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tv   Action News  ABC  October 19, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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to it's on? oh yeah. with who? the citizens banker lady. she made things way simple for me, like how to deposit a check from my phone. she's even gonna send me alerts if my balance gets too low. total special treatment. you do know the alerts don't come from her personally, right don juan? mr.tobin, you forgot your phone! thank you. you left that there on purpose, didn't you? yeah. wow. award winning mobile banking from citizens bank. it's one way we're helping you bank better by keeping things simple. >> a night to bundle up and get
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under the covers. sunday night, i'm sarah bloomquist. >> i'm walter perez. >> and the big story on "action news" is a very chilly night in the delaware valley. meteorologist karen rogers in for melissa. she's at the big board with a look at the forecast, karen. >> as we look at this national weather service has posted frost and freeze warnings. so we see the frost advisories areas of purple for much of the region. not philadelphia. in the city we're not expecting any frost with temperatures well above freezing. but the freeze warnings up in the lehigh valley allentown and mount pocono as well as down the pinelands in south jersey we can see through millville, hammonton and lakehurst freeze warnings go into effect 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. something we're watching closely protect the sensitive plants. we'll see the first frost and freeze in some areas. let's look at temperatures now. 37 degrees martins creek. already 36 quakertown and drop to 39 pottstown and 38 st. daivdz and important to note
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adds well this is air temperature. so the temperature at the plant level a little closer to the ground will be even colder. 43 degrees in center city. in the city staying at 40s. 39 browns mills and 36 already in hammonton and 37 in glassboro and 40 dover. temperatures dropped significantly from the high of 56 degrees. and satellite 6 and action radar showing clouds erecteding into the region after our sunny day. at this point they're high, thin clouds and that is significant. cirrus clouds are still going to allow the radiational cooling and what we're watching if the clouds thickening overnight that insulates the temperatures and stops us from getting down lower. but at this point e. they're high, thin clouds and watching temperatures drop already. here's what is in store in the night ahead. partly cloudy skies and chilly, 40, down right cold in suburbs and 32 overnight low in allentown. , 33 reading and lancaster and trenton and 33 millville and i sitting along the coastline in
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the low 40s. big changes coming up in the week ahead. details in the 7 day forecast minutes away, sarah. >> thank you. wake up with the "action news" morning team for latest open the weather and all the latest traffic starting toment at 4:30 a.m. >> and moving ton "action news" exclusive a woman that says she came within yards of accused cop-killer eric frein. she is sharing what she saw only with "action news." the sighting came two days ago at a high school in the poconos prompting a police search in that area. "action news" reporter vernon odom spoke with her tonight. >> right now i'm in the swift water section of paradise, monroe county. it was here apparently eric frein was spotted by a local residents 50 hours ago. she was out for a casual walk. >> he was standing over by achb abandoned truck. >> tonight, i spoke with the woman that state police are convinced ran into eric frein near her home not far from high school he attended here in monday count county friday
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night. she does not want her identity revealed. she told me it was at this empty house and abandoned truck she spotted a man with a rifle not realizing it was eric frein cop killing suspect who has been on the run up in the poconos for more than a month. >> he actually turned towards me and that's where you can see the mudd on his face and tell what hite he was based off of the truck he was standing next to. >> did he have a gun. >> oh, yeah you can clearly tell it was a gun. >> rifle. >> riv well a scope attached to it. it looked as though he was looking for something or looking which way to go. he avoided making eye contact. i had the light shining on his upper half, face, it was kind of confusing this guy was not startled by me. >> she immediately ran to the house and called police who she says have questioned her ten to 15 times. her story triggered flood of fbi and law personnel.
