're going to get into a debate here today, it's going to get very interesting and fun. somebody like you who doesn't know anything but to stand up and show off when the cameras are here. i've been here when the cameras aren't here, buddy, and done the work. i've been here when the cameras weren't here and did the work. so -- >> reporter: last year, christie celebrated the rebuilding of the jersey shore with president obama. this year -- a much different scene. >> so, listen, you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy. but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> reporter: afterwards, that protester told us that christie is a bully. christie's office had no comment on this. but david, it comes just as he is getting ready to make a decision about whether or not to run for president. >> all right, jon karl at the white house. jon, thank you. with the holiday season almost here, now to that new
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image raising alarm. the u.p.s. driver and the $12,000 package. abc's tom llamas asking, what happened to handle with care? >> reporter: we've seen it before. dreadful deliveries, caught on camera. and tonight, that new video. a u.p.s. driver on long island, rolling and kicking that box, inside? a sensitive pressure gauge worth $12,000. >> i'm shocked. i see him push this box across the floor and then proceed to basically bowl it across the lawn onto the street. >> reporter: around the country, shocked customers uploading evidence to youtube. last year this fedex worker lost her job, busted hurling packages. in 2011, watch as this driver tosses a flat screen computer monitor like a basketball. he was later disciplined. and tis the season. u.p.s. and fedex alone preparing to ship more than 850 million packages for the holidays.
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when your special delivery doesn't arrive as planned, make sure to take a photo of the damaged box. then open the box. look inside and take more photos. >> you don't get that insurance, it's like going to vegas. you are romming the dice. the shipper will say, we didn't do it. >> reporter: in this latest case, u.p.s. telling us tonight, they're investigating this issue and have apologized to the customer. tom llamas, abc news, new york. >> tom, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this wednesday. the hidden camera and the cat calls captured on tape. you will hear it all for yourself coming up here. and then take a close look at these crash test dummies this evening. can you tell what's different? it's a real sign of the times. and millions of american children getting ready for the big night. and the made in america team checking the labels tonight. the answer is pretty sweet. it's creating american jobs. looking for something better. that's the way i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem.
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>> reporter: in just ten hours, shoshanna roberts, catcalled more than 100 times. harassment she says she endures every day. >> damn! damn! >> reporter: this video, now viewed about 8.5 million times, posted just yesterday. >> hey, look it there. just saw a thousand dollars. >> reporter: the viral experiment, all part of a psa about street harassment. to capture it, shoshanna, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, volunteered to walk the streets of new york city holding two microphones while the director of the video walked ahead of her with a hidden camera strapped to his back. >> i wanted to give to guys, who maybe they consider whistling at a girl, to see things from the other side. >> hey, baby. >> reporter: online, a firestorm. some questioning if the comments shouldn't be considered compliments, but when we showed video of a group of women -- >> even if it was someone saying, "hey, good morning beautifuul?" >> you don't see people calling out to men that way. you see them saying, "hey sexy,
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tight butt!" >> it's entering your personal space when you haven't been open to it. >> reporter: all three of you could relate to this woman? >> yes. >> reporter: now, some critics say the video might send a message that harassers are mostly black and latino, leaving some questions the choice of neighborhood. but it certainly proves a larger point about the prevalence and experience of cat calling, david. >> at lof people talking about this video. when we come back here tonight, have you figured it out in the big change of the crash test dummies. and the halloween showdown tonight over this. whose side are you on? the neighbors, the police and the new development coming in. ♪
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>> some neighbors hopping mad, though. police shutting it down. but tonight, the city giving that family a permit afterall. neighbors saying it was the crowds, not the music. and game seven between the sfrils giants and kansas city royals. kc celebrating ties the sere reaps with a big 10-0 shutdown last night. game on. when we come back here tonight. you got to see this. most children asking trick or treat, but we are about to ask something else. in a moment. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪
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and finally tonight here, made in america. millions of children asking trick or treat friday night. so, tonight, our team asking something else about costumes. and the answer -- pretty darn sweet. tonight, across america, millions of churn getting their costumes ready. and we got our question ready. it's one we've asked many times before. where was this made? >> china. i know, i know, i know your show, i know your show. >> reporter: our made in america team fanning out tonight. checking the labels on those costumes. how about popeye here in new york city? made in china. even elvis, no graceland here. made in china.
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in new orleans -- >> you look. >> reporter: even this little one having a hard time like us. the pirate princess -- sewn in china. our team out in atlanta, too. even the caveman. not from the stone ages, from china. but then, we find alice in wonder land and it's a wonder. finally made in the usa. and it turns out the race is on tonight. sewing machines racing across this country. jane from georgia, lovelane designs. already trying out their made in america costumes. then, the little hero capes being sewn tonight in sommer set, massachusetts. claude and amelia there in their super hero pose. saving the world and jobs here in america. and there was jessica and her team from indiana. they make 200 masks a day. her busiest time of the year. every american costume we've shown so far, found on that popular website, etsy. and lastly, how about those superfly kids? where they are still getting ready tonight, ironing on those
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custom letters, 10,000 capes a week. soon, those capes will be taking off. so, this year, along with that famous first question -- >> trick or treat? >> reporter: we also found something else sort of sweet. those costumes with those three words in mind. >> made in america! >> some costumes creating jobs tonight. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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this is "jeopardy!" introducing today's contestants -- a patent attorney from alexandria, virginia... ...and our returning co-champions, a student and writer from riverton, utah...