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hundreds of law officers have been coming poconos looking for him for five weeks. tonight, word that schools will open here tomorrow but with added security. >> i'll probably go to school tomorrow. but i mean it's not a great idea to keep the school open if he is still going around the school. >> he was wearing a like a dark navy like tight like wool cap that was rolled up at the ends. >> tonight, eric frein remains at large. in paradise, monroe county pennsylvania, i'm vernon odom, "channel 6 action news." >> police have captured the man wanted in connection with a deadly attack at a bar in upper darby. the migueles ka loan was ab dunted in philadelphia and he stabbed at man in the neck at the lock canteen abar earlier this mom the victim later died. escalone is in the u.s. illegally and faces several charges including first degree
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murder. >> it was a terrifying morning for employees of chickie's and pete's in drexel hill. two armed men forced employees into the sports bar freezer and made off with more than 16 thours. upper darby police chief is calling gunman urban terrorists. kenneth moton is live outside chicky and need drexel hill with the full details. kenneth. >> sarah, some employees were arriving for work this morning and others were already here when surveillance cameras captured the two armed thieves walking through a side door here at chickie's and pete's. >> they moved fast. they were armed and masked. in this surveillance seen fist on "action news" we can see two rob ersers walk into the managers office and then chickie's and pete's. >> general manager shawn mc greenhan said before happening 9:30 the man forced female manage to empty safe of more
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than $16,000. they also took her wedding rings. before other cameras captured them moving the woman and three kitchen employees into a back freezer at gun point. >> i refer to these types of individuals as urban terrorists. >> detectives are trying to figure out if crime was inside job. one gunman could be seen wearing chickie's and pete's sweatshirt. >> they had information to what they were doing. so you know, this was a well-planned robbery. again the best part about it is nobody got hurt. >> hours after the popular sports bar and restaurant reopened we spotted customer in philadelphia district attorney seth williams. >> pete does a great job trying to support the community and giving jobs so so many people. so, it's very difficult. and it's sad to know that happens here in delaware county as i know all too often in my philadelphia. >> it came as surprise that this was well-known chain first armed robbery in nearly 40 year
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history. >> i think it's isolated situation. i think it's not indicative of the community. it's a safe community and great community. >> investigators say the man got away on township line road here. they also stole those employee cell phones which were recovered open the side of this roadway. thrown from get away car possibly silver toyota prees. upper darby police are asking for tips tonight, walter, reporting live in drexel hill, ken, "channel 6 action news." >> thank you, kenneth. to the latest on ebola situation now. weeks of surveillance is about to end for 48 people including family of thomas eric dunkin. in just about two hours dunkin fiancee and family are expected to be released from isolation. experts say the week ahead will be a critical time for those still being monitored. it's been 11 days since dunkin died precisely the time frame when symptoms should surface if a spern in fact infected. meantime authorities are tracing
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contacts of nurse amber vincent that traveled back from dallas to cleveland to prepare for her wedding and a bridal shop she visited was decontaminated. a healthcare working that handled dunkin's samples returned. >> she should not have been or board. she should have stayed home. >> and military is now preparing to train a 30-member rapid response medical support team. that team provides quick help for healthcare professionals in u.s. dealing with any potential future ebola cases. you can find updated information about the story on we'll continue to follow any new developments and on-line and have resources to learn more about ebola virus, symptoms and how it spreads. >> still much more to come tonight on "action news". >> a dramatic rescue caught on camera. complete strangeers risk their lives to help. a man hailed a hero. >> also ahead a wedding that was
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dream come true. paralyzed man walks his bride dream come true. paralyzed man walks his bride down the aisle.
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>> i would do it again. i would. 100%. >> why. >> because just knowing the feeling that you are saving somebody's life. >> the man's daughter says the quick heroic action saved his life and investigators are trying to determine how the fire started. >> officials investigating the disappearance of missing university of virginia student hannah graham returned to the rural area where human remains were discovered. those remains were found yesterday on abandoned property south of charlottesville, virginia. investigators also interviewed people who live in the area. search crews found a skull,
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bones and pair of pants and in a dry creek bed. graham disappeared on september 13. so far jessie matthew has only been charged with abduction with intent defile. a man in indiana who confessed to killing a woman led police to three more bodies. remains were found in different locations in gary, indiana last night and early this morning. the 43-year-old suspect admitted to murdering a woman found dead inside a motel 6 friday night and told officers then where they could find other homicide victims. none of the women have been identified yet. >> a fall tradition ended with police firing tier gas and dozens of arrests at a college in new hampshire. chaos broke out near keen state college. hundreds of students clashed with police after a notoriously rowdy party turned violent. some jumped on cars and set fires. 49 people were arrested. >> a pennsylvania rehabilitation center played a big role in
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wedding miracle this weekend. matt facara paralyzed from the chest down in a boating accidents three years ago. a robotic skeleton helped him walk down the aisle. the syracuse resident made weekly trips toy allentown rehab sent to learn how to use technology. he and his new wife leave for their jamaica honeymoon tomorrow. >> it maying a bye week for the eagles but they did not take the day off and neither did the fans. >> it's a chilly night ahead. meteorologist karen rogers has >> it's a chilly night ahead. meteorologist karen rogers has your exclusive accuweather 7-day so brian at citizens said
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one deposit a month waves the monthly maintenance fee. he's so good to me. mom! this is amazing! i know. no fee. no. brian at citizens bank. he gave you a special deal? he's into you. sounds like it's time to get back out there. honey, anyone can get one deposit checking. besides, he's younger than your brother. eww. you got that right. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee.
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>> ur an oasis closing up shop before the fair weather arrives. more than 50,000 people checked it out this summer and fall. this was fourth year the pennsylvania horticultural society planted temporary garden in the city. >> time for a check of the accuweather forecast and meteorologist karen rogers is here for melissa. >> it's cold. we expect today. >> no more popup gardens and chilly air coming. >> i find it quality depressing. >> now we're talking about frost on pumpkins. >> and the tomato plants. >> let's take a look now stormtracker 6 live double scan around the region we're dry, looking good as far as precipitation and double scan will be busy during the week. we have a bunch of days we see showers. not tonight though.
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let's head outside because the action cam was outlooking down broad street and we see people out and about. little chilly out there though now not seeing leaves blow in the wind too much at that point. they did earlier. we had 38 mile an hour gusts. let's look at what is ahead during the 7 day period.. frost and freeze warnings and unsettled week ahead and nice weekend. all coming up you to in the 7 day forecast starting with accuweather altima in that case. today temperatures were 10 below average. normally we would be at 66. it felt chilly. 48 the current temperature in philadelphia. only 40 allentown and 36 degrees in millville. so in some of the suburbs we're already in 30s now. how does this compare to 24 hours ago it's nearly 20 colder already in millville right now. then it was this point yesterday, 13 colder in aallentown and watching temperatures jump down already and will continue to fall. satellite 6 and action radar showing clear skies, lots of
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sunshine much of the day an then we see clouds erecteding into the region. right now high, thin, cirrus clouds and that's still going to allow for raitdtional cooling. we'll have to watch. if the clouds thickening overnight the temperatures will not continue to drop. clouds insulate the heat in the area. partly cloudy. then freeze warnings in effect. because although we hit 40 in city we hit about 32 degrees. get down to freezing mark in some suburbs. when you wake up tomorrow morning chilly at the bus stop in city 40. 41 by 8 a.m. kind of slow to budge. we will see sunshine and clouds. it's coat weather though. in the suburbs you'll be around the freezing mark in many locations. something to watch. tomorrow is a day of strapdzition. other than frost and freeze advisories out there until 8 a.m. day will be quiet. sunshine and clouds kind of increasing through the day. high of 61. not quite as chilly as today. and then these showers and clouds move in. monday night into tuesday and problem they really stick
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around. we get unsettled period of weather. looking how the day unfolds, 7 a.m., 41, clouds and sun and 10 a.m., 49 and in afternoon hours the clouds thickening, 57 at 1 p.m. and 6 1 in early evening hours. here's a look at your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. tomorrow the clouds thickening. high of 61 degrees. after the early morning frost advisories and freeze warnings and we'll see sunshine fade behind clouds. some late showers at the end of the day and tomorrow is not a bad day. stays dry during the day. tuesday, clouds, shower or two, and 66. mild enough but damp at times. damp and chilly wednesday. go down to 58. look at the overnight hours no frost concerns during the 7-day period. and stay in 50s for most part and thursday some rain around and 5 for the high. friday, fumely sun returns and 64. not bad. just in time for weekend, sunny and nice saturday. i like the way that works. 67. on sunday, partly sunny skies
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and 62. >> getting chilly in the overnight hours and down right cold in suburbs and damp and cloudy after that. >> lovely. >> thank you, karen. >> well the crisp, cool, autumn weather added perfect touch as kids enjoyed harvest festival in southwest philadelphia this afternoon. pumpkin carving, face painting and hayrides were part of the fun at bartram's garden. this is the third year health and nutrition organization hosted this festival for families in the area. and then, later in the fight, the harvest festival turned into harvest moon as couples danced the night away. st. philomena's raised money to support the homeless shelters. the night featured big band music from 30s and 40s prompting these folks to cut a rug. if you don't know what that means ask your grandpa. >> eagles may have been off today but theres with a critical game to determine where they
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fall in
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sports. you you know we were not asking much. we wanted giants beat the cowboys, that's it. >> that's it, that's it. a little magic eagles watching at home. help us out a little bit. this is not something you do every day. eagles fans routing for giants today. that's right. as much as that is no-no around here eagles needed new york to beat dallas to takeover first place. it doesn't happen. new york giants takeover the cowboys. gives dallas the lead. demarco murray becomes first player in nfl history to rush for over 100 yards. cowboys win 31-21. they're 6-1 with best record in football knocking eagles out of first place tonight. at least for now.
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so, how are the eagles spending nfl sunday. they are with eagles' fans. that's right, lesean mccoy and nick foles among guys signing autographs in oaks today at greater philadelphia expo center for phanatic sports show. foles and guys tell me they feel well rested and are ready to roll when they return from the bye week. they're not worried about first place cowboys at least for now. >> as eagle man we want to control what we can control. that is playing games. when we play the cowboys we'll have time to shine. and until then we'll wait. >> how tough is the stretch here even though you're 5-1. >> it's last teb games of the year. we're not looking at their records we're looking at arsz arizona this week. they're a good team, 5-1 a good challenge for us. >> you count the preseason we've done two games. we're looking at we'll start and
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done a great job to this point we have to put our stuff in the past and move forward. >> we win these games we get a bye endplayoffs and we can make things happen. we have to get there. >> you just got to get. there my entire one-on-one interview with mccoy later tonight on "action news" at 11:50. 5-1 eagles return to practice tuesday when they begin game planning for aa5-1 arizona cardinals. eagles schedule the rests of the way will be tough. eagles cardinals tied newspaper nfc and literally cardinals quarterback carson palmer tide up up today in oakland. palmer gets out of it. including two touchdowns. cardinals 24-13 host eagles at 4 in arizona this will be a huge game next week out west. still to come in sports. what nfl record, what payton manning did tonight and slight of hand move in st. louis.
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you won't - ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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